The Blue Jays would like to trade Juan Rivera, whom they acquired from the Angels in the Vernon Wells swap, writes Ken Rosenthal of
Rivera, 33 in July, is scheduled to be a free agent after the 2011 season and does not factor into the Blue Jays' long-term plans, according to Rosenthal. Rivera projects as a reserve for the Jays if they field an outfield of Travis Snider, Rajai Davis and Jose Bautista, but he could start in the outfield if Bautista is moved to third base.
The Blue Jays didn't especially want Rivera from the Halos, according to Rosenthal, but rather took him on and the $5.25MM he's owed in 2011 to rid themselves of Wells' hefty contract. It's unlikely the Jays will be able to trade Rivera before the beginning of Spring Training, writes Rosenthal, when teams begin developing needs on account of injuries and ineffectiveness.
In 10 seasons with the Yankees, Expos and Angels, Rivera has posted a line of .280/.328/.461.
can anyone really say they are surprised?
Nope – if they can get something remotely valuable for him, THEN I’ll be surprised. But with Anthopoulos, maybe I shouldn’t be…
someone of value….pfffft look this is whats gonna happen….somehow he’ll trade rivera back to the angels for their top prospect and money
Not really considering he makes a tad more then 5 mill this year, Rogers is trying to dump salary as much as they can.
Ya it’s Rogers making this move not AA. Be quiet, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
And you do? Because your a close insider to the team?
He is Paulo
it’s not rocket surgery; Rogers is the richest ownership group in MLB by a longshot and couldn’t give a poo about the $5MM cost of Juan Rivera. Meanwhile, AA is not the richest GM in MLB (figuratively speaking… he has some semblance of a budget, at least for the time being), and would rather move that $5MM if it’s going to be sitting on the bench.
I liked this simply because you used the phrase “couldn’t give a poo”
What is rocket surgery?
Kinda like brain science.
You don’t need to be an insider to know these things. Any team owned by any corporation would like to trade Juan Rivera. No salary dump about it.
Do you honestly think that Rogers or any owner of a professional team is the puppet-master behind the General Manager? LMAO. You are way out to lunch if you think that. The whole reason they hire a GM is so they have someone (that is not them) to deal with the front office matters of the team. As if there is a Rogers executive whispering into the ear of Anthopolous directing his every move. HAHAHAHHAAA. Dumby
actually dumby, you are wrong. Well…sort of. A GM answers to the team President. However, in many cases, the president is usually a share holder in the team or the majority owner who actually does play as a pseudo-GM but more so as a figurehead. For example, Nolan Ryan. I don’t know the situation in Toronto but this is in general.
Good job. Make a huge presumption about the Jays ownership situation without actually knowing anything about their ownership. Second, Rogers is a HUGE company that does not care one bit about the 5 MM that is owed to Rivera. Especially when they have publicly said that they the money will be there when needed to increase payroll well over 100 million. Shhhh plz.
Simmer down. Act as benignly Canadian as you can.
you completely dodged the entire point of my entire post. Mine was that there actually is a person that a GM has to answer to, the team President. Your entire post did nothing about that. Good job. Shhhhh plz. fool
Yes, and in the case of the Blue Jays that President is Paul Beeston, who has been largely hands-off to baseball operations since his return, and is very much 100% behind all AA does. Also Rogers has said that (to paraphrase) “the Blue Jays budget amounts to a rounding error in our revenues.” $5MM is even more of a drop in the bucket.
If Rogers was such a rich ownership why do the Blue Jays never have a high payroll, such as the likes of Boston and New York? Every year it’s excuses about not being able to compete with Boston and New York and saying that they can spend with those big teams but they never have.
You don’t become a multi-billion dollar company by just doling out money for the sake of spending. When the time is right, the money will be there, but if they know that they can’t compete then boosting payroll to $150MM is a really bad business model.
