Astros Bench Coach Joe Espada will return to Houston for the 2023 season, reports Mark Feinsand of Espada had recently interviewed with both the Marlins and the White Sox in their managerial searches but did not receive either role.
A second-round pick in the 1996 draft by the Athletics, Espada played nine minor league seasons, topping out in Triple-A before transitioning to coaching. Espada has been with the Astros since 2017, joining the club after spending time with the Marlins and the Yankees.
Over the past few years, Espada has been a managerial candidate for a handful of teams. Since 2018, he has been linked to leading roles with the Rangers, Cubs, Mets, and Giants, along with the more recent openings with the Marlins and the White Sox.
Great news!! The manager in waiting is sticking around.
Organizations build and maintain winning teams in MLB.
The Astros owner understands that. He’s doing the right things to assure the Astros continue to be sustainable contenders.
The best organization in MLB.
I don’t disagree; incredible org. But you have to wonder about letting Click go as they did. That raises a lot of questions.
He wanted to take the organization in a different direction.
Would have raised questions if they’d have kept him and he taken it there.
Honestly, it raises no questions to anyone that actually follows the Astros.
Not sure whether he had any other offers.
Ohh here Samuel is at it again… Fluffing Mr Crane… the Astros owner is the greatest thing in the entire existence of man!! Its to the point I’m thinking you’re either being paid by Mr Crane or you are Mr Crane disguised as Samuel… The Feelings Sherriff!! Haha
What other direction you thinking? Soccer?
That’s why he’s there. Dusty can’t go on too much longer.
Chris Chambliss says hi
Sandy Alomar, Jr. says hola
I wonder why teams keep on giving him a pass. Seems like he should have landed a gig by now.
Although most people assume it’s because of the interviews, I think it’s specifically due to this, at least in part:
“Espada has been with the Astros since 2017”
Given many players/clubs have openly stated [they] believe the Astros scandal spanned from 2017-2019, I believe that’s affecting his job prospects at this point. Remember, the Marlins have Kim Ng, ex-Yankees Asst GM at the helm. Otherwise, you’d think it would favor Espada, since he was there (Yankees) with her.
This is merely an objective observation on Espada’s lack of opportunities, and a plausible reason why, not my affirmation/argument of whether they cheated from 2017-2019…
Didn’t seem to affect Alex Cora or AJ Hinch post-suspension
ThickieDon: Cora was hired before the scandal broke loose. He was disciplined by being suspended, then returned to the helm. But he was hired prior to the scandal becoming public nonetheless.
As for AJ Hinch, yeah, that’s a valid point. Perhaps because he already had existing management experience? I’m not sure. It may also have to do with how their ownership perceives the scandal and the respective person’s impact on his organization too. But, he remains the only one hired post-scandal as Beltran was fired by the Mets and not rehired as a manager either.
Nobody except Yankee fans, thanks to that DBag Jomboy, think it went into 2019
That is not true at all. As I stated, many players do and were very vocal about it. One that was, arguably, the most public was David Robertson. But, there were more on various teams too.
It’s not a Yankees fan conspiracy theory and Jomboy Media isn’t influencing MLB players.
Nah, I don’t buy it, just as many players have openly stated that lots of teams were cheating. Didn’t hurt Hinch’s job prospects, and were Cora to go on the open market, I’m sure he’d get snatched up too (and from the reports it seems like he was one of the main instigators.)
Players did not speak about teams cheating in detail like they did with Houston. They were more vocal about it. Nor did anyone (to my knowledge) say any cheating occurred by any team after the Red Sox accusation in ‘18 either, which was Cora anyway.
Prior to Houston , you are correct, many have said that – they simply said every team steals signs, or whatever.
And, I would think Cora will get hired by someone since he’s still actively managing. But the two concepts can coexist, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Cora can still get hired, while Espada can be blackballed.
Otherwise, based on your logic, how do you explain Lunhow & Beltran? Both are certainly qualified and we’re reported to be good interviewees. Unless, of course, they’re blackballed.
