The Giants’ managerial search has mostly been focused on internal candidates thus far, and another in-house name has now been added to the list, as The Athletic’s Andrew Baggarly reports that assistant coach Alyssa Nakken has interviewed in regards to the managerial vacancy.
Nakken has been a member of San Francisco’s organization since 2014, starting as an intern and then working in “a hybrid role within the front office that included event logistics, business development and coordinating health and wellness initiatives,” Baggarly writes. This paved the way for Nakken’s hiring as an assistant coach prior to the 2020 season, making her the first woman to be part of a Major League team’s coaching staff. Continuing this trailblazing path, Nakken is now the first woman known to ever formally interview to be a Major League manager.
The Giants assembled an unusually large coaching staff under former manager Gabe Kapler, as Nakken was one of 13 coaches assembled to provide players with a wide variety of personalized assessment. Baggarly notes that Nakken’s duties focused on in-game planning, baserunning, and outfield instruction.
Beyond the obvious historic significance of what her hire would mean, the Giants’ interest in Nakken also continues the team’s apparent preference towards a first-time manager. None of the internal names (bench coach Kai Correa, third base coach Mark Hallberg, adviser and former third base coach Ron Wotus, and catching bullpen coach Craig Albernaz) who have interviewed or are on the radar for interviews have ever managed at the MLB level before, apart from Correa’s three games as interim manager this season after Kapler was fired. Hallberg and Albarnaz have managed a couple of years in the minors, while Wotus has seven seasons of minor league managing but not since 1997.
Kapler wasn’t a first-time manager when hired by the Giants in 2020, as he had previously been the Phillies’ skipper for the previous two seasons. However, Kapler did fit the modern style of a younger, more analytically-inclined manager who works closely with the front office in shaping game-day strategies. With all of San Francisco’s known candidates except Wotus fitting this general description, it would seem that president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi is leaning towards a first-time hire, and perhaps someone already familiar with how the Giants operate. Beyond just the in-house names, Rangers bench coach Donnie Ecker has also been mentioned as person of interest in the Giants’ search, and Ecker worked as the Giants’ hitting coach in 2020-21 before moving on to Texas.
Honestly was wondering if this would happen the other day. Would be pretty cool.
It’s only not tokenism when the white guy gets hired
Is she the best choice?
It’s a nice gesture she is getting an Interview, but she’s not getting the job. It will happen eventually.
Lord – I think there’s a decent chance she gets it. After all, SF is the progressive capital of the country.
It still amazes me that ageism is so acceptable, as mentioned above with “the modern style of a younger manager”. So having a ton of experience and lengthy track record of success means nothing when it comes to hiring MLB managers, and they don’t even attempt to hide that discrimination.
You could be right, Fever. SF could be the town to make this type of move, but it would be viewed mostly as a publicity stunt. She was an intern a few years back eventually working “event logistics, business development and coordinating health and wellness initiatives.” Ok, certainly the resume I want from my next manager. : -)
When the Marlins hired Kim Ng (back in the news!), I was fully supportive. Ng was, and is, highly regarded and held senior positions at major market clubs for a couple decades. She at one point was on the short list for a number of open GM positions. That’s not the case here at all.
This is all I was looking for, and I agree 100%,
The pro-Nakken posters are being completely sexist in their approach. They know nothing about her, but support her 100% for no other reason than she is a woman.
Her responsibilities, while possibly being extremely important, have absolutely nothing to do with her being a manager.
At least with Ng, she has a resume. She’s done some important stuff. You can be pro- or con, but you can have a reasonable discussion about the decisions she’s made.
So far, with Ms. Nakken, she has nothing managerial-related on her resume.
“The pro-Nakken posters are being completely sexist in their approach. They know nothing about her, but support her 100% for no other reason than she is a woman.”
You again demonstrate that you have no clue what sexism actually is, in practice.
“Her responsibilities, while possibly being extremely important, have absolutely nothing to do with her being a manager. So far, with Ms. Nakken, she has nothing managerial-related on her resume.”
So her responsibilities as a coach of a major league baseball team have nothing do to with being a manager of a major league baseball team?
