Click here to read a transcript of Tuesday’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
By Steve Adams | at
Click here to read a transcript of Tuesday’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
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Justin Upton is only making “like $12 million?” I thought his salary was really bloated and he was closer to around $30 million?
I think he meant to say $12 million *more* and left out a word.
Baseball Reference has his salary at $28 million for 3022. Haven’t read the chat, don’t know what that
$12 million is all about…..
Steve answered what I assume was a question from Hammer and corrected himself at 2:39 in the chat.
Yeah. He corrected it in the chat after I asked it here. Someone was asking about a Kimbrel for Upton trade and he meant to say that Upton makes $12 million *more than Kimbrel and also pretty much sucks so it makes no sense for the White Sox to get $12 million more expensive just to get worse.
Man. 28 million deferred til 3022 is long time…
Steve I’d gladly buy you a beer at PNC Park. It’s been too long since I’ve been there for a game as it is. The Pirates have struck out many times in many ways in recent memory, but they hit a grand slam when they built PNC.
@ uncle, leave him a ticket at the will call window?
Just like Will ferrell, in Talladega nights.
Biff – Just like Daniel Nava used to leave tickets for Erin Andrews before every game for at least 3 years.
Why I retain all this useless Red Sox knowledge, I have no idea.
Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same…
Where did all this “Kershaw to the Rangers” mumbo jumbo come from? Did he ever actually express interest in signing with them, or any team that isn’t the Dodgers?
I don’t know if he ever expressed it but people have been talking about that being a good place for him for years. He lives on a ranch in Texas and the Rangers stadium is by far the closest MLB stadium to where he lives. So if he played there he could live with his family at the same time.
I do agree that it could be overblown. Most people seem to think it’s Dodgers, Rangers or retire. I personally think it’s possible the Dodgers aren’t as interested after failing to make a qualifying offer. If the Dodgers don’t want to pay him I could see a scenario where Kershaw still wants to play but wants to go to a contender much more likely to win than Texas. I wouldn’t cross any contender off the list. I will say Texas is probably the only team not in contention he would pick and they probably still are the #2 favorite behind the Dodgers. I don’t thinks it’s Dodgers, Rangers or retire though.
I believe the Dodgers stated reason, they didn’t extend the QO as a kind gesture to a franchise legend. If he decides to return he’ll get a much bigger contract anyway. The only way the Dodgers lose out is if he signs with another team, which probably won’t happen. Why would he leave a strong perennial contender for another contender? Makes no sense.
Respectfully, declining to extend the QO as “kind gesture” is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard in my life. They basically have to sign him now that they did that. That’s not a move you make if there is even a 1% chance that he signs elsewhere.
Yeah. My guess is he stays with the Dodgers but I’m not certain. I figure there is about a 33.3% chance Kershaw stays a Dodger, a 33.3% he goes to the Rangers and a 33.3% chance that he signs with one of the other 28 teams. I’m in the minority, though. Most people have it around 50/50 Dodgers or Rangers with almost a 0% chance he signs with a different team. I know the Dodgers said they didn’t extend the QO as a kind gesture to Kershaw but I don’t really buy it. I think they said that because it gives them a better public image to players. I am virtually certain that if Kershaw were healthy they would have extended the QO. A forearm injury can be very serious and you never know if the guy will need Tommy John surgery down the line to fix it. It’s also easy to re-injure if he doesn’t have surgery. My guess is that at the time they weren’t comfortable paying him over $18 million AAV when the injury just happened and they didn’t know if or when he would be healthy again next season. Ask yourself this: If Kershaw were 100% healthy and pitched great in the playoffs to carry them to another world championship, do you think there is any way the Dodgers don’t QO him? I am certain they would have extended the QO in that case. If that’s true than the decision to not extend a QO has a lot more to do with his injury than it does a kind gesture. I’m thinking the Dodgers wanted to wait a few months and see how healthy he got before they offered him any money like that.
I really don’t see Kershaw not being a one-uniform guy. Not extending the QO was still stupid tho.
What if he really wanted to go to Texas but the QO was a deal-breaker for the Rangers? Seems to me like they did it out of respect.
@vtadave Then they are, for lack of a better word, morons.
RIP to former Yankee Gerald Williams.
Paxson says “a significant part of Collective Bargaining is … actually bargaining #AtTheTable”. So why aren’t the MLBPA (all the teams reps) attorney and Tony Clark in Orlando sitting across from the owners and commissioner really negotiating a new CBA? Or is it MLBPA thinks they can force what they want by talking (and berating) to the media and fans. Get over your egos and get serious about negotiating.
It’s the owners’ turn to make an offer. And the owners locked the players out.
Negotiation 101 – don’t negotiate against yourself. And by making an offer, the owners would be. The MLBPA has been making ridiculous and unprecedented offers. None of which the owners will even consider as serious. Why counter to stupid ? All your doing is bumping yourself up.
The players have made more concessions from their starting point than the owners, and the players made the most recent offer. The ball is in the owners’ court.
Boras’ clients (Scherzer and Seager) suddenly got their deals before the lockout. Doesn’t that sound odd they would sign just before the lockout? Boras’ history is to never sign his clients early. And Scherzer is one of the players negotiating (and speaking out) for the MLBPA.
Scherzer talks about helping the younger players but does he really care. He’s got his “plush deal” – $14,000 for every pitch.
Boras’ history also includes knowing an overpay when he sees one. Enter, the Seager contract.
Not sure why mlbpa isn’t demanding a more balanced schedule? Cmon. Facing inter-division teams like half of their season schedule? I get the limit of traveling etc but a more balance schedule would actually make a truly good team stand out. And interleague as well. Play all the interleague teams or play non of them. BALANCE!!
Expansion to 32 teams 4 divisions each of 4 teams. Getting rid of interleague play.
Each team plays non division teams in their league 10 times per season(12x 10 games each. Total 120 games) inter divisions teams 3x 14 games. 42 per year. Total 162 games. BALANCE!!!