Reason they came out in detail on the Astros is that Fiers came out to MLB, and that started the MLB investigation. If MLB had investigated the Yanks, Red Sox, others to the same extent they would have found similar things. Beltran specifically brought the techniques from his Yankees days, and got Cora bought in. They then became the ring leaders. At the end of the day they had a better record on the road in 2017 ( where MLB found no evidence of cheating) than at home where cheating took place. Fiers by the way had a vendetta because he got his butt kicked by them several times as an opposing pitcher after he left, and he was left off the playoffs/ WS roster in 2017 due to pitching extraordinarily bad 2nd half of season after having a great first half.
Stroh: I’m not debating the finer points of cheating or the scandal itself. It’s well noted what happened and I don’t think we will agree on the specifics of that because Astros used technology not employed by anyone else.
Goastros details this dichotomy in cheating very well. Nevertheless, it’s getting clouded by people getting defensive as to whether they cheated and that’s not my point or my intention.
My point is simply: there were {accusations} they cheated from ‘17-‘19 when Espada was there and this may be, in part, a reason GMs (especially former Yankees Asst. GM Ng) are hesitant to hire him.
Hinch is *the only one* who was employed after the scandal as a manager. Beltran was fired, Cora was only suspended and returned, but was coming off a championship season with the RSox, if memory serves me correctly.
The MLB report found they cheated in 2017, at home, and that it lasted thru mid-2018. No denying it. I doubt Espada is not getting manager jobs due to that, since the MLB report did not name him as being involved. It hasn’t prevented Hinch, multiple executives from the team (latest bring Pete Putila who was named GM of the Giants), or multiple players moving on and getting lucrative deals. Why? Because other teams know that a team doesn’t go to the ALCS six straight years and to 4 out of 6 World Series or win 2 championships unless they are fundamentally run really well. And the number of comments I see on mlb trade rumors regarding 2017 are mainly due to jealousy. Some fans may be genuinely offended, but most are just jealous the Stros are world champions once again. Espada is a real technician – Dusty gives him credit for running spring training and working with Correa and Peña to improve their fielding, but probably will never manage and it likely has nothing to do with 2017.
“And the number of comments I see on mlb trade rumors regarding 2017 are mainly due to jealousy.”
I agree with this. I also forgot about Pete Petulia, honestly, and that’s a really good point. Yeah, by all accounts, Espada had a good rep with the Yankees too. I guess it’s just his interviewing then….
I appreciate the forward, honest discussion without getting offended. Hard to find these days, man. But, as a Yankee fan, I get it. We get blasted all the time for….well, everything.
Baseball organizations and players have largely moved on from 2017. The only people that continue to harp on it are toolbag Dodger fans and the media that fans the flames for clicks from toolbag Dodger fans.
Perhaps that’s true, but Beltran still isn’t employable. Lunhow presumably isn’t, although he’s moved in I guess.
I know Cashman hasn’t. He still uses that excuse when he’s asked about why he has failed *every year* for the past 13 to win. But, that’s irrelevant, albeit irritating to me.
It’s just odd that Espada isn’t getting hired. He was well-liked prior to everything becoming public. Again, it could very well be coincidence, I’m just not one to put much stock in that. He seemed to do a decent job with the Yankees. Then again, they were accused of cheating-lite while he was there too- haha.
Beltran was welcomed back by the Yanks as a TV announcer I thought.
Yeah, sorry, I was referring to jobs as team managers. I should have clarified that. He was brought back, much to my dismay. He is absolutely turrible, as Barkley would say.
Reason #2 why I hated this Beltran move: it was for ratings. He came back to help his reputation because he wants back in a dugout; but he agreed to give exclusives about the Astros cheating scandal, which kept it at the forefront this season.
Hinch and Cora found jobs, Beltran found a job. Cora and Beltran were the ring leaders according to the MLB report. Espada didn’t have a role. I think it may be more due to interview skills. Reminds me of Eric Bienemy of the Chiefs.
That’s quite possible, although Beltran & Cora found jobs before it became public. Beltran was fired and hasn’t been employed since. Cora was suspended and returned because he brought the RSox to a championship.
Hinch is the outlier.
It may have nothing to do with it though.
LOL “many players”
Look it up, it’s called the Internet. Someone has lived under a rock apparently. If your attempt at an insult is to use generic language when I named a specific player, the most vocal one, David Robertson, you failed….miserably. Troll attempt 0…..Honest discussion-1
Hasn’t impressed one team enough in 4 years to earn a job. Bum
He should be putting retirement living guides on Dusty’s desk.
