Major League Baseball recently conducted an investigation that found a top prospect in the Dominican Republic falsified his paperwork and is five years older than previously believed, according to a report from Jorge Castillo and Alden Gonzalez of ESPN, who note that the Dominican Baseball Federation is also investigating the situation.
The prospect, who was playing under the name Cesar Altagracia, is currently 19 years despite documents claiming him to be just 14. Castillo and Gonzalez note that Altagracia has represented the Dominican Republic at international youth tournaments he qualified for based on his falsified age but was actually too old to participate in, including the 2022 U-12 Baseball World Cup (when Altagracia would have been 16 or 17 years old) and the U-15 Pan American Championship this past summer.
Per Castillo and Gonzalez, Altagracia had a verbal agreement with the Padres to sign for around $4MM during the international signing period that’s set to begin in 2027, when Altagracia’s documents would have claimed him to be 16 years old. Verbal agreements of this sort made years in advance are par for the course when it comes to international amateurs, and in the years since the 2012 collective bargaining agreement between MLB and the MLBPA imposed a spending cap on the international market has led these verbal agreements to be made when prospects are as young and 12 or 13 years old despite the fact that they may not sign until they turn 16.
Those verbal agreements don’t always come to pass, however. Altagracia’s certainly won’t, as Jeff Sanders of the San Diego Union-Tribune reports that his offer from San Diego has been revoked and that he will be suspended for his offense. Castillo and Gonzalez add that it’s typical for a prospect who falsified his age to be suspended for one year before he can re-apply, meaning Altagracia could once again be available to clubs ahead of his age-20 season next winter. Since Altagracia wasn’t scheduled to officially sign until January 2027, the revoked agreement will have no impact on the Padres’ financial flexibility when striking deals with international amateurs this winter.
Cases of falsified age or other improper conduct by a prospect are far from the only reason a verbal agreement can be reneged upon. As noted by Castillo and Gonzales, it’s “not uncommon” for teams to pull out of deals just weeks before pen was set to be put to paper in cases where the player did not develop as expected or there was turnover in the club’s front office between the verbal agreement being made and signing day that led to a change in philosophy. Castillo and Gonzalez’s report goes on to suggest that Altagarcia isn’t alone in his situation, as there has been an “uptick” in high-profile prospects falsifying their age, leading to their agreements with clubs being revoked.
Concerns surrounding corruption in the international amateurs arena were a point of discussion during the league’s push to implement an international amateur draft similar to the one MLB has in place for prospects in the U.S. and Canada during the last round of CBA negotiations between the league and players’ union. The league attached their proposal for an international draft to eliminating the qualifying offer and continued negotiating even after a new CBA was put into place, but those negotiations fell apart in July of 2022. Since then, the current system of international amateurs has remained in place, as has the QO. It’s possible that both issues could come up again in the next round of CBA talks, which figure to begin at some point before the current CBA expires on December 1, 2026.
Well that’s…. Something
“Im not sure what the big deal is here?”
Regards, Albert Pujols
Lot to unpack here
Why are teams making agreements with 14 year olds? That seems wrong perhaps someone should look into that.
The guy is from the Dominican Republic same as Juan Soto. Is it really that far fetched to think Soto is older than he says he is? I don’t think so. He looks older. He acts older. He’s from an area of the country where falsifying birthdays goes on.
I think the Yankees had to fess up when they traded Alfonso Soriano to the Rangers for ARod because the Yankees found out he was two years older than they thought he was when they signed him.
It wouldn’t surprise me that Soto, Pujols, etc. are actually a couple years older than they say are even though the league supposedly cracked down on this a while back.
I’m wondering if this a case of suspecting all good Dominican Republic players? Perhaps a it’s because of a lack of cross-documentation of age by teams, combined with the desperation of a better life elsewhere.
I’ve seen Pujols’ name come up before when questioning age, but he’s the last guy I’d suspect. Wouldn’t the more likely candidate be someone who can’t his after 34, not a guy slugged .550 with 24 HRs in just over 300 ABs at age 42. If he did that and he was older than 42, that’s incredible. Miguel Cabrera wasn’t questioned about his age – he’s from Venezuela, or Molina – (Puerto Rico.)
Still, it is curious that players suspected of being older are from the DR – not Venezuela, Mexico, Japan, etc.
High school coaches walked Pujols a lot because they were sure he was a grown man playing with boys. Age questions have always surrounded Pujols. He was one of the greatest of all time either way.
