Yesterday, ESPN’s Jeff Passan reported that MLB’s Competition Committee was considering trimming two seconds off the pitch clock when runners are on base. That isn’t the only potential rule change under discussion this offseason.
Ken Rosenthal of the Athletic reports a number of additional, fairly minor, alterations that’ll be considered. Perhaps most notable would be a requirement that pitchers work from the stretch whenever a runner is on base. Pitchers tend to work from the stretch to hold runners on but sometimes throw from a full windup or hybrid delivery when there’s a runner on third given the unlikelihood of that runner trying to steal home.
The committee is also considering reducing the number of mound visits per team in a game from five to four. A team that used all four would still get one extra visit in the ninth inning.
Another potential change: requiring a pitcher that warms up to face at least one batter. A pitcher who comes out of the bullpen is already required to face at least one hitter, barring injury. Unless that pitcher completes an inning within the first hitter or two, they have to go up against a minimum of three batters.
That only applies for a new pitcher entering the game, however. A pitcher who has faced three or more hitters and concluded the preceding inning can warm up for the beginning of an ensuing frame before being subbed out. While a rare occurrence, this sometimes happens when the batting team calls for a pinch-hitter that spurs a pitching change, usually to mitigate the pinch-hitter’s platoon advantage. Since the oncoming reliever throws warm-up pitches of his own, that can lead to consecutive warm-up breaks with no at-bat, causing a few minutes of dead time. Requiring a pitcher who warms up to face the first hitter would eliminate that occurrence (while offering a slight advantage to the offense in such scenarios).
Free agent infielder Whit Merrifield, one of the player representatives on the committee, proposed a change designed to prevent fielders from blocking a runner’s direct path to any base. The goal of that proposal is to minimize fielder-runner collisions and eliminate scenarios in which an infielder uses his lower body while receiving a throw to shield a runner from sliding into a base. That happens somewhat frequently on stolen base attempts.
Rosenthal covers a few more changes under consideration in a piece that’s worth a full read for those interested in rules minutia. The competition committee consists of six MLB officials, four player representatives and umpire Bill Miller. A simple majority can implement those changes without approval of the Players Association, essentially giving MLB control over on-field rules adjustments.
A pitcher that “warms up” must face at least 1 batter. Huh??? What does that even mean?? If he walks into the pen and adjusts his cup does that constitute a warm up?? Does he have to throw a pitch? Does he have to merely cross the threshold of the bullpen entrance? So confused.
It means the defense cannot have a pitcher on the mound warming up BETWEEN innings and then change pitchers before the first batter. I like the thought behind the idea, but if you change pitchers after the first batter, you really aren’t saving any time at all. Just postponing the second warm up. Seems unnecessary.
I think it is intended to save some time by eliminating the wasted first warmup, not the 2nd. The scenarios I can think of would either be a manager buying a bit more time for a RP to warm up in the pen, or intentionally not subbing out a pitcher to encourage the other manager to bring in a pinch hitter, which he could then counter by making the call to the pen. I would agree making a rule like this seems unnecessary.
I totally missed that paragraph in the middle lol.. Disregard my captain obvious post. Pointless rule change
good – What I want to know, was there a competition to get on the Competition Committee?
Players will just start warming up in a clubhouse facility. It’s definitely a ridiculous proposal.
Time to chaperone these relievers properly!
Build a sauna in the clubhouse and warm up a pitcher properly!
I heard Manfred also wants players who have to go #1, must also go #2 and not wipe before coming into a game.
Well, if you actually read the article, it’s laid out pretty simply. Then you wouldn’t be asking questions that are answered IN the article.
I didn’t understand the articles wording and appreciated the extra articulation ♂️
What if the pitcher gets hurt before coming in the game, or gets hurt facing his lst batter? Guess he’s gotta stay in the game because of THE rules? Please just the gate alone, you dopes on a rope!
Injury would obviously bypass the rule and they’d be allowed to make the change.
Wouldn’t requiring the hitting team to declare their pinch hitter before the warmup starts be a cleaner more time efficient approach?
Wow. Your reading comprehension skills are really pathetic.
As stupid as that rule is, if it becomes the rule, then the hitter who warms up must face that pitcher.
What it means with warm up must face batter is that a pitcher that was in the previous inning than goes out to warm up for the start of the next inning has to face a batter before he can be removed. This is going stop a team from
sending the pitcher back out for next inning than changing the managers mind in a situation such as a pitch hitter etc.
