May 17: As expected, Germán has been given a 10-game suspension and a fine, reports Jon Heyman of The New York Post. Germán will not be appealing.
May 16, 10:11pm: Hoye met with reporters (including’s Bryan Hoch and Keegan Matheson). He called Germán’s hand “the stickiest (he) had ever felt” and opined it “was definitely not rosin.”
7:12pm: Yankees starter Domingo Germán was ejected from this evening’s appearance against the Blue Jays following a foreign substance inspection. Germán had completed three perfect innings before being thrown out by home plate umpire James Hoye to start the fourth. Ian Hamilton was called out of the bullpen to replace him.
Germán becomes the second pitcher of the season ejected for a foreign substance violation. Mets star Max Scherzer had been tossed from a game with the Dodgers a few weeks ago. Those ejections carry a corresponding 10-game suspension, so it’s likely Germán will be formally hit with that ban in the next day or two.
It’s also the second time this season Germán himself has been at the center of a sticky stuff controversy. During an April 15 outing against the Twins, umpires twice warned Germán about applying too much rosin to his hand (link via Dan Hayes of the Athletic). The umpiring crew allowed him to continue pitching after washing his hands. That was to the displeasure of Minnesota skipper Rocco Baldelli, who was himself ejected for arguing against Germán being allowed to continue.
While pitchers are permitted to use rosin, MLB pointed as partial justification for Scherzer’s suspension earlier in the year that “when used excessively or otherwise misapplied (i.e., to gloves or other parts of the uniform), rosin may be determined by the umpires to be a prohibited foreign substance, the use of which may subject a player to ejection and discipline.” It isn’t yet clear whether that was the crew’s justification for Germán’s ejection or whether they determined he was using a banned substance altogether.
The league will surely provide more information in the next day or two. That’s largely immaterial to the Yankees, as Germán faces a suspension regardless of the precise justification. He’d have an appellate right, though Scherzer declined to go through that process after being informed that a league official is responsible for hearing the appeal. In all likelihood, Germán will be out for the next ten days.
If that’s the case, the Yankees would have to play with a 25-man roster. Teams cannot fill the roster spot of a player suspended for an on-field rules violation. New York could recall a spot starter or reinstate Luis Severino from the injured list to step into the rotation but they’d have to play a man short in another area to do so.
Another Yankees cheating story? Big shocker
Astros in 4
So a trash can team supporter trying to deflect?
Not a fan of the Astros whatsoever.
But the Astros do spank them around
Hate the Astros but to be fair they spank most everyone
@milwaukee nice try. Asdfgh saw through the red herring that was your username to suss out you were a diehard Astros fan.
You really took this but quite far. Posting on this site for months, if not years, just to goof us real good. Top marks.
Not this year, not without big money Verlander.
Milwaukee, it would seem so. The shocking part is if he does get suspended, as those bums, always seem to get away with just a letter.
So are we down to Roger Clemens and Andy Petitte yet?
Both former Astros, oddly enough.
Pot meet kettle?
Gamesmanship. Been part of the game since day one; whether in the field, on the mound or at the plate. And all teams do it and/or give their blessings to the individual player doing it.
Outside of the Black Sox scandal cicra 1920s, I’m fine with all of it.
Let the boys play and give the umps some wiggle room to semi keep it from getting out of hand.
Some people call me the space cowboy!
Some people call me the gangster of space jam
Cause I speak about back to the future?
I’m the joker
And I got you all to argue about a stupid trophy
Get my money on the run
People talk about me baby
Say I’m doing baseball wrong
Doing it wrong
But don’t worry baby
Cause Jose Altuve is right here at home
People talk about my instragram baby
Cause Ken Rosenthal
Maybe he woulda got away with it
If it wasn’t for Carlos Beltrans cousin?
And his meddling dog?
Get his money on the run
I’m sorry but I don’t have a problem with the sticky stuff. I was a pitcher though and remember how easy the ball was to grip the first couple of innings but a nightmare after I began sweating. Yes, it does allow more movement but it also allows for better control and far less fastballs to the face. I don’t know maybe allow it and let the hitters start using corked bats or something to make up for it. The pitch clock has already ruined pitching for me. So you can’t say they can’t use it to keep the game pure. Manfred has been the worst thing to happen to the purity of the game.
Good thing they actually threw him out rather than telling him to was his hands again lol
They did tell him to wash his hands, then checked him as he left the dugout to start the 4th inning and his hands were sticky, That means he applied rosin or some other sticky stuff in the dugout. That is a no no.
Not sure, but he could have been referring to the David Cone video where he washed hands with alcohol and his hands became more sticky from just sweat and rosin in the first place.
Cone’s hands didn’t get sticky from rosin and sweat. They got sticky from being wet with alcohol and then applying rosin.
Really they were going to let him come back after the first check where they felt something sticky?
