Tanner Houck indicated that he is not vaccinated against COVID-19, and therefore, he will be unable to travel to Toronto to make his scheduled start later this month, per Julian McWilliams of the Boston Globe. Players do not have to be vaccinated, but any traveler heading into Canada does. Houck is scheduled to pitch against the Blue Jays in Boston on Thursday, putting him in line to start in Toronto the following Tuesday (April 26). The Red Sox will have to shift their rotation around, potentially pushing Houck’s next start to the following series in Baltimore. This shouldn’t be a big issue for Boston, as the club won’t play in Toronto again until a 3-game set at the end of June. They also play in Toronto for three of the season’s final six games. So at the end of the year this could be something that Boston has to think about, but that’s a problem for another day.
- Anthony Rendon took his day of rest today, sitting out the Sunday game for the second consecutive week. This could be a pattern for Rendon, at least early in the season, per The Athletic’s Sam Blum (via Twitter). Manager Joe Maddon is cognizant of the fact that, despite it being a new season, Rendon is still coming off surgery. Given the money that Rendon is owed over the next five seasons, it certainly makes sense to value Rendon’s long-term health. The All-Star third baseman turns 32 in June.
- Joe Kelly is probably looking at an early May return to the active roster, if all goes well. He threw bullpen sessions today and looked good, but the club is still likely targeting late April for a rehab assignment to Charlotte, per The Athletic’s James Fegan (via Twitter). Kelly has yet to make his Southside debut, having begun the season on the injured list.
It will be interesting to see which player/scientists are “doing their own research” as teams cycle through Toronto during the season.
Maybe the more important question is why there is still a travel ban for the unvaccinated.
Unvaccinated fans and players can be in both stadiums, not being able to cross an imaginary line is not saving any lives.
Completely agree. But in the context of sports, rules are rules, and in the context of countries, laws are laws. You really put your team at a disadvantage by refusing to cooperate with either.
Just because something is a “rule” or a “law,” does not make it moral.. Unjust laws should be broken.
RodBeck: Like the 2nd amendment
lol, This is a childish statement. It implies that you understand the complexity of the existence of a law. Speeding does not kill people, in fact it rarely does anything, but it does increase collusions just enough in the aggregate that it makes sense to legislate. Now if you lived today and had never seen a statistic or bad accident from someone speeding, you’d be screaming at how they are trying to limit your freedom.
Be careful giving yourself too much credit in understanding why exactly a rule might exist.
In this case, it’s because there’s a national border involved. For the same reason we don’t deport American citizens who are felons, we don’t accept felons from other countries.
As a Jays fan it is pretty stupid. The Jays had it worst over the past 2 years playing basically every home game in Buffalo or I. Other teams stadiums
Unless of course the enter via the southern border then it’s, pass go and get your two hundred dollars
Yeah, that’s a real dream.
Actually we do.
‘Actually we do, mm’k’
But you accept products from felonious companies at face value before a sufficient period of review has taken place?
This isn’t about the health of the unvaccinated. They have chosen to take their chances. It is about the unvaccinated, whom we know from science may get sicker than the vaccinated, infecting others who while they may be vaccinated may also have health issues that make them vulnerable. They may have compromised immune systems from an underlying medical condition or in the case of the manager of the White Sox, age. And, there are rare instances where healthy, vaccinated people either get very sick and/or suffer from sometimes debilitating “long COVID” symptoms. This won’t happen from being in the same stadium as unvaccinated fans or staff but can happen from close contact in dugouts and clubhouses. I don’t understand why this is so hard to understand. Either you care about your fellow human beings or instead prioritize your fear of needles or vaccines or your own junk science you read on the internet and are fine if you infect someone else who get very sick.
marcfrombrooklyn – You said “This isn’t about the health of the unvaccinated.”. That is true; it is about the possibility of someone carrying the virus and infecting others, regardless of their vaccination status. Last time I checked, the “vaccine” does not give sterilizing immunity, so getting the “vaccine” does not prevent someone from being a carrier of the COVID virus, which means fully vaccinated people can be carriers, including being an asymptomatic carrier.
So there’s that….
Tell that to the 21,000 reported vaccine related deaths as per VAERS. The problem with the statement above is that it’s not 100% clear. (I’m vaccinated, so save your breath berating me). If someone doesn’t wanna be vaxxed, so be it.
Dunedin: none of that is a good reason to not get vaccinated, and it surely is a vaccine. Even if the CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases ” this is no different than vaccines that existed before because no vaccine produces 100% immunity. Even the polio vaccine provides 99% immunity after 3 does.
is that 21,000 since vaccinations were invented in 1796? Because VAERS received 2149 death reports from 7/1/97 to 12/31/13. so it almost seems like your numbers are misleading? oh also the deaths the were associated with vaccines, which is to say they happened soon after vaccination pretty much mirrored the typical deaths of people in those age groups. Weirdly the deaths of infants went down with drs changed the way they suggest parents put their babies down. so it’s almost as if vaccines are really safe. really weird. oh also they prevent at least 2.5 million deaths worldwide per year so there is that. I mean it’s almost like you’d really have to reach to think they were dangerous tbh. I mean you’d have to do some serious mental gymnastics.
@macfrombrooklyn nice ad for pharma. Hopefully you read a book
@Piazza do you also believe the idea that is some giant worldwide conspiracy between millions of doctors and pharmaceutical companies is more plausible than the vaccine being a net positive, as donopolis put it so well?
He’s from my. Look at their govt and current state of affairs. Enough said
You’re right bostonbob, Massachusetts has the better Democrat-controlled legislature.
It’s simple As it’s a Canadian national law and us in America have zero input. Let Canada deal with their laws and those in the U.S. deal with ours. As long as it is consistent and enforced unilaterally, I’m ok with any law. If the people don’t like it, let them band together to change it. Democracy at its best. It was designed to protect the country and whether or not now is the time to change it is up to the Canadians.
You need to read an FAQ about VAERS. Because you are spreading disinformation.
Ah, the “my seatbelt doesn’t work unless you also wear yours” argument.
Which is it? Does the vaccine work or not? If you’re not vaccinated you should pose no risk to the vaccinated. If you do, then the vaccine doesn’t work and you shouldn’t need to take it. Especially considering all the possible vaccine injuries.
Lol, VAERS is updated if you get shot and killed immediately after a vaccine. It’s the scientific equivalent of wikipedia with no citations or fact checking.
Oh great mrmackey is back spreading disinformation. “All the possible vaccine injuries” like a widdle boo boo on your arm! Another Qrazy scared of needles.
The vaccinated can get the virus just as easy as ever from vaccinated or unvaccinated people. So whether someone else is unvaccinated doesn’t make a difference, get a vaccine to protect yourself if you want to and don’t if you don’t want to.
You’re rather ignorant I see. Or are you a paid shill?
this is false carlos. But don’t believe me, here are two peer-reviewed studies:
Nice try at gaslighting. My doctor and his millions of colleagues are ignorant? Or all “paid shills” like me too? Are you gonna try to tell me this is some multinational conspiracy for the drug companies’ benefit and get me to believe that? Is it too hard for you to believe that the vaccines are just actually working?