Each player is different. Soto was doing things at a young age that other guys had never done before. He’s from an area where they do falsify records and he just looks older.
Pujols I think could be a couple years older. It’s not the same as Soto because Pujols wasn’t a star at the same age. But yeah it wouldn’t surprise me if Pujols was older.
The reason players from other countries aren’t suspected of doing this is because they don’t have a history of doing this. Anyone from Japan ever do this? Not that I know of.
Birth Certificates from Japan, USA, PR, etc. are much more “reliable” and hence easier to research. The DR paperwork is… spotty at best.
MLB is much more involved in the development process in Venezuela, Panama, & Curacao. The DR is way more of the Wild West with corruption rampant in the scouting and coaching ranks where they’re taking cuts of these kids’ signing bonuses and are the ones falsifying the ages.
Cuban players defecting fake there age
I always thought Puig definitely lied about his age
Teams usually have these deals in place a year or two before the player signs. They just can’t make it official until he’s 16
What I don’t understand is the need to lie when you’re only 19 to begin with.
How much of a difference in contract would Soto be looking at if he were 5 years older?
That’s why.
The reason he would lie is, he would look like a much better prospect dominating other 14 year olds being 14 than dominating the same kids as a 19 year old.
I’m not convinced it’s the player, rather an adult who represents the player because they’re eager to get their greedy hands on a chunk of the money. Probably urging the kid and his family to be quiet and assuring them that everything will be fine.
Until it’s not
You can’t fake an age without the actual person involved to a very large extent.
There are 4 million reasons why $$$. He he might be a .500 hitter against 14-year-olds, but a .250 hitter against 19-year-olds.
Is it far fetched to think Bryce Harper fudged his age ? LeBron? Gretzky? Soto is a generational talent, pink. Whether he is from the Dominican Republic, spitsville, Texas or Black Pink, Uranus. Nothing here.
In America it’s not really feasible to fake a birth certificate. In the Domincan Republic it is. It’s not racist or whatever you are implying it’s common sense. Different countries have different standards of doing things.
My point went right over your blackpink.”Generational” is the key word. LeBron Bryce Wayne etc etc etc men among boys. Wow!!!
JohnnyAngel: Soto is not a generational player. Ohtani is Think about it.
Was it the Braves announcers (Joe Simpson?) who were lambasted for suggesting this 5 years ago?
I think there is a difference between an idiot like me suggesting it in a random chat room and a team announcer who represents a billion dollar organization saying it. He probably should keep quiet about this sort of stuff while calling games.
Yes it is far-fetched, with par for the course racism (for lack of better word) from you
Fun fact: Juan Soto is really 34.
Remember when everyone got mad at Joe Simpson because he made a joke about Soto’s age when he was a rookie? Just looking at the guy it is pretty obvious he’s 3 or 4 years older than his listed age.
The curtain is starting to pull back on the Padres. I’ve been telling you for ages where the franchise was headed, but noooo. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Wake up people. I’m giving free info here. Use it
I think you make need to go to the ER and get a shoulder x-ray because it’s obvious that you just dislocated your shoulder attempting to pat yourself on the back.
Shut up, efftard. The Pads are blameless in this situation.
Sure they are. They’ve been the shadiest organization for years dork. They even went from a chicken to a friar to give the appearance of morality and nobility. Keep living in the dark. Not my problem
it seems the Padres hurt you, somewhere, somehow? Recovery is a journey, we’re here for you Terry. We’re here for you.
If anyone would know the real TRUTH about both the MLB and the Padres, it’s a random poster called Terry Turnbuckle. Now we know who “Q” is I guess.
The days of you engaging with me are over.
They never went from a chicken to a friar… 101.5 kgb is where the chicken started and hatched at the murph, the chicken is tied to all teams and became more known after the radio station tried to take his gig away from him, went to court and all..
But still
There are a lot of shady organizations, dodgers are definitely number one, Yankees and Mets are up there, rays, Phillies, Oakland, Braves, pirates, bosox, shy sox, etc
Terry – Four words:
Luis Urias
Trevor Bauer
And what exactly is that info?
This is a stupid comment. You make it sound like the padres told him to lie. The padres look at this kid at 14 and imagine what he would be like at 16. At 19 he wouldn’t have the same projections. Heck he could have come to the mlb 3 years ago. You push your age back so you look better vs you get kids.
Be smarter.
Do your research and you’ll see.
Padres told a 19 year old kid to lie about his age so they can pay a 14 year old 4 mill when he turns 16?
