4:35pm: Giants CEO Larry Baer says there’s currently “nothing to report” on the Judge situation (via Chelsea Janes of the Washington Post).
4:28pm: Heyman now says the Giants haven’t heard a decision on Judge (on Twitter). Andy Martino of SNY tweeted that as of 4:22pm CST, the Yankees were not informed they were out of the running.
4:26pm: Defending AL MVP Aaron Judge “appears headed” to the Giants, tweets Jon Heyman of the New York Post. San Francisco has reportedly offered Judge a deal in the $360MM range. To this point, however, it appears at least the Yankees still remain in the mix.
Hear that?
Sound of yankee fans tears hitting the ground LOL
I actually, I just hear more Heyman 50/50 prognosticating and hoping his 50% guess is correct. He’s just the first one to tweet his guess. Ironically, no person internally connected with these teams is tweeting this. It does make one wonder….
“Appears headed?”
Goodness this guy is a joke.
Clip – That’s the ultimate teaser right there …. right up with “Who shot JR? Stay tuned!”
FPG, literally within two minutes he took it back?Lolol. That speaks volumes about this guy’s reporting.
So Giants did not even get Arson Judge either? Ugh…
Clip – Agreed, clowns like Heyman make me sick to my stomach. So irresponsible, pushing information out there with nothing to support it. Just so they can be “first”. Pathetic.
The sad part is, this moron has a HOF vote.
Clipper FWIW I did hear yesterday that The Judge’s Chambers has been removed.
JoeSays: According to talk media online that was a bogus report that was put out. There were people inside Yankee Stadium that confirmed it was still there. I forget if it was Jomboy or one of the other online guys similar to him. But they debunked that as false.
Are you aware if there’s any credibility to the claim?
I wasn’t aware it was debunked. I’m sure I’m wrong on this. Thanks for the info.
Clip, no way the Yankees would remove the Judge’s chambers in advance. Even if the official announcement came that he was leaving, the Yankees wouldn’t tear down that section down in seconds, if for no other reason than they’d have to pay the union workers time and a half!
Ha! That’s so true, Rob!
Wouldn’t they remove the Judge’s Chambers because of the upcoming Pinstripe Bowl? They have to transform the field into a football field.
@Retired, I thought of that, but I don’t know what they do to the seating at the Stadium for the Pinstripe Bowl. Would they need to remove it?
@RobM That’s a good question. I’m they don’t according to the below link I found:
its NYC, the union says it’ll take a season to do it.
I’m all for unions but if you know NYC, a long standing poke is something like, one job for two people or one job and 5 union. I butchered it but whatever
Clip – like we talked about the other day, if judge leaves, then a hard pivot to Nimmo and rodon?
Amen to that, he and ol Jeff both are worthless reporters. I like to say they’re the Angel Hernandez of sports reporting
Well, as others have noted, Heyman did immediately delete the tweet and apologized for “jumping the gun.” Maybe he knows something, but if he did, he’d have held firm on his original tweet.
Sherman on MLB Network just said their is no word on Judge, but the rumblings are he is going to the Giants!
I’d believe Sherman long before Heyman.
Those noncommittal phrases…at least a weather reporter makes an actual forecast, even if they do get it wrong often enough.
Rain is expected. Snow is on the forecast. Partly sunny with some clouds. They are just as non-committal.
Heyman is a joke, but he didn’t make this up. One of his sources told him this. The buzz seems to be that he’s going to the Giants. Let’s see if that turns out to be true. My guess is we’ll know no later than tomorrow.
Bottom line is the bottom line. If the Yankees match the Giants offer and he leaves, then quite simply he didn’t want to be a Yankee.
If I understood what Heyman was saying on MLBN, then Carlos Baerga was his source. Now, before laughing, Baerga has been a good source previously, including where Justin Verlander was going. I wasn’t 100% sure if that was his only source. His answer was a bit awkwardly phrased, perhaps intentional, perhaps not. I suspect he still believes Judge is going to the Giants, yet if that was the case, why wouldn’t it just be announced? It’s possible Judge has told them he’s going to the Giants if they can hammer out a few finer points, which they’ll do in person tomorrow. If there is no final agreement, the Giants are probably the ones slighly upset that this leaked as it opens up a huge door for the Yankees can drive through at the last moment. I guess I wouldn’t be surprised by any outcome. I do believe we’ll know tomorrow.
