Since the Athletics announced back in April that they’d agreed to purchase land for a stadium site in Nevada, a relocation to Las Vegas has seemed like a foregone conclusion. Commissioner Rob Manfred did little to dispel that notion yesterday when detailing the Athletics’ progress in the relocation application process, but he also took a meeting with Oakland mayor Sheng Thao at her request during this week’s All-Star break, reports Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic. In a separate Q&A, Thao tells Rosenthal that she requested the sit-down in large part due to Manfred’s prior public claims that the city of Oakland had not put forth a stadium proposal.
“Through the press, we have heard that Manfred has stated there was no proposal,” said Thao, who arrived at the meeting with copies of 268 pages worth of design guidelines, development plans and transactional documentation. “We wanted to dispel that notion. If people were misinformed, we wanted to make sure everybody had all the real-time information of how close we were to a ballpark.”
Fans of the A’s and other clubs alike will want to read both pieces in full. The first piece contains direct links to the hundreds of pages of material Thao brought to the presentation, while Rosenthal’s Q&A with Thao provides on-record stances from the first-term mayor, who was elected to her position back in January.
Thao repeatedly emphasized that her priority is to keep the A’s in Oakland, citing (among other factors) the larger market size, the less extreme weather and the larger plot of land for the A’s; the city’s Howard Terminal proposal includes a 100-acre real estate development, as opposed to the current nine-acre plot being discussed in Las Vegas.
Asked whether the city would be amenable to an expansion franchise following the potential relocation of the A’s, Thao replied that Las Vegas is the more logical site for an expansion club, citing the Athletics’ 50-year history in Oakland and pointing to the longstanding ties to fans in the city. Critics will surely point out the perennially poor attendance, but Thao countered by calling that factor a two-way street.
“You can’t divest from a team to make them one of the worst teams in the league — the fans know it, owners know it, everyone knows it — and then expect there to be a strong fanbase as well,” she told Rosenthal. “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.”
For his part, Manfred simply told Rosenthal that he and Thao had a “good meeting.” He told Thao he’d pass the contents of her presentation onto MLB’s three-person relocation committee. Thao told Rosenthal the city is very much open to continuing to work with the A’s and work on its proposal. It still feels like a long shot, given that the Nevada senate recently approved the team’s stadium plan and governor Joe Lombardo recently signed a bill proposing $380MM in public funding.
Indeed, while A’s hopefuls may see a glimmer of hope with Manfred and Thao meeting, Mick Akers of the Las Vegas Review-Journal tweets that a source called the meeting “much [ado] about nothing,” adding that it’s likely “too little, too late” for the city of Oakland in its efforts to rekindle talks.
Wait… Oakland has a mayor?!? I thought it was an abandoned area.
Shouldn’t a major league city have a working 911 system?
Thanks Mr. Newsom. We are all aware of your blind love for the sinking ship.
Oakland, Stockton, Bakerfield all just as bad as El Paso, Orlando any other dump. CA has plenty of messes. Bring back asylums to get the crazies off the street, you can thank your CA god Reagan for the homeless mess in CA. Shoulda reformed the asylums not closed them.
Have you ever made a post related to baseball on this site
What do you mean clown country? These are some of the states that actually have a lick of sense. Obviously you are from Cali.
@StephCurryRetires: No state that elects idiots like Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz has anything to brag about and no business criticizing other states.
As an Angels fan, who grew up in Anaheim, living in the Bay Area for 25 years now, I will miss watching my team when they come to town.
This is what I’ve seen in 25 years-
First the Giants f the A’s by never giving back the rights to SJ when they leveraged Santa Clara( A’s gave to Giants to keep them here) for a deal with SF.
MLB has never supported the A’s ownership.
Oakland has had an endless number of incompetent leaders, County, Mayors, City Council, and at the State level.
The one thing I know is A’s fans will show up if they had new ownership, a stadium, and a team trying to win. Their fans blow away Giants fans in knowledge of the game, passion, and noise inside the stadium.
They deserve better!
Sounds like bs to me
Quiet ya little Saul Alinsky acolyte!
With emphasis on the lick, and much else.
California has 1/3rd of the welfare recipients, with about 12-15% of the population. California is the “Handout State”
You sure it ain’t 2/3???
@bpskelly: Link to this data, or is BS like the letters you need to spell your username?
St. Louis has the highest murder rate per capita of any American city. St. Louis is the “Murder Capital of America”.
See how much fun it can be to casually and unseriously throw statistics around?
@DodgerBlue22: If you hate California so much, why is DodgerBlue part of your username? The team has been a big part of California’s identity since 1958.
Funny stuff. Need fact checkers here also it seems.
Ca has lost 1/2m in population last 3y and saw today the state is expected to lose 3 congresional seats 2030 country wide realignment.
terribly ran states have exodus of population. States with common sense laws and practices gain it.
Smart voters vote with their feet, not tag along with nonsense posted above.
You may want to stop associating with Dodgers fans.
The biggest factor of why Oakland should NOT move to Vegas (mentioned by the Oakland mayor): extreme weather. Las Vegas will be running out of water in the next twenty years. There is NO way around that. It is a pretty open secret. That doesn’t mean they won’t be able to access water. That will happen. But it will not be sustainable and will be at the detriment of some other water source and people dependent on said water source. Add in the actual weather component (and not simply the previously mentioned tertiary component) and future energy costs (think regular temperatures over 100, 110, and perhaps 120 degrees) and I think moving to Vegas should be a dead proposal.
“terribly ran states” Funny stuff. Need spellcheckers here also it seems, but keep up the good work.
a good majority of california is the breadbasket of the United States. in the central valley, farms for miles. country roads as far as you can see.
i speak from fortunate experience coz i live here in the northern section of the central valley where trailers scoot up and down hwy. 99 and hwy. 5 bringing groceries here and across the U.S.
if you see “skid row” in los angeles and “the tenderloin” in san francisco and post online that this is how the entirety of california is (drugs, feces on the sidewalk, homeless, etc.), you’re misrepresenting.
i know you’re trolling and no place is perfect, but, for the individuals who’ve yet to make it out here, look past the major cities (l.a., san diego, bay area, sacramento) and see what’s what.
You gotta love and fawn over the state in order to love a team? Not quite the CA of 1958 anymore is it Baron?
Don’t get stymied so easily Bartholemew. As I explained to Baron Hilton below..
Texas gained 2 seats and Florida gained 1, in the house of representatives. This was after the 2020 census. Over 300,000 fled the cesspool that is California and clearly moved to states like Texas and Florida. So what are you talking about? Ignorance…
Which by the way also led to California LOSING a seat.
