Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat
By Mark Polishuk | at
Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat
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Mentioning Santander going into labor during the playoffs was the funniest response I have seen so far.
The Angelos family is an embarrassment to the game of baseball. They’re an emberassment to the Orioles. They’re an embarrassment to Abner Doubleday himself.
Are they as big of an embarrassment as say Frank McCourt was to the Dodgers?
Worse. Mccourt damaged the dodgers and fleeced the club of its own assets and revenue streams via the land/parking deals.
Angelos steals revenue from the nationals and hurts the game as a whole by damaging another franchise beyond just failing to invest in his own. Arguably that also hurts more players too.
McCourt’s the biggest embarrassment to the Dodgers? “Hold my beer” Trevor Bauer
Uhh…. what do you think mccourt had to do with Bauer?
Bauer didn’t embarrass anyone. He got blackballed because he called out the MLB on their BS.
Thats probably a toss up but i give the edge to the McCourt’s
It’s an embarrassment to think Abner Doubleday has anything to do with baseball.
What a heavily ‘baited’ question by Jed Hoyer re: Machado trade. MP took the bait, too. Lol
What a heavily ‘baited’ question by Jed Hoyer re: Machado trade. He took the bait, too. Lol
It’s interesting that Manfred is already looking ahead to a Padres rebuild. Seems the Commissioner’s office doesn’t like star players straying from New York/Los Angeles
Feels like an insult… what rebuild? Mark laid it out perfectly, we’d love to be the “Cardinals of the West.” All due respect, but sometimes Manfred seems lost in his own League. BTW, I abhor his constant rule changes. Just stop trying to slap bandaids where there is no fire. The pitch clock is the worst idea I’ve ever heard of… well, maybe the Zombie Runner earns that title. Whatever! Haha
Baseball is a Chess match and Manfred is trying to turn it into Checkers. Dumbing down the game isn’t going to draw more interest
Manfred will have to deal with Seidler, and I love it
How can you possibly lump the pitch clock in the same conversation as the zombie runner (Manfred Man) rule? Even if you don’t like the pitch clock, it at least speeds up the nonessential stuff. The zombie runner results in runs that are neither earned, nor unearned. That drives me mad (more angry mad than crazy mad).
To each their own, deGrommer… but the purist in me hates the introduction of ANY sort of clock. Completely worthless and will only add to confusion on all the teams and the Umps. All MLB had to do was enforce the existing rules, but the Umps ignored them. If you’re Manfred, the best recourse would have been to hold their feet to the fire and instruct them to enforce the pre-existing “speed-up” rules. Bigger bases doesn’t bother me as much as the 2 Throwover Rule. This is also silly, again, to me. Just my free take, take it for what it’s worth. Rsox makes a great analogy, it does seem that Manfred is turning the beautiful game into cheap Checkers.
I’m looking forward to the pitch clock. It’s the only new rule I do like. I read an article, I forget where, FG or maybe, that studied the effects of the pitch clock already in use in the MiLs. Interestingly enough, the takeaway was that it’s impact on the game was minimal, other than shortening game time. Interviews with players and coaches on how the liked it were positive. The worst rule IMO is the 3 batter minimum rule. That rule changes the strategy of the game fundamentally.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with the net change (as much as I hated the Manfred Man rule, the shift was unbearable to watch). I know many of us are pissed off with the zombie, but it may go away if enough fans call and complain. If they lose a million fans due to it, they may change their minds. Who knows?
Well considering the large market teams drive the entirety of baseball’s economics, it’s vitally important that the biggest stars play in the largest markets, plain and simple.
Welcome to the new Pads, much different than the old Pads!
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