Our Top 50 free agents list is a massive undertaking every year. This year, Steve Adams led the effort, with assistance and tons of deliberation from Anthony Franco, Darragh McDonald, and me. Would you like? This morning, Steve, Anthony, and I held a live chat to give readers a chance to yell at us about our contract and/or team predictions! Click here to read the transcript!
Also, you can enter our free agent prediction contest up until Wednesday at 11pm central time.
Thanks Tim!!
Isn’t giving me the option to pick a team for Abreu so it won’t let me save
So no 1B/DH in San Diego.. who is on 1st?
“Who is on 1st?”
What? I dunno…
I want to sign up, but I’m so scared of winning it all!
Yep, it will be like winning the Lotto. Everyone will know about it.
“Now all of China knows you’re here!”
Sure seems like a lot of cop out answers about why Braves won’t get a top 4 SS yet every time it was asked who would be our aaa next year then you guys say scroll up or check comments from top 50 FA Post. Mind giving a list of names you view as viable alternatives that are top 4 fa SS instead since your comment section is horrid to read via app and you never really answered it even tho it was asked several times after your initial Braves response in this chat.
Dude we spent like 10 minutes explaining the rationale at the start of the chat. None of us think it’s crazy to expect them to sign Dansby back, but we all have concerns about the long-term payroll outlook and it hasn’t happened yet.
Alternatives I’d also find plausible? Signing Elvis Andrus, an Amed Rosario trade, an Isiah Kiner-Falefa trade, a Kevin Newman trade
But he reeeeeaaaaally wants a Big 4 SS. Can’t you just give in? Pretty please?
“Without disappoinment, you can’t appreciate victory.”
-Memphis Raines (Gone in 60 Seconds)
Crane is not a jerk just for wanting to replace Click, that is an owner’s prerogative.
Crane is, if true, a jerk for announcing Dusty’s return before talking to Click about his own situation and for issuing a press release about Click with giving Click a chance to participate in a joint announcement.