Back in March, disagreements within the Major League Baseball Players Association led to a battle for power within the union that was often framed as a mutiny or a coup. At that time, three active players were connected to the overthrow attempt: Jack Flaherty, Lucas Giolito and Ian Happ. Those three were on the MLBPA eight-player executive subcommittee but none of those three remain after recent voting, per Evan Drellich of The Athletic.
MLBTR readers who want a full refresher on the situation can check out these posts from March. The 2023-2024 offseason was miserable for players, as various teams dialed back spending, often citing declining TV revenue as the reason. Several players signed contracts that were far below initial expectations, most prominently the “Boras Four” of Blake Snell, Matt Chapman, Jordan Montgomery and Cody Bellinger.
On the heels of that winter, frustration boiled up within the players and they eventually appeared to be split into two camps. One camp attempted to replace deputy director Bruce Meyer with Harry Marino, and it was suggested by some that executive director Tony Clark also would have been ousted in the event Meyer was replaced. Ultimately, those efforts stalled out and the Clark/Meyer duo stayed atop the union’s leadership structure.
Marino had previously been the head of Advocates For Minor Leaguers, the group that unionized minor league players. The minor leaguers were placed under the MLBPA umbrella, with Marino and Meyer then negotiating with MLB the first ever collective bargaining agreement for minor league players. Minor leaguers received 34 of the 72 seats on the MLBPA executive board, but Marino and Meyer reportedly did not get along, with Marino leaving the union at some point.
Though Marino was out of the union, it seems he was well liked enough in some circles that this attempt was made to install him into a very prominent position. Despite the frustrating winter for players, Meyer had made some notable gains for players in the 2022 CBA, his first in this role. The competitive balance tax tiers all went up, though a fourth tier was added. The minimum salaries were also raised in notable fashion, and a bonus pool for pre-arbitration players was created, among other advancements for players.
Regardless, the frustration was real and significant enough to threaten Meyer and perhaps Clark in the leadership structure, though they ultimately survived. Back in March, Flaherty seemed to express regret about the way things played out, though he also seemed surprised by the way Marino proceeded.
“There was one phone call that went on that I put Tony in a bad position in, where Harry tried to push his way through,” Flaherty told Ken Rosenthal at the time. “He tried to pressure Tony, and Tony stood strong, said this is not going to happen. Tony has done nothing but stand strong in all of this. That was something I would love to take back. I never wanted Harry to be in Bruce’s position.” Flaherty repeated that he was not trying to replace Meyer. “I said he’s not somebody to replace Bruce, but if you guys want to listen to him, we can continue this conversation. Things got way out of hand after that.” Flaherty then went on to compliment Meyer for the job he had done with the recent CBA.
The MLBPA votes on those subcommittee spots every two years. The union announced this week a new subcommittee consisting of Chris Bassitt, Jake Cronenworth, Pete Fairbanks, Cedric Mullins, Paul Skenes, Tarik Skubal, Marcus Semien and Brent Suter. Semien and Suter are the lone holdovers from the previous subcommittee.
As noted by Drellich, the subcommittee is significant because key matters are often settled with a 38-person vote. Each of the 30 teams have a representative with one vote, and the eight subcommittee members get the remaining eight votes. Those 30 team reps vote on the eight subcommittee members. The eight players selected this week will have their positions for the next two years, which aligns with the end of the current CBA, as that agreement goes until Dec. 2, 2026.
All relations between MLB and the MLBPA have appeared to be contentious in recent years, from CBA negotiations to the COVID-related shutdown to on-field rule changes. The most recent CBA involved a lockout of more than three months and came perilously close to canceling games. On the other hand, the two sides agreed in the middle of the 2024 campaign to redirect some CBT money towards teams that had lost broadcast revenue, a fairly rare instance of a notable financial decision made outside normal CBA talks.
