The Yankees are about to offer their captain a three-year deal worth $45MM. Here's the latest on Derek Jeter, the Yankees and the Mets:
- Bill Madden of the New York Daily News says Jeter is about to learn that more often than not the Yankees are willing to pay more for someone else's free agent than for their own.
- Joel Sherman of the New York Post says Jeter and the Yankees "are a married couple that knows the soft spots with which to hurt each other. Yet they know the marriage must go on."
- The D'Backs have offered a front office job to former Mets GM Omar Minaya, according to Brian Costa of the Wall Street Journal (on Twitter).
- Mariano Rivera has told friends he'd like a two-year deal from the Yankees, but the sides have not yet discussed contract terms, according to Jon Heyman of (on Twitter).
- The Yankees announced the hiring of Larry Rothschild as their new pitching coach today. Rothschild has been the pitching coach for the Cubs and Marlins, and was also Tampa Bay's first-ever manager.
Ugh… I’m so sick of this.
Jeter knows he’s going to be a Yankee. The Yankees know that Jeter is going to be a Yankee. The fans know that Jeter is going to be a Yankee. Can we just stop with all of this stupid speculation and, especially, this BS from Madden and Sherman?
How about a completely private negotiation between the Yanks and Casey Close? Close the doors for an hour, hammer something out and get this over with.
I’m happy with giving Rivera the ‘Pettitte’ treatment with one year deals.
Is there an internal solution for when MO retires? Or will it be typical NYY fashion and have to buy because there is no development?
the problem with that…there is NO ONE in MLB on Mariano’s level..not in the majors…minors…nobody…dude is the Michael Jordan of closers
He’s replaceable. I don’t get why people don’t swing the bat on him. He has minimal drop in any pitches. Swing the damn bat.
Why isn’t there a “Dislike” button?
This may be the most asinine comment I’ve ever read on here. Mariano Rivera may very well be the MVP of baseball for the past 15 years. He is better at his particular job than anyone else in any sport since Babe Ruth.
Wow. That’s a lot of guys to be better than. Aaron, Mays, Williams, Musial, Rose, Henderson, Johnson, Mathewson, Brock, DiMaggio, Magic, Jordan, Wilt, Kareem, Montana, Aikman, Brady, Manning, Emmet, Payton, Brown, Nicklaus, Palmer, Jones, Hogan, Player, Tiger, Pele, Maradonna, Gretzky, Orr, Howe, Lemieux amongst others might beg to differ. And that’s just off the top of my head.
It’s ’cause…well…he’s Mariano Rivera. He’s all ABOUT pitching in ways that keep folks from swinging the bat, OR making them swing when it’s just too darn late. What team wouldn’t want to keep a guy who did that consistently – no matter how he got it done? Isn’t that what being a closer is ABOUT?
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I know i used it yesterday, but its just so appropriate.
You missed the one I used the other night about the rumor where the Red Sox might trade Scutaro, so I said maybe it’s so they can sign Jeter :p
And then I said Billy Madison would talk to Jeter in NY, grab his face and say “Don’t you say that. Don’t you ever say that. Stay here. Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it. You have to cherish it. “
hahahahhaaa classic. well done
In reality there’s a chance it may happen, considering Sandler is a big Yankee fan lol
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Of course there’s no “drop” to his pitches because he throws a cutter 99% of the time and cutters aren’t supposed to drop. His cutter is unhittable. Why would he need to throw breaking balls?
They should work on grooming Joba for the Closer role. Forget starting, he belongs in the bullpen. Groom him for the job these next few seasons.
Maybe they can convert AJ since he is growing to be quite useless for longer then an inning
Aw man…they just can’t do that to me!! How else am I gonna come up to Toronto and watch the Jays blast off on AJ for SEVEN runs in THREE innings? I LIVE for that!! 😀
so u can see AJ get blasted for 3 runs in the 9th…thats actually better
“Or will it be typical NYY fashion and have to buy because there is no development?”
The Yankees had more homegrown players than any other team in the AL last year.
Are you kidding me?
