Braves outfielder Marcell Ozuna was arrested and charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane, Atlanta’s CBS 46 reports. Ozuna was booked into Gwinnett County Jail at 4:39am, per the report. The Braves have not yet commented on the matter.
It’s the second time in the past 15 months that Ozuna has been arrested. The 31-year-old was arrested in May 2021 on assault and battery charges, which resulted in a lengthy stay on administrative leave and Ozuna eventually receiving a retroactive suspension under Major League Baseball’s joint domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse policy. Felony charges against Ozuna were dropped and replaced by a pair of misdemeanor charges (family violence battery and simple assault) in August. He agreed in September to enter into a six-month domestic violence intervention program, in addition to 200-plus hours of community service, as well anger management counseling.
The 2022 season is the second year in a four-year, $65MM contract Ozuna signed with Atlanta back in the 2020-21 offseason. He’s appeared in just 155 games in the nearly two years of the contract and posted a dismal .214/.271/.381 line with poor ratings for his defense and baserunning. Ozuna is being paid $16MM in 2022 and is owed $18MM in each of the 2023 and 2024 seasons. His contract contains a $16MM club option for the 2025 campaign, which comes with a $1MM buyout.
Stick a fork in him
@thelegend: Arrested and charged, not convicted by a legitimate jury.
Lol you serious, bro?
Our system is based on innocent till proven guilty! I want to associate with people who believe in that concept not the mob who need a pound of flesh
We still talking about the same guy that threw his significant other through a wall? You don’t fool me.
By that logic you must be fawning over T. Bauer….Because….where is the conviction?!??? Haha Adios amigo.
See no evil hear no evil speak no evil…I get it pal. I know how you people think.
@TrumboJumbo Did he?
He’s innocent just like Watson is and just like Kobe was and all the other pos sports stars who were never found guilty in court, they just paid millions instead right ?
arrested and charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane
— Failure to maintain lane could be affected by:
– Sleeping at the wheel (but I would think reckless driving would be the charge here)
– Drugs such as pot, or other
– Alcohol
Again what the Animalize was trying to say regardless of others where they paid $$$ to settle which could happen here too. is that in America we are CONVICTING off media statements than what actually happened.
Am no way defending Ozuna here, but I think prior actions like the domestic issues may cloud any trust in the player, but as a country we must honor innocent until Proven guilty.
being this is a comment board to rattle off whatever is fine, but I would like to see what the influence he was under first.
Pot does not lead to failure to maintain lane. You either don’t smoke, or that’s just you then.
pot leads me to go 20 mph below the speed limit because i’m FLYING down the road
When you’re arrested for dui it means:
You blew above the legal limit
Your blood test came back over the legal limit
You refused a breathalyzer and blood test and in doing so you are presumed guilty like pleading no contest.
So ozuna was pulled over for crossing the double line, then the officer(s) suspected he was intoxicated and one of the above three took place.
Lyman Bostock2 hours ago
Pot does not lead to failure to maintain lane.
It make me wonder why people bother to smoke since it doesn’t seem to affect them.
Datashark3 hours ago
arrested and charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane
we are CONVICTING off media statements than what actually happened.
I think that’s a fair statement, but also an obvious statement. Except for the officers involved, no one knows exactly what happened. We can only go by what we read in the press.
The way I like to phrase it is, if there was a $1M on the table, would you bet on him being drunk of sober?
From the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “Marijuana Impaired Driving: A Report to Congress”:
Smoking marijuana has been shown to affect a number of driving-related skills. Laboratory, simulator and instrumented vehicle studies have shown that marijuana can impair critical abilities necessary for safe driving, such as:
• slow reaction time, for example, responding to unexpected events – emergency braking
(Casswell, 1977; Smiley et. al., 1981; Lenné, M.G., et al., 2010);
• cause problems with road tracking – lane position variability (Smiley, et. al., 1981; Robbe and O’Hanlon, 1993; Ramaekers, 2004);
• decrease divided attention – target recognition (Smiley, 1999; Menetrey, et. al., 2005), and impair cognitive performance – attention maintenance (Ramaekers, et. al., 2004); impair executive functions – route planning, decision making, and risk taking (Dott, 1972, Ellingstad et al, 1973; Menetrey, et al., 2005).…
I got a dui for ecstasy just saying dui could be any drug
Pot isn’t a drug.
Sure yea someone who smokes a joint for the first time probably shouldn’t get behind the wheel. I’ve been smoking 20+ years don’t think there’s a difference driving sober or high
3MB: That’s because you’re justifying your behavior. Drunks don’t think they’re doing anything wrong either.
Likely because you haven’t been put in a situation where the couple second loss in reaction time would make a big difference (e.g. little kid suddenly runs out from behind a car or bush). Driving slow and focusing on increased awareness both help but anything above 25 mph is still pretty much a gamble, the loss of reaction time is scientific fact.
@Lyman: No one cares, pathetic Pot-head.
Pathetic pothead? Um … okay.
Nice to meet you. Haven’t seen you contribute much on this site before.
You clearly don’t smoke. Sooooo many people drive stoned all the time. You have no idea.
It’s funny how little people still understand about pot. Got some dude referencing studies from decades ago. Man, gtf out of here with that nonsense.
There’s actually very little scientific fact when it comes to how pot effects you. For one study that says ones thing, there’s another that argues otherwise. Different strains also have different effects. It’s not as black and white as you think.
My only point was that smoking weed does not make it hard for you to stay in your lane when you’re driving. That’s just not true.
Maybe you should ask.
People use it to treat all types of illnesses and metal stresses. A lot of veterans say it helps with ptsd. It helps a lot of cancer patients have an appetite and be able to sleep. For some people it helps them focus. Some people it calms them down from their anxieties and racing thoughts.
If anything, I think the medical community finally acknowledging it to be considered legit medicine .. it was opened the door for it to finally be legalized a lot of places now.
There are lots of medicines that warn users not to drive or operate machinery after taking it.
You’re not wrong in what you’re saying. But you’re wrong if you think weed makes you drive improper. It doesn’t.
Yeah, it is a drug:…
What influence he was under? He was charged with a DUI so it’s blatantly obvious he was drunk.
Man I hope you’re being sarcastic. Otherwise your outdated judgemental comments say more about you then anything else.