He realizes how difficult it would be to win elsewhere without the aid of cheating.
Another rent-free residence.
How difficult was that to type with all the tears on your screen?
Why is my screen torn?
We’ve got someone mad online! About something from 6 years ago lmao!
Glad we get to keep him. Good choice to follow Dusty.
I don’t know that he will follow Dusty though. Isn’t he more analytical? If so, wouldn’t Crane naturally gravitate towards a more old-school mentality similar to Baker?
I’m not convinced Cora will get the job after Dusty. More likely that Mickey Storey, Sugarland AAA manager who has done a great job throughout the minors or someone from the outside will get the job. Espada is probably a lifetime bench coach or will go somewhere else to be a field coach once again.
I have to believe that he has the Astros Job when Dusty retires. I sure hope so. He is the analytical Yin to Dusty’s old school Yang
This guy must be the worst interview in baseball history.
He doesn’t have to be the worst in history. Just not as good as the other candidates. Could still be ok.
The Houston Cheatstros are forever linked to the Black Sox et. Al. A permanent stain on MLB.
The three hitters left on the roster that were there in 2017 that were there in 2022, Altuve, Bregman, and Gurriel, posted consistent numbers before and after the scandal year.
What that should tell you, and the other Yankees fans, is that you need to get a life.
Did someone say Yankees? Beltran came FROM the Yankees and told the Astros they were behind the times with sign stealing. Alex Cora and Beltran played together on the Mets, and were the top two figures in the trash can thing. I wonder if they were doing advanced sign stealing on the Mets back then. Maybe all the Mets teams are cheaters too.
Guys like you that act pure as the driven snow are usually the biggest freakshows at the circus.
Move on. She dumped you, it has been over for like five years. She didn’t love you anymore. You have to stop going by her office, following her home at night, and peeping in her windows when her boyfriend comes over.
“Beltran came FROM the Yankees and told the Astros they were behind the times with sign stealing”
Totally fabricated by Astros fans who simply cannot accept and admit the fact that their team was a 10 in cheating when other teams were 1s and 2s in terms of sophistication and frequency. Astros did it all year long. So they fabricate this crap about other teams instead….
Now whether that actually implicates the. yankees organization is one thing, but the fact that Beltran came from the Yankees and was the main instigator of the sign stealing is not at all fabricated.
Let’s talk about the Yankees and the Red Sox with their Apple laptops in the dugout……to start.
Stupid people make up stupid names.
Congratulations to the 2022 World Series Champion Houston Astros! Swept the lowly Yankees.
Complete garbage comment.
Astros cheated for 1 year with the help of former Yankees.
Yankees and Red Sox had been cheating for a long time with video cams
and editiing stolen signs etc.
Google it.
And, Yankees and Red Sox are named prominently in the MLB sign stealing report.
Difference is that Yankees and Red Sox are marque MLB teams with huge TV contracts and huge, powerful backing in the Commish’s office and with other Team Owners.
Commish, Team Owners and the Union made a deal to throw the upstart Astros under the bus and to protect the Yankees, Red Sox and other teams that were also cheating.
Union and agents were concerned with protecting the players.
Owners were concerned with protecting MLB’s marque franchises(NNY, BOS) and their huge multi billion dollar TV contracts.
Rule of the Road: Larger Sharks (NYY, BOS, COMMISH, UNION
Eat the weaker fish (Astros)….
Nothing personal…they are just protecting the Geese that helped lay the Golden Eggs (TV contract billions)…
And your team is forever linked to losing to the Stros again and again and again and again. Enjoy.
Google search the Astericks owner Crane and his company Eagle Global Logistics and see what the EEOC found.
Then google search how they hired Roberto Osuna.
The Astericks have had the luxury of the Angels and Rangers spending money poorly and the A’s nit spending almost any at all. This allowed the Astericks to focus on the post-season and, to their credit, they have identified the pitching needed for post-season success and matched it with shenanigans to bolster their bats.
The Astericks are not the “best organization”, if you define best as “treats employees with dignity”, fights misogyny, and applies the highest standards of ethics and decency.
Here, have some cheese to go with your whine.
Witty repartee is obviously not your strong suit, and I’m afraid your cheese is melting under the bright lights.
