TODAY: Ramirez’s death was due to suicide, as disclosed today by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s office (Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times had the information). Though the Rays, Ramirez’s family released a statement:
“The loss of our son has been the most excruciating experience we have lived. Unfortunately, we sometimes don’t see the signs. Struggling in silence is not OK. It is our commitment to honor our son’s life by helping other families. No parent should have to endure the loss of their child. We are very grateful to the Tampa Bay Rays organization, whom we consider our family, for their love and support. Our son felt loved by all of you. Thank you to our family, friends and everyone else far and near for the outpouring of love and support. God bless you! Rays Up in Heaven.”
JANUARY 11: The Rays announced that bullpen catcher Jean Ramirez has passed away at age 28. We at MLB Trade Rumors send our condolences to Ramirez’s family and loved ones.
A 28th-round pick out of Illinois State in the 2016 draft, Ramirez played three seasons in Tampa Bay’s farm system before being released following the 2018 season. Soon afterwards, however, the club rehired Ramirez for a new role as the bullpen catcher on the big league club, opening a door towards the coaching career Ramirez looked to establish in his future, as he told The Athletic’s Josh Tolentino in April 2019.
Ramirez quickly established himself as a key member of the Rays’ staff. In a statement today, Rays manager Kevin Cash described Ramirez as “an incredible teammate and friend,” adding that “Jean will be deeply missed” throughout the organization.
“He brought so much passion and energy each day to our clubhouse and bullpen, and his love for the Rays and baseball was evident to all who interacted with him. He had the biggest heart and the most infectious smile,” Cash said.
That’s terrible. Rest In Peace.
Wow. Heartbreaking. He may have never made it as a major league player but to be an MLB bullpen catcher by age 28 is far more than almost any 28 year old will accomplish. I just found out about Bob Sagat, too. It seems like a lot of people we all know have gone very recently with Dan Reeves, Betty White, John Madden and now Bob Sagat and Jean Ramirez. Rest in peace. You will be missed. Condolences to the Ramirez family.
Unfortunately, many “people we all know” die every year. We just have recency bias and remember the most current deaths.
That’s true. I just meant it seems like a lot for such a short period of time. I’ve always heard “it happens in threes’ or whatever but that’s obviously made up. I can’t remember the last time 5 famous people I recognize all died in around the same week. Especially with an age rate of 28(Jean Ramirez) to 99(Betty White). Betty White was born before the Yankees ever won a single world series. That shows you how much life the younger guys like Ramirez missed out on. He died around the same time she did and White was already considered elderly before he was even born. It’s just sad some times.
I always miss people when they die but frequently very old people are in a lot of physical anguish so there is at least the feeling they are in a better place. When someone young dies it’s just a shame all around. They missed so much.
Oh, man. Suicide? I didn’t see that one coming. I feel so bad for his family. I know families who have dealt with suicide and it is such an awful thing for them to go through. Frequently the people who commit suicide don’t even realize how much it will hurt and change their family.
I think most people know this but I feel the need to point it out because I meet people every day who don’t seem to understand. Some people think that if you have what they would consider a good life it makes no sense to be depressed. They take their own brains and chemicals for granted. They don’t realize that if their own brains stopped producing chemicals like serotonin, dopamine or endorphins they would be absolutely depressed all the time regardless of what happens in their life. Most suicide victims have this problem that some people never experience at all. The seemingly easy answer is psychiatric medication but those medications frequently don’t really work and the side effects can be awful.
The saddest thing is that a lot of people who commit suicide would probably change their minds later given enough time. It seems totally hopeless then but a few short months later they could find themselves shocked they ever even considered suicide.
I feel so bad for the Ramirez family and I really hope they get through this. It is a very tough hill to climb. No parent should ever be forced to outlive their own child. Prayers.
I knew a young kid maybe 12 years old that killed him self by using a bullwhip in a closet to create autoerotic asphyxiation. That was about 18 years ago and was the saddest funeral I’ve ever been too.
@FredMcGriff for the HOF –
You said a kid killed himself by using a bullwhip in a closet to create autoerotic asphyxiation. As a retired death investigator for a police department in a major metropolitan area I can tell you although it is technically true auto-erotic deaths are technically a type of suicide, because someone brought about their own death, such deaths in almost all cases are purely accidental because the decedent did not intentionally go about causing their own death. They brought about their own demise by improperly planning their dangerous secret sexual activity.
