Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
By Mark Polishuk | at
Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
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Phillies need to upgrade CF
As a Rays fan please take Kiermaier.
“Most disappointed fan base? White Sox followed by Angels”
Makes sense, Angels fans are used to losing at this point.
Based on what I’ve seen, it’s the Yankees because their entire lineup isn’t starting the all star game.
“Someone said we aren’t WS favorites and wolnt break the wins record! Grrrrr!”
Who wants to see Gallons in the All Star Game?
Why did the Tigers give up on Paredes? They talked him up as such a great prospect. Plus they didn’t really need another outfielder.
Mauricio and JD for Mancini. Probably not happening. Os are stacked with position players throughout their system . Pitching on the other hand…. Question. If the Mets really want Mancini, in addition to him, who else would the Mets take in a package in order for the O’s to get Butto?
Whew! Those Apple TV announcers are not worth $4.99/mo (Stephen Nelson play-by-play, Hunter Pence, Katie Nolan). Still would rather listen to them than the ole’ white noise: Joe Buck.
I often watch games on mute because announcers are so bad. Actually, I think the way a lot of games are broadcast is bad for the sport. For example, ESPN seems to think announcers are part of the show and we want see them. They also think it is good to have an interview on half the screen and the game on the other half. In my opinion, this tells potential new fans that not much important or exciting is going on in the game. It sends a bad message and they don’t get that. They should only be focused on the game at hand.
This is the 2nd week I’ve watched Sun AM exclusive games on Peacock and today’s KC/DET game they are billing as “announcer-free” when last week they didn’t. What does that mean? Peacock badly wanted exclusivity rights in negotiations with MLB that they get a 2-hour head start on Sunday’s, yet when they do get it, they don’t even pay travel for the announcing team for their mediocre slate of games.
They’re spitting in the wind because they don’t know what they’re doing……
The days of broadcasters such as Vin Shully, Ernie Harwell, etc. that respected both the game and the fans by recognizing that the fans tune in to watch / listen to the game, are gone. This batch wants to be celebrities and and grow rich. Additionally, some one has to say something with all the foul balls, the batters stepping out of the box asking for time, and the pitchers not throwing the ball.
I solve it by toggling between at least 2 games at once, often from pitch to pitch.
Couldn’t agree more about ESPN. During the COVID shutdown, I was so hungry for baseball that I tried watching their coverage of the KBO. Not sure why they decided to not call the game, but carry on a conversation, with the game going on in the background instead, is beyond me. Despite jonesing for baseball I gave up. For me it was unwatchable. Now they seem to be approaching MLB games in a similar way.
To everyone in this thread: I watch the games on mute and listen to the radio broadcast. The timing is off a little but it’s worth it. A lot more relaxing too
Once in a while I do that. I think it is kind of cool if the radio is a little ahead of the TV. Then the radio gives me a heads up to watch the upcoming play.
This… or synch the game to the radio. My “radio” comes through the MLB app so I can pause it briefly to synch up with the TV. Buck is terrible but Mendoza and A-Rod are the absolute worst. Fortunately we love our hometown crew of Don Orsillo, Mudcat Grant, Tony Jr., etc. so muting them is never an option, haha! Happy 4th everyone!