Orioles CEO/chairman John Angelos met with reporters (including The Baltimore Sun’s Nathan Ruiz and Rich Dubroff of BaltimoreBaseball.com) today to discuss a wide range of topics regarding the franchise, its offseason moves, and the bigger-picture question of the Orioles’ long-term future in Baltimore.
To the latter subject, Angelos reiterated his family’s commitment to the ownership of the Orioles, saying “I would say that there’s not a plan to change the principal ownership or the managing partnership and there would be no reason to.” While a new minority owner might be brought into the ownership group, Angelos noted that such a move wouldn’t necessarily be unusual, given that some of the original investors in the group “have transitioned out” in the 30 years since Peter Angelos (John’s father) first brought the franchise and become majority owner.
“It would be nice if we could attract strategic people who care about Baltimore, who care about the way we’re doing this now, who care about the example Camden Yards set and want to be part of it,” Angelos said. “That’s not necessary or a requisite, but we’re open to it. We have no plan to change or transition out of what we have today.”
Some of the questions surrounding the Orioles’ ownership situation were raised by a lawsuit filled by Louis Angelos (John’s brother), who raised the possibility that John and his mother Georgia could possibly sell the team, or move the Orioles to Tennessee. Earlier this month, Louis’ lawsuit and the countersuit from Georgia Angelos were dropped, bringing an apparent end to a legal dispute. Unsurprisingly, John didn’t get into specifics about the lawsuits, other than to say “those things are distractions, and it’s unfortunate whenever they arise, but all good things going forward now.”
Angelos noted his longstanding commitment to Baltimore and his desire to finalize a new, longer-term lease for the Orioles at Camden Yards. The current lease is up after the 2023 season, since the O’s passed on their opportunity on February 1 to trigger a five-year lease extension.
Despite this ticking clock, Angelos has confidence that a new deal will be reached, saying that “the actual facility use agreement, renewing a 30-year-old document, that’s really a minor sidelight” to the Orioles’ larger plans for a more fully developed stadium-village type of project, given that Camden Yards is right next to M&T Bank Stadium, home of the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens. The ideal would be a thriving downtown area that provides value to the city, state, and the franchise beyond just gamedays.
“I have no doubt that we will relatively rapidly move towards the renewal of the public-private partnership and I would be very disappointed if I’m not able to work with the governor and his team…to make that happen in the next six months. I’d love to have that as an All-Star break gift for everybody, really,” Angelos said. “There’s just no there there other than we’re going to get that done. That’s always been one of the things I committed to and I have no intention of not seeing that happen. I know the governor and his folks are just as keen on it as we are.”
Making reference to himself as “here for the long haul” with the franchise, Angelos used the same terminology to describe GM Mike Elias and manager Brandon Hyde, implying some security with the contracts of both men. While specifics weren’t mentioned, Angelos said Elias and Hyde’s current deals aren’t “expiring in a year or two years or anything like that.”
Since the Orioles usually don’t publicize contract terms, not much is known about the nature of either agreement. For instance, Hyde initially signed a three-year deal as manager in December 2018, but he also inked an extension during the 2020-21 offseason — a fact that wasn’t reported until September 2021. Elias was hired a month before Hyde, and while terms were never released about the GM’s contract, it is fair to speculate that he might have gotten a relatively lengthy deal (say, four years) considering the wide scope of the rebuild project the Orioles were on the verge of entering. That said, Angelos’ comments hint that Elias might have signed an extension in the interim, keeping him in Baltimore through at least the 2025 season.
Locking up Elias and Hyde certainly seems like a no-brainer move given the progress the Orioles made in 2022. The first three seasons of the Elias/Hyde rebuild resulted in non-competitive seasons, but the O’s were a very respectable 83-79 last season. Star rookie Adley Rutschman has already established himself as a quality player, and Rutschman might be just the first of several top prospects the Orioles can hope can make a quick impact at the MLB level.
However, the immediate follow-up to this breakout season has been modest, since the O’s have had a relatively quiet offseason. According to Roster Resource, the Orioles’ projected $63.4MM payroll for 2023 is essentially the same as their year-end figure from 2022, since Chris Davis finally came off the team’s books following last season.
Angelos didn’t close the door on increased spending in the future, saying “Could payroll be double or triple what it is? Or could it be over 100 million? Yeah. We’re not there yet. We have a very young team that’s overachieved and overperformed because of the great work of our baseball folks.”