CA is a radical STRONGHOLD! As in “complete and utter control.” Is this news to anyone? Anyone walked the streets of Downtown LA lately? It is positively PUTRID!!
Orlando is nice.
@stephcurry Lol no
Your take is 100% incorrect, and Steph Curry won’t retire with 8 rings either. Even in today’s NBA.
really? I live the delusion California people live under. I haven’t heard people going from Texas or Florida TO California….
truth. People are leaving high taxes and high crime, regardless of what thr president tries to tell you.
there is little doubt you are correct sir. lots of beautiful places in Cali. Pacifica is one.
So you mean the state with the largest population has to most welfare recipients? What a shock.
Let’s look at the percentage of population of a state that gets welfare. California is 29th. Well behind states like New Mexico, Louisiana, West Virginia, Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Baseball site guys. Baseball talk. Fight politics at Fox or MSNBC.
so tired of people blaming the Giants for the A’s leaving – dumb people making excuses for billionaires who want tax breaks and gambling returns.
@bubba3b even at that – when people talk about the bay area, the TL is like a 3 block by maybe 7 block area of SF and doesn’t represent the city at all but fox news comes in and does a report in the middle of it and idiots are stupid enough to believe it because they want to blame someone that is different from them for the ills of the world. you go throughout the rest of the bay area even and you have redwood parks and rolling hills and hiking trails and on and on.
It’s the blue states that prop up this country economically. Red states are economically dependent on the blue states like California and New York that they enjoy sneering at so much. You would be living in poverty without us. Don’t worry though. We don’t mind taking care of you despite your ingratitude.
Apparently you not from California and never been to Oakland
Presumably you’re trolling, but the federal government would close tomorrow without California. Where do you think the taxes are coming from? Where do you think the money is made in this country?
You just own-goaled yourself, friend. “Voters vote with their feet” implies California is the best-run state, because the most populous (and economically successful.) checkmate, nerd.
people that are afraid of “California earthquakes” are idiots – there have been a handful of major quakes in the last 200 years – only a few more than Alaska – at the same time the south has had devastating hurricanes nearly every year and the Midwest has tornadoes and flooding etc.
Florida and Texas both produce over a trillion in GDP too. As a matter of fact the Texas economy is better than that of New York. Texas and Florida have economies just as good and neither are one of the highest taxing states like that of NY and California. Just stop with the ignorance.
You didn’t provide one example.
No argument here on the corruption statement. That’s probably the only thing you’ve gotten correct so far this week. Small victory. Congrats.
Handout states? California receives far more federal dollars than any other state, almost double what they contribute to the fed through taxes. Keep drinking the koolaid…
Delusional leftist. California lost representatives due to population loss in the last census. Millions of people have fled California in the last few years alone. Your problem is that people on the right don’t watch Fox News, it’s a centrist globalist platform. Only ignorant leftists parrot nonsense about Fox News.
“Think for yourself” – says the guy literally parroting leftist talking points word for word. So sad.
Not surprising you are so easily fooled by leftist propaganda, you think you know basketball but prove otherwise every time you post.
That’s nice of you to say, you must be one of those “people with money” because things in CA are plenty bad for my family in riverside, San Francisco, sac and Redding. Everyone we know is struggling and the vast majority of our problems can be drawn back to government and businesses that make deals with government. I work for a company that has the state as their main client, things are plenty bad. What is your blind allegiance that causes you to say things like that? Politics? You’re a clown. Bummer that I love your username so much. I’ll be happy with Steph winning just one more ring though.
1-I don’t listen or watch right wing media. That’s a huge assumption on your part.
2-Californians (me included) passed the Balanced Budget Initiative Prop 58 in 2004 requiring the California Legislature to balance the budget every year. However, the way that’s done every year is they tweak the “estimated revenue” column to make up the deficit. California’s budget is never truly balanced. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
3-Tennessee’s budget is always in the black. In response to that success and the current president’s economic “plan” failure, Tennesseans will enjoy a sales tax reprieve on all groceries from August through October. That’s leadership.
4-I don’t need to lie about California. Californians tell the truth every day by the mass exodus occurring.
@ StephCurryRetiresWith8Rings,
You missed my sarcasm and/or irony. We’re in agreement with regard to the entirety of this argument.
The ACLU has revised their published history, but at the time, they clamoured and created a litigation and financial pit to force the decisions that were made to be made.
Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals includes those tactics that are put into action even to this day. The only difference is that today, people are getting tired of it. There is no Bud Light at my local Costco anymore because of the backlash.
And the only reason Texas is gaining seats in the HOR is because of democratic voters. So what’s your point?
Lake Meade is not going anywhere just like the arctic ice caps are still here. It’s fear climate porn designed to scare you into going green. While it’s true there was a extreme drought, they just had a historic winter as far as snowfall goes and the it is refilling just like Salt Lake in Utah. This next winter is an El Nino winter and that means it’s gonna rain, a lot again.
No buddy. It’s not. Gang members and illegal aliens all over…Very ill mannered people too. Low class. Just yuck yuck people…OC is much different. Better class of folk 😉
this mass exodus you are talking about is roughly .003% at the same time you can very well say that that percentage was likely under counted due to trump’s fraudulent census by discouraging immigrants from answering (I know of at least 3 households ON MY BLOCK that refused to answer (Chinese and Mexican immigrants) from a friend who was a census taker. The majority of the people that “exodus-ed” moved in state, not out of state from the urban areas when remote work became the norm.
I wanna do your glasses badly!
@degrom Travel more. Boast less.
You missed the joke and sarcasm.
Aw, come on guys!
We’re supposed to be
here making fun of
evil bot Msnfred!
Eyes on the prize guys!
But Oakland literally had sewage problems in their stadium… why ignore the elephant in the room?
“Evil Bot Manfred”..Some people always need someone to demonize to feel better about themselves, anyone will do really.
The A’s ownership has a sewage problem in their stadium, that is an issue of neglect on their part. Changing cities dies not change ownership and if a new stadium regardless of location is maintained in same manner it to will have issues down the road.
You mean the stadium that the Athletics were leasing from Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum Authority? Yeah, sounds like the tenant’s fault.
That would depend on the lease agreement. And normally an operation of that scope from the city lines out would b the responsibility of the leasee. Definitely from the structure in.
So you allege it’s the team/owners fault, without consideration that the property owner is responsible?
Per the 2014 lease agreement, “In connection with the Authority’s obligation to maintain and repair the Stadium, the Authority agrees to fund a Stadium Maintenance Fund by setting aside $1 million each year, increasing by 5% each year, to fund its ongoing maintenance and repair obligations. The A’s may designate $150,000 of this fund each year for a particular project. The Authority is required to maintain the stadium even if the amount required exceeds the amount available in this fund.”
