Major League Baseball is requiring all coaches to be up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations in order to access restricted areas and to have in-person contact with players in Spring Training, reports Ken Rosenthal of the Athletic. Any staff member who hasn’t yet been fully vaccinated must at least receive one dose of the Pfizer/Moderna two-dose vaccines and have their second appointment scheduled. Those who are not fully vaccinated or elect not to get a booster shot once they become eligible would forfeit their field access unless granted an exemption by their team.
As Rosenthal notes, this isn’t unprecedented. MLB required this for non-playing personnel to participate in the postseason last September. He adds that MLB has not yet decided whether this policy will carry over into the regular season.
One coach, who said they are fully vaccinated, nevertheless expressed frustration about the mandate when speaking with Rosenthal. “There are some that are not happy about the mandated booster. They feel if the players don’t have to, why us?,” the coach said. “I’m not anti-vax. I just don’t like people saying if you don’t do this, you’re fired … MLB put this on us right after the lockout. Calculated. They could’ve told us months ago.”
Players are not required to be vaccinated. That would need to be collectively bargained with the MLB Players Association. However, unvaccinated players will probably be unable to cross the Canadian border to partake in games held at the Rogers Centre. They will not be paid nor will they accrue service time for games missed on account of vaccination status.
People are still pretending that Covid is a thing?
@WillJ, Please remember that we live on a sphere that has real socio-political divides between northern and southern hemispheres.
AND, we have global commerce. It seems overly simple in how I described it, but it may be a reality that many of us may not see in our daily routines.
Uh, what??
What I typed was fairly straightforward. If that doesn’t make sense to you, I don’t know what to tell you.
A global pandemic won’t be close to an end until the global population has herd immunity. Until then, vaccinations will help prevent against future strains causing more death and further straining people working in healthcare .
Jorge78, I’m sure you understand this, pardon me for my not connecting the ignorant “Covid is still a thing?” to the global issues that will keep Covid around for awhile.
Yes, the millions dead are still pretending…..
Millions dead
looooool millions dead. yeah right…
This is shameful. SCOTUS has already ruled against mandating employees. Where I work during the Omnicron outbreak a couple of months ago everyone was getting it regardless of vaxx status. 2 weeks ago the company got smart and decided COVID was over and removed all precautions. I would quit if I was a unvaccinated coach.
You should just quit your job in general, based on your comments there are wiser people who could be filling it. Hopefully it’s an immigrant.
It seems to be the popular take now that people are tired of COVID. It’s been 2 years the CDC has loosened up on things and there are millions of unvaxxed. These people and myself will not submit to mandates. That’s the truth.
cleveland.ignorance.eternally-I think a lot of us here could’ve safely assumed that you felt that way simply based on the continued use of your avatar and screen name. That’s the truth. Cheers!
Poor dickiesox ;( does toxic masculinity also bother u too? “Man up!”
Poor baby is scared of a widdle needle in his arm
I don’t think that’s why people aren’t taking the jab richt, lol. It needs to be a choice, not a mandate.
Also, if you’re too scared to contract any of the viruses, stay home!
100+ years they were the Indians, and forever will be to most of who have spines and backbones
Also not libt4rds lol
what’s even more dumb is that the players are hardly around anyone during the game, and a lot of players are vaxxed anyways, yet there is a stadium of 50000 fans , many unvaxxed depending on region.
plus the vax doesn’t do anything anyways pfizer is even trying to push a 4th jab
You may have missed your ADHD meds.
Yes, vaccines are a hoax. So is global warming. And dinosaurs. Gravity is just a theory
Freedom is a hoax too. This is all political and ridiculous. The vaccine is worse then the virus.Coaches should walk out if they had any sense.
I would gladly take their place…..
Getting a vaccine or having it mandated isn’t inherently political, the right just made it so. George Washington mandated that Continental Army get a smallpox vax. Was he a woke commie?
Freedom is 100% a hoax in today’s world sadly. You are only free if you comply.
Right there with u SpendNuttin
Lettherebelux…Don’t forget about flat Earth and those Q people(who make other conspiratorials seem less dense).
The vax and booster made my case of omicron easier to handle than a cold.
The Players union should strike in solidarity with the coaches.
Good one
Wait comments are open?
You have clearly displayed your brain damage….
Called a joke Jorge. The profile picture was a dead give away.
MLBTR, please close the comment thread. Too many bonehead sports fans for the subject.
Typical: Pro-vaxxer wants to silence common sense
Common sense is unequivocably to get a shot that prevents serious illness. He’s not silencing that.
Andujar is ;((
Why though? 3 shots didn’t stop omicron, at all.
Are they going to be tested daily? You can still catch and spread covid while vaccinated lmao.
So will there be daily tests for everyone who are considered close contacts to players? If the answer is no whats the point of all this then?
It stopped omicron from killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Check the numbers: deaths were a substantially lower percentage of total cases than they were in the outbreak of winter 2020–21. Numbers prove that they work.