You’re choosing the wrong hill to die on my man. And this is coming from a frequent pot user and advocate for legalization nationwide. But you couldn’t be more wrong on this subject if you tried. Marijuana definitely impairs your ability to properly and safely operate a motor vehicle. Honestly this isn’t even debatable there days.
I’m sorry you don’t drive as well high as you do sober. My primary argument is that it it doesn’t make you fail to stay in your driving lane. That was what I was originally disagreeing with. But if you smoke so much and you still can’t drive safely and stay in a lane, then just say that.
Also, anything can impair your driving technically. Being tired, being angry, being on the phone even if it’s hands free, eating or drinking coffee while driving. You just can’t tell me who’s been smoking for 25 years and have a a ton of friends and family who all smoke and drive their whole lives as well that it affects how we drive. None of us have gotten into car accidents none of us have swerved out of our lanes. To me that’s just silly. If you wanna say it’s a fact, then maybe it’s a fact for you and smokers that you know. I live in NY on Long Island where sooooo many people smoke weed and drive. Long Island probably has some of the most aggressive driving on the country too.
Have states that legalized it found that they’re motor vehicle accidents increased?
Also why have I been pulled over and the cop smelled weed and I was honest so they let me go? If it’s so dangerous why would a cop let me off and keep on my way?
We can just agree and disagree I guess.
DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence. This is a direct quote from the Florida DUI law:
“316.193 Driving under the influence; penalties.—
“(1) A person is guilty of the offense of driving under the influence and is subject to punishment as provided in subsection (2) if the person is driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle within this state and:
“(a) The person is under the influence of alcoholic beverages, any chemical substance set forth in s. 877.111, or any substance controlled under chapter 893, when affected to the extent that the person’s normal faculties are impaired;”
Cannabis is listed under chapter 893.
So, no, it’s not blatantly obvious he was drunk.
I’m guessing you smoke weed and drive, am I right?
“Have states that legalized it found that they’re [sic] motor vehicle accidents increased?”
UUUuuuuntil you kill someone.
Maybe you should post some of those studies you’re referencing in your attempt to rationalize your belief that you have the right to drive while impaired. None of those “points” you just listed prove anything. They certainly don’t prove that it’s wise to drive stoned. No medical study that you can find will either. Pot’s finally legal because there’s huge money to be made from it. That’s the real reason behind legalization. The medical community has backed all sorts of poor reasons to use harmful products in our society for decades. Have some Crisco. Before the 30’s, it was used as tractor axel grease. A doctor was paid 100K to promote it as a “healthy” cooking option in the 40’s. Cigarette commercials used to feature doctors claiming that certain brands were ok to use. You’re doing the same thing w/pot. It contributes to emphysema, periodontal disease. lung cancer, and has other very harmful effects. You’re simply rationalizing it’s “benefits” to justify your behavior. Keep toking and find out
“You just can’t tell me…….” Ok Lyman. No one can tell drunks anything either. Of course you and your “ton of family and friends who’s been smoking for 25 years” all believe that what you’re doing is acceptable. Btw—yes, “states that legalized it found they’re (it’s THEIR btw) motor vehicle accidents” have increased. Plenty of evidence for the affirmative on that. No need to cite any of it though because you, your family, and tons of friends apparently don’t believe in readily available, easily accessed factual evidence. Police have for decades let pot offenders off easily. It’s a hassle for them to process and prosecute misdemeanor pot offenders. They’d rather deal w/more harmful criminal activity than low level criminal pot offenders. Just because they let little fish like you off doesn’t mean that you’re justified in putting other lives at risk w/your selfish, criminal behavior behind the wheel of a car.
Because he took a plea
I was agreeing with you my reply was to animalize about how he wasn’t convicted
A DUI is quite different from the hearsay allegations you mentioned. The Royals have a better chance of winning the WS than Ozuna has of beating this charge.
sure, am just glad he didn’t pull a donte stallworth and was caught before anyone could be affected
You mean hit someone who was crossing illegally that can out of between several parked cars?
I think it really depends. If he refused to submit to any tests, he has a decent chance to either have the charge dropped, or to get it as “failure to control,” but I’m not overly familiar with Georgia’s DUI laws so I could be mistaken.
As far as marijuana affecting driving, I always remember that practice makes perfect.
But seriously, it’s not a good idea.
Georgia has an implied consent law. If i am reading the law correctly simply refusing to take the test results in a one year suspended license. It works differently in my state. If you refuse the tests here then you are automatically found guilty when you appear in court and cannot plead not guilty. Link below for georgia law if anyone is interested…
Doesn’t matter. He’s done.
I bet the Marlins are pretty happy with trading “Marcell gets a cell” for Sandy Alcantara.
The Cards probably have nightmares of this trade and probably why they didn’t trade for Soto. Alcantara is pretty much what the Cards are lacking right now to position themselves as a top-tier team. Right now, they are tier 3.
Ozuna – waste of money, waste of space.
I wish the Braves FO could figure out a way to rid themselves of this boob.
Alcantara was never thought of anywhere near as highly as he has panned out. Also it’s a very small track record for Alcantara. Pitchers disappear all the time.
The real oof was settling for Ozuna rather than pushing for Yelich who was allegedly unavailable and then traded to the Brewers shortly after the Ozuna deal.
These charges typically don’t go to a jury trial.
What kind of a cop would be stupid enough to arrest a professional athlete and lie about it? Use your brain.
Of course, on the .001% chance he is innocent I’ll gladly reverse my opinion.
Cops never lie…
You don’t get a jury trial for a DUI.
Does Gwinnett County hold jury trials for traffic violations? Don’t think this will be a jury trial. But you keep waiting.
Fortunately one cares what stymeedone the great defender of the pitcher win stat thinks.
If brains were trains- he said I’ll take a slow one
I’d bet he’s released by the Braves by end of today.
depending on what he was under influence of, I would assume. First
IF he was a journeyman player, he would be DF’A
Being he is not a journeyman and owed $$$ – I think they slow roll this maybe suspend to clear a 40man spot and when winds calm a bit trade ’em as they have options to replace him
Yeah right. MLB barely did jack last time when he beat on a woman.
He’ll get a slap on the other wrist and that’s probably about it.
Have you seen the video? it’s out there, MLB fairly punished him for essentially pushing a woman away while in an argument.
This is different, there’s no disputing a DUI.