FYI: The A’s are 50% of the Authority and are the ones who are SUPPOSED to handle the maintenance/repair.
@CCCTL Per the language of the lease agreement, the licensor (Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Complex) is responsible for providing a $1M stadium maintenance fund (see 5.7.1) to cover maintenance and repairs including for example all structural parts, electrical systems, plumbing, heating systems, stadium seats, elevators, offices, sound systems and televisions.
This mayor sounds awesome! I love her honest, straightforward approach to keeping the A’s in Oakland.
No she really isn’t good at all. Don’t get too excited. You been to Oakland?
Sounds like our entire Govt.
All a cover up by A’s Owner to move and sell and make billions
MLB should force Fisher to sell and keep the A’s in Oakland
Its not about just the A’s
Its about bringing jobs and homes to a broken City
Hope for the sake of Oakland, they stay!
Now the Mayor shows up with proposals?
Sure does sound “like our entire Govt.”
The City of Oakland has had “proposals” for over 10 years. None of them were passed.
The Mayor is simply playing PYA weeks after the City of Las Vegas and the State of Nevada negotiated and got their proposal through.
Grandstanding and pointing fingers is what American politicians do best.
New Mayor in Oakland and if you read article you would see that proposals were given back in November
A’s Ownership turned his back on City for free hand out from Vegas!
“Now the Mayor shows up with proposals?”
Once again, Samuel has no clue but that won’t stop him from pontificating.
The proposals did not pass. No proposals have passed the Oakland City Council.
In cases like this politicians make proposals that they know won’t be accepted by the parties, and if they ae, when they go to ratify the proposal enough members will vote against it to stop it from passing.
20 years.
@junior25: MLB can’t force anything unless there is a buyer willing to keep the team in Oakland.
There have been several offers to buy the team including from AASEG which owns the rights to build on the site of the Coliseum. Marc Benioff and Joe Lacob have both also made overtures to buy the team and keep it in Oakland. The A’s would not be for sale long if MLB forced Fisher to sell.
For all those who are saying stay in Oakland apparently you haven’t been to Oakland stadium or the proposed new sites in Oakland. There is a major crime and major homeless problem around the stadium. The side opposite of the freeway is wall to wall homeless. Horrible
When I go there and we leave we don’t stop for at least a hour as the area is bad.
Anybody who says they are from there and Oakland is safe I challenge you to walk around the outside of stadium at night with a camera.
You must not have been there in quite a while. They cleared that camp and the one at Wood St out in 2022. I was there to help with Wood St.
The one at Baldwin/Coliseum Way and Hergenberger is mostly gone. Just a few people there most nights.
If you are talking about the trailers that Operation Homebase set up in that parking lot on Hergenberger for homeless seniors, that is relatively clean and the population there is not permanent. Most move into a hotel or other housing within a month or two.
where the hell are you going that you think everything within an hour of oakland is bad – I am in alameda and walking distance from oakland and it is not what you are implying at all. I know you are probably scared of your shadow but it isn’t worth making up stories and disparaging people – frankly I am far more terrified of pretty much anywhere in the midwest than I am anywhere here in the bay area.
The A’s have never drawn great in Oakland, moving is best for all concerned.
Going to a night game there’s, requires a great amount of courage..
Golly gee whillikers….so scary.
When was the last time you attended a game there? I go regularly and am not at all concerned for my safety.
Arnold you may want to check your facts.
From 1988 – 1993 when the Hass Family owned the team they were one of the top teams in attendance, hitting 2.9 million one season. During this period the Atl Braves had a season under 900,000. Should they have moved? On top of this Atl has had 2 new stadiums during in the last 30 years
Ownership makes a big difference.
Things change in 30 years. During that time the Yankees couldn’t reach the postseason. Did that not change?
From 1989-1992, the A’s were in the top 4 in AL attendance. It was a long time ago, and it was a short span, but it happened.
In that short span they had a product people wanted to see. Franchise can move wherever, if they continue to operate on a nickel and dime budget it will b hard to captivate a fan base.
The A’s drew 40k plus fans for some games as recently as 2019. The playoff game was 54k. They can still draw fans there.
speaking as a near-50 year giants fan and as someone who lived in northern california all my life, i’ve been to the coliseum dozens of times for the annual bay bridge series. i have never felt threatened or have a fear for my safety (dodger stadium, yes, but that’s for another discussion…).
people not from here think that immediately outside the coliseum there’s used needles and crack pipes and half-crazed psychos ready to accost you at any given moment. the coliseum is a few miles south from the sketchiest parts of downtown.
in my case, i take b.a.r.t. (bay area subway system) to the coliseum stop, take the bridge/walkway to the gates, find my seats, and boom, game time.
It’s obvious you have never been to a game there. The Coliseum is an atrocity, but you are not in danger going to any games.
In 2019 the A’s averaged 6k more for weekend games than will be possible in Las Vegas for any game. They had multiple games of 45k plus. For their WC game that season they packed the stadium to capacity,
In 2018 they had 5 games where they drew 10k+ more than will be possible in Las Vegas including one game where they drew 56,310. Nearly double what will be possible in Las Vegas.
All of that was playing in the worst stadium in baseball with Fisher as the owner.
Post COVID, Fisher had Kaval tell A’s fans not to come to games. They were told that the team was not going to field a competitive team. Then Fisher doubled ticket prices for 2022.….
“The hiked prices are challenging the faith in even the most loyal, longtime season ticket holders. MacNeil saw his prices jump from around $1,100 in 2019 to $2,050 for the entire 2022 season.”
Saying they can’t draw fans in Oakland is flat out wrong. Drawing fans to a losing team with an owner that refuses to even try to put a winning team on the field with expensive tickets in the worst stadium in the game is difficult.
Arnold, you are being sarcastic, right? Either that or you have never even been to Oakland for a game.
Oh boy. Let the comments fly.
The A’s have never drawn great in Oakland, moving is best for all concerned.
Going to a night game there’s, requires a great amount of courage.
That was 29 to 35 years ago, how is that relevant at all? Oakland is a dump, its not a major league city anymore.
Blockbuster was also a huge hit from 88-94!
The As were very high in attendance 1986-1991.
But I remember both the As and Pirates didn’t seem to have many in the stands in the 1970s when both teams were very good teams.
in 2019 pre pandemic the A’s were 97-65 and couldn’t average over 30k, the mayor is full of it, Oakland does not support the A’s even when they are winners. The A’s have been in Philadelphia and Kansas City. Oakland aint special and doesn’t deserve a major league team. Yes the owner is awful and should sell the team as well.
