MLB commissioner Rob Manfred spoke to reporters (including Evan Drellich of The Athletic) regarding the league’s ongoing investigations into allegations of illegal sports betting against Ippei Mizuhara and David Fletcher. Mizuhara had worked as Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter during his time with the Angels and joined him in heading to the Dodgers this offseason but was fired on Opening Day amid reports connecting Mizuhara to an illegal gambling operation in California, while Fletcher was connected to that same operation by reporting last week.
As noted by Drellich, MLB’s department of investigations has largely been deferential to federal authorities over the course of the investigations. Manfred suggested that this deferential approach was a necessary one, noting that federal authorities have “a lot more tools” at their disposal than the league does with which to conduct investigations in this situation. Drellich explains that while league investigations regarding legal gambling can be assisted by regulators and alerts received by the league’s central office, no such avenues are available in cases of illegal gambling.
“We have no way to know what an illegal bookmaker is doing,” Manfred said, as relayed by Drellich. “…by definition, in most cases we’re going to be chasing, usually a press report or a criminal investigation.”
Manfred went on to suggest that a more proactive approach to the investigations could risk “interfer[ing] in an unproductive way,” prompting the league’s decision to move slowly in its investigations of these cases while following reporting based on investigations from the news media and federal authorities. Reporting earlier this month suggests that Mizuhara is pleading guilty to charges of bank fraud and subscribing to a false tax return in relation with his alleged theft of more than $16MM from Ohtani to fund his gambling habit.
Aside from his comments on the ongoing investigations, Manfred also discussed the impending relocation of the Athletics from Oakland to Las Vegas and their temporary move to Sacramento following the 2024 campaign while they await the construction of their new stadium in Nevada. Manfred notes that Sutter Health Park in Sacramento, which is the current home of the Triple-A Sacramento River Cats, is set to undergo significant renovations in preparation for the A’s arrival next season. Per Manfred, an entirely new home clubhouse will be constructed for the A’s while the visiting clubhouse will be renovating, the field will have new artificial turf installed, and the stadiums cameras will be upgraded to accommodate big league broadcasts.
In addition to discussing the upgrades being made to the club’s temporary ballpark in Sacramento, Manfred noted that the timeline for construction on the club’s permanent ballpark in Las Vegas is a relatively tight one if the club is to begin playing there in 2028, as previously expected. According to Drellich, Manfred indicated that the A’s would need to break ground in Las Vegas in April 2025 if they’re to be ready for Opening Day 2028. That gives the club less than a year to gather private funding for the stadium project, of which they are reportedly seeking $500MM, and reach an agreement with the Las Vegas Stadium Authority regarding a plan for the club to meet its $1.1 billion in commitments toward the construction of the stadium.
Crush the umpire union Manfred do something we can all get behind
I’m not behind that. Every league that has resorted to replacement officials has seen the caliber of officiating plummet.
It can’t get much worse. In the next contact the league has to get control of disciplining bad umps.
They have control over discipline. They just don’t disclose like they do with players.
I think just pivoting CB Buckner and Angel Martinez to an Argentinian Little League will suffice.
Rob Manfred can suck my eggs
Poor Argentinians!
Manfred seems to take the middle road on most issues. I was kind of shocked to read the stage of the A’s Las Vegas stadium plans are at. They made it seem like the money was in the bank it just needed to be built but reading this there seems to be plenty more capital that needs to be raised fairly quickly to be ready by 2028. They still need big money to build that stadium not just a few million
I’m sure the comments on this article will renew all of our hopes for humanity.
I wish we could get the whole Bauer story from Manfred. He must know something the rest of the world doesn’t, because based on what’s public, what Bauer did/didn’t do is pretty light compared to what other players have been suspended for (and for MUCH less time) and allowed back in the league.
Bauer can sign with anyone but no one wants him. Tends to happen when your a mental case. Remember this is the guy who cut his hand on a drone during the alcs so who would want that guy around? plus he just rubs everyone the wrong way. They clearly believe he would be bad for clubhouse chemistry
It seems that way (collusion) but I would argue it’s more of no one wants him because he’s a total bell end, and his alleged off field issues and public distaste for him doesn’t help either.