Let me know specifically what she does. I already quoted what another poster said he responsibilities are. Your turn.
FWIW, I am more than willing to listen. But I have not heard anything specific recommending her.
Again, it doesn’t matter. She is an onfield assistant coach on an MLB staff. Keep picking nits and moving the goalposts, though. You’re running out of room and you long since identified yourself as sexist. The sooner you recognize your inherent biases against women, the better off people around you will be.
Totally. Not even ready for consideration.
I think its wonderful for the game that Alyssa has reached the interview stage. Sometimes staff are interviewed for promotions when its clearly not their time yet. Im not saying this is the case but when that happens in the work place we dont call it tokenism. We tend to call it acknowledgement of a job well done
The fact that Alyssa is due to give birth to her first child in February would also make this hire more difficult. Not impossible, but it would be alot to deal with all at the same time.
Trot – The birth of her child should have zero impact on whether or not she gets hired. Her husband/wife/SO can take care of the baby during the baseball season, just like with any other manager.
Clearly you don’t know much about giving birth.
There’s a little thing called maternity leave in place for women who give birth to children.
Having her spouse use her maternity leave isn’t exactly how that all works out.
She’d be on leave thru March if she gave birth in February.
Probably not the best idea to miss all of spring training your first season at the helm.
Have you considered a move to San Francisco?
jobu, there’s also paternity leave. Some jobs provide 12 weeks of it, possibly more.
Alyssa Nakk-nakk-nakken be the manager anyway. 33 years old is too young! Gender is irrelevant. Farhan is fighting for his life and he’s gone if this is his hire and they don’t win like 175 games next year.
Man, I’ve heard about double standards but more games won than played is ridiculous! /s
Farhan’s Conundrum
It’s an unsolvable math problem.
Such a clown comment. Your mother is ashamed of you.
can you explain how you know that? have you talked to his mother?…can you explain anyone else’s shame?…what’s constitutes a clown comment exactly?!
Im sorry to hear about your clown trauma and that you also live in a world full of shame. Sending lots of love, kindness, compassion and positive thoughts your way and hope you get to work through the wreckage of your past.
They all walked right into it. Well played
@Trot, clowns are scary. I want them all gone.
Lord are you a Kansas City baseball fan? Your little fanboy sonnet got them some international attention. What is it about pop singers and Kansas City athletes anyways
Wait which one is the clown comment? And which one is an abomination to Whistlers mother? Now we’re all confused
Why are you fairly certain of that?
Why are you telling me what I can and can’t think is “cool”?
> Why are you telling me what I can
> and can’t think is “cool”?
Thinking is dangerous when you are wrong. The sun chooses what is or is not cool. It even sets the schedule. Go ahead, try to change its opinion and stare it down. You won’t go blind trying.
Shhhhhhh! Adults are talking.
which takes priority changing the diaper or changing the pitcher.
Interesting. Why not?
Because it’s a brutal situation for the first female manager. Win-now team with a lame duck President of baseball ops
I think the team likes and respects her. I’m not in the clubhouse to see all, but from a casual SF fan’s perspective, when I’ve heard her speak to the media, she strikes me as very down-to-earth and knowledgeable about the game. She comes off a bit as a tomboy, and an ex-softballer who played and loves the game. She doesn’t come off as intimidating; she comes off kind of as one of the guys. She’s married, has kids, I think; In the same way that a lot of male managers cut a father figure, I think Alyssa Nakken cuts a mother figure, and we’ve all known households where the mother wears the pants, so to speak. I don’t see why the guys couldn’t respond to that – they already do, since she’s in the organization as a coach right now.
If a female manager was going to bridge the gap in a male dominated game, it would probably be someone like her.
Completely disagree, I’ve served under female superiors in the military and in the fire department. As long as she’s been around the team, and they respect her, it’ll work fine.
I should’ve been more thorough in my statement that they are better leaders. Certain traits are better in the opposite gender. Some women are better at certain traits than men, but Men are seen as more decisive than Women while Women are seen as more compassionate than Men. I don’t know what she’s like in person or behind closed doors, so maybe I’m wrong, I don’t care what they do personally.