@I like baseball The LV stadium capacity is 30k, so the A’s won’t average over 30k there either.
Not to mention that LV residents will be asked to show up in droves for an awful team with a horrible owner that doesn’t spend on the team who will just pick up stakes and move the team if you don’t give him massive government handouts any time he decides he wants a stadium. And I highly doubt anyone going to Vegas is going to think, “Instead of the casinos and shows and buffets and sights, let’s go see an Athletics game!”. A’s will draw poorly in Vegas.
I lived in Vegas for 9 years. The only times I went to the Strip was when family/friends visited and I am/was not alone. “Locals Casinos” are a hit in Vegas for a reason. Locals avoid the Stirp like the plague.
I have been a Phillies fan since the days of Callison, Bunning and Allen and if they had moved to Vegas I might…….might, have gone to one game.
The A’s will be lucky to draw 20,000 after the novelty wears off.
20,000 is an improvement.
There’s not an ownership group in MLB that would openly welcome another team into its media market.
You’re comments about the trash white supremacist owner of the San Francisco Giants is spot on.
In 2019 the A’s averaged 6k more for weekend games than will be possible in Las Vegas for any game. They had multiple games of 45k plus. For their WC game that season they packed the stadium to capacity,
In 2018 they had 5 games where they drew 10k+ more than will be possible in Las Vegas including one game where they drew 56,310. Nearly double what will be possible in Las Vegas.
All of that was playing in the worst stadium in baseball with Fisher as the owner.
Post COVID, Fisher had Kaval tell A’s fans not to come to games. They were told that the team was not going to field a competitive team. Then Fisher doubled ticket prices for 2022.….
“The hiked prices are challenging the faith in even the most loyal, longtime season ticket holders. MacNeil saw his prices jump from around $1,100 in 2019 to $2,050 for the entire 2022 season.”
Saying they can’t draw fans in Oakland is flat out wrong. Drawing fans to a losing team with an owner that refuses to even try to put a winning team on the field with expensive tickets in the worst stadium in the game is difficult.
I’m glad you touch on this, I think too often people take the one or the other approach…both parties can suck
This all sounds like a daytime soap opera. Woof!
She failed to mention how the cities proposal had the A’s financing the entire stadium, but the city retaining all the land and a “revenue share”. Oakland overplayed its hand and the mayor got her quotes in for the manufactured news story about how she tried to save the city from losing the A’s. The A’s have a terrible fan base who make games unbearable, and there is only ever a few thousand even there.
They could have elected a real mayor instead.
A’s games are always fun, anybody who says otherwise doesn’t like fun
Fun for the other team? Yes
Try reading the proposal. Its linked above. Then come back and admit you didn’t know WTF you were talking about.
Here is the proposal –…
I did read it. It gives control of the site to the city. Forcing the team to build low income housing and share revenue with the city. Maybe you should learn to read?
Wrong. You didn’t read it. It gives control of the stadium to a stadium authority. That was put in by Fisher because he doesn’t want to pay property taxes on the stadium. It gives Fisher the right to develop the entire parcel. Very little is affordable housing. Just 450 of the approximately 3,000 housing units.
Keep trying. Eventually even you will have to tell the truth.
Yeah the giants fan base is half that of the A’s… keep calling people children, it just makes it that much more obvious how much you don’t know. Delusional leftist.
“We all know it”…
How many turds you got in your pocket?
Truth bombs:
1. Invest billions while a militant city Gov. shakes you down?
2. Many do not feel safe in Oakland & that is a factor.
3.. The A’s were stolen from KC & Philly.
I’m sad for the 3k fans who actually attended the games. Everyone else is just posturing.
Shouldn’t you be at a rally right now? Where one of you go, hopefully all of you follow right off a cliff.
Why would he/she be at a rally?
Anyone why criticizes a leftist city must be an evil right wing trump supporter. He knows because the propaganda media told him it was so.
Don’t be too hard on him, it’s a programmed response when reality doesn’t match the propaganda.
Tommy, is that you? We need a Marine Corps Commandant. Get off of here and do your job.
The truth only offends the most fragile of our society. Oakland is cesspool. & the A’s are better off elsewhere.
You created a new account again? Easy enough to mute you again.
I don’t see how an attendance joke about an MLB team and city gets people to respond with inflammatory political rhetoric. Chill, guys. We are talking about MLB here. There is no need to pick fights over unrelated stuff. That’s what social media is for. If you all want to do that, at least argue over baseball.
Because leftists can’t handle criticism. They are programmed to respond this way.
Oakland is extremely bad. Attendance is always low even when they’re winning. You already got 3 other teams not that far away. Why would they want to stay? Las Vegas is much more lucrative and clean.
My bad 4.
There are 6 teams closer to the Yankees than the closest Southern California team to Oakland. The Mets, Red Sox, both Pennsylvania teams, Orioles, and Nationals.
San Diego is 500 miles away. an 8-11 hour drive depending on traffic.
If you’re including Southern California as “not that far away,” all of those teams are actually closer to Vegas. The only team that’s actually close is the Giants.
They draw fine when they’re winning, and would draw even better with even an average ballpark.
Vegas is a much more lucrative market. California is definitely a big market and state but 5 teams is definitely saturation. The Giants would love for the A’s to move. Being closer to Los Angeles and San Diego is more of a good thing than it is a bad thing because of more travel to Vegas from San Diego and Los Angeles. Oakland isn’t much of a tourist destination compared to say San Francisco. The draw isn’t great when they’re winning. Better than the Rays but not great.
So wait, having other teams nearby was a negative for Oakland but now it’s a boon for Vegas? The lack of consistency here is staggering.
If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world by GDP. It’s not about saturation, it’s about preserving territorial rights for respective teams. NYC could easily support a third MLB team but the Yankees and Mets would never allow another one.
@y.b.c. – i kinda wish the yanks and mets would aquiesce to a third team. just playing here but, if we contracted teams that are kinda, sorta floundering (a’s before vegas, marlins, etc.) and built a stadium in brooklyn, we’d get another chance at a powerhouse/juggernaut n.y. team (mo’ money) with a fanbase already in place. i’d dub them the “brooklyn blue sox” since i don’t think the dodgers would give up the moniker… 😉
People don’t travel to Raiders from San Diego and Los Angels for weekend games and you seriously think they will go to Las Vegas for weekday games? Put down the bottle.
The other teams he cited are baseball teams
California would not be the 5th largest economy. Not by a long shot. California includes government spending in its GDP calculation while nobody else on that list does. California receives nearly 500billion in federal dollars every single year. Don’t believe the propaganda.