With another round of collective bargaining due two years from now, the possibility of another lockout is also on the horizon. The league and the union will have plenty to work out, including the ongoing broadcast uncertainty, the international draft and other big-picture issues along with the typical bargaining topics like salaries, taxes and revenue sharing. As such, the developments within the union will have notable ramifications for the baseball world.
Tony Clark is the baseball equivalent of that unpopular national leader that somehow dodges every coup attempt thrown at him.
I cannot stand Jack Flaherty
Desertbull – I agree. He runs his mouth too much.
Hard to deny the talent, but now that he’s off the Cardinals it’s very, very easy for me to dislike him. He’s just an unlikeable guy in general and he always seems to find himself in drama-filled situations.
Would be poetic if he ended up a Padre.
MLBs version of Colin Kaepernick.
Unpopular National leader…… hmmm, oh, duh, Kim Jong Un, right?…
Roughly 152 million people voted in the elections. 77 vs 75 million.
Total number of adults in the US is almost 245 million.
Neither candidate ever gets over 50% support of the population.
If you don’t want to talk baseball, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
The non-voters are pretty evenly split too, but it’s incorrect to say all his supporters are only the ones that voted for him.
I betcha Flaherty and Giolito cooked up this plan in high school.
Rich people problems. Boo hoo.
Talking about the owners, right?
Both players and owners are beyond rich. Don’t be fooled by both sides playing the ‘we’re too poor’ card. Both sides are rich and getting richer off the fans and sponsors.
huh? the rays are paying the yankees more this yr to play in a minor league stadium than any palyer on the rays is making. Most MLB players play until theyre are 30 making league min.
Sorry I can’t really understand what you’re saying.
The Rays are not poor. They refuse to pay players. Every small market team is getting some kickback from shared revenue and TV deals. They are not poor.
As for players, the Rays employ some of the worst players in the league. Those players are still going to make millions more in one year than I will in my entire lifetime working as a teacher in a foreign country.
Most players go through arbitration or FA before they turn 30. Not many 30 year old players on league min deals unless they are rookies getting their final chance to play professionally.
The money to the Yankees is nothing. Sternburg doesn’t like it but he has the money. He just never wants to invest more money into the Rays to make them a true competitor. Most small market teams are the same. They only think about the risk and never the reward.
Rich people problems. Boo hoo.
Don’t watch and don’t pay any attention to what rich people do. Toss away the shackles of PCs, TVs, and the internet. Live in the wilderness like humans were supposed to.
I do not like Flaherty
Gitolito got a whole lot of money to not pitch this season and he’s mad at Tony Clark?
They don’t live in the same world, brother. Familiarity breeds contempt.
LG is hard core lefty-to each their own, but when either side goes too far, centrists tend to confront the insufferable bullies.
I did read that Giolito was hoping to gain control of the means of production.
Was he going to lead the proletariat in the people’s revolution?
He wanted to throw his sabots into the machinery grinding down millionaire athletes.
Well, they are Labor and I’m sympathetic in general to Labor. Infighting….not so much. There’s a ton of money out there in the industry, and the Union’s job is to maximize the players share of it, consistent with sane business practices. That ought to be their focus
“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
~Yogi Berra
Wrote that on my door freshman yr in college…….
Tony Clark and the MLBPA areterrible at repping the players and have been for a long time. The players constantly get taken advantage of with terrible deals. How he has stayed in power is beyond me. Him and Manfred are in bed together and all represent the same interests….same city same xmas parties etc.
Most players i’ve spoken like 80-90% do not trust the PA and do not think they have their interests in mind. The players that were on the 8 Man committee like Flaherty that were actually holding Clark and Co. responsible at doing their jobs were replaced with Whipping Boys and Rookies ie Skenes. Players that have no clue yet and are green.
Every CBA the MLB shows up with legit NYC attorneys and the MLBPA and Clark show up with some good ole boys…and they all get taken advantage of. During COVID the MLBPA finally had an attorney with a backbone for once and they fired him lol
Clark fights for new soda machines and clubhouse couchs, and the MLB fights for BIllions
No baseball player in MLB is being taken advantaged of. Both players and owners and league officials are all getting rich together, whether they fight about who’s richer or not. The real victim are the fans who have to settle for a worse product year after year.
