New York City mayor Eric Adams will announce tomorrow that the municipality’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement for professional athletes will be lifted, according to a report from Sally Goldenberg of Politico. The news means that unvaccinated players on the Yankees and Mets — who were previously prohibited from playing in home games — will no longer be blocked from playing at Yankee Stadium or Citi Field, write Adrian Wojnarowski and Jeff Passan of ESPN.
ESPN writes that MLB officials had been in contact with the mayor’s office in recent days about the possibility of the Yankees and Mets being down some players for home games. League officials had maintained optimism the situation would eventually be resolved, but Wojnarowski and Passan report that the MLB Players Association had recently sent a memo to agents who represent players on those teams about the possible consequences they’d face for missing games on account of vaccination status.
As part of the new collective bargaining agreement, that includes lost service time and pay. That now only figures to be relevant in Toronto, as the Canadian government is preventing unvaccinated players from entering the country. That won’t have any impact on the Mets, but the Yankees are slated to play ten road games against the Blue Jays this season. Unvaccinated players are still prohibited from participating in those games and will be placed on the restricted list for those contests.
The JUDGE has ruled
I love you for this. A billion up votes sir.
When omnicron hit my job about 2 months ago just about everyone caught it no matter if they got all their jabs or not. At my place of employment the Covid pay is going away at the end of the month and I’ve only heard of 1 case in March. I myself even caught it and just thought it was because of getting older. Made me tired for about 4 days but still worked the entire week and made production standards.
Should be lifted for everyone not just baseball players
^^^This. Special privilege for elites strikes again.^^^
I’d call it unnecessary punishment of general citizens based on bad science and authoritarian politicians.
You my friend, are an idiot
Cndb- Can you elaborate? What part of his statement makes him an idiot?
He can’t. NPCs like him can’t adjust their one track minds to new data and changing situations. He’ll be saying the exact same thing 10 years from now.
He can’t elaborate. He is clearly still of the mindset that being vaccinated somehow keeps people from catching or spreading the virus, despite over a year of evidence to the contrary. One might go so far as to say that he is the idiot, clinging to his beliefs that have been proven wrong time and time again.
@cnb41a, resorting to name calling and insults doesn’t say anything about me, but it does say much about you.
The vaccines were never a guarantee to keep anyone from getting Covid. They have, however, always been a barrier preventing Covid from killing you, especially if you had pre existing conditions. Note how the death rates and hospitalizations decreased as more people got vaccinated. Also note those who continued to be hospitalized and/ or die were primarily those who had not been vaccinated.
It’s been 2 years. Can’t live in fear forever. Time to go back to living. Many employers have decided enough is enough and have ditched any precautions. No one should be forced to vaccinate for employment or anything else.
Stop making this political. We have been at war and the government has the responsibility to best protect all. The only question to me was whether or not these vaccines were rushed. The government already has the right to force vaccines on people and other animals. Once they were perceived by medical experts to be the best way out of this mess, everyone had the obligation to comply or work to try to change the law. That’s America! No rules becomes the wild west.
Except your Savior the gene therapy being peddled as a “vaccine” doesn’t stop, slow or prevent transmission. In fact those who’ve taken the clotshot are MORE LIKELY TO GET COVID. See your overlord Psaki, she’s had every Pfizer product available and is on her third bout?
But sure, continue to parrot propaganda without any semblance of sense just demonstrates you’re pro-Tyranny.
“ the best way out of this mess, everyone had the obligation to comply or work to try to change the law. That’s America! No rules becomes the wild west.”
Hilarious, my freedom doesn’t go away because you’re told to be afraid of something. The best way out of this is personal accountability and less government involvement.
Actually the government doesn’t have the right to force people to take anything I think that’s the whole point
Wrong. Kids are vaccinated which is why we don’t have polio today for example
Less government when people were dying! Thank God you were not in charge. If course people can still get it but if vaccinated, odds are today they will not have as severe an episode. Do you know any who have died or been very sick? I hope not but I have. it’s not pretty.
You watch too much tv
Dewey.. U do realize once eradicated diseases are being reintroduced into this country and others? Isolated cases of polio, one of the worst ever for those who knew survivors of it still bring the disease over borders from 3rd world countries. Check Israel right now, which is having problems with some cases developing from ethiopian “refugees”. No kidding.
US has had a handful of cases since a vaccine, what about when they stop giving it, anti-vaccine crowd (towards anything) spreads that and other awful diseases, like measles (any variety) which remember well and had years ago.
It’s not so much to mandate vaccines, but all those running over the borders bringing once eradicated diseases and never had any vaccines at all, then slipping away into some area which will gladly hide illegals.