Yeah I had to read the passage twice. I think Franco could have worded it better. At first I took it as though any pitcher warming up in the bullpen would have to face a batter – which is a ridiculously bad idea. Then I realized they’re talking about warming up on the mound in the field of play. I’m actually okay with that change.
“We propose rule changes that bar any player or team from playing with any strategy. 27 up, 27 down, no pitcher changes, no stealing, no balls, no throws between field positions. Only home run derby from now on.”
C’mon…. This is getting insane. They’re killing the game one tiny change at a time. It’s death by a thousand cuts.
No TTO, these are merely “minor” changes. You aren’t even supposed to notice.
This from a guy who obviously didn’t read the article. Your attention span isn’t long enough to read a 2 minute article and you wonder why they’re trying to shorten the game.
Option 2, you haven’t paid attention to the last 15 years and Trillionaire has.
Not to out my age range, but I’ve been watching live games religiously season in and season out since the days of mullets and mustaches dominating the players’ aesthetics unironically. I’ve been watching since well before Goose Gossage retired. I’ve been watching since Barry Bonds was a Pittsburgh Pirate. I’ve been watching since before Michael Jordan won an NBA title. I’ve been watching since The Righteous Brothers were as big as Drake. I’ve been watching since…. you get the point.
There’s this weird sense that you CAN’T change or tweak rules in sports. Why? You have to change the rules when the game evolves. Basketball added the shot clock. Soccer eliminated the back pass. MLB just shaved 25 minutes off game time with the pitch clock. Good for all of them
no, they didn’t elimanate the “pass back”
Sorry if you prefer they “instituted the back-pass rule”
if you are refering to how the keeper. can’t pick up the ball, then yes I agree
Just keep things the way they are right now. Further tinkering is absolutely ridiculous.
Can we give some credit where credit is due? The only rule change that has been terrible is the extra inning runner thing – I think they should allow at least 1 extra regular inning, and then put the runner on if the game isn’t settled in 10 or 11 innings.
BUT pretty much every other rule has been a success. I love the pitch clock, the shifting rules made it seem somewhat like real baseball again, not an analytic scheme. I like the pitching 3 batter minimum.
Give them some grace with these rules – they’ve done pretty well so far.
I think you are right, but that extra inning rule is for everyone other than the fan.
Everyone within the games loves it.
I give them no grace. I don’t think ANY changes were/are needed. I am just 1 person/MLB fan though. Don’t mind me.
How about the enforcement of the 20 second pitch clock? That rule has been on the books for decades.
Defensive shifts have been around for 150 years. First, second, and third basemen used to have to play two steps from the bag, but they changed it to allow them to play whenever, and the last decade was a furthering of that.
The 20 second pitch clock has been around for a hundred years. The umpires never enforced it., the pitchers never abused it.
The shift has been around 100. Years, the managers seldom used it.
The game evolved to necessitate eforcement and rule changed.
Just sack the ghost runner. The rest are trash.
“Let’s prevent pitcher injuries by imposing more rules on pitchers!”
Very good point darkside.
Not to mention forcing them to hurry their pitches, or forcing them to pitch in a manner in which they may be uncomfortable.
These changes are ignorant.
Plus, what if a guy warms up in the pen, and just doesn’t have his stuff that day…You mean to tell me the manager has to use him anyways!?! Eff that, I’d just say he felt a tweak while warming up, and get around that crap.
You shouldn’t be forced to throw a guy, just because he warms up. What about guys having in-game BP sessions, will they be forced to pitch as well!?!
Its all just absolute trash…
The only rule that makes any sense is the last one proposed by Merrifield. It involves player safety, doesn’t make any major changes to a player’s habits, and it’ll potentially help prevent collisions and lower leg and hand injuries…That’s a rule that should be looked at, because IT MAKES SENSE.
The rest of these are just making changes solely for the sake of making a change.
@richard I’m pretty sure they are talking about warming up on the mound
Doesn’t make sense. Must be bullpen. Never seen a pitcher take the mound and not pitch.
If they are I horribly misread it…lol
My bad, but honestly with some of these ignorant proposals, I wouldn’t be surprised..
Yeah, I misread it as well. The actual proposal is a little less stupid.
It’s written poorly. I have to believe they mean a mound warm-up after coming in from the BP. I’ve actually never seen a pitcher warm up on the mound then be swapped with another pitcher for another warm-up. It’s still stupid. If a manager doesn’t like the pinch hitter coming up, he should have the option. They are removing any and all strategy from the game in exchange for shaving a couple minutes off. They are trying to attract low attention span viewers who will never be long term fans. Short term gains never make up for long term losses.
