The Rockies received some unfortunate news regarding Kris Bryant today, as Bryant himself told reporters (including’s Thomas Harding). Bryant was initially placed on the injured list earlier this month with a left rib contusion in what he had expected to be a fairly short stint on the shelf. Since, then, however, Bryant underwent an MRI after his soreness showed no improvement, and that testing revealed that the veteran was also dealing with an internal oblique strain. Bryant added that he has “no idea” when he’ll be able to return to action following the new diagnosis.
It’s the latest devastating setback in what has been an unbelievably difficult Rockies tenure for Bryant. The 32-year-old was selected second overall by the Cubs in the 2013 draft and rose to stardom almost immediately, capturing the 2015 NL Rookie of the Year award before winning the NL MVP award (and a drought-ending World Series championship) the following season. Over the course of six and a half seasons in Chicago, Bryant made four trips to the All Star game and slashed an excellent .279/.378/.508 in 833 games and helped lead the Cubs to five postseason appearances, including three trips to the NLCS and the aforementioned championship run.
After a brief stint in San Francisco after the 2021 trade deadline, Bryant found himself on the open market for the first time in his career and managed to secure a seven-year, $182MM deal with Colorado prior to the 2022 season. Unfortunately, that deal hasn’t panned out how either side was surely hoping it would. While Bryant’s first season in Colorado saw him hit a strong .306/.376/.475 with a 125 wRC+, he was limited to just 42 games that year by injuries.
Things have taken a turn for the worse since then, as Bryant has remained unable to stay on the field while also seeing his production suffer when he is healthy enough to play. Bryant has appeared in 104 games with the Rockies since the start of the 2023 campaign, and in his 436 trips to the plate with the club during that time he’s hit a paltry .223/.312/.347 that’s 30% worse than league average by measure of wRC+. That’s a slash line that would be difficult to stomach for any player, much less a $182MM corner bat who hasn’t made an appearance at his previous home of third base since joining the Rockies.
Now, Bryant appears to be facing yet another lengthy absence after already making one trip to the injured list earlier this year due to a low back strain. It’s become increasingly clear throughout his Rockies tenure that injury woes appear likely to plague Bryant throughout the remainder of his playing career; as he told Patrick Saunders of The Denver Post last month, he has dealt with disc problems in his back and “severe” arthritis that will continue to impact him throughout the remainder of his playing career in addition to his current oblique and rib issues.
Both the Rockies and Bryant are surely hoping he can not only rediscover the talent that made him one of the league’s best hitters during his time in Chicago, but also that he’ll be able to stay on the field often enough to showcase that talent. In the meantime, the Rockies figure to continue relying on Michael Toglia and Elehuris Montero to handle first base in Bryant’s absence while Toglia, Jake Cave, and Greg Jones mix and match in right field.
Bryant’s contract expires 5 days after the 2028 World Series ends, on the 6th day Bryant will be ready to return…
Scott Borass will touting the miracle cure……
I forgot the guy was in the league.
lol shocker
If Bryant had any class and wasn’t a such a greedy B$&-Sta&d he’d retire and let the Rockies off the hook for the rest of his salary. He will never do this however as Borass(hole) would never agree to allow him to set this precedent. Of course the Rockies we’re stupid enough to sign Bryant to this contract but it ruins it for the next guys out there.
Bryant isn’t greedy for simply wanting to collect the money he is owed under the terms of his contract. Teams take risks when they sign contracts with players, as do the players. This is just a normal part of sports and negotiation generally.
Retiring and leaving money on the table could possibly set a harmful precedent for future players. His contract isn’t ruining the market for players in the future; many teams have simply realized that large free agent contracts that take players well into their 30s are simply not worth it. The Rockies are notably backward in terms of analytics and modern strategic thinking.
Gil Meche and I think the late Lyman Bostock gave back money they thought they didn’t deserve
Sure but that doesn’t mean it’s greedy to get paid the money you contractually agreed to either. As a Royals fan, I remember Meche fondly. But we were not his original team and him leaving money always felt a bit sad for me. As long as the player is hurt from trying to play and rehabbing, there is no reason for them to let teams “off the hook” when they were injured and can’t sign for anything like that when trying to perform for the team that signed them.
Just to clarify. I agree no player should give back money. I was just remembering two guys who did.
Thats just a dumb would you like it if you signed a contract in good faith which is insured and someone asked you to give it away with 3+ years left on the deal?
Lol you signed the deal. We’ve all signed deals that Didn’t deal our way. Live with us t.