Wow. Not even sure where to start. Not a single thing you said was true. Not even remotely true. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
California is the economic backbone of the country. It’s where the money is made. It’s why your economically unproductive red states are able to receive funds from the federal government and don’t live in poverty despite not having any economically productive industries.
It’s tough. But it’s true. You economically depend on the people you despise. Don’t worry. We’ll continue to support you even though you hate us. Because that’s how you treat your fellow citizens. Cheers!
In 2019 the A’s averaged 6k more for weekend games than will be possible in Las Vegas for any game. They had multiple games of 45k plus. For their WC game that season they packed the stadium to capacity,
In 2018 they had 5 games where they drew 10k+ more than will be possible in Las Vegas including one game where they drew 56,310. Nearly double what will be possible in Las Vegas.
All of that was playing in the worst stadium in baseball with Fisher as the owner.
Post COVID, Fisher had Kaval tell A’s fans not to come to games. They were told that the team was not going to field a competitive team. Then Fisher doubled ticket prices for 2022.….
“The hiked prices are challenging the faith in even the most loyal, longtime season ticket holders. MacNeil saw his prices jump from around $1,100 in 2019 to $2,050 for the entire 2022 season.”
Saying they can’t draw fans in Oakland is flat out wrong. Drawing fans to a losing team with an owner that refuses to even try to put a winning team on the field with expensive tickets in the worst stadium in the game is difficult.
Your cherry picked stats don’t paint the real picture. They play 82 games a year at home, not 5 or 10. Those games that sell out are typically giants games, where giants fans go to spend a fraction of the price they would pay at a giants game in SF. The ticket prices in Oakland had to be raised, as $10 a ticket is far below league average, and nobody was attending games. Using COVID as an excuse is just lazy. There was no significant difference between season wide ticket sales pre and post COVID.
They play 81 games at home. Simple math is hard for you apparently.
Most of the games they sold out were NOT Giants games. Try checking next time. Even you should be able to do that.
They DOUBLED ticket prices and it was not $10 per ticket average.
Pre COVID they averaged around 20k. Post COVID and after Kaval’s announcement that fans should not come to games its less than half that. Again, if you were not intent on lying you could actually look it up. .
SoCal teams are 6-8 hours away from Oakland. They are 4 hours from Las Vegas.
Las Vegas is 25% closer to LA and San Diego than to the Bay area.
Oakland drew before the Raiders built Mount Davis and before Fisher. Fisher has consistently traded away every good player and rarely put a great team on the field. Prior to the 2021 season the President of the A’s, Kaval, outright told fans not to come to games because they were not going to even try to put a winning team on the field. I have been to games in the Coliseum when 40k showed up. That is 25% more than will be even possible in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas is a smaller market so their TV deal will be 1/3 of the A’s current contract if they can get one at all. Las Vegas would be by far the smallest TV market in MLB.
The population is 1/3 of the Bay Area.
The stadium in Las Vegas is proposed at 30k seats. They can never draw as well as the A’s biggest drawing games. They are proposing to build it on the Strip. Locals avoid the strip like the plague. They only go if they work there or someone they know is visiting town. Even then its not for a baseball game to see a bad team.
The #1 industry in Las Vegas is gambling. Guess what? The casinos are not allowed to even buy a single ticket let alone get naming rights, do sponsorships, or buy luxury boxes. That is not the case in the Bay Area.
On every level other than putting an $180 million in Fisher’s wallet, the Las Vegas market is less lucrative than the Bay Area.
The Bay Area isn’t oaklands market. It’s just the East bay. You can’t watch Oakland A’s games in SF….
Actually you can. You can watch them from SF to Sacramento and Marin to Santa Cruz.
But hey, keep on lying.
No, you cannot. In Marin the A’s are not a local broadcast, I would know as a resident. And since most of my family lives in Santa Cruz county for several decades now, I also know that A’s games are not available in local broadcasts. You just spew nonsense.
“Oakland Athletics games can be seen throughout the Bay Area by more than 9 million people” – NBC Sports California
NBC Sports Bay Area is available in both Marin and in Santa Cruz.
If you are talking about games on your antenna, then no, they are not available. Of course, they are not available in Oakland on an OTA antenna either.
But hey, keep on lying.
Move the pirates to Vegas Pittsburghs markets smaller and doesn’t draw fans
Pittsburgh is the 25th largest TV market. Las Vegas is the 41st. Pittsburgh has more than 300k more TV households.
When the Pirates had an owner that was more interested in winning than in lining his pockets, they drew fans. Its amazing how fast an owner like Fisher or Nutting can drive away fans.
Pittsburgh metro area population is larger also.
@JR513: Over the past 20 years the Pirates drew 35,702,809 fans. During the same period the A’s drew 31,312,564 fans. So the Pirates outdrew the larger market A’s by 4,390,245 fans. And the Pirates sucked all but three of those seasons. So you are definitely wrong that the Pirates do not draw fans.
Guys, use this article as a way to update your block lists.
Manfred can’t be trusted
All of the commissioners of the major sports- Manfred,Silver, and especially Goodell, can’t be trusted. All 3 are the pawns of team owners.
Yeah, they work for the team owners, what part of that do people not understand?
I grew to in SoCal but became an A’s fan in 1980 because of Rickey. I made choices that gave me the opportunity to move close enough to regularly attend A’s Games in the 90’s driving 80 miles one way to see about 20 games a year with some pretty bad teams, but they were my team. It was never crowded except those times when the Yankees or Red Sox were in town and the A’s fans were out-numbered. Since 2000 the A’s have probably won more games than maybe 5 teams and still never consistently drew crowds. Having moved back to SoCal I’m excited about them moving to Vegas, but I would also be happy for them to get a stadium in San Jose, Fremont, Howard’s Terminal, even the current Coliseum’s parking lot. But the city of Oakland had the ability to fully support the A’s all those years but didn’t both fans and terrible leadership. Ownership has been playing the field and pitting factions against each other instead of solving the problems 20 years ago like they should have. So there’s plenty of blame to carry around. It sucked to watch the All Star game with all the FORMER A’s. But still they are my team wherever they land… Because of Rickey!
Jack Flaherty showed up to the meeting to fill in any gaps that Mayor Thao missed in her woke doctrine.
Oakland fans were out in earnest this All-Star weekend. Saw them everyday with their “sell the team” signs. I was impressed with their determination… and most fans passing by were quick to be on their side!
Giants will not give up the rights to SJ.
You see 2 teams leave, and then another franchise start to pack their bags all in a 5 year time span from the same city. You can clamor about owners all night long, but eventually you have to blame the common denominator that these 3 franchises had in common.
Raiders left because of Fisher. Go read what Mark Davis said about the situation. The Warriors didn’t leave, they went 15 minutes away by BART.