28 is just too damn young. Condolences to his family and friends.
Heartbreaking. 28 is just too young.
Given his age, I have to assume his parents are alive and that’s a level of pain no parent should feel.
@HalosHeavenJJ – “Given his age, I have to assume his parents are alive and that’s a level of pain no parent should feel.”.
Yes, it is excruciatingly painful. When my wife died in her late 30’s her mother told me “No parent should have to bury a child.’ I hope I never have to bury one of my kids. Losing a spouse was devastating. Losing a child would be crushing.
Props to you single dad! I had take my 5 y.o.two nights ago to the ER bc he smashed out of frustration his iPad and embedded a few small pieces of shattered glass into his fingers. I was 98% sure he was alright but that anxiety was numbing waiting for a doctor to tell us that there was no trauma. He went to school the next day with a few bandaids.
Man, that’s horrible you and your child had to endure that. There’s no question both are crushing events in this brutal, fallen world. Only God can give us peace through grace in faith alone.
I pray you never have to endure anything remotely close to that in your lifetime again because you’ve had to endure more than many already.
Wow. That’s tough.
Best wishes for you and your kids.
that’s terrible! same age as my son. rest in peace!
So sorry… he’s in a better place
@The Baseball Fan (Doesn’t like the Cubs) – “.he’s in a better place”
That comment is on the list of things NOT to say to anyone who has lost a loved one. After my wife died I became a grief counselor (on weekend retreats when I wasn’t working my real job). The reason why you shouldn’t ever say to someone “he/she is in a better place” is because 1) the person you are saying it to is likely in great emotional anguish/pain and THEY are NOT in a “better place” themselves so hearing that doesn’t make them feel better, and 2) such a saying is very superficial and may very well NOT be true.
I’m sure your intentions were good. Just trying to help.
You said it better than I … while intentions are good… the “better place “ for those left behind is right here on earth still…
I find it interesting that even in times when we can all seemingly come together over a loss, there are still some people who can find a way to be negative. Shame on you for showing no respect to Vizionaires loved one who passed away.
Uh, I think Vizionaire was saying that Ramirez died at the age his son currently is, not that his own son died at that age?
Oh. Typing confusion
No. Saying “he’s in a better place” shows that you are thoughtless moron.
Someone suffering in agony with no hope of recovery, they get relief only from death, so we console ourselves that they have moved to a better place, and accept their loss. But a healthy 28-year-old does not get relief by dying.
Unless, of course, what was written to pass as scripture isn’t actually truth, and whether one subscribes to Christian dogma and believes “saving,” whatever that actually means, is necessary and desirable. We’re not all Christian, you know.
@Yankee Clipper – Amen brother (or sister)!!! That’s one of the reasons why I said saying “he’s in a better place” may very well NOT be true.
Scripture was written by mortal men who know as much about the afterlife as anyone else, nothing. Saying someone is “in a better place” is akin to saying “thoughts and prayers”. Both are cliche and show you don’t really care.
Stu, I feel bad for you, honestly. I don’t think everyone is a Christian, nor am I naive enough to think everyone believes Scripture. But that doesn’t change its truth. It is the only basis of information provided that can answer historical questions from the beginning of time, which are otherwise completely unanswerable, while also predicting, with an incredible degree of accuracy, the future.
In fact, they’re still discovering things written in the Bible long believed to be non-existent, like whole cities and kings. The Bible is the only known record. Moreover, there are thousands more dated records of biblical texts than writings of Plato, or Socrates, both of whom nobody has a problem believing existed (or authored their works).
Many people say, “You don’t KNOW though for sure.” But that’s just it, I do know for sure. It’s literally right there. Scripture validates Scripture and it has yet to be proven wrong in its 4,000 year existence.
I promise you, if you look with an open mind, no predisposition whatsoever, you will not come away with doubts. If you never believe, it’s on you, but that’s a terrible perspective with literally no purpose or reason for existence of human beings.
God is real, my friend. Jesus died for us a nasty, horrible, gruesome death, and it was voluntary on His part. He gives all of us the choice to believe, but within you is some part that knows it’s true.
Don’t feel bad for me. Feel bad for yourself for not understanding that god is merely a self-fulfilling prophecy. God is real for you because you believe god is real, and god is not real to those who don’t believe god is real. Both views are equally valid because there is no objective reality. Rather simple, isn’t it?