With all the SP injuries so far this year we can confidently say if he’s not signed by now, he’ll probably stay that way the rest of the year. No doubt there have been many an executive, coach, manager, etc who would sign him in a heartbeat if there was a way to sequester him from the rest of the team and mute his social media. Nobody wants to be asked every other day in a presser why Bauer said or did this or that.
I’d like the story as to why sooooo many men defend this guy? he’s like poster boy Breitbart readers.
I defend him him because I believe in justice. No reasonable person could possibly believe Hill. It’s just impossible.
Now, there are certain players that are such high maintenance that it just isn’t worth having them on your team. If that’s your position, I have no objection.
But to cave into pressure because of allegations that are pretty likely untrue, is just bad for everyone. It will simply encourage more shakedowns.
There are thousands of examples of injustice on the other side of the political scale. How are you on kneeling?
Is that a question regarding FB players kneeling?
I’ll be honest in his whole off field issues and add in his just being a bell end makes it hard to believe him. With that being said as of right now he’s been “cleared” but he can still be charged if more evidence comes to light but until then weather we like or not he’s not guilty. I don’t wanna victim blame because I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle, and who can say some of this is being embellished for a payday because bauer makes himself a target by being rich and an outspoken face of baseball hood or bad.
Imo I don’t want Bauer on my team because he seems like a total bell end and causes rifts in a clubhouse that don’t need to be there
I don’t wanna victim blame because I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle,
I look at these things like if it were my son, a relative, a friend, etc.
If anyone in here wants their son imprisoned for 10-20 years, based on what we know, then I give them credit.
Is there anyone in here that wants their son in prison based on this evidence?
The investigation was closed, he’s not going to prison.
Bauer is innocent, we all know that. BUT, no team wants to sign him for the simple fact that he has an attitude, and a large social media presence. I personally dislike him, he’s full of himself, but that doesn’t mean he’s automatically guilty when he’s not.
“Bauer is innocent, we all know that.”
No, no one actually knows that because none of us were there.
1: Have you seen the “evidence” they have?
2: Have you ever heard the term “Innocent until proven guilty”?
I can’t stand him, but judging by the evidence(or lack thereof), he’s innocent.
I have no reason whatsoever to follow this sordid tale about a weirdo who likes beating women.
I have no clue as to why any sane person would?
I think he’s weird, and possibly did some unethical things, but I don’t believe he did anything illegal.
The problem is that we live in a very soft world and I’m sure a number of teams WANT to sign him, but are afraid of getting cancelled or having protests outside their stadium by the woke mafia.
7t :
1-You haven’t seen the actual evidence either because there was no presentation in court. All any of us have heard is what the media has told us.
2-Innocent until proven guilty is a presumption in our legal system but only he knows if he is truly innocent. The presumption doesn’t actually make you innocent.
No one wants to sign him. He has a bad employment history outside his shenanigans. That’s the bottom line despite any of the extreme crap being put out there.
I have heard from people I played with in the minors who work various roles with different teams’ front offices “no one will touch him with a ten foot pole”. I have heard enough stories of dealing with his crap at his three stops to believe it. Enough said.
You haven’t seen the actual evidence either because there was no presentation in court.
But we have. We have Hill’s texts and the photo of her sleeping blissfully right after she said she was viciously attacked.
Did you not see it?
Joe Brady – Until there is full discovery from both sides and a presentation of evidence in court, no one piece proves the case either way. One thing I know is that there is always two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth.
You’re right the world is so soft. We should go back to a time when beating women was accepted with a smile and a “thank you, sir, may I have another”. Don’t procreate, Ryan.
