Mariners outfielder Mitch Haniger has tested positive for COVID-19, per’s Daniel Kramer (via Twitter). He has been placed on the injured list, while Donovan Walton has been recalled to claim his roster spot, the team announced.
With Haniger out for probably at least five days, the pressure should alleviate somewhat from the young duo of Julio Rodriguez and Jarred Kelenic, both of whom have started slowly at the plate. Abraham Toro, meanwhile, is the likeliest to move into the starting lineup while Haniger is away. Toro is at the hot corner today, with Eugenio Suarez moving to designated hitter. Haniger has started six games in right field and two at designated hitter for the M’s so far this season. He, too, is off to a slow start, slashing .176/.200/.471 over 35 plate appearances.
Walton, 27, figures to be back and forth from Triple-A a bit this season, as the lefty-swinging utility player has an option remaining. He has appeared with the Mariners in each of the past three seasons, but never seeing more than 69 plate appearances in a given year. In total, Walton has stepped to the dish 92 times and slashed .196/.260/.315 while appearing at second base, third base, shortstop, and left field.
Insert dumb current variant comment! Kidding of course get well Mitch!
Are we really still doing this?
At least we got baseball and crowds back.
I’m just here for the “are we really still doing this?” comments before the thread is closed.
“Popcorn! Get your red hot popcorn here!”
Let that popcorn cool down a bit, maybe.
“Popcorn! Get your more warm than lukewarm but not red hot popcorn here!”
I’ll take a couple of red hots.
Damnit. Mitch is too important in the lineup. Get well and get back soon Mitch!
Is there anyone out there that still thinks the china flu is real? Seriously any?
@richard dangler
wow. still?
It takes a special type to avoid all real and tangible evidence for 2 and a half years to maintain your political beliefs in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence and data. Well done!
I suppose it’s much easier if you watch youtube conspiracy videos non-stop all day and never actually interact with people.
Yeah basically one would have to be a hermit to not know somebody who died or was hospitalized because of Covid.
I think the worst are those who insist Sandy Hook was a hoax too. Imagine being a parent that lost a child, and then having some fruitcake accuse them of faking it all.
Same people probably think the Matrix is real.
Don’t forget that the earth is flat and we didn’t land on the moon.
Carl Everett! He also believed dinosaurs never existed.
I know zero people personally that have been hospitalized or died from COVID. Closest is a friend of a friend of a friend former roommate’s uncle’s cousin once removed
Read Snake Oil, by Michael Sanger, then tell me about political beliefs.
The conspiracy theorist’s name is Senger, not Sanger.
According to him, Xi Jinping orchestrated the Covid virus and the lockdown response. Here’s how incredibly unlikely his theory is.
In 2019, China’s GDP grew by 5.95%. In 2020, it only grew by 2.30%, a 3.65% decline, That’s a massive loss in the country with the second-highest GDP in the world.
And if they were going to do this deliberately, why in the world would they time it right before the Chinese New Year, an enormous tourism money-maker for the Chinese economy?
Read: “Chinese New Year is disrupted for a third year: And the economy is feeling the pinch” in The Economist:
Their movie theater industry alone lost $836 million in the first week of the Chinese New Year 2020 over the previous week in 2019 because all 70,000 theaters in China were closed. That’s just one week’s loss in one sector of the economy.
You know what’s the biggest hoax? The nonsense that the virus is a hoax.
The lockdowns were a rational response to a new virus that was killing people at an alarming rate. In Italy in mid-March 2020, the death rate from Covid infections was nearly 50% (46.2% on March 17). Did you not see any of the news coverage at the time that showed ERs full of intubated people and rooms full of coffins?
The lockdowns here in New York, combined with social distancing and masks, drove down the death rate from 1,026 on April 17, 2020 to 18 deaths on July 21, 2020.
Do yourself a favor, man. Unplug yourself from the conspiracy theory circuit. It’s being driven by two types of people: self-serving con artists knowingly deceiving people, and deluded crackpots. Listening to either type is not good for you.
I think most agree it was an accidental lab-leak, and certainly China was guilty of covering it up.