I’d feel guilty as hell for not being able to live up to my commitment, but I guess athletes are not held accountable for their production (or lack of it) and get a free pass… the sad irony is it’s costing you more money to watch these guys play as the owners just pass the cost along in ticket prices and higher concessions so think about that being a dumb take next time you spend money you don’t have at the ballpark
If you spend money you don’t have on entertainment, yeah, that’s pretty dumb.
Also dumb is thinking that payroll drives ticket prices instead of revenue driving payroll
Also dumb, being so brainwashed by capital that you think labor should give mo ey back.
@Motown Tigers payroll has steadily declined for almost a decade, fans have no savings. So irregardless if a particular player is signed, fans are still gonna be paying exorbitant sums to see games. Teams have figured out(or attempt to) what fans are willing to spend and they try and get every penny of that.
Lololol CBeisbol, what labor? Bryant hasn’t done anything
CBeisbol’s feewings got huwt
Some players have integrity and a sense of shame, KB does not have those.
@Arnold why should he? Was there any sense of shame when JD Davis was cut after arbitration using a loophole?? Let’s not act as tho this is a one way street here.
The team offered the contract Bryant signed, now they have to honor it. Such is life.
“Some players have integrity and a sense of shame, KB does not have those.”
Why on earth do you think that you know that?
Imagine thinking that getting the money you are contractually owed means you don’t have integrity
@CBeisbol When people vilify players such as Bryant they never mention the players who are released and owed money. These players often go on to sign with other teams essentially playing for free when they could sit home and collect a check. But mentioning all those players doesn’t support the narrative they re trying to paint.
I’d also be willing to bet Arnold has never approached his employer saying I kind of had any easier day than usual at work, please pay me less….
LOL I love your clown act, kudos to you, man!
Quite possibly the dumbest comment I’ve read on here. Good job!
Well, you were both right really.
Yeah the post by windycity89 with no context is prolly the dumbest one on here… Good job windycity89
You had me at prolly.
The Rockies have nobody to blame but themselves for Bryant’s contract. They bid against themselves and lost badly. You can’t blame the player for taking a huge payday when it’s presented
It’s a comment like this that I wish we could replay with gifs.
*insert Death from family guy(voiced by Norm Macdonald) here. There’s a part where he sarcastically laughs. Stops then Lois tries to to talk again and he starts laughing again.
The Rockies most likely took out a deal insurance contract on Bryant when he signed with them. So the insurance company is probably paying for his contract,
Everyday I wonder what the dumbest thing I’ll read on here is. Congrats Motown. Clown observation if there ever was one. He signed a guaranteed contract. You clowns that vote for the owners to keep their money, are really stupid.
This feels like trolling, but I’ll take the bait anyway.
Even if Bryant chose to return the money the Rockies still owe him (which, of course, he doesn’t have to), it would just mean that Monfort would put it back in his pocket. The Rockies are a disaster and their fans deserve so much better, but Kris Bryant has very little to do with that.
I’m sure he’s just as disappointed as everyone that his body hasn’t been able to hold up, and obviously he can wipe his tears with hundred dollar bills but some guys actually care about playing too.
MC: Why do Rockies fans “deserve so much better”?
Weird question. But it’s because their team has been poorly managed in all aspects for years now. It just seems tough to enjoy a season when that’s your team.
Oh, that is the funniest comment I have ever read on this site!
I get the hate for Boras but it’s not his call. The MLBPA would never condone players leaving money on the table.
@motown – this is why teams take out insurance.
Are you 10 years old? Ya he’s going to forfeit all of his guaranteed money lol
As we would say in Philadelphia, caveat emptor, yous guys.
Why KB rather than the team? E.g.,
If the Rockies had any class they would refund twenty percent of the amount paid to all of their season ticket holders.
My answer would be that neither that team nor KB should feel obligated to return a penny. As long as KB is putting in the working at the gum to try to be less injury prone, then no need for him to lower his eyes in shame. I do think that players with huge long term contracts should work for the team in a non-playing capacity such as scouting or public relations if they become incapable of playing. But no salary give-backs, if KB feels guilty he can pick a charity of his choice, not a billionaire owner.
So next time you get a paper cut at your data entry job, you should forfeit your paycheck to your boss because otherwise you’re greedy for getting hurt on the job and still collecting the pay.
No, Mr. Can, buyer beware. The interwebs are your friend, so give it a try.