His company is Crane Worldwide Logistics
Crane founded Eagle Global Logistics and the EEOC investigated racism during his tenure. Crane later founded Crane Worldwide Logistics, the company you mention.
And Crane was not named in any of the lawsuits. You act like billion dollar companies aren’t sued all the time. He’s no different than 90% of the league’s owners.
Hoisted by your own petard……
Right that’s why he’s hired Bo Porter and Dusty Baker as managers. Because he is racist.
Maybe it is why Dusty was only hired after the scandal and is only given a one year deal. Or maybe he has changed for the better since the earlier transgressions.
Is an Asterick anything like an asterisk?
Only when it is spelled correctly!
Apparently Dusty will be hiring the new GM.
Always a bridesmaid never a bride.
He must suck at interviewing for jobs!!
Why not call Theo E or Kenny William
I am not an Astros fan but a lifelong Orioles fan, so I am not here to defend them but honestly, I admit they cheated that season but I also know all teams have been trying to cheat one way or another in order to get an advantage for years so I do not understand that in every post about the Astros that issue has to come out, instead, we should recognise they have done a great job as an organization for the last years and have become a dynasty that we haven’t seen in years IMHO
Especially when teams have been stealing signs multiple ways since the 1920’s. A quick google search gives you a list of teams that have used similar tactics to steal signs and relay them to the batter. White Sox in the 80’s. Phillies in the 2000’s. And the Yankees, Red Sox, etc that were also doing it in 2017. It’s really dumb to pile on the Astros. It like saying you’re a casual without saying your a casual.
Especially when teams have been stealing signs multiple ways since the 1920’s. A quick google search gives you a list of teams that have used similar tactics to steal signs and relay them to the batter. White Sox in the 80’s. Phillies in the 2000a’s. And the Yankees, Red Sox, etc that were also doing it in 2017. It’s really dumb to pile on the Astros. It like saying you’re a casual without saying your a casual.
Especially when teams have been stealing signs multiple ways since the 1920’s. A quick google search gives you a list of teams that have used similar tactics to steal signs and relay them to the batter. White Sox in the 80’s. Phillies in the 2000a’s. And the Yankees, Red Sox, etc that were also doing it in 2017. It’s really dumb to pile on the Astros. It like saying you’re a casual without saying your a casual.
Not with the sophistication or frequency of the Astros. No one has ever DECODED signs at all, much less all season long. Rather than trying to deflect with misinformation, OWN IT. Like your players, you can’t. You, and they, don’t have the integrity.
Utah, most people are under the impression that it was merely a “camera” zooming in on the catcher…The DECODING is where it goes to another level. I would like to know WHO invented the AI SOFTWARE in the first place….Very very VERY advanced stuff. I don’t even think it could be duplicated. To DECODE signs/signals and relay them within a second or two is truly incredible tech….
The decoding wasn’t illegal in itself. Code breaker wasn’t illegal at all – the real time sign relaying was what was illegal.
I wonder if Joe Espada’s career will follow the path of his countryman and former hot managerial prospect turned lifelong coach Joey Cora.
Team-A So Mr. Espada just a couple questions to begin with…
JE- Sure I’m a open lap top I mean book.
Team-A okay..So how heavily were you involved in the cheating scenario regarding your current employer??
JE- Well I wasn’t aware of any cheating. The GM at the time did ask me if we’re possible to get my hands on any walkie talkie devices?
To which I replied “Absolutely I can get as many as you need”
Team-A That didn’t raise a red flag in your mind?
JE- Red Flag? I think you’re confused, I’m employed by the Astros. Our flag is Orange. I’m not employed by the Angels,Red Sox or Reds.
Team-A Ha Ha Hmmmmmmm well Let me ask you a hypothetical question…
JE- I’m ready
Team-A If I gave you a dollar and father gave you a dollar, how many dollars would you have?
JE- 1 dollar
Team-A You don’t know your math.
JE-,You don’t know my father.
Team-A Good day sir.
Joe Espada is remaining in Houston because they probably told him he is the heir apparent to Dusty’s Manager job.
He would be foolish to leave a loaded team if he is on track to be named Dusty’s successor in a year or two.
Clearly he isn’t good enough to get a job if he keeps not getting a job…