Among the biggest stories of yesterday’s deadline was a trade that didn’t happen. The Tigers and Dodgers lined up an agreement that would’ve sent left-hander Eduardo Rodriguez to Los Angeles.
The Dodgers were among the 10 teams on a no-trade list which Rodriguez had built into his free agent deal with Detroit, however. The hurler blocked the trade and Detroit ended up holding him past the deadline. He’ll finish the year in the Motor City, though it remains to be seen what the future holds beyond that.
Rodriguez is able to opt out of the final three years and $49MM on his contract at season’s end. From a strict financial perspective, it looks as if doing so will be a fairly easy choice. The 30-year-old has a 2.96 ERA through 94 1/3 innings while striking out more than a quarter of opponents. He’s been inconsistent since returning from a finger injury but looked like the #2 caliber starter Detroit had envisioned earlier in the year.
Rodriguez met with reporters after today’s win over Pittsburgh. He understandably declined to delve into the reasons behind the veto, saying he “wasn’t feeling really comfortable with (the trade)” and made the decision to stick in Detroit after “thinking about my future and my family” (link via Evan Petzold of the Detroit Free-Press).
The southpaw’s agent, Gene Mato, released a statement on Twitter in response to fan criticism leveled at Rodriguez in the wake of his decision:
“I negotiated a no-trade clause in his contract for a reason,” Mato wrote. “With all of the money, glamor and fame that comes with being a professional athlete there is also a very difficult, personal side. … Eduardo is one of the best left-handed starting pitchers in baseball but he is also a human being who wants stability for his family. They are comfortable living in the Detroit area and have adjusted well.
As for the Dodgers in particular, once I was granted permission to speak with them regarding the trade, we did our best to come up with a way to make it happen where everyone was comfortable with the outcome. We just ran out of time.”
Rodriguez also said he was quite happy in Detroit but declined to answer when asked if blocking the trade would have any bearing on his opt-out decision. “If I had a magic ball and I could tell you what was going to happen in the future, I’d probably tell you right away,” he told reporters. “But right now I’m here, I’m with this organization. I’m signed here for a long time. I feel happy with everything. My family feels happy in Detroit. I feel happy with the teammates and everything, the organization. I’d really love to stay here, and that’s why I made that decision.”
Barring a second-half collapse, Rodriguez should be in position to easily top $49MM on the open market. Pitchers like Robbie Ray and Kevin Gausman have beaten nine figures at the age Rodriguez is now. Jameson Taillon and Taijuan Walker got four-year deals worth $68MM and $72MM, respectively, coming off less impressive platform seasons than the one Rodriguez is putting together.
Rodriguez’s ERA is much better than it was two years ago, when he landed $77MM and the opt-out clause, although his peripherals are largely the same. He’s obviously older but wouldn’t cost a signing team a draft choice this time around. Rodriguez rejected a qualifying offer preceding his first trip to free agency; he can’t receive another QO since the CBA prevents a player from getting more than one in their careers.
It all points towards a likely opt-out. Still, the Tigers have a couple months of exclusive negotiating rights if they’re interested in opening conversations about keeping him off the market. Cody Stavenhagen of the Athletic wrote last night that Rodriguez could be open to restructuring his contract — presumably discussing a pay bump that’d get him to waive the opt-out clause — but there’ve only been cursory talks between the Tigers and the pitcher over the course of the season.
Whether there’ll be more serious negotiations over the next couple months remains to be seen. In the interim, Rodriguez will continue taking the ball every fifth day as the anchor of an otherwise fairly young Detroit rotation. The Tigers shipped out Michael Lorenzen yesterday, leaving them with a starting five of Rodriguez, Tarik Skubal, Reese Olson, Matt Manning and Joey Wentz. Righty Spencer Turnbull is on a rehab stint and could soon bump Wentz from the group.
Family? Isn’t this the guy who cheated on his wife?
Maybe all the more reason to focus on family. Money doesn’t solve everything.
Money isn’t everything.