It will be interesting to see how MLB handles it.
Start believing women.
Sure, women don’t lie, never.
Holy crap! I did not see this coming. What’s next, violent insurrection?
There are no MLB suspensions for DUI per reports today. This isn’t to say the Braves won’t suspend him. I also don’t think there is a clause for the Braves to get out of the contract, or they’d have done it during the last domestic issue. I think they are stuck and can’t just waste the money.
The guy just doesn’t learn how to make good decisions. All that $ and still can’t call an UBER.
If he isn’t a hit with the cops, he’s a hit with his ex. This dog has been let on his leash long enough, he’s a pit bull, not one you can trust being around kids or women
How many millions does he have? Can’t call a uber, or cab? No excuse, worse yet he identified as a member of the braves after apologizing like let me off officer please?
All the $$$ in the world cannot fix stupid.
Why fans believe that just because someone made money all of a sudden they’re a Christian saint or the King of England
If you have a bazillion dollars why you even driving? Call a cab, an uber, something.
Well, comments under the article on Swensen noted that Grisso should learn to play LF.
Swanson / Grissom.
Many of the posters here are on top of things!
Swensen and Grisso? Call ‘em up!!
Samsonite! I was way off!
“Knew it started with an S though…”
Ah, still the greatest comedy ever made.
The Notdic version of Tango and Cash?
Some Scandinavians might take exception to being called Notdics.
Typo aside, those Swedes and Vikings are nice people and Notdics, tho prone to passive aggressive pique a la William H Macy’s Jerry Lundegaard
Call Swensen and Grisso, your personal injury lawyers at (800) SWENSSO.
Wow shocked. Squeaky clean past
Bad player, bad contract, bad person.
Either this guy is the unluckiest guy in America or he’s a total scumbag…. i can’t figure out which one
If it walks like a duck…
If it walks like a chicken…
Being born with the talent that enables one to receive a $65m contract to play a game =/= unlucky.
And then waisting that talent with bonehead decisions like this and the DV incident.
What makes him unlucky? He seems quite lucky to me. He’s got great talent and a massive paycheck. He’s also got terrible judgment, poor character, and a general disregard to the well-being of others. It’s a shame that the Braves didn’t recognize that before offering that contract. Was it truly unknowable at that time? Would an off-field investigator or interviews around the league have turned up evidence that he’s a bad guy? I suspect so, but I can imagine lots of people being unwilling to speak candidly about his character. Maybe it’s time for teams to do more due diligence before offering these contracts and include “character clauses” that have the power to void contracts.
The Braves should not have signed Ozuna as I believe his wife stabbing him happened before he signed. Not entirely sure of the timeline but when I heard that I knew this was not going to end well for the Braves as far as off the field junk goes.
@gocincy: “terrible judgment, poor character, and a general disregard to the well-being of others.”
How do you POSSIBLY purport to knowing any of this??!
A person has terrible judgment of they willing get behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated, putting the lives of themselves and everyone else on the road at risk. A person has terrible judgment if they decide to physically attack their romantic partner.
How do we possibly know he has terrible judgement and a disregard for others? I don’t know, maybe the footage of him pushing his wife around by her neck is a good place to start. Maybe followed by this DUI incident. Usually people who do that kind of stuff aren’t the greatest people society has to offer.
@mlb1225: I’m pretty sure that “Usually” isn’t a crime.
And where’s this footage?
This guy will be in prison and everyone will be saying I told you so.
@Animalize: Drunk driving and wife beating aren’t really the signs of a fine fella. Seems pretty obvious. Why would anyone defend him?
@mlb1225 I’m pretty sure he meant how could you have known before these incidents.
Both incidents were caught on video. He’s clearly guilty in both cases.
@bucsfan: Great post. We have no way of knowing, yet all of these self-worshippers here who want to be seen as heroes think they know everything.
Even Ozuna’s domestic troubles could have been total b.s. Courts are CONSTANTLY forcing innocent men, after being railroaded by vicious women, into unwarranted counseling via the very serious threat of a felony conviction if they don’t play ball and take a dive.
someone’s been listening to too much andrew tate
His domestic violence charges stemmed from an incident where police were called, showed up, and literally saw him hitting and choking out his wife. It’s on body camera. What the hell are you talking about.
There’s literal footage of Ozuna pushing his wife by her neck.
@John: I knew nothing about that, but it’s completely irrelevant to this new situation anyway, and does not change any of my points.
@mlb1225: …therefore he absolutely for sure beat her constantly, she absolutely for sure never ever beat him, and he absolutely for sure drove drunk!
Animalize=Marcell Ozuna
Even Larrry Baer is saying, “c’mon dude”..
Animalize4 hours ago
@John: I knew nothing about that, but it’s completely irrelevant to this new situation anyway, and does not change any of my points.
You said: “Even Ozuna’s domestic troubles could have been total b.s.”
Then someone said there was footage of it, and you still don’t want to change any of your points?
The “only” thing they saw is what was on the body cam footage. He pushed her by the neck to get her away from him. Please, please don’t make me defend him, he’s a piece of crap, but don’t make stuff up.
@John Kappel watch the video, he wasn’t choking or hitting his wife. He pushed her away with his hand, which was in a cast at a time, by her neck or close to it. The police report was grossly exaggerated. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still wrong for doing so and deserved the punishment he got. But the choking and hitting never happened
This is very meta. You’re saying what and sphincter saying what? And what’s with the dotted lines so confusing
Is that like a frogger path
So you’re saying Marcell checked his swing? Fair point
@bucs, to me “unlucky” as a baseball player includes things like a HBP that severely injure the player, a concussion under any circumstances, or a death in the family at a critical time in the season. Domestic violence and DUIs at 4am (much less ANY time of day) have nothing to do with LUCK. Ozuna does these things to himself (and others) = scumbag
not a scumbag, just not very smart.
Sums it all up.
Who handles discipline under the new CBA? Could MLB impose an indefinite suspension (2 years) and a large fine like say, $41 million, that they could filter back to the Braves?
They could possibly sway Manfred if they checked in to the conference call as the Los Angeles Braves of Atlanta…
Braves front office desperately searching contract for a clause. Couldn’t find one last year with domestic violence issue.
I am much more upset about these issues than his stats. Ozuna just seems like he’s not a good guy.
