The Astros have parted ways with assistant general manager Bill Firkus and player development director Sara Goodrum, reports Chandler Rome of the Athletic. GM Dana Brown confirmed the news, telling Rome the organization decided to go “in a different direction.”
Firkus was one of three executives with the AGM title in Houston, joining Andrew Ball and Charles Cook. He’d spent a decade with the franchise, working in the research and development and sports medicine departments. Firkus was originally hired during Jeff Lunhow’s GM tenure. He was the club’s senior director of baseball operations under James Click before being promoted to AGM last winter once the club moved on from Click.
Between Click’s dismissal and Brown’s hiring in January, Firkus and Ball shared daily responsibilities leading baseball operations.’s Jon Morosi reported that Firkus had stepped into the role of point person for free agent pursuits at the beginning of the offseason.
Houston hired Goodrum out of the Brewers’ organization during the 2021-22 offseason. She spent two years overseeing the Astros’ farm system after working as a minor league hitting coordinator with Milwaukee.
It isn’t uncommon for incoming baseball operations leaders to reshape the front office early in their tenure. Brown was hired atypically late last offseason. That likely played a role in the first-year GM’s decision to keep the top of the front office structure mostly intact for the first season. Brown told reporters last week the organization had a number of executive promotions planned. It’s unclear if any of those people will take on the roles now vacated by the decisions to let go of Firkus and Goodrum or if they’ll look outside the organization this winter.
Potential front office hires for other teams looking for executives.
*Potential front office hire for other teams looking for diversity hires
Why does it have to be a diversity hire? Can’t she just be good at her job?
The Bauer screen name didn’t tip you off to his opinion of women?
Joe, fully agree. Hire the best and be proud you’re doing so regardless of gender, etc. It also is a bit weird to make front office changes while the team is still in the playoffs. Why any distraction now? Just tell other teams privately they can interview them if such is requested.
@Seager/Bauer: lmao dude. You are a mess. A woman gets laid off and your first opinion of her is that she is only good as a diversity hire, ie, that she didn’t get where she was via merit. Clown comment but expected from you.
Not sure where you got that from…
Hahhahahha dude What did she ever do to you?
Diversity Hire is a sexist and racist term to imply that blacks can never do white jobs or women can never do men jobs and the far right are getting high off of the Supreme Court striking down Affirmative Action. Ng may have taken in a bad team at the time, but she just took the Marlins to the playoffs even though they were DOA with a bad RD.
Diversity quotas are how racist old white men like you keep Asians from succeeding in the business world.
So, Kim Ng was just a diversity hire in Miami too, right?
@Seager/Bauer I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I don’t think you’re stupid enough to actually believe what you wrote here. They sound like the words of a resentful agitated keyboard jockey just looking for attention.
You all are missing that it was a joke. Don’t be so easily-offended.
We aren’t easily offended, you’re just boring and Ignorant SOB nailed it. You throw out these “edgy” comments trying to rile people up. Any attention is good attention. You do it all the time. You’re lame and boring. Always.
lmao, you got called out and now suddenly ‘it was a joke’. Pathetic backpedaling.
You just said that non-religious or non-Asian women aren’t real women and you’re callign out OTHERS for being bigoted? This is the most misinformed, incel thing I’ve ever seen.
You also have a warped idea of what the movement is about. No surprise with your Bauer worship.
Hopefully someone yeets you into the sun?
Somehow it’s lost on you that KIM NG IS ASIAN
Firkus is a prototypical white male genius….
Me? Asian, not white
Firkus probably wore a Hawaiian shirt on a non-Hawaiian shirt Friday. So, off he goes.
Goodrum had a good run until she got introduced to Gunroom Rum. The rest was history.
Firkus is a prototypical white male genius….
What makes you think he’s a genius?
Ok incel.
Watch Goodrum, Ng and Kapler all end up in the same organization.
They weren’t good enough for the Astros, but they may be good enough for your team!
I don’t know that I’ve seen an owner voluntarily explode such a successful front office. Seems like there’s a lot more downside than upside.
And he does it during their playoff season/run. There’s got to be a method behind this madness?!
My guess is that the narrative to let them go so early is for them to maximize the amount of opportunities out there. The real reason is for the Astros to maximize replacement opportunities (if they don’t unofficially have them already).
Any way you slice it, the timing is very odd given they’re in the thick of the playoffs.
Their contracts were up on October 1 and there was no chance of their return. They were not Dana Brown’s (GM) hires, he inherited them.
This is not surprising to me. The team is shifting back to a traditional approach and away from analytics. Jeff Bagwell has gained a lot of influence with Jim Crane. Bagwell is not a fan of “new school” baseball. He said publicly he believes the player development system needs to be overhauled. It is funny because that has been a big factor in the Astros being able to avoid getting locked into long term deals with veteran players beyond or backside of their prime years. He has made multiple statements about not being a fan of analytics. He seems to ignore that analytics played a big factor in the on field success of the team.