John, you said it. Isolated and few. Unfortunately for whatever reason it happens and we deal with it the best we can Unfortunately doing nothing and praying for the best is not the answer. imagine how many more would have died in 20 and early 21 if the vaccine hadn’t worked like it has How many would have succumbed from other illnesses waiting for surgery or a hospital bed? I lost a good friend on 12/26/20 just months before he would have been eligible for the vaccine. I knew three attorneys who also died in the beginning and just can’t listen to the political crap that is spewed about. I knew them professionally but this other friend was retired, walking a golf course four times a week. Living a great life. In fact, his motto was “life’s good”. Now his spouse has to turn off an LG commercial when there is one (I guess that’s where he got the saying from).
” The government already has the right to force vaccines on people and other animals.” Since when? I’m assuming your. Talking about most people believing children MUST receive mandatory vaccines to attend school which is false. Parents actually do have the right to NOT have their children vaccinated. Don’t try and tell me otherwise as I’m living proof and I’m 51. My mother was a nurse and chose which vaccines I received and which I didn’t based on her knowledge and experience and I did likewise with my children with pushback from my children’s school districts. They lost.
Wrong. Polio vaccine mandate ended in 1970.2 weeks before I was born.
I cannot fathom how this can be justified if it is literally just exempting athletes and entertainers from the rules that apply to everyone else.
But…but…but…they’re special. They’re the elites, don’t you know!
Money talks! Billionaire owners who donate millions to the campaigns of politicians have the final say. Just shows you how much this pandemic was political BS.
Follow the science, they exclaim… when they ONLY science being followed is that of the political variety.
Atta boy.
Maybe it’s time we all stop fighting with each other & assess where the blame truly lies. Ask any vet of any period of time. The first priority of any government is not to protect it’s citizenry. It is to protect itself.
Neither side has our best interest at heart, fellas. Which – for some reason – doesn’t stop us from getting all ****ty with one another now does it?
Sorry but the government’s role is to ensure law and order. Such cannot be done if everyone is doing just what they want to do.
& to what end is, “ensuring law & order” to the government?
Well: that would definitely fall under, “protecting itself”. It’s a Venn diagram. Sure we benefit. But that is also maintaining the status quo.
Ya know?
DBF, look at how many outbreaks there were here and elsewhere because people tried to do their own thing. In society there are rules to follow and chaos if we don’t.
Of course chaos would ensue without rules, Dewey. I wouldn’t maintain otherwise.
I am just pointing out it is done not for love, respect, or – really – even good will towards the “people”. It is done first & foremost to maintain the government’s own authority & power. If it happens to help us, that’s merely a happy by-product.
But: that is never the overarching goal.
Athletes are more immune because of science
They’re younger, in better shape, and they work mostly outside. So yes, they are one of the least at risk groups in the world.
Kyrie Irving works mostly outside?
Firefighters are in pretty good shape and mostly work outside. They aren’t exempt.
But stand up comedians are. Because, as noted of, the science.
Really? This based on science or your science?
Jake my reply wasn’t for you. I am a FF and I was mandated against my will. I worked from the beginning of it right through as well as all my guys. Everyone had no issue with us not being vaccinated and all of sudden we were forced.
Many people who take care of themselves are on par with the health of many major league players, not the elite – but your average ballplayer. If the health officials truly cared about saving lives they would’ve told an overweight America to exercise, and lower their BMI – the number one underlying condition leading to severe C19 cases.
Instead? Wear a useless paper mask was their assertion and take a non FDA approved shot that causes severe unprecedented cases of myocarditis in otherwise healthy people. Yes, the CDC & FDA & WH are full of inept people and they didn’t do a darn thing to lower deaths. Why? Pretending a 300 pound fella and a 150 pound dude have the same risk factors solely based on their age is dishonest and that behavior led to people overweight thinking their paper mask would save them, no – not supersizing that number 9 would.
His side of his flat earth has less Covid
Thank you for doing your job during a time you were needed. Many of us had a choice but you did not. That still however doesn’t give you the right to avoid the law. Once a law was established we all either follow it or work to change it.
You selfish, self-centered a-hole. What about the 150 lb “healthy” person carrying the virus to the young, the aging, etc.? One person’s rights end when they in fringe on another. This was not the common cold. Once so many got sick and overflowed hospitals, action was needed.
If my rights end when they infringe on others, than they were never rights in the first place
To an extent you’re right. That said, when you drive do you follow the law and signs? If you break the law, be ready to pay the piper. If you don’t like the law, work to change it.
Sure DD, keep parroting right wing BS. While you’re at it tell my 30 year old nephew that his 27 year old wife and mother of their 2 year old daughter died of Covid because of being overweight. Oh wait, she wasn’t. She ran daily to stay in top physical shape for her job as an LEO in Ft. Lauderdale. She was one of 5 LEOs in S FL that died of Covid in 1 week last summer. And like you, my niece didn’t believe in the science and didn’t get vaxxed. Good luck with your continued nonsense.