Agreed, when he was sent back to Triple-A with the Marlins, he said it was like being sent to prison. Looks like the tables have turned.
I’ve always liked this guy, overlooked his DV charge and just wanted to watch him play.
Now I’m completely over this buffoon! He’s a troublemaker!
So good to see that what finally got you to change your mind was a DUI, not the whole striking his wife thing. But it was for a good reason that you overlooked the DV charge, i mean you did want to see him play after all.
Damn bro, you’re so virtuous! Way to signal that so everyone knows!
That is what you got out of what was a very good response from cuban?
What you have to remember is that everyone everywhere is a complete a-hole so if you claim to have any sort of morals or empathy or compassion for anyone other than yourself or someone who is not your gender, race and sexual orientation you’re merely posing.
How do I send you my money?
Absolutely got me there, total poser. In real life, getting drunk and running down small children is second only to punching and choking out random women on the street as my two favorite hobbies in life. Can’t believe i was that transparent.
Omg, cut him
Braves should be allowed to file greviance on this so they can release him without taking any sort of luxury tax penalty, or forced to pay his entire salary.
MLBPA would never allow it
You’re right, but at some point an organization needs to do the right thing for the right reason and stop paying the bag of scum … no wonder he can’t hit. Partying and driving drunk at 4:40 am…. Get out of here
They have no choice in paying him or not paying him.
Why they knew he was a bad guy when they signed him.
How do you figure? Or are you being a met troll. Ozuna seems like just the type of character a met fan can relate to. Maybe y’all take him, contract and all
Actually, he sounds like an Astros kind of guy.
Did you really ask if I was a met troll and then talk trash about the character of Mets fans? Real classy.
Seems odd to bring the Astros up here
We need to get penalties for DUI in this country but it’ll never happen. He assaulted/choked his wife in front of the police and he was charged with misdemeanors. SMH at the law.
Tougher not to get. Stupid phone
He was only charged with misdemeanor after the DA elected not to move forward with those charges. That’s on the justice system for caring more about conviction rates than actual justice. And methinks that it’s also because he’s a famous athlete.. If it were you or I, I’d bet the initial charges would have stuck.
With those felony charges* for clarification.
OR maybe it was because his wife was arrested for domestic violence the previous year, raising legitimate questions about him acting in self defense.
He did have a broken hand at the time and his wife outweighs him by a good 70 pounds.
We need tougher penalties for crimes across the board. Why do you think 80% of inmates are habitual offenders, Ozuna now included. Nothing will change under this current administration.
Everything he was arrested for were state charges. So this administration has nothing to do with those since they were state laws.
The DA of the county is Stacy Abrams endorsed so you can guarantee it’s a soft-on-crime agenda. The federal government might not be involved but they fall right in line with soft policy.
Has anyone watched the video? The police grossly exaggerated the severity of the assault. After it was made public the DA had no choice but to agree to lesser charges and give him basically a slap on the hand.
If you want to blame someone, blame the police who lied on the reports. If they had told the truth, the case would have been handled differently
Lol poor braves this was a bad contract. Can’t get em all right.
Get this bum out of the game
One of two things (preferrably both) need to happen: Ozuna is released and/or given a Trevor Bauer suspension.
I never take a shot drinking and driving they arent gonna give me a ticket.
Wasn’t Ozuna the guy that was injured years ago and refused to talk to his team as to how his rehab was going in the offseason? I believe it was when he was with the Cardinals.
Ozuna was also involved in the 2014 fight outside the St Louis-area strip club–along with Carlos Martinez and Oscar Taveras (RIP). Caught on camera throwing a punch. I know Martinez got sued. Can’t remember–I think Ozuna settled for $150k? Not a good guy.
Taveras had a BAC 6x the legal limit and also took someone else with him.
@Hubert: Was he caught on camera starting a fight for no reason? Defending himself? Defending others?
Are you just a virtue-signaling gimp who doesn’t actually know anything and is jumping to conclusions, or do you have more of the true facts than you’re revealing?
It’s OK to judge someone for always ending up bad situations. Responsible adults don’t find themselves having to defend their buddies in bar fights, they aren’t swerving down the road at 4am, and they aren’t on camera choking their wives.
All of that stems from bad decision making and poor moral character. It’s not virtue signaling to criticize a freaking DUI. No, it couldn’t just “happen to any of us.”
@Animalize. Here’s a link. Sounds like bad judgment/behavior all around. Also bad manners to call people names..…
Are you just a virtue-signaling gimp
I hope that you are either Ozuna or his agent. Otherwise, you look completely weird for defending this guy.
“Ozuna, according to documents obtained by the Post-Dispatch, had previously reached a confidential settlement with the man who is suing Martinez for money to cover medical bills related to injuries sustained that night.”
That was the fight in 2014.
Then the DV which was filmed.
And now the DWI.
And yet you continue to defend him? What would he have to do to offend you?
Thanks Mozeliak-Alcantara would look great at front of Cards rotation. Awful trade.
As much as I would like gallen and Alcantara, we did get Burleson with the comp pick for ozuna leaving. Hopefully Burleson gets called up and produces and makes that trade alittle less lopsided
My thoughts exactly
the Cards general manager is taking the hill?
Who the next hot prospect the Braves got for the Outfield
Unfortunately, after filling second and third base, another infielder, catcher, two outfield spots, and a few rotation and bullpen spots, plus a couple blockbuster trades, we just don’t have a good farm anymore.
Might try to throw Grissom out there once Ozzie gets back?
They don’t need to fill an outfield slot. Rosario/Grossman/Harris/Acuna/Heredia. 60 percent of Ozunas appearances we’re at DH. Probably use DH slot for more rest days down the stretch
Contreras will get at least half the DH abs.
If he is on probation with MLB, would this void his contract or no?
If he is on probation then this DUI could very well land him in prison. There could be a clause in his contract that if he goes to jail, the Braves can void his contract. Ozuna is probably done for the season now, regardless.
Re oz being done for the season, you make it sound like that’s a bad thing…
Unfortunately no. They can’t void his contract for a DUI.
Best the Braves can do is suspend him for the rest of the season and then try to trade him in the off-season. Might have to give a prospect and cash, or take another equally bad contract.
