Major League Baseball has officially instituted a lockout. The 2016-21 collective bargaining agreement between MLB owners and the players’ union expired at 10:59pm central time tonight. It has long been clear that Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association would not have a new deal signed before the current contract ran its course. With no agreement reached, the league’s owners unanimously voted to institute a lockout, according to a report from Jon Heyman of the MLB Network (Twitter link).
Commissioner Rob Manfred announced the lockout as part of a pre-prepared letter to fans (full text available here), Manfred wrote in part:
“Simply put, we believe that an offseason lockout is the best mechanism to protect the 2022 season. We hope that the lockout will jumpstart the negotiations and get us to an agreement that will allow the season to start on time. This defensive lockout was necessary because the Players Association’s vision for Major League Baseball would threaten the ability of most teams to be competitive. It’s simply not a viable option. From the beginning, the MLBPA has been unwilling to move from their starting position, compromise, or collaborate on solutions.”
Manfred went on to state that the MLBPA “came to the bargaining table with a strategy of confrontation over compromise” and “never wavered from collectively the most extreme set of proposals in their history, including significant cuts to the revenue-sharing system, a weakening of the competitive balance tax, and shortening the period of time that players play for their teams. All of these changes would make our game less competitive, not more.”
The MLB Players Association released a statement of its own (on Twitter). It reads in part:
“Major League Baseball has announced a lockout of Players, shutting down our industry. This shutdown is a dramatic measure, regardless of the timing. It is not required by law or for any other reason. It was the owners’ choice, plain and simple, specifically calculate to pressure Players into relinquishing rights and benefits, and abandoning good faith bargaining proposals that will benefit not just Players, but the game and industry as a whole. … We remain determined to return to the field under the terms of a negotiated collective bargaining agreement that is fair to all parties, and provides fans with the best version of the game we all love.”
As the MLBPA suggested, the league was not under a mandate to lock the players out. Even in the absence of a CBA, the offseason could have proceeded. As MLBTR’s Tim Dierkes explored a few months ago, the sides continued to conduct offseason business during the last winters (1993-94 and 94-95) that proceeded without a CBA in place.
There’s been little expectation MLB wouldn’t institute a lockout once this CBA expired, however. Locking out in the absence of an agreement has become the typical practice in other professional sports leagues, as management hasn’t wanted to afford players the choice whether to go on strike at a later date. The players eventually went on strike during the 1994 season, for example, spurred on by ownership’s imposition of a salary cap. The sides didn’t reach a new agreement that year, and that season’s World Series was ultimately cancelled.
MLB commissioner Rob Manfred implied the league would take this course of action a few weeks ago. Pointing to the ’94 strike and other sports leagues as justification, Manfred indicated a lockout would be on the table if no agreement were hammered out by December 1. “I don’t think ’94 worked out too great for anybody,” the commissioner told reporters earlier this month. “I think when you look at other sports, the pattern has become to control the timing of the labor dispute and try to minimize the prospect of actual disruption of the season. That’s what it’s about: It’s avoiding doing damage to the season.”
With the lockout in place, teams will be prohibited from making any major league transactions until a new CBA is agreed upon. We’ve seen a flurry of activity — particularly via free agency — in the days leading up to the CBA expiration in response, as many clubs and players have wanted to pin down some certainty before a potential work stoppage.
A transactions freeze will be the most visible semblance of the lockout for fans, at least until the potential for game cancellations if no deal is agreed upon within a couple months. A ban on transactions is certainly not the only effect, however. Jeff Passan of ESPN explored some intricacies of the situation earlier this week in a piece that’s well worth a full read. A few of the less visible effects: injured players will not be allowed to communicate with team training staffs, players are no longer allowed to use team-run mental health services, and some foreign-born players may run into visa issues. Don’t expect press conferences for newly signed players or interviews with GMs, either.
The lockout is unfamiliar territory for a generation of baseball fans; this is the first work stoppage in this website’s 16-year history. It’ll mark the first official work stoppage since 1994, snapping a run of nearly three decades of labor peace. The parties had discussions each day this week, but it doesn’t seem they made much progress. Evan Drellich of the Athletic reported this afternoon that the league refused to make a counter-offer on the service time structure and luxury tax thresholds unless the MLBPA dropped its efforts to push earlier free agency eligibility for players, a demand the union reportedly refused.
The league did give some ground on the competitive balance tax, with Drellich reporting MLB proposed a gradual increase of the lowest tax threshold to an endpoint of $220MM. However, that remains a fair bit shy of the MLBPA’s $240MM goal, and it’s not clear if the league’s proposed increase also involved a corresponding uptick in penalties paid for exceeding those markers.
There’s certainly plenty to be hammered out beyond the luxury tax. The service time system, arbitration and fundamental competitive structure of the league (including the number of playoff teams) will all at least be discussed over the coming weeks. That’s saying nothing of potential on-field rules changes like the extra-inning runner and the universal designated hitter. With so much yet to be determined, it’s generally not expected an agreement will be reached in short order. The 2022 spring training schedule could potentially dictate when the lockout ends, with owners likely reluctant to forgo exhibition game revenue.
The Winter Meetings, originally scheduled for December 6 through 9 in Orlando, have been cancelled, reports Jeff Passan of ESPN (Twitter link). The commissioner is scheduled to conduct a press conference tomorrow morning.
This should be fun.
*Grabs popcorn*
love me some action and drama.
This nonsense just started & I’m already weary of it……..
When does the cornhole season begin?
Anyone want to take a wager on how long this will last? I’m putting my money on beginning of March.
Memorial Day.
Middle of April
For those of us who very well remember ’94 when we were left with nothing other than watching Triple-A games (in NY, anyway); here we go again. I’ve never liked Manfred or his “changes” to the greatest game ever, and so just the thought of this lockout just turns me off to the sport and MLB even more.
Next season will start in July.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we lost an entire year.
The revenue split when compared to other sports and baseball history is way off and owners aren’t going to give that back without a lot of pain.
They aren’t family businesses anymore.
2 might end it as a major sport.
I hope not dodger nation. I just bought season tickets
Baseball players make a lot more money than other American athletes.
Seriously? Basketball has paying much more
The average pay in the NBA is about $8M. The average in MLB is about $4M, and the NBA players don’t have to play in the minors for half of their careers.
I HATE manidiot!
Average pay might be higher, but there are far fewer players on NBA roster.. MLB players make more total just because of volume.
Although the NFL is WAY ahead in that respect.
All I know is that ALL athletes and sports owners make far more than they really are worth to society. It’s basic economics, but it doesn’t have to be. Entertainment is a very finicky product. Yes, economics support high salaries for baseball players NOW, but turning off a large portion of your fans will lower salaries A LOT. Just look at the NHL. Their player salaries decreased substantially after their lockout cancelled season.
February 28th just in time for spring training
The NBA also has a huge problem when one team can rule for 5 years with just 3 good players, ex warriors, Celtics, Lakers, bulls
If you’re expecting “action”, DarkSide, you’ve come to the wrong place. Kinda the exact opposite of that.
well action by lack thereof. potential rather than energy. an interlude between the moves for issues to be solved and for old foes to come to blows.
The drama and action will be via press reliefs designed to paint the other side as the bad guys. It’s already started in their current press reliefs.
I don’t see that this lockout puts a lot of pressure on the MLBPA until spring training starts.
The lockout and transaction freeze is on MLB. Hot stove season just went very cold.
I think in some ways you’re right, but it’s the minor league players, front office staff, ballpark staff, etc that feel the effects of a work stoppage, not the high end FA. They are cognizant of that, so I do feel the players are not going to get all their objectives met. This is solely to make the NEXT CBA easier to negotiate the major points that don’t get full addresses
Fully addressed*
I read this is supposed to last until February. I wonder how much this will reduce traffic on this site. Won’t all the news have to be about the CBA or players already signed with teams? Mostly health reports and things like that?
During the downtime get to know
MLBPA negotiator Bruce Meyer. Tony Clark isn’t going to be the one making the deals this time around. That might prove beneficial to the players in the long run, but it might make it a longer run.
This is spot on. Not a huge hater as some on Tony Clark but he also isn’t any good at this point either. Not sure why a former player, smart, dumb etc, is ever the right fit to lead a union , I’d prefer the independent, expertise oriented, 3rd party every time.
Welcome to the renamed site “MLB CBA Rumors”
Not fun, nah. Baseball is doing good, wrong time for shenanigans
With so much bad blood between Manfred and Clark I don’t see this being over anytime soon. For the good of the game both should go, before the mud slinging in the press starts full bore and each side dig their heels in.
Not gonna happen- so likely no BB until June/July .