What exactly is the end goal in that whole scenario? Why not just pay him as a 19 year old?
I’m sorry that you are so desperate for attention Terry.
Can you please explain your above comment? Not sure what you are getting at or how the Padres are somehow to blame for a kid from the D.R. lying about his age?
I can’t see why the Padres would want to give a “slow” developing 19 year old $4M if they knew all along he was actually 19? The negative impact is now the Padres have $4M dollars of International signing bonus money that they cannot spend on any top talents that signing period because the other top talents most likely have verbal agreements already in place.
WE know he lied
We are asking OP why they think padres knew and tried to cover up his age
This has gone on for years with Latin American players.
Even kids in the Little League World Series have been proven older than they are. Even my own Little League as a kid had those issues.
Taiwan started that many years ago. Though I believe they stopped it in recent years.
From 1972 to 1974, Taiwan dominated the LLWS, outscoring their opponents 112–2. In 1973, they did not allow a hit.
I’m sure they didn’t cheat at all 🙂
Craven – Danny Almonte was actually caught though, and he’s not from Taiwan ;O)
Taiwanese were caught so they stoed. Doubt Dominicans will ever change.
I know, was responding to aragon. I doubt there are many Almontes from Taiwan 😉
Reds – There’s one particular country, whether it’s PED’s or falsified birth records, whose motto is “If you ain’t cheating, then you ain’t trying”.
It’s unfair and WRONG to lump in every other Latin American country with them.
If you think it is only one country, then you are very short sighted. It has even happened in this one.
Reds – You are reminding me of those who try to defend the person/group/country that is 99% responsible for a problem by pointing to the remaining 1%.
Again, here’s the article:…
And here’s a direct quote from said article:
“It seems that the problem is largely confined to the Dominican Republic; age and identity problems are much less frequent in other Latin American countries that produce significant baseball talent, like Venezuela”.
So please stop bashing other Latin American countries, 99% of the problem is with one country only.
Should be able to sign any one at any age. One of the teams should look at signing that 14 year old Czech kid that hit a home run off Bauer.
There’s simply too much money involved with these signing bonuses for corruption not to take place. For some families, it’s generational wealth in the D.R. when they come from a low-income demographics.
YBC – You nailed it.
I’ve said many times I don’t blame D.R. kids taking PED’s to escape poverty, but I do blame MLB for turning a blind eye to the cheating epidemic that has been going on in that country for decades which takes away MLB opportunities from kids who are more deserving.
“I am 12”
“He’s got documentation”
If the guy is as talented as this kid supposedly is (a top 3 international prospect for the 2027 class), then why didn’t he just sign when he really was 16 like everyone else? Or when he was 18? Or now that he is 19? Why would he even want to put off signing for another two years when anything could happen between now and then? Sure the payoff might be better in two years, but if you are living in poverty in the DR, wouldn’t it be better to sign for $500,000 now instead of $4 million in two years? It just makes no sense.
They’re often persuaded to take the larger sum later. Shady agents involved will often side-deal and advance a family a substantial sum to quell any immediate doubts.
*Buscones (not legit “agents”)
He isn’t. The talent he supposedly is is based on the fact he’s “14” with 8 to 10 years to mature and develop
If my family was living in poverty, I would DEFINITELY take the $500K now as opposed to making them suffer another two years for more money that may or may not come.
Makes sense for you, however it depends what version of this the “agent” is selling them. They can make $4m in two years sound a lot better than $500k now, even to the hungry and poor.
At 19 his value as a prospect might not even be $50k, let alone $500k. Doing what he was doing as a 19 year old he might be one of 400 kids performing at that level. As a 14 year old he’s considered top 3.
(shamelessly reusing the Danny Almonte joke) His real age was discovered when he left his driver’s license at a strip club.
Gotta love a “Danny Almonte” reference!
wander – Sometimes reputations are forever, just like Rosie Ruiz.
The more usual problem is players claiming to be older than they actually are in order to be eligible for signing. This reverse case feels like an outlier.
Are you sure about that? I honestly can’t recall a story about a prospect saying they were older than they actually were/are. Doesn’t make sense for a prospect to say they older when all MLB scouts are looking for is projection.
Quite. See, Adrian Beltré if you can’t recall such a story. It made perfect sense for him to claim he was 16 not 15 when the Dodgers signed him. Otherwise, they could not have signed him. Who was responsible for that misrepresentation was never fully determined (or at least made public) but the Dodgers paid a pretty stiff penalty for it either way,
I had never heard that about Beltre, but one outlier wouldn’t make it “usual”.