Here’s the link I was looking at:…
“Some 54% of all adults say a man would do a better job than a woman running a professional sports team, compared with only 8% who say a woman would do a better job at this. An additional 33% say there is no difference between men and women in this regard or that it depends”
And some percent of people think the world is flat
So, what people think has very little to do with what the truth is
That said, if too many players are unwilling to respect her as manager, then it won’t work
That’s, on the players, of course, not on her
Lighten up Francis
The answer can be found below, as written by “The Baseball Fan”. MERIT!!
This would be great
I’m still waiting for the first female to make the big leagues. I’ll bet she’s a lefty that can throw 100+
No ma’am
Oh, sure. Then the first time a female gets beaned, spiked in a collision or has a line drive off her noggin, the stuff will hit the fan.
Milt papas is old
That is a pretty sexist comment, is your masculinity that fragile that you would be hurt by a woman working in a professional capacity?
Be prepared for a lot of stupid comments on this article.
Didn’t you mean to say “wouldn’t it be a kick in the balls”?
My post was a reply to
“Could some minor league team do it for some headlines, sure. Probably already happened somewhere,”
I don’t know if she or Alyssa Nakken is good enough to manage MLB but a female manager in the bigs isn’t as far in the future as you’re implying.
Not sure what happened here. I was replying to a comment and my reply wound up a different place and the comment I was replying to disappeared.
Someone said ‘woke’, everybody drink!
Why not. The manager reads out of a book or gets orders from above anyway now.
Unless you’re Brian Snitker and then you get info from the office and ignore it.
I’d take her over Aaron Boone.
I gotta go with Joe here. Can she also do the GM’s slot?
In reality though, no you wouldn’t. Obviously I know you were more so making the point that you want Boone gone. That’s fair. I get that nobody wants to say the unpopular thing here, so the keyboard social justice warriors don’t pounce, but she’s not getting this job, nor did she ever have a real chance. You know it, I know it, and if you can’t say it out loud, I’ll say it for you, there is a zero percent chance an MLB team hires a woman to manage their team. Could some minor league team do it for some headlines, sure. Probably already happened somewhere, but not in The Show. Just too many things going against it. If you hired a woman, the team absolutely sucked and you had to fire the woman, you’d never hear the end of it. Why’d you do it in the first place? Why didn’t you give her more of a chance? Just too big a distraction. Never. Happening.
The Yankees have a woman manager in the minors, Rachel Balkovec. I’m willing to bet she made it on merit as the Yankees don’t exactly lack for making headlines.
C’mon man. Do you honestly think Rachel Balkovec would ever have a legit shot at the manager’s job in the Bronx? You know you don’t.
Don’t know what’s going on with my stuff tonight Roy. See above for my reply.
After watching Rachel Balkovec manage the Tampa Tarpons for the last two years, it appears the Yankees do indeed have plans for her beyond Low A. Do they include managing in the Bronx? No clue. Having watched her team respond to her and her interactions with other managers and the umpiring crews, she appears to lead and manage just fine. How managing Low A to MLB transfers, I do not know. More than one manager has lost a job by losing the clubhouse.
Isn’t the question whether she can do the job and is a good fit? It she’s not, don’t hire her. If you think she might be, then, maybe a few years in the Minors first. But what you don’t want to do is fall into a variation of the Al Campanis category–in effect to say she can’t because of her gender. “Lacks the necessaries.” There are a lot of jobs in this country that used to be the preserve of men only that now have sizable women’s representation. 40 years ago there were barely 20 women in the House, now there are over 150. In professions like lawyers and doctors, women are widely represented. where as two generations ago they were rare. It may not happen for another 20 years, but it i will happen…and in a sport that needs growth and youth in fan base, the league will smile on it.
Serious question. Can she hit fungoes?
I guess MLB will hire its first female manager before MLB Trade Rumors hires its first female author. That should be a thing to bet on.
MLBTR needs to close comments on these articles. The amount of sexism—overt and veiled—this generates from the fragile and commenters on here makes baseball fans look bad.
