6:59pm: The Peter Seidler Trust released a statement on Monday evening (relayed by Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times). It calls Sheel Seidler’s complaint “entirely without merit.” The Trust claims that Peter Seidler had a “clear estate plan” which names three of his brothers as successor trustees. The Trust alleges that Peter Seidler “prohibited” his wife from ever becoming trustee and that Sheel Seidler agreed in 2020 “that she had no right to be or to designate” the franchise’s control person.
The Trust did not directly address Sheel Seidler’s claims that Matt Seidler could pursue a sale and relocation. However, Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune writes that sources around the league consider the idea of the Padres leaving to be “extremely far-fetched.”
2:31pm: Last month, it was reported that the Padres would be appointing John Seidler to take over as the club’s new control person, but that was still pending league approval and there are new developments in that story. A report from Eben Novy-Williams and Daniel Libit at Sportico has details of a lawsuit filed by Sheel Seidler, Peter’s widow, trying to gain control of the team. Sheel later released a statement in relation to the story.
At issue is how things have proceeded in the wake of Peter Seidler’s death, which was just over a year ago. Peter was part of a group that purchased the Padres in 2012. Ron Fowler acted as the club’s control person until Peter took over after the 2020 season. MLB teams are often owned by multiple people but each team has one designated control person who is a point of contact for the league and votes on key matters.
During Peter’s ownership tenure, the club became known for being highly aggressive, despite being in a relatively smaller market. As shown in the data at Cot’s Baseball Contracts, the Padres had been one of the lower-spending clubs for much of the century, until recently. They had one of the top ten payrolls in 2021, then got into the top five in 2022 and the top three a year after that.
That led to a huge increase in terms of fan engagement and also results, with the club having now made the postseason in three of the past five seasons. However, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. In September of 2023, it was reported that the club’s wild spending had put it “out of compliance with MLB regulations regarding their debt service ratio,” which was going to lead to a payroll crunch. Peter, who had a number of ongoing health problems, died less than two months later.
Shortly after Peter’s death, it was reported that a new control person had been decided upon. Eric Kutsenda, one of the co-founders of Seidler Equity Partners, was given the title on an interim basis. Just over a year later, the aforementioned reporting from last month indicated that Peter’s brother John would be taking over as control person. The report from Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune included a statement that mentioned two of Peter’s brothers: “Peter’s youngest brother Matt, as trustee of Peter’s trust, is pleased to announce that John Seidler, Peter’s oldest sibling, an accomplished entrepreneur and business executive, will be the Padres’ next control person, pending approval by Major League Baseball.” Acee added that the Seidler family owns “what is believed to be a 45% stake in the team.” That includes Peter’s brothers, widow, mother and others.
Today’s lawsuit suggests that segment of the ownership group is not aligned in their thinking. According to Sportico’s report, Sheel’s lawsuit alleges that two of Peter’s brothers, Matt and Bob, breached their fiduciary duties as trustees of the Seidler Trust. The suit claims they conspired to sell trust assets to themselves at “far-below-market prices,” as they “schemed to solidify their control of the Padres.”
The suit also suggests that the brothers had racial and sexist motivations for keeping the club out of Sheel’s hands, saying that Bob’s wife made multiple “racist, profane and hateful communications directed at Sheel—a woman of Indian descent—in communications.” Sheel claims that Peter wanted to eventually pass the club to his kids and wanted her to act as control person in the interim, with the brothers now trying to “falsely cast themselves as Peter’s true heirs.” Evan Drellich of The Athletic relays one section of the suit which suggests Matt wants to “sell, and perhaps relocate, the team, over Sheel’s strident objections.”
Sheel is seeking damages, that the defendants be denied compensation from the Seidler Trusts, to void any of their previous actions relating to advancing the Padres’ control person and also that Matt be removed as the trustee, with a receivership taking control of the trust.
“Earlier today,” Sheel’s statement reads, “I filed a complaint against Matthew Seidler and Robert Seidler to protect my family and to continue to carry out Peter’s legacy.” She goes on to talk about how much the club meant to the family and her desire to be named control person. “The complaint alleges claims against Matthew and Robert for breaches of fiduciary duty and fraud. I would urge anyone who is interested in the details to read the full complaint. This was not a decision I made lightly. During this difficult period, I have done everything in my power to avoid unwanted distractions and resolve the matter privately. I have focused on supporting the work of the many dedicated professionals within the Padres organization, as well as the incredible players we have the privilege of watching nearly every day throughout the season. I made this decision as a very last resort, but I am confident it is the right one, and the best way to protect the Padres franchise and ensure the vision that Peter and I shared for the team will continue.” She goes on to state her desire that the team will one day be left to hers and Peter’s children while hoping for a quick resolution to this dispute.
Legal disputes over a baseball club are not unprecedented. Most recently, Orioles owner Peter Angelos fell into ill health, which led to his family members filing multiple lawsuits against each other for control of the club. Those suits were eventually dropped and the club was sold to David Rubenstein.
“Sheel be suing for the Padres when she comes, Sheel be suing for the Padres when she comes…”
Shut the comments down, this is the only one this post needs.
“You Know Your Right”
it’s spelled “ you’re “
you know you are rights? … i dont think thats right.
I’m happy you know everything laziness will kill us all, but I’m sure you can save us all with maximum effort by adding two more letters and an Apostrophe to the internet.
I’ve got 20 more important things to do than type out 3 more letters than I need to, as well as this rant I’m wasting my time on currently.
Good day and I hope You’re on time
Hurry up
Choice is yours Don’t be late
There used both in the same sentence like Kurt intended for the MTV internet generation of wasted potential
It’s satire… Courtney Love stole the rights to Nirvana
This Lady wants to protect the Padres from the same thing… God if only humor could be picked up in text thank you amen
More clarity as to why the Padres completely changed course after Peter’s passing.
A divion amongst ownership between those who wanted to spend and stop at nothing to win a WS(Sheel) and those who’s only apparent interest was the bottom line(Seidler brothers).
Kudos to Sheel Seidler and I’m hoping the Helus take control of the team and bring SD a Championship.
Sell the controlling interest to the Helus.
The Helus, could essentially make the Padres the face of Mexican baseball and expand MLBs reach even greater throughout Latin America.
The Helus could continue to bring in star players to the Padres and cultivate the Dodgers vs Padres natural geographic rivalry.
Not interested in having a Mexican baseball franchise. Keep Padres ownership American please thank you.
Guessing you don’t live in San Diego,which is predominantly Hispanic and rich in Mexican culture and heritage.
Would love it if the Padres were the face of Mexican baseball.
Helu isn’t Hispanic.
Splitting hairs are we?
He is based in Mexico and his family is passionate about Mexican baseball.
See the Red Devils.
Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diago, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina.
The San Diego Padres would be crapping all over their city’s vibrant and colorful Germanic heritage by taking their ownership into an American direction now.
Redstitch: Racist and xenophobic much?
I thought it was derschnapenpoon.
You don’t know that that’s what she wants to do. All we’ve heard is what she says she wants to do. Seidler’s brothers say they want to win also.
Proof is in the pudding so to speak.
Under Kutsenda who was aligned with the Seidler brothers there have been drastic cuts in spending.
Sheel has not been given a chance yet to implement or dictate direction for this club.
Could be that everyone knew this was coming and they didnt want to spend without some clarity on team control.
Preller might be reluctantly not spending until he knows what direction they’re going and who he takes his marching orders from.