It’s quite possible that it was inadvertently released from Wuhan’s virology lab. It’s also possible that it passed to humans from the wild animals sold in the Wuhan wet market, most likely bats or pangolins.
In any case, there’s a big difference between an accidental leak followed by a cover-up, and a deliberate release of the virus into China’s own population.
If they were intent on starting a pandemic, it would make more political sense to release it in an adversary’s country. Then the world would be blaming their adversaries instead of the Chinese. Senger’s conspiracy theory is absurd on its face.
Fink Ployd – The problem with your argument is you are using rational thinking and common sense. The Godless leaders of a country like China, steeped in Communism which for many years legally mandated couples to only have one child (because of their burgeoning population) and thereby forcing unwanted abortion on millions of people, don’t use such thought processes. The leaders of that country likely have a worldview and value system markedly different than most Americans. So, do I think COVID started in a China laboratory? Yes, it is extremely likely. Did China release said virus onto its’ own people, maybe to lower their high population? Yes, I think it is definitely possible, but I don’t know whether it was probable.
Interesting fact: thumbs aren’t real. We just THINK we have them.
@Cosmo great start to the season for a rotation without deGrom!
@psychos I have family and friends who died of COVID.
Everyone does. Doesn’t mean this stupid is justified.
That’s because all Americans have governmental nanotech control devices implanted in them:
“All 50 states and DC require the DTap vaccine (or another vaccine combination for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) for kindergarten entry.
“All 50 states and DC require the IPV vaccine for kindergarten entry.
“All 50 states and DC require the varicella vaccine for kindergarten entry, though some will accept proof of immunity instead of vaccination. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.
“49 states and DC require the MMR vaccine for kindergarten entry. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.
“Iowa, the only state to not require the MMR vaccine, requires a measles and a rubella vaccine, but not a mumps vaccine.
“44 states and DC require the Hep B vaccine for kindergarten entry. Alabama, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont do not require the HepB vaccine for kindergarten entry.
“17 states require the Hep A vaccine for kindergarten entry: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.”
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to adjust my tinfoil hat to jam the signals.
Actually I had chickenpox as a little baby so the chickenpox vaccine was not needed for me because it did not exist when I went to kindergarten. By the way I survived my bout with the chickenpox. And people used to have pox parties in the 70s.
As for Covid I’m through with this nonsense, the current variant is basically cold symptoms
If you had chickenpox when you were a child, you’re carrying the virus that can give you shingles, an extremely painful disease.
Never heard of pox parties. What were they?
BTW, the fact that you posted was a strong clue that you survived chickenpox.
And nobody expected you to get a vaccination if it didn’t exist at the time. The chickenpox vaccine wasn’t available in the U.S. until the ’80s.
The point is: Americans have never been anti-vaccine until this recent mass-stupidity.
If thumbs aren’t real, how do you flick your Bic?
Wow you are a special kind of stupid
Well…..Yes. I got it and was sick for about a month. I’m a healthy 50 year old. My friend’s brother died from it. Another friend got it about a year ago and is still recovering. So yeah… that’s an easy answer.
I’ve had it twice, one put me in the hospital for two days, the second was like a cold. My wife had it twice, the first is three months after me, but a week AFTER she got the vaccine. Both of my boys had it twice. Not every person reacts the same. What I cannot figure out, though, is why there are so many to attack for political reasons but I never hear anyone complain that CHINA did this to the world??
Of the 25 most populated countries in the world, we have the 2nd highest death rate behind Brazil. What the hell did China have to do with that? Did they make us stupid? Are you kidding me? The most advanced country in the world and we can’t keep ourselves alive. And that’s someone else’s fault? Holy cow.
Where did the virus originate?? We have a very dense population with regards to geography, moron.
The U.S. ranks 185th in population density per square mile. Singapore ranks third.
U.S. ranks 12th in Covid deaths per million inhabitants. Singapore ranks 152nd.
If you’ve never heard anyone blame China, I guess you’ve never heard it called the China virus.
Personally, I do blame the Chinese — either for hosting those disgusting and dangerous wet markets where infected wild animals are routinely sold, or for letting the virus escape from a virology lab. But what good does blaming them do? The horse is out of the barn. Blaming the one who left the barn door open won’t get it back.