All this because you’re scared of needles.
Ignoring things or being too ignorant to look into them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Obviously they exist. Are you ignoring the fact that severe vax side effects like myocarditis occur at a rate of 1 in 5 million?
Marc – shove that vaccine where the sun don’t shine.
SpendNuttin: you mean the same place where you have your head lodged?
Nice retort. At times I feel like I’m at a good McEnroe – Connors match…
Vaccines provide immunity —> No immunity, but no viral shedding —> viral shedding, but no severe disease.
Are you still following these moving goal posts?
The goal posts were never moved from “vaccines provide immunity” because they do
VAERS reports have about a 10% casual relationship but with under reporting up to a factor of 40, so maybe brush up VAERS reporting and the associated stigmas before leveraging your opinion poorly.
Lol, experiencing and shedding disease is not immunity.
Up to 75% of network advertising revenue originates from the pharmaceutical industry. You’ll have to go a bit beyond the nightly non sense if you want to break away from the company shill rhetoric.
No problem, as long as they don’t infect others.
I don’t watch network tv so your point is moot.
The vaccine provides immunity by stimulating your immune response to the disease, just like literally every other vaccine: polio, MMR, HPV, etc. This is how vaccines work. Don’t believe me? Ask your doctor. Although you probably think you’re smarter than them.
HSE- COVID vaccines are actually nothing like the traditional deadened cultured variety you reference.
These are mRNA vaccines which introduce billions of spike proteins into your body and alter your DNA and bodies natural response mechanisms.
Thank you for highlighting your sincere ignorance on the issue.
@Dunedino20306 isn’t it amazing how many people still don’t fully realize that whether you’re vaxxed or not means nothing when it comes to carrying it and passing it to others? Paranoia has been 100% uploaded into some people’s brains and they’ll never see it differently. These are the folks you see driving around in their cars by themselves wearing a mask or outside walking their dogs wearing a mask. How about people swimming while wearing masks lol? Absolute insanity.
Hope Springs Ignorance.
“” I’m ok with any law. If the people don’t like it, let them band together to change it.””
Those words have started many a conflict dewey. internal and external
You just said they’re vaccines! Thanks for proving my point Leopard.
Mystery Team gaslighting tens of millions of Americans as being ignorant for listening to our doctors, who are the sources of the information that VACCINATED PEOPLE DO IN FACT TRANSMIT THE VIRUS LESS OFTEN. This is proven by dozens of peer-reviewed studies. It sounds like 0% of common sense has been uploaded to your brain.
These are the kind of folks who drink bleach because their dictator tells them to. Absolute insanity.
Lazing, completely false. The mRNA do not alter your DNA. Proven time and time again. The mRNA breaks down and doesn’t enter cells, breaking any possible pathway to alter your DNA. Just because you say something ad nauseam does not make it true. Stick to baseball, maybe you know a little about it… because you obviously know jack about science.
Hope- You’re reaching now bud. Any substance is long gone from your argument.
You do realize mRNA vaccines are a new medical application, right?
Fauci himself, while speaking at a 2018 NIH conference said an influenza mRNA vaccine would take roughly a decade of phased trials before authorization.
One COVID emergency authorization later and you’re willing to die on the hill of a young, incomplete data set?
Ella- Just like the spike protein doesn’t dislodge from the injection site, correct?
It seems you’re the one running on narrative repeat.
Being vaccinated does NOT prevent one from carrying/spreading COVID..it basically assures that any COVID that DOES manifest within you doesn’t become a life threatening event. This is especially important for those at higher risk.
EVERYONE can pick up COVID… vaccinated or not.
EVERYONE DOES spread it… vaccinated or not.
Whether or not one gets SICK, is of course, a different story.
Maybe, they don’t want reckless foreigners entered their country. Tell me why a player can’t get the J&J vaccine when it’s developed the same as the flu vaccine? could it be a political statement?
Lazing, don’t be lazy and try to stay on topic. You issued a false statement that I refuted, with facts. Please cite some sources, and Fox Entertainment, CNN, MSNBC, and OAN don’t count, that bolster your position that mRNA vaccines alter your DNA. And don’t try to deflect, that’s not a defensible position. Thanks for trying
They do not alter your DNA. Do you always fabricate ludicrous lies?
I’m still alive, looking out from this hill at the hundreds thousands who died before they could get vaccinated, and the ones who died because they refused. It’s nice to be on this hill.
mRNA vaccines have been around about 20 years now. Is that a “new” application? Too new for you?
Fauci himself, while speaking at a 2018 NIH conference said an influenza mRNA vaccine would take roughly a decade of phased trials before authorization..
There was a US company in 2019 that was about to start trials but a Israeli company that was into the final stages around the start of 2020. They were expecting to finish the trials in 2020. If not for covid 19 we would have had the new flew Vaccine out. At the very least It should be out soon. It covers multiple strains probably won’t need to get it every year because it targets a part of the virus that has a low mutation rate. I don’t see how you can question the fact that people that have been vaccinated are statistically less likely to transmit the virus.
The travel ban likely exists because:
1. Toronto has taxpayer funded health care.
2. Unvaccinated people are far more likely to end up in the hospital if they get infected.
Granted the risk factors for young, healthy athletes are nearly zero but they don’t want to start making loopholes.
Taxpayer health care doesn’t apply to non citizens so that’s not the reason. And fyi USA has the same unvaccinated travel ban so it’s definitely not health care driven.
The sad reality is that it’s punishment for not getting vaccinated.
You’re vaccinated and able to fly in so I guess it’s not really working, eh?
Jealous who can’t go to Canada know-it-all is jealous.
Just because you get a vaccine doesn’t make you a good person, pal. To be honest you seem low IQ and reading your comments in this section, just overall an awful person.
Good job getting vaxxed though, you’re a hero.
“you seem low IQ”
I don’t think you’re qualified to make judgments about intelligence with that sentence, pal.
What a sad world you live in if you think people getting vaccinated makes them an awful person. I thought it was a personal choice?
Who said that ? I’m vaccinated you tool.
But you’ve tried to insult everyone in this thread, meanwhile you think vaccines are free and companies are losing money on producing them. Again, you shouldn’t be throwing rocks at people because you very clearly live in a glass house.
Not everyone, just you and the Fox News stan (your burner?). Seems like most people in this thread are on the level.
Ok, so you’ve called me an idiot, a tool, etc. and I’m the awful person here. Got it.
Ok. I was taking a guess there.
It’s the government doing its job. No one has a crystal ball and it simply is best to remain conservative when lives are at stake.
Dusty, I’m vaccinated and able to fly but I choose not to because I don’t think it’s safe even with a mask. Follow or change the law.
Gov’t healthcare does apply to visitors.
Trudeau is doing whats best for Canadian, lol. It took them 18 months at the beginning to require testing before flying in. You dont dismantle that masterpiece of govt bureacratic efficiency overnight.
It’s not an original position. Many, many countries ban unvaccinated noncitizens, including US.
It’s not an original position. Many, many countries ban unvaccinated noncitizens, including US.
Except at the Texas/Arizona/new mexico southern borders..