Cano, Hughes, Jeter, Chamberlain (Im being generous, hes not worth mentioning at all), Brett Gardener
Robertson, Pena, Nunez, Jeter, Mo, Posada, Pettitte, Russo, Miranda, Nova, Albie, and Curtis.
Missed a lot there buddy 😉
Also if you want to get fancy, Nick Johnson, Marcus Thames.
Curtis Granderson? He was drafted and signed by the Tigers in 2002…
No, Colin Curtis.
No, Colin Curtis.
Curtis Granderson? He was drafted and signed by the Tigers in 2002…
1B – Tex – f/a
2B – Cano – homegrown
SS – DJ – homegrown
3B – AROD – trade
C – Posada – homegrown
LF – Gardner – homegrown
CF – Curtis – trade
RF – Swisher – trade
DH – Nick Johnson homegrown ( although resigned him )
CC – f/a
AJ – f/a
Andy – homegrown ( although resigning him )
Javy – trade
Hughes – homegrown
Mariano – homegrown
Joba – homegrown
( fill in the rest )
Robertson, Pena, Nunez, Jeter, Mo, Posada, Pettitte, Russo, Miranda, Nova, Albie, and Curtis.
Missed a lot there buddy 😉
Also if you want to get fancy, Nick Johnson, Marcus Thames.
When they say “but the sides have not yet discussed contract terms,” what else were they talking about? How’s the wife and kids? Are you interested in joining the team? What’s your favorite color? What do you mean it’s not white with pinstripes? What are your 1 year projections for GM?
How can they not be discussing contract terms?!
Boy, first Kevin Towers is shopping Justin Upton and now they are looking at hiring Omar Minaya….Can it get any worse for the Diamondbacks?
Don’t be so quick to despair, my friend. Omar is considered to be an excellent evaluator of international talent, particularly in Latin America. IF that is an area in which the D’Backs need strengthening (and I have no idea if this is the case) there is no reason not to offer him a position in that capacity. He could actually be a help to them.
Have you kept in touch with the Mets the last few years?
Yes – in fact, most recently I kept in touch from right behind the dugout (all the better to watch ’em blow the last game in the 14th!).
Don’t get me wrong, I understand your sarcasm & misgivings but scouting international talent IS what Omar is best known for around the League, and he is considered quite good at it. As long as he isn’t allowed to make the final decisions regarding that talent, I think he’s fine to scout.
Yes – in fact, most recently I kept in touch from right behind the dugout (all the better to watch ’em blow the last game in the 14th!).
Don’t get me wrong, I understand your sarcasm & misgivings but scouting international talent IS what Omar is best known for around the League, and he is considered quite good at it. As long as he isn’t allowed to make the final decisions regarding that talent, I think he’s fine to scout.
u do know that ike davis, josh thole, , mike pelfrey, parnell, niese, mejia, kirk, ratliffe, were all scouted/drafted by omar. ( not to mention his first go round from 97-01 produced jose reyes, david wright, nelson cruz )
Didn’t Steve Phillips draft Wright/Reyes? Omar wasn’t even with the organization, was he?
omar was brought over from texas to be in charge of scouting from 97-01
reyes was signed in 98, cruz in 99, wright in 01.
Latin Americans and Arizona are not a good mix.
For now that may be so…however often it’s the places that are put in the spotlight for their antics that are often forced to change their MO — and a lot faster than others where similar problems may exist but go unnoticed. Besides, baseball does have a history of being an arena where “social” changes take place a lot faster than they do on the societal level. We’ll just have to see.
i dont know about ALOT faster…but they do happen first…Jackie Robinson played his entire career going to colored water fountains and bathrooms.
For now that may be so…however often it’s the places that are put in the spotlight for their antics that are often forced to change their MO — and a lot faster than others where similar problems may exist but go unnoticed. Besides, baseball does have a history of being an arena where “social” changes take place a lot faster than they do on the societal level. We’ll just have to see.
Latin Americans and Arizona are not a good mix.
Wow….really? Yanks paid Posada and Rivera the highest contracts at their positions at the time in 2007/08.