Sorry for your loss Ella. Most non vax individuals only look at themselves. Many learned the hard way. My own sister has not been vaccinated. Her choice. Mine is not to see her. it’s been over two years now. Because I know I can still carry the virus I choose not to visit. Her husband is also not vaccinated and older. I don’t want it on my head if she got it and gave it to him. Again it’s about choices but yours are not worth more than mine and vice versa.
Your anecdote doesn’t move me, sorry. I’m numb to imbeciles online pretending this is the plague. It’s not.
But bless your overly virtuous enlarged heart! Continue believing everything your deity Fauci says and get triggered when people aren’t masked. Hilarious. Covid is OVER. Run along now.
” One person’s rights end when they in fringe on another.” Ok so I’ll turn that right back around on you. Your right to want to force me to be vaccinated ends with my right to not want to be forced to be vaccinated. See how that argument is fatally flawed.
At least those 1400 municipal workers who got laid off just six weeks ago can watch baseball now. I’m sure they’ll be happy with that. And I’m sure they’re all very grateful to Kyrie Irving for taking a stand and doing umm… nothing for them. Mind you these were a lot of the people that were out there working through the entire pandemic because they were considered essential With no vaccination Or idea what was going on.
60% of municipal employees are superfluous anyway.
There we go. Good choice
I thought NYC already lifted mandates, no? I don’t live there so I am not as familiar with their current status.
Some of the other mandates were lifted, but not the employer mandate.
Oof, regressive New York is behind with mandates? Why would they want to create to classes of the population based on employment? It’s about time that they embrace liberty.
They were one of the earliest and worst hot spots back when things were actually bad. My friends apartment was across the street from a vacant lot where they were collecting the bodies. That was probably pretty weird to see/experience. I don’t think most of us experienced Covid in that way.
Not saying they’re right in doing so, but I imagine they’re probably more sensitive for reasons like that.
Have you parsed the list of elected (or inserted) officials in NY? They’re not the brightest of the bunch. Logic and sense aren’t easy to come by with that group. It’s all feigning, all the time.
Wow that’s wild was your buddy in those early Covid videos in China of people collapsing in the streets too?
That’s a great question. Thanks.
There’s no reason he would have been in China.
I think my favorite part of this is the strong opinions of people with no awareness of or connection to NY.
Ah, the latest issue of Money Talks has arrived.
Yay now people on here can stop making a big deal about something that we all know wasn’t going to be a factor ! Lol
Hey it sounds like the Portland Blue Jays will become the new team on the block. Goodbye Canada!
What a joke
This is a joke right? How can these guys have these exemptions?
Because they’re young, healthy, and Covid poses nearly zero risk to them.
Time to grow up.
And you can’t force people to get shots because you “feel” it would be better for them….
No, but it would be better for all those around them. If you don’t want to be vaccinated, stay away from those of us who care about out heath and the health of our loved ones., those of us who are not scared babies or selfish sociopaths.
If the vaccine was worth a damn you wouldn’t be scared of unvaccinated people.
What flavor was the look aid they gave you?
@marcfrombrooklyn continue to live in fear locked down in your home, please let the world go round elsewhere.
Absolutely correct. If we just remember like back in the old days.. say 3 years ago, that we are ultimately responsible for our own health. You’re vaxxed…..therefore you are protected….right? The triple vaxxed and boosted are just passing their own irrational fears on those who have the guts to…..go on with their lives. The gall!!
Data now is showing the majority of those now contracting the virus have been fully vaccinated. Only 35-40:percent of those testing positive now are un vaccinated. The rest have been vaccinated.
The reason for the mask and vax mandates isn’t because it’s better for the recipient, it’s because it’s better for everyone else. It’s better for your community, and it’s better for the country, if we can get control of this disease. What ever happened to making a sacrifice for your community and your country? That’s what the Greatest Generation did! So many people today are so self-absorbed and selfish; and there’s an entire industry of blatherers telling them it’s good to be self-absorbed and selfish.
Lol. If you care about a vaccine and think it works, then you wouldn’t care who had it. However, you don’t follow science. You owe me gas money for your uninformed vote in 2020.
Lol. By your logic, if people stop breathing it would be better for all . Oh my, to be so “woke” yet so dumb.
The opposing teams can play in NYC while unvaccinated, but the home team can’t? That doesn’t make any sense right?
Virtue signaling at its best. I’m a better person than you because I got the stab. Of course those who say this know nothing about the person they claim they’re better than.
Of course because so many unvaccinated already got the virus. It doesn’t mean the vax hasn’t worked. Hospitals are not overflowing. America has had the most deaths I believe. imagine how many more there would have been if there was no vaccination.