I’m still trying to figure out why, two years ago, restaurants, bars, stores, etc. were closed. A large chunk of the baseball season was cancelled. Then fans couldn’t even attend. But pro football was in full swing, allowing as many as 45,000 fans to attend.
Tell the players that it will help their performance, and they would line up to take it, but tell them it could save their life, or the life of someone who is immune compromised and they are worried about what they are putting in their bodies. The vaccine will help their performance, in Toronto.
Borders are imaginary lines?
So we can disband ICE and stop border enforcement on the Southern border?
To be blunt: In Canada, the government and health experts put the citizens of Canada first and precautions are taken to ensure the health and safety of EVERY citizen. In the US, they couldn’t care less if people are sick, dead, or long term Covid sufferers, as evidenced by 1 million and growing people dead, millions more long sufferers that will NEVER be the same again. Canada is a nation that demands vaccination passports to cross the border, just like 100 other nations in the world. No passport – no entry and it can’t get much simpler.
I bet most Americans don’t know that Canadians can’t fly to the US unless they are vaccinated.
You don’t need to be a scientist to make personal decisions regarding your health and make decisions about what you feel is right for you.
But you can be an idiot and make those choices.
Doesn’t matter what your occupation or qualifications are. If your doctor recommends you do something for the benefit of your health, you follow their advice. I might not feel it’s right for me to not eat bacon for every meal. I think that would be oh so deliciously right. But my cholesterol is getting up there and my doctor told me to cut stuff like bacon out of my diet. So I listen to them even though it’s not what I necessarily feel is right for me.
A safe and effective vaccine that kept me from getting COVID for over a year, then kept my case of omicron super mild, was recommended to me by my doctor. I’m not so thick as to not listen to him.
Let me guess. If their doctor recommends against it then that doctor is wrong and your doctor is right?
So you got the shot and still got covid huh. Also how do you know it was your shot? Omicron was a more transmittable less deadly strain.
Sky diving instructor: Sir, you need a parachute first.
Mr. Know-it-all: What do you know? I’m making my own decisions for what I feel is right for me. Geronimo!
Who is this doctor you speak of that recommends not getting the shot?
Look at the numbers: hospitalizations for COVID-positive patients are only a tiny percentage vaccinated. 95%+ are unvaccinated. I didn’t go to the hospital. This kept up through the omicron wave. So I think mine is a very fair assumption.
Horrible analogy. But least you tried man.
Oh but your sugar analogy is somehow a good one?
In all seriousness, it’s a very middle school type of mind set from these people. “You’re not gonna tell me what to do. I know what’s right for me,” “You’re just trying to screw me over!” “I’m sticking it to the man!” Even though you have experience and expertise that far surpasses mine. People have become very immature in the last several years. Mike Judge has to be a damn time traveler.
As an example to not blindly trust sources? Yeah its called an appeal to authority.
You should listen to both sides not just ones that you agree with. Something people in today’s world have trouble doing. Listening to opposing view points with an open mind.
This is not a matter of opinion though. If 99% of qualified professionals agree on something and 1% don’t, and vocal parts of that 1% are discredited, you trust the majority. That’s not fallacious.
99% of qualified professionals don’t agree though. And those professionals have been wrong about majority of things the entire time.
Cloth masks
Efficacy of the shots
Natural immunity
You’re saying 99% of qualified medical professionals don’t agree that the vaccines are safe and effective? Because that’s what I’m saying.
Did you poll every qualified medical professional? Idk where you’re getting 99% from.
I know plenty of people who got the shots because they were initially marketed as if you got them you would NOT get or transmit Covid period. Actually just talked to a fairly healthy 64 year old co worker a few days ago who got both shots right away then proceeded to Covid twice and hit pretty hard. Safe to say he won’t be getting any boosters. I myself choose to walk away from a employer who forced the entire company and landed at a job that didn’t with about the same pay. Took me 1 1/2 years from the start of Covid mania to acquire omnicron which made me fatigued for about 3 days. I’ve felt worse with the flu (which I haven’t got in about 15 years since I quit getting the flu shots). For me omnicron was no big deal.
That’s because the initial shots were developed waaaaaay before omicron developed. Those provide protection from a variant that got steamrolled over a year ago.
It’s not 99%, but it’s a vast majority. Do you think that more than even 5% of qualified medical professionals disagree with the vaccine being effective?
HPE: never got vaxxed and never got it. I focus on building up my immune system thru diet, exercise and vit D, zinc etc. In fact ever unvaxxed person I know hasnt had it.
It’s hardly safe, and you have no idea if it kept your case of the ‘cron mild or not. Most people who have gotten COVID haven’t even known they had it, and that was true before and after the vaccines.
@Shogun did your doctor tell you to do that?
@mrmackey where’s your evidence that this vaccine isn’t safe?
Considering all that happened with omicron was losing my taste for 2 days and I’m triple-vaxxed, it’s not hard to make the connection the shots made my case easier.
Why don’t you open up a search engine and look for vaccine injuries. Or read the 9+ pages of side effects that Pfiizer themselves released (were sued to actually).
I got COVID in 2020, I don’t need a “vaccine”. And it was mild because I live a healthy life. You do you, no one’s stopping you from getting that 8th “booster”. But let others do what they choose.
I’m not afraid of side effects that happen in way less than 1% of cases
What percentage does your info show? I’m waiting to hear both sides.
HSE – Omnicron already had been found to be comparaitively benign and presuming your vaccine had any effect on your condition is an impossibility and pure conjecture.
Leopard: that is the opinion of my doctor. Are you saying his medical advice is pure conjecture? It’s literally impossible that the vaccine helped when there’s mounds of evidence that it does? What doctor should I go to instead of this quack, Dr. Nick Riviera?
But sure, he’s wrong and you’re right.
Yes, I’m questioning his opinion, because that’s all it is. And you can’t even say educated guess, because this is a novel virus.
You, me and your doctor have no way of knowing whether a vaccine not designed for the Omnicron strain mitigated any disease. You spoke of mild symptoms with a strain that typically presents no to mild symptoms.
So yes, conjecture.
How absolutely numbskulled are you to think you know more than an MD with decades of experience? I should trust you over him because of this absolute nonsense you’re peddling?
Not more. The same. A burst of reading comprehension would have told you why.
30 years of general practice does not make him privy to information that does not exist.
The “vaccine” does not provide immunity and you displayed symptoms, so the most honest answer he could give you is to say it may have helped.
So I should go to you for medical advice instead? A random person online? Give me a break. You’re still dying on this hill that you’re smarter than a board-certified internist.
They didn’t become immature, it was always there. They were mature enough to hide most of it. They’ve now been given permission to celebrate it.
I mean, it helps to listen to people who are knowledgeable on the subject. You know, like doctors and scientists, pretty much unanimously.
But I agree with you for the most part, there should be personal choice. Except for when it impacts your ability to perform your (absurdly lucrative) job. At that point you should probably just listen to the above-mentioned doctors and scientists, take your shot like a big boy, and cash your biweekly multimillion dollar paycheck.
So you’re saying you should have your beliefs and morals except when it comes to money ?