Bleedinblue: It’s incredible that you say with such certainty what those men were and how those writings came to be when you weren’t there. So, you’re saying you “know” how that happened (which would be supernatural) yet you deny it on the premises of the writings occurring supernaturally?
Anyway, mortal men, yes. They were mortal. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s too long to explain here, but it’s the same way they could heal paralytics and bring back people from the dead as mere mortal men. Scripture is inspired by the Spirit, and if it were just mortal men, it would’ve easily been disproven, especially all the prophecy which has come to pass over several millennia.
Also, why would mortal men include all the bad stuff about themselves if their writings were based on carnal motivations? Makes no sense. Also, why would they be willingly tortured and murdered in such excruciatingly painful deaths and not one of them recant his belief?
And just look at Saul/Paul…He killed Christians and was a high-level, well-respected Pharisee. Why would he sign his own death warrant by joining the very people he was hunting and killing? Makes no sense if it’s based on human motives – it’s completely counterintuitive.
Many of these deaths, Paul’s conversion, Jesus’ crucifixion all were independently corroborated by well-respected secular & anti-Christian historical sources.
Don’t even get me started on the proof of the Great Flood, which is overwhelming too. It’s just ignored because we (humans) don’t want accountability for our actions (sin) because we are deprived and sin appeals to us.
Once you die, choice is over. Think about it because you only get one shot at eternity (which most people think is a long time).
No, it’s not an objective opinion. He is real, man. There’s nothing self-fulfilling about denying carnal motivations. It’s incredibly difficult. It’s the only hope we have. Just look at it with an open mind. Trust me, I was as skeptical as one could be. It was my own ignorance upon which my skepticism is based. He is real, Stu, but nobody can force you to believe. There are loads of false doctrines, poor church leaders, misguided people, misinterpreted Scripture, and it’s all NOT Christian, although it’s attributed to Christianity because they lay claim to that name.
I hope you get to see that one day because there’s simply nothing like knowing it. I don’t mean any of this facetiously either, or in any way to be derogatory or condescending, so please don’t take it that way. I really wish you luck, man.
Dunedin: You’re so right, my friend. I really wish the best for you and your family. Your belief after your trials is testimony to the power of true faith, and the reality of our grave depravity here, if not saved. Thank you, and I’ll pray for your family, brother.
By definition, opinion is not objective. God is not real in my opinion. That’s just as objectively true as yours.
@Stu Baron – “By definition, opinion is not objective. God is not real in my opinion. That’s just as objectively true as yours.”
That is absolutely not true. Using your logic if there are a 100 people in a room then there are 100 different gods. That defies logic and even science. There is one, and only one, absolute truth, and we can choose to diligently find that truth or be lazy and just attempt a half-assed perfunctory (at best) attempt to find out how mankind wound up on Earth and how the Universe came into existence.
We all have a “god”. It just so happens Yankee Clipper and I share the same God; the God of the Bible. But our belief is based not just in the Bible but also the voluminous amount of evidence around us in this World supporting that belief, while your god appears to be one you have created in your own mind which you likely extrapolate from a bunch of subjective opinions and incomplete scientific data.
I have a degree in Environmental Science from a major Big Ten university, with coursework in Evolutionary Theory. ALL evidence I have seen points to Intelligent Design. While neither end of the spectrum of belief (i.e. atheists like you on one end and believers like Yankee Clipper and me on the other end) can provide a “smoking gun” PROVING biogenesis (i.e. the beginning of life). That’s where faith comes in. You put your faith in mankind while we put our faith in our great and loving Creator.
And I hold degrees from two Ivy League universities. I wouldn’t even mention that but for your bragging. Your Big 10 university is what we call a “safety school” for students who can’t get admitted to more selective institutions.
Nothing you said proves anything. I never said I know but ypu don’t know either. The great flood did not happen. If it did there would be no diversity in the world because we would all be related to Noah. And, guessing by your statement, you don’t believe people evolved into other races so explain that.
You say scripture isyy the truth and has not been disproven. But, it hasn’t been proven either.
Because they talk about actual killings makes everything in the Bible factusl? Give me a break.
People who think the Bible is fact are unable or unwilling to think for themselves and blindly follow their religious leaders.
What if YOU are wrong and God had the Bible created to test people to see blindly follows and believes these stories.