I think once the Jays field a playoff team, Rogers will pump the money in. The problem of not making the playoffs is so long has produced some dismal attendance numbers. The fans just need a taste of the playoffs to get big crowds going again and Roger’s for sure will start pumping up the payroll.
Total speculation but that’s what I hope will happen…
The old team President, Paul Godfrey, and Rogers CEO, Ted Rogers, were very much of the skin-flint philosophy. They hired JP Ricciardi to try and make a contender on an A’s-like budget. After the return of Beeston and death of Rogers, the philosophy has changed to doing what’s neccessary to build a contender to provide highly rated content for Rogers’ sports network.
Ted Rogers was completely committed to building a winner. In the final few years of his life the Jays payroll hovered around the $120 million mark I believe. He was the owner when the Jays signed Wells to his big deal and Rios to his extension, and also when they had that huge(ly awful) offseason and signed Burnett, Ryan and traded for Glaus. Rogers had no problem spending money for the Jays, they just spent it on the wrong people.
“actually dumby, you are wrong. Well…sort of”
When someone says this, what this usually means is, “I want to sound condescending, but I can not in full since there is actually some truth to what you say”
Which coincidentally sums up 90% of the trolls on these message boards.
He’s got more “like’s” = he knows more. duhhhh
Don’t know much about him, what is his value?
Box of baseballs?
Are you confusing Juan Rivera with someone who sucks? Not sure if you are aware but Juan Rivera doesn’t suck. He’s actually pretty good.
Pretty good would be pushing it. Decently average would be more of a proper response.
okokok…..pushing it a bit with pretty good. Just confused by the comments like the guy is a throwaway or something.
I mean he’s going to be a bench player on the bluejays…
Rivera bails on every pitch. He’s a right handed hitter and his front leg always steps toward third base. Consequently, he can’t hit anything on the outside part of the plate. He is known to have vision problems. The only thing he has going for him is a strong, accurate arm, which he needs because he runs like a statue.
let me check ebay…
In related news, baseball teams prefer to trade bad players for good players.
Watch the blue jays and rangers royally screw with the angels again by swapping Rivera for Young
you crazy, but then again….
and then trading Young to the Angels for someone else.
Alex “Middle Man” Anthopoulos
We’re going full circle.
What part of AA’s philosophy do you not understand? He clearly does not want aging veterans on this team. Also, Young’s contract and defense are awful.
What do you know of his philosophy? Or if he even has a philosophy. Maybe he deals with things on a case by case basis.
Because he always talks about going after promising young players and avoided every ‘old’ DH/1B type on the market this off-season?
He then explains why. He can’t use old Dh’s because he needs flexibility with players positions and he is going young because he is rebuilding and needs those players to still be around when they can compete. Everything he has done has been logical so im willing to bet he is just very smart as opposed to having a philosphical guide.
Then flip Young to the Angels for a couple of prospects!
AA wheeling and dealing as always.
Well the whole purpose of the trade was not to get Rivera, it was to dump Wells’ huge contract. This is no surprise at all.
Rivera for Vernon Wells and $86M?
I love this idea… he should make the call all serious like, and then when the Angles ask if he’s serious, yell “suckers” and hang up the phone.
you would have to get Texas involved as a third team to send Napoli though…
The question becomes ” Who is the third basemen or right fielder AA is trying to acquire?”
I think it has to be Young. They may not be able to dump Rivera for him but I think they can put a good package together. He is exactly the kind of higher-average hitter they want so they can make all those solo-homers count for something. I think they could really use his leadership too, now that Wells is gone. I doubt they would seriously go after Podsednik to replace Davis, though, if they went through with this..
Starting Lineup:
CF R. Davis
SS Y. Escobar
RF J. Bautista
1B A. Lind
2B A. Hill
C JP. Arencibia
DH E. Encarnacion
LF T. Snider
simply awful. not sure where to begin, but i’ll give it a go.