I guess the next Astros cheating scandal will be PED related if Bags is getting more power…
Bagwell openly admitted to using the cream and the clear when it was legal through MLB. Once it was banned, he stopped. It’s easy to make blanket statements that have zero validity and/or foundation, but it’s much harder to actually seek out any real facts.
He also used PEDs so……
Still, would have been nice to keep the front office staff onboard for a short period of time through the playoffs. I suppose the trade off is making them available on the open market for new teams before the playoffs end.
A good farm director would be a godsend but only if Arte actually gives them resources.
While they’re still playing?
Astros cheated Bill and Sara out of an opportunity of a good livelihood. What will they think of next?
Cheating the Twins out of a Division Series win?
How did they do that?
Buzzers likely
I love whiny Red Sox fans who act impervious. The Red Sox also got busted for cheating in 2017. Maybe you should log off and go have your mommy make you a sandwich while you play Minecraft.
And they do this in the middle of the playoffs?
Seems a little weird to do this in the middle of a playoff homestand. It couldn’t wait until Monday?
>It couldn’t wait until Monday?
Today is Monday.
I think Crise meant Christmas Monday.
The Astros don’t mess around. Lose one playoff game, heads roll.
This is actually the first ALDS home game they’ve lost since 2015. Which was the last year they didn’t advance.
The tides are turning…
Preemptive move. I’m sure they are trying to get in front of the latest Astro scandal.
“Part ways” = “thanks for your time here, the exit is that way”
So strange for such a successful organization to have such an inordinate amount of dysfunction. Between the cheating scandal, and the slew of changes within the front office, you would think this would be a losing organization. From the outside looking in, it appears the owner has a massive ego and is extremely hard to work for, unless you’re a yes man all day long.
So strange for such a successful organization to have such an inordinate amount of dysfunction.
It could be the source of their success. Not everyone is good at their job. Or sometimes you think their replacement is more talented.
The team itself succeeds despite the revolving door front office. Never seen anything like it. Then you have the Rockies who NEED to clean house and rebuild from the ground up, and they stand pat.
Rockies are extremely loyal to their people, just like the White Sox.
It’s a big detriment for both teams. Both Monfort and Reinsdorf have unrealistic expectations for their clubs going into 2024. Monfort even said they’d be a 500 club this year and Reinsdorf really thinks Getz will right the ship in one offseason.
Guys, when should I be worried about this new rash I have?
Depends on where it is.
On my balls.
So Goodrum got her start in Milwaukee, and was most recently overseeing the Stros minor league system. Her former boss is now wuth the Mets, who recently fired several directors in the minor league and player development areas.
Stearns might bring her on board with the Mets maybe.
It’s no secret that Brown has a disdain for female employees. It’s surprising she lasted this long.
Very odd time to can people.
Quite the overreaction to losing a postseaon game to the Twins!
Even as an Astros fan I find that pretty funny.
Kinda reminds me of the Orioles for about 10 years (circa 1998 to 2008) between Gillick and McPhail POBO regimes. A bunch of crazy fluid FO structuring by owner Peter Angelos. The only difference? Houston is successful at it, the Orioles laid an egg.
It’s time to start to bring in his own manager also. I hope he will consider Joe Espada.
Why is it time?!? Dusty has been perfect for that team. He will manage there as long as he wants to, and should. HOF manager vs. some guy you’ve heard of, but probably don’t know much about. Yeah, I’m sticking with the guy that’s getting a plaque.
There is a reason it took him decades to get his first ring. They win in spite of Dusty. He’s a terrible manager.
You mean a new lineup every single day isn’t good? Or having a decent, at best, utility player in CF twice a week isn’t good? Or a complete lack of ability in managing a pitching staff?
He seems like a great person, but no, not a good manager. For those who wish to call him a World Series manager, that’s fair, but it had zero to do with him. That team was assembled before him and won in spite of his failures.
Sure, for a diversity interview.
Anything Uncle Dana can do to protect his own skin.
Goodrum sounds like the last name for a Bond girl.
Dusty has made some questionable decisions that cost the Astros games during the season and wound up tying for the division. His refusal to play catcher Yainer Diaz more over Maldonado, who might have been AL Rookie of the year, is one example.
“Bill Firkus”. I went right to “Sid Farkus” of Seinfeld lore. IE Kramer and Frank C at odds over what to call their man brassiere creation, the “Bro” or “Manssiere”.
Am I the only one?
See and I went Scott Farkus from Christmas Story.
I could see changes in FO coming. Remove Luhnow and Click staff and bring in people Brown likes. Now as for Dusty depending on tomorrow night and what happens. Can Astros take 2 in Minnesota. Will it lead to all Texas ALCS. If Houston loses tomorrow then think they will be out. But depending on things Dusty could be gone. Yes he has been good but this season did not go as planned. Houston will need to be well better next season. First, catching, starting pitching and bullpen. Outfield could be different.
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I assume you did it by accident otherwise you wouldn’t be asking right?
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