I will add that all these leaks are coming from Judge’s camp, so I don’t want to hear any fake annoyance about the Yankees directly saying what their offer was months back.
At least they still have Hicks.
Muleor, you forgot “forever”
Have Hicks…forever…
Luke Voit is still available for a reunion to fill the Voit left by Judge!
No, just the sounds of fans hitting the ground who buy into everything Jon Heyman says…
The same site that had Verlander to the Mets has iTalk Studios
SOURCE: Aaron Judge is accepting the San Francisco Giants offer
Al: That’s interesting for sure. I do wonder if that has to do with the offers. Yanks bumped their offer up to $340MM and about 20 minutes prior to the time stamp in that post, Giants countered with $360MM, allegedly. To my understanding the negotiations are still underway (at least as of that time stamp) with the Yankees having the chance to counter. I wonder if they got that from the Giants topping the Yankees initial counter offer?
Al, I did a bit more research and it seems this may have stemmed from a Susan Slusser post (very reputable reporter) that reads that the talk in the hotel lobby of the WMs was that Judge was headed to the Giants – all around the time of Heyman’s post.
Now, the problem is: did that talk lead to Heyman’s errant post? Or did Heyman’s post lead to that talk? Lol, that’ll be like a dog chasing its tail.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Yankees fans can wipe those tears with the banners of how many championships?
Brewers fans barely have enough to keep them covered so they don’t get arrested for indecent exposure.
Can’t be too exciting to be a fan when your only thrills come from negative news from other teams? Do you sit and watch the newswire hoping for injury reports on the rest of the league?
If he goes he goes, I won’t cry. But I’ll cry tears of joy if Hal sells the Yankees, and the new owners throw the Trashman and the Boonehead into the streets.
Lies!!!! Filthy lies!!!!
Considering we haven’t heard the mystery teams offer yet it’s clearly bogus
GM, it’s a team to be named later!
Or it’s 8-10 teams to be named later. We aren’t exactly sure if 10 are interested….yet.
I knew it was rubbish from the second I saw the headline Clip. No fault of MLBTR of course they are merely the messengers. Judge just pulled up in his McClaren an hour ago he hasn’t even cracked the shrimp cocktail or prime rib bar yet! Let the man have lunch atleast. Never sign on an empty stomach!
Yeah, these guys are awesome and always cite their sources. That’s why it’s silly for anyone to blame these writers. They’re reporting on what’s being reported. They’re doing a great job. Heyman, not so much.
9 years 360?
Holy, holy, holy toledo!” I’m getting shivers!
Pete, if the Giants do end up getting Judge, I’ll be one of the first in here to congratulate you. I know you’re stoked about the offseason, man. Pretty exciting and right now Giants have the top bid in at $360MM.
I tell you what, Clip, I don’t see Judge hitting 60 bombs in that stadium.
rememberthecoop — Not likely Judge will hit 60 HRs anywhere, but Oracle isn’t going to hurt him at all. If you look at how Oracle now plays (neutral) since they moved the fences as well as Judge’s spray chart, he’ll be a monster there, no problem
The Giants created a document as part of their pitch showing how his HR totals would have been impacted. He’d lost some HRs to right, but gained others to center and left center. He also gained some HRs in other NL west parks. They still had him hitting 60 HRs. No record, but in the NL, the record isn’t 61!
Regardless, he had his career year. He’s not repeating it again, in a Yankee uni or a Giants uni.
LordD99 – Didn’t know they’d created a document like that, but it makes sense. Where’d you read that?
Clipper — My first choice is for the Giants NOT to sign Judge, but rather spread the money around to Correa, Nimmo & Senga (Haniger, too), so it has a real impact on the entire roster.
But I have to say that if the Giants do sign Judge I won’t be disappointed. I just wish Heyman would double check his sources before he starts spit-balling rumors.