Absolutely, Prellers hands are tied.
do you really think Sheel cares about bringing a World Series to San Diego? she doesn’t even live in San Diego. i mean, why the heck would anyone who could live in San Diego live in Texas instead? taxes! seems like she only cares about the money and being in charge of it.
Absolutely, to make a statement that she is committed to Peter Seidlers legacy, yes.
The Seidler brothers had intentions of a firesale.
Every POBO’s hands are tied every year. A POBO can only do what their owner directs them to do. Preller is a heck of a foot soldier. He follows directions. One year it’s spend, the next year it’s not … and he keeps the team competitive. Nothing earth shattering here that he can’t deal with. Steely dude.
Well said. Appears real close to the spectrum when it comes to steely. Does a good job.
Sheel regularly attends games and spends a lot of time in San Diego. She interacts with and appreciates the fanbase. The Seidler brothers John, Matt and Bob? Not at all.
She needs to sue there spending way too much and losing too much money with 0 results. They’ll be much better when they trim that payroll down about 50%. No reason the padres should ever be signing any free agents ever unless they make the playoffs.
@thatsit *their
Teams that spend win.
Padres signed both Manny and Tatis to 300 million dollar deals and won 93 games last year.
The As,Pirates and Rays have not won a WS in decades, despite “sustainable spending”.
Since we’re all pretending to be the grammar police.. *they’re*
Spending doesn’t equal winning.
You mentioned the rays look up how many wins the rays have in the last 15 years vs how many wins padres have. Now look up how much money both teams have spent. By now you’ve figured out I’m much smarter than you and I accept your apology for wasting my time educating a simpleton
She’ll be signing Rich Hall?
The San Diego Sniglets?
Rich Hall = Dick Mountain
“She’ll be coming ’round Dick Mountain when she comes”
Well done
Peter should have had documents drawn up to support the claim that he intended for the team to be transferred into his childrens’ hands…
According to sheel his trust says she is the sole trustee and even list an order of who should be in control of he dies.
If that’s the case, then she definitely has a grievance.
Seems odd this didn’t come out earlier.
I assume this was all signed, notarized, and filed with the court before his death. Should make all this easy, right? 😀
Cuto, one of the benefits of a trust is keeping one’s affairs private. Trust documents are not filed with the court or any government body. The grantor of the trust (Seidler) bestows power on the trustee(s) to carry out the terms of the trust, which they are legally obligated to do as fiduciaries. Only when it blows up (now) do these matters end up in court. Otherwise, they are handled privately.
Padres may indeed become the Madres
Good one!
This is the only time I’ll ever laugh at that joke, Zerbs. Congrats! LFGSD
The Nuns
That decision would be spelled out in the trust document or left up to the discretion of the trustee(s).
He left his brother Matt Seidler in charge of the trust. Though she claims it’s left to her…yet he didn’t leave her in charge of it. So something seems off.
Simm, apparently he didn’t.
He left his brother Bob as trustee. Matt was second in line. She is the sole beneficiary.
Matthew Stafford and his hot wife approve of this message.
I read somewhere it was handwritten and not notarized and unwitnessed, which does not mean anything in court as most states require two unrelated signatures for witnessing the documents if not notarized. If this is the case, there is no way her case can be based on this and stand up formally in court.
Its not. Read the lawsuit.
I guess the Padres aren’t spending any time soon and this probably eliminates them from Roki consideration.
Sadly, I was thinking this could very easily impact Roki. If Roki is unsure which faction will own the team, and Roki has his choice of 30 teams, this has to favorably help Dodgers, Mets, Yankees, Giants, Rangers and Cubs, as the six other teams known to have front-runners with the Padres.
I originally thought that the Dodgers and Padres had the best chance at maybe 40% each, now I am thinking Padres are more like 25%.
Dodgers 40%
Padres 25%
Giants, Mets, Yankees, Rangers and Cubs 5% each
Surprise team (Mariners, Angels, Atlanta, Baltimore and rest of field) All 23 teams combined 10%
Probably lower than 25%, he has a little over 2 weeks left to choose and there will not be a a resolution by then. Just seems foolish to pick a team that you don’t know who’s gonna be in charge after.
I still think the Yu Darvish connection gives them a decent chance, but the ownership dispute certainly undercuts their odds. Roki can always pick one of the other 29 teams when he is a free agent.
When it comes to Roki, I have a feeling we are missing something. Hear me out.. Othani went to Angels to play with his favorite player Trout. I have a feeling Roki grew up a Giants or Cubs fan, he was 11,13,15 when the Giants won all their WS and 17 when the Cubs won. I couldn’t figure out why the Rangers are in the mix (all the others are large big market coastal win now teams) but I realized maybe its Bochy. Roki has stated he doesn’t need to play with his fellow Japanese stars but wants to win and be with a team that has advanced pitching tech. Hence the Dodgers, Yankees, Mets (win now). He may be deciding with win now verse his heart saying Giants/Cubs (like Othani). Just a random thought no one has mentioned.
He grew up a Dodgers fan.
He has never said who his favorite team was but he did say Tanka was his favorite player. Show me a link to him saying the Dodgers
I still give the Dodgers the best chance at signing him but don’t be surprised by the Cubs, Rangers or Giants
Look, there is no way that if they were in serious contention for Sasaki, they wouldn’t have already discussed this with Roki and his agent. This is not new news to them, guaranteed, so I don’t think this changes a single thing. If he goes to the Dodgers, he was going there the whole time. If he goes to the Padres, he was going there the whole time. Plain and simple.
80 % Dodgers
20 % 29 teams
Mets, Braaaaack! Wrong answer. This means the Padres WILL be spending money. This is a open and shut case as long as she is named in the trust and that will be easy to determine. It will not be a long court case. It also means that Eric Kutsenda is the control person as far as MLB is concerned until it is resolved. THIS. IS. FREAKING.. AWESOME!!!
It takes years to go through the court system. The courts will limit expenses going out until it settles.
I have been involved in two of these cases in the last 8 years and both were settled in weeks. It all comes down to one document, the trust papers. Its cut and dried.
I hope your right but nothing goes smoothly with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.
appreciate the optimism, and we should all root for Sheel, but this isn’t awesome, it’s a freaking mess
Its freaking awesome. The situation will be cleared up quickly. Matt and John will likely be forced to sell their minor holdings. Sheel will be the control person by the end of the year and maybe before the season starts. Eric Kutsenda is back as control person and the offseason can commence.
Pads continues the BS.
See you on opening day without a resolution.
Ryan continues to be Ryan. I do like this new name though Ryan. How many is that now. 12? 13? Keep up the BS.
Jbigz and Ryan actively dislike each other and Jbigz has been here at least 6 years so not sure how this is a “new” name.
Sheel soon be the biggest babyface in Padres history – especially if she continues to follow Peter’s vision.
Manufactured discontent. See above.
Holy trash, this has Jimmy Garbagebag written all over it. Garauntee the Dodgers dropped a couple of bags to put this story out there as the Sasaki decision looms.
How did the Dodgers have anything to do with this? She filed suit; that’s a public record. She or her lawyer made it known to encourage a quick settlement.
Well, isn’t that just great.
Pure speculation, but I do wonder if part of Peter’s motivation for the long-term outlays before he passed was trying to make it more difficult to sell the team for whoever takes over. Maybe he knew there wasn’t alignment on the longterm vision without him in charge.
El Ninoi
No, I think he just wanted the team to do really well while he was still living. Kudos to him.
Shouldn’t the Pope be the final arbiter for conflicts involving Padres?
Same for the Cardinals
The Angels might be better to mess it up. Face palm!
Not after seeing The Conclave
Ralph Fiennes will shortly be announced as temporary control person.