What the Chinese can’t be blamed for is the mass-stupidity deliberately circulated in our country for political reasons that led to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying needlessly. That’s on us.
“Per square mile”?? Really? The United States is third in population, and you certainly can’t trust the numbers coming from China, who is #1 in population. India went on full lockdown. What does blaming one do? I don’t know, why do we prosecute murderers?? It’s to hold people/countries accountable! May I ask what “mass stupidity” you speak of?
The Republic of Singapore is a sovereign island city-state. It’s not part of China.
@Braveslifer What do your propose to punish those responsible?
Follow through on investigations and when it’s proven to be accurate, that COVID did originate in China, cut off trade with them. You all are pointing out that 1 million people have died in the US from it but pay more attention to the domestic political argument versus the origin!
Per square mile is a valid statement bro
To answer your question Richard, yes, 3.8 BILLION people know it is real and deadly. Perhaps you didn’t notice the million people and still climbing that died in the US from the virus. Perhaps you didn’t read the accounts of the six million long term Covid victims that will NEVER be the way they were before they got infected. The world has lost close to six million people, but I guess they meant nothing to you and continue denying reality all you want until you become the victim. Perhaps then you will show a little compassion and empathy for others that lost family members to the virus.
christian flu.
there, made it accurate for q, i mean you.
happy easter, and remember when your lord and savior it’d be done by easter 2 years ago?
how’d that work out for q, i mean you?
Everything starts somewhere, doesn’t it? The problem is not that it starts somewhere. The problem is that it hasn’t stopped here. And that is totally on us, not the Chinese.
hayzee – Yes and no.
Yes we have failed to come up with a vaccine that protects and prevents the spread of Covid, similar to measles/mumps/rubella/polio. Is that our fault? I don’t know. I’m not a scientist or medical expert, and perhaps it simply can’t happen in less than 10-15 years.
You can’t fault us for trying everything else. Masks don’t work, social distancing is often impossible, lockdowns don’t work, and the government is unwilling to seal the borders – in fact it doesn’t even want to keep the illegals out. So basically at some point we just decided to let it run it’s course, knowing full well the vulnerable and unlucky few will pay the price for that decision.
I mean what else can we do? We can’t all become Bubble Boys. The Chinese government is truly the only villain here, not for allowing the leak but for refusing to acknowledge and contain it before it got out of hand.
Sorry, FPG, but there’s a lot of inaccuracy in your comment.
The Covid vaccines are more effective than the mumps vaccine:
2 doses of MMR are—
97% effective for measles (range: 67%–100%)
88% effective for mumps (range: 32%–95%)
Note the range of effectiveness from 32% to 95% with a median effectiveness of 88%.
The annual flu vaccines are considerably less effective than the Covid vaccines, but I still get one every year. So far, if the government is tracking me with nanotechnology, they don’t seem particularly interested in where I am or what I’m doing. (Yes, sarcasm.)
There’s no problem with the vaccines. The problem is that President Trump (who’s been vaccinated, btw) told us the virus was no worse than the flu and would be completely gone in two weeks, so people who believed him grossly underestimated the danger of contracting the virus. Why did he do that? IMO, he was afraid that the truth would spook the stock market and a downturn in the economy would cost him votes.
Masks do work if they’re the right kind and properly worn. Why do you think surgeons and nurses wear them in an operating theater? They’re not a fashion statement. or a political statement. They don’t wear them to identify themselves as “libs.”
And, again, what did President Trump do? He mocked mask-wearing and held indoor super-spreader rallies full of unmasked fools. He politicized the virus and encouraged childish, manipulable suckers to resist all common-sense precautions and declare them violations of liberty. And then elected sycophants dutifully echoed him.
Lockdowns do work. The lockdowns here in New York, combined with social distancing and masks, drove down the death rate from 1,026 deaths on April 17, 2020 to 18 deaths on July 21, 2020. There were no vaccines then. The Pfizer vaccine wasn’t authorized for emergency use until December 11, 2020.
The difficulty came in balancing the need for safety and the need for commerce, both of which are necessary to keep people alive. When the death rate declined enough, it became possible to reopen businesses.
