Here's the latest on Albert Pujols, with the most recent news up top..
- Though they just committed $106MM to Jose Reyes, the Marlins plan to meet with Pujols' agent, Dan Lozano, Monday or Tuesday at the winter meetings, sources tell Jayson Stark of One source said the club plans to make a major push to sign Pujols over the next two days. Lozano is also tentatively scheduled to meet with the Cardinals about Pujols on Monday, according to sources.
- Other teams believe that the Cubs will try for Albert Pujols by offering him a deal shorter in length than the Cardinals' offer but with a higher average payout per year, tweets Danny Knobler of It was recently reported that Chicago planned to pursue both Pujols and Prince Fielder this offseason.
Oh god. Something like 5 years 165 million? pulled outta my bum
Holy crap, dude!
as a cardinals fan…i hope they get him
5 years, $418 Mill?
My best guess.
Theyre should be a mark for sarcasm. I cant tell if you are joking or you really have no clue…
Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
I second that thought.
The Cubs should ask Pujols if he can produce Jon Heyman’s high school diploma.
Well that wouldn’t be fair! Heyman still has three grades to go!
From a PR standpoint, that’d obviously be an amazing move for the Cubs, but from a business standpoint… they’ve got a number of holes to fill, and a couple of other bad contracts still on the books (Soriano, Zambrano)… I don’t know if this would be the smartest thing to do in the long term…
Plus, if you’re Pujols, you’d have to wonder about the reaction of the Cardinals fans every time you show up in their stadium in their most hated rival’s uniform…
Zambrano goes after this year, as does Dempster. That’s, what, 34 mil? Plus Byrd’s 6, so $40 mil? And they had Ramirez, Pena, Grabow, and Kosuke’s deals come off from last year’s opening day payroll, so that’s $40+ million there, and so far they’ve added $4.25 mil with DeJesus. I doubt they’re too worried about payroll flexibility, especially now that the original plan to dump cash into amateur signings is out the window due to the CBA.
All that said, that doesn’t mean I want them to sign Pujols, just that a lack of flexibility wouldn’t be my main concern.
If, as a professional athlete, you’re worried about the reaction of your former club’s fans, you probably don’t deserve a big money contract anyway.
I think it is more a matter of what he would want. Pujols can choose the situation in which he plays. Playing against STL as often as the cubs do would not be most enjoyable experience if he gets booed vehemently (why would one want that?). That would count as a reason against playing for CHI. It is probably not a decisive reason, but it has to be a relevant consideration.
And if he doesn’t sign with the Cubs will his feelings be hurt when the Wrigley Fans boo him? Pretty much a non issue I think.
Yeah, I don’t think booing is gonna be a large factor. It might hurt, but then he’ll check his wallet and be happy again.
Cubs booing him is a good thing, cause they’re just hating. Probably take it as a compliment.
mmmm 6/ 204 million? insane average of 34 mil, but I could live with it if they front-loaded it.
Of course you could live with it, it’s not your money.
It doesn’t mean I personally could live with it( bad phrasing) I more meant that the Cubs probabaly would want to pay him the most when he’s still performing.
I think with this economy you might want to backload it. 34 million might be cheap in 5 years.
3 years , 100 millions.
theo would have to pull a proverbial rabbit out of a hat to do this. cubs only have about $30mill in salary space
You never know Ricketts might just say hell go for it.
Where’d you get that figure?
Cubs have $73 million in obligations for 2012. Incorporating raises, it jumps to almost $80 mil. They had a $134 million payroll last year, and they’ve stated that they’re going to keep the payroll static. Conservatively, they have at least $40 million to spend.
sun times article says $30mill, but it wouldn’t be the first time the chicago sports media was inaccurate.
because of that pesky salary cap right? Or maybe the owner (who is worth a Billion Dollars) can just, you know, pay for it. Not really a rabbit and a hat so much as an extremely large bank account that refills itself on a regular basis on account of it being a Billion Dollars and a guy who has a Billion Dollars.
2 years, eleventy billion dollars.
I can see Dr. Evil as his agent saying that.
3 year 600 million
5 years is reasonable. He will be 39, 40 or 41.
I’d do the opposite. Something like 200 years 300 million…
I’d have to work 200 years just to make 1/4 of Pujols upcoming salary.
Go Occupy something….
Im occupying my bathroom right now
At least you get decent benefits from McDonalds.
I think Albert is a special case when it comes to the Cubs. Theo will make every effort to sign him within reason.
When has reason ever stopped Theo from signing a player? See: Lugo, Julio
Albert Should be a Cardinal for life! Not a Cub!!
Living in Stl is like getting a life sentence.
Scott Rolen thinks its baseball heaven.
Really? Pretty sure waiting over 100 years for a World Series IS a life sentence.
Albert should take his talents to South Beach!
As exciting as that would be, I think we should focus on pitching now. Our lineup is set as it is right now.
I would love to see Albert go to Chicago, mainly for the rivalry with the Cards. It’s good for baseball.
It be way better if he stayed and MLB had one if its greatest players stay with his team the entire time, retired number, etc.
If Pujols would possibly agree to something over 5 years, I will cry tears of joy for the rest of the off season.
Why would the Cubs want Pujols on a short term deal? They aren’t expected to contend short term.
This makes no sense.
Short deal probably means 5-7 years.
People keep saying things like this, but if the Brewers lose Prince and the Cards lose Pujols the NL central becomes quite a bit weaker. That would put the reds as favorites, but that doesnt guarantee anything.
I’m awesome, play for free.
The Marlins are either dreaming or incredibly stupid with their money if they still think they can afford Pujols now.
If Albert signs with the fish, does Sanchez become trade bait? What if they don’t get any fair value offers for him?
they would be able to package him with prospects for a SP. Worst case he is a cheap bench bat 🙂
Half the teams in baseball would line up for Gaby… 28YO, 4 years of team control, made 430k and superb power in the 2-3rd worst power park in the game? Him and another minor part gets one of Oakland’s top starters, or they move along to the next suitor that they would have lined up.
If Pujols leaves St Louis, I wonder if the Cardinals could/would go after Prince Fielder. I doubt Pujols leaves, but the Cards have got to be getting antsy about the situation.
1 yr 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Dollars.
im guessing 6 years and 20% of cubs stock plus soriano as a servant till sorianos contract expires
I heard he might sign with the Cubs because of the shorter work-year. He would only have to work through September.