Thank you Gasu!
Actually when it first broke out several athletes contracted it and got seriously ill. Now , two years later the strains seem weeker than they were and most who contract it do not get very ill. On top of that the majority of those now contracting it have bee fully vaccinated plus boosters. Forcing people to continue to get vaccinated is not following the current science.
Has it really faded or is it because a) the vax has helped our immune system and) many unvax who survived an earlier version now have protection? Sad so many lost their lives and some still have long term issues that most don’t want to talk about. If it could be proven who infected who, attorney ads would be flooding the airwaves looking for clients.
@falcons, what a ridiculous take. I hope you don’t really believe that.
Time to grow up? I’m just glad the rest of the country is following Florida’s lead.
It’s my body.
Does that same logic hold true for everyone else who is young and healthy? It should.
Mandates on unsafe and unproven “science” are inconsistent with freedom. A shot that causes myocarditis in young healthy people – one where there is ZERO liability for Big Pharma STINKS – yet many on here are literally talking heads FOR Big Pharma and ignore the tens of thousands HARMED from the clotshot.
The answer to all questions is money.
No wonder why I feel like I never have any “answers.”
When the head of the FDA Scott Gottlieb who recommends Pfizer to young children who are not in danger only to increase sales then moves to the board of Pfizer; nothing to see here right?
And secondly the Greatest Generation bravely fought tyranny and National Socialism how dare you compare them to some scared basement dwellers who believe it takes 4 shots of a drug that is not a vaccine oh I am sorry they had to change the definition of vaccine so it would fit
Mark my words they will be telling us we need to vaccinate our pets next!
The better question is how can anyone be given a mandate for a medical procedure?
Some of the guys are making millions upon millions of dollars. They had shots as babies without consent. It’s your job at this point gentlemen. Unfortunately, thats how it is. Upset we have to stoop down and revoke what was put in place
That’s how it was.
Just not gonna get it, sorry!
You being upset over this gives me joy.
They had emergency authorization based mRNA shots as babies? That required booster after booster and didn’t really work?
For diseases they were 99.9%+ likely to survive and most likely hardly notice?
NYC finally makes a reasonable choice – now if they could only stay consistent in the matter…..
Congratulations guys! Get ready to play ball – go Yankees (not Hal)!
I’m just here so I don’t get fined.
We’re taking names and checking papers.
I was just finishing the “Violation” section. I guess I could rip it up – ugh
it is obviously cheaper for the Yankees to buy politicians than it is to buy good ballplayers.
Does anybody know the mayor’s SLG% ?
Wow. I want so badly to be insulted. But, this was actually pretty funny, man.
He’s likely Sam under a different ID.
No wonder the Yankees didn’t spend big in free agency???
Every employee that has lost their job for refusing jabs should be hired back and paid for lost time…those that forced jabs that resulted in injury or death should be jailed
They should also sue for reparations.
Sure, as long as anyone who contracted Covid from an unvaccinated person gets to sue the unvaccinated. That seems a fair trade.
The vaccine does not stop transmission
This argument is beyond stupid. I don’t get it. Do people bury their heads in the sand when the data becomes public and widely reported on? Not saying to not get the shot, but this take does not carry water and everyone that doesn’t lie to themselves to support their politically idealistic based ego knows it.
They used to, though, before the most recent variants. And they still help a little bit in that regard, but of course are far more useful for preventing severe infection/death. But your overall point still stands.
Maybe one day the vaccines will be updated to the point where they will once against significantly reduce spread. That time is not now, nor anytime in the foreseeable future. Time to get with the times.
Wrong. These vaccines never prevented any strain. Try again.
You’re a clown Gasu. You’re either a imbecile or wholly indoctrinated, maybe both – I’d hate to shortchange your seething ineptitude. Try and keep up, your Savior, the clot shot, does not stop the transmission or contraction. End of discussion. Run along and feign manure elsewhere. Muted for being obtuse.
The gene therapy doesnt prevent the virus from spreading in fact they just make the infected persons symptoms less severe and limits the risk of hospitalization or death so I guess it’s a personal choice right pay no mind to the fact that pfizer has paid the largest criminal fine in world history or that we’ve literally had to redo the definitions of vaccine and herd immunity to get it to jive w shareholder expectations lul
Sure so long as the same goes for contracting COVID from “vaccinated” people.
Let’s see you prove any or all of that BS you just posted.
Amen to that, the most lucid comment on this thread.
But of course. The elites do as they please.
Much respect for MLBTR for keeping the comments open. Don’t let idiots ruin dialogue. BTW 5G=COVID
John my friend, you are very informed. But you still could use some more brain function. And that is why this week ONLY at Infowars store .com we have 70% off brain force plus.