This sounds like a many-years problem to resolve. In the meantime, the Padres need a catcher, left fielder, and some starting pitching. Now it makes sense why nothing has happened with the roster to speak of. Let’s hope the family decides that a quick resolution benefits all involved — most importantly, their shared investment..
This will be FAST. If she is named as the sole beneficiary of the trust then its over for Peter’s brothers.
It will not be. Especially in California. This will not move quickly and will certainly run past opening day.
She filed in Texas. Travis County Probate Court.
There are two things that will be decided quickly. The temporary injunctions she asked for. The first is the most important. That is for Matt Seidler to be removed as Trustee and for a 3rd party receiver to be appointed. The second is for an injunction against John Seidler being named as Padres control person. MLB is not going to act to approve John Seidler until the judge hands down a final ruling so she has effectively blocked his appointment with this lawsuit.
I would expect both of those to be decided very quickly.
Maybe, at the same time this is going to drag out. Especially when you have big dollar lawyers. These two are going to spend the next year in a court.
Meanwhile they will be upsetting fans, ruining everything Peter built.
This coming out now may have cost the Padres a good shot at Roki. So the damage is already being done.
I would think this internal fight will handcuff AJP completely in the foreseeable future, and it can’t help but trickle down onto the morales of players and coaches. Not much to rally around here if you’re a hopeful Padre fan. And if those who Peter entrusted to carry on his legacy can’t coexist, this ownership group (however it is presently structured) may not persist.
It’s not going to be resolved before the seasons. Big money and attorneys.
If the temporary injunctions Sheel Seidler is asking for are approved by the court and Matt Seidler is removed as trustee and John Seidler is blocked from taking over as control person, at least then the team will be able to continue to function as it did last season. That is something.
An interesting thing to consider, is that if Sheel Seidler wins this case, Matt, Bob, and John Seidler have no sources of income other than Seidler Equity and SKMC so their only way to remedy the judgement would be to sell or forfeit their shares of ownership in the Padres. She could end up with not only a controlling interest, but a majority interest.
They could sell to another person.
Heck if the brothers and a few others decided to sell their shares a totally different person could own the team. Sounds like sheel/kids own 25%.
75% is out there somewhere.
The Seidler family owns 20% of the team. They could sell all of their shares to one person and would have sold less than the Seidler Trust controls.
They would have to convince others in the ownership group to sell to that person to in order to have them own more than the Seidler Trust controls. It is my understanding that the Seidler Trust holds first right of refusal on any sales of shares held by Seidler or O’Malley family members.
Web- exactly
I could see the other non family people wanting to sell to not be in this mess. They may want to cash out along with the brothers.
Westparkfriars, the most important points will likely be resolved next week.
Matt Seidler will be out as trustee and an independent receiver appointed to handle the trust. I would assume that was at the top of Sheel’s list of priorities because it means she will get the disbursements that she is claiming Bob and Matt withheld.
A ruling will come down on the temporary injunction she asked for to block John Seidler being named control person.
Those are the two biggest things in this lawsuit and they will be decided next week.
Don’t count on this being resolved prior to the season.
It will definitely play into Rioki’s decision. Terrible timing.
Jesus take the wheel…
Jesus Sanchez, Jesus Luzardo, Jesus Tinoco, Jesus Made, Jesus Aguilar, Jesus Alou, Jesus Guzman, Ivan DeJesus, Jesus Montero, Emmanuel De Jesus, Jesus Bastidas and Jesus Lopez.
You forgot Jesus Sucre (Sweet Jesus)
Nothing like a public family dispute over money.
I’ll make the popcorn!
Can’t wait to see what towinagain has to say about this. Or, how gwynning will try to stay positive…
Whining always has his shades on towin is more realistic in his padres assumptions
towin? Realistic? Lmao, carry on gents.
Sheel burn that franchise to the ground if she gets full control
Preller all lined up to take over for Cashman in 2027!
Why would the Yankees do that? Preller has done absolutely nothing.
Preller is a better talent evaluator than Cashman. Preller is arguably the best scout in baseball.
If you give Preller nearly $300MM to spend each year—-he’ll be alright. If cash doesn’t win one in the next 2—can’t imagine he sticks around any longer.
Angelos family, is that you?!
Cool, cool, no doubt. No doubt, no doubt.
No doubt this will take years to iron out. Teams usually wind up sold down the line with this type of situation.
Preller has his work cut out for him the next 2 years……He’ll probably be elsewhere in 2027.
Weeks. It boils down to one thing and one document. If she is named as sole beneficiary of the trust on that document, its all over. She will be the controlling partner in the Padres.
Until its contested and they subpoena the documents to prove what she’s claiming about the brothers and their shares and all the lawyers get involved and stonewall and then countersue and cast aspersions in the media at one another all to muddy the waters and then MLB gets involved and then both sides sue to prevent the other sides control guy be the one in charge and then they sue to prevent them from losing/spending/making money that they claim is theirs all before MLB puts themselves in charge until it’s settled and God forbid they might need another loan for their ongoing renovations/development/payroll.
It’s going to be a 5 star goat rodeo
Dropped third—
This is going to drag out for a while. But please we need a period somewhere!
That was to make it seem unending, like the legal process.
This is a probate case and its being tried in Texas. The laws are pretty clear there, unlike California. She doesn’t have to prove much to have Matt Seidler removed as trustee and to block John Seidler as control person. All that is spelled out in the lawsuit including the governing laws in Texas. That should all happen in the next week or two.
What will be exponentially harder to prove is the fraud she is alleging they committed. That will undoubtedly take much longer. If she can prove it, she would be due compensation.
In the meantime, the Seidler brothers will be out as trustees and as potential control person.
Eric Kutsenda would remain as the control person and the Padres would be free to continue to do business as he sees fit. To me, that seems like a good place for the team to be while the rest of the case winds it’s way through the court.
MLB is not likely to wade into this mess until after the court rules. The other owners have nothing to gain by entering into the fray as it were.
Pads Fans, I should read from top to bottom, because below you called her the sole trustee, which she is not and here you call her the sole beneficiary which she may be.
How this is going to go will in your words boil down to 2 requests she made in the lawsuit and both will be decided rather quickly.
Most importantly, does the probate judge in Travis county rule to remove Matt Seidler as Trustee and appoint a 3rd party receiver to act in the beneficiary’s interests? If that happens, she has in essence gained control of the trust and the trust holds a 25% interest in the Padres. The largest single interest.
Second most important would be if she gets an injunction against John Seidler being appointed as control person. I doubt MLB will move forward with naming him with this hanging over them, so she has effectively blocked that from happening until the case is resolved. If the judge issues a temporary injunction then its probably dead permanently.
The judge will also likely put some sort of spending cap on the padres until resolved.
The big issue for the brothers if you read both sides statements is did they sell padres shares from the trust? If she is the sole beneficiary and they did that without her approval that is a problem. Also if they sold them well below market value.
Sounds like they did sell enough that went to John so he could be the chairman. He needs to own 15%, didn’t before. If they undo that sell (if happened) then John will not be eligible.
Also heard because they sold shares that it made the brothers the largest single share holder.
Spending on the team will not be part of this since it does not affect her or their ownership stakes in the team.
I rarely read statements, I read court documents. Both sides can lie to the press. Neither can lie to the court with impunity.
The lawsuit says that John does not hold enough ownership stakes to be the control person. The Seidler Revocable Trust is the largest single shareholder. The brothers are not.
If John doesn’t have 15% then he doesn’t qualify.