Wonder if their is a clause in that contract the braves can use to get out underneath this. No surprise tho ozuna a got arrested again. Can’t stay out of trouble, just like those certain nfl types
Geez. Nothing short of a few months in jail may wake him up….but that would require a more serious incident/very bad outcome “next time”.
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.
Worked well for Hologram Haray. Holey cow!!
Surprising Atlanta didn’t do due diligence prior to that signing.
How would due diligence show that he would get a dui and beat his wife? You sound pretty dumb.
very rarely do you just *become* a piece of garbage at the age of 30
In May 2020, his wife (Genesis Guzman) was arrested for domestic assault. This was during his time with ATL and before they offered the extension. A year later, Ozuna was arrested for domestic assault. Anyone knows that typically a domestic assault will occur again in relationships, if you stay in that relationship. They did here – and when she was arrested – ATL FO were fine with offering him a $65M deal after having a great 2020 season, probably writing it off.
Due diligence would have been Googling that couple and as soon as you’ve seen “domestic assault” and that they’re still together. Say thank you, next please. That was common info that every Braves intern had access to. They did their due diligence and were more worried about launch angles than toxic relationships.
What baffles me is that if you listen to any GM around draft time, they always factor in a kids makeup and usually their inner circle (family) — if they have a supportive, strong family, usually it bodes well for team building. Do they not do the same for free agents?
I thought there was another incident when Ozuna was a Card but maybe I am wrong. Completely agree. The warning signs were there
I don’t know maybe the other incidents he had before that.
No do due = yes do do.
Was wondering why yall weren’t posting about this.
This is clearly a sick person who needs help. He needs to get a lot of professional help, and not worry about baseball. All of the Braves players, management, and staff should be behind helping him, even if it means he never plays again.
and thoughts like this is why our country is failing….until it happens to them.
Bye bye
One short of boy band
A problem with alcohol actually kinda makes sense. If that’s the case, I kinda feel for the guy. That’s an uphill battle, one I’ve personally faced, and it isn’t easy. Doable, however.
It’s also a self inflicting behavior.
Don’t get me into addiction unless you feel like reading.
FYI YouTube doesn’t count as research.
Yeah you’ll lose.
BmoreBallistics, having an addiction wouldn’t justify Ozuna’s behavior, but shaming people for having addictions as you did here is a jerk move. Do better.
SplitFingered, I’m glad you are in recovery and I wish you the best.
Facts over feelings
Is there any way the Braves could void his contract for behavior clauses?
How anyone gets a DUI in the age of Uber and Lyft is beyond human understanding.
If I was making that kind of money, I would have a personal driver for these circumstances.
That’s what I’m saying. Especially when you are worth tens of millions of dollars. Not like he can’t afford it!
Maybe he was running away from his extremely violent wife and didn’t have time to wait for an Uber.
Why does he stay?
Too bad his contract prolly won’t get voided due to conduct detrimental. Be nice to see him out of Atlanta tho, his play alone is enough to get him released, add in his off the field stuff it’s a no brainer
Ozuna’s an idiot.
Off field problems aside, I never understood why the Cardinals and Braves would decide to go with Ozuna
He’s close to league average left fielder that they’re overpaying for
Then there are his obvious character problems. Not tagging up at 3rd cost the Braves a playoff series a couple years ago
It was obvious to avoid Ozuna
When the Cards traded for him he was coming off an unbelievable year, which he never came close to again, but he did swing a decent bat his two years in St. Louis. Not good enough to have warranted the loss of Alcantera and Gallen though. I’m extraordinarily happy they didn’t re-sign him.
The Braves signed him to a extension after 2022 where he was third in MVP and almost won the triple crown
It was after 2020, where he had an amazing 2 months.
Yeah it was dumb and I’m a Braves fan.
@braves in the shortened season. A career 111 ops+ hitter who had one good season in 2017
An obviously bad work ethic
Lol scumbag
If he was a football player the Cleveland Browns would trade for him immediately.
They still will
I guess it’s not the Dallas Cowboys anymore.
No wonder why he’s been sucking ass all year.
He’s clearly trying to be the manager of the Chicago White Sox.
Snooz. Oh wait
Yiiiiiikes #LGM
Hahaha @Bill nd
Marlins got a lot of heat for their post-2017 fire sale but except for Yelich they cleaned up on all those trades.
Depends how you look at it. none of the prospects from the Yelich/Stanton/Gordon trades have panned out in the majors.. The Ozuna trade was a major win for the Marlins netting Alcantara and Gallen (now Chisholm). Shedding the money off the books was the main motivation. but the prospect haul has been underwhelming.
I prefaced that they lost the Yelich trade. Stanton and Gordon they automatically won those trades regardless of what the prospects did or didn’t do.
I wouldn’t say there was a winner in the Gordon trade. Just two teams that didn’t get much out of what they traded for. Could change though if Neidert does something productive.
Dumping Gordon was a win in and of itself.
If you call drawing 10k fans a game for years as a win.
No one cares about that lmfao
Wish they could use his money on Swanson.
Was his BAC higher than his BA?
Michael Conforto come on down
You don’t want comforting till the off season when he’s healthy.
Is there no agreed upon penalties drawn up on this through MLB and the MLBPA?
If not there needs to be.
MLBPA will always look to avoid establishing any precedent by which a guaranteed contract can become non-guaranteed.
While unions have certainly been beneficial in many cases throughout history, one of the worst things they do sometimes is protect the incompetent and the unproductive worker who their respective fields would be better without.
If someone wants to be self destructive, let them destroy their own careers.
What a solid citizen!
This clown belongs in thugball also known as the NFL.
I think this needs to be the breaking point for the Braves. Let MLB suspend him for the rest of the season and then release him when the season is over ($37 million is not that hard of a pill to swallow). It’s stupid selfish behavior that will now likely cause him to miss another postseason run in Atlanta and it’s a distraction the players/organization does not need
The problem with releasing him is it makes him a free agent. So he gets the Braves money and the opportunity to play for someone else for even more money. Unfortunately, someone will sign him and pay him if he’s productive. MLB needs to step in here.
But he wouldn’t get more money as no team would sign him for beyond the league minimum. If you are Snitker and the rest of his teammates i don’t see how you would want him around anymore
the LOL only applies to the Mets. For the Braves, just say Barves. like:
ATL Barves
Another prime example of no accountability for big money players. The MLBPA holds their head high.
Yankees really firing Boone?