Shiver me timbers. Ahahahaha!
Time for drama
We need gifs just for this article
in other news…water is wet.
Nope. Water makes things wet. Water itself is not wet.
Stop lying.
Egg or chicken???
Chicken sandwich.
Chicken salad sandwich
If I put sliced jalapeños on the sandwich, does this game still work?
I like egg on my burger, not on my chicken
Read the Bible . Chicken .
A chicken by definition has to come from an egg but an egg does not have to come from a chicken.
@Mikel Grady = YES! Good call.
@emac22 – “A chicken by definition has to come from an egg but an egg does not have to come from a chicken.”
Ummmm, you have that backwards, my friend.
Is a hot dog a sandwhich?
MLB has the oldest avg fan base of any major sport at 61. Baseball is far from going good.
Holy crap. Baseball is gone for one hour and we’ve already become a bunch of philosophers.
Haha reminds me of that classic Will Farrell SNL skit “Wake Up and Smile” where the newscast devolves rapidly after the teleprompter breaks. For those who haven’t seen it watch it all the way through. This is that.
I am.
Well if water makes things wet and water is surrounded by more water then isn’t the water also wet?
Water is wet? No way! Come on now, I didn’t expect to learn anything today. *boom ~ mind blown*
What happens when you split the hydrogen from the oxygen molecules though? Is it still wet then?
NOPE. It’s hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Poof…into the atmosphere
Wake me up when it’s over
When I’m wiser and I’m older
Well, there goes the New Orleans Gators franchise…
They should rename the Marlins to the Florida Gators Back to the future part 2 style. Just not in the AL
Move the marlins to Nola. The tourists will flock to see their out of town team in Nola during the in the dome then build a riverfront stadium ️ next to the convention center. Crawfish stadium.
New Orleans is Astros country yo. Fact.
The Nutria would be angry with that
When I lived in Louisiana, I thought Nutria were unique to the state. I moved to Washington years later, and what do you know? Nutria here, too.
That’s A-Ok with me. This past week was NUTS. I could use the break!
It’s been insane for those of us participating in an AL Only 13 team Keeper League. LOTS of player movement to track this past week!
GIF of Heath Ledger Joker… Annndd, Here. We. Go.
Buckle up
Bad optics
I vote that we ban that pernicious, unfunny troll Chipper Jones’ Illegitimate Kid and his 4 alternate accounts
And Steve Nebraska
I haven’t seen Steve in a while, is he ok?
RIP he will be missed
Lets hope he isn’t really deceased, because that would make your post kinda awkward
That was Steve’s schtick. He would comment that on every injury post…. it’s what he would have wanted
Alas, I remember it well
Dude it was a funny joke, grow up
Ok Chipper, why don’t you grow up and stop using multiple accounts to feign popularity on a baseball discussion site? Maybe get a job??? A hobby??? Perhaps a girlfriend??? SAD!!!!
I have a GF and a job and am not Chipper it’s really funny how bent you are on saying I’m Chipper. I also assume that you think I am my one like but I can prove I’m not. So it’s ok manchild, just breathe
He’s right Fletch, I briefly lost touch with reality & gave ol’ tstats a thumbs up
Touche Curly. How ya doin? Feels like we haven’t seen your jokes in a bit
I finally made bail
I see…
Jokes on you Fletcher. tstats is my girlfriend
Wait what? That’s new
That means you two are going steady whether you like it or not.
Weapon of choice:
A) Bat
B) Ball
C) Pretzel
D) Slice of pizza at Fenway Park
(RIP Jerry Remy…we miss you already!)
Chris Sabo’s corked bat is my weapon of choice.
Sticky or normal ball?
And AsFanInTheUK
Don’t forget Metsfan22…..
No surprise. I will be surprised if it ends before spring training is set to begin.
At least the past few days were exciting. But that’s not going to hold us all over for the next few months. Please let this be over sooner than later.
Hopefully it’s not ‘94 all over again…
Well it’s different in the sense that 94 was a strike. Not that this is any better.
It’s much better. Players typically when there is the most urgency. Meaning they don’t care how many games are canceled.
Well Bruce, it is, and it isn’t.
Arguably this puts more pressure on the mlbpa in that they can’t play a while to stuff their war chests then quit mid-season. There’s no money coming in during the lockout, other than deferred salaries and signing bonuses due.
The other difference is that instead of seeing a first half season and no WS, arguably, you could see a other 2020 type shortened season with full postseason if the stoppage goes midyear then they crank back up.
Of the two options, I think this was the better one.
6 in one, half dozen in the other?? It’s sucks no matter what to me. I’m just hoping it doesn’t last as long as the last NHL lockout. I appreciate your guys optimistic outlook though.
Baseball will never learn.
Got to love then millionaire and billionaires are fighting over money. Lol
Shows you what & who is really important. Money will always be chief among gods for most people. Even those players that get $300M will move to a place they don’t particularly care for when offered $325M. Fact is, they’ll never spend it anyway. Kind of sad when you think about it.
Now, just think, the poor guy making $45k / year goes through the same thing and his money is treated the same as the $300M guy.
your right. The highly paid players don’t care about the minimum makers. It’s greed and ego. Personally I hope they strike. Rising salaries have got to end or none of us normals will be able to afford to go to games.
You can’t strike during a lockout.
Uhh the revenue will be raised one way or the other. You want the billionaire owners to get all of it? BS
I just hope the price of hot dogs doesn’t keep going up. I can only afford to eat at the stadium on dollar hot dog days as it is.
Salaries have little to do with cost of going to games. MLB revenues had been going up faster than player salaries. Ticket prices are set primarily by supply and demand, not costs. Otherwise all teams would just raise prices to sign whoever they wanted. You’ll notice teams that cut payroll don’t typically cut ticket prices at the same time.
It’s like most people don’t get this. And, concessions provide some revenue to teams, but it’s mostly priced based on cost. The cost of running concessions is expensive. Also, good teams take stadium revenues and put them back into the stadium. For example, the Twins have done a stadium improvement project every year over the past five years, and paid for it without asking the ballpark authority to take on any of the costs.
Most teams contract concessions out. Some are even another business of the team owner. It’s financial money washing.
I really don’t have much to say to that, Clip.
But, man, I’m almost relieved this happened (lockout). Cash was obviously counting on it, & has somehow used it to shape his entire offseason plan. I have no idea what that means. Or if it was savvy. Or idiotic. Or something else besides important to Cash/Hal.
However: watching pretty much everyone else getting better – or at least holding serve – was so: Not Fun At All, bro.
Whew, I hear you, Ducky. Hey man, I’m seeing the M’s story, negotiating with Story tonight and hoping that doesn’t come to fruition too.
I normally view things in favorable light to the owners because it’s their business. My point was – these owners/union/players are battling over some nonsense stuff, and it’s all to make themselves more money without consideration for anyone else it impacts along the way, when there are some very reasonable and logical measures that can be implemented.
There are also some very real, important issues that need to be hammered out, but both sides are failing and are undermined by their greed & ego when it comes to this, imho.
And Clark is pretty stupid, from what I’ve seen he’s agreed to (missed ?) in past contracts. I’d probably choose someone else.
@Ducky No it wasn’t. Seeing Clint Frazier released and then being signed to a ML deal by the Cubs has been my roller coast ride thus far. Really glad he’s well enough for a team to make a small commitment on him.
Yeah, I saw the Story article & I thought of you rolling your eyes.
So. Ok.
Apathy is a symptom of a decaying civilization.
I won’t argue differently.
But: I can’t really relate to any of them. & every time I really try to delve into the conflict…well, my mind just sort of drifts. Away. My son’s basketball team, or where exactly all those snow geese were down by Council Bluffs last Feb, or what is the biggest Chinook caught on Lake Oahe this year, or…well ya know? Other Stuff.
They will figure it out.
Or they won’t.
& no matter what happens, when they start playing again, I will be watching the Yanks. I realize that this level of indifference is probably not the healthiest outlook. However, I’m good with it.
Pulling for Clint. Cubs are a really good opportunity for him. Hope he seizes it. He’s not a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all kind of player & I liked that about him. Hope he makes the All Star team, serious. That’d burn up Suzy, uh?
Eye roll confirmed. And actually, it’s probably the e healthier way to handle it. I’m just bored because I’m off for a while. Hate TV, just garbage usually; but love baseball. Baseball news, baseball playing, baseball watching, and baseball talk. So really, I’m just being selfish when it comes down to it.
I certainly want them to hurry up & settle all this. But I’ve been through strikes/lockouts multiple times in football & baseball.
They always seem to figure it out in the end.