I read that the brothers sold John shares not out of the trust but out of the equity company that they had shares in.
The whole thing is a mess. Just sell the team none of these guys own more than 25% and I don’t believe any of them have the finances to run it close to how Peter did.
Most of the time these issues in with the team being sold…just get on with it.
In this case, I believe the Seidler Revocable Trust holds first right of refusal on any shares that are put up for sale.
Shares that they don’t own? They can prevent Joe blow from selling his shares that aren’t in the trust?
If they have an agreement between the partners in the general partnership that owns the Padres they can prevent shares from being sold to anyone they agreed to. I believe that Tom Seidler, the only Seidler not involved in this lawsuit in one way or the other, saying that Peter and hence the Seidler Revocable Trust had first right of refusal if any shares were put up for sale.\
They sincerely wanted the Padres to stay in the family.
Simm, Seidler Equity Partners is part of the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust.
More evidence that the Padres organization has no clue.
According to sheel in her statement I didn’t see written here. Is she is the largest single share holder of the team. That the trust is solely left to her.
Then you have the big question mark. Why did Peter leave his youngest brother Matt in charge of the trust?
Also sounds shady that Matt sold parts of the trust. I heard John who Matt names the next control person didn’t own 15% of the club to become the control person. So did Matt sell John padres shares at a reduced rate so he could then in turn point him the control person? If so that’s real shady. Reported that the brothers basically think Sheel is too stupid to be in charge. So they bypassed her. Now the legal battle begins.
Can say goodbye to any Roki signing.
Preller is about to be trading almost anything not nailed down.
As a padres fan…to go from the Peter doing all he can to win…to his family fighting over the team and sinking it in one year. Very unfortunate.
Every GM should be calling preller today.
If she is the sole trustee, no trust asset can be sold without her consent. If John came away with 15% of the shares after being “sold” them by someone who doesn’t own them, that would be theft and fraudulent conveyance. The plot thickens…
Perhaps that’s why she is suing them. Though perhaps it was legal to do and she isn’t saying that.
Either way this will take years to resolve.
Not perhaps. Absolutely. And it will not take years, it will take days or a few weeks after the Judge takes up the case.
Pads Fans, cases like this never take days or weeks, they take months at the very least. That is why she filed in Texas, not California. Their probate laws make cases involving trusts much shorter than they do her in California. It will still be several months.
What will be decided on quickly is her requests for expedited actions. Most importantly the removal of Matt Seidler as the trustee of the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust. Second most important in my opinion would be an injunction against John Seidler being named control person of the Padres.
I would recommend you read the lawsuit.
Read a legal brief on the case this morning, and it looks like the court will convene on the 14th to hear arguments on the temporary injunctions.
From what the legal brief said, under Texas law that as beneficiary all Sheel Seidler has to show is that there is a “contentious” relationship and Matt Seidler will be out as trustee. That she is filing a lawsuit shows that and his public statements affirm it. She has won that point and a receiver will be appointed immediately from what the brief said.
The lawsuit claims that the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust has not disbursed funds to the Peter Seidler Marital Trust and Peter Seidler Exemption Trust. A receiver would release those funds as laid out in the Revocable Trust. Sheel Seidler and her kids would get access to that money.
The brief also says that john Seidler would be blocked from becoming the Padres control person for 2 mechanisms. One is that MLB will not act to approve him now, only to have to reverse that decision if the court rules against his appointment. MLB will wait it out until there is a ruling by the Travis County Probate court. The 2nd mechanism would be a temporary injunction against him being named control person by the court.
As you said, this is going to be a mess for a while, but those two items will be decided relatively quickly.
This would make sense….I was trying to figure out why they would mention something about trust assets being sold to each other for far below market value
@Simm Roki was actually mentioned in the lawsuit
Brew- what did it say about Roki?
Pads- I can’t reply to you. I get what she said about being the sole beneficiary. I assume that’s true and likely will undo a lot of the things Peter’s brothers do. With that said it will go to court and the truth will come out. This will still likely take a long some real time to go through court unless this suit makes the brothers back off.
Something about how she wasn’t included/allowed to help meet and court Roki.
Not sure why you would not be able to reply. You are not muted and I can see your posts.
See my post below. It won’t take long as long as the document names her sole trustee.
The document includes more than trustee decision, it alleges racism etc… There won’t be a quick settlement, Sheel is clearly planning a legal fight. It will take time, and I wonder if league will step in to help resolve at least in the interim so season can commence. But I have to think major decisions involving roster building between now and spring likely to be compromised. Fan Appreciation Day will be interesting….
Most of these disputes end with the team being sold. So unless the trust is clear this could get ugly.
Pads Fans, it names her as sole beneficiary, not trustee.
She is an attorney herself. She asked for several expedited actions in accordance with Texas law and if they are granted it will go a long way to telling us if this is a short case or a long case.
The most important of which is the removal of Matt Seidler as trustee and the appointment of a receiver by the court.
The 2nd most important in my opinion is an injunction against John Seidler being named control person of the team. MLB will not move forward with making him the control person until that is resolved by the court, so until then the Padres current control person will stay in that position.
Both of those temporary injunctions will be either handed down quickly or denied quickly. If the probate judge rules in her favor on those motions, this will be relatively short case and the two seidler brothers named in the lawsuit and John Seidler will probably be forced out of their positions in SKMC and Seidler Equity. I could see them being forced to give up their shares in the Padres to her as restitution if she is awarded damages and they do not have the liquid funds to pay her, but something like that could take a year or more. .
There is a reason she filed in Texas and not in California. You should look at the cases named in her filing and how long they took to resolve. Extremely quickly by California standards,.
Here is a link to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit talks about that the San Diego Union Tribune stated she had been directly involved in the recruitment of other free agents and that she was uniquely qualified to help with the recruitment of Sasaki, but was not allowed to by the Seidler brothers,
The lawsuit was a damnation on many fronts and I see no way the sides can coexist, but this point about her being uninvolved in the Roki recruitment seems quite plausible, given the direction the team has been going (I’m speaking of actions, not rumors). But court of public opinion vs actual legal fight is going to be interesting. What questions will players be asked at Fan Fest? Will Merrill continue to tweet out his support for Sheel? Obviously it all plays out in court and I guess that’s all that matters here. But I have a feeling the public/players/coaches will have some influence given the person that Peter S was.
The main points will be decided quickly, possibly as soon as Tuesday.
Matt Seidler will be removed as trustee and an independent receiver appointed by the court.
The Marital Trust and Exemption Trust will begin to receive disbursements that the lawsuit claims were withheld by Matt Seidler and Bob Seidler.
An temporary injunction will block John Seidler from becoming chairman and control person. At the very least MLB will not approve him until the lawsuit is settled.
The fraud will take longer to decide in court, but her main objectives will have been achieved and done within days of now.
You have the facts wrong Simm. Go read the filing. This is GOOD news for Padres fans and it will be decided quickly in court.
Padres gonna Padres. There is a reason they are chronically unsuccessful. That club needs an cleansing. Bad juju.
Bad take
Contuing to be a poverty franchise. Better take.
I give the Padres credit for going for it. They came close last year against the Dodgers and just fell short.
I agree that – maybe but not definitely – they may need to scale back a little. We won’t know until we see if they trade Cease or not. Plenty of teams have undergone ownership turmoil. Not too long ago the Dodgers had the McCourts. I think the Padres have been upgraded no matter who takes over. San Diego is a wealthy area and the team value increased thanks to Peter. Maybe it is not fully sustainable, but part of the upgrades will remain.
Time to burn some Sage.