This is MLB baseball I don’t know what world you live in but if a player out performs the terms of his deal he’s stuck playing for that salary until he’s a FA. If a player underperforms the team is stuck paying him until the end of the length of the contract. Bryant owes the Rockies 100% effort nothing more. As for the Rockies front office I don’t disagree they had a surefire third base star signed but instead traded him to the Cardinals and even eat about 5 mil a year to do so then sign Bryant. That is hard to understand. But players don’t just give the money back even if they wanted to the union wouldn’t allow it. I personally don’t think the odds of Bryant returning to peak form are very good especially with his health but I’m not ready to throw the towel in the guys career either. His drop in performance could very well be from a guy trying to push through injury maybe he just needs better luck with his health or a change in preparation routine as he’s aged
Another Anthony rendon
Great comparison. Bryant is quick to get injured and slow to heal. Like Rendon, he gives the impression that he would rather be doing something else on those rare occasions he does play.
Like, at least with Rendon, on paper he was a guy to get and, at the time of the signing, was probably the 2nd best 3B in the NL behind Arenado.
Bryant hadn’t looked like MVP Bryant in a few years when the Giants got him, he didn’t do much in that short stint, the Giants didn’t retain him, and the Rockies were just thrilled that they could buy the worst of the top tier free agents at mid-top market prices because he was a dude Dick Monfort loved in the draft, but we had to “settle” for Jon Gray instead.
But hey he got his guy, and 3 years later Charlie Blackmon, god bless him, is still the face of the team.
As someone who knows very little about Rockies ownership in my opinion they were absolutely nuts signing Kris to that deal , to many years, to much money , could have got him for 5 @ 125 easy, no other team would have outbid them, I feel sorry for Kris & the Rockies fan base.
Why the hell do you feel sorry for Kris Bryant? He’s sitting on his lazy arse collecting millions.
Because he’s injured?
Because he’s not able to compete
It’s almost certain that he works harder than you
Because his “injuries” often linger far longer than they do for most players. Kris Bryant has always struck me as a remarkably gifted athlete who just doesn’t have the heart for the game…a lack of inner drive that could have propelled him to being one of the greats. Instead, he has spent about 70% of his time with Rockies thus far on the injured list.
They were over anxious to fill the star player vacancy left by Arenado forcing his way out.
Hey thanks. I have no issue with KB himself, was was legit looking forward to him knocking some taters in Coors. There’s no way a guy who’s reached his heights DOESN’T want to be out there competing every day, even if he knows the team isn’t going anywhere and he wasn’t gonna be MVP caliber anymore, esp since Betts and Ohtani found their way to the NL. I highly doubt he’s such a poor character that he’s just sandbagging, but at the end of the day he’s not hitting taters and he’s on the IL.
Glad Hunter Goodman is getting playing time
It just looks bad that he’s so injury prone now that he got his payday. I hope he volunteers and gives a lot to the Denver area charities.
Nobody twisted the owner’s arm to agree to that Bryant contract, just the fortune of doing big time investments into pro athletes. Makes one wonder if the same will be said if Othani has a relapse of his pitching arm issue, will the Dodgers be looked at as a good contract offered for just a DH at 700 million. Then look at the future on what Soto is going to ask for to sign next season. It is nothing but a gamble to these teams that dive into the huge contracts are they really worth it. Health is never guaranteed.
Is an internal oblique strain different than the typical oblique strain you hear about? Also, why do these weird sounding injuries always seem to happen to players on ugly contracts?
Why did they trade Nolan Arenado when he was the best 3B of this generation and you cry poor them literally 2 years later you give this player who was already breaking down and showing decline a far worse contract while giving still giving the Cardinals money for Arenado with crap for return. Whoever decided to do those deals if it’s the GM or the owner should never ever be allowed within the State of Colorado again under penalty being strapped to a buffalo while being pelted with yellow snowballs.
Why not just keep Arenado for God’s sake.
I was living in Denver when Arenado was traded, he was so upset according to the media there that the Colorado management was not doing enough to put a winning product on the field and after a few seasons of no vial able improvement of the off season that was a year before they signed Bryant, he issued a demand that he be traded. The only reason they sign Bryant was to use him as a replacement for Arenado as a fan draw.
And before that it was Charlie Blackmon.
“Why not just keep Arenado for God’s sake.”
Because Arenado went all woe-is-me, and his performance declined substantially (and not coincidentally) as a result. You can’t have that on a team. Note that Arenado’s woe-is-me act was/is beginning to happen in St. Louis. But with the NL being so poor this year, it’s possible that a sub-.500 team like StL, and perhaps two of them (!), could make the playoffs. So unless the Cardinals really tank I think we will see Arenado’s attitude and performance improve, and he might not be moved to, for example, the Dodgers. Or the Yankees.