A lesson a lot of people will never learn, unfortunately.
nj – Well said!
Anybody who knows Eduardo knows he’s a unique individual, and after what he went through last year he likely feels his family must now come first. Good for him, the money will be there whether or not he pitches in the postseason this year.
Like the mother of my children who I cheated on because money is everything to her…
Who’s living in a 220,000 dollar house and is married and wants my disability check? Wow college sure does pay…. f this society
Like go get tracked 9 off the Fragile by Nine Inch Nails playa…. pimp…. booker… bet taker? Get your whole life took by liars and fakes… Instagram clout chasers
1999 screaming Y2K in my rear view
1999 screaming Y2K in my rear view
1999 Screaming Y2K in my broken Rearview
ERod will opt out..then sign with the Dodgers just kidding….Not moving him is a total failure by Scott Harris… The Tigers are a laughing Stock in Baseball… There is no way the Tigers sign this guy after he opts out…He gave the middle finger to them …
No he gave the middle finger to LA. E-Rod is basically saying LA itself is more of a mess than Detroit. Have ya seen Skid Row? Then also California taxes are higher than Michigan’s.
I don’t think LA has any hard feelings and I don’t think ‘LA being a trash dump’ is one reason either. He said that he’s happy being in Detroit around family. If he’s so happy being in Detroit he should play out his contract. Sure he’s going to contradict himself by opting out though.
Nope, needs it though
Too many of you are projecting your LA feelings on him. His family is on the east coast. That’s where he wants to be . Stop with the tax nonsense. Detroit looks foolish not going to him in advance of the teams he’d go to, if any.
As a ballplayer you have 2 homes, one near or in the city you play for and maybe an off-season home. His off-season home is in Florida, property isn’t exactly cheap in the Miami area. His 2nd home would then have to be in LA or he’s living in a hotel for 3 months. To be in the size home the Mrs would be comfortable in, to their lifestyle it’d be in the millions, and I also think she hated the idea of being at a hotel for that long. There’s not enough time to have a real estate agent find a lease agreement on a rental that suits them. So why uproot your family?
Huh? —- Must be the money grubbing, hand out, work until they die (because the minimum priced house is $1,500,000 Southern California residents who think money is everything because they can never get enough). Huh, means nothing else is important other than money… (that’s the parents as the kids have not become money obsessed yet.
E-Rod is in the 13.3% STATE INCOME TAX BRACKET if he moves to CA
States with 0% state income tax
South Dakota
I seriously doubt that the much higher tax E-Rod would pay actually factored into his decision not to go to LA. It is usually a secondary reason people make these decisions. (….Experience as a Financial planner of 25+ years…tax is not the driving factor that causes people to make decisions)
ALL he said was that he wanted to do what was best for his family. Period.… Its not much of a difference.
Irrelevant since he would only live and work in California for 2-3 months.
Newsflash: Not everyone wants to play for the Dodgers either.
News flash: not everybody cares about what you think.
Your comment has zero likes because you forgot to like your own comment. His comment was accurate.
News flash: screw you and the Dodgers.
Newsflash: You were triggered
Newsflash: these are not newsflashes
And now we hear it was all about $20M
If he really would love to stay in Detroit, then he shouldn’t opt out.
He sounds like a turd.
He negotiated the no trade clause and has it in his contract. So he is a turd for using it? I realize many fans see it differently, but I have no issue with it whatsoever. And as a Tigers fan, I’d love to see him in Detroit another 5 years.
Steve – Agreed! E-Rod has EVERY RIGHT TO USE THE NO-TRADE CLAUSE. The CA offended fans probably need their safe space.
Not really. Didn’t feel like uprooting his family’s life to benefit a corporation that ultimately cares nothing for him. Of course, “unable to negotiate an outcome where everyone is comfortable” is an obvious lie, agent can drop the act and just state they couldn’t negotiate a price on an extension with LA.
Cares nothing about him? Do you remember everything they did for him when he was in need last year?