Don’t profess to know anything that happens when you die because you don’t And deep down you know that.
Voluminous amount of evidence lol
You’ve listed ally answered everything with, “what if.” The reason for your agnosticism is because it’s so slippery one cannot pin down your actual point. By your argument, history cannot be proven, therefore history is fake, or completely subjective. There is no evidence of anything we weren’t alive for so it’s not sufficiently proven. It’s such a straw man, but a very weak one.
I never said the Bible is real because it talks about killings. I said, if motivated by man, the men in the Bible talk about their own, and their Savior’s human weaknesses. That’s idiotic, and no other religion does that. It’s also the ONLY non-works-based religion in the world, when interpreted biblically.
I’m Christian because I think for myself. You seem to just espouse what you think are new age “problem” with Scripture that have been answered fully and sufficiently for years now. You just participate in groupthink and believe any other view demonstrates ignorance.
What if I am wrong? Okay, I’ll play your game. If I’m wrong I simply treated people better, sinned less, was faithful, kinder, more respectful, and had more hope than I would have otherwise, especially when things go wrong.
But, what if you’re wrong? You’ve violated at least 5 commandments without a doubt, and are doomed to spiritual death and an eternity of suffering. I’ll take my faith over yours. That’s just it, it takes MORE faith to be athiest/agnostic because you’re heading eternity on it.
I do know what happens when one dies, and your reaction is common. It’s your gut telling you that you do too. You just won’t listen to it. You should free yourself from your own burden.
Your points can be answered & countered so simply if you would research your questions.
There is literally a world full of evidence. Tangible, five senses worth of evidence nobody can answer for if not for the Bible.
I am not biblical scholar at all. But Noahs’ sons wives could account for ethnic diversity.
How do you know that? Ever think about what happens to a body that gets buried?
@stu baron, you can’t argue with the indoctrinated lol. I am in your boat completely on this, but try as you might…only “they” are right. The rest of us are wrong and will pay for our failure to bow down to their fictitious deity.
Science has proven time and time again how they are wrong, but they will never sway in their faith to the adult version of Santa Claus. We tell our kids if they’re good all year Santa will reward them with presents. Well they that it they’re good during their life then their version of Santa will reward them.
It’s not a bad concept in order to keep a modicum of peace in society, and to each their own. I just choose to march to the beat of my own drum and be a good human, just because. That’s just me though.
Science? Just that term invalidates your argument. Science is what? Hypothesis, proof, repeat experiment. Please repeat history, like any of what’s in the Bible. And I’d argue you’re the indoctrinated. I never went to church, like ever, and didn’t grow up in a family that did either. In fact, most of my family doesn’t believe.
And define, “good human”? Who determines that because according to you, there’s no higher authority so there’s only opinion. “Good” is subjective to every person. Go ahead, I am waiting.
Also, how did we come into existence?
What’s also comical is I’ve responded to all three of you with specifics and none of you has responded with anything outside of, “that’s just fairy tale” or “I don’t believe opinion” or “you can’t prove that”. When, if true, it invalidates all other things you believe or acknowledge in life, like history. As far as “modicum of peace” you’re wrong. That’s not the reason. If that were, why would the Romans kill Jesus and His disciples when they wanted to control Jews? And seeing the Jews were so quickly converting, why did the Jews want more peaceful Jews dead? Your argument is so rudimentary it presupposes that you’re speaking of an entirely different history – because you are.
Research, learn facts, don’t suffer for eternity! Please. And for someone that says we won’t change our beliefs, I see your not open-minded, at all, to discussing actual facts.
You cannot explain anything with science because none of it is observable or repeatable, yet you say it’s science? Wow.
Well Yankee Clipper, you know what Matthew 7:6 says.: “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces..”.. Self-worshipping non-believers can be very hostile to God’s perfect Word and unkind to those of us trying to help them from their proud unbelief. Such men & women will face their Judgment Day. On that day they will have no excuse for their self-idolizing behavior and will regret mocking those to whom they refused to listen to as they tried to help. Death eventually comes to all.
By the way Stu Baron, unlike you I didn’t give my education information to brag. I solely did it to illustrate I am well-educated in the scientific theories and facts about which I talk. You just proved my point about you idolizing yourself by bragging where you went to school (noticeably avoiding the sharing of what your degrees are in) and laughably insulting where I went to school. One day little man you will face your Creator and all indications, based upon your stubborn pride, appear to indicate that day will not go well for you. It’s not too late to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior instead of worshipping at the altar of Stu.