In the 70s the sugar industry paid off doctors to say fat causes fat and squash research that said sugar was the cause for obesity rising.
Blindly trusting an occupation cause “authority” isnt wise or sound advice.
You should consult multiple sources. Not just ones that agree with you.
This is the 2020s, not 70s. This favorite analogy of the anti-vaxxers is flimsy, and regardless there is a breadth of sources who confirm the vaccine’s safety. Namely hundreds of thousands of doctors. I’m sure I disagree with many of them politically.
Where do beliefs and morals come in to play here?
What is morally wrong about protecting yourself from a virus? Or believing in medicine/science? I don’t know, Not assuming your religion, but I’m Catholic, and the Pope got vaccinated/endorsed it, so totally miss you on that one.
So paying off people can’t happen in 2020 2021 2022 is your argument lmao? That’s an interesting take.
Is it safe? Sure.
Is it effective? Depends on the criteria.
Is it necessary? No. It’s not necessary.
Chances of dying from covid are extremely small as well
Chances of getting super sick are extremely rare as well if youre not vaccinated.
That’s really what it boils down to. People don’t want to take an unnecessary drug cause of the risks, however small they are. That’s a personal decision they are making.
It would take quite an operation to convince virtually every doctor or scientist of repute in the world to falsely endorse a vaccine. And what would the endgame be there? I just don’t get the reasoning.
Considering how many fewer people have died since vaccines became widely available as compared to before, I’d say it’s effective and necessary.
Statistically you are 4x more likely to die from COVID if you contract it while not fully vaccinated vs. fully vaccinated. This is data from NYC during the omicron spike in December.
Hence the paying people off.
Point of the analogy wasn’t whos being paid off
Point of the analogy was to say dont just rely on an appeal to authority as justification.
You should listen to opposing viewpoints and make informed decisions about what’s best for you. That’s true of many things in life.
I’m vaccinated so I’m not going speculate on reason not to but it was also my choice and my job was never threatened.
I respect someone a heck of a lot more who made their own decision and stuck to it, vs caving in for a pay check.
More people died under Biden in 2021 than Trump in 2020.
I don’t know why you are bringing presidential politics into this. But you are incorrect. 20000+ fewer people died from 1/20/21–12/31/21 than did from 2/29/20–1/19/20. Fewer deaths in a longer time period, when vaccines were not widely available until mid-2021. Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020 Total
2021 covid deaths surpassed 2020 totals in November 2021. That doesn’t include December 2021 numbers.
You are failing to recognize how many of those deaths in late 2021 were among the unvaccinated.
ccsilvia – I am a lifelong Catholic as well and I am very involved in the Church. By using the current Pope as your example of your Catholicism you are not necessarily helping your argument. In fact, you may be shooting yourself in the foot. Perhaps you should read the 09/07/2015 article in the Washington Times by Anthony Faiola entitled “8 of Pope Francis’s most liberal statements”, before you use him as the Church’s unquestionable expert on current social issues. He has made some comments, how shall I say, inconsistent with the Church doctrine.
I mean, that’s preposterous and blatantly false, but it’s not Trump’s fault that more people died while he held office, and I would never insinuate that it was.
I genuinely don’t care what most people choose to do. Will I judge them? Sure. But ultimately it’s their choice. The same way it’s their choice if they want to eat 50 cheeseburgers a week, smoke a pack a day, or do heroin. Honestly makes no difference to me.
Where it gets grey is when you’re talking about an (ill-informed) decision impacting a team/region/multi-billion corporation. At that point I think you should just take your (literal) medicine, or be out of a job, frankly..
Move that goal post
You said
“Considering how many fewer people have died since vaccines became widely available”
And you were proven wrong since
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020 Total
Except my numbers disagree with your numbers. Either way, you can try to discredit my argument by whatever means you like, but it’s still true that fewer vaccinated people have died from COVID than unvaccinated.
That’s cool.
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020 Total
If you’re just gonna keep posting one link that gives you one number which contradicts mine, here’s another link for ya: fortune.com/2022/02/04/fully-vaccinated-93-percent…
You’re speaking globally. Not sure what that has to do with Biden and Trump. There are roughly 7.5 billion people in the rest of the world, many of which do not have access to the vaccine that your ilk so often refuse, and goes wasted, despite our widespread and free access to it.
You said
“Considering how many fewer people have died since vaccines became widely available”
Which is false
You didn’t say
“Vaccinated are less likely to die than unvaccinated”
No goal post moving allowed Hope.
I did say that actually, look before you posted your claim about 2021 vs. 2020
“Statistically you are 4x more likely to die from COVID if you contract it while not fully vaccinated vs. fully vaccinated. This is data from NYC during the omicron spike in December.”
Goal posts were already set.
I’m vaccinated.
But I also respect other people’s decisions about their own health.
Them getting a vaccine doesn’t make my vaccine work better.
I’m likely to get covid from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. All the shot does is reduce my chances I get super sick/die.
But those odds are extremely low already if you’re unvaccinated.
Maybe you’re confused on what I’m disputing hope
I disputed you saying fewer. Which was an obvious lie.
The goalposts moving is you ignoring that and trying to justify your second point as if your first point never happened. Which I did not dispute your second point.
Those odds may be pretty low, but given that it is safe and free to make it super tiny, why wouldn’t you?
There is a limit to that respect. Do you respect someone’s choice not to get a lifesaving cancer treatment because it conflicts with some personal morals? If they believe in holistic healing versus something with a far longer and better track record of success? I cannot respect that.
It’s not though: 20k fewer people died from COVID during the time periods you’re referring to
if it is all about personal decisions why the freedom of women’s personal decisions are being restricted in many states?
Isn’t in funny how that’s happening in the states who are punishing employers for vaccine mandates?
Why dont u read Pfizers own report the FDA tried to have buried for 55 years on the 1288 side effects of special interest? ‘Safe’ and ‘effective’ and even the CDC definition of vaccine have been changed to accomdate the epic failures.
winonesooner – Lame and ugly analogy. You’re (intentionally?) leaving out a vital aspect of the equation. In your analogy, the “freedom of women’s personal decisions” can and will lead to the death of another human being.
You nitwit that’s not why they changed the definition. Don’t tell us to read something nebulous when you aren’t getting why the definition was changed because you haven’t read it. It has zero to do with failures, which didn’t happen because the vaccines are resounding successes.
Say it with me Dunedin: unborn babies aren’t human beings
What’s moral about taking or not taking a vaccine?
You know what else was a resounded success… oxytocin in the early 2000’s… stub your toe… your toe won’t hurt no more… doctors said it was safe so it must be… even though they were all in big pharma pockets…
Your toe won’t hurt anymore but good luck with your heroine addiction. I bet 99% of docs said that was safe too… cause it helped their pockets!
Where’s your proof that this vaccine is actually ineffective and instead it’s a massive multinational conspiracy involving millions of doctors? Or is it just that you don’t like being wrong about something that the libs tell you is good for you?
HSE- Flimsy? Big Pharma has paid enormous sums in criminal fines- Glaxo, Pfizer, Bayer all with multi billion dollar settlements within this decade.