Requiring a pitcher to pitch out of the stretch when a runner is on base?
C’mon now…
Sounds like change for change sake?
And shaving two more seconds = stupid. Admit, I was all for the pitch clock, so give it a few seasons.
I’ll quote one of the criminals I watch on a certain youtube channel “ya’ll doin too much”
Let’s make an incentive for batters to actually swing more by eliminating extra innings entirely and breaking ties with hits and then the farthest hit…
Why not introduce the batter pitch challenge that’s being used in AAA, I really enjoyed how it added strategy and reduced batter anger!
No, that would actually require logic to be used for the committee to think of that.
Why not just get the calls right and do away with challenges
because there is an umpires union that is quite powerful and they will never allow for robots to replace umpires!
These seem to be sensible rule changes
Despite what the old men are yelling about
a bit derogatory eh?!
Kudos to Whit Merrifield for suggesting something. And it’s interesting to see the suggestion coming from a guy with an “old fashioned” playing style.
His proposition is reasonable, kinda seems like it is already a rule (or should be).
Basically the buster posey rule and slide rule+
I’ve always hated infielders blocking bases. When I knew it was coming I slid late with my cleats high.
But I didn’t always know it was coming and nothing pissed me off more than getting to the base before the ball only to have the fielder block me off the bag.
I still get upset when I think about it.
At this point, they might as well change the name of the game.
The only rule that should be implemented out of these ignorant proposals is the last one by Whit Merrifield.
Why!? Player safety, it would be a good rule that wouldn’t change much, but could help prevent countless hand/leg injuries from fielders and base runners alike.
All of the rest of the rules for “time saving purposes” are just nonsense. There’s no other purpose for these rules, other than to shave seconds or a minute or two off the game, and you’re disrupting the game for something that will have basically little to no effect on speeding up the game.
Manfred needs to STOP CHANGING THINGS SOLELY FOR CHANGE SAKE, or to speed up the game. The game is fine how it is. Use this time, energy, and money to better promote your players, or to create more direct fan interaction with players. That’s what will help the game grow, not these ridiculous changes proposed here…
They keep it up, they’re going to make the game more difficult for the casual fan to understand, and they’re going to continue to turn people off.
I’ve NEVER encountered a more inept leader than Rob Manfred, he just needs to go.
“I’ve NEVER encountered a more inept leader than Rob Manfred, he just needs to go.”
Really? You’re incredibly lucky
I meant in major, professional sports, but I thought that was clearly implied.
My bad, should’ve been more clear, but I’ve never witnessed a worse commissioner EVER. Manfred is terrible, out of touch, and has no idea how to grow the game of baseball. He’s obsessed with the length of games, yet he does nothing to improve the fan experience or make broadcasts more easily accessible. He does nothing to promote the players, outside of making them available to the press after games.
Spot on richardc. Promote the players more effectively, create more direct fan interaction and grow the game of baseball. The star power and quality of play in the league is incredible right now, but very poorly marketed overall.
They also need to make the games way more accessible and affordable bringing all RSN broadcasts into the fold with no blackouts. or require all RSNs including team-owned to offer direct to consumer streaming packages. Having to pay $100/mo to get ROOT sports on fubo is not good for the sport.
Manfred doesn’t seem too concerned about any of this.
I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Well stated.
The insanity of it all, is we both know this as fans. Now, we might be fans that are more informed than your average fan, but still, if we can identify all of this, shouldn’t it be obvious!?
The fact they’re considering more minor “time saving” rule changes, and not announcing anything new in terms of advertising or increasing the fan experience is one glaring reason why baseball has fallen behind football and basketball.
It’s like you said, there are so many intriguing, young, and diverse talents all across baseball right now, yet the average fan wouldn’t even recognize half of them if they bumped into them on the street.
How are you so inept that you don’t see the disconnect!?! It just blows my mind how out of touch Manfred remains.
He’s paid an $18M salary by the owners to be a yes-man. I guess I’d be pretty ineffective too if I had 30 bosses and all of them were out of touch billionaires.
I fall out of love with MLB more and more with each passing day.
Loving back to back reliever warm-ups is weird, but you do you
I’m beginning to think your Manfred’s burner
Merrifield’s proposal is the only good one. although I’m sure the umps and replay experts will mess it up like they frequently do with the ‘no blocking’ rule on plays at the plate. The rest are pointless.