Pete, I hear you brother. It’s very logical to spread that money around and build more of the team. But, I have to say Judge is a true professional, man. He’s great to watch, humble, and fan-friendly. He’s pretty much everything you can want in a player. You guys would be very, very happy with him.
If you go on Fangraphs they have spreads that will show you all of his HRs if they were hit in an overlay of Oracle Park. He’s only (-)2.
Clipper — Everything I’ve read about him is that he’s not only a great player but a terrific human being. And that always makes rooting for a player even more wonderful.
@Pete’sView I’d rather have Judge, Nimmo, and Senga than Correa, Nimmo, and Senga.
Since the difference will be 7m-10m a year, Just skipping Hanniger or trimming at the margins makes up the difference.
Jack — Problem is, Crawford is done and Luciano will probably end up at 3B or OF. And I’m concerned that Judge (given his frame) will wear down at least half way through the contract. But if we get him, great.
Bring him to the NL west
Arson Judge?
Did he delete the tweet?
He backtracking lol
Good for him honestly, living out his dream of playing for the giants
Crazy. This changes the next decade of baseball
It will be a Giant offer
You mean Arson Judge
It’s fine, good bye.
Now let’s not be desperate and replace him with overpaid bums.
Cashman extension came too soon.
Ozuna “appears headed” home from the bar
Hahahahahaha 007 I told you I am all laughed out already! Reminds me of the ginger girl from Scooby Doo who used to say that all the time.
Was that the nerd or the hot one?
Hahaha The nerdy one with the bowl cut.
Wasn’t that a Beetle?
Clip, you freakin psychic. I SWEAR I was about to say “Paul McCartney hair doo” but you sensed it anyway! Haha Nice one.
Okay….read my mind then, who was the hot one?
Daphne!!! The long legged one!
It’s a Beatle , c’mon lol
Edp: Lolol, you picked up on it. Trumbo, you didn’t fall for it, man, which make me so happy!
If you’d listed a Beetle it would’ve been hilarious though…
Clip I did list a Beetle!!!!! Hahahahahahah
I literally laughed lol
Heyman just retracted that tweet.
I bet he does go to the Giants
I thought Judge was a New York man through and through, but money beckons
This is a fugazi folks…Nothing more. Yanks swooping in at the last second!
He already took it back said he “jumped the gun”
How do you make a mistake like that? Someone obviously said something to him.
He probably said it “appears” he’s headed to the Giants as in physically, because Judge flew out to SD from his home in Tampa. He also still believes in Santa Clause…
Pearl Harbor Day tomorrow Clip but today is JUDGEment Day my friend!!!!
My grandfather was at PH when it was bombed….special day for the fam.
Clip, that is remarkable heritage you have my friend. He will be included in my thoughts tomorrow .
Clip, you must be incredibly proud. My grandpa was at Chosin so I hear you.
Get in Da Choppa
Thanks Clipper, you just ruined Christmas for me.
I think Heynman’s right. How many FA have said about their old teams what Judge has said, angrily, derisively about the Yankees, and not moved on?
For the 3rd time this week I will say it again!! Done deal tomorrow!!
Yankees messed up. Fans booed him. They leaked info. That’s what they get. Probably better for it.
Agree 100%. Awful management of their best player. Just awful. I hope he leaves! Cashman is a clown, they need to stop telling themselves that everyone wants to be a Yankee. Delusional. They think they can low ball people, leak negotiations, and in the end “everything will be fine because we’re the Yankees, and we haven’t won anything in nearly two decades”.
Nice take Mario!
The “I hate the Yankees so let’s make up facts” take!
Literally didn’t lie about a thing
“Think everyone wants to be a Yankee”
“Lowball on negotiations”
I believe that narrative that “everyone wants to be a Yankee” is when they were the only one spending big, 15 plus years ago.
True. I’m a Yankee fan, but nobody believes that anymore.
Tell that to Cashman
He knows. Not sure what he did wrong here. Maybe Judge just wants to go home, it’s his prerogative.
FYI, it took me 4 tries to spell prerogative. An R after the P? Who knew!!??
Bobby Brown knew
Cashman should’ve had some respect for the man, now he goes to the Giants! Fire that clown Cashman it was literally all his fault. Yankee fans still think everybody wants to be a “Yankee”, delusional.
Why, because the Yankees don’t want to give him $40 a year?
No. Because Judge is a private man that obviously likes to keep his business in house. That needs to be respected.
The only reason I can see for Cashman announcing those details was to remove fan heat from himself and place it on Judge.
I tend to be an apologist for the FO’s, but that move defeats me.
What’s wrong with that?
Why should the Yankees organization be ridiculed throughout the whole year as if they didn’t make a legitimate offer?
What’s wrong with that ?
The fact that Judge is a human with human preferences in regards to what is in the public domain. The man doesn’t have a right to privacy if that is his wish ?
Because you know he is a free agent at years end and the Boss should be prepared to take some bullets in order to have him feeling as comfortable as possible.
Screw that. The team doesn’t have to take that.
Judge is the one that turned it down, let him deal with it.
Heyman is a hack
Its Heyman, so take it with a grain of salt. Anything he or Martino say is just garbage
10 years $400M
Nightmare contract.
Ha, this type of reporting is going to give Yankee fans a heart attack.
It’s going to give Giant fans a heart attack, too. Better to say nothing than to spread unfounded rumors.
This is excruciating.
I much prefer the waiver wire.
Judge’s agent tells Heyman. .. plant story we’re heading to giants. Story planted. Cash man reads it. Calls agent to up offer. Agent calls Heyman. You can delete that tweet now. Thank you for your service
cash man?
Whatever Judge signs for Ohtani will eclipse it. Which further proves Ohtani is the more valuable player.
Judge wins the MVP because he hits 60+ HR’s what BS.
Ohtani pitches and hits a more valuable commodity.
Ohtani 1/2 billionaire by 2025
Oh man did Heyman do Nightengale part deux
He’s giving the Yankees a chance to match or exceed the offer and if they hesitate or try to talk him down out of loyalty, he’s going to the Giants.
Watch out for the Rangers to swoop in and grab him, not signing Rodon means they are putting that money elsewhere
Ha, no way they’re reaching into their pockets for that type of change.
Seager, Semien, deGrom say otherwise
Ah, the “doesn’t-matter-how-many-times-you’re-wrong, just-so-you’re-‘first'” “journalism” of the day. Now let someone else break it when he actually does sign lol
Journalism has always been like that. Always.
Watch any movie shot in the 1930s about a newspaper. The clamor to be first was probably even louder then.
Not at all.
Giants aren’t even 3rd best in their division. They’re the Oakland A’s of the NL west.
Aaron Judge is replaceable. Not the end of the world. Actually he’s more of a burden on an acquiring team than a smart investment.
Bad look to let the current face of the franchise walk, especially with the Yanks’ wealth. Guy should be a NYY for life
I’m shocked that he would want to leave a place that lowballed him an offer last offseason, then the GM leaked the offer in an effort to put pressure and have the fans turn on him for not accepting .Then after an MVP season, boo him relentlessly in the playoffs.
Just really shocked he would leave
Lowball? I memory serves, that offer was accepted by many in the industry as a very fair offer for a guy was injury prone and pushing 31. Don’t make things up. The original offer at the time was more than fair.
Of course the 2022 season changed the economics but it still doesn’t change the fact of the high possibility he will hit the IL multiple times in the future.
If it was more than fair why didn’t Judge accept it lol.
If the numbers shake out, he’s getting an extra 1-2 years and an extra 125-150 million.
7/213 was never a we really want you stay offer, don’t act like 2022 was Judge’s coming out party, his stats have always been there.
Short-term, this sucks for the Yankees (if true). Long-term, it’s the best thing that could happen to them, especially if it’s a 9-yr deal. Sit out the FA market more or less, load up for Ohtani next year. Or they could get Nimmo and use the difference to make several other upgrades.
I agree. Land a high average, on-base guy and see what the rookies bring.
That’s messed up man. Who would say such a thing and not have the facts.
If this is the case, then the Yankees should be happy as hell as they will have dodged a tremendous bullet. If Judge signs for 9/$360, this contract, like Judge will not age very well. The Yankees can put $40M a year to far better use spreading it among two, three, four or more players.