Correlation =/= Causation
Omicron was a weaker strain than alpha and delta.
Nobody had immunity to omicron. So not sure how 3 shots prevented deaths when they didnt have immunity at all.
Researchers at Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard did a study that found the shots didnt produce antibodies capable of recognizing and neutralizing omnicron.…
Don’t know where I mentioned immunity. All I said was that fewer people died in spite of tenfold more cases than in previous waves because the rate of vaccination was high. It’s well established that the vax prevents serious illness in nearly 100% of cases.
Not against omicron though. The 3 shots offered no protection whatsoever against omicron. Omicron bypassed the 3 shots like a hot knife through butter. Those shots didn’t produce antibodies capable of stopping omicron.
They prevent serious illness against strains you’re vaccinated against (alpha delta). And an omicron booster isn’t going to protect you against the next strain. Just like flu shots taken prior don’t protect you against the next seasonal strain.
But back to my original point. If people that have 3 4 5 6 shots can still catch and spread covid will there be daily testing? If the answer is no why are we mandating shots then if people can still catch and spread covid?
The vaccines have caused more deaths than they’ve saved. Numbers prove that.
About darn time! And yes, the players should have been mandated to be fully vaccinated or sit! US Citizens have been vaccinated for decades from all kinds of diseases. Why is this different? Why is this political?
This is the stupidest argument in the history of the world! (except for white supremacy) Did the one million dead mean nothing?
Speaking of “stupidest arguments”…
Continuing to refer to mRNA as “vaccines” and compare them to what US citizens have received when “vaccinated for decades” simply screams you have no idea what you’re talking about. The “white supremacy” nugget-drop then confirms that.
The mRNA injections have nothing in common to say, polio, MMR, or smallpox VACCINES.
The mRNA injections are basically a very effective preventative therapeutic. However, they were designed around the “novel” form of the virus, and were effective against the “alpha” variant and somewhat to the “delta” variant.
However, we are now moving past “omicron”.
While the mRNA obviously don’t compare to a flu shot…
Mandating these 2020 mRNAs to people in 2022 while we are SEVERAL variants along the virus evolution cycle… would be tantamount to going to CVS or Walgreens and getting the 2020 flu shot later this year before the 2022 flu season. It’s pointless, and certainly shouldn’t be mandated by law or employer rules.
Before you explode with chicken little talking points and accusations, this is all information you can see for yourself at the Johns Hopkins website, and if you dig hard enough, you can even find a good amount of the same info on the Branch Covidian-revered CDC website.
Calm down, and enjoy the victory, you have survived the bulk of this virus.
Have a good night.
I should have stopped reading after you poo-pooed white supremacy, because that confirmed your biases.
We’re supposed to believe you on these points when you don’t actually cite your sources? The burden is on you to prove your points, not us by searching on the JHU website.
I got 3 shots. I got COVID about 3 months later. It was easier than the common cold. Vaccines (and they are indeed called vaccines by the consensus of medical professionals, a group which I’m guessing you aren’t a part of) work.
I said mRNA doesn’t inoculate the way standard vaccines have historically. I said it’s a therapeutic – doesn’t prevent infections, but dampens symptoms and adverse outcomes.
…and you’re example that is supposed to prove me wrong, is that you “caught Covid 3mo after 3rd shot” (to my point in that it doesn’t PREVENT), and that it was “easier than common cold” (to my point that it works as a THERAPEUTIC).
You made my point.
You ask for sources, I gave you TWO credible websites. If you can’t navigate them, that is not my responsibility, any more than I have to accept your citation of a “concensus of medical professionals”.
…which is ironic, bc yes, I AM “a part of” that.
My practice has administered 1000s of these mRNA injections. Which makes your assertion that I am “afraid” of them, absurd.
I’ve had 2 doses of the Moderna shot. Based on my experience and what I’ve seen in patients, I saw no need to get a booster. Omicron is a weak variant, most who catch it, don’t even realize it, and mRNA only has a 32-58% efficacy rate against omicron.
I just hope society stops thinking of these therapies as cures and preventatives. You can still catch and transmit covid, regardless of shots or boosters.
In short, there is no reason for anyone to be concerned about someone else’s “vaccination status” in regards to their own health.
Put it this way, they are like seat belts. They won’t keep you out of a wreck, or keep you from causing a wreck. But they will help you survive, if you’re in a wreck.
Also, other drivers not wearing their seat belt does not affect your safety at all, or prevent your wreck.
Employer mandates are just bad business, and unnecessary.
Hope that simplifies it.
Obviously the vax prevented serious illness. They are indeed like seatbelts in a way but they are also indeed vaccines. But when you wear a seatbelt and there are other passengers in your car, you are protecting them in the event of a wreck as well.
George Washington mandated smallpox inoculation in the Continental Army after losing the Battle of Quebec because tons of soldiers died from the disease. Was that also bad business and unnecessary? Our victory in the war seems to suggest it helped.