& being a Yankee & Giants fan is just ingrained in me or whatever. So I know better to say or post “if they strike I’m done!”. Ya know? I’ll get over it.
Baseball: weird approach by Cash, no? Just do…nothing? I don’t even know what to think about that. Really conservative.
Yeah, especially after setting kind of a contrasting tone just prior to the offseason beginning. He’s usually very direct in his answers, but this strikes me as a very measured strategy by Cashman, as most things are. I just wish I could figure it out. I can usually see what he’s trying to do to some degree, but I’m lost on this one.
It seems MLBPA needs a person like Fehr to negotiate with owners. I’m usually more on the labor side generallly, but the lack of counter-proposals on the PA side is uninspiring. I’m sure there are some high profile, established labor attorneys that would be more capable than Clark of representing the PA in negotiations.
They did choose someone else
Clark is not the lead negotiator. It’s been reported on this site and others many times
Ducky, I read that even Galvis isn’t available anymore. He’s now committed to Japan. Even Cash’s cheap targets are leaving before he acts, lol.
@Fent Don’t worry you’ll get Correa
Exactly- The lack of counter proposals tell me the MLBPA wanted this to happen, they are prepared to dig their heels . Going to be a winter with no baseball news other then press releases aka mud slinging. Clark has to go.
“I just wish I could figure it out.”
Exactly. Let me know if/when you do. I am fairly convinced it was entirely purposeful.
But – aside from that – I’ve no idea what it means. Just none, man.
Also: Galvis was my extreme budget SS plan.
when not then. lol
Happy Christmas
Would fans rather games be lost? You can have the stoppage now or you can have the stoppage later.
Obviously now is better.
The 384th strain of Covid will take care of the games….
@yankee. It’s amazing we aren’t all deceased yet! This is was supposed to be the end of the world…. I haven’t been sick this entire time.
Math and counting are fun.
The problem is a lockout is basically anti marketing for the league. Most of us on MLBTR love the game or we wouldn’t be here. We probably saw this coming. However, for ESPN, this is another opportunity to knock on baseball. Fox News, CNN, your local stations will all run pieces about greedy owners and players. It’s never a good look because outside of the baseball world, it looks like baseball is failing.
Whenever they agree to a new CBA does the team that signs a player that was issued a QO still has to forfeit their second highest draft pick based on the old CBA or does it go according to the new CBA that is agreed upon? Whoever can answer my question I would greatly appreciate it.
That will be a part of the negotiations actually
It all depends on how the new CBA is written. For the sake of continuity they usually include provisions continuing certain things over.
I’m reading your question as if a player who had a QO but didn’t sign by today signs sometime next year, would there be compensation still attached.
So I’d think this entire signing period you will see the QO work the same, and any changes take effect during the next FA signing period.
@GASoxFan Yes that’s what I meant. Like when Carlos Correa signs after the new CBA is agreed upon does the new team that signs him have to give up its second highest draft pick due to the fact that he was issued a QO during the old CBA. Like I wonder if the reason some teams didn’t try to sign him yet is because they are waiting to see what the new CBA says. If the new CBA does away with QO offers and draft compensation will his new team still have to give up its second highest draft pick since he was issued a QO under the old CBA? I tried asking this in one of the live chats but unfortunately my question was not answered.
@sambino I don’t think anybody knows. In fairness, teams losing QO’d players should be compensated. Maybe with the exception of Colorado since it was a sin that they didn’t trade Trevor Story at the deadline.
People complain a lot about their team’s front offices, but most of us just have to look at how the Rockies operate to realize our team isn’t so bad. Maybe we wouldn’t have done things a certain way or some things the FO did didn’t work out, but it’s not the Rockies.
If the owners want a low hanging fruit to say they offered something, offer to remove the QO that are on the table. Small concession but enough to get the optics of being willing to compromise
And thus will begin the longest peeing contest between two individuals who should not be in charge of either side
ill say it again. as long as it doesn’t impact ST then I don’t care. the last week was real fun and there should be another frenzy when it ends.
the game of baseball is at the critical juncture losing popularity and these morons all think about short term profits only.
Everyone knew billionaires and millionaires wouldn’t reach an agreement at this point. I expect the season to start on time but with these two groups who knows for sure. Meeting for a whole 7 minutes today shows both sides are in an agreement on a lockout
and now nothing happens for months. How do they get back to negotiations? A week before spring training? They’ve got roughly 2 months to resolve their differences and then the season will be affected. I hope we’ll have a full season but I’m a pessimist and assume the longer it goes on the more each side will dig in their heels.
Owner, players – get out. Come back only when you institute a fair economical system, where every team has equal opportunities. Hard cap, hard floor, relatively small margin between cap and floor, better revenue sharing. Stop the current madness. If others can do it, you can too.
AKA sports socialism.
So socialism is what you want
How is that better?
@Darth Airu – “Come back only when you institute a fair economical system, where every team has equal opportunities.”
That, like socialism, sounds good on paper my friend, but in the end neither are reality nor ever will be. Socialism is a pipe dream and those who hold it to be possible are delusional and irrational. Let the powerful engine of the free market drive the machine and stop trying to make everyone involved “equal”, because it’s not even remotely possible.
People should stop repeating the same old tired millionares and billionares cliche. I can’t imagine what it would be like to watch baseball if the owners were poor. Being rich isn’t a crime, it’s a blessing.
The more money, the bigger the fight.
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despite the other. You cannot serve both God and wealth (Matthew 6:24).
It isn’t hard to serve two masters unless they are in opposition.or you’re referring to a master and a slave.
@emac22 – Your attempt at over-simplification fails. The very point of Vizionaire’s Biblical analogy post is that the two masters ARE different regardless of the degree of that differentiation, so therefore by being different they are, for the purpose of the illustrated point, in opposition to each other.
Yup. If you serve two masters that you think aren’t differently aligned, ask each of them which one you should betray.
The issue, in my view, isn’t that being rich is bad. The issue is that neither side is willing to give on any issue and are behaving like the stereotypical spoiled little rich kid. The “leadership” on both sides have failed.
Hey, Prov! Hope you’re doing well and staying healthy, my friend.
Hey Clipper! Things are great…really busy at work right now, but it’s a good busy. Hope you’re doing great.
I can’t imagine what baseball would be like if the players were poor and started quitting to go play soccer or something else. A bunch of fat old rich owners playing slow pitch softball. Now thats entertainment
Sounds awesome, I’m in.
Personally, I’m a little tired of the world being a playground for billionaires and everybody else expected to shut up and like it. They really have the wool pulled over the eyes of masses of people.
@dctivejazz – “Personally, I’m a little tired of the world being a playground for billionaires and everybody else expected to shut up and like it. They really have the wool pulled over the eyes of masses of people.”
Wow, that REALLY sounds like communism. I’m surprised you didn’t find a way to incorporate the words “proletariat”: and “bourgeois” into your post!
Well it depends how you made your money.
@Proverbs 3:5-6.- It’s true! Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
A bunch of rich guys sitting in a meeting room thinking that they are making Baseball better, when really the game is no better than when I was born in the 50’s
We don’t need any changes.
Rookies get paid squat because some guys count themselves as superstars…..
God, I wish we could just boycott the whole thing altogether.
It’s all Mammon, contributes nothing tangible to our culture, it’s a distraction, a waste of time,.money and resources but we’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s important – because of the Mammon involved.
Boycott,.it’s the best thing, before a hotdog costs $10!
What are you talking about?
As you grow up,your brain sees the amount of money put into a professional sport team – and makes the decision it is something important ( because society allocates resources to it – lots of resource$).
But it not really important, is it? But the brain interprets the environment as it being important. (Mammon)
End result,.nut cases screaming in the stands, posting online…using up.our precious time…..for something that contributes nothing. It makes no sense.
Ok, so why are you on here?
Bat guano.
If it’s that worthless and such a waste of time, then what do you care if a hotdog costs $10?
$10 hotdogs will could possibly cause.massive social upheaval aside from traumatizing.the animals…..
Orwell predicted all of this years ago…..
You say it’s all Mammon but say we don’t need any changes. So the Mammon of the past is ok but not the Mammon of the future?
Costco hotdog and drink $1.50. Done deal…
Costco loses money on it’s concessions. They do it so you come in to buy other stuff. MLB owners don’t actually run the concessions, they’re outsourced to a firm like Delaware North. And they’re not in business of losing money because all they have is concessions.
Billionaires getting more billions and locking out the players
F them. If the season doesn’t start on time I hope all 32 go bankrupt
True. Baseball is being increasingly more profitable but owners aren’t spending more on payroll. The pre-arb system is broken. As is 6 years of control after drafting a player.