Because our ownership thinks they are smarter than they are. Much smarter. The narrative we sorted in Denver was that Bridich signed the deal in bad faith, didn’t intend to actually follow through on building a winner (Daniel Murphy, anybody? Or more specifically, DJ Lemahieu?), expected to trade Arenado for a boatload of prospect capital and worst case he opts out.
Anyhow Elehuris Montero has a sub-.600 ops.
I always like Bryant but that guy had red flags hanging all over him. First being that Theo Epstein attempted to trade him during the Cubs “competitive window” and then once he hit free agency, neither the Cubs nor Giants wanted anything to do with him. I think most competent front offices would have seen that as a clue and would stay far away from any type of long term commitment.
Bryant and Rendon are competing for current, worst contract in baseball.
Baez would be a close third.
Corbin would like to join the discussion.
Trevor Story would like a seat at the table
Um, Mr. Bogaerts would like a word with you all.
That reads really ugly for all concerned. If your arthritis is severe in 2024, surely it’s evident at the end of ‘21 when you are taking medicals. I wonder if it’s on the list of things to look for.
Well he gets bored pretty easy so hopefully Denver has enough to keep him entertained. Lord knows he has enough time on his hands with his fragile body. Granted, he’s laughing all the way to the bank but what a waste.
AJ Preller advised the Rockies, “You can’t go wrong!”
Xander Bogaerts and Manny Machado are on the same path.
Look on how many teams have signed ugly contracts in the last few years.
Look how many players play under ugly (below market) contracts for the first decade of their careers – nearly all of them
Is he part Cuban
I don’t like to see people injured, but quite frankly the Rockies are a better team with Bryant on the IL. I was really hoping Colorado might have been able to swap Bryant for Jose Abreu, but alas Houston just ate the money instead.
How about Stanton for Bryant instead?
Stanton is actually hitting homers right now.
Maybe McMahon for Stanton and prospects. Ain’t nobody taking Kris Bryant.
That first deal is just silly. Second, there is ALWAYS someone that will take a bad contract if the right incentive is added. Whether it is a prospect added or a bad contract taken back. There is absolutely no such thing as an untradable contract.
I have seen Stanton hit a LOT of homers in Coors in not a lot of games. He holds the record for most consecutive games with a homer in Coors by a visitor at 6. I only mention that because Andrew McCutchen is now at 5 and they mentioned it on the broadcast last night.
I would LOVE that deal. It would be nice to get a DH that can hit homers in the majors on a regular basis.
Perhaps they can swap Bryant for Rendon? Seems an interesting physics (or is it meta physics?) experiment: What happens when anti-matter collides with anti-matter?
“Kris Bryant diagnosed”, easiest articles to write. They basically write themselves.
Owie mcowie
He was a star in Chicago.
“They laughed at me in Bucharest! They laughed at me in Prague!”
“They laughed at you in Buffalo, too.”
“Over Nacho Grande!”
“No. I don’t think I’ll ever be over Nacho Grande”
There’s Chris & there’s Kris.
I feel bad for Bryant with all his injury woes, as you get older the more you have to do to keep the aches and injuries away.
Unfortunately this type of ridiculous contract hand-cuffs this team and there’s no way to recover, they aren’t the Yankees. Good luck winning anytime soon in Colorado.
Worst FA signing ever. Worse than Jason Heyward, at least Heyward tried, Bryant just don’t want to play. He don’t have a problem getting paid though.
It’s 27m for the next 4 years. McMahon is getting 12m next year then 16m for 2 years. Only other significant financial commitments are in their rotation with only Freeland signed beyond 2025. It’s not that bad. They’ve got 5 55 grade position player prospects, all AA and higher. Drafting 3rd this year and will be top 8 if not top 3 next year. They’ll be fine.
Honestly I forget this guy still plays.
“Since, then, however, Bryant underwent an MRI”
How incompetent is this writer and whoever edited the piece (if there even is anybody)? The journalistic standards here are absolute crap. Do better if you want people to subscribe.
And this is why the Rockies will never be good. They had no business signing Bryant with so many pieces away. He was often injured and getting older and they gave him a very lucrative contract… But even if he was playing his best ball how much would it have helped the Rockies? They need help in many areas and could have used Bryant’s money to do that. Instead they have to pay him to sit at home and rehab.
I just hope the Rocks are smart enough to leave him on the bench and let the young guys play, whatever his physical condition.
I remember people hyping Bryant as a future HOFer when he was with the Cubs. Looks like he’s going to be one of the biggest busts in MLB.