I believe they made a song about this woman.
In the wake of his wake as well….
Francisco Alvarez is a Padre?
Do you think Salas will even have as many career homeruns including the minors as Alvarez has right now in the majors at 22?
Yes, I think Ethan Salas will probably be a better overall catcher than Francisco Alvarez.
But I agree that no prospect is a sure thing.
Mets have a great future, Francisco Alvarez, less so.
I see the same outcome for Salas as Cartaya is currently facing. He will be out of the top 100 by the end of the year and has a very good shot of never seeing the Majors. Alvarez on the other hand has lead the Mets pitching staff to an era of 2 runs less a game then when he’s not catching. He tore some thumb ligaments last year. His potential is worlds higher than Salas. At the same age in the minors Alvarez OPS was .941 and Salas was .599. Do you realize how bad .599 in A ball is?
If Alvarez is a good defensive catcher – and that is possible – he will have a long and successful MLB career. But his bat does nit impress me. I think Salas will be very good, but let’s wait another year and see what happens.
At 17 Cartaya was in the DR, not playing in AA like Salas.
Cartaya scouting grades at 18
Scouting grades: Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 35 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50
Salas scouting grades at 18
Scouting grades: Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 65
One isn’t like the other.
Congratulations Padres fans, the Seidler’s are the new Angelos’s…
Hard to believe given his health history that Peter didn’t have an ironclad succession plan in place and well documented.
Maybe he had more than one and left some doubt as to which was his final intent.
He did. Its in the trust papers she just filed.
All that is left is for the Padres to follow the Chargers and Clippers to Los Angeles.
LA doesn’t want them.
How many little brothers do the Dodgers need?
Padres won’t leave SD. I doubt the league would approve it. And LA certainly can’t support three MLB teams
Maybe not LA but Oakland or Riverside could
I agree; Nashville is the only obvious choice. Music City LLC can buy out the remaining shares and lead the Padres beyond this ugly familial in-fighting to a brighter tomorrow for the sport and expand the market to a new thriving city instead of that of a city on the decline and that has let 3 different franchises walk before matched only this past year by Oakland. Lest us forget that San Diego was the original city that could not hold onto a team long before the exodus from Oakland. Manfred should suggest this immediately as this is bad for baseball!
Padres are a huge mess across the board. From this to begging for loans. Im sure the usual suspects will have their heads in the sand.
Padres are a mess that fans of half the teams in the league would love to have. They still have Tatis, Merrill, Machado, an over-priced Bogaerts, Salas, DeVries, Darvish, King, Cease, Suarez. Wait to see if they trade Cease before Opening Day and that will help you better read the tea leaves.
Cancel the season sell the team whatever lets go goose
Padres back to spending! Oh wait, only millions on legal fees, not players.
I would be curious as to how many millions in legal fees this will cost to sort out. I’m sure they could’ve signed a mid range reliever for a year for the cost of this dispute.
I do find it extraordinary that billionaires who have massive legal teams can still have things like this disputed and that documents are not dead set water tight with these things. Maybe I’m showing my ignorance regarding the legal interpretation of these matters…
I agree. Why was there an interim control person at all? Why hadn’t Seidler named his successor control person before he passed and gotten MLB’s approval in advance while he was still alive? All owners should have that in place from the day they take control of a franchise. Who is in charge of you get hit by a bus? Every company generally has succession plans for every c-suiter.
Sheel named Eric Kutsenda the interim control person. John tried to say he was when he does not have the requisite shares in the partnership to hold that title. He and Matt tried to steal money and a portion of the team from Sheel and Peter’s kids.
Eric will continue to act as control person until the courts decide this in a few weeks and then Sheel will act as control person.
Since Matt could not legally sell any of the Seidler Trust’s assets without her express consent, Sheel is the owner of 47% of the Padres.
So you are saying Peter explicitly stated to MLB and all concerned that his widow would succeed him as control person.
He didn’t have to. All he had to do is name her sole trustee of the trust. That means she controls 47% of the Padres. She is the one that named Eric Kutsenda the control person of the Padres, not Peter’s brothers.
MLB has to approve. Shouldn’t Peter have cleared all of this with MLB before his passing. As I understand it, anyone with 15% equity can be the control person. Not just the one with the most equity. I thought MLB assigned Eric even though he didn’t have a 15% stake. If she assigned him, why would it not automatically revert back to her with a phone call to MLB.
Pads Fans, the lawsuit itself says that Peter Seidler had only 25% ownership of the team. Where did you see 47%?
She is the sole beneficiary, not trustee. That was Bob Seidler and then Matt Seidler.
I think 45/47 was reported at different times. Though Acee said the family owned a total of 45% between them all…brother, sheel entire family.
Makes me think Peter may have been selling off some of his shares over the last few years to perhaps fund his spending.
Ownership changes have to be reported to MLB. Those would have ended up in the media.
The Seidler family including the (Peter) Seidler Revocable Trust own 45% total.
Pads, those are all things that she is claiming in her lawsuit, not necessarily things that are facts. Let’s wait to see what the court rules before making statements like that.
You are right. I fessed up on that at the bottom of this thread.
The Union Tribune reported that the Peter Seidler Trust held a 47% interest. We are finding out that Acee was wrong about that figure. Imagine that. Acee being wrong. Again.
Well, found out reading the lawsuit that the U/T was wrong about the Trust holding a 47% ownership stake. Its 25%.
Pads- that’s basically what her suit says. Guess we will have to see what the court says.
If all this is true…I don’t think another Seidler outside of Sheel and the kids will be allowing petco. If this doesn’t get resolved soon this could get ugly with the fans and the brothers if they show their faces.
Yeah. I’m sure there are two sides to this story, but it’s looking to me like a publicity nightmare (and perhaps rightly so) for the brothers if Sheel doesn’t win. And win or lose they won’t want to walk the streets of SD.
This will be quick. If Sheel Seidler is named as the sole beneficiary of the trust as she says in the suit, Once the Judge sees that document he will disallow/reverse any transactions regarding that trust that she didn’t approve in writing and since she is requesting it and its her right will name her as trustee.
I went through this with my daughter. My aunt, who had no children of her own, set up separate trusts for my daughter and her 3 cousins worth about $13 million each at the time with disbursements available when they turned 33. The trusts called for my uncle to be the trustee until each of the individual beneficiaries turned 18. At which time they would become the trustee. My daughter allowed my uncle to remain the trustee after she had turned 18 because she was in college and didn’t want to handle it yet and the $1200 per month it paid him helped him financially. A few months after that my uncle sold some of the assets of each of the trusts, condos in the same building in Southern California worth $1.2 million each at that time, to himself at far below market prices. My daughter and one of her cousins who was also already 18 sued and won. The judge reversed the sale of all 4 condos, removed my uncle as trustee of all 4 trusts, and placed the two that were still for minors in a court controlled receivership. The whole process took 6 weeks from filing to ruling.
This might take a little longer because of the amount of money involved, but the case is as cut and dried as long as the trust papers say what Sheel and her attorney are saying they do in the lawsuit.
Brew- yeah I don’t know how the brothers win the public opinion not matter what. Sexiest, raciest brothers taking the team away from Peter immediate family sounds pretty bad. Most of the fans I’ve seen post all over social media have already decided with sheel.
The best outcome would be for the brothers to realize this and back off. Though that rarely happens. Can you imagine John Seidler showing his face in petco right now.
I don’t know anything about John Seidler, and my wife has connections to some in FO – she mentioned to me that he lives in Texas and has rarely set foot in Petco Park? But brothers Bob and Matt are the ones really needing to gather a legal team, given the allegations from Sheel. I wonder if any will speak publicly. If they do it will likely come across as mansplaining to many.