“Payroll, I think there’s a range there that Mike and his team have to determine. Do I have a role in that? Really only to make sure their recommendations are properly funded. We’re probably not going to have or is any other middle or small-market team going to have the payroll of the Mets or the Dodgers or even the Red Sox, certainly not the Yankees. That’s not an Oriole thing. That’s a small or middle-market team in this economic system.”
Citing other teams with notably lower payrolls, Angelos mentioned that the Guardians, Brewers, and Rays are teams that the O’s would like to emulate, since “we’re aiming for sustained success, and I think what you see in a place like Tampa, they have had sustained success….I would be disappointed if we’re not the next Tampa, which means being sustainably competitive and relevant.”
This might not be welcome news for Baltimore fans, who would certainly like to see their team become a regular contender but with the flexibility to spend at a much higher level than the Rays. The Orioles’ spending fluctuated when Peter Angelos had day-to-day control over the team, though the O’s had top-10 payrolls as recently as 2016 and 2017.
The Orioles really didn’t do anything this off season
They replaced pegs with pegs and now John is talking about playoffs
A full season of Adley and Gunner is not copy pasting last years roster. Means back mid-season, as well as some graduations…he has every right to talk about the playoffs after an 83 win season
the 2 worst positions on the 2022 team were 2b and back up catcher both were drastically improved
This offseason and the last 5… They may as well relocate as well
Orioles could sell the bag like Oakland, Pirates every few years or like SD did from 2008 to 2019 (-2010). but they fired everyone a few years ago and have really been improving, faster than other teams. They are being strategic in when they want to spend and I don’t see a problem, they don’t want to be like the Tigers, Rangers or Diamondbacks that spent too much too soon, or spent to spend.
Strategic in the way they spend their money? They didn’t spend any. And not tanking and being like the Tigers? They tanked and that is how they ended up with those top prospects. Hitting on some draft picks. Only $63m payroll. Some owners would rather just count their profits. Your Orioles and my Tigers unfortunately.
Tigers just spend incorrectly more than some other mid-market teams i feel, I don’t think they tried to tank a lot. Orioles just aren’t spending now because their key players aren’t totally ready yet, thats what I meant by strategic. I don’t feel like they tried to tank like Oakland or even the Astros early on. I like seeing the AL East, minus Boston, do well.
No questions about MASN?
“I would say that there’s not a plan to change the principal ownership or the managing partnership and there would be no reason to.”
The “I would say” preface sounds like a tell.
This is an obvious lie. His mother, who has legal authority over the while her husband is alive but incapacitated, has already retained Goldman Sachs to explore a sale upon her husband’s death.
This family has a serious credibility problem.
Thanks for the link. Very informative. It sounds like John is just waiting for his father to pass away and for the Nationals’ owners to sell.
Nashville is ready to pounce; perhaps as early as this fall. The Orioles are free agents the morning after the World Series ends,
Remember, “Follow the money.”
The dude is a politician. The entire family sucks.
If only I could give this 100 likes.
Really bummed me out when he said there’s no plans for a change of ownership.
The days of drawing 3.5M are long gone no matter how good the team.
The city has really gone downhill, nobody wants to risk their life to see a baseball game.
The Baltimore Ravens play a stone’s throw away from Camden Yards, and they enjoyed 99.8% attendance in 2022.
8 home games vs 81, but okay. Apples and oranges.
Baltimore’s a fantastic, vibrant place, especially the area around the sports stadiums. This meme that started on conservative political media that all big cities are hell holes is just a story you’re being told because those cities vote a certain way.
Seamaholic – Well, you could say that about any city really. Some bad areas, but usually good around the touristy spots, like stadiums.
Have you ever driven just a few blocks north of Camden Yards? Talk about “vibrant”. So vibrant in fact, that you make a wrong turn and you may not make it out unharmed or without everything you came to the city with.
Just look at Baltimore’s dwindling population statistics. That will tell you everything you need to know. Sometimes memes, like stereotypes, exist for a reason. Because they’re usually true.
That’s a curious notion, that memes are usually true. When I used to venture into the cesspool of Twitter, I encountered no end of memes proposing diametrically opposed “truths.” I honestly believe it would serve you well to consider investing less acceptance and more skepticism into the thimble-deep declarations of online memes.