Other changes I would like:
-eliminate the extras runner in favor of letting games end in a tie after 9 or 10 (reg season)
-robo strike zone
-faster instant replays
While it could add reviews where the runner is called out but might have been blocked, it would eliminate those where the ump missed that the fielder blocked the runner from reaching the base. Probably a net reduction in challenges since fielders will stop doing it.
It reminds me of a story I read in a book in the 80s (possibly Ron Luciano or Bob Uecker). Joe Torre began as a catcher but started playing first as his career went on. On a pickoff attempt, he blocked the runner’s hand by dropping his knee to the ground as he would blocking home as a catcher. The runner was pissed off that he jammed his hand in Torre’s shin. Next time, he slid in feet first and spiked Torre’s leg. Torre didn’t block the base again.
Much of the blocking issue would end if runners stopped sliding head first.
One change I’d like to see is changing the three batter minimum to two batters if the batting team pinch hits. This would add some strategy to both teams about when to do it. The batting manager would have to decide if a certain matchup was worth the possibility of only facing a pitcher twice.
Do away with the balk and checked swing calls
That’s insanity. If that’s the case, the pitcher could easily pick off runners left and right. Not to mention, they could just stop mid delivery and restart their motion whenever they wanted, purposely messing with the hitter’s timing.
I’ve got 2 similarly “brilliant” changes to speed-up games:
1) 3 balls & you get awarded third base.
2) When a batter hits an HR, he no longer needs to run the bases; instead, he can either:
a) Drop his pants & moon the pitcher for 15 seconds , or
b) Give the pitcher the finger for 15 seconds.
Put me on the rules committee! I can be as dumb as these idiots!
I particularly like the suggestions in line 2 subsection a)…
However I don’t think the full “bums rush” is appropriate. I would keep the underpants on the hitter, but take the opportunity for some advertising on the underpants is a chance Manfred would leap at. George Brett & haemorroid cream perhaps.
And the fans could of course join in. Fan involvement, ad opportunities, what’s not to like.
Plus the idea of Max Muncy & Madison Bumgarner “conversing” in this manner would have been priceless…
I’ll see you on the committee.
Brazen, obtuse attempts to force more offense in the game at the expense of the pitching and defense. For God’s sake can somebody please explain to me what was ‘wrong’ with the game the way it was?
Tons of dead time
From 3 hours and some change to 2:40 fantastic. Certainly doesn’t warrant 15 amendments. A blind man can see this isn’t about dead time, it’s clearly about forcing action. I don’t think it should come at the expense of the pitching and defense. Furthermore like somebody previously stated they’re taking strategy out one cut at a time. Pull hitters can’t bat .250+ anymore so rather than allow players to adjust and earn their millions we rewarded that approach. The examples are endless.
“A blind man can see this isn’t about dead time, it’s clearly about forcing action.”
What do you think the difference between those two things is
Yes, the changes are about reducing dead time and getting more action into the game.
The changes are intended to allow for more commercials, not more action. Whatever “more” action created is forced or false, like more strikeouts, more groundouts, more flyouts. There is less strategy now in this “thinking man’s game.” Stealing 2nd is easier than before because of a rule change.
I’m as skeptical as anyone when it comes to business, but how are things like fewer pitching changes supposed to increase the number of commercials?
Stealing bases is easier, yes, because of a rule change, in order to increase the value of stolen base attempts and balls in play. There’s less reason to steal a base then there are relatively fewer more home runs and fewer singles
People need to look more rationally at things and no at everything as a moral failing.
You got a lot of typos there, bro, so your meaning is unclear. I get you don’t agree. I didn’t geek out & calculate any ratios regarding game v commercial time. However, with shorter half-innings & innings, I’m now watching commercial breaks as often as I’m watching the game. The commercial breaks aren’t any shorter, but the innings are. That’s a pretty rational analysis. Don’t know what moral failing you mean. I’m just a baseball fan.
But there should be fewer commercial breaks since there are fewer pitching changes.
There also should be more baseball between commercials and less standing around
The “moral failing” I was talking about was in regards to your comment about base stealing. They didn’t make it easier because players are worse than before or anything like that, but to incentivize base stealing
My fan experience has been shorter innings and the same, if not longer commercial breaks. The TV too often picks up a second before a pitch is thrown. We used to, and I’d rather see, a pitcher warming up a bit than a commercial. Maybe if my Giants got more men on base this year, I’d see it differently, but the playoffs also felt that way, shorter innings.