No more silly then checking them AFTER they pitch the inning. Unless they are checking these guys before and I just don’t see it because of ads.
I have seen them check relievers as they enter the game at the start of the inning. Specifically Jordan Romano, since Sportsnet was showing his full walkup audiovisual extravaganza and an umpire met him in the infield. So I assume it happens often if not every inning.
Rocco Baldelli would tell you it’s several weeks late!
Beat me to it!
Ol’ Sticky Fingers strikes again.
Horrible pitcher, send him off to Japan already….
No. More. Axis powers.
Germans and Japanese?? Domingo sounds a bit too Italian for my liking.
Plus don’t forget Finland!!! We all know what you did Finland. Croatia…thanks for ajvar, you a real one.
Should have happened against the Twins in April…MLB and umpires can only allow Yankee cheating to go so far….considering they play in a softball stadium. only thing that levels the playing field is Cashman’s incompetance.
Why a softball stadium? Because of the short RF porch? The original and the last stadiums also had it but you build for your stadium. If it was such an advantage, the team would have recent championships. It’s what makes baseball unique amongst the major sports, having differences between home parks.
come on…pop flies to right field in most parks are home runs…#giveJudgeanasterisk…unique is fun…too easy is boring- especially for the wealthiest team.
Fenway has the monster which can give a cheap homer or double but can also have a homer turn into a single. Give Judge credit for hitting to all fields.
Aaron Judge only hits opposite field 20% of the time. But don’t let that get in the way of a good argument!
So he wouldn’t have hit 62 home runs last year?
And notice how competent the Yankee roster construction has been to take advantage of that short right-field porch. I mean, other than Rizzo there’s nobody really in that lineup put there to constantly aim for the porch. I always found that sorta puzzling.
Ignorant. That’s the best argument. People talk about Fenway’s monster for the home runs but other than Nomar, name a righty who won a batting title in Boston. There maybe some way back when but Williams, Yaz, Lynn and Biggs were lefties. Mueller was a switch hitter. Only other name I can think of is Lansford who was there for just one year.
2018 – Mookie Betts .346
2002 – Manny Ramirez .349
If you look closely, you can see them move the fence back 50 feet for the top half of every inning at Yankee stadium.
Cute….did you learn that in pre-school today?
The guys who did not cheat were at a big disadvantage with worse numbers and therefore less salary
German doing something bad? Say it ain’t so…
When are they going to toss Error in Judgement and his sign stealing base coaches? What a joke.
Most embarrassing franchise in all of sports.
What signs? Ever heard of pitch com? There are no signs to steal. The pitcher was tipping. That’s always been ok.
Yes, and it’s perfectly normal for the coaches to be in the outfield instead of in their boxes.
There are no signs between pitchers and catchers anymore, in 2023. They communicate electronically. Please try to keep up.
I think it’s a NY thing. Although I’m glad the Yankees lost another pitcher. Last place, here they come!
Yankees cheating? Judge not…
Damn! Two nights in a row doing shady stuff. Cashman and Boone know they’re fired after this season anyway if they don’t go far in the playoffs, so they have nothing to lose.
Yanks fans mostly hated German already, so I don’t think you’ll find too many defending his current (or past) actions.
The image circulating of the substance on his hip was clearly dip though. The Yanks’ broadcast shows him grabbing/spitting it out of his mouth right before and then putting his hand on his hip. He had placed and removed his hands there previously while in the dugout with no residue being left there.
Also… that stain was clearly quite wet. No way he gets through all those umps and other people with a disgusting glob like that there.
That being said, I have no doubts he cheated. Just saying it wasn’t the “obvious” stain everyone is sharing.
Should’ve been tossed last time.
Actually, dude shouldn’t be in the league. Woman beater.
Caught him doing the same thing as last time, but this time he was sticky coming out of the dugout after being asked to wash his hands so they booted him. German gets a vacation.
I wonder if it was synthetic motor oil!
This is so stupid. Your hand can be sticky, but not too sticky, which will be subjectively decided by an umpire??? No objective level of sticky can be measured. This rule is somehow super important, but the first batter erasing the batter’s box so every hitter after that is not in the box when they hit is cool.
Deja Vu! Wasn’t he almost ejected on his last game for the same stuff? (Pun intended)
That was in April. Buy he failed to learn from that so he should get at least double the suspension. 25 days would be just.
MLBPA would immediately file a grievance and the Commissioner would have no choice but to make the ban 10 games.
Hey Boone, do your job and check your pitchers!
Boone do his job, that’s an oxymoron
If his name was Domingo Americano would it still be a foreign substance violation ?
Har har hardie har har…great post, made laugh with gusto..try Domingo “Ty” France
Cheating’ Yanks!!
Isn’t he the same one who had that weird, shiny substance on his neck a couple years ago too? Or am I thinking of someone else?
You might be thinking of Michael Pineda.