I might add that the people who worked in essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies should be rewarded by society for risking their lives, often for crappy wages. I think the City of New York should have a concert in Central Park celebrating those people. They’re too easily forgotten.
The Chinese are responsible for releasing the virus into the global population. They’re not responsible for the reckless and stupid response in the United States. South Korea, a far more densely populated nation than the U.S. with a population of over 51 million has suffered 21,092 total deaths from Covid. We’ve suffered 1,015,441 Covid deaths so far: 48 times as many as the South Koreans.
The United States has suffered by far the most Covid deaths of any nation on Earth, and the only reason is that vaccines, masks and social distancing were politicized as infringements on liberty, and lies about the vaccines were circulated, describing them as ineffective, dangerous or — most idiotic of all — a conspiracy to implant tracking devices. And the people responsible are too morally bankrupt or too ignorant and delusional to feel shame.
BTW, if I may indulge in an extreme non sequitur — Happy Easter (or Passover, as the case may be).
Fink – Happy Easter to you as well.
Perfectly honest, I’ve totally avoided these Covid threads until now because it really has been discussed and debated ad nauseum online and offline. So I appreciate your reply, but my response will be brief … especially with Easter Dinner almost ready.
When you say “effective”, what is your definition of that? Yes I believe vaccines help reduce the severity of Covid, but they obviously don’t prevent people from getting Covid or transmitting it.. Plenty of triple-vaccinated people have gotten Covid. Those other vaccines I mentioned actually DO protect people from GETTING the virus, do they not? Big difference. And yes I specifically didn’t include flu shots because they are effective only on certain strains.
Same thing with masks. Do they help? Yes. Do they protect you from getting Covid? No. Plenty of people who wear masks religiously have gotten Covid. I’m sure you know the virus can be transmitted through the eyes and ears, not just the nose and mouth. Properly fitting N95’s are the ones that help the most, cloth masks are somewhat useless.
As for Trump, he shouldn’t even be in the discussion anymore. He’s been gone 15 months, and he’s done a complete about-face by acknowledging he was totally wrong with his early views on Covid. The fact he’s been promoting the vaccine is evidence of that.
As for US having the most deaths, totally wrong if you go by the more appropriate “Deaths per million inhabitants”.. The US isn’t even in the Top 15, and that’s not even taking into consideration so many other countries that are intentionally misrepresenting their numbers by under-reporting.…
Do you really want to compare the United States to countries like Peru, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Croatia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.? The U.S. is the wealthiest country in the world with 30% of the world’s wealth. The CDC is the foremost disease control and prevention agency in the world. Those countries have nothing like our resources.
You state that plenty of people who wear masks religiously have gotten Covid. Is that based on anecdotal testimony?
“The current research results have shown that COVID‐19 is mainly transmitted via droplets in the air. There is a potential risk of airborne transmission in an indoor environment with poor ventilation. The distance of droplet transmission can extend up to 4 m. Based on this data, the recommended social distancing range of 1–2 m (CDC, 2020; WHO, 2020) may not necessarily guarantee the epidemic prevention. Therefore, wearing mask in public is essential as its effectiveness has already been well established by the current studies. For exhalation isolation, both surgical and N95 masks are shown to be effective in reducing the spread of respiratory diseases, but the former is more accessible and comfortable to wear compared to the latter.” – National Institutes of Health, National Center for Biotechnology Information
And, yes, President Trump absolutely belongs in the conversation when we’re talking about the reasons for our nation’s dismal record in dealing with the virus. He instigated the mindset that led to reckless behavior by politicizing a disease from day one. The mentality he encouraged still prevails among millions of Americans.
I unequivocally give him credit for Operation Warp Speed. But his public encouragements to actually get the shot were conspicuous in their absence. He had the proverbial bully pulpit at his disposal. After ordering the program to fund creation of the vaccines, why didn’t he promote their use? Because he knew the QAnon nuts didn’t want to hear it. He’s even been booed at recent rallies for speaking affirmatively about the vaccines. He knows his audience. He could’ve saved lives, but he wouldn’t risk mutiny by his base.