Having never been charged with a crime, let alone tried for one, he is neither innocent nor guilty. He did however violate his terms of employment as contained in the CBA, a finding made in two separate hearings at which evidence was presented. On that evidence he was handed lengthy suspensions. The fact that he is unable now to acknowledge that he violated his terms of employment is why he remains unemployed. This is his choice. End of story. So all the amateur Perry Masons out there just need to let it go. You are totally hunting down the wrong trail anyway.
Why hasn’t Bauer been signed by an MLB team? Because he’s a complete and utter @$$hole with a $#!+ ton of baggage. No team wants that headache.
I agree unless he was the second coming of cy young himself no one wants a complete bell end on there team with a ton of baggage alleged or otherwise. To support my theory on this is look at ray rice, granted his was more of age and performance drop off for rbs hitting 30 but the theory applies, which is if your talent isn’t hof caliber then no one is gonna touch ya because of the bull crap.
Even Barry Bonds couldn’t land a job coming off a great season. At some point, any player is too much of a headache.
Fletcher is about to find out what happens to gamblers when you’re not the golden calf.
Sure the Braves would love to either have his contract voided by mlb or suspended for gambling save them lots of money
Fletcher is about to end up in federal prison.
Meanwhile, they have Bet MGM and Draft Kings ads on the field and in game commercials. They wonder why there is a problem when they got in bed with gambling. Of course Robby the robot didn’t mention that, just as he doesn’t mention the advantage large markets have with their massive local TV deals.
Come on man don’t insult rob the robot like that, he was the second best accessory for the Nintendo next to the zapper
This one belongs to the Reds
They wonder why there is a problem when they got in bed with gambling.
Just to let you know, Ippie was placing bets with an illegal bookie. Like millions of Americans before him.
Joe. I’m thinking “millions of Americans” still do? Why? Bigger return on winnings compared to betting through legal ones. Yes? IE. if it’s illegal gambling then that means the IRS is out of the loop?
Yea, I remember those DraftKings ads back when Pete Rose got in trouble too.
Possibly. There is something to be said about a bookie in the corner of a dark bar. Especially if they buy the occasional beer.
I guess we’ll find out about the IRS when the bookie has to come up with the $16,000,000 he owes the IRS, assuming the FBI report of $40M in losses is correct.
@c yards jeff
It’s not so much that there getting “bigger” returns, but more of that shady bookie in the corner of the bar is gonna offer you “credit”. The problem is when it’s time to pay the “tab” and either you have the funds or your doing a “favor” for that bookie that might end you up with some serious time and your in a position that you can’t say no.
Don Corleone approved of this message lmao
No wonder the Angels performed so poorly last year Fletcher and Mizuhara On the take no wonder the whole team as a group played so poorly
Mizuhara Was running the show last year
The A’s will never make it to Vegas.
They’ll find a way here to Vegas. They already closed down the casino where the stadium will be built. They wouldn’t have done that if they knew for certain the A’s would be in Vegas by 2028. They already trademarked Las Vegas A’s and Vegas A’s.
Hotel was getting torn down anyways
I was just in Vegas a couple weeks ago. Drove by the site. They are already making a ton of progress on the demolition of the Tropicana.
It was getting torn down because of the A’s going to Vegas.
And when the A’s don’t end up in Vegas, they’ll put a new casino up instead.
Yep, the Tropicana was building a new site regardless.
It’s already set in motion.
Not with Fisher as the owner.
Last Dive Bar trademarked Las Vegas A’s and Las Vegas Athletics. Fisher and the A’s trademarked Sacramento A’s and Sacramento Athletics.
It’s pretty easy to get to.
Curiously, the municipality has reportedly sold its 50% stake in the coliseum to a 3rd party group who seeks to redevelop the area including a mixed use surrounding complex for a bit over $100m.
Any chance at an over/under that fisher either partners with them and the As stay put, or, he does an end around and buys their interest out?
Not sure how they can proceed with redevelopment of the coliseum site while fisher retains 50% ownership…
I would think Fisher sells after this season to raise a portion of the private funds needed for the LV ballpark, but who knows at this point.