EVERYTHING that has happened to the A’ is because of Fisher’s mismanagement of the situation. .
Uh, warriors left Oakland. Going to a city across the bay is still leaving. So delusional, everything is fishers fault!
And 15 minutes by Bart? Have you ever rode the Bart?
Warriors are still in the Bay Area.
3 of the 5 sites the A’s tried to push since Fisher became the owner were not in Oakland. Fremont, Santa Clara, and San Jose. 2 of them are approved to build on. Millions were spent to do EIR and defend lawsuits before Fisher decided to change his ask at the last minute. 2 of them the Giants nixed. Fremont, Fisher simply backed out completely. Fisher has been the problem, not Oakland. He has known since the beginning that California was not going to pay to build him a stadium. Billionaires should pay their own way, not taxpayers.
All the time. I own a condo in the Jack London Square area and have dozens of clients in the Bay Area. Its 15 minutes. I posted a link to our condo recently. Its for sale for $1 million.
Try again. Eventually you will say something that is true.
And everywhere you listed can’t even get A’s game as a local broadcast, because they aren’t Oakland or the A’s home market. The warriors left Oakland, just as the raiders did. Go ahead and redefine more terms so you can pretend to be correct.
Lol, a million dollar condo in Oakland is a shithole.
So you freely admit to being in the upper class, immune to the problems that plague the vast majority of residents. I’m sure A’s games are much different in the boxes than in the stands, where us common folk live.
No wonder you’re such a delusional leftist, party of the wannabe elites.
“Oakland Athletics games can be seen throughout the Bay Area by more than 9 million people” – NBC Sports California
Yes. Yes they can be seen in all those places.
You can’t afford my “shlthole”. You can’t even afford the average priced home in Oakland. That is just the condo we bought so we didn’t have to stay in hotels because I do so much business in the Bay Area. Its gorgeous. View of the bay. Completely remodeled. Historic building But its WAY outside of your reach. I get why you are so jealous of people that have done something with their lives.
“The average Oakland home value is $812,869” – Zillow
“The median sale price of a home in Oakland was $815K last month” –
I don’t have seats in the boxes at A’s games. I typically only go when I am doing business in the Bay Area. Sorry that you don’t make enough money to get good seats at the games. That is your fault, not mine.
Isn’t that girl the mayor with the “OnlyFans” account and the fake cans? $.050/hr USD right? Accepts paypal and fluffcoin?
I’m actually pretty certain about this…
I’m fine with your certainty, but the answer to your question is still no.
The question was rhetorical. I already know the answer. Didn’t mean to confuse you so easily.
You’re a sad little boy, and you have all of our sympathies. I’m glad you’ve found a hobby.
Yikes. Didn’t mean to trigger you friend. Typical Gen Z’er.
Bart, you good bro? Never seen that side of you.. Was it something I said bro?
Lmfao have you seen your avatar lately? You legal bro?
That he spends his time and money on OnlyFans says all you need to know about him.
Typically leftist can’t handle criticism or reality and just lobs meaningless insults when mental gymnastics don’t work. So sad.
Typically when you use labels you think are insults everything you say is projection. So sad.
I don’t think it’s an insult, you do, hence why you interpreted it that way.
Not sure why I’m bothering talking to a front runner fan. Never saw you until the pads starting spending money they don’t have.
It’s common knowledge leftists project whatever they are doing. It’s well documented and obvious to people capable of independent thought. Keep parroting CNN and MSNBC…
I have been on this site since 2006. Your first post was 2 days ago. So who is the front runner? Who is projecting?
Keep on lying if it helps you sleep at night.
Hey member when st louis did everything by the book for a new foolball field spent millions to please the nfl to get screwed by walmart….
Just move them already definitely getting tired of hearing about the topic for the last couple decades everyone knows the Colosseum is a dump.
Fisher can’t arrange private financing to build his $1.5 billion boondoggle in the desert. If he could, there would be news about it by now.
So now the Commissioner agrees to talk to the mayor of Oakland and explain his lies so they don’t sue MLB? Manfred does not take that meeting at all if everything was hunky dory in Muddsville.
I believe MLB will allow Fisher to move if he ever comes up with the money to punish him for the way he ran the A;s franchise into the ground and alienated millions of fans permanently. Las Vegas is not a viable market and MLB knows it. It’s too small of a market and because of Nevada state laws regarding gambling, the largest industry in town cannot help out the team by advertising, sponsorships, or even buying tickets. All they can do is lease the land for the stadium to the A’s. Fisher will follow in the footsteps of other con men like Hicks and McCourt in filing for bankruptcy and losing their MLB team.
Then the first expansion team will go into the 55 acre, $12 billion development at Howard Terminal in Oakland. That will be announced in 2026 as part of the negotiations for the new CBA between MLB and the MLBPA. 2 Years before Fisher can play his first game in the new stadium in Las Vegas.
If the As leave that’s it for Oakland. They will never get an expansion team. Sacramento is much more likely.
Manfred already said that if the A’s leave that Oakland would be on the short list of cities for an expansion team. Betting he knows more about it than you do. But keep on trying. Eventually you will say something that is true.
Sounds like the Montreal Expos. Oakland is on the short list in-name only.
Considering MLB was making plans for the Tampa Bay Rays to play half their games in Montreal, that means that Oakland will definitely have a team as soon as MLB expands. That is if Fisher can even get financing to build a stadium in Las Vegas at all.
Pads Fan are you clueless? That was a bogus story that fizzled in a matter of seconds. Montreal was not viable, is not viable, and that “story” was nothing more than a plant.
Oakland isn’t getting anything until they can secure a location and funding for a new stadium. Good luck with that.
I’ll take odds that a new city other than Oakland or Vegas will sweep in and ‘win’ the A’s franchise.
Sacramento has said if Las Vegas falls through they will make a better offer than Las Vegas did.
MLB has made a habit out of providing expansion teams to cities that lose teams. But it Oakland’s case that might not happen on account of San Francisco being so close to Oakland.
Have you ever considered changing your avatar to something else? Something other than that fugly chick about to down 7 ding dongs at once…I ain’t talking the snack cakes either..
How many stadium proposals have there been in Oakland over the last 20 years? How long as it been?
At some point, the team (owner) has to make a decision; stay or go. They’ve agreed on a deal with Vegas. They could not reach a deal in Oakland. People are upset at the A’s owner and yet the stadium continues to be empty. Want to make a statement? Sell the place out. They can’t do that. Even this can’t entice people to go to the stadium. Enough time has passed. Time to move the team.
1 before Howard Terminal (Laney College).
