Many regular MLBTR readers have decided to support the website with a subscription. Sign up or just check out all the benefits here! Benefits include an ad-free browsing experience on the website and in the app, a weekly mailbag from me, exclusive articles and chats from Steve Adams and Anthony Franco, a subscriber-only discussion forum, and weekly autographed baseball card giveaways. The cost is $29.89 per year, or you can sign up for $2.99 per month to give it a trial run. Here are a bunch of real, recent quotes from current subscribers:
Front Office is great! On top of the frequent subscriber mailbags and chats, there are tons of emails with some of the best analysis I’ve seen online. From deep dives into individual players to tracking market trends to analyzing team needs, I’m always excited when an email comes through from the MLBTR team. – Ben V.
Trade Rumors Front Office is about the best value possible if you live and breathe baseball. I’ve had several questions appear in the weekly chats and always get a charge out of seeing them answered by the MLBTR guys. It will be the best two and a half dollars per month that you can spend especially during the hot stove season. – Sandy
Front Office is more than I’ve ever expected it would be. The private chats (where you WILL get your question answered), the Q&As with Mr. Dierkes and quite a lot more. Worth every penny. And it is pennies. – Michael C.
With my Trade Rumors Front Office subscription I’m able to support the high-quality product provided by MLBTR. The exclusive mailbag and chat features offered through membership only enhance the die-hard baseball fan’s experience in staying up-to-date with the news of baseball. There is no better place and no better approach to being part of the MLB-information-pipeline than with a Front Office subscription. – Dave M.
As a lifelong baseball fan and thirty year fantasy player, keeping up with the day to day transactions and rumors is essential. MLB Trade Rumors is my go to site. The subscription service only adds to the value with their well thought out analysis and commentary. Could not live without it! – Michael W.
For the cost of a pizza and a 12-pack of beer, an expenditure you probably make weekly, how can you hesitate to join? MLBTR is there for me, ad-free (makes a big f-ing difference), every morning over breakfast, and I think I’ve had all my questions addressed in their special members-only chats. And how about the EXCELLENT writing and analysis! That alone deserves some $ love. – Joe
The Front Office subscription service has been great. The members only mailbag and chats have been great, with my questions being answered nearly every time. Dierkes and company give some of the most insightful responses and analysis you’ll find on baseball; they are my go to resource for anything baseball now. – Joshua P.
MLBTR offers great insight, and Front Office takes it even further, with exclusive articles and chats from the website’s esteemed writers. At a very affordable price, especially compared to other online subscriptions, Front Office is a must have for any diehard baseball fan. – Jim P.
As a lifelong baseball fan, I discovered MLBTR is the go-to site for the latest (and best) news about the game. The only thing better? Subscribing to get even more insider info and to avoid the painful ads. I’m grateful for the site AND for the option to optimize it. – Bob G.
Thank you for the Front Office experience. The mailbags and chats are really informative. I semi-regularly pose questions, and every question I have posed has received a response. And, while the mailbags and chats tend to focus on the “who might get traded for whom?” and the “who might sign whom and for how much?” questions, many of the questions also round out thinking about the overall business and competitive balance aspects of the game. All very valuable and fun. – Paul K.
I love my Front Office Subscription because it’s easier to get your questions answered in the private chats and the answers are longer and more detailed! And you are automatically entered in free stuff giveaways! – Jorge P.
Or just enjoy the free content and use google to find any other info you might need. Simple as that. Maybe if traderumors had proofreaders and not writers like Zach links it would be worth it
Oh no, my free content, isn’t proofread enough.
Get over yourself. MLBTR provides an incredible service for little to no profit. It completely makes sense for them to provide a paid service with all of the work they do.
@Bledcam 1005% agree!
Little to no profit ? Oh glad you’re their accountant to confirm that. Do you not see how many ads this site has? Sorry to break it to you but ads = money
Yes, ads mean money, but they don’t necessarily reflect the level of revenues or profitability. TBH, the number of ads on a website can indicate a number of different things.
So don’t subscribe. Why you would take the time to convince others not to do so is beyond me.
Randy – totally agree with you on Zach.. but in all fairness I don’t visit the other sites as often so its not as big a deal. I don’t mind the occasional proofreader error type thing and odds are I will treat myself to a subscription because its only fair since I come here a lot. I do wish they would put a “continue reading” tab after 3 or 4 paragraphs so I don’t have to scroll forever to get to next article but thats minor. Love the mute button
I imagine some readers would prefer hot stove news delivered more slowly to prevent the occasional temporary typo, but that’s not the direction I’ve chosen.
@Tim. You guys are doing an optional paid subscription with the freedom to choose the free version. If people don’t like it they can remain free. Unless that changes, commenters have nothing to complain about that’s actually worth something.
Excellent content and well worth the cost! Keep up the great work!!
For such a low cost and no ads being a subscriber is well worth the money.
When this app first came out, I had to pay to download it to my phone. I thought it was a cool app, so I paid the money and downloaded it. Now that the app is free with pay-for content. Don’t waste your money, they’ll probably make the perks free at some point.
No, we definitely won’t be making the perks free at some point. We will continue adding to them though.
You’re also incorrect that the current app has paid content. All Trade Rumors Front Office content is sent via email, not app.