I will look into the Beltre thing though.
You won’t have to look far. This was a huge deal at the time and got the Dodgers into serious hot water. I don’t know for certain what is more usual but I had not heard about cases of falsifying age lower before this one.
Juan Soto sweating atm!
Just kidding…or am I?
Honestly, I’m not even sure…
If you’re not cheating your’re not trying.
And here I thought fraud only happened in voting
It’s been rigged.
That’s even below trump
This is no surprise whatsoever. In fact, I’m surprised at the fact that this is not as common a story as many others. I’m sure this has happened, or is happening, amongst many teams/foreign players.
It has happened prior, but the age gap is huge. Big difference between a 14-year-old and a 19-year-old. Why not claim to be 16 so he can sign now?
Yeah that’s true. Some kids are BIG though. My cousin was 6’4 at 14; but your point about claiming 16 is really good. I think kids just want to be “18” for whatever reason.
Clip – Different sport, but ever heard of Olivier Rioux?
He’s a teenager that just began his college basketball career …. and he’s 7’9″ tall.
He’s from Canada though, so his age is legit.
He still a teenager and already 7’9″? What are they feeding him up there?
Q – Lots of Green Giant veggies.
A 16 year old with his skills isn’t a major prospect, so a bonus would be much smaller. If you have 2 players with identical stats and one is 14 and one was 16, who would you rather have?
Dominguez’ nickname is the Martian.
This is why there needs to be an international draft, it would eliminate a lot of this. I can’t blame a kid for lying about his age when younger kids get signed for millions and older kids are typically signed for a few thousand.
And how exactly would an international draft prevent international prospects from being deceptive about their age
MLB proposed creating youth leagues in the DR that they would run. The thinking being that with the MLB officially involved in the development of these kids that there are more eyes on the players and more resources that could be directed at discovering any fraud before a kid is drafted or signed by a club. This isn’t a problem in Venezuela, Panama, & Curaçao because MLB is much more involved there. MLB has wanted an international draft for years but the players union has pushed back against, Latin players don’t want to limit these kids ability to pick where they want to play or their ability to get more money (understandstable), but this is also why things are so much more corrupt.
Tale as old as time…
Knowing that this kid may have been born in the 2010s made me feel like I’m 50.
I get there are exceptions and such, but how often are you confusing 14 year olds for 19?
Go look at pictures of Lebron James or Greg Oden when they were in highschool. They look like grown ass men. It’s easy for teams to want to believe these kids are younger than they look because they wanna believe they’ve found the next Tatis.
Classic – I’m with you! Unfortunately MLB will never come down on a revenue-generating player, no matter what country they are from.
Just get away from that System where shady Agents are negotiating about 13 year Olds but get an international draft already.
Soto and Chourio are obvious targets for the is-it-real-or-is-it-memorex crowd because of their facial appearance and Latin America’s sterling reputation for correct birth certificates. I’ve always been wary of joining in the skepticism because it seemed like tinfoil-hat stuff. But even naive moi is starting to wonder a little. Is anybody as old as their claimed age, in either direction?
By the way, I’m 73 but I’d like to be 21. Sigh.
Chourio only looks older because of the beard. If you just look at the top half of his face, you can see he is much younger than 27. I had a full beard at 17 and was able to buy my buddies beer without being carded. Beards hide baby faces.
Hate to go full tinfoil-hat, but I just glanced at Chourio’s Wikipedia page. Beard or no beard, that guy looks like one, let’s say, mature 20-year-old.
Yes he is, I looked at him. Barely any facial hair
Real cool how you paint all of Latin America with that racist brush
Sounds a bit like a variation of the birther stuff. The idea of “Soto is older!” Is dependent on a belief that the Nationals, Padres, and Yankees all not exercising due diligence on his actual age. Maybe that happens with a utility player who hits .200. With Soto, it seems to be the equivalent of buying a $30m gallon of milk w/o checking the expiration date.
Guys don’t have a date when they were born tattooed on their arm. That’s from a movie I think.
wander – Trying to verify Dominican birth records is far more difficult, and often possible, compared to the US and other countries.
Recently 50 Dominican players had their baseball team arrangements voided because of age fraud.