So that means their vaccines automatically don’t work huh? Talk about paranoia being 100% uploaded to someone’s brain.
Will you stay beholden to this trust of ‘bIg PhArMa” when they can provide you with lifesaving treatment if you’re diagnosed with cancer? If you do, maybe that’s a good thing. Save those meds for people with brains unrotted by the far right conspiracy theorists.
My wife was successfully treated for cervical cancer with a drug made by Merck. Is that not “big pharma?”
My wife was successfully treated for cervical cancer with a drug made by Merck. Is that not “big pharma?”
Paranoia would be unfounded thoughts.
Being skeptical of a heavily lobbied industry, awash in criminal fines and proven data bias, especially with respects to a virgin technology is called thinking critically.
And no, I’ll leave the hastened agony filled death to you. Chemotherapy is just as deadly as cancer itself. Your genes may load the gun, but your lifestyle and environment pull the trigger.
Have you ever had an independent thought?
Your thoughts of this vaccine being unsafe are unfounded, and you’re using your biases against vaccine mandates to color your opinion.
I have independent thoughts about many things. However, I am not a doctor, and in areas where I am entrusting my life to someone who is trained to keep me alive, I am smart enough to let their opinion take precedence over my “independent thoughts.”
By the way, stop making assumptions about my wife’s health problems, saying her “lifestyle” is to blame. You’re toxic. Chemo is tough, but it saved her life from a stage 4 diagnosis. So shut your mouth.
Cancer is extremely symptomatic of lifestyle and environment and I was answering your question whether I would receive cancer drugs- not the specifics of your wife in the following post.
I’ve watched chemo-death and abrupt trips to hospice in both family and friends. And I’m glad your wife is doing better. Cancer results are a mixed, generally underwhelming bag.
Big pharma chooses fines over ethics. I’ll safely assume morality is elsewhere and stick to the logic of root motivations.
That logic fails so many who think they can just pray their disease away. Stop insinuating people are ignorant for choosing their statistically best choice at survivial, even if it was from some company that may have made some bad choices in the past. These are life and death matters. Nothing you could possibly judge or comprehend. You choose to be an @$$ instead.
No, I eat healthy and exercise. Play with my kids out in the sun after school and give myself the best odds of an independent, fulfilling later life outcome instead of entrusting morally bankrupt entities to salvage a lifetime of poor or compromising decisions.
My father didn’t drink a drop of alcohol for nearly his entire adult life and followed a thoroughly healthy diet but that didn’t save him. Always kept a healthy weight through good exercise. An epitome of good health. Had he been alive when better treatment was available today, maybe he’d have lived a longer life. You talk a big game now, but cancer cares not for your lifestyle choices. If you’d rather die while sticking to these specious principles and refuse treatment from drug companies that could work, you’re denying your kids their father. How selfish.
Is it smart to take the vaccine when your income depends on it? yes
Is it dumb to lose pay over moronic political ideals? big YES
Cancer needs sugars to replicate and uses carbohydrates at a rate 18x faster than a healthy cell, but my mother’s oncologist recommended vitamin water and ensure- both full of simple sugars.
Remember, vaccines and cancer alike is big business. There is nothing wrong with independent research and self advocacy. It might save your life one day.
I’m sure your mom’s oncologist recommended a lot more than drinking some stuff you can buy at a convenience store, don’t cherry pick.
Independent research is fine, so is self-advocacy. This is why we sought a second (and third) opinion. This is common. But when dozens of doctors (or hundreds of thousands in regards to the COVID vax) are telling you the same thing, you should probably believe them.
Or which player’s realize they still have rights and don’t need to be forced to have some sugar shot.
Hey Nuttin: were your rights being trampled on when you had to get an MMR vaccine for school too?
I’m triple vax’d, and have no issues with those who choose not to vax, particularly as we now have well over two years of data on Covid and its variants, and well over a year on the effectiveness of the current vaccines. What we lack is any long-term data on the potential impact of these vaccines, so it’s certainly understandable that a percentage of the population of young and healthy adults might question the need to be vaccinated against a virus that statistically they have little reason to fear. I have news for all you vaccinated people, of which I’m one. Covid is coming for you. It’s just a matter of when.
That’s because it’s endemic, just like the flu. The flu shot also lessens your chances of getting the flu and if you do happen to still get it, dramatically reduces its severity. It’s added protection so you don’t end up like Freddie Freeman or Eduardo Rodriguez.
So you’re saying the vaccines are total BS? Thank you for confirming.
Begging the question HBan22?
I forgot Joe went to the ChiSox for a minute.
Hoping Kelly returns effective. That would be a very welcome addition. Although I have an uneasy feeling that this could be Kelvin Herrera 2.0 for the White Sox. Different ailments to be sure. Just meaning in the return for the investment.
Maybe its time to get a couple MLB Teams to say we are not playing in Canada…… enough with this BS…. make them play in Buffalo again and find them a new permanent City to play in.
Its the same going into the states…
I’m sure the Jays would love all those Ws by forfeit. That’s a Canadian law and the MLB is not above the law of any country.
I think regime change will do the trick 😉
Boo f-ing hoo. The Blue Jays have been the most disadvantaged team over the past two year and are still at a disadvantage when it comes to players that can be brought in. But other teams have to sit a couple guys so let’s just keep railroading them, right?
you know the Jays players are not allowed into the US if they are unvaccinated right? Exact same rules both ways so no need to get all ‘Murica’ on us.
Yes, lets do that rather than ban a few stupid ballplayers.
It goes both ways, it’s not just players coming to Toronto. Just everyone on the blue Jays are vaccinated.
I’d have loved to see how the polio vaccine would have gone if the internet was around back then. Dr. Salk is history’s greatest monster……….
No doubt there’d be anti-vax keyboard warriors on the MLBTR boards sticking up for the heroic Gil MacDougald or some such for not caving to the “woke mob” that also integrated the game and also made the Brooklyn Superbas change their name!
Ummm might want to do a bit research about the Cutter incident before using that as your example.
Big pharma has also evolved in the last 50 years, it’s more than just memes and Facebook anti vaxx groups that has lead to distrust.
If you’re trying to draw connections between the opioid epidemic and vaccines, this ain’t it, pal.
Last I checked the Sackler family wasn’t producing a Covid vaccine, but since you brought it up, there is one undeniable connection, it’s called ‘for profit’
I’m pretty sure these companies who developed shots took a loss, considering how all these vaccines are free.
Lol what?
You do realize that governments are purchasing vaccines and giving them to you for ‘free’ aka with tax dollars. None of these companies are taking a loss, quite the opposite. (Not saying they should, they have potentially saved millions of lives)
Maybe you should chill on vilifying people who think differently if that’s your level or understanding
I do think that people who believe vaccines are b.s. are villains of a healthy society, good choice of words.
So somebody who doesn’t agree with a vaccine
is a “villain to a healthy society”?
I didn’t know people who choose self care, healthy choices and body autonomy are considered “villains”
What vaccine are you talking about? Because this one isn’t suspect.
I’m pretty sure your doctor, and everyone else’s in this thread, would not call avoiding the COVID shot an example of self-care or a healthy choice.