Before 2018, however, Fisher/Kaval/Wolff were fixated on San Jose.
Before that it was Fremont.
They broke off negotiations when they got close at HT because it was looking like it would actually go through.
Fisher also broke off talks in Fremont and at the Coliseum location. The Coliseum has all the EIR done so all they needed to do was build.
Specifically, how many drawings for new stadiums have there been? Feels like this has been going on for 20 years. Couldn’t get it done.
You are right. Fisher couldn’t get it done.
Including Howard Terminal, Fremont, and the one on the site of the Coliseum, 3.
The Rams intentionally mismanaged the team in St. Louis for years despite a rabid fan base and willing city government. When ownership finds an incentive to move, there is nothing a mayor or ticket holders can do to stop it. If Vegas has more earning potential than Oakland, MLB and Manfred are not going to block anything.
Las Vegas has far less earning potential.
As many have pointed out its the smallest market in baseball. The stadium would be the smallest in baseball by quite a lot.
Fishers proposal to Nevada relies on them selling 8k tickets per game to tourists for every game and 22k locals bucking history and deciding to go to the Strip for every game. Neither will happen. If they draw 20k they will be lucky.
Fisher will get pocket the money from selling the transferable tax credit, borrow money to build the stadium, and then sell the team for a huge profit leaving the team and Nevada holding the bag.
Any place, except maybe Montreal, has far more earning potential than Oakland.
Bay Area my friend. Bay Area. Oakland is just a small part of the Bay Area. East Bay alone is twice the size of Las Vegas.
Montreal is a growing and exciting city that is nearly twice the size of Las Vegas. Problem there is they absolutely will not use any taxpayer funding for a new stadium.
Pads Fans, you know nothing about Montreal.
Montreal has a space problem to find a new stadium, they have a financial problem as not a single big money corporation has wanted to put a team in Montreal for a variety of reasons. And, despite your “growing and exciting city” comment, that does not translate into a city who likes baseball. It has been 19 years and nobody wants to touch Montreal. It goes way beyond your little taxpayer line.
I don’t know what he knows about Montreal, but here is what I know.
There is space in Montreal in the Wellington Basin and Bronfman has been trying for years to get government funding. So HUGE money corporation and a possible site.
Bronfman got so close that the Rays almost started playing half the season in Montreal. So MLB was interested.
Montreal is a top 12 TV market in US and Canada.
BIL, Its Peel Basin. Otherwise you got it all right. Devimco and Claridge Corporation have been pushing for a new ballpark and the return of MLB to Montreal since 2017.
If the Quebec government was willing to help fund a stadium there, it would already be done.
Montreal space isn’t there. Whatever you think you know, you don’t. That location can’t built a baseball stadium. And, people will not go.
Here’s what’s true: Expos true fans reside in Canada and well outside of Montreal. They stopped caring about baseball around the late-80’s. TV market is strong thanks to fans across the country. Unfortunately they can’t attend 81 games to fill a stadium.
There is an article from June 2023 saying there is still a space for a ballpark in Peel Basin. Obviously, what I know is far more than you know.
Whether fans will go is a totally separate issue. You are trying to change the subject.
As far as TV goes, Montreal is a top 10 TV market in North America. That means its strong LOCALLY.
With Luria as the owner I would have stopped attending games to. He was the first incarnation of John Fisher.
When MLB decided to have the Rays play half the season in Montreal, it was under the agreement that a ball[park would be built in Peel Basin by 2026. The location is still owned by Devimco and undeveloped.
I drove past the location on Friday on my way from Toronto to a client’s office in Sherbrooke. Still empty so a ballpark can be built there if the Quebec government would allocate the funds for infrastructure.
That you don’t know who the Bronfman’s are and the influence and capital they bring to the table says all anyone needs to know about your opinion. You have been shown to be 100% wrong. You can stop trying to show you know anything now.
Have you bee been to Vegas? Not going to be that hard to sell tickets. Vegas is a destination with the most tourists in the United States, a place people want to go. Oakland is a place people hope to escape when they grow up.
Have YOU been to Las Vegas? Locals won’t go to the strip for games. They avoid it like the plague. Going to be hard to get locals to brave the heat and traffic to go to the Strip in the summer. Casinos cannot buy a single ticket or luxury box by Nevada law, so comping tickets won’t happen either.
Las Vegas is NOT the destination with the most tourists. Its not in the top 5.
The richest city in the US is an Oakland suburb. Oakland has median household income that is $20k more than Las Vegas. Alameda County, of which Oakland is one city, has an median household income that is nearly double that of Clark County Nevada where Las Vegas is located.…
Keep on trying. Eventually you will say something that is the truth.
Wow, you’re using a .com website with limited info as a source… ok. “Going to be hard to get locals to brave the heat”… um what? They live there! The strip is filled with locals. Can’t sit down at a table or slot machine without talking to a local. Oakland has only rose up the income ladder due to the surrounding areas being too expensive to live in, even for the borderline wealthy. And the wealthiest cities are all San Jose and San Francisco suburbs. Are you just hoping nobody here knows anything?
Keep posting like you know what your talking about, it’s not fooling anyone but the most delusional leftists, and they aren’t really people.
He gave you a link to the government site that has all the data. That you can’t figure it out is on you.
The only locals on the Strip are people that work there.
The wealthiest city in America, Orinda, is a suburb of Oakland.
You have given no links, so I will go with mine. Its correct anyway as there were a dozen I could have chosen from that all have the same data. Las Vegas is #6.
The Strip is filled with locals who work there or who are gamblers. I have spent hundreds of days over the past few decades sitting at a craps or blackjack table and haven’t met more than a handful of locals other than the dealers and pit bosses.
According to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, 76% of visitors to Las Vegas come with the express purpose of gambling. 13% come for conventions. 8% come to visit people that live in Las Vegas. With 3% unspecified business travel.
Until I sold my previous company a few years back, my number one client was headquartered in Las Vegas from 1992 until today. For 16 years I spent 3-4 days per month staying in their resort in Las Vegas. More than a little familiar with it.
Oakland has a 25% higher household income than Las Vegas and Alameda county is roughly double Clark County. Orinda is a suburb of Oakland. While you are Googling, look up Piedmont household income and compare that to anywhere in southern Nevada.
Once you bring politics into the subject, it means that even you know you are in the wrong and are trying to heave what you feel are insults. I will give you a hint. Its not an insult and there are more of them than there are of you.
So head on back to Newsmax and your rallies. Leave baseball and intelligent conversation to people that actually pay attention to reality.
Just start building the new stadium in Vegas already. It’ll be done by opening day 2025. So the A’s won’t have to share with their Triple A affiliate for more than one season.