Right, usually good around the touristy spots ( like the sports stadiums). I’m wondering why you felt the need to respond when we/he were talking about sports stadiums and the surrounding areas?
skins — Oh, please elaborate on “Sometimes memes, like stereotypes, exist for a reason. Because they’re usually true.”
“Sometimes” and “usually” seem to be in conflict…are stereotypes usually true? Can you give a list of examples of “usually” true stereotypes?
Drive few blocks North of Camden? That’s where I worked. Lexington Market, the Arena, all the way up to the theaters, symphony hall, historic Mount Vernon, the hipster area around the Peabody music school, the University Hospital. You should really get out of your car and not send out signals which are code for something rotten. Doesn’t really get sketchy until the area around North avenue but every city has pockets. Also lot of development on the waterfront towards Fells and Canton. What exactly are you trying to say with your unfounded “stereotypes are true “? Maybe in your militia compound
Theo – wander west of Howard at night and see if you have the same response
I’ve walked back to my car countless times (literally countless) when games end at 10 and 12 midnight and literally never had a single problem. It’s down town near the harbor, not in the ghetto part of Baltimore.
But if you wanna look at it like that, nobody should go to Yankee games either because you’ll get mugged, stabbed, assaulted… and that’s in the day time
I’ve walked to games at Camden Yards and I suspect it has to do with the area you walk through to get to the game. It was not a pleasant walk for me and my friends. Now, none of us got shot or robbed at gunpoint, but every one of us had our “Spidey sense” tingling. That’s enough to not want to walk again.
People don’t like taking risks, and the area has a reputation for being very dangerous. I’ve never run into an issue walking back and forth into Target Field, but I know plenty of people concerned about safety in downtown Minneapolis enough to stay away. I’ll be honest. Baltimore felt 100x more dangerous than Minneapolis ever has. I’ve been to a dozen stadiums across the US. I was never more on high alert than when I was walking to Orioles games… and it’s gotten significantly worse than the last time I was there from a public perception standpoint.
Yeah, generally trouble finds you when you’re looking, whether intentionally or unintentionally (drunk, rude etc). I’ve walked through Harlem, Washington Heights at all hours, never even felt scared. However, I will say with the advent of social media and these ‘challenges’ some of the younger crowd are more brazen with doing stupid crap. I’m not a dinosaur but I remember a fad of kids just going up and trying to knock out random people in the early 2000s, can’t imagine if that had social media fueling it now. I have no idea how I got to this but there is a point somewhere in this post.
The Nationals came to town in 2002 and since then the Orioles have not drawn 3 million.
It has nothing to do with crime. It has to do with their market being taken away by another team 35 miles away.
That and the fact that they finished no higher than fourth or fifth place nine out of 10 times from 2002 through 2011.
There’s no denying that Baltimore has a national reputation for crime and that it’s deserved. Neighborhood Scout shows Camden Yards in one of the safer neighborhoods in Baltimore; but I think it’s highly likely that national reporting — particularly skewed reporting on hostile networks and antisocial media — and TV dramatizations of Baltimore gang violence on shows like “The Wire” have depressed attendance.
That’s wrong poster. The O’s had the best record in baseball from 2012 to 2016 and still couldn’t draw 3 million. The Nationals took more than half of the O’s market away.
You want bad crime. Visit St Louis. Much worse than Baltimore. That doesn’t keep fans away from games there. Why? There isn’t another team 30 miles away.
They didn’t have the best record in that time span, BaseballisLife. According to Fangraphs, the Cardinals, the Nationals and the Dodgers, in that order, were the top three, with the O’s ranking fourth.
But I take your point, and it’s further supported by the fact that the Nats had the second-best record in those years.
BTW, Forbes reported on a study done to determine the most dangerous U.S. cities. St. Louis, as you said, was the worst; but Baltimore was right up there in the fourth spot:
15 Most Dangerous Cities in the US
St. Louis, Missouri
Mobile, Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama
Baltimore, Maryland
Memphis, Tennessee
Detroit, Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio
New Orleans, Louisiana
Shreveport, Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Little Rock, Arkansas
Oakland, California
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kansas City, Missouri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
On the other hand, I hope some of the misguided commenters here who ignorantly describe New York as a violent hellhole will see this list from the same article:
15 Safest Large Cities in the US (with a population over 300,000)
Honolulu, Hawaii
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Henderson, Nevada
El Paso, Texas
New York City
San Diego, California
Mesa, Arizona
Charlotte, North Carolina
San Jose, California
Boston, Massachusetts
Raleigh, North Carolina
Arlington, Texas
Santa Ana, California
Omaha, Nebraska
Austin, Texas
People’s notions of danger in various cities often don’t conform to reality because they don’t distinguish between neighborhoods. There are very safe neighborhoods in St. Louis and Baltimore. It’s only when you venture into crime-ridden, depressed neighborhoods that you’re asking for trouble.