You may think eating a Whopper for every meal is a healthy choice, Andy. You may think it’s self-care too. But you’re wrong.
Who said I’m avoiding it? Don’t want it, don’t need it. If you got it and you feel good about it, that’s great. Glad you’re doing good. Just spare me the “villains of society” nonsense. That’s ignorant
And whoppers are disgusting
You’re afraid of needles, I can tell.
Tattoos and having blood drawn plenty of times say otherwise my friend. Nice try though
If you’re so tough then, why are you scared of this vaccine?
Scared? Tough? I’m neither of those
I can provide a laundry list of reasons but by reading your comments all over this thread, it’ll be a complete waste of time. Take good care and stay safe man
I don’t think you actually have any reasons, you just are annoyed that people you disagree with politically are pushing something safe and effective. You’ve found a “laundry list” that proves your point, but they are all examples of your confirmation bias.
I was right!
This guy really thinks pharma company’s are giving away the vaccines are free. How can anyone take advice from someone so disconnected from reality?
Bingo BloodySox! Take medical advice from your DOCTOR, not random people online, especially not those who say the vaccine doesn’t work or some such garbage easily refuted by mountains of evidence. But you probably think you know better than that and know more than your doctor, don’t you?
Don’t worry those anti vaxers are on horse worm pills …oh wait it’s not effective against covid
Usa has been considered polio free since 1979.
When things work as intended people trust them.
When people pushing something have been wrong about pretty much everything this entire time and promises of herd immunity were never met…..well people tend to not trust things when they don’t work as promised.
Well, you would also need a certain monster to be President during that time.
I’m so tired of the vaxxed/ not vaxxed discussion. This fatigue/ exhaustion is exactly what the sowers of doubt and deceit count on, good people losing their will to combat misinformation, outright lies, and open hatred. I want to be vigilant, but I also want to be sane. In this climate, I can’t have both.
I’m good with letting Rendon take a game off each week. Sunday games are always quick turnarounds.
Only bad this is I love going to Sunday games so I won’t see him much.
It seems weird to me to pick a defined day off.
I mean if there is a tough righty on a Saturday and a soft tossing lefty on Sunday, they shouldn’t be hand cuffed to the defined day. Pick a day situationally
I don’t see it as them having set his day offs as always being on Sunday, but so far Sunday has presented the best days for his off days and will likely be the best option for most of the season.
Sundays make sense as they are almost always day games (unless ESPN selected it to be the Sunday Night Game of the Week) and Saturday games are almost universally at night. If they’re on the road and the Saturday game is during the day, then that would be the ideal day off for Rendon (because Friday would have been a night game).
I wouldn’t have pegged Tanner for the unvaccinated list. Even if he did go to Mizzou;
My understanding is that unvaccinated players can be temporarily placed on the restricted list during series in Toronto. Also, replacements don’t have to be on the 40-man, burn options, etc.
So, my perspective here is a little different, I think. Although I’d love to have Houck and whoever else available, this is going to be a really easy way to get some fresh arms in the pen in the middle of a 17-game stretch. It will impact usage before the Toronto series, as in, certain arms can be used more aggressively, and then get four full days off. I don’t think it’s a disaster to have a few guys unavailable. There are several useful players waiting in AAA for a chance.
unvaccinated athletes can go to Canada, case in point, the CALGARY flames which is Canada( now follow me here…) are playing the CHICAGO blackhawks,
last time i checked, thats traveling to and from Canada
phew! glad we solved that mystery!
The teams can travel, just not individual players. These nuances are too difficult for you, I get it.
the NHL had two total unvaccinated players at last check.
lol what????? talk about missing the point
i guess hockey doesnt count? lol
good people are stupid
goodnight y’all, happy Easter!
Is there a limit to the number of commenters we can mute?
I have no desire to get medical information from either side of this argument on a baseball trade rumors site.
the article itself was about vaccines. muting the writer?
The article was not ABOUT vaccines. The article was about a player not being vaccinated and not being able to play. Just because something is mentioned does not mean that is what it is about.
the trutraitor have gotten 3rd shot and surely will get the 4th. end of story!
Tanner houck can do what he wants lol, thank god hes on my team!
You’re a sociopath
Sociopaths want to control others and take away freedoms. Keep throwing insults at strangers instead of debating facts.
Are you kidding me? This person said they want to see Russians walking around like half-burned charcoal people. But go ahead take their side and try to make it seem like it’s about “control” and “insulting strangers.”
Virtue signaler
If you’re dissing me for “virtue signaling” after I decried someone for saying this of Russians:
“after the US makes them look like Hiroshima and Nagasaki and half burned charcoaled people are walking around, i will be smiling.”
You might also have some screws loose. Where does it stop for people who think that ANYONE who says ANYTHING against someone who’s taking joy in that kind of violdence is a virtue signaler? If someone says that they take great joy in watching dogs get kicked and beaten, then I call that someone a violent psycho, am I virtue signaling? Give me a break.
How much time do you have to waste? Go outside!
Virtue signaling ellisd!
I support everyone’s freedom to not be a Guinea pig for big pharma. Good for Houck. He shouldn’t let the uninformed change his decision. Big pharma shills look worse everyday but they still want to take everyone’s freedom. Athletes haven’t even suffered serious side effects from Covid. They’d be stupid to risk their bodies with a new vaccine
Do you support women’s freedom to choose whether or not they keep a baby too?
Am I uninformed for trusting my doctor’s advice to get the vaccine? Am I a guinea pig? You’re calling an awful lot of names and calling the majority of MLB players stupid.
Maybe you’re too new of a baseball fan to remember how COVID almost killed Freddie Freeman and Eduardo Rodriguez.
Hope Springs Eternal – You asked “Do you support women’s freedom to choose whether or not they keep a baby too?”. You worded the question in a vague and misleading manner. The question should be worded more clearly: “Do you support a woman’s decision to choose to murder an unborn baby?” and the answer should be an emphatic “No!”.
BTW, even when you make some good points here, you are still looking like a real @ss clown with your attitude. Do everyone, including yourself, a favor, and stifle yourself on occasion.
You said the magic word: unborn. As in not alive. Which means it cannot be murder. Are you eating chicken when you eat eggs?
But thanks for telling us that you only support a woman’s body autonomy if it’s about a safe vaccine and not if someone impregnates her against her wishes, somehow I expected that was the case.
not saying I agree with OP’s point, but this has always been and always will be an insane comparison (especially given BOTH sides of the political spectrum favor choice on only one of these two issues).
How though? One is about choosing to take a vaccine that’s proven safe and effective. The other choice is about having a child you didn’t ask for. The latter is a huge deal, but anti-vaxx Qrazies here think it’s unimportant because they don’t care much for women. But vaccines! Now THAT’S bad and we’ll fight for people’s bodies.
by the way, piazza was a fat cheater!
There are just so many things wrong within those 6 sentences. I wish you all the best. Take good care, and I mean that sincerely.
Tanner Houck is looking good and it may help Boston make a run for the pennant but if June comes along and they are not in the race then this entire column is moot.
