Fernando Tatis Jr. announced this afternoon that he will undergo surgery on his left shoulder (relayed by Jeff Sanders of the San Diego Union-Tribune and Darnay Tripp of NBC 7 San Diego). The Padres star is already out for the rest of the 2022 season after MLB handed down an 80-game suspension this month once Tatis tested positive for the banned performance-enhancing drug Closetebol. The surgery, which will take place shortly, is not expected to sideline Tatis beyond the length of his suspension, relays via AJ Cassavell of MLB.com.
It’s a somewhat surprising development, as there was no previous indication that surgery was again under consideration. Tatis twice landed on the IL with shoulder issues last season, missing the minimal ten days in April and another couple of weeks in August. In both instances, he suffered the injury on basic baseball activities — his first occurring on a swing, his second sliding into a base. Both injuries initially seemed to have the potential for extended absences, but Tatis returned in relatively short order each time.
There was some speculation Tatis may need to go under the knife, but he declined to undergo surgery at the end of last season. His plans to play through any discomfort this year were twice dashed — first by an offseason fracture in his left wrist sustained in a motorcycle accident, then by the suspension. Tatis underwent wrist surgery this spring. Initially expected to return around June, his recovery nevertheless lingered into the late summer. He embarked on a minor league rehab assignment at the start of this month, but MLB announced the stunning news of his failed PED test after just four Double-A games.
That suspension will carry over into the start of next season. Tatis will miss the final 48 regular season games of the 2022 campaign, leaving him with 32 more games to serve after this regular season. Any lost postseason contests (should San Diego qualify) will also count against the tally, but Tatis would miss a month or more of the 2023 campaign if the Friars don’t go on an extended playoff run this year. With the lengthy absence already in play, it seems Tatis and the organization decided the time was right for him to correct the shoulder woes.
New worst contract in baseball alert!
So the guy used PEDs to strengthen his shoulder and avoid surgery.
I’ll stand on a ledge all day on this. Dude quite literally did nothing to EARN or warrant this contract. He’s been all hype… show me something supporting the alternative. He’s never justified getting the contract and this series of events only furthers my stance that it was a complete waste
Um, his MLB stats to this point being stellar for his age?
Umm..how many games did he play before getting that contract? And do you really think only stats should be considered. What about maturity instincts and work ethic.
It is a problem with baseball analysts and experts. Some young flashy player comes up (Acuna, Tatis) and because baseball is so desperate for “superstars”, they label these players as such even though they don’t have enough experience under their name nor have done anything that warrants the label other than posting meaningless regular season stats. A superstar is born in the playoffs. That is my opinion though. With that being said, I will only make an exception for Trout because it is not his fault his organization sucks.
In regards to Tatis, he is young and talented. That messes with your head. He thinks he is above all, young, better than everyone around him, and rich. Hard to feel bad for players like him.
One difference through between them is Acuna is signed for about 200 million less.
Although Acuna was on a mvp candidate 2021 when he blew his knee out. 40/40 guy Acuna was which is rare.
But I know for some reason “Iamozunafromthebraves” hates Acuna
Well my comment was centered more towards overrating youth over the cost. Acuna is worth every penny the Braves are paying him.
Acuna was definitely an MVP candidate in 2021; however, he didn’t finish the season so we don’t know how he would have ended the season.
Man, that’s a good post. You should post more with this version of you instead of the troll version. The troll version gives me MetsFan22 vibes.
@i’mOz i mostly disagree with a lot of your takes under a lot of usernames, but this one i can agree with. you build from within and pay your own players that fit your mold and keep your stars. i’m going to use the cards because i follow them the most but they locked up 2 cornerstones in cards history with yadi and wanio, yet still was competitive for almost 20 years. my point agrees with yours build the team from the farm, substantiate it, and have a feel for your team and don’t theo your team. what i mean by that just because your a good team on paper that year doesn’t mean you are a good team and trading to try and win when honestly you don’t have a shot is a fool’s errand. imo sometimes you just have to roll with what you got unless the powers to be think this a legit contender don’t make splashy moves.
Clearly Tatis is not nearly as talented as we all thought.
Well thats the thing. Typically when you are young, you get a contract for what you could do. Not what you already did. The braves just gave Michael Harris 72 mil for 8 years. What has he done?
I’m sure Harris production will be worth more than $9 mil the next 8 years. You can’t compare Harris with Acuna/Tatis, whether we are talking cost or production expectations from “experts.”