1. SNIDER IS NOT BATTING 9TH AGAIN. Stop nuthugging Cito.
1b. God forbid, but if that were the 9 guys going out there everyday, there’s no way they stick Hill-Aaron Cibia-EE together in a row like that.
2. If there were only 1 year left on Young’s deal, then sure. But they just traded away Shaun Marcum for an impact bat prospect who WILL BE PLAYING 3RD BASE IN THE FUTURE (i.e. possibly at some point this season). Young has 3 years and $16MM per left on his contract and will be blocking Brett Lawrie. No. No no no no no. NO.
3. Minor nit-pick here, but I assume there is going to be some kind of platoon situation with Lind and EE that you’re completely disregarding with that lineup.
4. What leadership? He’s not that good; usually your “leaders” are your better players, who have the ability to, you know, lead. [edit to add] A personal opinion here, but intangibles such as “leadership” don’t make people better at baseball. Playing time and practice and hard work and so on are much more important. [/edit]
5. He (Young) is terrible on defence. With Lind playing 1B, we’ve got to rely on some really strong defence from 2b, 3b and SS. Which explains why E5 is no longer E5, since he couldn’t find first base from third to save his life. Michael Young isn’t much better, and Lind is too raw and inexperienced to be relied upon to trudge around getting balls out of the dirt. I’d way rather John McDonald play 3b everyday.
Note- I reserve the right to add things to this list as my anger subsides.
edit- I’m less angry now, and thus, can think clearly enough to add that Michael Young is 34 years old and regressing, which is the antithesis of AA’s plan to make this team young and sustainable for years to come.
I think Lawrie will make the team out of spring training. He will play 3B and bautista can go back to RF where we need him!
The kid is 20, why would they rush him like that?
says the guy with the travis snider avatar…
i see him as a mid-season call up at best, simply because he’s new to being a 3b.
Travis Snider is 23 now, so care to take another stab at that comment..
And Travis Snider was rushed to the majors, thats a known fact and how did that work out for him… but that was a different regime
AA has made no indication of rushing players along, we saw that last year with Drabek and Arencibia… So explain to me why you think all of a sudden Lawrie will be an exception?
comment was made in jest, but he was 20 when he was first called up, no?
But anyway, Lawrie just changed positions over the offseason and I’d hate to have him playing everyday throwing unfamiliar tosses across the infield to a really raw Adam Lind.
Yes but Snider came up as a 20 year old and really wasn’t handled well by the GM/Coach at the time..
I think they let Lawrie develop and work on his position change this year… I do think he’ll end up back at 2B when he makes the Jays though…
I think the Jays dump Rivera off somewhere for a prospect or something and sign Pods.. You have him and Davis platoon and you actually have a pretty good lead off batter (strict righty/lefty platoon)
Mastroianni.. I agree with giving him a shot, Id rather see him learn the ropes batting 9th, hopefully providing some good defense then rivera.
Thank you.
+1 for the “nuthugging cito” comment! lol!
The Way I like to see it:
CF R. Davis
SS Y. Escobar
LF T. Snider
RF J. Bautista
1B A. Lind
2B A. Hill
C JP. Arencibia
DH E. Encarnacion
3B T. Lawrie
Snider will have a big season, we have been waiting for this day!
I think you mean Brett Lawrie and not T. Lawrie
If we’re gonna talk about lineup optimization then…
Never even considered Snider in the 3-hole, but I don’t hate it. I think I’ll decline, but it’s not bad at all.
The only reason I decline is with Davis leading off, I’d rather see a LHB in the 2 hole to help Davis steal more (assuming Davis stays up top… his OBP isn’t all that high for a traditional leadoff guy, so he’s really going to need to steal some bases to make that work), and a LHB sort of blocks the catcher’s view of first base and any potential 1b-2b basestealers.
