Rimas Entertainment CEO Noah Assad, his client Bad Bunny and Rimas executive Jonathan Miranda have launched a sports management agency, per a report from Thania Garcia of Variety. MLB certified agent William Arroyo is working for Rimas, reports Jon Heyman of The New York Post.
“We are thrilled to break into a new industry with the launch of Rimas Sports. In the music world we accomplished success by knowing how to develop talent, helping our clients reach their vision by catering to their unique needs,” said Assad in a statement. “This new venture is an expansion of that mission as we aim to bring greater representation to the Latin community in the world of sports.”
Bad Bunny is already well known on account of his music career, where he has been represented by Rimas for many years. He’s also clearly a baseball fan, as he took part in the Celebrity Softball Game during last year’s All-Star festivities, as covered by Daniel Kreps of Rolling Stone. Now he will get involved in baseball in a different way, with he and Rimas getting into the agency side of things.
Per Garcia’s report, Miranda will serve as president of the agency, which will offer a wide range of services from agent management to public relations and more. Former big leaguer and Hall of Famer Iván Rodríguez is involved as an ambassador.
They seem to have already inked a number of major and minor leaguers, with Garcia’s report listing the following players as being part of the Rimas roster:
- Santiago Espinal, Blue Jays
- Yonathan Daza, Rockies
- Wilmer Flores, Giants
- Liván Soto, Angels
- Jordan Diaz, Athletics
- Diego Cartaya, Dodgers
- Ezequiel Tovar, Rockies
- Ronny Mauricio, Mets
- Marco Luciano, Giants
- Wilmer Flores, Tigers
Heyman says that Fernando Tatis Jr. has employed Rimas for marketing but will retain Dan Lozano of MVP Sports Group as his agent for baseball purposes.
They should have called it Bad Assad.
I didn’t even realize there were two Wilmer Flores players. I thought it was a mistake.
It’s a Mistake. Snappy 80s jingle from the Lads down under. B side to Be Good Johnny. Or in this instanth, Be Good Yonathan.
No mistake it’s giant wilmers little brother.
If that’s true, why would their parents name both of them Wilmer? Is it like George Foreman, who named all of his sons George?
Looks like their middle names are different. Must be a Venezuelan thing.
Depending on how pronounced
Rimas (ream ass) is bad enough.
Never heard of them.
I’m sure they’ll be up there competing with Boras before we know it, lol.
I’m represented by Mr. Bad Bunny.
Not exactly who I want negotiating my multi-million dollar contract.
Imagine if he decided to be a lawyer.
Bad Bunny, Esq.
It’s a marketing arm for Latino players. He’s massively popular in his community and an excellent self-promoter.
Still, I don’t see the top Latino players switching from agencies that have already negotiated them a boat load of money. Like Tatis.
@avenger They don’t need to. They can use his agency for marketing and endorsement purposes. It’s similar to what Jay Z did when he started Roc Nation Sports. Robinson Cano was his first major client when he signed with the M’s. If we want the sport to maintain its popularity, it’s important to connect with the younger demographics and this helps accomplish that. I’m not a fan of Bad Bunny’s music but I can appreciate his overall talents and positive influence to his audiences.
Roc Nation’s only big baseball contract was Cano and that was an attempt to make a name for themselves. Other than that their clients and results are underwhelming. If I’m an athlete I’d take the professional over the artist who wants another revenue stream every time.
@Muleor It’s the seventh most valuable sports agency right behind number six Boras Corp.
That’s great for Jay-z. But again, he hasn’t gotten any major contracts for baseball players. What’s the biggest since Cano? Eduardo Escobar’s two year deal? Wow.
And since Boras only represents baseball players and Roc represents anyone Jay-z can potentially profit from it’s not really a fair comparison.
I can see it now: Mr. Cashman, there’s a Mr. Bunny here to see you.
Sounds ridiculous to hitch your wagon to someone named Bad Bunny
Sounds like Bugs’ evil brother.
Also reps Roger Rabbit. And hopefully Jessica.
Bad Bunny’s name keeps popping up everywhere with good press. I don’t even know who the hell he is. Must be a shrewd businessman, or at least he’s got some good people behind him.
You’re old haha
Yeah. Old enough to know better.
Cry baby cry
Fly robin, fly.
They don’t write ‘em like that anymore.
Yeah. He just took a chokeslam a few weeks ago through an announcers Table on aj episode of wwe raw.
Rey Mysterio has a son that’s a wrestler?
The hell is going on
I’m 34 and I work waaaaay too much lol
Yes. They just had a match vs. Each other. Bad Bunny is gonna team with Rey Mysterio to face Dominick Mysterio and his partner is Damien Priest.
Who ironically teamed with bad bunny a few years ago. They are teaming because the next ppv is in Sam Juan Puerto Rico. Bad Bunny is the host of the ppv as well.
I’m with you. Had to look him up myself.
Sticking to strictly Latin American players, can present a problem. Most high profile Latin American players have Boras or MVP as agents. I think Rima needs to expand beyond Latin players to really make a big impact on the sporting market. If they can make a formal arrangement with independent leagues, they can address young players with education and development of their skills to professional scouts and development staff. The DR and Puerto Rico have independent leagues for young adults to showcase their talents. If it can be done here in the states, it would give Rimas liability and a huge step in the sporting market.
You have to start somewhere…
No. Sticking to journeymen Latin American players. Therein lies the rub
I feel like there will be a terrible story about embezzlement from some young latin players coming in the future if they stick to one market and one market only
Cornering the Wilmer Flores market
They like their Wilmer flores’
Pop stars grow on trees. Literally.
Step one – collect Wilmer Flores’
Step two – ????
Step three – profit
Wilmer should be represented by Bad Betty.
This is a very underrated comment.
I guess they’ll let anyone do it
Brothers. There’s 5 x Wilmer Flores’ in that family.
Giant Wilmer just sired another one. I’m guessing “Hey Wilmer” isn’t used at a family dinner.
behind the curve. i retained roger rabbit years ago
Did you ever figure out who framed him?
It was Buggs.
Pay us! Or Yonathan Cartaya, Mauricio Tovar, and Esquivel Espinal or gonna hold out. No kidding! Don’t make me do it. Don’t make me turn the car around!
And Wilmer Flores 2x on Sundays!
If your team has these players, negotiate a cheap extension now while the agency learns the ropes of baseball contracts.
Didn’t think I’d ever see Bad Bunny on these pages.
Or wascally wabbit.
This sounds like they are just throwing bad bunny’s name on there because people know who he is, I thing Mr Noah Assad will be doing most of the negotiations. I can’t imagine someone named Bad Bunny being very good at negotiating sports contracts.
Bunnies have 100 million scent cells. Bad Bunny is smelling easy cash. Hat tip.
I would say they’re unqualified but it isn’t preventing them from making “music” either.