Well let’s look at the Tatis contract then. 2023 $7m
2024 11m
2025 And 2026 $20m
2027 and 2028 $25m
2029 to the end $36m
Knowing how much shortstops are costing teams, and projecting the value of contracts in the years ahead, I think it’s safe to bet that Tatis will outplay his contract for at least 6 years. He’s got 8 years after that making $36m, which may very well look like a reasonable deal in 2028-2029 at the current rate we are seeing. The biggest risk is the longevity, which goes for any lengthy contract. But at his age it’s a worthy risk to take.
The Braves only bought out 2 years of Harris’ FA years. He will be in the middle of his prime and the braves likely would lose him if he plays the way they hope he does over these next 8 years. The Padres have their guy locked up throughout his prime years. And I’d bet at what’s going to be considered a discounted rate for the talent he has as long as health problems or behavior issues don’t overcome him. But I’m sure anybody considering spending that kind of money did their best at assessing those risk factors. Someone’s they’re wrong, but sometimes they’re right. Both sometimes can change a franchise.
Assuming the Braves bought out Harris for his age 22-29 seasons, he will probably not be ‘in the middle of his prime’ after that contract is over. Every credible study shows that peak in baseball arrives on average at age 26-27. Perhaps 28 if you fiddle here and there. 30? No, It just isn’t so, although with new physical regimens being developed for older players, we’ve been seeing some improvements in the past few years: the 107 win Giants, for example. The Mets this season.
It’ll be interesting to see if the peak age for players goes up, and how that affects the average age of lineups, but for now it remains around 26.6 years of age.
Padres just can’t catch a break. Shoulder surgery usually takes 1.5-2 years to fully recover
I’m currently 2 weeks into a torn labrum surgery. I’ll be throwing off a mound by feb-mar… think should find out fist what specifically Is being down and how severe. He’s 23 so he’s got time oin his side for recovery
Why would you be throwing off a mound? Don’t try to pretend you’re someone you’re not.
Maybe he’s in high school/ college and pitching buddy just calm down
Odd you didn’t make anything of yourself in life. Want to attack me over pure jealousy. I don’t need to lie or impress over the internet. Merely speaking about my personal shoulder exp that im currently going thru right now with medical professionals who do this for a living…
And for the record to satisfy your deranged brain. I was pitching in low a ball. But was not good enough to even hold a roster spot.
Bmore: Do you really think you’re not good enough? Maybe you just had a down year or two. Maybe you were tipping. Maybe you need an MRI.
Did some total-dip**** coach with a gaggle of total-dip**** geek analysts (who don’t actually understand baseball) in his ear tell you that if you can’t throw 100 with a 40% K rate and a 5% BB rate then you’re useless?!
Bmore.. hope you recover quickly. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie “Rookie of the Year”, but maybe your arm will come back like that 🙂
Or…maybe he’s just self aware and doesn’t need copium
Ya i was basing that off hitters that have had similar procedures in the recent past. I’m most familiar with LAD players but Matt Kemp, Shawn green, and currently Cody Bellinger have never been the same after.
They make drugs for that!
One time too many.
Lol….. 1.5-2 years??? Not close. Its 4-6 weeks for the labrum to heal to the bone, then another 4-6 for it to come back to strength. Then add just a couple months to be careful and get back in shape. Thats 6-7 months. With his suspension, he can’t play till next May, which is 9 months. If anytjing, this actually is a blessing in disguise.
He might be back playing in 9 months but go look at every major league hitter than had a similar procedure.
Vermon, how many MLB players have come back from shoulder surgery in two months and been the same quality hitter, immediately? I cannot think of a single one
Shawn Green, Matt Kemp, Cody Bellinger… There is a reason dudes put it off for so long
The guy couldn’t even make it thru his suspension healthy. Is there an IL for the suspended list? Doubt he will have any problem finding ways to not play for the next 1.5-2 years. I only posted once. What’s with this site?!
Dude just fell off a cliff.
He needed to be on a incline to fall off to begin with. He’s been all hype
Maybe he can collect Social Security when he’s 70. Or whatever the age is by then.
This kid has turned into a train wreck
A motorcycle wreck.
Tatis’ contract just started and it’s already looking like it’s an albatross… don’t believe this one will age very well
Wait till Soto gets his new deal.. Atari’s will be screaming for a raise
Atari’s have been screaming for a raise for a long time, but ever since Nintendo came out, he hasn’t deserved it.
Atari never recovered from the Jaguar.
I had one and I really liked the Jaguar, but it suffered from not having that one big hit and star character to define it like with Nintendo and Mario or Sonic with Sega.