As for the other Jeter comment dude get’s more trim than a convention of barbers. That being said, I won’t nor could I, comment on his sexuality. What makes you an expert and why would you say such distateful stuff? Did Jeter turn down the drink you sent over to his table like the guy in “Big Fan”? Did he stomp you out and hurt your feelings? Get over it.
The ironic part of your post “Jeter is an egotist, he NEEDS the attention (as most “word that he used” do)… . IS THAT WHY YOU WROTE THAT POST? Need attention?
wow.. what an awful awful post. You should be banned from the internet. just completely banned.
If Jeter leaves the yankees for greener pastures….he damages HIS OWN name. 3 year 45 mil is a VERY fair deal. at most they meet at 3/60 with attainable options for a 4th year.
Its no wonder there are no captains in baseball anymore!! They dont love you anymore in NY Derek! Come out west with your buddy Donnie Baseball!
This offer is way to much…for too many years…i’m pissed.
Why are you pissed? Isn’t your money right?
Is it really out of question to think Jeter can average .285/.360 10 hrs and 15 SB over the next 3 years w/ below avg range but sure hands? Still vastly overpaid but certainly solid production from a SS.
He’s only 1 year removed from .334/.406 w/ 18 hrs and 30 SB. I would expect more production closer to .285/.360 w/ 10 hr and 15 sb than I would of last year’s numbers of .270/.340. I think ppl forget how amazing his 2009 year was.
i’m pissed because it’s Arod all over again…granted it’s shorter…but it’s a vast over payment for a player who will not earn anywhere near what his acutual contract is paying him…but thats not why i’m pissed….i know the Yanks have alot of money….my problem is that they know they are getting old as a team and they can absorb one mistake with Arod(competition wise) but i believe very strongly that this move locks them out of the WS and maybe out of the playoffs for as long as both Jeter and Arod are on the team…i believe the competition in the AL especially in the east is going to get thick and other teams are going rise like the Blue Jays and Orioles as well as the Royals and Atheletics…while other teams that have always been in the fight like the Red sox and Angels and now the Rangers will fight for playoffs spots and that might squeeze the Yanks out…What the Yanks did was crazy…they see once great hitters like Gary Sheffield and Manny Ramirez both steroid users fall apart and there are so many examples of this(Arod as well)…and they go and sign Jeter to a multi year deal to add to that delima…Really i’m not concerned about the money they gave Jeter just the time…I would have been more than happy if they gave him 25 million for the season and paid him 5 mill a year for 7 years deferred…i’m pissed because i believe i’m going to watch Yankee games and see Jeter and Arod fail more and more in successive seasons…unlike you i don’t feel good about Jeter bouncing back…and the Yanks have the opportunity to control this situation by going year to year and switching to a better(younger)player if a sweet trade or free agent presents itself…but by locking themselves into jeter… teams will improve with those oportunities that could have help the Yanks…the Yanks will be in decline while others around them will improve…sorry thats the way i see it.i hope i’m wrong.
I feel your pain. However, if the Yanks fail to make it to the WS then I think it would be for other reasons than the SS and 3B. I also think that Jeter and Arod are full of pride and I would not be shocked, in fact I expect, them both to have bounce back years. Defensively, though is where I worry the most. We’ll see. Good post though even though I don’t get the Manny and Sheff comments since they declined while off the juice and Jeter’s decline is because of other reasons.
“Rothschild, 56, had exercised his option for 2011 with the Cubs, but had a clause that allowed him to leave if he so desired.”
Look, I’m not overly sad about seeing Rothschild go. I was never a huge fan of his as a Cubs fan.
But what the hell kind of contract lets you exercise an option and then go “nah, nevermind, I found a better offer?” A contract is “you agree to perform this job for this many years, and in return we agree to give (pay) you this.” Instead, we apparently gave Rothschild one that says “you agree to perform this job for up to this many years, you know, if you want to. And if you still love us each year we’ll pay you for it.”
Treating employees well, letting them pursue better opportunities… I’m fine with that. You don’t build it into their damn contracts. That’s not how a winning franchise operates.
Wow they are STARTING at 3/45.. Easily will go to 58.. Smh