He would have to pay a 20 percent tax to the owners if he does. It’s in the agreement they agreed to.
Any chance at an over/under that fisher either partners with them and the As stay put,
I think Vegas is 100% guaranteed. Manfred doesn’t make mistakes like this. Fisher is a wildcard, but the MLB FO probably has every vote, every date, and every nickel and dime locked down.
BTW, how are the cars going?
And if you were to buy semi-new, would you be inclined to buy something like a 21-22 Mustang GT, or something else in that price range?
Haven’t done much of anything with em Joe. Fixed a towing wiring issue on the 8.1L truck, but that’s been all.
I’m actually *extremely* familiar with the s550 mustangs – we own two GTs and a V6 as original owners. I’d be more than happy to give you some pointers on them, but, i’ve got a couple questions which will help me guide you a bit. (Yes, I’m a big fan of them, generally, but different years *do* have some things to watch out with)
1) pure pleasure/weekend car, or, daily driven in summers? (Ie mileage/year usage)
2) manual or automatic?
3) long term keeper, or, something you flip on a trade-in 4 or 5 years from now?
1-It would be my main car, but would expect much mileage, unless we go to Charleston, or the Kentucky Derby, etc., but even that wouldn’t make a material difference.
2-Automatic. I don’t want to go to any effort.
3-Last car. I’d like it to maintain its value, but I wouldn’t be doing it to make money. I’d like to drive it until my kid takes my keys away. Hopefully not for another 15 years or so, but by that time, I will be old enough to run for president for either side, and the SS will have me covered.
OK Joe, here’s the breakdown on them. For purposes of this discussion, I’m excluding the gt350/gt500/mach1/etc etc editions.
The nice thing about mustang GTs is lots of people use them as weekend cars so there’s PLENTY of sub-20k miles cars available. I’d say even sub 10k isn’t impossible to find.
I’m going to deviate from your years suggested just because of the low mileage options, and go through the s550 styles.
To let the cat out of the bag, I’d personally look for a 2016 or 2017 GT due to novelty reasons, but here goes, and, it’s long. Too bad we can’t bounce these ideas around over a beer watching a game.
2015 was a first year car. I *always* avoid first year cars on a refresh because there’s lots of harder to find one year only parts.
If you’re into nostalgia, 2015-2016 were the only years with an extra turn signal blinker built into the hood heat extractors like classic vintage mustangs. It’s cool to me. You *can* retrofit those into any 2015-2017 car pretty easily (happy to tell you how) but, the 2018 redesign means 2018-up can’t get it.
You’ve also got the gen 2 coyote 5.0l vs the gen 3 coyotee, I prefer the gen 2 motor which means a 2017 cutoff.
2015-2017 generally had better gearing. *if* you change your mind on manual, avoid 2018. Tons of problem with the redesigned clutch and shift fork again, “1st year problems” in the newer body. 2018+ also got the dual disk clutch, and 2019+ went to rev matching. But, when it comes to the newer models, they began neutering the turning on the motors which cost hp and torque. Not a ton mind you, -10hp/-10lb ft in a given year to yesr, but, they weakened the tune on the engine management. Your later years, the 2020s and 2021 and such did get more possible bells and whistles like lane assist, emergency braking, etc. All that comes at an expense or course with things to break.
There’s tons of options in different years as far as niche trip packages and colors, and, one question is if you prefer a 100% digital gauge setup or if you like the physical analog needles for your mph/rpm/gas, etc with just a maube 3 or 4″ center screen between the needles. Your later models I think after ’19, could have a wifi Hotspot in a talled in-car even.
I’d vote a 2016/17 if you wanted to have the cool hood turn signals and a simpler more analog set up along with a 6spd auto and gen 2 motor.
If you want gen3 and more bells/whistles, 2019-2022 is a good range to work with and look for s a special edjtion of unique colors and options you like. It’ll be gen3 and 10spd.
I’d recommend only looking at ‘gt premium’ trim levels in any year, but, beware the magneride option that later became standard on top trim levels. If history working on cars has told me one thing, it’s parts like that which get discontinued and hard to service. (Reman parts are always questionable.)