The players are at equal fault here. They’re not budging on anything either. They all suck.
IMO, in this case the players have some legitimate complaints. Some of the rules they’re dealing with were decided over 40 years ago. Granted they had plenty of time to deal with these issues but that doesn’t change the fact that some of these rules should be changed.
Some of the main sticking points are 20, 30 and 40 years old., There’s no way they can change everything in one CBA so they need to pick and choose their battles.
30 I believe
So can someone explain to me why they do this and what causes this?
MLB and MLBPA need an agreement in place to play (the Collective Bargaining Agreement).
The old one just expired, so there is no current agreement as of midnight.
When there is no agreement in place, either side can act. The owners can institute a lockout, essentially refusing to allow players to provide their labor. Or once the season begins, players can institute a strike, refusing to provide their labor. Each side would do so to increase pressure on the other side to make a deal (since nobody makes money if the sport is stopped).
The owners prefer a lockout because they control the timing. A strike can happen in the middle of the season, as it did in 1994 and cost us half the season and the playoffs. It also increases the owners’ leverage as players get closer to not getting paid.
Ideally, some agreement is reached before the point we lose games (or Spring Training time) but there’s no guarantee.
That’s the gist.
I’m ready to walk away. Last year was the least I watched in decades. I believe preseason amateur mixed doubles curling will fill the void admirably.
Bye Felicia. Seriously, if you hate it so much why are you even on this site?
Wow, a lot of wealth envy coming out.
Someone gets it.
Agree completely on the wealth envy. If I were one of the 1,500 or so people out of 6 billion on earth qualified to play MLB, id want everything I can get as well. Unfortunately for me, no one wants to pay me to see me work.
Very true.. If “average” people felt they were getting taken advantage of (wait, is this a real thing?) then they wouldn’t like it. If it’s people making more money than it’s apparently different for some people.
@yewed – . “If “average” people felt they were getting taken advantage of (wait, is this a real thing?) then they wouldn’t like it.”
Really? As an “average” guy, if I was paid $5 or $25 million dollars a year, what room do I have to complain? If I am lining my pockets with multi-millions of dollars a year what room do I have to complain about what my employers are making? If a player wants to complain about perceived financial inequity maybe he instead of being a player he should become an owner and make running a baseball team his business, taking all the associated inherent financial risks. Seriously, at what point does multi-MILLIONS of dollars a year as salary become not enough? It’s called greed. If a player making multi-million dollars a year isn’t happy with his lot in life it would probably be in his best interest to step back and reassess what his values in life are.
I’m sick to my stomach
Bets on who’s going to be Mister Irrelevant (the last guy to be signed/traded)?
Time to bring back the Portland Mavericks and turn baseball back into a game again by collectively flipping off both the MLB owners and players. We need Bing Russell’s son to act now before it’s too late. (Then again his son was never that great of an actor).
But that son did help to create Big League Chew!
Goodbye 2022 season.
Guys – This is the process. Let it play out instead of all of the panic and drama.
It will, hopefully, be resolved by ST. I’m just angry at Cashman. He should’ve spent 3 gazillion dollars on every FA by now….
I hope you’re doing well my friend. God bless you, stay healthy.
Season will be lost and players will not be paid anything.
I doubt that. A few weeks with the free agent players unable to negotiate with teams, as well as teams uncertainty in revenues especially after 2020, and I think it’ll get done.
Let’s finish what’s left of the signing period (less than an hour) see a few post-signing pieces of analysis, and then don’t bother me until the two sides have reached an agreement. I like baseball. When it comes back, I’ll follow it, I don’t need to hear every “Tony Clark wore argyle socks on his way to the meeting,,,,industry observers indicate this might be a sign of movement.”
Men and women, see if you can get this done by pitchers and catchers. In the interim, I’ll find other things to read and write about.
This needs to be the top comment.
The Expos would’ve won in ‘94.
They had a pretty good shot for sure
I blame the Cubs.
Only good take yet
Me too the cubs started the tanking approach. Horrible for the game.
Did the Commish forget the owners renaged and said they would no longer pay into the pension plan. Something they had agreed to do.(94)
Kind of hard to give a rip, either way, when the labor dispute is between millionaires and billionaires.
One billion is 1000 times more than a million
True, riverrat, congrats on grasping the concept of how big a billion is. My seven-year-old gets it, too. Yay?? What’s your point?
I think that late March/early April is a good time for fans to go on strike for low ticket prices, food, and souvenirs.
Let’s stay home and keep our $ until they agree to stop gouging us. $200.00 for a jersey is crazy! The only reason they can keep overcharging is because we keep paying.
Baseball fan strike, 2022!
The MLBPA needs to be taken down a notch or 20. It’s the opposite extreme of the NFL where the owners have far too much power. While I don’t want to lose a season I’d be fine with replacement players. Not a popular opinion I’m sure.
Yeah I’d happily watch a scrub league too, since I’m not choosing sides in a multi-millionaire vs billionaire standoff. They’re both equally to blame in my view.
I am all for replacement players. A drop off in talent for a few years but then business as usual. Besides won’t take long for most MLB players to cross over and play. All about the money.
I wonder what MLBTR will do during the lockout when there’s zero baseball news? Will they keep their employees or shut down completely? Tough to keep the lights on when the work dries up.
They made it through the first half of last year so I think they’ll be OK for the next month or so. Tim, Steve & Co. will be doing dancing Tik Tok videos.
They should let us write articles under our own usernames each day. The comments alone would be hilarious.
I don’t care who’s right or wrong, who’s richer than the other, this sucks for the game. I hate work stoppages in pro sports. They’re not fun and they drive away casual fans.
Yeah, let’s not wait to piss off the fanbase.
Cue Vince McMahon and the XBL.
Going to the supreme court.
Sadly to me with many years of organized bargaining in a union setting when management locks you out it means they are not bargaining in good faith.
One sure fire way to get the attention of the owners would be for us fans to stop attending games, following transactions buying merchandise and watching them on TV. Just stop paying attention and without us as customers they have nothing. I know it’s a pipe dream and will never happen, but…..
So how long do we think we are looking at here? A month? two months? Part of a season? Maybe a whole season?
We will miss games, I expect a 120 game season
Nuclear winter begins
May be a good time to keep them locked out and institute performance only contacts ! Come on $40 million a year to play a game for 3 hours ! This has to stop, next year maybe $50 million a year. I know it would be tough but something has to stop this. I love this game and I know there is a lot of special talent out there, but no one is worth that kind of money and players want more !!
It’s a free market. What’s the difference from actors making even more from doing a single movie taking several months to shoot and reaping in backend ticket sales points? Or musicians pulling in 9-figures on a single tour?
YBC! You did NOT just use the F-m word! Gasp…
Not a free market, it is a monopoly. And these teams extort public financing every now and then. Impose a twenty percent tax on spending under 100 million in payroll. Every player is a free agent at 29 unless signed a voluntary extension. Twenty percent tax on spending over 270 million. Cost of living adjustment to floor and cap based on median value of MLB franchises. DH on both leagues and 12 playoff teams. Top two division leaders get byes. Three game series for other four teams, third division winner gets to play all three games at home. Five game division series and seven game championship series. Games in doubleheaders are seven innings. In regular season, only one extra inning (10th) no base runners at second, games can end in tie. All done.
I’m going to respectfully disagree with your proposals as your terms are highly arbitrary. This is the pros so no seven inning games, mercy rules, nor ties.
99% of players aren’t getting 40 mil AAV over 3 years. That’s the problem. Very few players are getting big payouts. Everyone is getting league minimum for their 1st 3 seasons in pre-arb with a maximum of 1 mil (and you’re only maybe getting 1 mil your last year pre-arb if you’re a guy like Trout or Correa and going to be a franchise cornerstone for a while). Players’ 3 arb years they’re making a bit more but most don’t make more than 5 mil per year. Also, the fact that teams have 6 years of control but the players contracts are done year by year, meaning they can be non-tendered before any year w/o a cap hit. Teams used to give bigger contracts out to 30+ year old free agents (Pujols, Carlos Lee, Miggy etc.) but those have largely become a thing of the past. Those contracts don’t age well, but if you’re not going to pay players early in their careers and are paying players less later on, you see the problem?
Service time should begin when players are added to the 40 man roster.
I’d even go a step further that service time should start when drafted then signed and then create the age barrier of becoming a FA at age 28 regardless of service time.
Similar setup to NHL. I believe the NHL has 3 years of what they call an entry level contract and then 3 years of RFA (arb) control, but a player becomes a FA at 27 even if they haven’t burned all 3 years of their ELC and RFA yet. I might be off slightly with those numbers, but I think the system is good. Hockey should get more love.