The players constantly get taken advantage of with terrible deals.
That’s because the players have been stuck in 1990s mode since, well, the 1990s. The owners are leveraging up revenue, while the players are thinking of salaries.
The players should’ve gotten a % of the gross when they had the chance. It involves a salary cap of some sort, but the overall payroll will increase.
Someone can take advantage of me for the league minimum salary. Sign me up!
The MLBPA is the strongest players’ union in sports. Try again.
Does being strong count if they are also stupid? The contract prior to this one was laughable.
Manfred and Clark arent Yin and Yang, they are Yin and Yin…
Clark managed to split the union right down the middle in the last CBA negotiations. The owners cleverly sweetened the pot for players with only a few years in the league. So the extremely well-paid veteran guys on the executive subcommittee voted against the proposed CBA, while the not-so-well-paid players with less time in the league voted for it. The less-well-paid players won out and the owners got the CBA they wanted.
That’s the real problem with the union right now. The owners have figured out how to set the less experienced players against the gazillionaire players with lots of years in the league. Which has always been the obvious split in the union, and Tony Clark is clueless (no surprise) on how to handle it.
Shouldn’t a union try to raise the floor on pay whenever possible? Veteran players are still being paid well.
A labour stoppage is coming! This deferral stuff is BS. Yes, I am a Yankees fan and should not be complaining!
deferrall stuf is bs….also what happened to jd davis last yr should never happen again. If you win in Arb court and beat the team your money should be garunteed just like it is if you settle. He beat them fair and square after holding him hostage all yr prior to thanksgiving with tendering him and then released him a month after he won and everyones rosters were set. Someone shouldve went to jail over that.
I agree with the arbitration thing. If a team decides to take a player to arb court, they should be committing then and there to the contract no matter the outcome. It’s what the players are doing as well
and fans wonder why the Giants can’t sign any players
Feel like they’re in a good position to sign Willy Adames.
(you know, just sayin)
I don’t think the deferred salaries are any issue at all. The owners like putting off the bills until tomorrow, and the union doesn’t mind players getting bigger contracts with some money deferred.
And I don’t expect any work stoppage. The owners have figured out that if they offer some extra money to players with fewer years in the league, they can win enough player rep votes to get the CBA they want. It worked last time, when the union’s executive subcommittee voted 8-0 against the owners’ proposed CBA, but the team reps voted went 26-4 in favor. So the owners got what they wanted.
After all, the fat cats on the executive subcommittee are a small minority among all players, most of whom earn much, much less. The owners now know that thy can buy off that large majority of players to get the CBA they want. That’s why there were no lost games last time, and there won’t be any next time.
Next CBA, the antiquated Arb system needs to go away completely and if the MLBPA is worth their salt their will be a salary floor to go along with the salary cap that theyve branded as “Luxury Tax Threshold” to get it past the dumb pa attorneys.
The floor and Tax cap will be floating yr to yr based on the previous yrs MLB revenue. 50% of the Revenue will go to the players with 90% of that 50% being in salary and the remaining 10% being in Benefits.
There will be 3rd party audits every yr on mlb books and club books every yr as they are more and more starting to hide the revenue and shift it to outside llcs with parking lot venues and entertainment districts on same property that the employees don’t see.
For example.. if MLB revenue is 11.6$B in 2023 (its way higher they’ve just hidden some of it), 50% of the that based on union laws go to the employees, so call it 5.8$B. 90% of that will be in salary 5.2 $B in salary divided by 30 Teams is 173$MM dollar payroll for each team. Thats what the average payroll should been last yr. The floor will be set at 75% of that so call it 130$MM and the tax threshold will be set at 125% of that 216$MM.
Thats the frameworks someone smarter than me can figure out the specifics. This will stop the Dodgers and Yankees detroying MLB and creating more parity where small market teams can actually thrive like whats currently going on in NFL with Chiefs, Bills , Lions etc.