I don’t think John has ever said a word. I never heard of John or Matt until they announced Matt selected John as chairman.
There was only one brother I ever see around petco or at events.
Just read the statement from the trustee spokesperson. If what he says is true I don’t think Sheel will be winning this battle. Sounds like Peter didn’t want Sheel in control of the trust or the team. Even states she signed an agreement agreeing to such terms.
Sheel has blasted the brother’s character but if what the statement the trustee put out is accurate she is complaining against hat Peter wanted.
Simm, This is something that will be ugly because its family. Remember, she cannot sign away her rights in a trust. Only the person who established the trust can set the conditions. It will be interesting to see what happens when this gets to court.
She filed for an expedited ruling for Matt to be removed as Trustee, for the court to appoint a receiver as successor trustee, for an injunction against John Seidler being named Control Person for the Padres, and for an injunction against changes being made to the Trust which includes a 25% share of the Padres, so we will know relatively quickly if she gets that injunction. If she does then this might all be decided quickly..
I did find it strange that the statement was attributed to the Seidler Trust. The trust itself has no legal voice. Only two persons can speak on behalf of a trust, the trustee and the beneficiary. Peter’s widow sued saying she is the sole beneficiary which will be easy to determine. That only leaves Matt Seidler. Why was he not named? Why was it released to the LA newspaper, not the San Diego newspaper? How did John Seidler get enough ownership to become a control person? Why did they allow Sheel Seidler to name Eric Kutsenda as the control person last year if she was prohibited from doing so? So many questions and not enough answers.
I feel for you Padres fans. This is going to suck for a while before it gets better. It might just kill any chance they have of contending this season and for the foreseeable future if it is not decided fast.
Here is the link to her lawsuit. It’s an interesting read.
Out- lots of questions to be answered.
My understanding is Peter wanted Kutsenda to be the temp guy. Maybe it’s in the trust or somewhere. She may have announced it but she may not have appointed him.
What i think may screw the brothers is if she is the sole beneficiary and they sold shares from the trust to boost John’s stake so he could take control. If that happened then the brothers are totally screwed. What we don’t know is did that happen and did the trust actually allow it. Obviously her suit makes it look like she doesn’t believe it does.
Both parties have put out statements that are pretty one sided. A lot of sheels statement is an emotional plea. So many padres fans have already sided with her (maybe rightfully). The courts though won’t side via emotions, it will be about what’s legal.
Sheel adding in the raciest, sexiest and the brothers taking the team away from the kids…selling the team and relocating we’re all to gain public support. Perhaps there is some truth to those things idk but saying those things turned the fans against the brothers. I’m not sure how the brothers can ever run this team going forward. The fans are going to be against them in a big way.
Sexiest, raciest brothers taking the team away from Peter immediate family sounds pretty bad.
This piggybacks on what Padsfan said about ” as long as the trust papers say what Sheel and her attorney are saying they do in the lawsuit.”
Every lawsuit now contains a reference to sexism, racism, or bigotry of some kind. Both sides will claim to be be pure as the driven snow, and portray the other side as greedy so-and-so’s.
@Simm. That one brother is Tom who was the most publicly visible of family members post-Peter. Oddly, his name doesn’t seem to appear anywhere in this dispute.
Like the time he was supposedly sitting next to Danny Lozano on a plane just days before the Padres signed Manny Machado and he personally told him Manny was going to sign with SD? Lol
Or had a realtor sister who sold Freddy Galvis a house in SD!
I don’t know where John Seidler lives. He was not served in connection with this lawsuit. Both Matt and Bob were and both live in the LA area.
This video of Alecia Seidler, Bob’s wife along with the quote from the lawsuit are damning.
Yeah I think there will be a new trustee.
John hasn’t said a word.
He really can’t unless he wants to have to lawyer up too. His best bet is to lie low and not be sued for knowingly attempting to buy shares illegally.
I think you are probably right that Peter had a succession plan in place that named Eric Kutsenda as the control person. She was the person who announced it, so my thinking was that she named him, but that is probably not the case.
One of the things we are finding out today is that the trustee does not have the power to name the chairman or the control person unilaterally. A vote must take place. That is part of the problem with Matt naming John and claiming he had the right to do so. He didn’t.
Sheel Seidler has her ducks in a row. She has had them lined up for quite some time. She choose to buy a home in Texas in October because the probate laws there are in her favor. It makes it super easy to remove a trustee and that was one of her main goals. It also makes getting expedited temporary injunctions easy. They are having a hearing Tuesday! have you ever heard of something like that happening in California? Matt Seidler will be removed as trustee and an independent receiver appointed. that means the Marital Trust and Exemption Trust will get disbursements the lawsuit claims Matt withheld. A temporary injunction will block John Seidler or anyone else from being named chairman and control person until the case is over. MLB is certainly not going to step in and approve him knowing that they will have to remove him later.
Statements to the press mean little. They are fluff and do not have to be true because you are not under oath when you give them. What means a lot is filings in a court case or statements made while under oath in a deposition or on the stand. So far, only Sheel Seidler has made any filings. Only what she has said carry consequences if they are not true. That lends what she said in that filing more weight than what Matt Seidler released to the LA Times.
The racist and misogynistic statements that are included as attachments in the lawsuit are now public record. They are actual documents, not just something she is saying was said. And they are filed with the court.
The Seidler brothers are done as far as the Padres are concerned. If they are found guilty of fraud, chances are they will be required to make restitution and in the amounts that they are mentioning in the lawsuit the only way possible would be selling or surrendering their ownership shares in the Padres.
Today in Oceanside I saw two t-shirts for sale. One said Sheel Team One over a photo of Peter Seidler and the other said Team Sheel over a swinging friar. They were flying off that table.
I was wrong about the court naming Sheel as the trustee. They will name an independent receiver. Matt will still be out on his behind.
Marge Schott and Georgia Frontiere give their regards.
yeah, Padres not getting Sasaki.
You ever think they really would? Lousy Dodgers will get him
NICE! Sheel will bring the Padres back to Peter’s dream.
No chance Roki Sasaki chooses the Padres now. What a mess.
Not sure which side was in the right, but this lawsuit will undoubtedly ruin whatever Peter was trying to accomplish before he passed. Therefore, I don’t think what Sheel is doing is good for fans. Whether she has legal rights to do it is another thing I don’t know. The brothers acted quickly and it seems there weren’t problems for the Padres, granted I don’t know how they were actually managing things. It would’ve been weird that the league wasn’t involved figuring things out, if not this is a huge mishandling by Manfred.
Who knows, we don’t know how quickly either since it’s been a year.
Marge Schott. The Rams lady. Oh, they’re doomed. Peter Siedler was screwing the long term outcome for the team. Chemo brain is real.
Crikes, chemo brain is real and for those of us that have seen it up close with loved ones, it isn’t a topic to joke about.
That was no joke, spoken from experience… Siedler’s poor choices over a decade were suspicious and chemo brain is part of the “no logic” choices Siedler made.
All we can hope for is that this is quick. Since she asked for an injunction, we will know more in just a few days.
Me: “Hey, finally, a rumor involving the Padres.”
The worst is the division money can cause in families. Part of the complaint is annoyingly obsequious. Part of me wonders why this wasn’t spelled out better in the will. The article also indicates that the family owns only 45% of the team, which could complicate things further.
Sometimes it’s not even about the money, it’s about principle. The allegations of racism and misogyny makes it personal.