Ballys is saying the soonest they can begin tearing down the Tropicana Hotel is early 2025 and scheduling that depends on Fisher finalizing the deal. He has not acquired financing nor MLB approval yet. The soonest there can be a new stadium in Las Vegas is 2028.
God you’re as dumb as dirt. The territorial rights are broadcasting rights, and the giants are far from the only team with them. Why would the giants voluntarily give up an asset that makes them money for a subpar competitor? Go back to sleep, mommy will wake you when dinner is ready.
The territorial rights are as to where a ballpark could be built. The As gave the rights to San Jose to the Giants to keep them from moving to Tampa Bay. They have nothing to do with broadcast rights.
As he said, projection thy name is Highwaymenace.
They don’t even need to tear anything down. There’s so much land next to Las Vegas Ballpatk. They can build it right next to it. It shouldn’t be on the strip anyway.
But they can’t. The money from the state of Nevada is tied to the location on the Strip where the Tropicana stands now.
If they want to build elsewhere they have to buy the land, go back to the legislature which doesn’t convene until 2025 to try to get money, then build.
If they go that route it puts a new stadium on track for, wait for it, 2028 or 2029.
The only way that even comes into play is if the Howard Hughes corporation is interested in selling. HHC wouldn’t even allow the A’s to play in the Las Vegas Ballpark past 2026.
Which why they should’ve taken the offer from the billionaire mogul. He offered up the land for free.
Huh? HHC never offered land for free.
I’m not sure who it was but some billionaire offered up Land he owned for free if the A’s came to Las Vegas. This was well before meetings of making it unofficially official of their move to Vegas. – ??? are you referring to the deal that was being put together where dreamscape had $850m in financing to redevelop the rio site?
or maybe you’re referring to the proposed nba arena south of the airport/strip where there are plans for a $10b development that includes a 20k seat arena being built with no public funds whatsoever (privately owned)?
anywhoo, if the previously-mentioned billionaire giving free land to fisher is verified, maybe check his drivers license for last name “claus” and address near the north pole… 🙂
a wise man once told me, “the reason rich people are rich is because they don’t spend their own money”. in other words, why write a personal check for $1.5-$2 billion out of your own pocket when you can, under the guise of the benefits of a “public facility” (such as a stadium), have others pay for something you’ll be using most of the time? food for thought…
The people leaving California have turned Arizona and Georgia blue. North Carolina and Texas next.In the long run we’re all in this together.
I get wanting to move out of Oakland. My big question is this.
Hey, John Fisher, ever heard of water?
Vegas is literally drying up. They should be dismantling the city and relocating people to other parts of the country.
Just saying.
And without out-of-state water flowing into California it would die overnight.
What does that have to do with baseball?
At least 90% of the sh!!!t YOU say has nothing to do with baseball. Who are you trying to fool/gaslight anyway?? I remember when you first crawled into the threads here not even a year ago. You have to be the LEAST popular poster I have ever seen on here. You make Samuel look like the Oracle of Baseball!
California uses 1/10th the water per capita than Las Vegas does.
SOUTHERN California uses Colorado River water. Northern California is filled with mountains and rivers. It actually supplies 85% of the water usage in the state.
Keep trying. Someday an actual fact will come from you.
Your water stats don’t include the farming sector. Which makes California one of the worst per capita water usage states in the world, let alone America. It’s nice that delusional Californias get to cherry pick stats to make themselves look good.
And nearly all that mountain and river water escapes into the ocean, untouched by anyone. Not to mention the river water is so polluted it’s not potable.
You do realize that California has more acre feet of water behind dams than any state in the US, right?
BIL, No. No he doesn’t. he just makes stuff up as he goes.
California accounts for 8.9% of water use in the US. California has 11.8% of the total population.
In the 2020 USGS Total Water Use report, California ranked 31st in water use per capita. That includes water for ALL uses including agriculture. Idaho was #1 and Utah #2. Nevada was #5. It was the 2nd straight USGS Total Water Use report, the last one being in 2015, that showed California was outside the worst 10 in water usage per capita.
California has more acre feet of water in reservoirs than any other state and those reservoirs are still not full. The water is not flowing to the sea unused.
Keep trying find even one fact. Or keep on lying if that makes you feel better about yourself.
Finley should have never left KC right when his team was about to turn into a powerhouse. He had KC area all to himself. Could have had a stadium that KC Royals got. He was difficult though so who knows if it would have worked. Never understood why he would go to Oakland though with the Giants already established. If he had stayed there though I wonder where the expansion City would have been located.
Maybe it would have been Oakland anyways.
Portland was not ready at that time. I thought that’s where the A’s would go though if the moved.
Charley O was frustrated battling with the KC City Hall who were accustomed to dealing with Arnold Johnson and his Yankee cow pen.
Thank you Garry. That I did not know. Knowing the Giants had Stoneham as their owner as he was along with Walter O, the biggest most influential owners in the league. Moving to Oakland in that territory was just a bad idea. They drew Ok during 1971-76 run. Once they lost players to FA or trades like Reggie and then Vida the attendance was going to suffer. I remember how bad it was in 78-79 seasons. Too bad Sacramento was not an option. Back then and now.
San Jose will never have a baseball team. God you’re a dumb leftist
One Comment on Tax Dollars Funding “Any” State…It’s a Lie!
Our FED TAX Dollars don’t even cover the Interest. on the FED DEBT much less cover Hand Out Payments.
The TRUTH is our Country runs on Printed paper or Digital Currency which is why the Debt keeps increasing.
Those of you that understand economics and accounting understand you can’t be Balancing a Budget yet still have your Debt increasing at the same time. It’s an Oxymoron.
The sleight of hand politicians uses to create surplus or Balanced Budgets is simply not spending all the money they borrowed. It’s still borrowed money.
Wake Up
What does that have to do with baseball?
Go back to sleep. Please.
Wrong. The federal tax revenue is 5-6 times larger than the interest payment you cite. You got caught up in the “debt-ceiling” propaganda. Had they failed to legislate themselves an increased debt ceiling, it was new spending that would have been cut. The constitution requires the debt to paid first, only this has been twisted into meaning the debt payment (interest).
Nobody cares. Nobody!
What a tool.
i hope the mayor checked for her wallet after manfred left
Quiet BOY!
Worked for the oakland A’s. I assure you the stadium, oakland and product on the field are below mlb poverty levels.
Its been 6 weeks since the Nevada legislature gave approval for the stadium and Fisher still has not been able to arrange financing to build in Las Vegas. He has not applied for a business license for the A’s in Nevada and obviously has not applied for approval to move with MLB yet.
Starting to think he is not going to be able to get it done.