The teams in other sports that you mention thrive because of well funded ownership groups that give up the necessary resources for those franchises to succeed.
A salary cap does nothing to give any hope to fans of the Raiders, Jets etc…
Your takes couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s funny how the Dodgers are ruining baseball with their 3 championships in 40 years, one of them being during the pandemic. Had the Pads finished business up 2 games to 1 they wouldn’t have even entered this conversation, but suddenly they’re ruining baseball.
Despite your attempts to spin a narrative, the MLBPA is the strongest union in all of sports, and the MLBPA has the most parity among the 4 major American sports over the last you pick it, 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years, doesn’t matter. All without a salary cap, gasp!
And the Yankees just made it to their first World Series in 15 years, in what universe is that destroying the league to the point of flipping the financial system upside down?
Again, the data points to the exact opposite of what you’re claiming is happening. Much smarter ppl are figuring it out, and they work for the MLBPA.
An “executive board” of 72 members? Yikes. How do they avoid food fights at every meeting?
That’s not a bug, that’s a feature.
What experience qualifies Paul Skenes to be on the executive subcommittee? That’s absurd
They all just want to meet Livvy
100%…whipping boy. I was shocked when i saw that too. he has no clue what or how the PA works. They replaced flaherty with a yes man is what happened.
He’s smart enough to have attended the US Air Force Academy, throws 100 mph and dates a hottie. What more is needed?
Good points, esp the last one.
I was wondering the same thing. Thinking it might be good to have a noob on the committee to give the rest of the noobs a voice. They can’t all be dudes who’ve already made their bag
What qualifications did Jack Flaherty have? He was elected, the same as Skenes. Honestly, Skenes seems to be the brighter of the two.
“ The 2023-2024 offseason was miserable for players”. Oh, give me a break. Didn’t see Blake Snell or Cody Bellinger taking a job at Starbucks to make ends meet. So a few pampered, overcompensated players did not get what they wanted. They still got more than they needed and more than they deserve. The minor leaguers had a good off season as some of the gold was finally directed at them. Without them, baseball collapses in a frenzy of greed on part of the “stars” and owners. Cry me tears for those that are really suffering not the pampered “stars” or owners.
Wasnt Cole one of the big talking heads of the players union? I always found it funny you have one the highest paid guys there as their needs/wants from the CBA are extremely different than 95% of the players.
MLB is the only league in the nation that constantly has to push pause to decide details about the game and who gets paid more. Too many big egos in the game. I won’t be fooled by the players crying poor and of course not the owners or league officials either.
I say let them tear the game apart because of money. The players who arguably get paid the most among all 4 major sports complaining about not getting more, and delusional owners who constantly make excuses for cutting payroll. A match made in heaven.
“The players who arguably get paid the most among all four major sports.”
Do you have data to support this? NBA players and NFL quarterbacks are getting $50M-$60M per season these days. No MLB player has an AAV of even $45M.
The NBA has by far the highest average salary. MLB is second but less than half of the NBA. The NFL is very close behind MLB.
100% ….MLB players get paid the least amongst the big 3 sports. NFL roster has 2x more than the active roster too. That Rays fans is honestly Clueless whats going on right now.
At the end of the day all these players care about is the money.
Sure, some will cry and say they love the game or a city but, you offer a extra 1M on a 80M deal and that player will move his whole family overnight.
Searching for the point. Got one?
They can donate that extra million to a charity if they want to do good with it. Don’t leave it in an owner’s pocket.
I expect you’d relocate your family to a new city that you’re less fond of for a million dollars too, it’s a fair relocation compensation.
Division within a union is never good. I’ve given nearly twenty years to the Teamsters and our new (at the time) business agent drove us into a month long lockout only to be followed by a massive layoff six months later. So, we got to stand outside and freeze for the entire month of December and he got elected president of our local. Most employees still haven’t returned.