Only difference is that generally once a player signs their ELC in the NHL they may spend a couple seasons in development before playing in the NHL but in baseball a prospect could be “developing” for 5 years, which is crazy too me.
I’d say keep the service time rules the same as now for the wunderkids like Franco, Correa, etc. (I would like to see the service time changed to that if a player is on the MLB roster for more than 80 games, it counts as a full year of service so there can be no more Kris Bryant manipulations). In addition to this, once a player reaches age 29 (before the start of the regular season) he can become a free agent. This way, we’ll still see the stars (Soto, Acuna, Franco, etc) get their mega-contracts at age 25 or 26 and also allow the less talented players to get their 1 big contract while still in their prime.
Tough time in the world. Many look to baseball as an escape. But billionaires gonna billionaire.
With no more actual rumblings moving forward indefinitely, I’m fully confident the staff here with be creative enough to keep us entertained. Thanks in advance guys!
Screw all small market teams and cheap owners that don’t care about winning exception to Tampa
I think they should turn the future “negotiations” into a TV series and everything is public. Rob Manfred and the owners could insist on getting everything there way and throw a fit like Caillou and the players could unleash Mad Max when they get mad enough and he could be like “The Incredible Hulk”. Another idea would be “Hell in a Cell” and everyone fights until there is one person left and the one person left gets everything their way. Let me know if any of you are in favor.
You forgot they all have to live in the same mansion, and have to ride the same bus together to go shopping.
I’ll pay to see Bob Uecker, Pete Rose, Ozzie Guillen, and Bobby Valentine do live commentary.
How about they each go one on with the Undertaker playa?
Well, we all had a fun week.
Should end it right though….have the owners of each team march down to their stadium and go through the motions of physically placing locks on the front gates of the stadium. They have to take the locks off first, of course, but it’s all in the symbolism.
They’re just as bad as politicians slamming each other in public. They need to keep their mouths away from microphones and get to the negotiating table
The finger thing means taxes!
you know what makes NO sense about this? teams own free agents, think about it, the stoppage is bad enough, but imagine a team for the last month not resigning their OWN players knowing this was gonna happen, like i was just watching MLB network and they had a team that had atleast 9 free agents, its 1 thing to not sign other teams players, but to not sign your own teams is pretty terrible
If Manfred says it, I don’t believe it.
Except when he admits the whole lack of integrity thing – that’s pretty easy to believe.
There is zero justification for starting a player’s service clock only when he reaches the majors. He’s still an asset of the team from the day he signs and is an employee who has to listen to that team’s coaching, development strategies, etc., or be traded. The NHL’s system of 3-year entry-level contracts plus limited restricted free agency that also has an age factor baked in is *FAR* superior to the MLB system and the MLBPA should be embarrassed that it’s agreed to such indentured servitude rules for its clients for so long.
And that’s not even factoring in obvious team abuses/manipulation of the service time system like Kris Bryant, Jared Kelenic or every Rays player who has ever come up solely through their MiLB system. Embarrassing.
The only reason it’s like that is because the [MLB]PA is for the MLB players….association. Milb players are not covered, therefore they aren’t protected and they’re pay/rights/etc are sacrificed for the bargaining unit’s players’.
For example, once Kelenic gets through his pre-arb stages, you think he’s going to vote to implement anything that adversely affects his pay so the milb guys who aren’t covered can gain?
It’s money, man. The king of all things. People kill family members over it, divorce over it, estrange children, etc.
Two things –
1. MLB just forced all teams to pick up housing and utilities for their minor leaugers.
2. The new CBA is going to make life better for them. It costs both sides very little to create a quality-of-life raise and makes both sides look better if they support it.
Yeah, you’re right, and they should, by all accounts. But as you pointed out MLB forced teams to do it, it wasn’t the players demanding the youth get more.
I won’t fight the crux of your point, I strongly agree, I’m a huge advocate for minor-leaguers getting decent pay, etc.
Hockey MIGHT be the only sport that it makes sense to have a minor-league incubation period anywhere near as long as MLB, but still…it’s 100mph vs. 75, and one shot vs. 20 minutes of them.
Shane Baz wasn’t ready/good enough to pitch for the Rays MLB club in 2021 until the playoffs were about to start and the games actually mattered the most. Then he was penciled in as the G2 starter in the ALDS. I say again: embarrassing.
And for every Shane Baz there’s a Brent Honeywell: a guy who languished for two extra seasons in the minors so the Rays could try to extract maximum possible value at near-zero cost who ended up blowing out his arm and might never make any real money because his service time clock was being manipulated. I don’t really gaf *why* the system is so effed up. I just want it to not be embarrassing anymore. I don’t think that should be too much to ask considering there is already an example out there with the NHL that is drastically superior.
Yeah, service time needs to be changed. Yordan missed the Super 2 deadline by 3 days which means another year of control.
Service time should begin when players are added to the 40 man roster.
@j27 – The NHL model wouldn’t work in MLB because there is no salary cap in baseball. The NHL had a hard cap which not only limits how much an entry-level player can make, but it also limits how much their star players can make. You’ll never see a $20M NHL player because the team won’t be able to afford to surround him with a championship level teammates. The MLBPA will never agree to a hard cap, so this model will not work in MLB.
The other issue is that the MLB draft is so big, 95% of their minor league players never make it to the majors. They aren’t going to pay a 40th round draft pick an “entry level” contract just because he is in rookie ball or A ball. There are too many minor league teams (and players) in baseball for this to work.
DM – Tell me you have no idea how the NHL system works for draft assets without telling me you have no idea how the NHL system works for draft assets challenge.
A-holes, all of ‘em.
As a fan of a small market teams, what the players propose is trash. I’m with the owners on this. I like their proposal of a floor and a ceiling on salaries.
It doesn’t work. And, owners are only doing it to make even more money. You cannot legislate financial equity into sports for a number of reasons, and have it result in parity.
The NFL does quite well with their shared TV revenue. Small market Green Bay can compete with the large markets. Think of what Tampa Bay could do with equal footing with the Yankees and Dodgers.
The NFL doesn’t do it quite well. They may force-share money well, but the parity isn’t there. Nowhere near MLB.
In the NFL, you need a great QB. That’s the difference.
In the NFL, the smart well operated teams win, The poorly operated teams lose. It is very simple. Market size means nothing because all have a fair shake. The smart organizations get the quarterback.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like they need a shower after reading Manfred’s screed?
I feel violated.
Well, every time he cracks a smile I check to make sure my wallet is still there; does that count?
Both sides best be careful.
The last time this went long Baseball had a hard time getting fans back.
Now we live in a time where people have become use to living without things.
If this takes too long both sides might be hurting.
Does anyone know if the minor league teams are also shut down? Those players are not covered by the CBA.
The minor league teams are not locked out. Teams can still trade MiLB players for other MiLB players (not on the 40 man roster I believe) and even if the MLB season gets delayed, MiLB will still start on time. There should also be a Minor League Rule V draft coming up soon too. The MLB Rule V draft has been postponed of course due to the lockout.
So does this mean Brian and Troy Snitker cant be together for Christmas dinner this year?
Exactly two months ago today, the last game of the World Series was played. Since then, I’ve gotten along just fine without any baseball. Truth be told, the games are too damned long anyway.
@Mr. Person – “Exactly two months ago today, the last game of the World Series was played. Since then, I’ve gotten along just fine without any baseball. Truth be told, the games are too damned long anyway.”
Yeesh. If you don’t miss baseball during the off-season and think the games are too long, why are you even on this site? True baseball fans yearn for ST to come ASAP and are not in a rush to truncate games.
Oh, boy. Another true fan.
Oh joy. The next few months are gonna be a long decade.
Baseball better watch out…. currently ranked 3rd among USA favorite sports behind NFL and NBA, with soccer only 2% behind MLB…. Both owners and players making millions, adding the lack of interest in the sport from young folks, and the slowness of the game… add lockouts and could be a disaster for baseball
Is there any league more clueless than MLB with Manfraud and Tony Clark? The younger generation could care less. This league acts like it will go on and on forever. Long boring games, the youth not interested and they just keep going down the tracks.
How much less could they care? A little? A lot?
“would threaten the ability of most teams to be competitive”
So Manfred sees a 14 team playoff setup in which most teams can’t compete? 14 teams win 97 games each, the other 16 lose 85 each, perhaps? Somehow I’m having a hard time imagining that happening.
If revenue for different markets is too uneven to create competitive balance, the owners are welcome to use revenue sharing. If a team can’t be profitable spending beyond a certain amount, the team is welcome not to offer the contract it can’t afford. Pretending this is about competitive balance is absurdly insulting.