That’s who it was. Thanks
I get my Yankee cheaters confused, too
Seems pretty suspicious that the same ump went right after German…I’ve heard he’s racist
Racist umpire now . . . .Come on!. German should have been ejected a month ago when they checked him twice,. Both times sticky! Instead they tossed Rocco Baldelli, who admitted he wasn’t staying to watch the game based on principle!
My goodness, MLB, enough with the ridiculous sticky-stuff rules. Go talk to the NPB league and learn a few things from them about how they use pre-tacked balls. Then, everyone has the same playing field and any foreign substances on the hand will result in ejections and suspensions.
Turns out Baldelli was probably right. As the saying goes “fool me once, shame on you fool me twice shame on me” wonder what will happen the third time (and there will be a third time)
You despise Domingo German because he “cheated” tonight.
I despise Domingo German because he struck his gf.
We are not the same.
“Why not both?”
His hand was still stuck to his gf when cops arrived. Busted. And I hate domestic violence with a passion. Cowards
they wont make this charge stick
What’s going on at Yankeeville? Another violation? The umps caught another Yankee cheating? They looked away again, right?
I tell ya, these Yankee pitchers must have had a zoom meeting with Jeffrey Toobin with all the substances on their hands.
Is this that same whack umpire crew or actual competent umps?
Same crew. Finally realized they have a job to do!
Manfred is a Yankee puppet…nothing to see here.
Camden can we stick to baseball & leave the politics to your Reddit forum or whatever.
Every economic crisis has been caused by republicans and their purposefully weakened oversight but darn those democrats for fixing every one of those crises. Whatever, dude, I can see why you can’t talk about baseball.
Wow these are the stupidest group of comments I have read on an MLBTR post in quite some time. The collective IQ of the average MLBTR poster has just fallen to near Sports Twitter levels.
Russian Collusion….
Enough speculations, German should go up to the stage and confront what really happened.
Being a real man and being Domingo German are two very different things.
like this comment if you think this was an inside job to distract from aaron judge’s side eye(s) to the dugout for support.
The Yankees need to clean house and have a massive change to the culture of their team. This franchise is rotting from the top down and there is zero accountability.
This clown should have been gone years ago when TEAM OFFICIALS witnessed him abusing his girlfriend.
What an embarrassment.
I agree, but since he’s still working for Cheap, they will keep him, even though he manages to screw things up so that he’s not there when they need him the most. Either to suspension or injury he can’t be counted on at all
Probably no player I’d rather see suspended then this domestic abuser jerk.
Yankees cheat, just how it is. Beltran was there before the Astros with his cheating ways, then they hired Beltran in the broadcast booth. They find their ways to cheat for sure.
Everyone cheats, or tries to find an edge. You don’t think Tampa is with their .850 team ops?
Rocco is vindicated
They will actually suspend the girlfriend beater? No way. I think a letter would be enough of a penalty, just like in previous cheating by Yankees.
Spankees cheating again? what else is new?
You understanding long division.
Notice how the hallowed NYC tabloids are burying this ejection/ pending auto-ban to hype an Aaron Judge staredown. It’s the Super League mentality in which the tabloids white-knight anything involving the Yankees.
Must be the NY water. Mix with flour it makes good pizza dough. Mix with rosin you’re going to lose some dough
These racist umpires focusing their attention on the German guy. Germans always felt they were better than everyone else.
First A-Roids cheating in NY, now Sticky Hands German! Yankees love their cheaters!
They were doing things well before ARod. Let’s not forget Beltran taking what he learned in New York to Houston.
At least he’s a very good-looking dude.
Break rules, get caught, suffer penalty. That’s baseball. Generally not true in politics, sadly. I like them both.
If only it were that simple. Some rules are not enforced at all ever. Did you know if you hit a ball with a foot out if the batters box then you are out. The first batter erases the chalk lines and every hitter is out of the box the rest of the game. There is no sticky meter from 1-10. “Too sticky” is at the subjective discretion of an umpire and cannot be objectively measured. That is not a rule.
“Germán will not be appealing.”
That is true on more than one level.
There also was a problem of the same nature against the Twins earlier. Just wonder why this was not taken into consideration and German given a longer suspension.
Crazy his domestic abuse suspension wasn’t longer. According to the police report, she was stuck to his hand and he was shaking his arm quite fast to get her unstuck.
Also, neighbors reported an increase in his girlfriend’s rpm not too long before the incident. She jumped from 2500 to 2700 on his forehands and almost up to 3200 when he backhanded her.
I think that the Yankees should have to forfeit the game, as well. Same goes for ANY player ejected/suspended for this type of “cheating”. It would be a great deterrent, for others considering those illegal tactics!
The Yankees have petitioned major league baseball to allow them to have a second base coach whose box will be directly behind second base. Stay tuned for further developments.
John Schneider is not a good coach
He’s still confused from Judge looking to first, a week later lol