There are 3 big issues to watch for on all s550 mustangs (2015-2023):
1) the hoods suffer from galvanic corrosion at random. This makes the paint peel off in sheets. At the factory when making and painting hoods, fine iron particles got into the seams around the underside hood edge. There’s no fix/prevention, but, IMO you keep the car inside, amd, hand wash/dry the hood, including the underside seams, and keeping it clean and dry seems to help. First sign is it looks like slight bubbling on an edge, above or beneath, almost like weld splatter.
2) a good number of the cars suffer from a/c system failure where the condenser needs to be replaced – requiring removal of seats, dashboard, console, all the rest to get it out due to design. It’s a several thousand dollar repair at a shop, IF you need it. Perhaps extended warranty can help.
3) some people complain about finer fit and finish details, ESPECIALLY now that the cars cost as much as they do nee, even compared to 2015. You need to be careful with the narrow recessed window channels around the rear glass. The paint was VERY thin from the factory. The paint can wear away. Especially on outdoor kept cars. So keep it clean, touched up, etc. Other thin paint areas are mostly in non-readily visible areas like door bottoms, hinges, etc etc. The rubber seals around the side windows can shrink and warp a little. Won’t lead to water intrusion, but, does make a little noise, and, is visible up close. Wasn’t as big a deal when it was a 30k new car, but, when we’re pushing 50k now, many expect better.
4) easy to fix, but, they have TINY batteries, I’m talking 390 CCA!!! The good news though is that there *is* room to upgrade to larger – and I did, since, as they age and lost efficiency a bigger battery will be able to keep going longer. All about penny pinching.
Still, they’re overall good cars for what they are. We bought ours new. One is up to 24k miles, bur the other is pushing 160k. The low mileage one has had *nothing* but fluids and tiree (due to age, not wear.) The 160k miles car has had a songle set of brake pads, pads only no rotors, and, were only 1/2 worm at 100k mile mark, it also had wiper blades, one set of tires, and a recall on the throttle body along with a hood replacement 3 days before the warranty for early tiny bubbles of that corrosion issue. It’s also been rear ended by a lifted suv, hit on the side in a parking lot, rear ended again, rear ended a 3rd time, had a jeep suv side swipe it by merging into the car while driving, amd hit on the passenger fender. As you can tell, it’s pretty safe for what it is, and, resilient/repairable. The 5 star ratings are there for a reason. Overall, religious maintenance seems to have kept ours on the road reliably, and, it’s our cross country road trips car thus the mileage.
There is a Ford dealership that sells deeply discounted ESPs regardless of where a vehicle was bought, I want to say Lombard ford pops in my head, but, anyways, it gets around that a/c system problem.
I’m sure I’m leaving out plenty as I’ve had my meds, but, overall been very reliable. They come with more standard equipment than competing cars, and, you get more bang for your buck in option packages. Just a thought no sunroofs offered, ever.
Thanks a lot. Being an accountant, I will have to read this lie 10x before it sinks in. And I never liked sun roofs. If I wanted the sun beating on my head, I’d be walking, not driving.
I will have to read this **like**
Ohtani didn’t know!
Right. And I’m the Easter Bunny.
Well then you went way too short on the chocolate in my basket this year. More chocolate, less jelly beans next year please.
I loved everything about Ronnie Reagan, but could never, ever get past the jelly bean thing.
How are things down the rabbit hole?
Was that an Easter Bunny reference or a White Rabbit reference?
Neither. Either. Both.
Either did Scotty, and Scotty lost a lot more.
He investigated himself and cleared himself of any wrongdoing.
Manfred must know (and be taking into account) that letting the A’s go from Oakland without a firm plan in hand (especially with A’s management being the way it is) is going to make for chaos–and perhaps even more $grabs from ownership. Will Manfred need to use MLB dollars to help the A’s?