Remember Don Quixote: ‘Twas the windmills that made him special!
looks like randy levine made someone an offer they couldn’t refuse
California and Nee York are the two most poorly run states in America. I am a Democrat and live in California but these two States are just rediculous
As someone that lives in a free state, what is the final straw for you guys? We see tons of people moving here from California. Not trying to be a jerk or anything, just honesty curious. The weather is great there, but living under Newsome seems like hell.
We’ve also seen an influx of Californians since Covid.. My daughter lives in Cali and I’m dreading her growing up in that state.
The biggest impediment is the immediate family that lives here and their inability to move.
You people really need to relax with the fake oppression. I live in L.A. and have been able to go to public places for a while now. As far as businesses go, it’s always been their American right to impose certain rules… ever heard of “No shoes, no service”? I’ve always been free to walk down the street in California. In shorts and a t-shirt. Even in the winter 🙂 ……. how about you?
Ah, yes, because clothing is equivalent to a permanent physiological change.
Maybe someone like you would be better off with a ‘permanent physiological change.’
Attempting, in a wholly non lucid fashion, to equate “no shoes, no service” to mandating unproven medicines for people to participate in society – is inconsistent with freedom, as defined in our Bill of Rights. How many people have moved from CA to TX & FL? It’s STAGGERING. But you say it’s “normal” in Cali, so it MUST be true /s.
But you leftists lack any semblance of reason, logic or sense. Light your Fauci candle, remain quad masked and do exactly as Newsome instructs via getting jabbed in perpetuity.
California is run by morons
Apparently other states have them too…
To be fair, NY is also run by morons.
No shirt no shoes is actually board of health lol
Right, and the likes of Georgia are so well run.
California and NY may very well be mismanaged, but at least they would still produce the goods. What excuse is there for the states that are both mismanaged and unproductive?
Apparently Adams looked at the Yankees depth chart and realized how bad the they would be without Judge during home games
Randy Levine on Line 2…. ’nuff said.
My comment about professional athletes being healthy and not being hospitalized or dying from Covid got deleted. I posted only facts and science backed studies.
Seriously, MLBTR – now you guys are censoring content as well?
I saw that comment originally. It’s pretty ridiculous that they would remove it considering the comments are open and yours wasn’t harassment of any kind.
Agreed. There was no attack on anyone whatsoever. Apparently fact stating is frowned upon at MLBTR. Love this site, but sad to see them fall in line with other media sites and picking and choosing what things to censor.
I was going back and forth with other users here about how the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. MLBTR allowed other users to insult me. When I posted a direct quote from the CDC confirming my argument, MLBTR immediately deleted the post.
They have an agenda, and it’s not facts logic or even sense. They’re branch Covidians who seek to pretend all the tyranny is normal and if you thoughtfully use FACTS, reason or logic – they delete it. Par for their dimly lit course. They’re SJW’s. They have pronouns in their bios.
Yet this comment still stands.
…do people actually fall for this stuff? Judging by the number of likes, I guess so.
Show me all the young and healthy professional athletes that have died from Covid.
Some athletes may have died from the vaccines effects on their hearts. Its probably better to get the virus and have natural immunity rather than the vaccine which can have bad side effects. Im not anti vax either judt anti forced vax
I have a list of those who died from the shot. In fact you can watch many soccer players doing so on rumble, since YouTube censors facts.
It’s, ya’ know…science!
It is interesting that they wouldn’t budge on the Nets, Kyrie and the NBA, but they will for the Yankees, the Mets and MLB?
It is a different Mayor.
And, in all fairness, while I generally am I’m not defending anything related to this madate, we are in a different place in the pandemic now than we were when the NBA season started.
But no question that Yankees and Mets are much, much bigger than then Nets in NYC.
Ay lmao
Now where’s that liberal politics he/she/it/they/them who was crying non stop about people needing to get vaxxed…. lol
5G is real cause of COVID
Bio terrorists just spreading disease. Someones grandma is going to die and they will be responsible. Do you want to kill granny?
Oh, it’s New York, Cuomo already killed her…
Ah yes, leftist ‘Science’.
Well, we’ve reached 1,000,000+ dead Americans, substantially more than any other country. So there’s that to be proud of. We are trending downward and are below 5,000 per week which is good. However we reached that point two years ago and again one year ago. It looks like we cycle down to under 5,000 deaths per week about every 10-11 months. The problem is, we also cycle back up again. One of the main drivers of the cycle up is lack of vaccination. Vaccination doesn’t necessarily reduce cases but it does reduce deaths. And that’s really all we should care about. Because clearly, we suck. Obviously, the other issue is variants and that also is driven by lack of vaccination as well as the spread, hence the wearing of masks and washing of hands and whatnot. Nothing works 100%, but that’s not the point. It’s about reduction. Slow the spread and you slow the death. So, if you think it’s a million people you don’t care about, do what you want. I guess it’s more American to do whatever you want than it is to do something to help your fellow American. We have proven that beyond a doubt. God help America, land of the dead.