@hiflew pikachu would like to say hi, also link & zelda. sega had pretty much sonic and nothing else than bad ports of arcade shooters. imo pokémon did more harm to nintendo than sony or micro$h1t took them over. nin got fat drunk and happy over pokémon and let there overall product bottom out and let sony and micro overcome them. funny thing is nin has recognized there mistakes and went back to there roots making games fun to play with the family, and let sony and micro battle it out for the “best system”. on a side not as much as i hate microsoft and own nin and sony consoles, i’ll give micro some credit they at least try to give an online experience that gamers demand unlike nin or sony
Jaguar was dead before Pokeman came around. And Link and Zelda started out on Nintendo systems. Pokeman was actually available on Nintendo Gameboy as well. I know, I owned the games.
But I think I am a generation before you as well. I was there when the original NES came out. As a matter of fact, I was there when the original Atari 2600 came out as well. Got one for Christmas 1982 in fact.
I still have mine! But I agree with your point. There’s really only about 4 or 5 games worth playing on that console.
Same fate befell the Turbografx 16. Too few good games even though it was higher quality than its competitors at the time.
@hiflew i did start off with nin but when i was playing nin the snes was right around the corner (i was born a year after the na release of the nin).
I am about 10 years older than you then. I was in 3rd grade when NES came out in 1985. Sadly, I didn’t get one until 1987.
Well, if you are out anyway, why not get it done
Sure seems that the suspension should be enforced when a player is able to actually play and not coincidence with when they are hurt.
Kinda defeats the purpose, besides the money lost.
Are we sure Tatis cares at this point about anything but money?
That would be kind of hard to enforce. I mean what if a player got into a car accident while serving a suspension? If they could prove he had the injury and the inability to play when the suspension was handed out, they MIGHT have a case. But that would be awfully difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. He could also argue that he had planned on having the surgery in the offseason, but since he was suspended anyway, he moved up the timetable.
The ringworms are in his shoulder now.
I’ll never think as positively as I did before of Tatis again (yes, I’m that kind of judgemental p***k) but I hope the surgery goes well for him.
Hey that doesn’t mean you’re a judgemental bleep at all. He deserves whatever scrutiny that comes with his screwups.
With all the “look at me” self-promoting hot dogs that have come up to MLB that past 5-7 years it’s going to dawn on people what a class act and smart winning player Adley Rutschman is. The man runs circles around these show offs that keep injuring themselves for no reason.
This is the risk you take trying to lock a guy up for the entirety of his career in order to save a relatively small amount in the very far out future- a lot of guys start out like Tatis, Jr. and fall off a cliff before they make any real money, or they become journeymen or they disappear as quickly as they appeared.
There was no good reason for San Diego to lock him up when they did and they didn’t save a *ton* of money on it, either.
Oh well. Tatis, Jr. might actually get paid a third of a billion to do nothing.
Most inept GM in MLB.
Amazing that he’s been at it for 8 years now.
He crash his motorcycle again?
Did the ring worm spread to his shoulder?
Didn’t realize you could injure a shoulder fighting the battle against the mighty ringworm aka the fungus among us
It happens all the time, but only in California….. especially when the Grunnion run…..
An excellent sight to see under the moonlight beach side
not that I am condoning anything he did to himself and his team… nor this bizarre “I don’t need surgery,” then “I’ll play thru,” then the PED bust, and now “F it, I’ll get surgery,” drama that probably ended this way BECAUSE of the PED bust…
but I see the same type of comments over and over, not just here—
because of this silliness, and his PED bust, that’s it? He’s done, his contract is an albatross, he sucks, he’s overrated?
Talk about turnin on a dime & “yeah but what have you done lately” type of thinking!
Is there a chance any of the short amount of MLB success He’s had could be from PEDs? Certainly….
Could it also be that he used as part of his non-surgery/keep playing stance, and he’s young and talented enough to learn and still go on to be a darn good player? I wouldn’t think it’s an impossibility…
Writing him and his contract off (which may be a bargain at the end, with all these ridiculous ML rising salaries, mind you), because of one/some “immature” behavior & a stupid decision as a professional, is jumping the gun a bit, no?
