We’re looking to add multiple part-time contributors to the Pro Hockey Rumors writing team. The positions pay on an hourly basis.
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
- Exceptional knowledge of all 32 NHL teams, with no discernible bias. We want you to be as comfortable writing about Janis Moser and Connor Dewar as you would be writing about Connor McDavid and Auston Matthews.
- Knowledge of the salary cap, CBA, and transaction-related concepts.
- Strong weeknight and weekend availability, with the ability to work at least two regular shifts per week. Flexibility to work on short notice and/or on weekdays is a plus.
- Extensive writing experience, with professional experience and a background in journalism both preferred.
- Keen understanding of journalistic principles, ethics, and procedures. Completion of basic college-level journalism classes is strongly preferred.
- Attention to detail and an ability to self-edit.
- Ability to follow PHR’s style and tone.
- Ability to analyze articles and craft intelligent, well-written posts summing up the news in a few paragraphs. We need someone who can balance creating quick copy with thoughtful analysis.
- You must be able to add value to breaking news with your own insight, numbers, or links to other relevant articles.
- Ability to use Twitter, Tweetdeck, and other relevant platforms. In general, you must be able to multi-task.
If you’re interested, email prohockeyrumorshelp@gmail.com and include the following:
- A few paragraphs to explain why you qualify and stand out.
- A description of your availability going forward.
- At least one or two writing samples. NHL-related pieces are preferred, but not mandatory.
We understand that many of those who read this have applied in the past. If you have previously submitted an application for PHR and are still interested, please submit it again. Many will apply, so unfortunately we cannot respond to every applicant.
Do you get paid by check?
Your net pay by check
I know someone who is an excellent fit. I just forwarded him the posting.
Reading this job description screams of ‘write how and what we tell you,’ hasn’t the world had enough of reading ‘A Story’ instead of ‘The Story’?
This is for a job. You think they’re going to pay you to write what YOU feel like?
“We need you to write an article on the Ducks loss last night.”
“Eh..I think I’ll write something about the positive impact of potpourri on the population.”
Potent Potables for $200, Alex.
That’s not what I meant and you’re well aware. Nice try Brandon.
It’s kind of weird that this job posting article is listed on the baseball, football, and basketball Rumor sites but not the hockey one.
Does it count as bias if my team really is better than all of the others?