I am very pleased to have the family I have. It took us 5 minutes to dispose of my mom’s estate. Everyone took turns cleaning out the house, and most of the questions were more like “Well, I don’t know, what would you like to do?”.
My mom went through the house putting the names of who she wanted each thing to go to and then my sister made a list of all the items. She sent a copy to each of us.
When mom passed, we distributed those things per the list. All except the house and a bank account to cover property taxes and utilities which had been placed in a trust with me as trustee followed by my sister. As per my mom’s wishes, my sister and her daughter live in the house as long as they want to.
Administration of my trust will not be so simple as it includes ownership of properties in 2 countries and ownership shares in 4 corporations. I do not envy my kids and I hope they do not fight over it
This seems bad.
As Andrew Brandt frequently says: “There will be lawyers.”
This does seem pretty open and shut either way.
The trust documents say whatever they say.
I hope this gets resolved quickly.
Dodger fan here. This news sucks.
Well this is terrible for the sport.
Thoughts and prayers.
Just a reminder, everyone should have their will in place. And make sure instructions are clear.
Peter Seidler had a will and a trust in place. this still happened. Place someone as the trustee of your trust that has no potential conflicts of interest. Someone that cannot make money off your trust. Make sure in the terms of the trust that they cannot sell trust assets without the beneficiary signing off on that sale and it they are a minor, that they simply cannot be sold.
Padres leaving extremely far-fetched… I remember when San Diegans said this about a few of their other teams (i.e. Chargers, Rockets, Clippers) then lost them. So not so far-fetched… Might be a good time for a fresh start in Nashville as Music City LLC can buy out Sheel’s shares and work together with the Seidler Brothers to bring winning baseball to Nashville.
Padres are selling out most of their games even in the Middle of the work week and drawing 3M+ Fans per year.
2023 MLB attendance leaders
LA Dodgers 39,878 per game
New York Yankees 36,692 per game,
San Diego Padres 35,,970 per game.
Petco Park and the Padres are a “gold mine” as far as attendance goes.
It would be extremely foolish for MLB to mess that up!
LAD averaged over 47,000 a game in 2023.
I Googled it and came up with 39K
I could be wrong.
Post link with updated figures!!
Wow. Everything you have said in this thread is wrong, even things that are easy to look up.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say no one ever said that about the Rockets or the Clippers. My understanding is neither team ever got far off the ground attendance-wise or record-wise in San Diego.
The Chargers, well, there was a lot of denialism, i.e. thinking Spanos was just playing for leverage and would not actually pull the trigger on a move. The possibility still was very real over a decade before it finally happened. That San Diego ever wasted money expanding Qualcomm Stadium to “keep us in the Super Bowl rotation”, only for the narrative to immediately shift to the need for a new venue, still makes me sick.
The Padres, on the other hand, are top 5 in attendance in what is widely lauded as a top 5 venue in the sport. Questioning their viability as a market is a non-starter.
That’s not to say a move is impossible, but we are at least one ownership group and two decades of neglect to Petco Park before the idea isn’t laughable. And credit to the team thus far, they keep improving the place.
Yeah. Wouldn’t worry about them leaving SD. There’s no market without a team that is an improvement. Fan base supports the squad and there’s plenty of money in SD.
Yup, I’d rate that as about a 0% chance, which is why I thought it was so interesting that Sheel mentioned it in her statement.
Great line for the court of public opinion to suggest the other side is looking at moving a franchise. All that was.
Yeah, the Padres aren’t moving.
I got a feeling this negatively impacts their record the next few years. It sure can’t help anyway.
Back to the dark times for us.
Not good news for current Padres Ownership.
Unclear, yet, what it means for the Fans.
Many times when MLB franchises air their dirty laundry in public lawsuits,stuff that embarrasses MLB becomes public and forces MLB and other owners to get involved.
And, in worst/best case scenario, (depending on which side of the issues you are on) it can force Ownership and MLB to get involved and take actions that can lead to the sale of the team.
Cite McCourts Public Divorce bombshells showing the McCourts diverting, pissing away team revenues and spending it on themselves and not the team and pressure from MLB for McCourts to sell the Dodgers..
Padres better have a plan B for a New Ownership group.
Sheet can hit the fan quickly if Padres Ownership dirty laundry gets aired in a public court action..
I’d say accusations of racism and sexism already amount to dirty laundry. Shots fired. Either the brothers stick around or Sheel does. They won’t be able to coexist after this.
& the rest of the family own a significant piece of the team. I’m sure each side of the family won’t want to sell their stake to the other either.
Hard for me to believe that this doesn’t eventually end in a sale to a new group. This is bad news for the Padres offseason.
Someone blinking feels like the best outcome.
If both sides dig in, there it is.
Agreed completely. Lot to play out here.
I totally agree. I think the brothers may blink if..
They actually did some shady stuff. Like sell shares they shouldn’t have from the trust.
Also how do the brothers show their face at petco? The fans in a large majority have already sided with Sheel and hate their guts.
It’s either via the accusations from Sheel or since peters death the padres cut 90m in payroll and are talking about trading away players this offseason because of payroll. They have haven’t spent anything this offseason. So the fans are looking at the current group running/owning as the brothers group and dislike them.
The brothers may gain control but lose the city/fans in the process. They she no tv deal so the only thing propping up the padres are the fans showing up to games and spending money. Lose that this team will be screwed.
Sheel has been quite public about her disapproval of the sharp cut in payroll last year, and this initiated the good favor some Padre fans had in her over the rest of Seidler family heirs in the ownership group. So the stage was set. Matt, Bob and John were perhaps primed to lose this eventual public relations disaster bomb.
That might be her end game, not Peter Siedler’s legacy, but a cashout. Poisoning the well to force the sale of the property.
Maybe she wants to be bought out.
Remember what happened to club with John Moores divorce?
Well now roki sasaki is for sure going to the dodgers
I am confused by that part from the trust. 1st off, the trust cannot legally speak. The trustee can, meaning Matt Seidler, but the trust has no legal voice in California. .In that statement they curiously gave to the LA paper and not the San Diego paper, the Seidler brothers she is suing are claiming that she was prohibited from being a trustee or from naming a control person for the team, and yet she was the one who chose Kutsenda and they did not raise a stink at that time. Something is not right here.
This is going to get ugly, but California law is pretty clear on these things. Whatever is in the trust documents is how it will play out. They won’t give either side much leeway. Also, subsequent changes, even ones sworn by the beneficiary, will quickly be thrown out if they were not signed by the person establishing the trust. In this case Sheel Seidler could not sign away her and her children’s rights as the beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Pretty sure this means any changes for the Padres will be put on hold. John Seidler will go back to whatever his day job was before his brothers sold him enough of Peter’s shares to make him eligible to be a control person and Kutsenda will go back to being the interim control person while this plays out in court.
That probably also means that any plans that were put in place for payroll are out the window too. Not sure if that means they will have more or less money to spend. What a mess.
Sorry Padres fans. Going to be an ugly year for you.
I’d assume the from a payroll side it will be the same or less. Courts don’t like money being spent while in litigation. Now perhaps that only comes up if one side tries to fight it in court.
In sheels suit it also states that her not being the control person will cost her a lot of money. I’d assume for being paid to do the job.
This is about money and power while using Peter’s legacy and dreams to gain.
She filed in Texas where these things are far more cut and dried.
The important thing is that we cut these people’s taxes and shift the burden ENTIRELY to the middle class.
Won’t be long.
LOL at how folks interpret things for themselves.