4th highest and still 50% lower than St Louis.
It was the best record in the AL East, I believe.
It was the best record in the AL East, I believe, during that timeframe.
He said “in baseball.” The three NL teams with better records were also in baseball. Just aiming for accuracy here.
I get it, I was just trying to correct the statement and make it accurate, so I agree with you.
Minneapolis & St. Paul combined are about 750,000.
Baltimore is 600,000 on its own with D.C. at 700,000.
Baltimore has enough population and density to fill Camden Yards. In fact, attendance at Baltimore substantially increased (from 1.7MM to 2.2MM) after the Nationals came to town, but while the Orioles were relevant.
It has everything to do with people not wanting to attend Baltimore Orioles games. Whether its not wanting to be shot or not wanting to see an empty stadium for a bad owner and a non-competitive team. The population is there and fans started returning as the Orioles became relevant, rising from avg of 21.6k (1.8MM) to 30.5k (2.5MM) from 2011-2015. From 2014-2016, the Orioles were drawing 2.4MM+
They suck. They suck every single year and that’s why the fans don’t show.
2.4 million is 1 million less than similarly relevant O’s teams drew prior to the Nationals being moved 30 mile away from Camden Yards.
Oh really? The Orioles got an enormous attendance boost from a new stadium in 1992 and they were pretty good.
Despite the nearly brand new stadium, the Orioles drew only 2.5MM fans in 1994 despite a fricken brand new stadium and no pesky Nationals to blame.
The Orioles started absolutely sucking after 1997 and attendance steadily declined.
1998 = 3.7MM (Orioles start sucking)
1999 = 3.4MM
2000 = 3.3MM
2001 = 3.1MM (Camden Yards hits 10 years old)
2002 = 2.7MM
2003 = 2.5MM
2004 = 2.7MM
2005 = 2.6MM
2006 = 2.2MM (Nationals exist. Play at RFK)
2007 = 2.2MM
2008 = 2.0MM (Nationals Park inaugural season)
2009 = 1.9MM
2010 = 1.7MM
2011 = 1.8MM (Nationals become decent or good)
2012 = 2.1MM (Orioles playoffs 1st in 15yrs, only playoff win in last 16yrs)
2013 = 2.4MM
2014 = 2.5MM
2015 = 2.3MM
2016 = 2.2MM
Sorry man, seems awfully stable to me. The Orioles no longer have a new stadium to float attendance like they did in the early/mid 90s when they were also relevant. Attendance has been stable and both the Orioles and Nationals showed similar trends in attendance based on being good/bad.
Baseball stadiums over 40k or so are too big for anything other than super large market teams. Camden Yards is too big for the Orioles and the lack of fans in the seats further hurts attendance due to perception, but not as much as having a terrible team with an owner unwilling to try and get better.
I mean, he could just pay for a new scoreboard with whatever settlement money he’ll get from his brother
Move the team to Las Vegas or Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City can’t support a Major League team, unfortunately. Plus, who wants to see Camden Yards disappear? Not me and, I’m not a fan of the Orioles. But, they have the most beautiful ballpark in all of professional sports.
im a yanks fan. i go to 3 games a year at camden yards.its a great place to watch a game. yankee stadium is great to.its not quite the same as old yankee stadium.furthermore anyone that says its dangerous around camden yards,has not been through the bronx around yankee stadium.much more scary and dangerous.furthermore id rather the orioles succeed than boston,lol.at least this guy john angelos came out and talked to the fans about his plan.my final thought, go yanks.
The Orioles are not moving anywhere. They are staying right where they are, at least for the foreseeable future. The teams that have potential to move first are obviously the Athletics and the Rays, and after that it will be expansion – all of that will come before an Orioles relocation, which IMO will never happen.
Oh, please.
Who are you oh, pleasing lol
lol? You either have the mental capacity of an eight year old or you’re just an aggrieved white guy. There isn’t much of a difference either way.