I’m not disagreeing that vaccinations lower death rates.
How does that remotely justify a policy that requires vaccinations to be employed but exempts athletes and entertainers?
For that matter, how did it remotely justify the policy in the first place that requires vaccinations for those who worked for a living but did not require it of those who don’t work.
And, yes the US has had the most deaths- but, there is a lot of fine print there. In terms of per capita deaths, we are not in the top 10, although we are in the top 20 (and depending on how you define it, we are number one in the “Western” world”). But, we include in our count everyone who has died with COVID, not just those who died because of COVID- some countries do not do that. And of course, some countries data is going to be unreliable anyway because either they lack testing capacity or they are willfully withholding data.
I said nothing about requiring vaccinations. That’s not in my political DNA. But we have screwed this up and I put the blame on the citizens as much as anyone. Not I didn’t say “more” but “as much as”. We all have a choice to make. Freedom.
Counting those who died “with COVID” is important because they most likely wouldn’t have died at that time without having it. Just because it isn’t the direct cause of death doesn’t mean it’s not a contributing factor.
So a person who had cancer and was dying from it and happened to test positive for COVID-19 when brought to a hospital because the organs were already failing due to the cancer,. Would not have died had the COVID-19 not been present? Same with car wreck victims brought into the ER? Everyone brought int an er gets tested. The list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless because the hospital gets funding for treating someone who tests positive. I have several close relatives who work in hospitals. Testing positive does not mean you died any quicker just because you had it.
I have two family members who work in coroner’s offices in two of the biggest cities in the U.S. What you are saying is unequivocally false.
Most people don’t die from cancer they die from other things like pneumonia, flu, COVID etc because their immune systems are wiped out and are unable to fight off infection.
My wife died from cancer almost 3 years ago. Trust me, the cancer killed her. Slow death with multiple organ failures due to the cancer. She did not die from any other disease.
Spoken like someone with absolutely zero sense. So the thousands who perished in car accidents listed “with COVID” – doesn’t mean it’s not a contributing factor?! I can unequivocally say hundreds of thousands LISTED WITH COVID would’ve perished with or without C19, thems the facts. And facts couldn’t care less about your feelings. It would be easier if you just asserted you’re wholly indoctrinated and lack any semblance of sense, common or otherwise. The data is accessible, you choose to ignore it in lieu of MSM propaganda, sadly.
Ladies and gents, this is what indoctrination looks like. Bask in it’s gory. Stay home and triple mask if you’re TERRIFIED, the VAST MAJORITY are over all this manure.
America is one of the most unhealthy nations with one of the biggest populations.
Amen, hayzee.
There’s no ‘we’ in community health but there is an ‘I,’ and I say every man for himself!
Let the children go it alone. They’re not missing much. Immunocompromised? Well that’s just bad luck. Really fat? That’s on you, buddy. You’re next.
The Remdesivir the hospitals are giving could be responsible for some of the organ failure so many have suffered.
so many of those numbers were rigged. Hospitals got more money if it was labeled a covid death so they tested everyone – even if you died of natural causes or a car accident or a drug overdose for covid.
You, my friend, have NO CLUE what you are talking about so just stick to baseball
First off, the number of deaths due to COVID is actually UNDERcounted. The hospital funding excuse has long ago been debunked. It’s just false. Sad that it’s a lie that keeps getting parroted. It’s false. The best way to approximate deaths due to COVID yields numbers higher than the actual numbers. To say the actual numbers are too high is foolish. It’s false. Get it? False. I don’t use estimates because there are reliable statistics on the number of deaths and it has passed one million. That’s on us, freedom or no freedom, our behavior has been a big contribution. Stop with the old bullspit lies. They’re false.
Lol. Covid deaths aren’t undercounted. The CDC literally admitted earlier this week to a mistake in kid deaths and lowered it dramatically.
The vaccine does NOT stop the transmission of the virus so all this talk about “don’t care” and “selfish” so if it does NOT stop the transmission of the virus it does not slow the spread! How about flying infected people with new variants in the dead of night into Westchester County Airport and busing them all over; does that slow the spread?
Scott Gottlieb head of the FDA and now on the board of Pfizer!
Nothing to see here right all you vaxers?
This isn’t a “pick one” operation. Getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, keeping your distance, washing your hands, they all work together. It’s a simple fact that if everyone did these things, there would a lot less death. And none of these things is difficult. At all. But we are a free country and I’m fine with that. Just understand we could have done better. Take all the other bullspit and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Because that’s where too many heads have already gone. And that is why there are so many dead Americans. No matter what number you choose to believe, it’s too damn many.