That leaves either Snider or Lind to bat in the 2-hole, to which I prefer Lind, since there is still at least a little bit of uncertainty about Travis. Either works for me though, as the #2 batter will see a lot of fastballs to try to counteract the wheels of Davis at 1b. Problem is that I don’t really know where to go from here. Hill in the 3-hole?
I feel like AA moves Rivera for a LHB. That, or signs Scott Podsednik and moves Rivera for a scrub/prospect. I also don’t think Lawrie is on the MLB roster for at least a few months with Lind playing first base.
If your a “DH” , and your playing anywhere lower than the 6th spot , then something is wrong.
I’m with those who say this isn’t news at all. Anyone could have speculated as soon as the deal was made that the Jays would like to unload Rivera. Who wouldn’t?
career numbers for 2 different players.
player A- .280 AVG/ .329 OBP/ .475 SLG/ .804 OPS/
player B- .280 AVG/ .328 OBP/ .461 SLG/ .789 OPS/
similar eh?
player A is Vernon Wells and player B is Juan Rivera.
difference is River hasn’t been able to play much of a full season. the most games Rivera has played was 138 in 2009, then 134 in 2004.
I understand wanting to free up money, but couldn’t it maybe be worth while for the Jays to hold onto River and let him play? if healthy(maybe a big IF) then Rivera could put up some nice numbers. maybe he would be more valuable during the season to trade to a contender looking for a bat?
what can you get for him right now?
I know AA has been able to work magic, so maybe it would not be surprising to see him pull off something magical.
“maybe he would be more valuable during the season to trade to a contender looking for a bat? what can you get for him right now?”
Care to repeat the article in question more?
not really sure what your asking.
if Rivera is healthy he can hit for power. teams during the season looking for offense could give the Jays a prospect.
right now the Jays could go with an OF of Rivera/Davis/Snider with Batista at 3rd. the Jays might be looking for a 3B for now, but it looks like Lawrie is the 3B of the future.
Don’t forget Wells’s great defense. His negative UZR is what earned him his contract!
and how long ago was that? plus last I read is that Wells was not the same defensively as he used to be. I don’t know any numbers, just from what I’ve seen other people say.
nice comparison!
it’s negligible (sp?) difference for huge, mega money savings.
if the worst case is that the jays keep rivera and he plays the year out at like 5.5M, i’m totally fine with that. he’s blocking no one right now, he’ll put up ok numbers, and he’s a huge savings.
i’m totally for getting draft pick(s) for him (idk, 1 or 3) or trading him at the deadline.
This just in, in an attempt to further destroy Reagins rep, AA has traded Juan Rivera for Moustakes, Hosmer, and Montgomery from the Royals.
As dumb (and repetitive) as that joke was, it made me laugh. I guess it’s just not possible to rip Reagins enough.
Memo from AA to MLB GMs:
Attention MLB GMs! Do you think the Angels as much of a joke as I do? Do you like rubbing it in their face. Then come on up to Toronto and visit Alex Anthopoulos’ Amazing Assortment of Angel Athletes! Help us complete our humiliation of the franchise by taking their player off of our hands! We’re so committed to giving you a deal we’ll take just about anything!
Once more, come on up to Alex Anthopoulos’ Amazing Assortment of Angel Athletes! Great deals to be had for all!
SPECIAL ONE WEEK DEAL: Incentivized package for all AL West teams!
Note: No Shoes, No Socks, No Angels, No Service.
That is the most (for lack of a better term) “Retarded” thing I have ever read on this site!
Eh, it’s not my best.
I started off strong, and then I just hit a block, and dammit I wasn’t going to not post it.
i’ve seen worse. Much worse in fact.
Rivera for Casey Blake?
sorry, wait wait wait… he should yell, “gotha again suckers,” and then hang up the phone
Does Kouzmanoff for Rivera make any sense for the A’s? I’m not very familiar with their team plans for the up coming season but at first glance it could make sense for both sides.
Defense for young pitchers, which AA must realize is his future currency.