And this is coming from a Mets fan, the last time I cared about what the Padres did was when I hoped they’d somehow beat the Yankees in the WS (well…not counting my favorite non-Mets player growing uo, obviously Tony Gwynn), so I have no dog in this fight… Tatis can come back healthy and hit 600 HRs or he could never play again, matters not to me…. but throwing the kid in the trash instantly? Come on…
Exactly. These fans & their faux moralism are ridiculous. As if taking a steroid during recovery is *at all* comparable to a criminal act like punching an unconscious woman, for ex. People act like mild steroid use should be punishable by death LOL
Turning on a dime is quick. What we see here is more than a season of drama, lying, irresponsible behavior, lying, cheating, lying, and waffling on his part.
well he’s going to have 2 major surgeries plus a PED suspension in between MLB at bats. Wrist and or shoulder surgery are both potentially lingering issues
There’s plenty of reason to doubt the validity of his play to date, and to wonder how he would recover from either of those 3 hurdles- let alone all 3 in unison. If you can’t acknowledge that, you’re just as biased as the people trying to roast him on a stick, just the other way
Owners are selling their franchises (more to come).
MLB contracts are out of hand. Agents and the Players Union make sure everything is one way – for the players. The owners are portrayed as lazy billionaires that did nothing to make the money to purchase a franchise, and are living a soft opulent lifestyle on the backs of poor innocent, repressed and oppressed players – that make a minimum of $700k while getting the best medical, psychological, marketing and instructional care; flying in private jets, staying at 1st class hotels, and eating meals that the average ticket buyer couldn’t afford more than a few times a year. All at no cost to them.
The pendulum is terribly out of whack.
Must have been one hell of a case of ring worm.
He’s probably had a few bouts with crabs as well. (See Lindsey Hill, Trevor Bauer’s accuser)
At least he’s getting the inevitable surgery out of the way.
So he declined to undergo surgery at the end of last season but kept right on riding and crashing his dirt bike – which not only caused the wrist injury but may very well have caused or contributed to his preceding shoulder injury – all while sitting on a $340MM quarantee!
What a colossally selfish young man.
The MLBPA justifiably held MLB’s feet to the fire in the recent CBA negotiations and despite what some people say, they came away with substantial well-deserved gains.
In the next CBA, I’d like to see the owners really hold the MLBPA’s feet to fire on this particular issue.
Uh oh – watching Matt Kemp and Cody Bellinger closely after shoulder surgeries, I always get nervous when I see it. Hopefully he will be able to come back okay.
At least the Padres won the trade deadline!
Are 80 games the standard suspension for first time ped users? I can’t remember and I’m too lazy to switch apps to look it up. lol
Yes, 80 then 162 then life
Then you get to appeal and come back like the Mets reliever did.
Tatis has a rather famous father…. I mean, this should be a factor in this. Like, he had to of consulted his dad…someone needs to connect the dots here.
His Daddy didn’t announce this?
Just here to check out the anonymous internet nobodies ripping on one of the most elite athletes on the planet…
…says the anonymous internet nobody with a blank profile picture and generic “teamfan##” username.
Look out folks, he got me good on that one!
He’s being ripped because of his lies about ringworm. The other thing is that up until now when has he put the team first?
Do the Padres trade Nando or let the dust settle on this and hope he comes back a little better smarter for having been through the ringer?
How about the ringworm? Is he having surgery on that?
This is positive news for the Padres if the hope Tatis can move forward with the team, as it shows a willingness to deal with a longterm investment. Contrary to above opinions, his shoulder issue is not new, nor does he have a torn labrum. He suffers from chronic joint instability that leads to subluxation (hyperlaxity and dislocations may occur). The surgery will stabilize the joint to reduce the subluxation.
Tatis has been reluctant to do the corrective surgery. His willingness to do so now is positive, and no doubt was encouraged by management ( and some teammates), as he serves 80 games in the doghouse. He probably would have needed the surgery anyway, so what better time than now.
Now that he’s not getting paid for the next 9 months, its a perfect time for surgery on the shoulder that needed to be surgically repaired at some point anyway. This is actually good news for Padres fans
He goes into his press conference and is still trying to claim that it was some ointment. Be a man. Admit your cheated. Then and only then can you be forgiven and move on. Until then you are a lying punk.
Then he says, ok, I can’t play until next May so I may as well have the shoulder surgery that I should have had last year. So disappointed in this kid.
I wonder how hard it would be to slip in a brain transplant while they’re at it? Does someone still have Ted WIlliams frozen head in the icebox?
The Pobres are finally getting their ‘Niño’ to grow up. He’s only getting that surgery so that they’ll (hopefully) let home out of the doghouse. Seems like they let the missing link go public. Nando’s setbacks had to do with his shoulder, thus he used to try and work past it. Hopefully it’s all’s well that ends well…
Gut feeling tells me that the Padres told him that he was going to get the surgery as part of restoring trust in him.