People can turn themselves around if they’re committed. Look at how much of a dumpster fire Miguel Cabrera was, then he quit drinking and was on the right path again.
Quitting is for losers!
Oh Marcel.
I was wondering why Ozuna didn’t play in the Mets series. I was over the guy after the DV thing no after this I hope the Braves do the right thing and release him from his contract and pay it out. He hasn’t been good the last couple of years anyway. Seems the guy was the classic career year before free agency now he doesn’t contribute much to the team and just makes trouble.
He didn’t play in the Mets series because he sucks. He just got the DUI early this morning,
He probably got sauced because he knew it was a big series and he didn’t get to play
guy almost kills twice and probably won’t get that long of a suspension but at least he didn’t have rough sex with a consenting adult and be cleared of charges
@dortega: Nice! But don’t try arguing logic or even obviousness around here, this being a haven for brainwashed virtue signalers.
@dortega88 It’s like work place politics. You almost never can avoid it when working with people. Jerk management never treats people the same and usually superiors get even more slack. Trevor ticked of MLB multiple times. It may not be right but it’s the BS people have to eat in life unfortunately.
Probably the best news all season.
They can’t keep him around anymore.
Hate to hear this, but thank goodness there wasn’t an accident. Just wonder what the Braves will do next. Suspension? He’s not contributing much to the team and probably unhappy about playing time.
@acmeants: Yes, no accident, thank goodness. But how do you know for sure that he was drunk and not, say, swerving to avoid a dog?!
There is ZERO valid information in the above article. Just a bunch of unfair, totally unprofessional, irrelevant garbage about how this isn’t the first time he’s been in trouble.
Do you *honestly* think there’s a reasonable chance he was arrested and jailed for DUI at 4:30 AM on a weeknight because he swerved to avoid a dog?
@Ted: There’s zero way of knowing. Pull your head out and wake up.
It’s called incompetent reporting, and jumping to conclusions.
Come back to me after he’s been convicted in a legitimate court by a legitimate judge and a legitimate jury.
So, if someone gets arrested (especially someone famous or important) for a crime it shouldn’t be reported on until after the criminal trial? Your head isn’t just up your ass it’s completely separated from your neck.
@getreal: You’re a brainwashed simpleton dimwit. Please don’t ever get seated on a jury!!
Relax Marcell…
You messed up again…own it!
I am free to judge anyone who gets arrested at 4:30 in the morning. I’m glad we have fair jury trials in this country, but I don’t need a verdict to know I wouldn’t want to work with this guy as an employee or teammate.
Looks like someone lives rent free in theo’s head.
Solves a problem, I guess. Hope the guy gets a lot of help, but nowhere near the Braves.
The team is behind in a playoff race and out until 4:30 am. Muggy did that in Detroit too.
poor attempt at trying to be funny
Lmfao. You won the comment box with this one!
Guess we can consider this arrest a slight improvement from his previous one. What a bum.
Responsible grown-ups aren’t on the road at 4:30 AM unless they’re driving someone to the hospital or going to/from work. Clearly this guy has no judgment whatsoever.
When I was on the road at half past four in the night, I usually had lots of fun before. So hopefully I will never end up a “responsible grown-up” – and even less so somebody who actively demands that “responsible grown-ups” shouldn’t be “on the road” at any given time!
That’s not entierly true. You could be the designated driver for your party, something Ozuna should have had.
I’d still argue it’s embarrassing for a 30 year adult to be on the road at that hour. Even sober adults don’t party with their drunk friends way after midnight. That’s what idiot 19 year olds do.
Let’s agree to disagree, I don’t find being out on the road at 4:30 am embarrassing at all. But even if it were embarrassing, who could possibly judge you? Any witnesses would have to be out on the road at 4:30 am as well.
@bshh there are a lot of people on the road at 4:30 to 5am (me included) but most of us are construction workers and we’re trying to beat traffic to get to work at 6~7am, there have been times i sat in the job site lot for 45mins to 60+ mins because if i don’t leave when i leave i’m cutting it close to work, and guys that are always late get laid off first
Nothing good happens after midnight in public.
With regard to the DUI, I won’t first cast a stone against him. This is mainly because I would have casted lots of stones for him forcibly attacking a woman, by the way.
@BSHH: And you’re absolutely 100% certain that Ozuna wasn’t defending himself? This footage that I’m now hearing about shows the complete incident from start to finish, and shows Ozuna as an unprovoked, enraged instigator? It’s 100% certain that she wasn’t, say, threatening him with a knife that wasn’t caught on camera, or anything…?
It’s all absolutely 100% clear and definitive that he’s a violent maniac, attacking for no reason. Right?
Haven’t you seen the bodycam footage? He choked her when the police arrived and there was another guy present, but no knife.
This is actually good news for the Braves. They have a reason to just get rid of him now, and may not have to pay him now
No one has ever had their contract cancelled for a DUI.
MLB’s version of Pac Man Jones.
$16 million a year to play baseball and for $50-75K you can’t hire a driver or company to get you too and from the ballpark. Frigging stupid.
@bravesfan0618 i wouldn’t be surprised if most mlb teams have drivers on standby to take care of situation like this, limo or suv to pick you up someone else to drive your car home all you have to do is call a number that the team gives you and call. if they don’t they should guys in there 20’s don’t know what there doing especially if alcohol is involved, but there is no excuse for ozuna he is in his 30’s now time to “grow up”, i’m not saying don’t go out cut loose/have some fun, but your getting paid very well to play a game and you can’t get a way home other than yourself. “come on man” grow up (had to throw herm quote in there)
This character is about to join a long list of names of former players who end up broke,in prison and forgotten.
I’m not going to pretend to be virtuous or anything like many others here. If he is allowed to play MLB, I will watch him play. If he is not, I won’t. I do not care what he does off the field. Not one bit. I am not a police officer. Nor am I a lawyer. As long as MLB says he can play, I will watch.
Reports were the Marlins were talking with Atlanta and need a power hitter.. Depending on his contract, they might be able to get one very cheaply, very soon – and the Braves free some cash for use as needed.
Yeah, Marlins wouldn’t take Ozuna back for free
Fair to wonder if the Braves would have found the few extra million extra to keep the high-character Freeman if Ozuna’s contract and commitment wasn’t on the books.