Yes, that’s it, both things are absolutely correct. I’m an 8 year old aggrieved white person. Clearly I’m not the only one with some growing up to do!
I’m pleased to see you’re self aware. Sad and dimwitted, but self aware. Take care.
I think the A’s or Rays are locked into lease till 2027? Can’t remember which team? Wanna say the A’s while progress is being make on a new stadium in Oakland, and I believe it’s the same story with the Rays, but they have even further ground to go on a new stadium
Why are you both so mean to each other
Why don’t YOU stop being aggrieved and pick on someone your own age and not an 8 year old! You are the only problem here, coming after someone who did absolutely nothing to you, so clearly you are the one who has some growing up to do there buddy.
I wasn’t mean, I asked who he was oh pleasing – that’s not mean
I did see where the Rays were inching forward in their quest for a new ballpark but I haven’t read anything about the As yet – doesn’t mean they aren’t either though. Those franchises are more apt to relocate than Baltimore though, I’d believe
Here, let me put this in terms you understand more clearly: lol and omg.
Also, you absolutely need a comma between ‘there’ and ‘buddy’, or your comment doesn’t deliver as planned.
Bart, did somebody piss in your breakfast cereal this morning?
lol and omg
Bart Harley aims to please
No, move Las Vegas and Salt Lake City out of the desert
Put your bets on Nashville.
I’d like to see Camden Yards once but is it worth going to Baltimore??
Camden Yards is right near I-95. So, you can get to the stadium without going to dangerous parts of Baltimore, but don’t venture too far away from the stadium. It is a nice stadium. Some people say it is the nicest.
You’re wrong on both counts- Not the nicest stadium. Quaint but in disrepair since the late 90s. And stop with the venturing too far from the stadium. Never had problems driving or taking public transport through what you’re calling the “ghetto”, even when I was the only non Black- Brown person. In case that’s what you’re going for. The only issue I had was getting garbage dumped on my head while waiting for a bus in the bougier part of Fells point. But that’s really kind of a New York thing too
Nobody plans to vacation in Baltimore but people do for D.C. It’s less than 40 miles away.
“We have a very young team that’s overachieved and overperformed because of the great work of our baseball folks.” – Angelos
Wtf is this suppose to mean? Or is he weirdly trying to motivate? I’m at a loss here.
LOL He’s trying to excuse the reason they didn’t spend any money. Not an oriole fan, but this guy should be relieved of his owner duties.
Such an odd quote. It’s like he was surprised they performed well. Is he saying they’re really not very good but the coaches are? And then he follows by saying the payroll could reach 100 mill with “hoping to be like the Rays”. Not very convincing. This guy comes across as clueless and his remarks leave an impression of thinly veiled poor mouthing.
Baltimore’s a great place! By all means go. I don’t live there but I go once or twice a year, and I love it every time, especially the inner harbor.
You’ll be fine. Just be smart. If it looks sketchy, it probably is. If you’re near the stadium you’re good. I normally park on Hanover street a few blocks down and it’s good. If you’re near the harbor it’s a totally safe area. Squeegee kids are gone now if I’m up to date, but just wave them off if they make their way back, or give them 50 cents or a dollar if they clean your windshield.
The only thing to watch for in Baltimore is people walking out in the middle of street while traffic goes by. Not in a menacing manner. Just sorta like wayward livestock that own the road.
Of course. Baltimore is lovely.
Calling the taxpayer…..how much is the city and state willing to pony up? Because that’s what it’s going to come down to in the O’s are going to stay.
Awful owner
davidk1979 — Yeah, awful owner. Rebuilt a franchises from the ground up, became competitive ahead of schedule, and the Farm is top rated again, and theres palable excitement for his product.
No owner should do such things!
I’m surprised he didn’t take the opportunity to chew out reporters for asking questions on President’s Day weekend. Have to focus on the real issues average people face, right John? I’m sure you’re well in tune with those of course.
This owner prefers the Orioles to be not good enough to spend 100 mil lol
“Do I have a role in that? Really only to make sure that their recommendations are properly funded.” Humble Servant, John Angelos
Why do taxpayers continue to allow these vile Oligarchs to blackmail them? No free cash to Oligarchs! If taxpayers build stadiums they OWN the stadiums and the teams! It is time to take away control of the game from a few Oligarchs who bribe politicians and get socialism for the rich. All teams owned by fans/cities/regions like FC Barcelona, one of the richest and most successful teams in the world. Run as an NPO. GM hared to win. No changes except a handful of Oligarchs no longer steal money. The Orioles, before this mafia family got it, were indeed owned by the fans. The Packers are another example. Get these criminals gone! Teams are paid for by the fans they MUST OWN the teams!