I hope that the Padres preparing him to play center. If he replaces HSK at short, they’ll miss out on solid defense and a hard working/good guy.
He shouldn’t be Shortstop but he also shouldn’t be CF. CF is one of the most difficult and important spots on the field.
They are both difficult positions and require extreme athleticism, which Tatis has. But both positions can inflict injury to shoulder. But now that he’s going forward with stabilization surgery, it doesn’t matter really where he plays from an injury standpoint.
Time on the injured list should not count as part of the suspension.
Goodnight sweet prince.
He’s a punk.
Too little, too late, He should have had surgery before the end of last year
See what happens when you have ringworm, it affects your shoulder too.
Tatis Jr. needs to grow up!
Such childish and immature behavior for such a talented young player.
Maybe, the Padres keep Soto and trade Tatis Jr.?!
Yes, but of course the risk/reward calculation of that contract of his, has to have changed a whole lot by now – compared to what it was a couple of years ago.
glad i never invested in any of his rookie cards
Tatis Jr’s apology translated:
I’m sorry that you all caught me. I will make sure that I never get caught again. I will use the correct masking agent like my dad told me to, but I was too stubborn to listen to the old man about that part.
To my dad, I’m sorry that when you hooked me up with the same PED hookup connections you had, I didn’t listen to the part about using the masking agents that you, Angel Presinal and Anthony Galea told me to use. I know I embarrassed you because now every guy you snitched on to keep your name off the Mitchell Report is now laughing at you. But at least I’m using the excuse you all gave me. Absolutely clever. Using the concept of a PED ring and turning it into I was trying to remedy ring worm. That’s like when you and Anthony Galea needed to give Jose Reyes a spin excuse as to why he was seeing Dr. Galea, and used that to create the blood spinning excuse. So this never happens again Dad, I will make sure to listen to you about using the correct masking agent…and if there is ever an investigation by MLB or the Feds, I will snitch on every other player that I know is using so I can keep my name off of the report or any other disciplinary actions…just like you did, Dad.
Have a great day everyone. Good luck with testing ever catching me again with the masking agents my dad has given me.
And to my good friend Manny, you’re right that it isn’t about me, but I notice that you aren’t catching the Dodgers without me.
Tatis Sr’s comments are funny and shows what bad parenting looks like. And how it’s clear that his attitude shows that his son got this from him. Some of the comments are similar to when Manny Ramirez made those “I ain’t hurtin’ nobody” comments after he was busted. Yeah, Manny Ramirez who, like Fernando Sr., was a client of Angel Presinal…like many other players who were busted or rumored to be PED users.
“I don’t think there was reason to destroy the image of a player over something as minor as that…This is a catastrophe what has taken place, not just for Jr., but for all of baseball. There are millions of fans who are gonna stop watching baseball now. It’s a total disappointment for Dominican fans, fans throughout the world, for something so insignificant that wasn’t worth it. It’s a topical. What came out positive in Jr.’s body is something that doesn’t give you strength, first of all, doesn’t amplify your [weight-training] regimen, that’s second, doesn’t have any testosterone, that’s third, doesn’t contain absolutely anything that would give you an edge in the game. What has occurred is a catastrophe for baseball.”
Tatis Sr. told “The Midday Show” that he and his son plan to travel to several leagues throughout the Dominican Republic to explain their version of events to young ballplayers.
“There’s something that nobody will ever be able to take away: the grace with which Fernando plays the game…There’s no human being who will ever be able to take that away.”
Article link: bardown.com/fernando-tatis-sr-fernando-tatis-jr-an…
Let me take a guess. I bet Angel Presinal will be attending those events at those leagues to help explain this to young players who will become future clients of Angel Presinal or whoever took over his PED training business, and anyone else that Tatis Sr. knows.
And let’s not ever forget this: bleacherreport.com/articles/209546-the-steroid-lis…
Look whose #62 for this particular issue…among the many other cheaters.
And let’s not forget this and everything that happened after there were whispers that Tatis Sr. “cooperated”: nytimes.com/2007/05/09/sports/baseball/09steroids.…
He was playing tackle football w/o any pads in the park 2 wks ago. (you didn’t hear that from me)
David Sampson, the former GM of the Marlins, had I right on his podcast when he said that when a player is suspended for PEDs, they shouldn’t be allowed to have surgery during their suspension because they’re not able to play anyways. Now, he’s just killing two birds with one stone. It’s a productive suspension working in his favor.