He should take a hometown discount and give up millions? These days, loyalty means nothing. Although the players all cry about the owners not being loyal.
Bomb – ….turd….. probably why the Red Sox showed no attempt to re-sign E-Rod
He hasn’t opted out yet, has he? He sounds like someone who is prioritizing family. Family should ALWAYS come first.
No it isnt
I wanted so badly to pee pee on all this ERod stuff. The front office for failing to have a backup to the Dodger deal. ERod for being scared of the limelight.
Then… this perfectly crafted statement from his agent. I spun a complete 180 and love the humanity behind this game and respect ERod’s decision to stay in Detroit.
Hope the Bengals can do a nice run and finish near .500.
Bless you boys!
I don’t buy the ‘shies away from the limelight’ thought process for e-rod. Boston media and fans are intense, arguably amongt the most passionate in that regard in the country.
He’s well used to it, and, it never particularly bothered him in his time here at least in-so-far as he didn’t have greinke-esque anxiety and performance effects from the limelight.
We’re not sure who the other 16 teams were, that they could trade with. Maybe none of them were in buy mode for a left handed pitcher. LA tried anyway. We’ll never know.
The days of Musial and Maris are long gone. A gal in every port for most athletes. Doesn’t make it right, of course.
Cool name miltpappas
I don’t think Musial is someone to ever be looked up to. Maris on the other hand, that guy was awesome. Basically, telling media and fans that he won’t kowtow to them and just wants to play baseball and live his life.
Nope. Is that who your wife blamed it on?
She made the call here.
Does anybody know what players the Dodgers were giving up 4Eduardo Rodriguez ? Sure the names woulda leaked by now even though it’s touchy subject w/players knowledge u were moving on frm em. Always nice to have another good arm around but what was the price ?
I had a feeling it was Outman, or another MLB ready/near MLB ready bat, but no idea for sure.
Good for him. He didn’t want to do it, he negotiated the right to not have to do it, and he did what was best for him and his family. Anyone who feels entitled to his time the upheavel it would cause his family has forgotten the human beings behind their entertainment product.
Only problem with this logic on the surface, is that if he truly does love “living in Detroit” (he doesn’t live here, this is a false narrative in these stories right now), and really wants to play here, he could’ve easily taken the deal, gone to a top contender and fought for a WS title, the money, accolades and fame that come with it, then opted out at the end of the season and come back to Detroit on a fresh contract.
He’d be rejoining a Tigers roster that would be stronger given the assets gained in the deal that sent him to the Dodgers, to boot.
ERod has a ring and while i imagine getting another is something of importance to him it’s probably not at the top of the list. I imagine if a team like Baltimore or Tampa Bay had try to get him he would have signed off on the trade
Baltimore sucks if you are trying to raise a family. If he’s concerned about his family I’m sure they are on his no trade list too along with SF, both Chicago teams, StL, both LA teams, and Cleveland. Those cities are no place to raise children right now if you got a choice. I agree he would go to Tampa, I also think he would of went to either Texas team.
Baltimore city sucks 4just trying to survive, lived in northeast4 over 10yrs, why it’s tough4 O’s n Ravens to sign high value free agents, gota drive em frm airport n avoid all the abandoned buildings n project areas, sum of suburbs R nice (where the players n Cchs live) Every big city has crime, poorer areas, n deals w/socioeconomic fallout but bmore is a special kinda dangerous n scary, just had fatal shooting outside Camden yards ystrdy, we’ll see maybe he really does give Detroit a hometown discount n re-signs there, still as his agent u have to articulate what a playoff push w/high profile team could be worth, earning actual postseason experience (along w/getn playoff$) Ur chance @biggest stage in profession in exchange 4cpl months in Lala land, could really dial up #s he’d pull as free agent if he studded up n performed well, leaving $on the table n SoCal is pretty bitchin esp when money is not an issue
htrab – Can you please elaborate on your comment about not living in Detroit? Are you referring to where he lives in the winter? Or are you referring to living just outside of Detroit? If it’s the latter, most athletes don’t live right in the city where they play.