You are correct that when we developed the first MLB Trade Rumors iOS app in 2010, we charged $2.99 for it (I believe a third of that went to Apple). That allowed me to be certain I was recouping the significant cost of developing that app, which felt somewhat risky at the time.
In 2014 I decided to develop a new app that featured all three of the websites I had at the time – MLBTR, Hoops Rumors, and Pro Football Rumors. That’s what we still have now, and it is ad-supported. So it makes sense that some of the 2010-13 app purchasers are unhappy about spending the $2.99.
Appreciate all the work that you all do in the day-to-day of MLBTR. Some people are so fickle harping on something they paid $2.99 for a decade ago.
That $2.99 is now worth about $3.60, which is neither here nor there, but it is currently worth more than a one month subscription. And this money I invested went into creating a much larger and lucrative company. So “harping” over a monetary investment on my part with no return to show for it is reasonable, especially when the person who took my first investment is currently asking for me to invest more money. I think I will pass, and I have my reasons from my prior experience. MLBTR is a fantastic site and resource. I will, however, not be investing any more of my money into the site.
I take no issue with the complaint. I’m also happy to extend by two months the subscription of anyone who shows purchase of the 2010-13 app, in case this is a dealbreaker for anyone else.
C’mon a part of this is simply being cheap. It’s a very small amount. It costs money to develop platforms and apps. That initial investment helped get that first venture off the ground but as a consumer of content the expectation is to continually innovate. That innovation comes with a cost. Just my opinion here but if there’s something you really like and it’s a reasonable amount to give them your support to keep them profitable, then just do it and enjoy the content they provide. It’s a good investment.
Thank you for acknowledging the validity of my complaint. This is all I wanted.
My second year in a row supporting the website and it’s great content, and I will continue to do so every year.
The only downside is that your funds in a way also go to support 3 other sport sites associated with this one. I’d prefer the option to pay the exact same amount, but my funds are going directly and only to mlbtr. I hate the idea that I am paying money to support something I specifically like, but a good chunk of that money is being used for something else. Capitalism is voting with money.
I can see that logic, but subscription revenue doesn’t support the other sites. Their costs are covered by their own ad revenue, just like MLBTR.
I’m happy to subscribe to support. Only suggestion is that the perks are notified through the app (I have android) instead of through email.
Great site, love the product. To the morons promoting the idea of not supporting the site, yet you’ve taken time to log-in to that same site and express your stunted point of view, it might be time to pull your head out of your a** and contribute. Keep up the great work, MLBTR.
I’m happy to pay for the benefits of Front Office. They’re a great bonus on top of the great basic content.
Sorry Tim for others complaining about paying 2.99 years ago or even 29.99 for a year. If you can’t afford 30 dollars in a year for something you use daily that provides a service as good as this, you need to not worry about Trade rumors and get off your butt and get a job or a second one for real. Tim, I don’t care about any of the perks as I don’t currently comment here much but I am going get yearly premium here in a few mins just to support you and give me a reason to be more active in the community. Thanks for all your hard work.
Yearly Paid. Thanks again Tim for all you and your peeps do here..
To be clear, they make money off of all users because of the ad-revenue. So visiting the site without a subscription is still supporting them. Not sure how the actual numbers break-down, but there is a sweet spot of subscribers to non-subscribers that generates them the most money.
It’s 30 dollars. Let it go. It’s the least we can do to support people who doing a great job. You mentioned people actually paying a dime and people get up and arms…. oh my. 30 dollars. smh. The sweet spot to me would be subscribers only. top get rid of a lot of issues and have more premium features but I know Tim and others are too nice to do that.
By going to the site without a subscription you are supporting them, though. These guys do an amazing job, and I am not taking that away from them. In my opinion, going to a subscription only model would destroy this site. If you want to support them with a subscription, that’s great! I, however, choose to support them via the free for users ad-revenue model.
Taco Man. Just be honest and just say… Hey. I’m cheap or I can’t afford it.. Again if you can’t afford 30 dollars in a year, you may need to rethink your life and not worry about baseball. Don’t pull that non paying ad stuff. It holds no water to me. Be honest and real.
I am happy to admit that I am too cheap to purchase the subscription. But I am still supporting them with ad revenues! I know this because they randomly open on the app and force me out of the application to the ad. I am happy that you support MLBTR. Thank you for allowing such great content to be accessible to moochers like me.
This is incorrect, because 24% of our readers use an ad blocker.
If you don’t block the ads, then yes, you are still supporting us.
There is an ad-blocker for the iOS version of MLBTR?
Yes you can block ads on it by an external ad blocker.
This is fantastic news. Can you show me how to do this?
Yeah. sure. when you purchase the yearly, I be more than happy to do this. Best of both worlds. They get support and you get knowledge.. Couldn’t be better.
Spider you are now my fave person on here. High five!
You’re not too shabby yourself Hulk. 🙂
Thanks Spider!
It’s NOT great!
Awful writing!
No just the Zach links articles
“Awful writing?” I disagree completely. I’ve been a copy editor, and I see the mistakes, but it’s far from “awful.” If you really think it’s that bad, why are you still coming to the site?
He’s on here all the time with that nonsense. Just ridiculous.