That seems a bit oversimplified. If, in fact, the MLBPA is intent on reducing revenue sharing, that would seem to undermine competitive balance. I root for the enormously profitable Yankees, so it affects my team least of all; but I don’t see an advantage to small market teams in making it even harder for them to field competitive rosters. It’s also in the interest of the wealthy teams to have some kind of competitive balance because there’s a limited entertainment value in watching behemoths crushing overmatched competition. It’s the same principle as having weight classes in boxing.
Only here for the comments
Interestingly it says “no major league signings”, doesn’t say anything about minor league signings.
They are right though, 1994 didn’t work out for anyone and a prolonged work stoppage in this day and age will be even more devastating than it was back then. MLB struggled for quite some time after the ’94 strike with attendance and tv ratings. Aside from one night in September in 1995 (the night Cal Ripken Jr. broke Lou Gehrig’s consecutive game streak) it took the steriod fueld Home Run chase of 1998 to bring the fans and major interest back. I don’t think they have anything like that to save them now
Please don’t expand . Baseball is already short of great players we don’t need 25 or 50 more AAA players in majors. Likewise, don’t expand playoffs. No one wants to follow longest season in pro sports to have half league make playoffs. To that regard, maybe the answer lies in shortening season to 81 games and having an 81 game “playoff” among top some number of teams with no shared money with teams not making playoffs. That would sure get teams trying to make playoffs every year.
Businesses grow with time. Expansion is coming whether you like it or not.
I don’t mind expansion to even out the leagues. Heck, even the NHL now has more teams.
I do think they need to go to four 4 team divisions, no wild card, no interleague play, and back to a balanced schedule
What a bunch of incompetent hacks. Rob Manfred and Tony Clark should be ashamed. Greed on both sides and the inability to come to an agreement before the deadline tonight just shows their lack of leadership. Nice move by MLB to show up for 7 minutes thus afternoon and then walk away.
With the two years we have just gone through as humans you would think they could have gotten their act together and pulled a deal together without another black eye for baseball. And based on the contracts that were handed out over the last week, I don’t think either side is hurting.
As a commoner that enjoys the game I just can’t sympathize with either side. They are like petulant children and are willing to dig their heels in for what? I heard the players association is concerned about the amount of per diem they get on the road. Are you kidding me? They make so much damn money this should NEVER be an issue.
How about both sides suck it up and cater the CBA to fans anyway. You know, the ones that pay their salaries, etc.
Add a universal DH
Expand playoffs to 14 teams
Fix the broken Regional sports network situations
Remove the blackouts and make it possible for fans to be able to see games on TV
(I go to several games per year but don’t live in a major league city and I am blacked out for games that are 2.5 hours to 6 hours away because I have about 6 “local” teams according to MLB blackout rules. If you buy a package like MLB Extra Innings or you should be able to watch games without blackout…period)
These leaders are going to ruin baseball with their incompetence. Get it done. The country is sick of high profile people not getting their jobs done. Get back to the table and work it out. They have had plenty of time to prepare for this. It shouldn’t take until February or March to hammer out a deal or threaten to start the season late, etc. Grow up you overgrown teenagers!
14 playoff teams is horrendous. The one game Wild Card is a joke. Shorten the season and make the playoffs better. A lot of teams don’t deserve it anymore. They need to retract about 4 teams. Get out if you won’t spend.
I agree with you with the exception of the playoffs. Don’t change it to what the NHL does. Shorten the season and the playoffs.
I’m probably in the minority but I’m leaning towards siding with the owners on this one. From everything I’ve read, the mlb has made multiple proposals that I think are fair. We could argue the number of playoff teams and what not, but as far as money, competitive balance, etc, at least the owners are TRYING to make some concessions and positive changes. The players are asking for the moon and not budging one bit, which isn’t smart.
Fair proposals? Like what? A universal age of free agency at 29.5, give me a break.
maybe fair isn’t the correct word I admit, but at least that instance shows that they are trying to come up with a solution to something the players want. The Players on the other hand, just want everything no questions asked (at least that’s the perception right now).
Revenues are going up and the players’ percentage of the pie is going down. Pay the players.
My favorite battle Billionaires vs Millionaires. Who’s going to come out on top? We’ll have to wait and see.
MLB TradeRumors is gonna be crickets.
And just when the Guardians were about to sign Harry Schwartz.
See yall in 5 months.
Congratulations MLB for making me care less and less about baseball.
I’m sorry how can the players cry poor when it seems every off season we are getting new record breaking contracts? next everyone gets participation trophies and large sums of money for making it to the major just because they are all entitled. just give these cry babies what They want so we can back the offseason but ironically it took a lock out for teams and players to get things done.
We’re watching Brockmire in real life.
It matters not what rhetoric either side spews forth. This isn’t about restoring “the game we all love.” This is now the simplest and basest human trait, clearly defined as “how much can I get, and how little do I have to give to get it,” coming from both sides.
If this season won’t happen at all maybe it’s time to bring the all American girl league back for a season …..
Manfred doing more and more to solidify his position as the worst Commissioner since Bowie Kuhn.
Time for me to say goodbye to the last sport I gave a damn about
Not a lot of sympathy for these idiots. One side is getting billions in tv contracts and the other millions to play. It’s not like true game solely relies on gate receipts and concession revenue to survive.
As well I blame teams like both LA teams both NY teams San Fran and Houston along with Boston for making teams like kc Oak Pitt Miami etc irrelevant in the sport. No player and I mean no player is worth more than 15 mill per annum. Younger players should start at league minimum of 2 mill
2 mil is extreme. especially if you want a hard cap of 15. if they do anything they should raise league minimum to 250 thousand with a raise of 200 every year and come up with an agreement upon escalators that can pay out more to players based on quality of play. as for a hard cap that could definitely hurt the league.
The league minimum is $570,500, now.
For some of us that are ole enough to remember – the last strike lost a lot of fans who swore they would never watch another game.
Same thing will happen here but it won’t make a difference – baseball is almost criminal when it comes to sounding like a business that is struggling.
These owners are the all part of the 1% – having a slew of laws written precisely for them to not only keep their wealth but to expand it.
Baseball is sick. Rob Manfred is nothing but a blunt tool for the owners. I hope the players stay strong and pray that ALL fans will simply ignore this sport.
I can only laugh at this Marxist rhetoric of the 1% which I am not.
Just google the total WORLD wealth of billionaires; comes in around 4-5 trillion dollars. If you took all of their money worldwide it would not pay for the US debt being spent this year alone.
But if you look at the Marxist politicians spreading this “hate” they have spent in the US 30+ trillion in federal debt yet they keep getting elected because the “sheep” are taught to hate the so called 1% which again I am not. And these same politicians buy multiple million dollar homes on the coast of America and gain more control with Climate Change that China and India are not even a part in helping; 90% of the worlds polluters.
The owners are greedy, yes but they take all of the risk. The players take none and are just employees and are gorging themselves on fractions of billions of dollar contracts; some as high as 1/4 to 1/3.
Just sucks for the fans; that’s all I can say just sucks for the fans
The truth is the game needs to evolve because we have a new generation of mindless kids staring at there phones who cannot concentrate long enough to watch a game on tv or in person. Changes need to be made to keep that generation interested and keep the game exciting. Here is my top 10 list:
1- pitchers clock is number one priority! The batters regardless if they are in the box ready can be pitched to when clock starts after the catcher returns the ball to the pitcher.
2- deaden the ball or go back to the pre juiced ball so we have less home runs and more hit and runs and opposite field knocks
3- two extra innings end in tie. Get rid of the awful rule of putting a runner on second! It’s the worst new rule to ever come about. Ties get a team one point, wins 2. Save arms on teams and fans can get home.
4- very very important, technology needs to take over unfortunately as we need computerized robot umps, human umps strike zones cannot determine outcomes of huge games like they have way too many times.
5- the shift has dramatically hurt left handed batters the most, forcing many left handed batters to swing for the fences every at bat. Need to limit the shift or abolish it. Maybe allow players to start in assigned position and as soon as pitch is released they can start shifting but to have the entire infield over on the right side of second and have the pitcher continue to hit his spot jamming the batter making it almost impossible to go oppo and force him to hit into the shift is boring baseball and it hurts the game. Unfortunately these hitters cannot and will not bunt or learn how to step back in box and push the ball the other way because as soon as the pitcher sees this he hits that outside corner that the batter cannot now reach. This is not baseball and it’s hurting the game by watching scorching line drives turn into outs in shallow right field.