Seeing a young Red Sox pitcher start off well should make everyone happy and in a good mood. Focusing on an issue in the distant future that may not even be an issue is a huge waste of time. I prefer to pat Tanner on the back and say nice job so far, keep it up!!!
So many insane Qrazies here. Vaccines are not just about “individual choice”. I assume this nutty guy (who got all manner of tattoos which have been shown to negatively impact health!) had his shots for something “mild” like Rubella. Why do we all get that shot? The disease is mild for most — except for pregnant women and their yet-to-be-born child… We also get vaccines for devastating things like polio to protect ourselves and each other. Ya know, we are a team. The human team. If we want to stay around, have a sane society, we need to think beyond the incredibly selfish and murderous notions expressed by this childish and selfish pitcher and the 30% or so who support Qrazy anti-science BS. And the Red Sox (and other TEAMS) need to think about how they will play against the Jays without Sale, Houck and maybe other selfish goobers in the playoffs.
The human team?
This. And Boston should change their moniker to the Selfish Goobers
I don’t know what is funnier… Amanda posting comments non stop or Hope replying to each one with no response.
It would he funnier if it was the same person talking to themselves.
Joe Karen Kelly missing time because he’s built like a twig.
The Canadian govt is run by trash. Dumbest group of humans alive
Wrong, the Canadian government isn’t being run by the anti-vax Qrazies who post on MLBTR
The vaccine has been out for about a year and a half now, this should be enough time for anyone who’s wanted to “wait and see.” If you are a grown man that’s afraid of needles, then IMO you are just a wuss. And if it’s because of “morals” and “principals,” you should never seek care from any health facility again because you know better about your health than any doctor.
I’m excited for Joe Kelly.
Yeah nobody is afraid of needles man. That’s such a dumb conclusion.
They are afraid of winding up like these soccer players that have seen a dramatic increase in heart related issues. It’s to the point where even sports analysts are taking notice.
Every drug comes with risk of side effects. Including the covid shot. People don’t want to risk getting side effects for an unnecessary shot.
Helps to expand your world view.
Thank you for enriching my world view by showing me an Australian soccer panel’s take on things. This might be a story if they start dropping dead on the field, but until then big whoop about nausea and elevated heart rates.
The host even says “he might come back to playing as soon as this week.” He is fine.
Every drug has side effects but we don’t just not take them because of those minute chances. Talk about alarmist.
The ironic thing about his take is the preponderance of athletes in the NCAA and also a notable MLB case who had heart-related issues from COVID ITSELF, not the vaccine.
HSE – non sense. Both COVID and COVID vaccines contain spike proteins, which is responsible for lacerating arterial walls and myocarditis.
Since the mRNA vaccines actually contain more spike proteins than a typical infection, how did you possibly come to your absolute conclusions on myocarditis?
Elevated heart rates aren’t good.
Elevated heart rates = high blood pressure which can lead to many health issues including heart attacks.
Which is what is happening to more soccer players than it should.
Wonder what changed between 2019 and 2021-2022 to where its happening more than previous years prior to 2021-2022.
This is an excerpt from the article you just shared:
“Professor Sharma, a renowned UK-based sports cardiologist, told Wheeler: ‘Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that it is Covid-related or, even worse, that vaccine-related myocarditis may be responsible for this spate of cardiac issues that we are seeing in football players. I can tell you now that Eriksen’s arrest had nothing to do with Covid or the vaccine, nor was Aguero’s cardiac scare.”
Did you just skip over that part? If you take the time to copy and paste these articles, maybe you should take the time to read the whole thing.
Educate yourself Leopard: tctmd.com/news/myocarditis-after-covid-vaccination…
TWTW: you can’t expect these people to give stuff time that goes against their gut. It’s too hard for them to process.
Lazy, you’re really outdoing yourself with this nonsense. I hope you’re not getting paid for posting because everything you post is easily fact-checked as total BS. But good luck, there’s always someone dumber than you out there to believe your incessant nonsensical ramblings.
Yet, they took steroids ….from horse doctors.
This is all so wonderful. I hadn’t gotten to enjoy a good vaccine debate in a little while. I had forgotten how much fun they are. Nothing like two people having a calm discussion with each other by using megaphones and earmuffs.
Well said
Would anyone like to talk baseball instead of tirelessly arguing back and forth?
No problem! I’d love to have a civil conversation!
Yes! Who’s your team?
Well, I’m Canadian, so I have to cheer for the Blue Jays by default, but I also have backed the Mariners and Brewers in years past.
Love the Jays. They’re going to make some noise. The Mariners have been patient and it’s starting to bare fruit. Loaded with young talent. The Brew Crew had little starting pitching depth just a few years back and now have one of the best in the game.
I’m from Philly so it’s the Fightin’ Phils all day, every day
We interrupt this discussion to inform you that somewhere someone said something that’s not true. Battle stations!
Sorry, false alarm. As you were.
The Phillies have to be one of the more fun teams to watch in all of baseball. Mashers up and down that lineup.
On paper yes. They’ll start getting it going soon. Tough stage this early when they have only 3 days off between when they started with the Mets last week until the beginning of June. Lot of baseball to be played. It’s a tough division. The Braves the champions, the Mets are solid and they can’t seem to beat the Marlins!
The Blue Jays have something like 30 games in 31 days, with the off-day being today. Schedules are going to be brutal with the season cramped.
I posted an actual baseball comment way earlier in the thread that was buried by an endless back and forth about vaccinations. White Sox fan since you asked. Lol!
Hello fellow baseball fan! The Pale Hoes getting slapped with injuries with Lynn and Giolito. Do you think they’ll still try and go get Montas from Oakland without giving up Vaughn?
I’m holding out hope that they don’t move Vaughn for Montas. Don’t get me wrong, Montas would be a great acquisition. He would certainly sure up their rotation. In my opinion though, Vaughn is too high of a price. It’s honestly pretty equal, and I can’t blame the Athletics for wanting something of value for their best remaining commodity, but the White Sox need to get more in return for Vaughn. Also hopeful that maybe Cueto has something left in the tank when he gets ramped up and ready to go. Kopech has looked good so far, but his innings are being monitored. Kuechel looked okay in his 1st start, but only time will tell if he’s reliable anymore. Plus they don’t want Kuechel to reach 160 innings or his option vests. Velasquez was a head scratcher. I don’t mind having depth, but I question signing him to a Major League deal. Doubt teams were beating down his door with Major League guarantees but I guess I can’t be sure. So realistically I’d love to get Montas back on the South Side, but of course it depends on the price. All that being said, I know they’re not getting something for nothing. Phillies lineup is stacked!
Phillies are also a flawed team. Too many guys who have to be the DH! You can’t hide the fact of how horrendous the defense has been for so long. Might as well out mash the other team!
It certainly seems to be the route they’re going for now. They’re definitely going to have days when that will certainly come to fruition. Maybe at the trade deadline they’ll sure up some areas of need. They’ve got a nice group of players. Maybe they move one of those bats? Lord knows teams will be looking for a bat come that time.
I think the Army should make wearing helmets optional. You can still get shot. What’s the point?