And I find it humorous that you assume the Tigers would be the winning bidder when ERod opts out and becomes a free agent. You are being far too presumptuous.
@htrab He could have that but that wasn’t his decision. The tigers agreed to a ntc when they signed him and he had no obligation to waive it. Erod didn’t owe anybody a waiver at the deadline and nobody commenting on the internet has any real insight into what his motivations were. It is what it is.
Probably more of a case of ill drop it for 1MM and they were haggling too much for him and he said forget it. I’ll stay here
I’ve been to L.A. being that I have a sister who lives out there.
There’s no rational amount of money that would convince me to suffer through having to live there for 3 months, I find it a miserable place. Having said that, I feel the same way about NYC where some good friends and a cousin live as well.
Were I to be in e-rod’s position I’d have done exactly what he did. I find it hard to imagine that over the solid 6 weeks or longer that DET was a known seller they couldn’t have found a buyer among the other 19 squads not on the no-trade list.
And the value as a pure rental was a big part of the issue
The only problem with YOUR logic is you assuming you know what he wants more than he knows. He doesn’t want any of that. You know how I know? He rejected it.
Awwwww baseball players are human beings too. That’s so sweet. He didn’t mind leaving Boston for Detroit though.
He said they were happy in detroit. He hates Boston
Boston is a racist city it really is. I’m not saying the organizations I’m saying the people. It’s why Kyrie Irving wanted to leave the Celtics. I’m not saying it’s overt but you definitely can feel it if you are sensitive to that.
Those white people I swear…..
Yeah, he wanted to be in one city and not another city. That’s how people are, man. Do you know any? Do any talk to you?
That’s great… but just one small problem with this statement:
“They are comfortable living in the Detroit area and have adjusted well.”
But according to Eduardo, his agent, Hinch and Harris, his family lives in Miami.
Got heem
Dude is a btich
One can establish permanent residency in Florida and other states for tax purposes and never spend a day there.
Obvious and true, but again, they’re all on record as stating that’s where they actually reside (Miami).
And still doesn’t negate the falsehood of his agent to claim Eduardo and his family are “comfortable living in the Detroit area and have adjusted well.”
It’s also possible his family/kids do enjoy spending their summers in Detroit. Why are you so hung up on painting Rodriguez as a liar?
Where did I call Rodriguez a liar? I’m pointing out the fact that all of those people have stated numerous times that they live, reside, dwell, domicile, occupy, whatever the hell you want to call it, in Miami.
If I’m “painting” anyone as a liar, it’s his agent, whom I quoted.
YBC just stop.
“Maybe his family enjoys summering in Detroit”
When has anyone ever said that?
So the retired folks who spend the summers up north but their winters in Florida, “snowbirds” live where?
I have quite a few friends who love living in Detroit, like every city or has nice areas and less nice areas.
I know Detroit has nice places. Just like chicago. However, I have never heard of someone that doesn’t live in Detroit spending their summers in Detroit.
Do you guys have Detroit in your vacation lists? Outside of visiting friends like you mention
Hopefully in a shallow grave soon.
My grandparents have residency in NY going back 65 years. October to May they are in Ft. Myers.
Maybe they just prefer the eastern to central time difference over the difference with pacific time. Can call his girl after the game and she’s still up.
Wink wink
It’s definitely better then living in Cleveland.
He lives in Birmingham Mi during the season. About 20 miles from the ballpark.
His son is in first grade there.
So he takes his son out of school halfway through the school year to enroll him in a Michigan school after spring training?
YBC – You have to buy a home or rent in Florida, and have a Florida mailing address, to establish residency there.
As for taxes, totally irrelevant. Athletes pay income tax aka Jock Tax based on where they play, not where they live.
Jeter lived in Florida while playing for the yanks
Not true at all. Everywhere has a minimum residency, or you’re forced to file with the federal government if out of the country. It is common for people to lie and list fake addresses as residency, but this a crime. You also pay taxes based on where you work, not live.