Just goes to show you how fake they are!
I’ve got a terrific idea for all of you still complaining about restrictions/mandates etc.
Why don’t all you big, huge, massive BABIES get vaccinated?
Big, huge, and massive are the same thing. But i guess it doesnt matter when you’re talking about Pfizer profits.
These people have become shills for pharmaceutical companies, indoctrinated to spew clotshot manure.
I got fully vaccinated plus boosters and still got COVID-19 after all of it. So did 2 of my 3 kids and their spouses. Wore masks because we had too. Washed hands so much our hands are raw. Mandates are nonsense any more. I live in western PA. For over a month, 55% and higher of all those testing positive are fully vaccinated per the health department. Science and the data tell us that the mandates are no longer helpful.
My entire family sans my wife is unvaccinated, none of us got Covid and all of us interact with the public on a daily basis. I have four kids in three different schools, no covid. We go to church on Sundays and my kids do Karate and other church related activities, not even a fever. Just my personal anecdote, that of a healthy 40-year-old male. I am not overweight nor do I have any serious underlying conditions, though I did have spinal fusion surgery in Jan, still alive and covid-free and living life like normal. Seeing people still driving around with masks on truly boggles the mind.
For the time being, sure. Only time will tell how future vaccine updates will do in terms of reducing transmission as the virus keeps mutating. But as of right now, they are far better at providing protection than in reducing transmission although they aren’t a total zero in that department even now.
As was always going to be the case, we’re just going to have to adjust to this virus as it ebbs and flows and changes over the long haul. Right now, in the current lull and based on available evidence, it’s time to scale back all restrictions.
And I say all of this as someone who was relatively pro-mandates before the vaccines and before the most recent variants. Circumstances change, and so too should the responses involved.
It’s not a vaccine, it’s a gene therapy it’s not safe. Are you aware your savior, this clot shot, doesn’t stop, slow or prevent transmission? Or are you wholly indoctrinated? Be specific.
Why don’t you just stay indoors if you’re a-scared?
How about this idea. If you are in favor of the government having control of your life move to Russia or China
Eric Adams is such a pathetic person. Money talks obviously. Time for the recall.
Following “The Science” (the non-political variant) this should’ve happened in the spring of 2021. Good thing their internal polling rules the day, unequivocally demonstrating the last thing they’re following is actual science. Remember these loons wanted to make moist face burkas permanent and these experimental dangerous shots mandated in perpetuity. Remember that in November.
I’ll be remembering fools like you in November. Not one of your statements is true.
You’re the minority, judging by the overwhelming people fed up with tyranny. Enjoy your freedom! You’re welcome! Or stay masked and get shots in perpetuity, your choice clown.
In a sport with woke leadership that’s what happens. Old Rob Manscared wouldn’t let the all-star game be played in Atlanta because of a voter issue ,but at the same time he has no problem with a totalitarian government in Canada with a Major league team.
New Yorker’s are content to just bend the rules when it suits them.
Canada lost one Major league team. They are well on their way to losing another. How does the Buffalo Wild Wings sound?
Kyrie Irving and the Nets “they don’t care about us”
Every time a vaccine-related post appears, the comments section turns into a sounding board for a bunch of conservative blowhards. Grow up.
You’re not wrong, but there’s still a lot of liberals fools out there as well. Not as many conservative fools I’d wager, but still enough where they have a presence.
As so often is the case, being dumb doesn’t have a whole lot to do with political ideology. Dumb people are just dumb and can be found anywhere at any time.
Gosh, you may be exposed to people whom *GASP* possess a different opinion than you. A large subset who use facts, logic and common sense.
Like the FACT paper masks are pure theater. Are you screaming at the sky yet? Also the FACT severe unprecedented myocarditis is being seen in young boys being forced to capitulate to this jab manure. All FACTS.
Every time a vaccine-related post appears, the comments section turns into a sounding board for a bunch of leftist blowhards. Wake up.
Thank you for identifying yourself. Point proven.
Glad to know facts trigger you.
You see, the difference between you and me is that YOU come to a sports rumors website and spew nonsense and “facts” to support some internal crusade you have against vaccinations. And I visit this site to get sports rumors. If you don’t see the difference, then you’re the problem, dummy.
We wish you nothing but shots and boosters every year in perpetuity. And that’s about all I got to say about that
I think Don Daddy might actually be Marjorie Taylor Greene. If not then he’s just another radical member of the Trump cult still searching for Q.
He knows people who had a bad reaction to the vaccine so his overnight science degree says they’re bad. Oh and he hates masks so he’ll claim they don’t work either.
I’m all for lifting the mandates at this point, but to only exempt professional athletes is ridiculous.
Didn’t like Adams when he was elected, and this does nothing to change that.