As for the Giants, they are going to have quite the buyer’s remorse in a few years, similar to the Angels and Albert Pujols & Anthony Rendon, the Tigers w/ Prince Fielder and Miggy, Yankees w/ Jacob Ellsbury, Nationals with Stehen Strasburg and the list goes on and on and on
I’m sure the owners aren’t caring, they plan to make them dollars. If they structure it front loaded they can continue to add later down the road. They really have nothing on the books next year.
I think he’s going to the Giants, Irresponsible Journalism or…. NY overlords made him delete it…..
CLASSIC John Heyman!
Heyman is always jumping the gun. Not saying the guy isn’t “plugged in” to system but come on man.
Gotta-Be-First Twitter “journalism” is cancer.
So that means my granny had stage 4 lung Gotta-Be-First Twitter “journalism”
Or maybe MLB can stop the world series during the middle of the game and have everyone stand up holding a sign so they can STAND Up 2 Gotta-Be-First Twitter “journalism”
Heyman is a COMPLETE hack. Doesn’t give two poops if his reports bear any semblance to reality.
Revoke Jon Heyman’s press credentials!
Deport him lol
I think they already have, that’s why he just makes stuff up now.
His sources dried up.
Wait, he always cites his source – some dude name Hon Jeyman.
Heyman just trolled the entire Yankee fanbase world wide.
Wow a article about nothing Lol
Heyman nice shot.
I’ll believe it when it’s confirmed- either Yanks or Giants. I think he goes back to Yanks at $400M
These reporters are no different from people who jump to forums to post, “first”
Lifelong Yankees fan that will personally be fine with him walking. He’ll never repeat this season (who could) and the contract would cripple us even more. Spread that money out to contact hitters. Plus, he could never follow Jeter as Captain, which I’m sure they’ve guaranteed. While Judge always says the right (Yankee) thing, I’ve never found it genuine. Plus, lifer or not, I truly believe as long as the team hold to their antiquated facial hair policy and emotionless responses, they’ll miss out on talent that might otherwise choose to don those pinstripes.
Yep, and I love the guy. He was a man on a mission proving his worth. With the huge $$$ he will be trying to justify it and will try too hard (see A-Roid). I think the HR chase was a distraction at the end of the season. The team was emotionally spent hence the clobbering by Astros. Hope I’m wrong. Either way not too hopeful with Cashman at the help.
Can we add Heyman to the list of reporters we don’t comment on? Lol
Because he will be 31 when the season starts. The team that gives him the money will maybe get five years out of him. So if the Giants sign him they are in a rebuild phase.
Look how the angels seasons have gone ever since signing Mike Trout. Haven’t even been in the postseason. A team that dumps a bunch of money into one player with the hopes of winning the World Series is a dream on paper. Or should I say. CHECK.
I still think the Giants at maybe 10/360.
All that jock-sniffing is causing Heyman to hallucinate.
Everybody is always trying to be the first to report things. They care more about being first than right.
I wish the red sox would give him 500m so we can get some dignity back.
So in the end Judge simply used the Yankees to drive up his price. Good thinking!
Yeah sure
This article reported at 4:35 PM that there is “nothing to report”. Useless information, just don’t report anything.
Heyman should work for CNN. Just blatantly reporting untrue reports
CNN or FOX, both spew nonsense.
I think the Giants are going to land him. Yankees should have respected his wishes and kept everything quiet.
Aaron is a Giant I’ll be the Judge of that
If he does go to SF, that’s on Steinbrenner’s, not Cashman.
Aaron Judge making a decision is a good move for Aaron Judge, but it definitely will mean the end of the bidding war for Aaron Judge.
The most hated athlete in NYC Jacob Degone and second Aaron the Giant
Wow, you’re so amazingly funny! So witty, so smart……the total package.
I sure hope that the Dodgers don’t sign him.
That’s a lot of money for one player. So if the Giants want him. Go ahead and forget about signing anyone else of great potential. Because that’s a really big chunk of money for a player that is going to give them maybe five years. The final number of years will be a DH.