6- universal DH, if s pitcher can hit then let him be the DH and pitch in deals game and when he comes out of the game then he’s out as DH.
7- no commercial timeouts between innings, advertise during the game!
8- expand the roster to 27 players
9- last one is extremely important, stop with one game wild cards, it’s too much of a crap shoot and destroys the integrity of a long hard fought season. 3 Division winners and 4 wild cards should be the max. Set up playoff brackets based on overall record where top record gets a buy the first round and the other 6 teams match up based on points (wins 2 points, tied 1 point regular season) in a five game series and play double headers to get through series quickly so that the top overall team with a buy isn’t waiting a week to play. The second round and third is 7 games. World Series of course is also 7 games.
Speed up the playoffs with double headers in first round and keep fans excited.
10- again technology needs to advance the game so allow pitchers and catchers to wear headsets to communicate with the bench so as to eliminate sign stealing and cheating.
It’s allot but if the game is gonna evolve and be better for fans we need changes. We cannot have one game wild cards determine a team moving on after fighting hard all season, we cannot have anymore sign stealing scandals altering outcomes of games and playoff series, can’t have umps determining games based on awful calls and strike zones, games being all or nothing results with either home runs or strikeouts, pitchers and batters slowing down the game so much that you find yourself doing other chores and walking away!
Season will be delayed
Ugh. Bunch of rich and fortunate people are fuming over how to decide the greed amongst themselves. Just what everyone wants. It’s bad enough they’re ruining the game with analytics and weird rule changes, but now this too?
Go players. Millionaires over billionaires.
So don’t expect articles from here?
I support neither owners or players . When I am working hard to feed the family and survive high food and gas prices ( $3.29 a gallon in Hendersonville, NC), and I see a guy like Andrew Heaney getting $8.5m from the Dodgers, my sympathy level is zero. Same for owners who actually give out contracts like that.
To be fair, you probably aren’t that good at baseball. Better scoop you a hybrid. Go Capitalism!!!
Hate to break it to you Buck, but It ain’t capitalism creating this inflation bubble. LGB and the crazy political elite at are destroying this country with allot of help from outside countries who have a huge stake in seeing our country implode!
Nearing $5/gallon here in SoCal…every price has risen. Lots to complain about but we’re fighting for our lives. Happy to be alive. #waitingonbaseball
Translation: “The other side asked for more than they currently have. That’s extreme, unreasonable, and shows bad faith. If we give them a single cent more, it will destroy the game and deny our fans the opportunity to see baseball at all. We are the altruists, they are the bad guys.”
Here we go.
Rubbish. I will unfollow MLB on social media and any players I follow. When this is over I will go back. I don’t need to see updates on the CBA. I will be back when this nonsense is over.
That’ll show em’!
I hope Manfred has this “timing” thing down right. There is no wisdom in giving fans (even, or especially, marginal ones) a chance to find something else to fill the time they would invest in baseball. None of the negotiators seem to recognize the game needs a more objective, and aggressive, re-set than they are considering in order to attract fans. Older fans? We’ll adjust. We always do. But it will be harder than ever for baseball to gain new fans without a more complete modernization. In my opinion, and as much as I dislike the idea, that means Robo-Ump for starters. (And, because I know how literally I interpret things from time to time, yes, for relievers, too!)
Only thing I know for certain about this whole situation: I will not be looking for a channel covering ownership, or their lawyers, activities in the spring. Or the MLBPA negotiating committee.
Pathetic & inexcusable.
So does lock in Manfred as the worst commissioner in MLB history? The fact that he let this happen in inexcusable, he has to go. If he lets this last into the season he should just quit, he has done more harm to the game then good to this point.
When Manfred became commissioner there were already rumblings that the owners were looking forward to the first chance to institute a lockout. They believe they’ll get more in concessions if they wait things out. The lessons of 1994 have been forgotten entirely. The sad truth is the owners are probably looking at Manfred as if he was a great hero.
That said the MLBPA has never been weaker, Tony Clark is no Donald Fehr. I won’t hazard a guess as to when this all ends but I will predict it ends with a loss for the player’s union.
Bud Selig during the steroid era might very well be worse
You’re blaming the spokesman. He is chosen by the owners and his position solely reflects the owners position.
I’m shocked shocked that a lockout happened… I guess It’s not that shocking… actually I think I expected it the whole time.
In the first sentence, you said you were shocked shocked. In the second sentence, you said that it wasn’t that shocking. In the last sentence, you say you expected this the whole time, which would imply zero shock. Are you okay?
Denial, understanding, acceptance?
MLB has removed articles and player photos and video on all team websites. Now they’re locking out the fans. Or maybe this is Player’s Association generated.
Whatever the case, this is disgraceful slap in the face of fans. MLB contorts itself into knots trying to reduce length of games in order to attract new fans, yet they pull this stunt which is so anti-fans.
Manfred said it was a legal issue.
Millionaires verus Billionaires. Both sides screaming poverty.
To the players: Shut up and play.
To the owners: Shut up and pay.
What percentage of MLB players speak english?
The minimum player salary is naturally dropping due to the obscene contracts given to star players in the last 10 years or so. Owners are paying out obscene amounts of money for so many players that don’t deliver. There should be pay for performance but players would never accept that common sense approach. I am fed up with the MLB greed and do not plan to attend games this year. Also tired of the declining numbers of American players in the sport.
About to be real boring around here for a long time.
The numbers I have seen this off-season pretty much concludes that the players are doing just fine and don’t need much more. I’m not one to side with billionaires often but it’s not the players that make baseball. They just show up and play and go home. It’s the business behind the game of baseball that is the reason these guys make so much. It’s the guys you will never hear of that negotiate TV deals, procure venues, create schedules, market the game, negotiate billion dollar deals with politicians etc.. They were the ones who made a financial global empire out of throwing and hitting a ball. Those people are the ones who should be on strike.
After Covid and forgetting the lessons of 1994 could be a HUGE mistake for the owners and players. I am hoping the rumors are true and this will be completed in a couple of months. The recent big ticket signings is an optimistic sign.
Well no reason to come here 3 times a day to see my Oakland A’s have done nothing . They better get working on that Las Vegas site.
Will MLBTR be taking requests for new features during the lockout? I NEED MY BASEBALL FIX!
I feel bad for all of the businesses that make their living off of baseball, like MLBTR. For their sake, as well as the players and fans, I hope the lockout is ended soon. I’ll still be dropping by this site everyday, just to see what’s up.
Because my interest in baseball wasn’t already dwindling…
The fact that the 6 year service time clock starts when a player reaches the MLB is actually comical because a player may have already given the team 6 years of service while developing.
All I know is that the game’s top prospects don’t typically end up in the MLB for at least a few months prior to when they probably should be playing because of service time control. That right there affects the game. Rutschman and a lot of the game’s top prospects could probably be playing in MLB right now if it weren’t for this crap. I bet teams would be better with players like that in their lineups and fans would be excited to come watch. Instead, gotta wait for June to roll around or gonna move up a player one level in minors every year even though he’s hit .350 every season. It’s nonsense. And the greed comes from both ends. An ideal setup would allow the players to make enough money across all levels to help build a successful future post-playing, allow the owners to make some on the side since after all it is their investment, and most importantly, allow the best players in the world to compete. The former Mariners GM said it all best about Kelenic. “You’d more likely see my fat ass in RF before him because we don’t spend like the big teams and need to retain that extra year of control”. Change has to come.
Gut feeling: This will be a longer lockout then most people realize. Why? There are no moderates on the players side ( most are Boras clients). On the owners side you have Hal Steinbrenner who is signing no one. It is like dealing with “The Squad” versus Conservatives in Congress. My way or the highway ( like it or not).
Okay I get the owners trying to take control of this during the off-season, but Rob your comments about the players demands threaten to ruin the game are sooooooo off base. This is way no fan likes or trusts you.
MLB’s vax mandate will go out the window if the player’s assoc. plays their cards right.
I think the Vax is probably pretty low on the players’ list of concerns.
Low, maybe, but I think it’d be pretty easy for the owners to give in on that one considering the percentage of players that have been vaccinated on most teams.
Crap, now I have to find something else to focus on for the next three months…
What, players want to make more than what they’re already making ? What a joke !
Mid-tier FA contract values have gone down almost 50% since 2014. The elite are still being paid, but the middle class is going backward.
@bhambrave – “The elite are still being paid, but the middle class is going backward.”
How can you with a straight face call ANY MLB player “middle class”? That’s relativism to the extreme, and just plain silly. The LOWEST paid MLB player makes over $500,000.00 a year. There’s nothing low or middle class about you if you make 6 figures a year.