@Scrap Iron- You wrote “It’s not a bad concept in order to keep a modicum of peace in society, and to each their own. I just choose to march to the beat of my own drum and be a good human, just because. That’s just me though.”.
You claim you are a “good human” who marches to the beat of his own drum. Based upon whose measuring stick are you “good?! From the sounds of it you have made yourself a god and get to decide what is “good” and “bad”, and the difference between “right” and “wrong”. That is pride in the extreme, my friend. Such pride-filled people like you include Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini, who all thought their respective world views and “values” were “right” and “good” based upon their own twisted moral code. Your self-idolizing pride and hostility to He who gave you life is sad, my friend.
Very well said, my friend. It’s sad really, because we know what they’ve lost. But, as you correctly illustrated those who turn away from God seethe at those who don’t because of what He is.
I also noticed Stu completely missed your purpose for stating you had a degree in the sciences, and then left out completely his degree.
Big Ten, huh? Nice! That’s truly awesome. I wanted to go to Penn State but stayed in NY instead.
Anyway, brother, like you articulated in your comment, Judgment Day is going to come sooner or later – it won’t be so funny or popular to be in the wrong side of it then.
Clearly I’m misunderstanding something here – because Stu chooses to live by his own conscience – he can be compared to Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin?
Could we maybe stick to baseball and in this case the tragic passing of a lost young man?
How does any of this have anything to do with Jean Ramirez????
Because he’s dead and we are talking about his afterlife and the consequences of his decisions made prior to getting there.
God is everywhere and in everything. People get offended at the very mention of His name which is how we got here. They espouse to be objective, open-minded; but they are narrow, focused only on shutting down the very mention of His name, which is clearly predicted and admonished in the Bible, by the way. There are things much bigger than baseball; this is one of them, whereas politics is not.
So sad. RIP!
Oof, way too young. RIP
Man, 28, that’s awful. RIP.
RIP Jean…..
So sad to hear this. Prayers to his family.
RIP Jean…. way to young to die
Rip… this off-season has had a lot of sad news.
So sad. Hoping for the best for his family
I’m so sorry to hear this. This is awful news. RIP.
I couldn’t imagine being his family right now and getting this news
Awful news, thoughts & prayers go out to his loved ones. RIP Jean.
The world is upside down, inside out and on fire.
My God, have mercy on this young man.
RIP Jean Ramirez.
Condolences to the family.
Poor guy, Rest In Peace. Sounds like he had a bright coaching future in front of him too; his family must be devastated.
I couldn’t think of anything worse in life than news of one of my kids passing away. Even typing it is a bit creepy. Rest In Peace. Bless your soul.
Cheers Coach!
RIP young Man. Condolences to the Family and Friends!!
RIP Jean Ramirez.
Every loss has an impact. We might not even know Jean’s impact for years, but he had an impact.
passes away from what ? 28 year old athletes dont just pass away?
Could have been anything. Car accident, aneurysm, slip and fall, any number of things. No details, so no reason to assume anything out of the ordinary. Life happens.
Did they release a cause of death yet for Andres Melendez who was just 20?
@mrmackey No and I find it unlikely that they ever will.
@galer18 If it was one of the things you suggested we’d know by now.
You’ve never heard of young people killing themselves before? Suicide doesn’t discriminate against athletes.
Buddy read the time stamp
I found this…
What a terrible thing for such an active person, at 28.
My take is to definitely retire “in a better place.” Not helpful. Almost always lands wrong unless, of course, the grieving person is super devout. Know your audience.
If you think it is an uplift, circle back in a year or three and ask the recipient.
Other than saying “I’m glad it happened”, please say anything else than that. Anything. “Thoughts and prayers”, as trite as that sometimes sounds. A silent pat on the shoulder beats hearing that phrase.
The grieving mind does tend to go to where that comment shouldn’t take it. The speaker is thinking about the lost one’s soul, but Stu Baron nailed it. For too long, that comment inexorably leads the aggrieved’s mind to a terrible, painful place – the state of your loved one’s body.
It’s natural, obviously, but somehow going there is quite horrible. Especially if you heard those soothing words after accidentally encountering your child’s body mid-autopsy. That is not a better place for them to be.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, lucky you.