I’m 65, in treatment for Lyme and Bartonella, have two parasites, Epstein-Barr, I’m immune compromised, hypoglycemic and have bad arthritis in my hips from 68,000+ miles of running. I do not want this damn thing. All my siblings are high risk. My mother-in-law is 83 and I just lost my oldest sister (not COVID). Following the protocols has not been hard for me, I don’t want it, and I even less want to give it to someone else. I have been around people who have tested positive. Quite a few of them. I test regularly. I haven’t had the booster because I’m on a lot of meds to try to beat the crap that’s in my system. Eventually I’ll take the booster with my doctor’s ok. Then I’ll get my hips replaced. No complaints, my wife and I went 3 miles yesterday in an hour. Fifteen years ago I ran a mile under 6 minutes. And so it goes. This too shall pass.
Politics are disgusting. I’m a life long Republican but the party has denigrated into a ship show of loud disgusting liars who should be run out of the country. They can all go to hell. But, it will turn. Common sense will prevail. The sun will come up tomorrow. And we will see the light.
im surprised at the amount of bait taken here. as stupid as this reads, this post was written by “Richard Dangler”. who buys that?
I found a lot of interesting informed opinions on this thread. And listening to various opinions is how to make better decisions. I’m navigating a situation where I haven’t taken the booster. I don’t come here for information, that’s for sure, however, I certainly don’t mind reading some informed opinions. Phony baloney liars who don’t know jack squat? You want to call them bait? Ok.
What is the policy these days? Do they test everyone all the time or just those not vaccinated? Or is it just testing if someone has symptoms?
Everyone has the chance of catching it. The vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms; it doesn’t prevent getting it.
The “Vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms” in some people, would be more accurate. As a healthcare worker I’ve witnessed triple vaccinated get it and still lose their life. Sad times.
Only the vaccinated still catch it VIIDS is real.
ekrog–I hope you are joking, but I’m afraid that you really believe what you are saying. Give us one bit of proof.
why ,doctor facebook told him, so it must be true, while the thousands of studies done in dozens of countries proving him wrong are phony.
but hey, as long as he’s around, sorryantivaxxer will never run out of people to post about (and i’ll get to keep laughing at folks like him the way i have since march of 2020).
Is MLB still doing random testing or was he symptomatic? They aren’t going to Toronto for a month.
Get your pies. Get your pies for their great pie throwing contest
This should be considered an endemic by now and move on with life.
Upvote for people who give zero squats of brown roughage.
Upvote for people who want to see
THE downvoter get covid.
You guys should close these comment sections. The scum really crawls out of the politics sewer for these.
I rarely want a comments section to be closed, but this is one of those times. Too many people thinking it’s all about what they think.
In reality, it’s all about what they know.
It’s crazy how they leave this comment section open but they close them on all the Bauer stories. They’ve got it backwards.
Site must be run by Dodgers fans and/or they’re afraid of Bauer’s agent/lawyer.
Q nuts and anti vax nuts ok comments about Trevor Bauer….Never!
I had it two years ago and it was horrible but I never got the vaccine and won’t but not for any political reasons. I won’t get it because I believe in natural immunity as does my doctor who’s advised me not to get vaxxed. I’ve been around three people since who had it unknowingly and I didn’t get so much as a sniffle. I know it’s real but I’m not so soft that I’m gonna ask a website to close a comment section because it bothers me what others think. Actually I enjoy the different range of comments it gives me a chuckle. Yes I feel for those who lost their lives and the families and friends they left behind but to censor people is pathetic and weak. It’s folks like you who are intolerant of differing opinions that should be checked not the ones who think differently than you.
Mystery, youre selfish. (According to MarlinsFanBase and Raisiness). How dare you have free will without their approval!
ehh, go whine to your sky daddy (you know, the thing you think gives you free will, while jews celebrate an event in the bible that proves god given free will is false).
why do you hate people so much?
oh wait, i can guess your faith and political party, which tells me why you hate folks.
censorshipsuxblowme – your hostile and hate-filled comments are driven by ignorance and subjective emotion. Just what we need in a rational and intelligent conversation!
Not. So. Much.