All the extensions since should signal that ATL has the money, they just don’t want what could be a possibly bad contract, if they believe he’s not worth Year 6, despite excellent Year 1-5.
They will do a bad contract for Ozuna, but not Freddie. Casey Close should learn from Ozuna’s agent.
Braves fans were generally celebrating when the Ozuna extension was signed, stop pretending.
Braves didn’t extend Ozuna.
Yeah, Ozuna was a FA signing but Sid’s right that Braves fans were generally celebrating when Ozuna” was re-signed.
They didn’t extend him, he played in 2020 after the team signed him to a one year deal, then resigned him in the following offseason. You want to argue semantics, knock yourself out. Just do it with someone else.
With you works just fine!
How many times does he get to commit attempted murder?
Seems like a great guy.
Get out of baseball now
Better call Saul!
“Don’t drive drunk, but if you do, call me”
Too bad Saul can’t help him for another 86 years my guy.
Send him to Gwinnett, recall Dickerson, play Albies at DH once he is finished his rehab, let Grissom keep playing 2B.
You do realize Ozuna can’t be sent to gwinnett right? He has no options and I guarantee he wouldn’t accept the outright assignment
Is there a prison in Gwinnett?
If he refuses let him go. You do realize that refusing an outright assignment after committing another crime would basically make him unsignable, right? Braves would still have to pay him, but I think it’s a better investment to pay him to go away at this juncture.
I’ve wanted him released all season. Dude is washed, nevermind his off the field stuff.
Ozuna is laughing all the way to the bank every day. MLB is stuck with yet another deadbeat free agent.
Partying at 5 am, driving drunk, choking women…. No wonder he can’t hit. Think we solved his problem. CUT HIM!!
big deal, it’s a DUI
Bug deal? He could have killed someone …. It’s people like you who don’t take this matter serious enough causing people like me and my family having to suffer the loss of a loved one because someone like you doesn’t think driving drunk is a big deal. You should be locked for a long time if you get a dui…. No different than arbitrarily shooting a gun …. It’s a giant weapon
if you’re that afraid maybe you should stay at home and not drive at all. I’m saying you have a valid point don’t get me wrong and I agree with you but however more people get killed in car wrecks who are not drunk when they are driving. I’m just saying. we live in a country that forgives people., but some of you are too quick to judge. yes he did something wrong illegal according to the article he committed a sin. how many sins. did you commit today. you people need to start worrying about your own business and stop worrying about whether people get paid or not if you’re jealous then get a life
When you purposely drive drunk on the road; and you become a unknown hazard to every person out on that road, making it everyone’s business. This is not a simple sin or mistake, this is a real issue. And Ozuna is not one guy who committed 1 simple sin. This is a wife beating, woman choking drunk driving fool. Caught on camera on each event. Why does he continue to get a free pass. He should be in jail and in jail for a long time. This is a joke that this is even up for debate, because it’s a nondebatable topic
If you plan on getting this upset every time someone with millions of dollars gets away with more than anyone else, you are going to have a short stress-filled life. I’m not saying you are wrong, but why worry that much about something that you cannot change?
Have you even watched the FULL video? I have. The cop was an arrogant POS. Ozuna was polite from start to finish, the cop even demeaned him by filming him taking a leak.
He walked the line twice and didn’t put a foot wrong. He balanced on one leg with ease, if he was drunk he would have fallen or swayed or stumbled, he did none of it. Don’t let your hate get in the way though saying that he should be in jail for a long time-absolutely the joke of the century as if he’s some hardened criminal. I am not condoning anything Ozuna did or didn’t do, but he’s as entitled to the presumption of innocence as much as all you haters are. People bash people and rob people, on a daily basis and they’re out on the street in hours, yet you want to put Ozuna in jail “for a very long time”. What a warped view. The other thing is if he had eg 4 beers in 4 hours tell me if that is driving drunk. It doesn’t necessarily put you over the limit-fact.
Braves have opened extension talks with Marcell Ozuna.
No extension for you!
No soup for you!
I felt bad for him because of his offensive struggles. I don’t feel bad any more.
Yet another example of why long-term, guaranteed contracts are bad for baseball. I bet he would be more careful about his behavior and would be hitting better if it was a walk year.
just like trout’s contract as well
just like trout’s contract as well
at least he’s not hurt all the time like Mike trout is too fragile another bad contract by the Angels
Oh yeah, works so well in the NFL at keeping guys out of trouble.
still not as bad a contract disaster for braves as bj upton
I wonder how much the Braves paid Hector Olivera,
Drivin’ that train, high on koocaine.
Mar-cel Ozuna better watch your speed.
Trouble ahead,
Trouble behind
And you kno that notion just crossed my mind…
His DUI skills were taught in St. Louis. The cardinal way book has an entire chapter on how to get DUIs.
What else is there to do in St. Louis?
Their prized prospect years ago not only killed himself but his passenger. They had a reliever die of one. Their celebrated Manager Tony LaRussa has one and their current tv broadcaster has not one, but two.
Speaking of St. Louis, Dan McLaughlin was able to get multiple DUIs – including one where he soiled himself in front of the police – and he kept his job so St. Louis may find a spot for him within the organization.
Some folks just have that can’t avoid doing dumb stuff gene.
400 game suspension incoming. Oh wait nevermind. He will once again get the Alex Corra treatment complete with glowing press articles about how he is a changed man. Manfred will personally vet this DUI charge and exonerate Marcell.
Don’t think Manfred will be doing the Atlanta Braves any favors. Then again, if the “commish” fails to dole out the kind of suspension Ozuna deserves, you may be right in a way that you didn’t intend.
Wow…. open comments, huh?
Seriously… I’m not an Ozuna apologist, but I wish people would let guilt and innocence play out in the court and not online. I hope all the muck rakers get their up and comings one day.
Marcel Oseeya
His arrest
He’ll be acquitted. He passed all on field sobriety tests, refused breath test, and called his lawyer. Braves front office probably hired the police to make this stop. From the looks of it, the only thing he is guilty of is posting -1.2 WAR and making bank. Gwinnet PD is guilty of aiding and abetting misdemeanor indecent exposure (they encouraged him to pee in public).
I doubt it even goes to trial. I think the charges will be dropped. The only one who might be in trouble on this stop is the officer.