Just when things were really heating up. Brilliant move by all. Greed knows no bounds.
Time to hire some robotic players. Less chance that they’ll be running the bases and get injured and miss the next 2 seasons. Robots can be fixed that evening and ready to play against the next day.
They tried that already on “The Twilight Zone.” It didn’t work.
Having robotic players in MLB? I don’t remember that episode.
“The Mighty Casey,” aired Jun 17, 1960.
New York Robots versus Boston Androids @Tesla Stadium? No thank you. I would sooner watch reruns of Classic Yankee Games or even Gilligan’s Island then that.
Your loss…
“This defensive lockout. . .”
Defensive lockout? Are there now offensive and defensive lockouts? What a crock!
Public is getting the tar & feathers ready!
I’m ambivalent about these battles between the owners and the union, although normally I’m strongly pro-union. On the one hand, the greed of the owners is hardly something I want to support. I confess that I scoff when MLB makes a big fanfare about a $1 million donation to some relief effort after a natural disaster costing billions. That’s couch cushion money for an organization that raked in $10.7 billion in 2019 (and maybe more, because they do their best to make their financials opaque).
On the other hand, there’s no denying that the salaries being paid to some of the players for knocking a ball around a field with a club are obscene. Wander Franco, a 20-year-old with a sixth-grade education, is guaranteed $182 million. Meanwhile, doctors study for years and incur enormous debt burdens in the process, leading to a shortage of doctors in lower-paying specialties like pediatrics and in poor and rural communities. The average annual salary of firefighters who risk their lives inside burning buildings is around $45,000. Franco will make over $100,000 for every game in a 162-game season. It’s a pretty sick commentary on social priorities.
Bottom line, I can feel for the minor-leaguers who struggle on low salaries in hopes of making it all worthwhile with a promotion to the bigs; but otherwise I really don’t care who wins this contest between the greedy owners and the union. The owners will just keep jacking up the prices to cover the obscene salaries of the stars anyway.
It’s obvious in reading this material that baseball lacks a commissioner who can bring forth an agreement. Manfred’s comments do nothing but further the hostility of the players. Baseball needs a commissioner who can work both sides to arrive at an agreement. Of course, Manfred sees himself just as a tool of the owners. I’m afraid that without someone attempting to bring both sides together, this could be a long lockout.
Manfred is a tool of the owners. That’s literally his job.
Remember everyone, the owners are always bad and evil and mean no matter what and the poor, underpaid virtuous, heroic players are always right and all their demands are perfectly reasonable and must be met.
It’s totally fine to be a player worth a quarter of a billion dollars for playing a game, but if you’re a billionaire because you worked in business your whole life, you’re evil and greedy and we need to give Bernie Sanders your house to add to his collection.
When billionaires corrupt the government of the United States to rig the game against hardworking middle-class Americans, yeah, that’s pretty evil. But do we really want to have this discussion on a baseball forum? Maybe it’d be better to toot your political horn on one of the multitude of sites where that kind of food fight is the daily routine, eh?
No, this is literally the perfect place for this conversation. Baseball writers in particular are constantly droning on about how everything is the owners fault all the time. This article itself has that same tone.
It’s framed not as a labor contract negotiation between two groups of very wealthy people but as one very bad greedy group oppressing another group that just wants to play ball and get paid a fair wage.
No, this is not the place to air your grievances against Bernie Sanders. Try “The Hill.” You can electioneer and fight about politics all day there to your heart’s content. Maybe you’ll get some traction with your lament for the woes of billionaires over there.
Now someone needs to get roided up to save baseball again!
Assuming they haven’t been juicing all along.
Here comes Cano to the rescue! 🙂
They clearly haven’t as we should have already seen the first 100+ HR season. MLB felt back for the drop in HRs after the Roid issue so they issued balls that travelled better but still we didn’t see any 100+ HR seasons for any players.
In 1998, the year of “the home run race that saved baseball,” when Sosa and McQwire competed to break Maris’s record, there were 5,064 HRs hit in the league. In 2019, there were 6,776 HRs, and this year there were 5,944 HRs.
Baseball players are entertainers. They are 780 of the best in the world at what they do. Top players are getting $43M to play 162 games, plus the postseason. The average pay is about $4M, after they’ve spent several years in the minors. Most players will be out of the league by their mid-thirties.
Dwayne Johnson gets about $125M a year to make one or two movies.
I don’t begrudge the players trying to get all they can while they can.
Baseball really has a fan-base issue.. They currently rank 8th in most popular sport with 500 Million estimated fanbase. Even Field Hockey has a fan base of 2 billion. Baseball is even below table tennis. Now that is sad.
Manfred is a chump. This won’t end well.
Baseball needs a few big things to change:
1. Salary cap
2. Salary floor
3. Less profit sharing – force teams to generate their own profits instead of relying on the opposing teams’ revenue
4. Eliminate 7 inning games
5. Expand active rosters
6. Eliminate games between leagues during the regular season
7. Eliminate changing the rules of the game DURING the season
8. Decide on whether or not the dh is going to be utilized in the NL one and for all
9. Speed up the game in simple ways like not allowing players to step both feet out of the box after each pitch
10. Pace of play would increase dramatically if each game had a time limit clock like every other sport. Only run the clock while actual game play was in process, from pitch calling to pitching changes to challenges. 90 minutes is plenty.
11. Institute a FIVE man umpire crew at each game. The 5 th would be the replay review umpire in the booth.
12. Speaking of umpires – get rid of the bad ones! Blown calls and improper rule interpretations need to be tracked. Umpires that are inefficient need to go back to AAA to hone their skills.
13. Reward cities with franchises that deserve them. Not sure if that means expansion or just move teams that continually cry they can’t afford to keep up due to being ‘small market’. Teams that refuse to compete are bad for the game, stop babying them.
14. Lastly, more teams in the post season creates hope and attendance in the stands for fans and motivates teams to make make moves to stay competitive.
Wondering, do players currently signed to contracts still get paid if games or spring training are not happening?
And will the minor league seasons start when they normally do or are they locked out also?
POLL: I know MLB has to have an even number of franchises…but if you could only choose ONE expansion franchise, which would it be?
Nashville Bandits (“Stars” is not creative)
Charlotte Knights
Raleigh Reapers
Memphis Hound Dogs
New Orleans Gators
Buffalo Bisons
Indianapolis Arrows
Louisville Colonels
San Antonio Scorpions
Las Vegas Vipers
Portland Thunderbirds
Vancouver Sharks
Salt Lake Silvers
Mexico City Diablos
Monterrey Skull Kings
I’d prefer a team in Tokyo and Seoul, London & India. MLB needs to grow their sport internationally.
Baseball is the number one sport in two countries those cities are in.
Montreal Expos.
I will go off the board and choose the Quad City River Bandits.
When you look at the ridiculous amounts of $ that average players get… Taylor deserved what he got from Dodgers? Heaney? C’mon guys let’s wake up. The only thing needed here is a salary floor and an incentive or punishment to keep teams from tanking. Wait until there’s a chance to miss games and first paycheck… salaries are high guys… Scherzer and cole are willing to lose 10 million if they miss 1/4 of a season? I doubt it
Well, what do we do while this sorts itself out?
Gosh darn it!
This lockout just gave @MetsFan22 his excuse for the Mets failing in 2022.
@MarlinsFanBase – where has he been since the Scherzer signing? Grounded by mommy and daddy? Or did he evacuate so much he’s stuck to a chair?
PS – Marlins are getting really good and the
Christmas time…. Love & Peace! … but, they really don’t care, business is business, that’s it!!! (Just take me to the baseball park and I’ll be happy)
with out knowing the specific proposals just a birds eye view. … if that is what the MLBPA wants then i can see MLB not wanting them.
Increase the ‘luxury tax’ penalty but add a ‘poor tax’. take the average salary the past 5ish years add 33% to the average and remove 33% for the poor and luxury tax thresholds. Add in loss of draft picks for longer term offenders.
The problem with the poor tax is that teams may end up signing crap players at an inflated value.. to get around this issue a bit, modify the cap/floor based on rookie deals and performance.
Along those lines increase the minimum salary and change arbitration or larger increases and performance bonuses. which would be included in the above. which would also help those filled with rookie deals get to the floor.. Rebuiding teams full of young guys shouldn’t have to take playing time away just because they had to sign a 10m deal for a 0 fWAR player.
If anything, give teams incentive to keep players rather than send them on free agency by increasing the QO and how it relates to the floor/cap.
I do like the Lottery idea for the first 10 picks. this would help keep teams from doing a race to the bottom
I understand the Lock out. If a lock out was inevitable then this is the time to do it.