Billy Beane does love outfielders…
The more I think about this idea, the more I’m feeling like it might actually be good. He’s a better defensive third baseman then Bautista, and the offensive stats are fairly close when comparing Kouzmanoff to Rivera. Kouz is also younger, a tad cheaper, and if he has a good year, could probably be flipped again.
Ahh…the typical fan trap of not looking at it from Team B’s perspective. The A’s have 90848 outfielders already and no backup 3B (in fact, they’ve been trying to upgrade there). Why would they do that?
I certainly wasn’t arguing the merits from Oakland’s perspective, nor suggesting that it was a realistic trade. Just that I would take it if it was on the table. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for the As to move Kouzmanoff, unless they find a better option first.
Ya I love it for the Jays, but I was wondering if there was anyone that knows more about the A’s then I do that could tell me if it would make sense for the A’s.
Would not make sense – they have no 3B replacement so why would they trade away their MLB Starting 3B for an OF?
Who knows what’s next… it’s AA. There really isn’t a 3B up for grabs is there? We know we’re not going after Young…
Though I don’t doubt that the fact that AA would probably like to move Rivera, I wonder if there is really anything behind this article then KR’s speculation.
This is what is kind of silly about this post. Kenny Ken Ken is very often right about this stuff, but anyone who has been following the Jays should be expecting this. Of course they are looking to trade him. He was packaged with Napoli to make room for Wells. The Jays never really wanted him to begin with. They will use him for a year if a trade doesn’t come together, but he’s gone the second the find a good offer for him.
Take Rivera out of Anaheim and he actually hit pretty well last year. .819 Road OPS vs. his .625 home OPS.
why don’t they just tick off the Angels completely and trade him (& a prospect) for Michael Young?
You must’ve meant Rivera a prospect for Young and a truckload of cash right?
Rivera’s immediate replacement patterson so I can’t see him being dumped unless AA finds someone to replace him in RF or 3rd base. The jays have Davis and Escobar at the top of the order so Podsednic would not make much sense.
Darin Mastroianni
darin mastrionni
how Confident are you that he will succeed full time? Do you think he is ready? If he doesn’t succeed what would be plan B?
Not that confident, but in season where the highest we’ll finish is 3rd , id rather see him struggle and get some experience then play a guy who’s leaving anyways.
He hasn’t even been invited to Spring Training, which is complete bullshit.
Mastro is already on the 40-man roster, so he doesn’t need a separate invite, he’ll be there.
Ahh thanks fer clearing that up dude.
Darin Mastramowni
He deserves at least a look imo. The only stats that are hard to find are defensive sabermetrics. For what it’s worth, he put up a .985 fielding % in 2009 at CF, with a .990 in 2010. 17 assists in 2009, 7 in 2010. So he’s possibly slightly above average.
When my post gets approved you will see it but I said same thing. If you look only at seasons where he got 400 or more AB’s, his numbers are actually even better. If you ask me, In an AL only league where he and Snider are both starters, as far as fantasy goes, I’m hands down taking Rivera 10 times out of 10. he’s not a bad defender either, posting UZR’s as high as 10.7 as recently as 2009. If that OBP came up 20 points, suddenly we’d be discussing his trade value rather then his lack of trade value.
that is for 2011… not beyond.
come to philly to platoon
No too much even though his dad is a janitor at the Hampton Inn right next to Bright House Field in Clearwatet, I met him in ’08
Swap Blanton for Rivera? It wouldn’t be straight up but that would be a good starting point.
Why on earth would the Jays do that?
because our rotation is simply too much of a bargain and we should add an overpriced piece ?
Wow, fail they traded their franchise and got 3 offseason weeks of a roster spot in return plus frankie francisco
They traded their franchise? I thought traded the worst contract in baseball. I guess I was confused.
you must be living in an alternate universe where vernon wells is considered the “franchise”
No, no. He’s considered the franchise because that was one of his nicknames. Also, they used it in the marketing. Therefore, it is absolute truth. Clearly the franchise was not made up of 100s of players, but was comprised entirely of one overpaid outfielder.
percent chance that LOLMets is an angels fan?
you use the word “fail” really ironically.
we could use a few more “fails” like that…
Flip him to the Mariners for Milton Bradley for sheer entertainment value.