Finally someone that knows what happened, rather than the mob who are willing to sit in judgement without the facts. The cop was on a power trip and not only demeaned him and humiliated him, all the while Ozuna was polite and respectful whilst this cop was arrogant and condescending, but because all the Ozuna haters are out in force they won’t have a bar of it or see it that way. Ozuna is a human being just like you all that demand the same rules be applied to yourselves as far as being innocent before proven guilty.
While I am no fan of drug testing, I would suggest the Braves powers-that-be test this chump immediately and shed his anchor of a contract.
I have no dog in this fight, but he didn’t seem impaired at all. Passed all the tests, and definitely smart to say NO to the breathalizer and blood test. No good attorney would want their client to submit to those. Although he messed up be admitting to drinking. When will people learn- Never, EVER talk to cops when you’re pulled over. It also points out how PD need to ask right away if someone wants a translator – he didn’t clearly understand all the questions and instructions. They didn’t have a Spanish-speaking officer translate until he was already in cuffs in the back of the cruiser. I’ll bet the DA dismisses this.
I wish Heredia would have been there to pantomime cutting the cuffs off with his sword.
Never talk to the cops? How about never drink and drive.
Why would you need to refuse a breathalyzer or blood test if you are sober?
Since when do MLBTR allow comments on a thread for a charge before a court by a power trip arrogant cop that wanted his 5 minutes of fame. Cop alleges he was out of his lane, then asked him to do a walk the line test which Ozuna did easily, then he asked him to stand on one leg, which he also did easily. All the while Ozuna spoke respectfully and complied with everything he was told to do by the power hungry arrogant cop, despite English not being his first language. This arrogant cop was on some sort a power trip from the get go, then not only does he treat him like some sort of terrible criminal by cuffing him, he demeans him by filming him taking a leak because Ozuna had to take a pee. Whilst Ozuna has not been setting the world on fire this year with the Braves, and I wondered if there was some external factors going on in the background, the guy is entitled to his innocence and his day in court as everyone else, and he’s as innocent as all the commenters are here who are waiting to release the guillotine on him and say that he’s guilty.
Refusing a breathalyzer is one thing in a court of law. In the court of public opinion it’s proof he was drunk and knew it. He openly admitted drinking four beers and driving! Who does that???
Again, responsible people don’t put themselves in this position in the first place. He has only himself to blame.
The mob count for nothing, and the court of public opinion in most instances is wrong a majority of the time, and that’s why some people ended up in jail for life over things they didn’t do-fact. Have you thought that Ozuna is under a load of stress, he has been having a poor season not being able to hit consistently, so after the game he had a beer or two. Even if he had four beers, that could have been over a longer time frame, that doesn’t give rise to intoxication necessarily. Eg, 4 beers in 4-5 hours is not over the limit necessarily, and the other thing is, everyone has a different tolerance level to alcohol. I am not excusing his behaviour, I just don’t believe in mob convictions. The cop was an arrogant pos and Ozuna complied with everything he was asked and passed all the roadside tests he was asked to do. I agree with him refusing to blow, as mouth alcohol could have given a false reading.
Yes, he put himself in that position, but he is a human being.
I agree with him refusing to blow, as mouth alcohol could have given a false reading.
He could’ve had the blood test. IIRC, that’s favorable because it allows more time for the alcohol to leave the body. And the reason why so many states consider a refusal an admission of guilt is that no one would agree to the test otherwise.
Refusing the breathalyzer is actually the smart decision despite what Nancy Grace would have you believe. Furthermore, what if he had four beers over the course of six hours? Does that make him a stumbling drunk?
Furthermore, what if he had four beers over the course of six hours?
Then he should submitted to the blood test.
MLBTR would crack down if someone started offering an opinion about the COVID vaccine. Anything other than that is fair game.
Not only is Ozuna a disappointment, he is an embarrassment. He needs to have counseling regarding his emotional issues,
A lot of domestic situations are exaggerated. Women claim “violence” when actual violence does not occur. They do it because it heightens the drama and easily casts aspersions on the big bad male, who almost always gets the book thrown at him. At this point in history, it is almost impossible to defend against 100%. I have no idea what Ozuna is really like as a person, but I note that the domestic charges went finally on the books as misdemeanors, and possibly clearer, less-toxic facts came out in the hearing. As for the driving, not enough data yet to compute. His BAC might have been on the cusp, and whatever his state of mind, no one got hurt and no property was damaged, so this episode might very well have been comparatively benign. But I note the ease with which people on this site are eager to convict a guy without any knowledge of the particulars of either case. Maybe some of you should contact the DOJ. They are looking for people to help them throw the book at President Trump, also without any evidence.
So women are liars, and you’re quick to jump to the conclusion, and the DOJ is corrupt, and you’re quick to jump to that conclusion, but no, it’s us that are quick to jump to that conclusion.
I’m sure if it was your sister or daughter, you would assume they are exaggerating the domestic violence. Why am I not surprised by your last sentence?
I am guessing that if you say “4 beers” to a cop in those circumstances, you really mean 14 beers (and a ‘lil weed)
What kinda name is Marcell. Isn’t that Ross’ pet that kept biting Rachel
Legally: innocent til proven guilty, due process, etc etc.
But as a fan of the Braves: could not be more done with this dude. Literally has failed to be anything more than an underperforming distraction earning way more than he’s worth.
I feel like for certain violations of the personal conduct policy teams should be able to tear up contracts and in turn, open a tier of contract instrument, much like the Mid Level Exceptions in the NBA, whereby they’re required to spend the full equal sum of all their cut contracts on outside free agents to ensure MLBPA can get behind it as well without signing off on a loss of player income.
Two questions to all commenters that he was treated unfairly by the officer – 1. Why shouldn’t he be held unaccountable for his reckless and endangering behavior – that’s exactly what’s wrong with America today – too much non-accountability and 2. If someone doesn’t hold him accountable, what message does that send to the young Braves players. – just go out and feel good, no one will care. I can think of at least one that message will NEVER work with..
Reading these comments from you lot explains why our 4th Amendment protections have all but vanished, anyway.
You throw away Constitutional protections with both hands, then squeal like stuck pigs about wanting more and more roadblocks and drug tests.
You’ve even voted for suspicionless drug tests to play soccer, for god’s sake, and random alcohol check points.
Braves = Money For Nothing
Osuna = Livin’The Thug Life