I’ve been a fan since 1978, so I’d also like a Carnation Chocolate Malt to eat with a flat wooden spoon and go to a game on Bat Day.
“I didn’t geek out & calculate any ratios”
So, you don’t actually know if it’s more time on commercials or not, is what you are saying.
Billionaires and millionaires changing the game that’s made them even richer is asinine. This is the game we love, leave it alone.
It’s alright my friend! We know how the game is supposed to be played! How it always has been and always should be!
That cloud on your lawn didn’t stand a chance
Nice work
Pitchers will continue to get hurt and more bad pitchers will enter the league and make over 700K. Higher paying jobs created.
Nick Castellanos’ arm protector is a little excessive. Can we start targeting hitters gaining an edge year in and year out while pitchers are heavily restricted year in and year out? And, stop having umps check them.
These changes seem like nitpicking.
What a junk idea. Aging pitchers will be thing of the past. Even if Verlander doesn’t get to 300 wins, no one will ever win more than him again. Denny McLain 110 wins and 19 innings shy of 1500 innings in 6 years, From age 20 thru 26. Then he was almost done. If you can call another 400 innings done. Guys pitching need a break. 2 seconds really ? M.L;B is too afraid they’ll walk a guy to get a breather or what ? Bad idea.
Has anyone in MLB dared to point out that most of the game changes Manfred has implemented or had proposed will do nothing but hurt pitchers and produce a worse product in the long run? Pitch clocks force pitchers to work quicker increasing the potential for injuries. Allowing fewer mound visits as well as requiring pitchers to face more batters can do the same. I read recently that one rule MLB wanted to consider was limiting the active rosters only 12 pitchers instead of 13. If i didn’t know better it’s as if MLB wants to destroy pitchers just to enable every single hitter to produce like Aaron or Mays when they come to the plate.
You can’t say the pitch clock causes injuries to pitchers. I’ve been muted by some for even suggesting it.
Let the stupidity continue. Eliminating pitchers in extra innings is next. The bases will be loaded to start the tenth and batters will hit off a T.
I think it’s safe to say those looking for rules changes have done their jobs. Find them something useful to do. These changes are a bit much.
You have a pitch clock. Stretch or wind up should be the pitcher’s choice.
The wording warm up section doesn’t explain it well. On second read I now understand. The game pitcher cannot warm up at the beginning of an innning without facing at least one batter. Got it. I can live with that. Have teams really warmed up the current pitcher just to have a second pitcher replace them after the warm up? I don’t remember seeing it.
Just get rid of the 3 batter minimum rule already! It changes nothing to the game other than forcing a struggling pitcher to struggle for longer! It doesn’t speed the game up! This is coming from an 18 year old fwiw.
When I was a kid there wasn’t such a thing as a one out RP. When the game evolved, the rules evolve.
With the exception of the ghost runner, which is clearly loved by the people who make their living around the game, all the rule changes are counter moves.
I don’t know why fans have such an issue with counter moves to get the game back to the way it was.
If the game evolves, let it evolve without interference. There is no concrete evidence to suggest that the 3 batter rule has any real effect on length of the game.
Also, it removes a curiosity from the game. I personally love when managers mix and match relievers, having each face just a batter or two. It is, in my opinion, one of the many things that makes the sport interesting to watch.
Why. Just let the number crunchers run amuck?
Move, counter move. And no one should complain about the pitch clock because that rule has been on the books longer than you have been alive. Are you actually complaining they are enforcing it?
No, I am not complaining about the pitch clock, but the three batter minimum. However, I would like to see a slightly softer enforcement of the clock.
But this seldom happened 30 years ago. It’s a counter move.
Almost everything being done is to counter the bean counters.
I get why people hate the ghost runner. It was a rule change to appease people who make a living in the baseball community, not for the fans.
How ridiculous. Yeah I can see the real need to cut the pitch clock down 2 seconds with men on. I think the game is currently going at least 32 seconds too long.
So what if you are warming up 2 guys in the BP? Do they both need to come in? How stupid. Now the manager has no say to be ready for something? This commissioner is a dumba$$.
The two seconds seems ridiculous. Why hit the hornets nest with a stick?
I get the quest for reduced game times but, jeez, I appreciate the frustration of some people. At least in cricket there are three versions of the game, from the shortest (around 3 hours) to longest (5 days). So as a cricket fan, I have choices – the high octane thrill of a short-game vs the old-world charm and strategy of the longer game. No such choice in baseball…
It’s rare, but happens when the offense leads off an inning with a pinch hitter.