Mets star Pete Alonso told reporters (including Tim Britton of the Athletic) this morning that he was involved in a scary car accident on his way to camp in Port St. Lucie last night. According to Alonso, another vehicle ran a red light and struck his car, which flipped over three times.
While Alonso seemed understandably shaken up when discussing the matter (Anthony DiComo of provides video of his media session), he has fortunately come away without serious injury. He partook in some Spring Training drills this morning and doesn’t anticipate missing any time.
“Every day’s a gift. Man, today’s really special for me,” the 2019 home run champ said. “I just had a blast out there today, doing work, seeing everybody. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier showing up to Spring Training. It’s truly amazing how I’m here. I’m so fortunate that everyone’s ok.” Alonso conceded the incident inflicted “a lot of emotional toll” but noted he’s “here, happy and healthy.”
Alonso went on to credit his wife, who was driving another vehicle behind him, for managing the accident in its immediate aftermath. Fortunately, it seems everyone came out of what could’ve been a disastrous situation alright.
Family member of mine was taken in a car accident years ago. Scary stuff and can happen to anyone. Life is short don’t take it for granted. Glad you’re okay Pete
Same bro. I’ll never be the same after losing my wife to a drunk behind the wheel. Stay strong!
Sorry for your loss. Couldn’t imagine losing my wife and what dark road that would lead me down. Especially something so preventable. We as a country don’t take drunk driving as seriously as we should
yeah years back I lost 3 friends in a year to drunk drivers – it sucks big time
16 minutes ago, Metsfan22 was laughing at Tatis getting hurt. I, for one, am glad the Polar Bear is ok.
Agreed. Same with all the deGrom hatred. Laughing, wishing, hoping for injuries to other humans is just classless. We should all want to see the best players on the field all the time. I don’t get it.
That’s because MetsFan22 IS classless. He’s an immature toddler who brings shame to all Mets fans.
I don’t know why more people don’t have him muted. It’s a much more pleasant comments section without them.
I haven’t found the Mute option on the Android app. I don’t think it exists quite yet… I mentioned to Tim that I’d love to support the site if they could just update the app. First things first, I’m a man of principles.
For a Mets fan to be commenting or laughing about injuries just shows how stupid he really is. Degrom and Scherzers bodies are held together with duct table and Elmer’s glue
As a Mets fan I would officially like to apologize on behalf of all Mets fans for the existence of Metsfan22.
For so many reasons…
No apologies necessary my friend. Any decent, sensible person who has read his (or her) comments recognizes them as the unhinged rantings of a damaged individual.
Even his Dad regularly comes here to apologise for not pulling out during that paid hour visit with his mom.
wow!!!! The irony in that! Prayers to both this guys though
That’s what Tatis said
Three flips???
I did 6 flips in a pickup truck and came out without a scratch.
I was a passenger and were struck from behind and ended up in physical therapy for 2 years after it tore ligaments in my neck – you just never know
Dudes going to have a monster year. Glad he’s okay.
That’s awful.. glad he’s okay.
Jesus, I’m glad he’s ok. This life stuff can end out of nowhere.
I hope Pete Alonso is not injured. On April 4, 3 days before opening the 2022 season on the road at the Nationals in D.C., the Mets will sign Pete to a 13-year contract extension worth a whopping $520 million (40 million per year), making it the largest contract in North American pro sports history.
Heh. He’s not THAT good. If that’s what he’s worth Freddie Freeman should be getting a billion.
Alonso is your typical big beefy slugger. He strikes out quite a bit. He has a decent handle on 1B, but could be used as a DH. His rookie homerun record happened with juiced balls, but to be fair, Alonso was so far ahead of the rest of the league who used those same balls, so he deserves a lot of credit. He’s a special homerun hitter. 35-40 HRs a year, but he’s not getting any record-breaking contracts.
Older Mets fans will remember this name: Brian Cole.
I must be old then. I did have the good fortune to watch Cole play a few games in the South Atlantic League.
What about Duaner Sanchez? Cab accident derailed his career. He was nasty too.
Was he driving a Tesla on autopilot?
“…another vehicle ran a red light and struck his car, which flipped over three times.”
Soooo he could have been driven by a blind monkey in a Hyundai and it wouldn’t have mattered what he was riding in.
Scary stuff. I’m glad he’s okay.
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Glad he is ok.
Glad to hear he’s okay. Injuries happen in the spring but you never wanna hear stuff like this.
His wife was driving behind him and watched him flip 3 times?!? He may be ok, but is someone checking on her? Geez… I can only imagine the heart attack I would have watching someone I care about get drilled like that.
I was hit by a car last February; went against the light and struck me in a crosswalk.
I emerged relatively unscathed, save for bruised ribs, which were plenty painful unto themselves.
Most of us realize life can change in an instant. Until or if it happens to us, we don’t fully comprehend that reality, and it’s a jarring one to encounter.
I’m glad Pete and his wife emerged relatively OK physically.
*Phew* That was a close one
Now Stevie can sign Freddy.
bobtillman—stoopid iddiot
Damn, glad the Polar Bear’s alright. Miraculous that he’s not injured. Dude is right, never take anything for granted when it can be taken away in the blink of an eye.
He may not be hurt now but hes gonna feel it tomorrow. Get well soon Pete, life is more important than baseball
Pete is so right about every day being a gift, through my life I’ve punched my ticket 10 times ( war, auto accidents, health, etc.), I figure I have one heck of a guardian angel and hope to meet him or her when I do pass to give them thanks.
Alonso is so cool and retains real world perceptions. To me, he’s a bigger version of David Wright.
Thank God.
I imagine he will feel sore for a few days. Glad he didn’t have serious injuries.