Just over two weeks ago, it was reported that Yasiel Puig pled guilty to lying to federal agents during an investigation into an illegal gambling operation. Now he has withdrawn from that plea agreement, reports Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times, changing his plea to not guilty. “I want to clear my name,” Puig said in a statement. “I never should have agreed to plead guilty to a crime I did not commit.”
The former big leaguer would have been eligible for probation and had agreed to pay a fine of at least $55,000 under the agreement. Having now withdrawn, Puig could face trial and a maximum sentence of five years in prison. “Significant new evidence” prompted the change, according to Keri Axel, Puig’s attorney. “We are prepared to publicly share that information in the appropriate forum and at the appropriate time,” Axel says.
The government alleges that Puig lost almost $300K on sports bets in the first half of 2019 but then lied to investigators over a Zoom call about it. “Mr. Puig, who has a third-grade education, had untreated mental-health issues, and did not have his own interpreter or criminal legal counsel with him,” Axel says, in relation to that Zoom call.
Puig played in the majors from 2013 to 2019 but there is no evidence in the plea agreement that he bet on baseball.
I didn’t change my mind, he’s still a tool.
after he’s convinced and sentenced he’ll regret changing his plea
I hope so. He’s a tool. An immature, self absorbed, egotistical, self absorbed tool.
Tell us how you really feel..
I suspect the “significant new evidence” is high priced legal counsel advising him that they can get the zoom call thrown out cause prosecutors misrepresented themselves. Easy to defend against if you have money for lawyers.
Wanna bet he’s found guilty?
Wanna bet that the absence of an interpreter and legal counsel is what will really undo this case?
The government said that Puig had legal counsel with him.. That’s easy to prove because the Zoom session was recorded. Puig’s new attorney is arguing that it wasn’t a criminal attorney.
He may want to reconsider as inmates in fed correctional facilities all over look forward to his bat licking skills.
A third grade education? Ouch…
Puig is as sharp as melted butter.
Has the same reflexes of a turtle.
I feel a little bad for the guy. While I don’t disagree with any of all the sentiments already stated, I do think the guy needed help when he first came to the U.S. (and probably still does). Between his “3rd grade education,” his known mental health issues, and his immaturity, he was doomed from the start. Where’s his mama??
Yeah? He’s from Cuba. I’m not sure education is the highest importance there.
Cuba actually has a really good education system, I know they rank first or second every year in literacy rates. But, I am guessing that a lot of the kids that excel in sports do not really take advantage of the education system. It’s not much different here.
Wrong… Cuba has great education, even better than the US. Some people just don’t care for education.
OR Puig just isn’t a smart fella
“Better than the U.S.”? Nonsense. You’re confusing “education” with “indoctrination”. Regardless, the quality of “education” in Cuba is generally unknown, as the Cuban government has refused to participate in PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) for the past quarter century, so you’re relying on Bernie Sanders and the Obamas for the glowing reports on “education” in Cuba.
In other words, his lawyer found a legal loophole that he will try to exploit.
The initial story of a guilty plea didn’t make much sense. He agreed to be interviewed under counsel from his attorney. Why would Puig self-incriminate himself as opposed to not talking?
YBC, my thoughts exactly.
Probably because he is uneducated and especially because he is not that familiar with the American Bill of Rights. Let’s not forget he is Cuban and he was not brought up being ingrained with his rights and freedoms. They just taught him to hit the ball.
Yep. To the point. Sad he doesn’t have better friends and advisors being a multi millionaire.
Actually, it’s harder for a talented person who has made millions to find good people to be around them. Too many leeches at that point to sift through.
Agreed Marlins. 100%
Agreed. I’ve noticed there’s usually a huge difference in celebs who keep childhood friends around vs those who don’t.
Obviously difficult in Puig’s case.
This dude sure is dumb.
If only his attorney could put it as succinctly as so.
A class act.
Sounds like Puig is rolling the dice, hopefully for him it doesn’t come up snake eyes.
Plead guilty to a crime you didn’t commit? Hahahahaha
It happens all day every day in our plea-hungry legal system.
If that’s the case, he should’ve plead no contest. No admission of guilt.
True, but some lawyers are better than others.
Dead wrong. Betting on tennis is easy and offers better odds than most sports. Educate yourself.
Not in federal court, rct. Pleading guilty in federal court is extremely thorough and specific. You should find and read a transcript of one if you care to spend the time.
leave yasiel puig alone
He should go to jail just for betting on Tennis
I got a good laugh out of this.
Yeah, at a certain point you have to realize you have a problem. Gambling on tennis (which I like, btw) would be it.
Bet on Rafa
Halos – At one of the games I attended, two guys next to me were betting on the ball toss to the pitchers mound at the end of each half inning … whether it would stop on the grass or on the dirt.
That’s the cup game. You bet on everything. It’s fun.