I’m almost 100% sure he has that in the back of his mind. Same with all the TV contracts. He’s probably hoping to have the issues resolve themselves, but if he needs to, he’ll cut a check for $100M or so to finish the job.
I’d also bet that he has agreements with prospective owners if Fisher goes sideways. I believe that Manfred has previously forced owners’ hands “in the best interest of baseball”.
I’m sure he would love to move HQ to Vegas after the move. He can get his marching orders directly then.
Salt Lake City just poached the Coyotes from Phoenix. They already have $900M in public funding, owners, land designated, and political support for an MLB team. If Vegas falls through the A’s will get sold to the Larry H Miller group in Salt Lake. They are WAY ahead of the game vs a brand new owner like Joe Lacob. Howard Terminal is now no longer available for a stadium, that deadline just passed.
Yeah, of course the Howard Terminal deadline has passed, as they’re playing in Sacramento next year, and for the coming future, too when the Vegas plan doesn’t work out. Sacramento is a strong possibility of where the A’s will play. Did I also mention the A’s are playing in Sacramento for the next few years? They’re playing in Sacramento next year, they announced it a couple of months ago.
Maybe Fisher can work with Mizuhara’s bookmaker to find the $500m he needs to finance his Vegas move?
There is a certain amount of exultant power in being able to go to a town and say, “I am a billionaire. Please give me $500 million of your money so that I can build a park for my profit. In return, I will allow you to buy tickets and overpriced concessions.“
The power cuts both ways. Cities can’t just create jobs, personal income tax, sales tax, parking tax, etc., out of thin air.
My guess is the NYC gets absolutely no less than $30M. The NYCEDC anticipate $606M in economic activity from the Yankees. Most of that generates taxes.
That’s a poor answer. All those things that you mention would happen anyway. Crummy blue collar seasonal jobs, Temporary construction jobs, those all go away, but while they exist they exist whether the city pays for them or not.
Everything you mention would happen even if the city says,”nah, YOU pay for the park.”
There is absolutely no reason for the city to pay for the park.
What you’re saying is that if the city pays half $1 billion they will eventually get it back from the taxpayers. The city would
Merely be getting back their own money! And losing money in the bargain because 500 mil spent is 500 mil not being used in other more productive ways.
How about the team owners paying for the park instead?
The city giving away money is inexcusable, especially to billionaires who don’t need it.
MLB needs to push Oakland owner to sell franchise to Nashville group. Move KC to West division put Nashville in Central and be done with it. In Nashville it will grow to a respectable franchise it now is not
$17m being stolen from a guy without him knowing is just not plausible. Now, a teammate of Ohtani was using the same bookmaker? C’mon man. My bank freezes my account and makes me jump through hoops when there’s a suspicious $50 transaction. Ohtani didn’t have a massive net worth, in relation to $17m, during the time the money was “taken” from him. The story doesn’t add up. To put in perspective, it would be like $17k being taken from a typical 45 year old American’s saving account without them knowing. That’s just not plausible. There’s more to this story, and I think a freedom of information act application should get it.
And today’s double frowny award goes to…
🙁 🙁
The A’s New Stadium SAGA IS NOT OVER.
I expect many more twists and turns in this long running A’s saga that MBL’s “SELF INFLICTED WOUND BY BUD SELIG, ROB MANFRED, MLB AND THE SF Giants current Ownership Group.
Fisher does not have the cash and credit to come up with 500M-1B that will be required to develop the Las Vegas strip site.
State of Nevada Elected Public Officials have only committed 380-400M in a rushed middle of the night vote not approved by Nevada taxpayers.
Opposing, Nevada based groups are challenging use of Nevada taxpayer dollars for a new A’s stadium in Las Vegas.
There are continuing lawsuits against the Las Vegas deal
And, even though one Nevada Court blocked a citizens initiative to get the issue of blocking public funding for an A’s stadium in Nevada on the ballot in ’24, Nevada’s opposition groups are dead set on putting the initiative stripping the public funding contribution for the A’s stadium deal on the Nevada ballot in 2025.