“Men should and are simply more qualified for these coaching jobs”
How so?
You didn’t answer the question. Maybe not being able to answer a simple question is one of those places where men are inferior to women?
I’ll give you another try
Why don’t you think that men are more qualified for coaching jobs?
Bonus question: do you think YOU are more qualified than Nakken? Why or why not?
“Men should and are simply more qualified for these coaching jobs. It’s not even sexist ti say it”
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you someone who has ZERO CLUE.
Why do you want to have people’s free speech denied so much? Even when it’s idiotic or hate speech, still should be free. I guess you are one of those “Govern me Harder Daddy” types?
This website is private company, not the government. They can deny your idiotic nonsense or hate speech as much as you want. Your free speech warrior battle isn’t applicable here. If you’re going to be like that, learn how the constitution works, bootlicker.
Man it would be nice if people had the slightest clue about “free speech”
But. They don’t. So we get this dumb stuff.
What is having your free speech taken away: when the GOVERNMENT publishes you for saying something
What is not having your free speech taken away: when an internet company deletes your post because it violates the terms of service. Or when a person doesn’t want to read your stupid post.
This’ll definitely chap the Old Man’s @$$.
Perhaps he’s sufficiently self-aware to view it as karma for how he handled the Dodgers 2015 sexual assault scandal.
She better be a great baseball mind. More than likely though, the Giants are just looking for attention.
Read the article. She IS a great baseball mind or she would not have made it to coaching at the MLB level.
This is the most token interview I’ve ever seen. Andrew Baggarly just wrote that she’s having her first baby in February.
What does that have to do with anything? Significant other can’t help raise the kid during the season? Don’t managers who happen to be male and have children have the same situation?
We can stop pretending that delivering a baby a week before spring training and fathering a baby is the same thing.
Or Managing a ball club while pregnant is the same as the guy who is waiting for his wife to birth his son. Or that maternity and paternity leave is congruent in America.
You really couldn’t think of any biological or societal differences there, lips?
Great username, btw!
While comments above are interesting, please do not forgot the fact that she and Kai Correa are extremely under qualified. This is normal fluff that ball clubs to. They interview within, when that box is checked, they go hire the person that they think can help their club win.
What’s wrong with that? Why shouldn’t a woman be a better option?
Why should Kapler feel like crap?
I hope she gets it just to make all the weak men here afraid of women lose their minds
Pretty sure people just think it’s a stupid idea and that hiring a manager should be merit based not look how great we are we hired a woman omg we’re the best look guys we hired a woman.
Buzz, so if this wouldn’t be a merit-based hire, what happens when she or another woman spends 15-20 years coaching and working her way up the ranks and clearly demonstrates the skills and background to do the job? At what point would a woman have enough qualifications for her hire to fit your definition of merit-based?
what happens when she or another woman spends 15-20 years coaching
That’s why I’d like to know more about her experience. For example, what makes her more qualified than hitting coach Justin Viele? Or Hallberg? There are some people out there that have put a lot of time and effort into this.
She is pregnant and will be giving birth during spring training. Not sure how she could even travel with the team in her current role with a newborn baby.
Most GMs don’t travel on the road with their teams.
She won’t be GM.
Except they are not interviewing her for the GM position. They are interviewing her for the field manager position. Those guys travel with the team.
say what?
Does anyone here know enough about her (other than gender) to make a fair and honest judgement as to if she’d even be a good candidate?
But people will have strong opinions anyway
seemingly not
I know she’s never played mlb.
copper, neither did a number of managers in the game’s history.
But all of them played minor league ball. She can’t even say that.
She played college softball. That’s about the highest level a woman can achieve in baseball. That counts for nothing to a trog like you, though.
You never played minor league ball either, I’m betting. So what makes you qualified to say whether or not someone is qualified to manage a major league team?
Does she have any managing experience?
Hall of fame managers Earl Weaver, Joe McCarthy and Frank Selee never played MLB either.
I’m actually surprised we haven’t seen AI making decisions and completely removing the manager from the position. That would make more sense than a person. It keeps the emotions out of the situation.