Either your doctor is advising you contrary to the CDC guidance or you misunderstood him:
“Getting a COVID-19 vaccine after you recover from COVID-19 infection provides added protection against COVID-19. People who already had COVID-19 and do not get vaccinated after their recovery are more likely to get COVID-19 again than those who get vaccinated after their recovery.”
Hey everybody! Disregard direction of your PCP and only seek guidance of the CDC. CDC is never political, never looking to justify budgets, never influence by anyone. Fink is sooo smart!
Note the 2019 guidelines to fit his narrative. What a clown.
Updated March 4, 2022:
“Get Vaccinated Even If You Had COVID-19 and Think You are Immune
“You should get a COVID-19 vaccine even if you already had COVID-19. No currently available test can reliably determine if you are protected after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.
“Getting a COVID-19 vaccine after you recover from infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 provides added protection to your immune system. People who already had COVID-19 and do not get vaccinated after their recovery are more likely to get COVID-19 again than those who get vaccinated after their recovery.”
This message brought to you by Pfizer
okay, groomer.
yeah, because trump and his fellow republicans aren’t profiting off this.
remind me again, who’s fronting desantis?
oh yeah, the company selling a medicine that doesn’t work at 2000 bucks a treatment.
have you always been this brain damaged or did right wingers groom you this way?
Bill gates gives the most funding to the cdc than any other org or individual. All messed up.
Okay, back to baseball. How does the pressure decrease on Kelenic & Rodriguez with Haniger out? Losing one of their best bats should increase the pressure on the rest of the lineup, Kelenic & Rodriguez included.
I wondered about that too.
I think the author misspoke. Er, mistyped.
Just cancel the season, owners.
I thought the Dempanic was over
“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday announced a full lockdown from April 29 to May 17 to fight a surging third wave of coronavirus infections.” – April 26, 2021…
Lotsa Democrats in Turkey, eh, twinky?
2021 news source?
Medical Xpress as a reliable source??? Xpress??
Are you a special kind of dumb? Seriously, gtfoh with this pathetic attempt.
How about Reuters?
‘ANKARA, April 26 (Reuters) – Turks will be required to stay mostly at home under a nationwide “full lockdown” starting on Thursday and lasting until May 17 to curb a surge in coronavirus infections and deaths, President Tayyip Erdogan announced on Monday.’
Or the Associated Press?
‘ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — People in Turkey stocked up on groceries, filled markets and left cities for their hometowns or the southern coast Thursday before the country entered its strictest lockdown of the pandemic.
‘President Recep Tayyip Erdogan imposed a “full lockdown” that took effect at 1600 GMT (12 p.m. EDT) and will last until May 17 amid soaring COVID-19 cases and deaths. It is the first nationwide lockdown lasting nearly three weeks. The Turkish government had previously opted for partial lockdowns or weekend curfews in a bid to reduce the economic impact.’
those sources won’t be good enough for him; it’s either the Gospel of Tucker Carlson or it’s fake news.
Twit: still citing 2021 stories to support your 2022 point? Nice work, twit.
The date of the report is irrelevant to the point.
Hey look over there Russia, Putin, Ukraine!
Here we get to the root cause of your idiocy..
Nobody cares. Covid is over. No deaths. Just play.
well, republicans and christians, the ones dying from this, aren’t people, so you’re right about no deaths.
censorshipsuxblowme – The poster child for “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”.
I had the Johnson & Johnson and then boosted once with a Pfizer. At Christmas, I was the only family member out of the 6 who didn’t get infected. My 85 year old parents both got it, but thank God since they were boosted their symptoms were fairly innocuous.
Hey look over there Russia!
Sniffle sniffle
They close comments on Trevor Bauer and leave them open for this stupid rehashed-1000-times bullsheet. Go figure.
Which is strange particularly because the Bauer situation is essentially a discrimination issue against his sexual preferences. Anything goes is supposedly the new mantra with sexual orientations.
With a lot of work and some luck he may one day be healthy enough to play again.
Time to close comments!
COVID? This is old news it’s Russia Russia Russia now. Hey everyone look over their Putin’s talking about nuclear weapons or something!