With his record Can bradley even get in to Canada ?
I could just see Bradley getting drunk one night and going out in the woods trying to beat up a moose!!!
LOL. I love Americans interpretations of Canada! All Canadians are living in the wilderness surrounded by wildlife. HAHAHhahahahaha. donkey
you’re embarrassing us canadians.
So you don’t find some Americans’ interpretations of Canada hilarious and in some ways insulting? You’re the one who is embarrassing Cdns.
I have moose’s living in my back yard.. I don’t get what the big deal is ..
LOL nvm then
Hey, everytime my dad and I went fishing on the Canadian border we’d see moose. So, it’s a childhood memory. Toronto is cosmopolitan. In fact, probably a lot more populated than where I live.
Funny you should say that. The moose population is actually quite aware of where the CAN-USA border is, and they are also really polite, so they don’t go in to the states, since there are already too many illegal aliens there.
Though it may be because moose like the cold, and once they cross the border if goes from 32 degrees to 0 in a snap.
Moose don’t like them gringos, eh?
it’s funny how we’re talking about the US idea of what Canada is like in this thread. when i went to school in IOWA (funny, lous222 likes the hawkeyes) i had a whole group of people at a party TOTALLY MESMERIZED and convinced with a story i told about how we just got our first VCR and how great it was to actually watch something recorded whenever we wanted! haha! it’s amazing how civilization seems to mysteriously disappear above the 49th parallel.
Cool went to school in Iowa. Me too and still live here. And yes when I Canada I think woods and nothing else.
This comment really shows your ignorance about Canadians. Moose are now domesticated and kept as family pets by most Canadians. Get with it buddy.
Whoa! The comment was made it jest more so about Milton Bradley than anything else. Two words for ya — Lighten up!!!!
If Bradley files refugee papers he is a shoo-in to come to play in Canada.
Well done, sir!! haha
I can see the Phillies going after a guy like this.
i actually like Rivera. hope we keep him
IMO – jays best line-up:
Mastroianni – R
Escobar – R
Snider – L
Bautista – R
Lind – L
Encarnacion – R
Hill – R
Arencibia – R
Davis – R
looks very nice
I’d switch Snider and Lind, other than that I like it.
I like Sniders chances of having a better OBP than Lind, and therefore see him better batting third.
I’d disagree with that.. but we’ll see.
Looks pretty good to me. However, I cannot imagine them giving Snider the three-hole out of the gate. Assuming Mastro is in the starting line up (a long shot), I would like to see:
Mastro (kind of a jump to go from AA to lead off).
I just posted this exact same lineup on the first page.
Except I have davis and podnesnik platooning.
i like the looks of that too. its not a lineup that can stack up against the elite teams (barring bouncebacks and breakouts for several players) but i like the balance and it ensures that all the players we want to have a good look at (snider, EE, JPA) get their AB’s.
so rivera for a prospect or a pitcher then??
Not a pitcher but a prospect.. perhaps to the reds for Alonso?
Their outfield looks pretty stacked already though, maybe a 3 team deal.
we’d have to give a lot more for alonso, no?
Rivera and a releiver?
Seems iffy. Rivera+RHRP is getting pretty pricey, not to mention the Reds seem to be set at all 3 outfield positions with Bruce in RF, Stubbs in CF and Lewis/Gomes platooning in LF.
alonso looks like a good one… tho i’m not sure where he would fit in the jays future plans. is he pretty much mlb ready?? maybe we would send EE to a 3rd team (assuming the reds dont want him back :D) to make sure alonso would get his AB’s at DH/1B.
i cant see the reds being too interested tho…
most of the good teams who might want to add a decent veteran bat are already stacked at OF. and most bad teams arent gonna add 5mill to their payroll for no reason. prolly have to wait till an injury happens
anybody like having escobar leading off? i think his OBP (career) is pretty good, like .350 ?