RICHT… for crying out loud, it was an analogy, of 2 people, in 2 separate cars. Fine, change it to condoms, or sunscreen, or steel-toed boots. The point is, your NEIGHBOR’S participation in using the preemptive measure for their own health, doesn’t improve or reduce YOUR immediate risk.
Also, GW took literal blood from literal cuts on the arms of soldiers with smallpox and applied it to cuts on other soldiers.
It was ACTUAL virus.
The mRNA is wholly different.
GWs soldiers (if they survived) were inoculated by this, and were unable to be reinfected. People who have had the mRNA shots can still catch and shed covid.
That’s my whole point. Employer mandates falsely assume otherwise, like it’s an inoculation. It’s not.
You realize the flu shot for North America is just a guess based on the prevalent strain during the African flu season, right? Like it routinely isn’t effective at all. That said, vaccine with boosters still shows a pretty high efficacy against omicron. Seems boneheaded to be so afraid of a shot literally BILLIONS have had.
Here’s the barometer I use. Rich people. The vast, vast majority of rich people and people in positions of authority jumped the line in order to get the vaccine. Trump himself is vaccinated, with boosters. The argument against the vaccine is utterly worthless.
People like greg7274 are scared of a little pinprick and don’t want to admit it. Maybe if we give them a wowipop after they’ll do it.
You tell ’em brave anonymous man!
The argument for forcing someone else to get the vaccine or lose their job doesn’t exist. Which is the whole point. Your opinion of the validity of someone’s personal medical choice is irrelevant. If you actually think you make a difference, you should focus on obesity instead which kills infinity more than COVID.
There’s no argument against the vaccine the argument is taking away everyone’s rights and mandating it when that’s clearly and utterly against our constitution as Americans. I won’t get that dumb pointless sugar shot because I’m not gonna be forced to do anything but pay my taxes. That’s where everything is being lost. NO ONE is arguing the vaccine and if it maybe helps whatever this fake damn ‘virus’ is. The people who aren’t getting the vaccine are doing it because we’re not gonna lay down and be told what to do, that’s against our American given right to free speech just like it’s your American given right to get the vaccine.
I get three allergy shots every month and I haven’t gotten the vaccine.
Does natural immunity mean nothing?
Why is this news? I’m so sick of reading about who is vaxxed, who isn’t, who is requiring it, who’s not. Enough already! How about respecting people’s right to privacy and leave it between them and their employer? There is absolutely ZERO reason to publish this story. Talk about player movement, or coaching hires. Not about their medical status, unless this is becoming a peer-reviewed medical journal rather than a baseball rumors site.
Ok so they shouldn’t report on players getting injured because that’s medical status and not in a peer-reviewed journal, got it.
That may be one of the most thoughtless comments I’ve seen in a while. There’s a huge difference between injuries that affect play on the field and whether coaches are getting the jab in Spring Training. But way to pick apart a comment just for the sake of arguing and making yourself feel smart. And even for injuries that affect play on the field all we really need to know is the fact that an injury occurred, and the prognosis for time away. Otherwise, other details are not needed.
But you keep at it. Good effort.
Injuries are definitely medical status so stop backpedaling. I’m sure players don’t like their injuries being public knowledge. Think that the Brewers’ Devin Williams liked everyone knowing he broke his hand in October from punching a wall?
Well the fact that he punched a wall didn’t need to be reported, did it. All that needed to be reported was “Devin Williams will miss the remainder of the postseason due to an off-field injury.” But they can’t stop there, can they? For things that happen on the field it happens in a public forum so it’s usually pretty obvious what the injury is, at least to which body part anyway. Even so, all fans need to know is duration of expected absence. Not the nature of the injury. But that’ll never happen because reporters can’t keep it private.
How dare they report about news you don’t stand behind.
More like how dare they report on things that should be private and are none of our business. But right on! Keep coming to those wrong conclusions!
Dear Merica,
Don’t you dare do anything to limit the impact of my stupidity!
You should change your username to “generic MLBTR commenter”
Looks like MLB is still taking advice from the CDC. Newsflash, Covid is done. Stop making it a thing
Tell that to people in Hong Kong right now
@HongKong Newsflash, Covid is done. Stop making it a thing
MLB is pathetic.
Time to close the comments.
No! I enjoy reading these kinds of discussions lol
If the script were flipped and anti-mandate commenters were the ones getting ratioed, you’d want to keep the comments open to show off how “smart” or “right” you are. Get over yourself, and get over covid
I’m actually anti-mandate and haven’t gotten the vaccine(the only one I’ll get is novovax). I’m just tired of COVID talk, isn’t the narrative Russia Russia now?
I’m there with you dude, I’m anti mandate as well so I’m not taking the jab. But I still enjoy the covid talk, shows how big of sheep we deal with every day in society lol
Ahhh Liberal agenda love it MLB show us more bad decisions like the ASG last season.