This right here is facts….and to establish residency in a state you have to physically live there for over 6 months out of the year….
Then he should have gone to Harris and said hey boss, I wouldn’t mind if you traded me to the Tampa Rays and I’ll do my part to persuade them with your ok
htrab – Why the heck would a Venezuelan want to live in Detroit during the winter? Most Latino athletes live in warm weather states during the offseason because winters up north are awful. I lived in the Northeast, winters sucked.
Add the fact that by far the largest population of Venezuelan Americans in the US live in the Miami/FLL/WPB area, why wouldn’t they want the comfort of living among so many people with a common background? I’m guessing he has plenty of relatives and friends in the area as well.
I think it’s pretty common for players to have a residence in or around the city they play in and a residence they live in during the off-season, which are often in florida.
Only way they get to see their family during the season. I think most players have a minimum of 2 homes and if they are a vet who has been around probably many more.
Maybe the best player in the country’s history came from there? The guy with 500 homers…. Goes by miggy I believe . You think anyone wants a Florida summer? You can have it
Distance between Miami and Detroit 1200 miles
Distance between Miami and LA 2300 miles
Then I’m sure he would have accepted a trade to Miami. But that’s not what was offered. It was a trade to LA. Miami to LA is like a 6 hour flight compared to 3 hours to Detroit. If my family lived in Miami I would much rather live in Detroit than LA. He doesn’t owe anybody an explanation. He negotiated a no trade clause and he’s entitled to use it. If Tigers fans are upset they should take it up with the GM who failed to make a deal with one of the 20 teams that ERod couldn’t veto a trade to.
He owns a home in Miami. He lives off of Woodward in Birmingham during the season.
He’s being PC for now. I’m sure he’ll opt out.
Exactly; not a surprise he’s gonna spout off whatever the reporters and Tigers fans “want to hear” so that the reporters will go away without asking the hard questions… like, “Eduardo, did you OK the deal and then back out at the last second, effectively screwing this organization over?” And/or the follow up question to Harris; “Mr. Harris, why did you not have a plan B, C, D etc., in the event your deal broke down? Why did you allow your organization to be screwed over by not having a backup plan when this deal to the Dodgers was nixed by Rodriguez’s agent before the buzzer?”
Instead we get nothing but softball questions from the beat writers and local TV/radio “reporters.”
I could not of said it better myself! Exactly! Regarding Harris, this is something I would of expected from Al Avila, not this “whiz kid!” SMH!
The blame goes to the GM who could have made a trade to 20 teams not the player who did not want to move for just two months. He probably wanted a guaranteed pay raise or extension to justify going to the opposite coast of where his family resides.
This is the exact problem. Try this scenario since you’re all guessing. He left for family reasons for two months last summer. It impacted his trade value. He missed june with a finger injury and had not been great in three starts since and oh his agent had everything agreed to and it got called off late. Who do you think made this decision ?? Try the mrs. Tell me no one here ever made a work decision because of their spouse . Laughable
Now that definitely makes sense
I’m always under the impression that Athletes love $$ and winning. He already has the $$! Doesn’t he want the opportunity to be on a winning Team?
daddy – Apparently you’re unfamiliar with ERod and didn’t both to read the article.
He pitched in the postseason 3 times, played in the ALCS twice, and won a WS championship.
He has a ring and money. He wants his family. Next …
He won already and he’s made good money. He wants another shot at a bag but at a location his family likes, especially the misses.
Much respect to Rodriguez for listening to his instincts and staying in Detroit. He sets a fine example for seeking a healthy balance in life.
He doesn’t need to say anything. He has the right that’s what a NTC is used for. End of story
So if he said no to la why not try with teams nit on the no trade clause? Waiver wire next
Because Harris was irresponsible, that’s why. Put all his eggs in one basket and got burnt with the nixed deal at the last minute.
It was a late decision which was different than what he told them. They agreed , he talked to his wife, and they decided it was time to stop hopping from team to team. Hope he stays so we can stop the athletes prioritize money over all else. Would be a nice story for once
I respect the priorities, but if this dude opts out I can’t imagine this is going to help him at contract time. I don’t think it’s quite fair to call this a loser move, but it sure isn’t the move of a guy that seems interested in winning championships. Good for him, I guess.
I don’t see any reason this should be a significant factor in his free agency if he opts out. Guys use their ntc protections from time to time, it happens. If he maintains his performance this year, stays healthy and opts out I don’t see him lacking in offers. End of the day teams are going to negotiate with free agents on a primarily performance focused basis. This is a minor factor at best.
He would be stuck with only 49 for 3….
People like what they like. A lot of people wouldn’t touch NY or LA with a ten foot pole. Some people would rather live in Montana.
I believe a no trade clause should be self explanatory. No one needs to beat the guy up about it and if I was him, I wouldn’t care what the public thinks anyway, just my family.
No trade clauses are actually more often invoked or worked into contracts not so much as a “keep me from ever having to play for that organization or that team/live in that city” as much as they are for leverage when it comes to these trade deadline deals.
Dodgers want me eh? OK, cool, I’ll waive the clause, if demands A, B, C, etc., are met. If the Dodgers balked at those demands (whatever they could’ve been), ERod just simply says forget it, I’m staying put, deal’s off.
Very astute! I totally agree!
I assume that happened but as he said there was not enough time to agree to a sweetener.
It’s obviously private and the interview with Harris and aj both said the conversations they’ve had with him are very private. It has to be related to him walking away unpaid last summer. He didn’t care about the money . He needed to keep his family together . You people are awful
Who are you calling “you people?”
NY isn’t just NYC. There are areas north of the city that is as much a wilderness as Montana, except we don’t have any redneck supremacist moving there,
My family is from rural western NY. Beautiful countryside but they have plenty of red neck supremacists already.
probably boated across the lake from Michigan
I think you misspelled “democrats”.
Sounds like Harris did the pooch. Good grief, there was not someone in the other 19 teams he could have been traded to ? How you mess up that deadline is a major goof up. This fan is starting to wonder as are a lot probably. Oh well it’s his embarrassment when he goes to the winter meetings.
Scott Harris should have found a different team to trade him to if he really wanted to move him, instead of waiting until the last minute and getting nothing.
Translation: MONEY.
Translation FAMILY
He left the team and was not paid. He gave up five mil but didn’t care. Yea it’s money…
E-Rod and his family love Detroit so much that they’ll stay for two more months before he opts out the day after the World Series ends. Don’t think they love it there enough to still live there come April
Bruh really said “I want to live in Detroit”.
If you had ever lived there you would too.
I’ll never fault a guy for putting his family first.
Nor would I move my family to present day Los Angeles.
I would much rather live in Los Angeles than Detroit but I don’t expect everyone to share my preference any more than that I like blueberries and hate blackberries.
I mean the fact you hate the best berry and like the worst…
Halos – Agreed! Even with Mookie, JD and Kike trying to convince ERod to join them, family comes first.
For his future contract, simply staying in a losing situation with no eyeballs on you is better than a potential poor performance on a contender. It’s selfish, but smart.
Greinke did it for mental reasons and if that’s selfish you must be single
He doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. He has a NTC and used it. That’s his right. End of story.
No, it’s not the end of the story! How this went down, especially on Harris’s end is what is really important! To have an asset walk for nothing at the end of this season will be totally unacceptable for club in desperate need of young talent! Also, this fan is very underwhelmed and already tired of this RE-rebuild with the new management team! SMH!
It’s on the front office to explain why they tried to trade a guy they couldn’t without even discussing it with him first. The player doesn’t owe anyone anything in this situation.
@ham, then blame the front office not Erod. The Tigers negotiated the contract. If the Tigers are not smart enough to understand what a no trade clause means and what an opt out means, then they are to blame, not the player. Erod is doing nothing that was not expected when he signed the contract. Sounds like the tigers are desperately more in need of a competent front office than they are of young talent.
Good for Eduardo. He earned his NTC and should be allowed to use it without having to explain himself.
The notion that this “fell apart at the last minute” seems false; the news of his block came with hours remaining on the deadline clock… right? If anything, this may reinforce some DET fan’s notions that their FO was lazy… or worse- inept. I’m not pointing fingers, but a reasonable backup plan or even Plan C should have been hammered out amongst the Tiger honchos.
If he opts out, again, good for him! He earned his contract and all the minutiae buried within. Perhaps he parlays his “commitment to the Tigers” into a new deal (see: Machado, Manny) or maybe he doesn’t. Either way, the perception is that he was loyal to himself, his family AND his team.
Doesn’t want to be a Dodger. Can’t fault him for that. He’ll make a great starter for an underachieving squad about 100 miles south.
Watch him opt out and sign for a team far away from his family. I don’t trust this guy one bit.
Perhaps they want more time to plan their move.
Watch him walk away from baseball and say screw all of you. It’s quite likely all was done and after talking it over with his wife she was not comfortable . Not blaming Harris if the guy pulled the family is more important at the end of the day card. He walked away from five mil last season to go home .. to leave for five million more? Doubt it
People attacking him. If signs to play for their team. They win cheer for him. As jerry Seinfeld said people cheer for the clothes. Who wears those means nothing to majority. Team did not have to give no trade. Teams do this to get the guy. Then few years later When the don’t want him. Ignore it.
He’s just a bitter loser. Doesn’t want to go to LA and deal with the expectations. Would rather stay in Detroit and whine and cry about some excuses.
Typical deluded LA fan… the expectations are the same everywhere. There is literally nothing special about LA. It’s the propaganda center of the US and a port city. Statistically one of the worst places to live.
Sure, but why take out that on MLB team fans?
How exactly is it one of the worst places to live? My next door neighbors play for the Rams, we have blue ribbon schools, upper level per capita income and literally zero crime.
@highwaymenace I feel sorry for you lol your mind is mush from right wing talking points. I’m sure you don’t even believe the nonsense you say. Sad life you live.
I’m very much so in the “middle” when it comes to politics (since you brought it up in Highway’s comment) but even I know that thinking for yourself in LA is not a thing. You’re either left or you’re wrong. The further the left the better. To each their own of course, but I’d never want to live anywhere where a difference in personal opinion, or politics, villainizes me.
Uh he has a ring. Great take
With how this trade fell through, it got me thinking: when signing a NTC, why not give your team (GM) an idea of where you’d not like to be dealt (specific teams, region, etc)? Especially if you know your team is shopping you.
Granted, I still think Harris dropped the ball on this waiting til the last second. Maybe he thought he could get more in the last hour if negotiations, I dunno. But having some insight as to where a player will and will not play would definitely be beneficial for both sides.
The GM knows the teams on the no trade list. Harris is an idiot. He had to talk to the player and sell them on the trade.
Harris should have traded Cisnero and Shreve. Many teams add veteran relievers. Should have dealt McKinstry and Ibanez. Many contenders want bench players. Should have traded Baddoo or Carpenter. Many teams (Yankees) want lefty of bats.
And gotten what? Cash? No one offered anything for the players you mentioned and carpenter could get a better haul in the off-season. Is it fun to rip peoples jobs when you have zero facts? He still needs to hire a gm so send your resume
They got the dodgers number 14 for cash!
There were 10 teams on his NTC. Harris knew exactly where he did not want to play before trying to set up a trade.
I’m wondering who the Dodgers didn’t end up trading away in the deal.
Yep, me too. ERod might have done us a favor.
Sometimes the best trades are the ones that never got made.
I don’t get why anyone is upset with E-Rod here. The Tigers knew the 10 teams in the no trade clause and could have worked out a trade with any of the other 19 MLB without needing to even notify the player. This is the GM’s fault! He had a deadline and obviously wanted to trade this player. So he should have gotten the best return possible from a place that wasn’t on the short list they had already negotiated with the player they couldn’t trade him to o.
I am surprised the Tigers could not work out a trade with one of the teams not on his no trade list. I thought Miami was looking for pitching.
If Rodriguez really likes it in Detroit then he will not opt out and just stay in Detroit. Both parties are happy. Win Win. I doubt that very much. More like, he hates it in Detroit… it’s a clown show there. He doesn’t want to be traded late in the year. He would rather be the best pitcher on a crappy team than the mediocre pitcher that gets blame on a good team. He opts out, gets a better deal with a better team in a city closer to where he wants to be.
He lives in Birmingham, about 20 miles from Comerica. He also still owns a home in Miami.
Maybe his preference is to stay in Detroit with a renegotiated contract. We’ll know within a few months.
Reading into his comments I don’t think he wanted to move to LA then become a free agent because he plans to opt out then have to move again.
I get this from his comment of when I finally was able to talk to the dodgers there wasn’t enough time to work things out. I assume he wanted to get a new long term deal with them so he didn’t have to move again next year.
The dodgers didn’t want to sign him to a new long term deal or they didn’t have time to work one out. So he chose to play out the year with the tigers and will opt out and sign a new deal with them or some one else next year. He will still get paid what he wants and doesn’t have to move twice. I’d guess this is related to him not wanting to put his family through that.
Reading scuttlebutt that ERod wanted a $20M bump to rework the NTC/opt-out and that didn’t happen. Sounds feasible but these things don’t get negotiated in public…
The GM who issued this contract bears much of the blame. There wasn’t much value to expect in return for another team taking on the huge downside risk if Rodriguez gets injured after the trade, versus the short upside of getting only a rental arm if he continues to perform.
come up with a way to make it happen where everyone was comfortable with the outcome.
I’m curious what was needed “to make it happen”? You fly to LA. you buy a house, and maybe the family follows depending on whether you intend to opt out.
The agent sounds like ERod wanted more money. What else could it be?
From what Ive heard it was something like the Dodgers wanting him to not opt out if they traded for him and then his agent was trying to get an extra year and 20M from the Dodgers if the trade was completed. The Dodgers didn’t want to do it, so the trade was blocked or they ran out of time, I forget. I’m at work and gotta get back to it.
And the A__hole claims it was about family. What a fuh-king loser.
That he didn’t want to move his family at all? That he wanted to be closer to his family in Miami than he would be in LA?
Players are people too. If I sat down and discussed a move with my wife and she was not comfortable with it I would not take the job.
It’s not all that bad.
“The details of the trade” indicate LAD wanted something (xtension), he did not agree.
Did Harris screw up? Maybe not. The personal relationship between the Tiger management and the player is not public.
Life is weird, the paths we choose, affects everyone in the world. The player is in a good state of mind, he’s on a roll.
What is sad here is the truth about what American cities are becoming…….and what Americans feel about what changes are rapidly taking place.
Harris did pick up what appears to be a good utility infielder. Maybe I’m stereotyping…..
Why make a trade are not getting want? A trade for a trades sake, for posterity or what ever is useless. Maybe he did the right thing.
The problem for Detroit is still too many untested players, who “deserve a chance to prove themselves “. That’s what is wrong with the rebuild.
Traditionally, those guys duke it out at Toledo…….
I would.imagine Harris is not.keen on trading one.of.the only MLB vets he has.
Technically, the Tigers are.not mathematically eliminated yet…there is still hope…there is still a chance….Go Tigers!
As it stands, the future team looks decent, not dominant but decent…..and it’s baseball…that’s why we play the games….
Can’t blame E-Rod, just the guy who fiddled around all weekend and still ended up with nothing. Had 7-8 tradable players but only moved the most likely to re-sign if offered a deal.
Harris is worse than Avila, should have dumped Javy, even if he had to pay down all of his salary. Also found a home for our other soon to be free agents , even with poor returns we’d be better off
Higher taxes, tougher division? Nah just stay out and keep the recent track record extra clean for negotiation this winter.