And the Army should let you wear comfortable clothes. Why wear a uniform? What’s the point?
Why not let people in the Army work at home? They can get just as much done. Can’t they?
I think everyone should be in the Army, wear baseball caps and comfortable clothes and work at home. That’s how we’ll win the war.
The war against Canada?
I’d like to talk baseball. I’m a Yankee’s fan bummed by a Baltimore weekend. The Yankees see to have an aversion to hitting with runner on base. On another topic, I wonder why more teams don’t to with their older players a Rendon-like off day. It makes sense to keep these highly skilled, highly payed players as healthy as possible, especially now with rosters a bit bigger.
The Yankees, I believe, are 11-10 in their last 21 meetings with the Orioles. They scored a total of one run this weekend in the two games they lost against the worst pitching staff in the majors. They can play well against the other teams in their division, they can beat up on the other weak teams across the league. No matter. They can’t win their division by barely playing above .500 against one of the worst teams in MLB. The Rays last year were 18-1 vs. the Orioles. That’s what good teams do.
Hitters slump and it’s April, barely a little more than a week into the season. Normally you can dismiss random series. Problem is this is not a single-series problem. This dates back to 2020. We’re in some bizarro universe where the Yankees have had one of the top pitching staffs in the game, but they can’t hit!
Thanks for the baseball response. It is weird that the Yankees pitch this well but can’t hit (particularly in the clutch). As to their odd reaction to the Orioles, I think it’s the remnants of the infamous trade with Tippy Martinez, Rick Dempsey, Rudy May, Scott McGregor and Dave Pagan going to the Orioles for Doyle Alexander, Jimmy Freeman, Elrod Hendricks, Ken Holtzman and Grant Jackson.
I agree Lord. Too many good teams in the AL East to beat that playing .500 ball to the worst team in baseball won’t cut it
My favorite part is the company safe and effective line when mRNA vaccines are experimental technology with data being collected in real time.
Further, not a single traditional vaccine has gone through the otherwise required rigors of RCT analysis since the Polio vaccine.
Yet all these vaccines are safe and effective. mRNA vaccines are nothing new. Talk your way around it however you want by pretending you have expertise here: even if you are a medical professional, the consensus disagrees with your assertation that these vaccines aren’t effective based on mountains of data and millions of lives undoubtedly saved. This isn’t even close to 50-50: you’re flat out wrong. If 900+ doctors agree with the “company line” and a few don’t who are quickly discredited, it’s pretty clear who is wrong.
If the vaccines are safe and effective enough that even Trump takes them, I don’t understand the problem.
ya know, because people can choose what they want to do?
Except in some states when someone forces them to have a baby! But hey, you don’t have to get a helpful shot, we won’t make you do that.
Talk about a post that apparently should’ve had the comments closed for… My goodness. Nobody is going to convince anyone to change their respective views on the Covid-19 “vaccinations” on a MLB Trade Rumors site. Ugh.
Might be the smartest thing posted on this whole thread
Too many folks thinking they know what’s best for someone else. It’s laughable
The problem actually is that too many people aren’t trusting in their doctors.
Let it go my man. Let it go
I’m never gonna let go combating disinformation from the far right. We can’t let our society be dumbed down by anti-intellectuals and democracy backsliders who push narratives like the politicizations they’ve applied to COVID in order to vilify people who are actually fighting for freedom for all Americans, not just white men.
Can’t wait to see you expose yourself even more for the human being you actually are. I’m expecting another ignorant comment in 3… 2… 1….
Ok. Sorry if I don’t give you the satisfaction. You just sound bitter. It’s blatantly obvious as you’ve spent all day yelling at folks about vaccines on a baseball trade rumors website. Think about it. For someone with the word “Hope” in their username, you certainly don’t speak of it nor do you carry yourself within it
You bet I’m bitter I have to share my country with people so selfish that can’t step up to the plate and protect their fellow citizens by getting vaccines proven to be safe. I’d rather you and your type move to Russia, where you can live happily ever after in the far right dictatorship you thirstily crave.
Hope those feelings and well wishes work out for you friend.
Behold the power of the mute button!
Ah yes, silencing a viewpoint you disagree with. Someone above said that means you’re a sociopath.
Thanks to the good folks on the website for installing the “mute” button. Perfect for some of the commenters on this thread. It’s a baseball site. Let’s talk ball!
Yah sorry everyone for my part in off it. Some commenters that just lack facts and spew garbage tribalism get under my skin. Got the best of me, not a good look.
Will be only talking baseball moving forward. Go jays go!
Phillies fan here.Love what the Jays are doing. Except that little moment when Joe Carter hit that World Series clinching home run off Mitch Williams in ‘93. Ripped my little 13 year old heart from my chest. I had a chance to meet and chat with Darren Daulton a few years before his passing and i asked him what was going through his head when the ball left Carter’s bat. He just said “I need a beer”! Haha
Andy, what are your thoughts on the direction the Phil’s took this spring? Offensively, they should score a boatload of runs but with questionable, (that’s putting it kindly) defense, can the Phil’s keep up with the Braves and possibly the Mets, in the East? Trying to deflect back to ball…
Hi Ella. I think it was the right direction. The defense hasn’t been good for many years. It’s nothing new. Was happy to see Middleton spend over the tax. It’s a tough division. Getting Castellanos and Schwarber definitely deepens the lineup around Harper. The Mets spent money well and the Braves are the defending champions.
My worry right now is with Wheeler. He’s been average his first 2 trips to mound with his fastball at 92mph yesterday. He threw a ton of innings last year so my hope is he just needs more time to ramp up and that it’s not an injury
And no need to apologize my friend. I’ve been there. Lesson learned. Always watch who you get into stuff like that with. Best to let it go. That person going through some anger and bitterness.
Nope, I’m very happy, thanks a lot! I posted plenty of facts, you just prefer “alternative facts. “No tribalism here either, unless you consider me following my doctor’s advice to be garbage tribalism. I’ll take that over being sick anyway.
I find it hard to believe that all the people here who clearly know more about baseball than anyone else would also think they know more about COVID than anyone else.
Just so utterly shocked by this development.
I don’t get vaccines because as an adult it’s been my choice not to get them. This virus is not scary enough to make me change that stance. My body my right, the exact argument that’s been used to allow abortions, well it’s hypocritical to say anything different when it comes to vaccinations. The Canadians have their own laws and that is the problem having American professional sports leagues go international. The NHL, NBA, and MLB all now have this complication to deal with. Maybe it’s better to not be in Canada at all, then you aren’t subjugated to Canadian law. Yes, I’m proposing the leagues move out of Toronto and every other Canadian city they are currently in. Put the Blue Jays in Las Vegas in a dome.
You do realize that the US has the exact same cross boarder rule right.?
How much of an idiot are you to think MLB would leave one of the largest cities in North America just because of a few idiots like yourself on their teams?
What a specious comparison. Someone’s decision to abort a fetus does not affect the health of society in the way that vaccinating does, especially vulnerable members of society. Abortions can literally save the life of a parent too.
But anyway, do you now actually support a woman’s right to choose? Do you donate to Planned Parenthood now that you’ve had this epiphany?