You’ve got to like Toronto’s young pitching, but I don’t see how any Blue Jays fan could call this offseason a success. It is almost required that Lind, Hill and Snyder both bounce back this season for the Jays to be relevant in the Al East (not to mention hoping Bautista didn’t have a Brady Anderson, one and done type season). If things don’t fall into place I really think this could be next year’s cellar dweller.
offseason success doesn’t neccesarily mean immediate contention
they moved the biggest albatross contract in the league, which is actually going to give them some semblance of a chance to compete in the next decade since they’re not handcuffed by a $26MM/yr contract. It’s a huge success, and anyone who thinks otherwise can’t be taken seriously as someone who has any idea about how the business side of baseball works.
Snider (not Snyder) did not really have that bad of season (particularly given his age). He has had some injury and inconsistency issues over the little time he has seen in the majors. However, you have to remember that he really has barely had one seasons worth of plate appearances. Given that fact, his numbers (particularly power numbers) look quite good given his age. Really, Frank made the point though…the success of the off-season should be measured in the light of what the projected goal was (build towards sustained contention 2012/2013 and forward). Given that, I think this off-season has to be taken as a success.
Though I might add that it will probably be retroactively evaluated partially based on how Lawrie develops.
As fans of other teams I don’t know much about roster wise. Do any of you out there think your team could use Rivera?
a rivera for young deal only makes sense if the rangers eat some of youngs contract which will probably not happen.
A Rivera for Young deal only makes sense if hell freezes over.
woah whose this guy?^
well why would the Rangers want Rivera?
too piss of the angels …iunno
I’d hate to make it look like I’m just taking a dump on all your ideas, but spite is a pretty bad business model of building a team.
So is taking on $86 million for really no reason And we all know what happened with that
so you’re agreeing with me? the jays aren’t going to take on that contract just to help the angels spite the rangers, so i don’t really see your point. the VW trade, from the angels perspective, has been universally laughed at, so unless I’m reading this wrong, your point has 0 foundation.
That was idiocy, not spite
i’m the guy who’s making sense all over this thread.
I don’t get Toronto. Huge market and they spend no money and trade their ace pitcher to the Brewers for a young prospect. Why not take a gamble and lock up Bautista for a few years before he gets on the open market?
AL East – thats all I need to say
the jays traded ricky romero?
Well, you said it yourself- you don’t get Toronto. Marcum never was the ace.
It’s called “selling high”. And our rotation will be just fine if not better without Marcum. Thanks for your concern. And the Jays spend no money because the club is rebuilding, they had big payrolls not that long ago but, most of it was spent foolishly and we never went anywhere’s wait for this club to get competitive again and you’ll a payroll.
because that’s exactly what they did 3 years ago, and failed
The Braves could use a LF…
Where are they putting Prado? I assumed he was playing LF until Chipper retires.
Chipper will get injured. And this is coming from a Braves fan!
Kenny-Ken-Ken Rosenthal… I like this guy. He seems like a good dude and I love when he comes on 590 to talk with McCown.
His angle with his story here about the Jays outfield including Bautista and how Rivera is the 4th outfielder is a little lame. Hasn’t it been stated like 10 times in interviews, articles, and videos that EE is NOT playing 3B for the club and JB is there until we find someone reasonable? I don’t know. I just seems like this entire story is a regurgitation of all the stuff we already know about Rivera, the Wells trade, the money, the outfield, and so forth.
I guess I’m saying… Am I the only one who thinks Rosenthal should be taken with a grain of salt every time he writes or says something??
EDIT: crap I just read the second page of comments and found that Izmir the Astarach [Moderator] already said basically the same thing…