You said it perfectly.
A lot of really inconsiderate comments in here, smh.. I’m a year older than him and I want to die everyday, depression is a thing folks.
Hang in there slim. Have faith. It will get better…
Seek help now, Slim. There is absolutely no shame in doing so. Living in silent pain can only last for so long. Confide in your family and true friends; they will all help you get the help you need and be there for you throughout all the struggles you are having. If money is an issue, there are many free resources available. You just need to take the first step and help will be on the way. Hang in there, buddy and don’t give up! The world is a better place with you in it.
The world is better with you in it. Never forget that, whatever pain you feel now is temporary
Please get help Slim. I did, and I had made a big difference.
I’ve been there too, Slim, and it’s a terrible, awful place to be.
You’re loved, and there are people who care about you, including on this message board.
If you’re on Facebook, please consider posting a message there, touching upon, as you feel comfortable, your struggles. I did the same a few weeks ago – the emotional toll of caring solo for an aging parent overwhelming me almost twenty months in – and was absolutely floored by the outpouring of support I received.
You make the world a better place through your darkest days, your brightest ones, and all in between. I know it might seem hard to believe right now, but it’s all so much true.
Take care. You matter.
I feel the same way as you Slim.
Blue blood, is your handle what I think and the number stand for what I think it does (job wise)?
Holy Spirit, we ask You to minister to blueblood. Let him encounter You.
Slim, there are people here that don’t even know you personally that know your worth as a human. But God, our very Creator, loves you, man. He died so you can live. Turn your faith to Him, trust Him.
There’s is always immense, incredible value and purpose to your life, even when circumstances make it so it doesn’t feel so.
Depression is absolutely a thing, but even if it never truly leaves you, it’s temporary and it will pass. Do remember that. I know depression quite well, last week was a dark one for me. No idea why, which is what makes it all the more difficult to deal with. I go it alone, though I draw on my friends and family without them truly knowing it. I shouldn’t do it that way, but it is how I cope. I hope you decide to cope as you currently are now by talking about it.
Slim, you matter. Blueblood, you matter. It’s good that you both are willing to share your current state of mind, sadly as above, many suffer in silence and only their self-destruction serves as notice, far too late for their friends and loved ones to help. As you can see from these posts in reply, strangers who only know your username and that you enjoy baseball still care for you, and want you around. Seek help please, and stick around.
We are here to support you! Mental atypicality is real and scary. Don’t give in no matter how much you may want to bud. You got this!
Holy Spirit, we ask You to minister to our friend Slim. Let him encounter Your Presence as he reads this.
He was an Illinois State University Alum! RIP
A bunch of healthy Young people dying lately… from What?
Mental illness. Read the article, stupid
Just not getting the help that’s needed. Hopefully this can be changed as soon as possible
@Bucsfan, read his time stamp, stupid.
The update wasn’t in article when I posted Idiot !
Bucsfan0004 must be one of those Bandwagon Bucs fans.. 80’s was probably a miners Fan, 90’s a Cowboys fan, 2000’s a Pats fan!! Investigate before you comment idiot !
Oh wow. That wow…
Prayers for him. So sad
The family statement gave me chills. RIP. No more pain for you.
Strength and comfort for the Ramirez family.
The pain this young man must have been dealing with had to be unbearable. Now his family is in great pain.
Please try to keep an eye out for those in your life and inner circle who might be struggling, and do what you can to help. Even small gestures can make a difference.
That’s always the worst part, especially for family… “did I miss any indications & could I have done something to get him help?” No matter whatever is said they’ll always have to live with that and that itself is torturous. There are simply no words…
So very sad. Makes no difference whatsoever what team you pull for. Baseball is a family and we’ve lost a member tragically. God bless the family.
You will have most of eternity to not be alive.
Shame when anyone cuts their time short.
I love it when my posts get deleted. Seems to happen whenever I am critical of the author of the article. I posted that it would be nice if we could know the cause of death. Was it an accident? Illness? Murder? What? These pieces without this information are too light on facts.
Sincere condolences to the friends, family, and loved ones of Jean. The loss of a loved one, especially under such tragic circumstances, is not an easy burden to bear, and I hope that their grief will be eased by fond memory and affection.