Suppose you could let AI just play the game, too, while we’re at it, take the emotions out of that situation as well. In fact, my old copy of Bases Loaded 3 on NES could do just that in “watch” mode. And that was 30 years ago!
You want Allen Iverson coaching a baseball team?
I do. He would probably win 10 years in a row.
13 coaches and 20 onsite data analysts with access to clubhouse and dugout. All that not finish .500….
Would it be okay to give her and adda boy pat on the back?
I guess in today’s world, you’d need to ask the gender first before calling someone a boy.
So an adda-they/them is more a more appropriate?
This team needs players.
So they don’t also need a manager?
Yes it’s progress and a nice story but it’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Sheesh folks. It’s only a vagina. Don’t be scared.
Well earned Alyssa. Good luck.
Many of the people here saying she doesn’t merit this consideration are, in fact, scared. Since no woman will ever share theirs with these incels.
Or it could be that sex has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she is extremely unqualified for the position.
“Extremely unqualified” would be you, a dude commenting on a baseball site. 9 years of experience on a major league coaching staff is not “extremely unqualified,” as much as you want it to be, lil guy.
You don’t know me. I played baseball at the small college level, not well but I did play. That is farther than she did.
As far as “lil guy” goes, I would wager my 6’3″ 225 lb frame is probably better than yours.
Lmao, she played D1 college softball, she went further than you.
Also, you should probably lose some weight. 28 BMI
Which one is top and which is bottom?
@hiflew: you played “small college level” ball with no other qualifications. Let’s check out Alyssa’s Wikipedia page:
“She attended California State University, Sacramento, where she played college softball for the Sacramento State Hornets as a first baseman.[4][5] She had a .304 batting average and was named to the All-Pacific Coast Softball Conference all four years, from 2009 through 2012.[6] She was also a three-time all conference selection, and the 2012 conference Scholar-Athlete of the Year.”
Sounds like she went a lot further along than you. Her Wikipedia also says she has a Master’s in sports management, has been with the Giants for ten years, and has been an assistant for three years. So she’s far from “extremely unqualified” and you’re spouting ignorance again. Funny that you throw out “you don’t know me” (while touting your very thin resume) when you don’t seem to know a thing about this woman.
an assistant for three years.
Assistant what? I get the impression that at least 90% of the posters are either pro-Alyssa or anti-Alyssa, without knowing a single thing about her.
Just like with the Kim Ng thing, I’d like to steer the conversation towards accomplishments and skills.
Saying that she is an assistant is pretty meaningless. Theoretically, the person that she is an assistant to should be higher on the pecking order.
Based on everything I’ve read, Farian is definitely on top because he’s been giving it to hiflew fast and hard
For all the comments, I’d be curious what her qualifications are. According to, it says she is an assistant coach, but doesn’t say what she coaches. Isn’t Vile the hitting coach and Bailey the pitching coach?
It’s in The Athletics article.
No access.
sure the FA class would love to play for a female coach lol . dooming the franchise for 3 or 4 years until she can be fired. go for it Giants
Maybe the FA class is less afraid of having a female boss than you appear to be.
Farhan is on the HOT SEAT — Lets be serious — If he think he can keep his job by hiring a 33 year old with less experience than hundreds of others — then he should pack his bags now.
Hire her! I mean what is the worst that could happen, the Giants miss the playoffs…again.
So what happens when a brawl breaks out and she gets groped during the pushing and shoving? Do the players involved get arrested?
I would hope so
that’s assault, so yes they would be arrested.
In Japan, girls get groped on the subway all the time. They usually just give the guy a shot in the b***s and get on with their life.
If she’s the most qualified then so be it regardless of gender. But imo this is just charades.
Just here for the comments to be honest.
Congrats and good for her. She now has experience with the managerial interview process. Next time around….
Maybe someday a woman will be qualified to manage a MLB team, a Margaret Thatcher of baseball. Right now, that’s not Nakken. How many people, at age 33 and other than her, have ever been interviewed to be a Big League manager?
How do you know it’s not Nakken? Apparently she’s well-respected within the clubhouse.
What point do you think you’re making here?
Suppose it was zero
Then, what?
Someone would have to be the first or there would never be any
Ridiculous. She should be coaching softball somewhere.
The NFL has the “Rooney Rule” to interview African-Americans for coaching vacancies. Is this going to be the “Gloria Steinem Rule’ for the MLB?
Strictly a P.R. move. Not shocking coming out of California. Long term she could be a true candidate down the road. Let me know when they truly interview a 33 year old male with zero managing experience. Otherwise, a P.R. move.
“Let me know when they truly interview a 33 year old male with zero managing experience.”
How about 38-year old “quality control coach” Stephen Vogt, who will be interviewing later this week?
(BTW, I like Vogt, but I have no qualms with Nakken interviewing, too)
Comparison is a stretch.
A.J. Hinch was 35 with no coaching or managerial experience at any level when the D-Backs hired him in 2009. Aaron Boone, Craig Counsell, and Scott Servais were all hired without coaching or managerial experience. Dave Roberts did have MLB coaching experience, but he’d never been a manager before.
If Alyssa is qualified, and she has more coaching experience than a lot of first time managers, and you like what you see and hear in the interview, by all means hire her. If not, don’t. Her gender should have nothing to do with it.
As an aside, I knew girls when I was a kid that I wished could have played on our baseball team because they were good players in pickup games. That was before they were allowed to play.
Is she the very best candidate for the job? Hire her. If not, it further exposes what the problem is in San Fran; a President who’s never been a baseball
“it further exposes what the problem is in San Fran; a President who’s never been a baseball”
Excellent point
Thanks. It appears the word “person” did not make the cut after the word “baseball”. Based on photos I would be incorrect.
What is a “baseball person”?
By any reasonable definition that I can think of Zaidi is much more of a baseball person than you
If the job was posted, it would list all of the qualification requirements, a detailed job description, and job performance expectations. Without knowing exactly what the employer is seeking and expecting it is foolish for any of us to to speculate who the best candidates might be. As Mozeliak said when the Cardinals fired a very successful Schildt (in terms of winning), it’s not just about winning and losing. In my opinion it should be, but apparently for many of the owners and GMs it isn’t.
Seems like a lot of people from San Francisco are posting in favor of this interview. It is probably the same ones who wonder what is wrong with their city.
That’s probably because many of the fans in SF know her or of her, have watched her fight upwind with some grace and dignity. Those who have never heard her name until now are showing a lot of fear and suspicion.
As someone who has the worked and lived in SF and still visits frequently, can you tell me what is wrong with it?
Is it the hilly landscape that offers up amazing views? Or the easy beach access? Maybe the endless supply of incredible restaurants? The good (relative to the rest of the US) public transportation? The plethora of farmers markets and bouquet shops that are fun to visit? Some of the best coffee shops I’ve ever been to? Help me, because I’m sensing you’ll come back with the homeless or poo, both things I’ve experienced in literally any big city I’ve been to, but I’m personally not really bothered by that (I do wish they’d fix those problems broadly, mind you, but that’s more of a countrywide problem and not attributable to any one city).
And what city you live in that I should start hunting for real estate in that does it better? We can then be neighbors and grab a beer and sit on our porches talking about how the condition of San Francisco somehow relates to the manager their affiliated baseball team.
Nancy Pelosi was your elected representative for one reason.
Hey, I found the guy who had his boots up on her desk. Or were you the guy who attacked her husband?
OK. Now can you answer my question? And what is that “one reason”?
This would be historic and awesome! Good luck to all applicants! Go Giants!
I’ve asked this once or twice, but does anyone know her specific qualifications? lists her as “assistant coach” and doesn’t even mention what part of the process she is assisting with.
If she’s more in the public eye, hopefully photos of her feet become readily available.
How many posters have you muted on this thread alone?
A lot of people today would have boo’d Jackie Robinson
I cut and pasted this from a poster above. I don’t know if it is factual, or cherry-picked or anything else.
“She was an intern a few years back eventually working “event logistics, business development and coordinating health and wellness initiatives.”
If that’s her resume, can anyone tell me how this qualifies her to be a manager?
Then she was an assistant coach with the on-field staff. Sounds like you’re cherry-picking by not mentioning this.
Sounds like you’re cherry-picking by not mentioning this.
I told you it was a cut & paste. I cherry-picked nothing.
That said, what does an assistant coach to the on-field staff do?
You don’t seem to know much about baseball. All the coaches underneath the managers are assistant coaches. Bench coach, pitching coach, hitting coach, etc.
How about “woman coach” though? It’s she REALLY an assistant coach.
/Misogynist creep
That said, what does THIS assistant coach to the on-field staff do?
Seriously, I must have asked this question a dozen times. You can keep avoiding it, and I can keep asking it. Asking for an applicant’s qualifications is perfectly valid. When I was asked about FIN 48 and deferred tax accounting and the like, I gave a very specific, and long-winded answer. It landed me the job.
Had I responded with my job title, I’d have been out of that interview two minutes later. If you don’t know any of her day-to-day responsibilities, it is okay to say so.
It doesn’t matter. She’s an on-field assistant coach with an MLB team. That is experience that qualifies her.
You continuing to question her credentials and nitpicking every little detail just makes you look more an more misogynist.
“That said, what does THIS assistant coach to the on-field staff do?”
You tell us, Joe. Since you apparently know.
You posted this earlier.
“So far, with Ms. Nakken, she has nothing managerial-related on her resume.”
Sine you are an (self-professed) expert) on Miss Nakken’s resume, tell us what she does and why he is or isn’t qualified.
Or, shut your mouth about people making claims that they can’t back up.
“If you don’t know any of her day-to-day responsibilities, it is okay to say so.”
You too, Joe.
What point are you trying to prove by posting the same “can anyone tell me how this qualifies her to be a manager?” comment over and over? Does this shotgun approach work for you?
Bench coach, Minor league Manager, Head pitching coach or Hitting coach.
Those are your typical paths to managing a ball club. She wouldn’t be the first exception but also doesn’t have a resume that screams she needs to be hired as a manager tomorrow. I think that’s more or less what Joe is getting at here. Nothing wrong with that.
I think that’s more or less what Joe is getting at here.
What I am getting at is that we have a 100 posters that think she is not qualified, and 100 posters that think she is highly qualified.
And virtually none of them have any idea what she does, But even worse is being attacked for asking what a person’s qualifications are.
You’re not being attacked. Stop being a snowflake. You’re just posting questions over and over again that thinly veil how you actually feel about women having job opportunities. You don’t like the result of that course of action, so you’re f-ing around and finding out.
It doesn’t really matter what commenters on MLBTR know about her qualifications. The fact is, the Giants do, and are interviewing her. They have worked with her for several years now. If they decide to hire her, it will be due to her demeanor that led her to be the best candidate.
You’re also making a lot of assumptions and vast oversimplifications here. I have not seen anybody on here saying she is “highly qualified”. Even her highest proponents seem to understand that she has limited experience. There may be one or two sprinkled in, but the vast majority of commenters are excited to see her get an interview.
And for the “not qualified” camp… Come on. Do you really care how “qualified” she is? What do you stand to lose if she gets the job over somebody with more years of experience? Let’s be honest, most of the anti-Nakken crowd does not want her in because she is a woman. Maybe that is not your exact reasoning, but you are certainly aligning yourself with people who feel that way.
And if you want to paint pro-Nakken commenters as “sexist”, I’ll leave you with some comments (typos and all) from some of your allies:
“…hopefully photos of her feet become readily available.”
“I would figure SF would hire a black transgender before hiring a real life female, what are they thinking”
“Erase the lines of gender inequality. Marxist playbook.”
“…what happens when a brawl breaks out?” “Probably [redacted] like 1950.”
But yes… the pro-Nakken crowd is the sexist one.
Once again, a failure on your part. When Ng was discussed, I listed every good and bad about her. When Click was discussed on the RS thread, I listed all the pros and cons.
Why can’t you do the same?