And also the sign of a problem ha ha.
HHJJ is a true gambler….I can spot my own kind a mile away haha
There are people who bet on disc golf. No lie
That’s nothing. I’ve bet on the color of the gatorade they pour on the super bowl winning coach a few times. Seriously.
Blue this year, book it!!
Senior circuit doubles to boot.
I already have my PR people involved. We plan on showing entrapment and spreading our message all over social media under the #freethepuig hashtag.
That plea dates all the way back to Shoeless Joe Jackson, for pete’s sake.
Too dumb to understand what gambling is?
Run another one by us.
Good I hope he ends up in jail.
Maybe he should have learned about gambling in third grade. Might have saved him some trouble.
I can’t imagine answering legal questions in my second language. Seems like a guaranteed way to end up in prison.
His lawyer shouldn’t have allowed him to so much as breath HHJJ. Let alone speak to the Feds. I agree.
There’s a very strong likelihood that he answered them in his native tongue. Many agents are bilingual and they employ interpreters who are readily available for interviews for non-English-speaking interviewees.
I would be very surprised if they interviewed him in English without the opportunity to interview in Spanish.
Good point. The case is being handled by the Orange County division of the FBI and they have tons of bilingual agents, I’m sure.
You’re right Clipper. He would have had an interpreter for the interview.
I have NEVER heard that Puig has merely a 3rd grade education. Maybe that is the “new evidence” that has surfaced…His lawyer probably just found out and was stunned himself. Now he’s going to tell the court that the poor man is too dumb to even lace up his cleats by himself and to have mercy on him.
All parties knew he had a third grade education, if it’s true. That is one of the questions specifically asked.
Lawyers told him he could win the case so he change his mind, not because he isn’t guilty but because he has a good chance winning but we all know he’s guilty AF!
Or, the lawyers realizing he only has a third-grade education, convinced him to change his plea as they’re sure they can run up his attorney fees until he doesn’t have a penny left.
He’d be fine with that as long as he got to keep his comic books and Hot Wheels.
Who cares about his gambling antics. He’s not going to the HOF.
Yeah, why are they even on this guy?! Bigger fish to fry..
I’m pretty sure I learned everything I needed to know by 3rd grade.
That’s not gonna work playa
his attorney is doing his job. that is why you retain one.
I imagine Puig will never sniff the MLB again no matter which way this legal case goes.
Merc, at first read, I thought you had said “I imagine Puig will never snitch on MLB again.” Hahaha
Tienes que saber cuándo sujetarlos,
saber cuándo doblarlos,
saber cuándo ponerse de pie y luchar,
saber cuándo correr
Not a fan but with all the crime taking place with no ramifications they worry about this? What a waste of court time
Gambling and profiting itself isn’t illegal. It’s not reporting your winnings to the IRS. They’re involved with this case.
The gambling on other sports doesn’t bother me too much. The allegations of sexual battery are the only reason that I don’t feel bad for him. I am actually open to the idea that he isn’t too bright.
Just curious…what is MLB responsibility when they draft a 16 year old and he is poorly educated. I guess that’s why you read about all these kids getting victimized by agents.
Really glad to see that the U.S. government is investigating the important issues that the country is facing!
I mean, how can we let a multi-millionaire gambling on sports slide?!?!
Meanwhile, a certain someone who recently stole BILLIONS of dollars over an alleged “cryptocurrency exchange” is free as a bird and galavanting around the Bahamas.
This is true justice!
Might as well Go For Broke!
If I wanted to read posts like this I’d subscribe to the national enquirer.
hasn’t been in mlb in years.
I wonder if this case is hurting Puig’s agent in establishing a bidding war between WalMart, Target, Amazon, Ebay, Publix, KFC, Burger King, McDonald’s, etc looking to bring him onto their company beer league team. If so, he may have to settle on the offers that Pollo Tropical and Taco Bell have made.
Marlins, Your post made me pretty hungry….BK wooooo!
Trumbo, do you have Chick Fil A out there? Excuse the ignorance on my part.
Yeah Clip I love me some Chick Fila A! The lines get pretty brutal at times here. I think they are the Chicken version of In N Out basically. Always spot on and to the point!
Never had In n Out, but Chick Fil A is tremendous! Had it for the first time when I visited Florida. Oh…my….goddess. Like heaven on a bun.
I love you Yasiel. He just wants to play baseball. Free Yasiel Puig
He is free…to play in any league that isn’t MLB.
I am not trying to be smart,
I only want what I can get.
I’m really sorry that you’ve been mislead
But like you heard me said:
Not guilty.
-george harrison
That’s rough when it’s your defense saying that you have a third grade education.
What’s the prosecuting attorneys counter measures? “We can prove he has AT LEAST a fourth grade education!”
Bad move copping a plea early; attorney should have known better.
What an absolute loser.