Siedler lived in Texas to avoid paying California taxes that subsidized the craziness, er, the social programs that he “cared so much about…”
Family feud over company control after the patriarch’s death? Sounds like a Perry Mason… “The Case of the Bumbling Ball Club”.
All it needs is a murder and two dozen suspects around the scene at the time of the crime.
If the agreement is as reported, she has no chance here. Seems she’s more interested in getting some type of payout.
Lord, reported by whom? By Sheel Seidler in her lawsuit or by Matt Seidler in a statement to an LA newspaper?
She has already won on three items. Matt Seidler is out as trustee. When a receiver is appointed by the court the Peter Seidler Marital Trust and the Peter Seidler Exemption Trust will start to receive disbursements she claims in the lawsuit have been withheld. John Seidler is at least blocked for the foreseeable future from becoming Padres control person.
As for the fraud counts, those the court will decide on.
I found both the lawsuit and the legal briefs many have been posting today fascinating. Here is a link to the lawsuit itself.
A woman agrees to marry an obviouslyovertlygay man with money to give him heirs… Quit when you’re ahead, lady. Don’t sabotage the business that you’ll continue to profit from without effort.
By the way… Peter Siedler was a liberal who ESCAPED CALIFORNIA TAXES by MOVING TO TEXAS
No Chance!
Overrated like:
Jackson Merrill
OR Tatis Jr?
OR CJ Abrams?
OR James Wood?
OR so many others from Padres rich farm system.
SS Devries
Catcher Ethan Salas were the #1 International prospects in consecutive years. Both are projected to be impact stars in the major leagues.
Both are not even 20 years old and could be in the majors
by the end of ’25 or the sometime in ’26.
I don’t think you have been reading Salas scouting reports lately. Everything in his game regressed this year. It’s not the first time a young player was hyped up and just never developed. He had a whopping .599 OPS in A ball this year. He isn’t seeing the majors for a very long time.
According to recent census data, around 42,000 Texans move to California each year. This makes California the top destination for people moving out of Texas.
Key points:
Source: US Census Bureau data
Number: Approximately 42,000 Texans move to California annually
Personal life and death
“Celebration of life ceremony” in honor of Seidler at Petco Park in March 2024
Seidler and his wife, Sheel, had three children.[14] They lived in La Jolla, California.[15]
Seidler had type 1 diabetes. He also survived two bouts with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.[14]
In September 2023, Seidler announced that he had undergone a medical procedure which would prevent him from attending any further games in the 2023 season.[16] He died in San Diego on November 14, 2023, at age 63.[17][18] His brother, John, succeeded him as the team’s control person.[19]
Sheel and her lawyers, apparently, filed the suit in Texas.
No disclosures on what the Trust documents say about
where legal disputes should be settled in Texas or California?!
Could see this case being moved to California Courts if it advantages
one of the Parties.
Also, most of the issues relate to ownership and control of the San Diego Padres so strong arguments could be made about filing or transferring the case to San Diego and California Courts.
Not sure if a mere piece of paper listing who gets control of the Trust and team and in what order with the Peter Seidler’s alleged signature
would be held valid!?
Peter Seidler was dying.
Death bed changes to a Trust or Will signed on a scrap of paper
could be subject to coercion and could be ruled invalid by the Courts?!
Fighting Heirs will almost certainly challenge that document, signature and Trust provisions.
This dispute looks like it could get very messy for the Padres and Major League baseball.
Remember the McCourts’ very public divorce and embarrassing disclosures?
Diversions of Dodgers’s team revenues for luxury homes, cars, lifestyle and not spending those revenues on the Dodgers roster?!
It lead to the forced sale of the Dodgers.
There are plenty of centi millionaires and billionaires in San Diego County and Southern California who could step up and buy the team and spend $$$$ to compete with the Padres rivals the LA Dodgers:
Jacobs Family (Qualcomm snapdragon operating system for cell phones)?
Steve Ballmer (Microsoft, LA Clippers)?
Stan Kroenke Owns Rams, built SOFI with private funds
Building New San Diego Sports Arena with private funds (basketball/hockey)
Also, unless Seidler’s estate had an airtight Estate and Tax Plan,
then the Peter Seidler Estate could be on the hook for a hefty Federal estate and death tax bill from the IRS.
It is very serious and has forced the sale of many sports franchises, if not handled properly.
The Padres were already heavily leveraged in debt and required a MLB approved loan to meet payroll not too long ago.
It could be part of the reason the Padres are forced to slash payroll for the 2nd straight year.
Most of the Estate could be tied up in the value of the Padres team.
MLB will step in with plenty of leverage if there is too much bad publicity and/or if the financial estate forces a dramatic cut back in payroll and/or fire sale of higher salaried players etc..
Xander Bogaerts, Dylan Cease and other high salaried Padres are already being shopped around MLB for major trades
To be fair their payroll was 169m last year and is 210m right now. Even if they slash some payroll it won’t be below last years. So technically they are raising payroll this year vs last.
You started a new account with 0s instead of o’s after your last one got banned?
You are wrong about everything in your post.
They don’t face any tax bill. Its a trust.
The Padres were not highly leveraged with debt and MLB cleared them to take out a loan. That loan was to fund construction of Gallagher Square (Park at the Park) and to complete the purchase of the land at Tailgate Park from the city of San Diego. It was not even approved by MLB until well after the last payroll is paid and was not funded until November. MLB bylaws do not allow loans of that type. That would require a cash call on the partnership of the team. In other words, the Seidler’s would have had to come out of pocket to pay that. No loan is possible for that purpose.
The Padres payroll is HIGHER this year than last year. The control person, the CEO, and the POBO have all said that payroll will be somewhere between 2024 and 2023 and that that level of spending is sustainable.
The Peter Seidler Revocable Trust is valued at over $5 billion and the team, of which the trust holds a 25% share, is worth 2.3 billion.
MLB will stay out until the courts make a decision.
NONE of the players that you mentioned are being shopped. Other teams have certainly asked about them, but if you saw the reports from Morosi and others on the price set by AJ for Cease, you know they are not being shopped nor are they likely to be traded.
As I said, everything you said is wrong.
How soon will you have to get a new account?
Padres were @ 170M last year
If Xander Bogaerts is traded along with Dylan Cease
that would bring then in @ 167M pending other moves
(lower than last year)…
Well, I messed up a bunch of stuff on my posts. Most importantly that Sheel Seidler is the Sole Beneficiary, not the sole trustee. Also, I conflated the accusations in her lawsuit with facts.
Here are a couple of things we learned today. The case will convene on January 14th for hearings on Sheel Seidler’s motion to remove Matt Seidler as trustee and on the temporary injunctions.
Those seem pretty cut and dried and court will appoint an independent receiver of the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust as soon as Tuesday. Once that happens the Peter Seidler Marital Trust and Peter Seidler Exemption trust will start receiving disbursements called for in the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust. Sheel Seidler is the sole beneficiary of both.
John Seidler will not become control person, at least not anytime soon. This lawsuit will have to run its course before MLB will act and Eric Kutsenda will continue to act as control person until then.
Lastly, Matt Seidler will be forced to produce all accounting. documentation, and communications regarding every transaction by the Peter Seidler Revocable Trust, most including those regarding sale of shares of the team by Tuesday. That includes Seidler Equity Partners, SKMC, and both of the brothers legal expenses since being named trustee.
This is going to get ugly and Sheel Seidler has taken all the right steps so far, starting with filing in Texas and not in California. Don’t mess with female attorneys like Sheel Seidler.
bro this is like house of the dragon, the padres are going down