Polling shows that 65% of Nevadans would vote No on a ballot preposition for public funding of the A’s stadium in Nevada.
“Plan B” appears to be faltering”.
Voter trends Nationwide show voters rejecting public welfare diverting taxpayer funds to private purposes for billionaire sports owners to build their private, for profit stadiums to support their private business interests and teams IS IN PUBLIC DISFAVOR.
Kansas City Voters just rejected a ballot initiative giving public funds to build and upgrade stadiums for the Chiefs (Winners of 2 Super Bowls in a Row) and MLB’s KC Royals.
“Plan A 1”.
Fisher was rejected for financing for the Jack London Square SF Bay Stadium on the Oakland side of the Bay.
(Fisher could have swallowed his pride and partnered with Warriors Owner Joe Lacob and Saved the Jack London Square A’s stadium deal)
It would have been privately financed and funded.
“Plan A2” was Joe Lacob’s Offer to build a brand new state of the art
A’s MLB stadium ( WITH PRIVATE FUNDS AND FINANCING) in the parking lot of the present Coliseum and then tear down the Old Oakland Alameda County Coliseum for parking, redevelopment and other uses
Nevada Legislature and Las Vegas Mayor are both very skeptical that Fisher can come up with the money & investors to complete his share of the proposed LV deal.
Nevada legislature specifically put funding for “A’s or MLB expansion team” in their legislation.
Billionaires and centimillionaires are highly unlikely to fork over 100’s of millions and/or up to a billion dollars to Fisher who has proven his ineptitude and incompetence as A’s Owner.
Better to pivot to the Joe Lacob (Warriors Owner) offer that is still “open and on the table” according to Lacob)
Lacob offered Fisher a partnership many years ago that would have given Fisher a sizable stake in the Warriors before the Warriors dynastic run and before Lacob built the New Chase Arena in SF for the Warriors with private funds and credit.
Lacob’s offer would build the A’s a New State of the Art Stadium in the SF Bay Area with private funds and financing. (Oakland or elsewhere in SF Bay Area).
Joe Lacob is a proven winner who gets things done as you can see with the Golden State Warriors dynasty and New privately funded Chase Arena in SF.
Joe Lacob has all the personal connections and goodwill with California and SF Bay Area elected officials and “movers and shakers” that Fisher does not have.
A Joe Lacob Managing Partner of the A’s would be a “complete 180 degree turn that could save the A’s for the SF Bay Area and get them the financing for a state of the art MLB stadium in the SF Bay Area in a “fast track”.
Plan C Vivek Ranadivé is the Chairman, CEO, and Owner of the Sacramento Kings.
Remember, Vivek Ranadive a high tech business owner helped save the NBA Kings for Sacramento.
Ranadive boldly purchased the Kings from the Maloof family that
had a controversial and troubled reign as Kings Owners.(like Fisher with the A’s).
The Maloof family shopped the team to other cities including Anaheim.
Kings Owner Ranadive was the driving force in getting the Kings a New Arena
(Golden 1 Center) in Sacramento replacing the Arco Arena.
It is no secret that if Fisher, the A’s, Manfred strike out in LV stadium sweepstakes, that Ranadive is positioning himself to have the inside track on making the A’s a permanent fixture in Sacramento.
The Kings are already taking over ticketing, stadium employees and many of the overlapping Front Office duties of A’s Employees in Oakland.
King’s Owner Ranadive is not running a charity.
He sees himself as a legitimate future MLB Owner.
Ranadive is positioning himself for the “inside track” to
buy the A’s if the LV deal goes south like if the public financing component in LV is blocked by Nevada citizens etc.
Ranadive was an important part of the Kings getting a New NBA Arena in Sacramento. He thinks he can get the A’s a New MBL stadium in Sacramento also.
I’d much rather read you guys’ comments about cars than whether the A’s are going to actually move (my bet’s on them either staying in Sac’to or SLC stealing Vegas’ “boyfriend.”).