He’s going to SF for multiple reasons. It’s not JUST about the $$, it’s about the Yankees leaking their preseason offer to make him look bad. It’s about a dream he told to his wife about how someday they’d be married and he’d be an SF Giant (see Time mag article). It’s about being close to his family. And it’s about the Yankee fans booing him. Never. Ever. Will he be booed in San Francisco. No matter what, we don’t boo our own. Welcome to The City, your Honor!
I completely disagree.
I don’t think Judge holds a moment of frustration against fans that embraced him since day one. He gets it.
Second, why shouldn’t the Yankees leak their preseason offer?
Read his interview in Time. He pretty much signals he’s going to SF.
I’m not saying they can’t leak their offer, but he was under the impression they had an agreement to keep it quiet. That irked him. A lot apparently.
Ok well if that’s the case, they should have shutup.
But they made him fair offers, I don’t blame management if he leaves. It’s because he wants to.
They didn’t leak it. I think Cashman announced it.
When they say it’s not about the money, it’s ABOUT the money. When they say, it’s not just about the money, it’s ALL about the money.
It took all of 5 seconds to find an Incident in which you booed Tim Lincecum, but stick to your fairy tales: bleacherreport.com/articles/397701-san-francisco-g…
Oh right. And I also forgot about the times I booed Barry Zito.
Yankees go 9 years 400 million
Love Judge and I’m a die hard Yankees fan…..but if SF is dumb enough to give him a 10 year deal, I’ll help him pack!
Sign Correa & Benny and trade for Reynolds.
Adios Mr. Judge. Let’s see if you make the World Series in a San Francisco uniform.
I know no decision has been made on Aaron Judge yet but what about Arson Judge?
I know Aaron Judge just had an amazing year, but this Arson Judge fella is dynamic.
What about Arson Judge? I hear he’s already signed.
There was a stud named Aaron Judge,
Whose team said he never would budge,
Along came San Fran
With Samoleons in hand,
And Cashman is left packing fudge.
and LAD will come in last minute…
Every ballplayer’s agent in America must have Heyman on speed dial.
That’s right pink. If Heyman said it, take its opposite to the bank.
At this point, if he decides to go back to the Yankees, then so be it. If he comes here to SF, then I’ll accept him with open arms. The only 2 options I’d be okay/pleased with.
Heyman has frequently leaked stuff for agents so I wonder if this was put out there to spur a higher bid.
I am hearing that the Guardians will come in a close third behind either the Giants or Yankees when this signing becomes official.
Larry, sign him!
The Dodgers are letting everyone but Kershaw go. There’s something brewing very quietly in LA. This ownership group cannot let it all go to waste now.
He’s signing with the Tampa Bay Rays!
He’ll make more with this contract than the Rays have committed to payroll for the last 10 years!!!
He wants to have facial hair dont blame him for leaving and going home what a lame team rule….
IMO, just guesses, as a Yankee fan it’s starting to feel like Judge is leaving. Usually when a player goes back to the team they’ve been with it moves quicker and doesn’t drag through winter meetings like this so publicly. It would be a HUGE get for whatever team gets him, BUT.. if winning is truly his desire, like year in year out being on a team headed to the playoffs, it’s hard to see that being in San Francisco ( at least over next few seasons) the Padres and Dodgers are loaded and will not be going away soon.. I don’t think any single player or even 2-3 can make the Giants contenders. But we’ll see…
Well, in the end, the players have to decide what is best for them. Look at Brady with the Pats. He literally could have made a boatload of cash and instead, stayed with the team because he valued winning over money. If Judge wants to sign for a lot of money and play elsewhere, good for him. Not all players care about winning it all. With that said, if he was actually serious about winning, he probably wouldn’t sign with the Yankees as management hasn’t really been focused on building around him all these years so why bother staying?
Quick – we are reporting – there is nothing to report on. Write that down.
Sadly Heyman is never right.
@Cookie Bitts Nah. Judge going to SF, a .500 team in 2022, gets them to 90 wins given their offseason moves to date—and they still have more payroll to spend than the Yankees after adding Judge.
90 wins is better than NYY projects to after losing Judge. Are the Yankees even a .500 team at that point?