That said, I am dismayed by many of the commenters here that seemingly used this tragedy as a platform for proselytization and theistic debate. Much of what I read was dripping with sophistry, arrogance, and a complete lack of empathy. While I am normally eager, and more than willing, to engage in discussions of this ilk, I cannot see how this is even remotely the proper venue for such dialogue. The internet is the doom of discourse, after all. I realize I may have just kicked a nest of hornets, but so be it.
On the other hand, I found it very heartening to see that there were several people who spoke up about their own struggles with depression. I have also wrestled with clinical depression and anxiety issues my entire adult life, and I am very grateful that mental health is finally becoming openly discussed and recognized publicly for the detrimental medical condition that it is. Depression caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain is a daily struggle. It ebbs and flows, but is ever present. It is not something that simply passes with time. It is not a case of the ‘sads’. It is a persistent medical condition which needs treatment. For those of you who contend with severe depression, as I do, know that you are not alone. You are seen. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage at the dying of the light…
Apologies for the diatribe. Thank you for your kind indulgence. Be well, and I now happily return to obscure anonymity.
Batsarentbirds….. MLBTR is a community with a common interest, baseball. But It’s a community of people. People trying to navigate every day life.
Baseball is something we all enjoy being a part of, but there are life matters that each person on here is facing. Family, health, financial, relationships, work.
The loss of Jean Ramirez is difficult for each of us because we grieve for what his family is enduring. This site can be a place for the community to bring those challenges to light.
As a Christian, I care about each person here. I care about the battles they’re facing, the personal as well as the challenges in the world around them.
God knows & loves each person here. But He gives you a choice to Know Him or not through Jesus.
Holy Spirit, I ask that You would Encounter every person on here individually in the way You know they need it. I pray Blessings over every person in this community. Thank You for the MLBTR community.
Atmos, I actually agree with you up to a point, but I still feel that this is not the proper forum for some of these discussions. I believe this should be a space to memorialize and commiserate, not climb atop a soap box and use the threat of hell as a cudgel. I am in no way saying that you have done this, but others here have, if ever so subtlety. If there are those on this comment thread that would have interest in a separate MLBTR theological discussion on Discord, or some other platform. I would be all for it, and enthusiastically engage. That said, I will not continue to encourage that debate here.
Again, my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Jean Ramirez, and to all those multitudes who bear the burdens of mental health issues. Be well all.
For anyone needing help, here’s the number for the suicide prevention hotline. I’ve needed this service in the past and wouldn’t be here without it.
When you think about suicide 50 times per day you understand how someone might give in if they don’t pause and take a moment to remember why they are alive? Yeah I don’t help anyone, some would look at my life and judge me, but they can’t see the pain I live with everyday. The voice inside that tells me I failed my family, and friends and that I’ve let the whole world down. Nobody knows that weight except the person feeling it.
It’s so easy to withdraw from this world. Nobody here who might read these words I actually know? Will never see face to face or have a conversation with? It’s all so fake
It’s getting locked out by the owners cause the value of the dollar has collapsed to the point that they cannot afford to pay these players? Or opting out cause you have a underlying health condition? Or just feeling like Nobody really gets you and if anyone really knew you they might think you to be the scum of the earth for something you cannot help. Something as simple and trivial as attraction?
What the world needs isn’t love, or hate, or guns, or gun control, what it needs is acceptance, and a place to be you? As long as your not hurting others you should be allowed to be who you are?
Can’t we get these fools to disarm these nuclear warheads already? I’d feel alot safer if we could?
Hey Mark and MLBTR team – you may have a considerate policy on this, but just wanted to encourage you to post the suicide hotline and/or text line whenever you report on a suicide. You’ve done everything else right in reporting in just stating the fact without sensationalizing or reporting details, but anything we can do to prevent suicide contagion should be done.
1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741)
Jesus. How sad.
I think God is on the verge of striking a lot of you with lightning after seeing these comments.
Wow. Most every one assumes Jean was the one who needed help, that there was something wrong with him.
Maybe there is something wrong with culture and religion and the way things are.
Spoilers attack other for having opportunity. They target us from the get go. They use dope, pills, doped up cigarettes, the name of Jesus, satan,religion…. any excuse at all to attack others.
I was supposed to be a writer. Unfortunately for me, I wrote some songs someone said was worth money.
Here and now….in the Name of Jesus Christ…
I pray that all my works are returned to me and those who have coveted my property meet justice.
Pay me for my music.
Seems like he had a good Family!! God bless his Family for healing