It doesn’t really matter what commenters on MLBTR know about her qualifications.
It does matter, very much. Posters, on either side, should not be making serious comments about her qualifications, if they do not know what her qualifications are.
“Posters, on either side, should not be making serious comments about her qualifications”
-Nobody is doing this. Well you are, but you are mostly shadowboxing. Most pro-Nakken comments are cheering her on, most anti-Nakken comments are saying she is unexperienced, and some comments are just sexist.
With that out of the way, let’s start here: you have a valid viewpoint. Nakken has little experience relative to other potential managers. In fact, I don’t think most pro-Nakken commenters would disagree with that. If the Giants favor experience above all else, she will not get the job. The problem I have is that, as I already mentioned, the Giants and only the Giants are responsible for determining whether or not she is qualified. She has been with the Giants since 2020, so they are more familiar with her than you or I will ever be, after all.
Some speculate the Giants want a manager that Zaidi can use as a pawn (I would probably lessen the exaggeration to: the Giants want a young manager they can mold to their vision). If that is the case, Nakken might actually be the perfect candidate. Likewise, even if Bochy begged the Giants to come back and they gave him the job in that scenario, he might actually perform worse, even given his reputation and massive experience.
“I listed all the pros and cons. Why can’t you do the same?”
– So just to clear this up, it is because you or I do not know what the Giants are looking for in a manager, and WE are the ones unqualified to make any conjecture other than opinions based on limited evidence (that the Giants also have access to, mind you).
Re: disadvantage
Typical disinformation
These types of comments are aimed at [people] who are predisposed to think that s women can’t coach men. So, they look for, or accept uncritically, any information that makes the woman look unqualified
The real question is whether JB is a victim or a creator of this
The issue with trying to win a debate with insults is that it betrays a lack of intelligence. I ask a question about what her qualifications are. The posters that don’t know have no choice but to admit that they don’t know, or attack those raising legitimate questions.
Now, do you think asking what an applicants qualifications are is wrong?
“The issue with trying to win a debate with insults is that it betrays a lack of intelligence”
1) citation requested
2) isn’t this, itself, an insult?
“I ask a question about what her qualifications are. The posters that don’t know have no choice but to admit that they don’t know, or attack those raising legitimate questions.
Now, do you think asking what an applicants qualifications are is wrong?”
That isn’t what you’re doing, though
This you?
“Her responsibilities, while possibly being extremely important, have absolutely nothing to do with her being a manager.
So far, with Ms. Nakken, she has nothing managerial-related on her resume.”
You tell us, Joe Brady, since you explicitly stated that “she has nothing managerially related on her resume”, what has she done in her various roles?
The floor is yours
As I have previously mentioned, I am quoting another poster, with no change and no bias. This is their comment:
“She was an intern a few years back eventually working “event logistics, business development and coordinating health and wellness initiatives.”
If this is incorrect, please let me know. The floor is yours.
You can couch this in whatever you want, the fact is that you’re making a bad-faith argument rooted in your own misogyny.
Nailed it
Can’t wait until she is hired and during some celebration she’ll ask the backup catcher: “What’s the number on your ass”…
I think you’re being a little charitable about his demeanor. If he were just curious, he could’ve posted it once and let people share their opinions.
Please pass the Kleenex box.. I’m gunna cry!
Unfortunately, Nakken is still a long shot for manager because she doesn’t check enough boxes. Being a white woman only equates to half a box these days in the Woke Bay Area, To be fully qualified she would need to be a Lesbian vegetarian with Palestinian heritage, But who knows? Maybe she can take a year off and beef up that resume!
Nah, the floor is still yours
I explicitly asked you for a citation for this statement
“The issue with trying to win a debate with insults is that it betrays a lack of intelligence””
And if “this, itself, [was] an insult?”
You didn’t respond
All while you are complaining that nobody is answering your question.
You also made comments about her experience
““Her responsibilities, while possibly being extremely important, have absolutely nothing to do with her being a manager”
Citation requested again.
Or, in other words, if this is correct, please let me know with evidence.
So, the floor is yours