GA.i give you credit on your rant,lol.i havent heard the word oligarchs,sice 7th grade.you didnt need to use the word 3 times over,lol.that being said.the only team in mlb that owns their own ballpark is the cubs.teams like the yankees ,orioles ,boston,rays,ect pay a lease.when the lease is running out they want improvements.if you were to make a lease on an apartment complex for 15 years.by year 13 or 14 you would ask the owner for improvements before you signed another 15 year lease.furthermore,a city can not build a ballpark and then declare they own the team.my final thought on this is,we live in capilistic country,why would you bring barcelona into this coversation?ps, a oligarchs is a rich manipulating politician.
Have you not read the news on Putin since 7th grade? LOL. US indeed has their own Oligarchs. And taxpayer cash — the Rays want 1 billion — is indeed given free to Oligarchs to build stadiums, housing, shops, and all the infrastructure that includes roads, trains, energy, and, to carry away all those hotdogs and beer, sewage. So fans/cities/regions can just go ahead and own their teams. What need is there for a few rich guys — Oligarchs! (got 3 in there) to have anything to do with our national sport? Barcelona, btw, sits in Spain, a highly capitalistic country. Cheers.
GA, you made a few poins that make sense.can you tell me what mlb team owner is selling their team to the city or state?
The owners have the leverage. Oh, you won’t fund my ballpark? Vegas will do it. Nashville will do it. You want to be the mayor and city council that lost the baseball team?
First, Nashville has to build a legit airport.
Perhaps John can chennel his inner Roger Dorn and sell some advertising space on the OF walls. Who knows, there are some fans that could probably use the number of a good proctologist…
The Orioles off-season was the biggest let down in baseball for me. I feel like they have a ton of exciting, young players. They showed a lot last year in a tough division. I feel like it could have been a boost to the young players to inject some veteran talent. Like a vote of confidence saying that they believe in the youngsters to compete. At the very least, they should have signed a Taijuan Walker, Chris Bassitt, or Jameson Taillon type starter. If I was in charge, I would have tried to sign Carlos Rodon AND one of those guys. Then I would have went after some affordable bullpen help. Just my 2 cents.
O’s picked up Politi and Givens to help their bullpen which was pretty good in 2022.
“….I would be disappointed if we’re not the next Tampa, which means being sustainably competitive and relevant.”
“Sustainably competitive”
John gets it.
O’s added Gibson, Irvin, and Givens to the pitching staff. Frazier and McCann as depth on the position player side. Plus a full year of Henderson and Rodriguez.
The Orioles got better in the offseason without having to spend $300 million, but they were not 1 or 2 players from contending in the East.
If this team makes a move forward from .500 ball into playoff contention, then the trade deadline becomes the point they need to step up and make a big addition.
BaseballisLife – You’ve outlined the additions – all depth. The offense was below average last year. They are banking on Gunnar Henderson to be a hit and continued improvement from Adley Rutschman. Otherwise they have average to just a bit above average players in Hays, Mountcastle, Mullins, Santander (who had a career year), Urias, etc. No pieces to make measurable improvements to replace last year’s starters were made, and they still strike out too much and don’t walk enough. Flawed.
In the rotation which was well below average last year, they are banking on Rodriguez to be a hit. Gibson replaces Lyles and that’s a back end guy, Irvin is at best a #3 guy on teams with competent rotations.
The bullpen? Not worried about the bullpen. They are well above average and the reason this team wasn’t 10 below .500.
Yes I think the really morbid teams are behind us but this is still a flawed, Frankenstein team without an ace or that Ripken/Murray all-star level in the lineup to build around (Rutschman COULD become that piece, but unfair to count it too early). You can’t be surprised if they take a step back this year on the field even if they look better on paper (think 2013 versus 2012, or 1990 versus 1989 though I think the team is built better than 1990’s)
That’s why I’m coming in with 79-83 and won’t think the sky is falling. They haven’t done enough to make that leap to a 90 win team.
2 starters at the top of the rotation are depth in your mind? Enough said.
Has Tampa ever won a World Series?