Here’s a good article on the subject, and BTW Juan Soto has yet to become an American citizen which in and of itself is probably a red flag.…
Juan Soto is actually 38! I knew something was up with that shuffle. he was like 33 in ‘19
“This is a crazy story. Things like this NEVER happen”
— Fausto Carmona
Fernando was really 80 when he died.
This is funny because during the playoffs and looking at pitcher Yamamoto on the Dodgers I was thinking while watching him that he looked a little older than 25.
I think it was his hair or his face or something gave me that thought.
Excuse me if this sounds totally off base and I’m sure it’s nothing, but it did cross my mind. Maybe the guy’s 28? Be tougher to get a 7-year contract that way? Am I alone in thinking that he looks older?
The doctor who signed Charlie Parker’s death certificate thought he was 60.
The kid is just big boned. Milk does a body good. Still got to produce.
I wonder if Jesse Orosco and Julio Franco were advisors to the investigation team?
This is not an isolated incident and it’s not new. I can think of players on major league rosters whose ages are very suspect. It’s not just their faces, it’s body development.
Ethan Salas
Yes yes it’s true. Verlander look to be 52.
When bonuses of this size are involved, teams will have doctors perform bone and joint density scans, dental exams, and other testing to determine age of prospective player. There are age old proven scientific tests to determine one’s age. These Buscones are removing these children from their homes at a very young age making promises they can’t keep. Hard for us in this country to understand the amount of poverty that drives this hope of one day coming to the states to play a game they love
We can conduct many of these bone scans you suggest at our southern border, killing two birds, with one stone so to speak.
Wrist Cat scan is said to be quite accurate.
Aren’t teams like, not allowed to make verbal under the table deals with 14 y/o prospects anymore? I know it’s a gray area but I could see Preller getting suspended for this (again).
Every team does this, not only Preller and the Padres.
Yes and every team abuses the injured list to extend roster size. They suspended Billy Eppler only for it.
Luckily for the Padres this mistake only cost them $4mil.
A similar Gaffe cost Wander Franco and the Rays a whole lot more
This did not cost the Padres any money as the deal would have been signed in January of 2027. The only thing they lost was adding a talented young player or a chance to sign other talented young players that year because the other top prospects already have handshake agreement with other teams in place.
This is not new. We all know that several others including MLB all stars and former players did the same. Signing players is an industry in the DR and it’s corrupted.
The other side of it is really gross too. Teams often are starting negotiations with these players when they’re supposedly 12/13 years old. Just imagine trying to hit up a middle school in the united states to do the same thing they’re doing in the DR, Venezuela, etc. Someone would call the cops on you up here.
Colleges here are offering full rides to 14 year olds.
The whole industry is really predatory and creepy.
You are guessing his age ? Bwàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.wait bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wait let me look….. Bwaaaa bwaaaa. You are actually guessing by looking. At him ? Lol lol lol lol lol .
*insert “I AM 12” birth certificate from Benchwarmers here*
You’re definitely the first one to make that joke.
If I wanted your opinion I’d shove my boot down your throat and ask how it tasted.
You don’t say.
The kid’s agent, George Santos, had no comment.
What a surprise!
I call H*S* on this, “living in poverty” excuse. It’s because they can get away with it……
Demographics has nothing to do with it.
What would you do if you had an exceedingly high chance to win a $100M+ Powerball for you and your extended family and create a lasting name in your community? That’s how these signing bonus are relative to some of them.
That’s an insult to poor people everywhere.
You don’t think, if a RICH person could get away with it, it wouldn’t be on the scam list?
Being poor has nothing to do with it.
(Other than pleading for mercy in court or trying to explain it to yourself after you get caught….)
Accepting criminality has nothing to do with being poor.
Everything is shady in the DR. Age, roids, verbal agreements with 12 year olds that can be retracted with no recourse.
MLB needs to clean up the entire process.
Neither side will though. Signing a bunch of kids from the DR is cheaper than the American draft, and that country is so poor everybody is looking for a shot to get out and make a better life. Throwing a few thousand dollars up to a couple million at a kid down there is a huge deal for their hometowns.
Padres suspected after seeing him with full beard, wife& kids in tow. Go get em coppy!
Was this the same guy in the movie Old?
If Soto is not his age, then mlb and teams have really screwed the pooch. If he is say 29 then his contract will be considered less.
No they mock you because you are an idiot who ignores the 99.9% who don’t lie about their age so you can spew some bullsh*t
Weird, man.
I remember back when this was a thing, foreign players cutting yrs off real age to make themselves more appealing but I never heard of shaving 5yrs off. That’s crazy !