It’s just further proof most covid rules aren’t backed by science or facts.
Say what you will, but these types of threads are great for getting the Ignore button a good workout. So many nonsensical comments ripe for the picking on both the left and the right.
Good to hear. Would be a shame if the best players in the whole world couldn’t play in front of the home crowd. Now, time for Cashman to start trading for Soto, Ohtani and Corbin Burnes.
Every time a vaccine-related post appears, the comments section turns into a sounding board for a bunch of leftist blowhards. Wake up.
We get it, you’re all virtuous and have been triple jabbed and are currently wearing four masks. Be afraid, very afraid!
Only one blowhard on here and he’s far from leftist. No one’s wearing four masks or even two. Get your info correct. Every post you write makes you look more like a moron
I am not against a vaccine but Pfizer shot is not a vaccine it is gene therapy.
They had to change the definition of a vaccine because the Pfizer shot does not act like a traditional vaccine nor does it prevent the transmission of the virus nor are you immune to the virus?
If the Pfizer hot shot works and masks work then why do all you vaxers care who is vaccinated and who is not? Hospital bed shortage is a proven lie the lock-down has been scientifically studied and proven to be useless.
Oh wait who won in all of this? Scott Gottlieb who was the head of the US FDA and authorized emergency use for the Pfizer hot shot is now making millions on the board of Pfizer! I guess nothing to see here, right?
I love how the science two days ago said no changes to the vaccines and they won’t bend for anyone. Then the next day science changed and now athletes are exempt. Science changes so fast!
Also, I never knew that prior to the lifting of this mandate on the players that all visiting teams didn’t bring Covid into NYC. That’s amazing. Science. It’s such a conundrum! I also didn’t know that a privately run business had to abide to state forced mandates in regard to vaccines. Especially vaccines that don’t keep you from getting the virus it is protecting you from, like polio. It’s more like forcing businesses privately run to get therapeutic medicine that may or may not help you from getting what in most cases is a cold, but may also present long term or shorter issues in itself since this state of the art therapy has only been around for one year. There is no reason why anyone should at all have any reservations on that at all. I mean science. Well I guess we just have to believe the science. The tried and true and fully factual, non political, non fauci dictatorship science. Fall in line everyone and just let the science guide us.
The science hasn’t changed. The $$$ has.
The threshold vaccination rate for herd immunity hasn’t changed. The risk of future mutations when herd immunity is weak hasn’t changed. The risk of transmission in the clubhouse hasn’t changed.
The only thing that’s changed are the minds of the politicians and the influence of the wealthy corporations.
The fact that you can’t differentiate between science and policy/politics speaks for itself.
It is good to see that many of you have spotted dastardly lies being propagated. I left my job because I didnt want nano tech and other foreign substances in me. I have been healthy at work and now out of it. Liars say that it’s about safety and protecting 99 year old grandmama Getrude. In reality it is about money.then power. And then control and then a drive to be God. These politicians, in reality are puppets of those behind the scenes more powerful than them. Check out and of course, Dr.Carrie Madej, Dr. Ben Marble. So many bright people have come out and destroyed the narrative. And most of all, know that the major media outlets are mouthpieces for those with an agenda. The don’t report the news, they create it…Lying to you all day long…by the way..Mookie Wilson will always be the #1. Met
Was waiting for a non-sarcastic reference to infowars and TruthRules has not disappointed.
The whole thing was ridiculous to begin with. How unvaccinated players on the NY teams couldn’t play home games, but yet unvaccinated visiting players could.
The comments here remind me why my artsy friends think sports fans are imbeciles.
Be specific.
many of you have spotted dastardly lies being propagated. I left my job because I didnt want nano tech and other foreign substances in me. I have been healthy at work and now out of it. Liars say that it’s about safety and protecting 99 year old grandmama Getrude. In reality it is about money.then power. And then control and then a drive to be God. These politicians, in reality are puppets of those behind the scenes more powerful than them. Check out and of course, Dr.Carrie Madej, Dr. Ben Marble. So many bright people have come out and destroyed the narrative. And most of all, know that the major media outlets are mouthpieces for those with an agenda. The don’t report the news, they create it…Lying to you all day long…by the way..Mookie Wilson will always be the #1. Met
NICE here it is again! Keep spreading that gospel.
The city would lose 3.78% of every player not playing due to the vaccination rules. They would lose at least $4,000 for every game Judge would miss alone (assuming he loses his arb hearing. Almost $4700 if he wins). Some serious money the city loses if they do not allow the unvaccinated to play.
Bad bad move, the Judge should have shut down Yankee Stadium as Hal’s Yankees will make Yankee fans deathly ill this season!
The idea that the vaccine protocols are a devious plot to inject “nanotechnology” into your bloodstream is psychotic. If you believe things like that, you’re travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone.