Outfielder Cody Bellinger and the Dodgers have avoided arbitration, agreeing to a one-year $17MM contract per ESPN’s Jeff Passan and Kiley McDaniel. This deal registers as a $900K raise on the player’s 2021 season. The deal was reached prior to the sport’s December 1 lockout, but was not officially announced due to the league’s mandate that prevents clubs from discussing player personnel.
The $17MM salary is quite a boon for a player coming off a season that was below replacement-level, as Bellinger slashed just .160/.240/.302 in 95 injury-plagued games. The Dodgers could have non-tendered Bellinger instead of paying such a handsome fee for a hopeful bounceback campaign, but are one of the few clubs in the league who have the payroll to support such a risk. Further, Bellinger’s salary isn’t guaranteed until he makes the team’s Opening Day roster, meaning there’s still time for the team to backpedal if they lose faith in their decision.
It’s not long ago that non-tendering Cody Bellinger would’ve seemed preposterous, considering Bellinger set an arbitration record after his MVP 2019 season. That .305/.406/.629 campaign is slipping further into the past, but the Dodgers were surely encouraged by Bellinger’s .353/.436/.471 showing this past postseason. The former-MVP can be controlled through the 2023 season via arbitration.
Such a great player, but he’ll give you a huge headache.
Is he a great player or were the Dodgers doing the same thing as the Astros when he had his MVP season? Maybe no trash cans, but to think that Houston was the only team using video to cheat would be naive. We know the Yankees & Red Sox did for sure and so it wouldn’t surprise me if LA was too.
Ahh, are we still hurt?
The dodgers cheat like hell everybody inside baseball knows that
I’m biting how so?
He said, with no evidence. Well it’s all the rage these days, so why not?
I’m curious. Given the nature of how “insider” information gets leaked every 5 seconds in the current media environment, what specific evidence do you have of this claim that not only “the dodgers (sic) cheat like hell…”, but “everybody inside baseball knows that”?
Or your legitimately valid — non-conspiratorial — reason why “everybody inside baseball knows [it]” and yet the … inside-of-baseball media hasn’t revealed it.
Everyone’s saying…
While I believe that other teams were also using systems to steal signs, none were as egregious as the Asteriks. There is no evidence that the Dodgers were among the other *possible* teams cheating. Bellinger is a fantastic player who has fallen on hard times. To imply “Belli” was cheating to play like such a powerhouse, and then stopped cheating and now is a below- replacement-level guy is disingenuous and uncouth. Grow up!!
Yea wasnt the bum shoulder or multiple leg injuries. He just wanted to upset you
This is my understanding.
In October 2020, Enrique Hernandez bumped into Bellinger and injured his shoulder.
Dodgers did not resign Hernandez (who made a stupid joke about him being way stronger than Bellinger) and Bellinger has never fully recovered.
Also, Bellinger fueled suspicion about him using marijuana by telling Jimmy Kimmel that he is not high during the actual games.
In 2021, Bellinger had a leg injury and his batting average was 0.160.
Bellinger continues to play pretty good defense.
I understand that the Dodgers want to give Bellinger a chance in 2022 to recover his form.
Coop: give us all a break. Your Astros 24/7 “every team cheats,” is so old.
They all do
Or maybe because Bellinger has needed multiple surgeries and has had multiple injuries. Dislocated his arm, broke his leg, pulled his hamstring. Had to come back mid season with no spring training. The league realized (before Bellinger wanted to admit it) that he couldn’t get around on the up and in pitch anymore. Thus he had to drastically change his swing late in a season.
Or maybe all of that was just to cover up he was cheating…
Elite CF defense doesn’t give you a huge headache until you reach Jackie Bradley Jr. level of mediocre offense
Is Belli a good CFer? Seems Ok-ish, but I don’t watch him a lot.
My sense on Bellinger’s CF defense is that he’s in the realm of average, but leans a half-tick above.
His overall experience out there barely totals more than 1 year (~1700 career innings), so it’s not enough play-by-play data to really get a sense. I’m not sure where he grades out on Statcast data or how many innings/ plays are needed for it to be reliable
A couple of the young scofflaws on the board switched me from fangraphs to Savant – which I much prefer.
DRS takes years to get anything meaningful out of. However: OAA is much quicker. So: Savant likes him ok in CF. Doesn’t look like an elite glove, but does look like he is above average out there.
For whatever you may find that worth.
This is my understanding.
In October 2020, Enrique Hernandez bumped into Bellinger and injured his shoulder.
Dodgers did not resign Hernandez (who made a stupid joke about him being way stronger than Bellinger) and Bellinger has never fully recovered.
Also, Bellinger fueled suspicion about him using marijuana by telling Jimmy Kimmel that he is not high during the actual games.
In 2021, Bellinger had a leg injury and his batting average was 0.160.
Bellinger continues to play pretty good defense.
I understand that the Dodgers want to give Bellinger a chance in 2022 to recover his form.
But Dodgers have Betts, Pollock and Taylor who can play outfield. So if there is a DH, Belli could play 1B, Muncy 3B and Turner DH. Or Belli plays CF, keep Muncy at 1B, Taylor 2B and Lux is DH. If no DH (but there will be), Belli could play CF and Taylor 2B, so Belli and Lux (who would otherwise play 2B) compete for at bats.
My question is how is Muncy progressing as to his own physical injury?
Dude could make the hall of fame with his glove alone from what I’ve seen.
@Manny. The shoulder bump with Hernandez resulted in a dislocation, but it wasn’t the first time Bellinger dislocated that shoulder. It was a structural issue that probably would have required surgical correction at some point, so that incident only hastened it. And FWIW, I don’t see this incident as the reason why the Dodgers did not re-sign Hernandez. They figured they had a cheaper alternative in McKinstry. I bet that’s a decision they’d like to do over.
The Dodgers aren’t sharing much about Muncy. The last public info on his condition is they expect him to be ready for Opening Day. Well, whenever that is, if at all.
Muncy is such a key piece for Dodgers. I hope he is healthy.
I have rather low expectations for a Bellinger recovery, but I agree with the decision to give him another year.
I was curious so I looked it up. This is the last 2 seasons for those two guys.
.195/.278/.364/.642 Belli
.202/.279/.324/.603 JBJ
Their defense was roughly even in CF. 10 OAA vs 9 OAA.
That’s a tough call. I wouldn’t want to pay double digit millions for either one.
Maybe if he gave up the Mary Jane it would be beneficial to his career.
Cody Bellinger should smoke salmon & geese instead of all that dope.
Not sure that’s happening
Marijuana is good for a variety of things
I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Marijuana
I’ve no problem with ganja.
Less socially destructive than any other drug.
As I was – more or less – an art student (architecture) I made a pretty serious effort at being a stoner my junior year in college. Back then the “choice” was; green or brown. Turns out, I prefer my drugs in liquid form.
I just like the “blunt blazing Belli” meme & it’s ensuing mayhem. & I also like smoking snow geese, salmon, carp, & Arturo Fuentes Churchills.
probably both. has to be a reason jbj couldn’t hit big league pitching with an oar.
$17M for a .165 hitter! Good luck with that one doggies!
Not a Dodger fan. Explain his precipitous fall 2019 – 2021.
George Scott syndrome. First 5 seasons OPS – .757, .839, .473, .716, .821
The league cracked down on sign stealing.
Such a dumb comment! Sign stealing did not help him win an MVP chief. It may cause am average to drop a few points here & there, but not from .306 to .167 my friend.
Why is it dumb? it’s actually very plausible. Look at Mooke’s big year with the Red Sox. He will never approach that batting average again.
But Mook is getting a s&&t load of $$$$$ so what does he care.
I have wondered about Mookie’s 2018 season. Mookie had his highest ever BABIP in 2018. He also had his highest SO% to that point in his career. It looks more like he was very fortunate when he hit the ball in 2018 than he knew what was coming. Mookie’s 2019 season was pretty similar to his 2018 season, but he didn’t have the BABIP luck.
Dear Coop: please stop. Bellinger had a bad shoulder in 2019 and played with it. Dislocated it in the World Series in 2020. Recovered from that by 2021 and broke his leg in a base running mishap. Although I know you won’t, you might want to cut him some slack.
All the more reason to make player contracts, incentive contracts. The better season you have, the more you make; which would keep them hustling per game instead of being lame duck players.
Unfortunately, incentive based contracts are not allowed in MLB. They can have certain incentives like # of starts, innings pitched, etc., but they can’t have incentives based on batting average, HRs, RBIs, K’s etc. The only allowable performance based incentives have to do with MVP voting, All-Star selections, etc. There’s no way the union will allow for performance based contracts as the team can manipulate at bats, etc… to prevent the player from reaching them.
Also the dude spent 2+ years playing injured to help his team win. Not much of an incentive if you get hurt and don’t get paid while you heal.
A base salary based on experience. Escalators for performance.
It could be done. It won’t. But it could.
Likely a combination of MLBs sign stealing crackdown and injury. He’ll likely bounce back, but not to his former MVP level.
As far as sign-stealers he’ll likely produce at more of a Yelich level, rather than Gleyber T. or Marwin G.
Shoulder Injuries made him a have a massive hole in his swing.
Hurt his shoulder which caused his swing mechanics to break down. He hit well in the postseason (.906 OPS) and it seemed he made some adjustments. His stance was more closed off, he bent his knees slightly instead of standing straight up, and he wiggled his bat at a 45 degree angle behind his shoulder instead of holding it perpendicular over his back. I’m no hitting guru but that’s what I noticed
He had a similar issue in his “down” 2018 year where he would extend too much and not be able to hit inside pitches/fastballs– his OPS against power pitchers is usually 100-200 points lower than his OPS against finesse/neutral pitchers. It’s understandable that his bat speed would be worse than in previous years since he was coming off of an injury, making it necessary for him to make adjustments to shorten his swing path
shortened his swing I think is what your trying to get to. As long as his swing was, it is no surprise good velo beats him.
On May 3 2019 he injured his shoulder diving for a ball at 1B. He played through it knowing that surgery to repair has a 12+ month time till full recovery. He injured it significantly worse in the 2020 post-season, requiring off-season surgery, and his recovery was stalled by the broken leg he suffered on the 5th day of the 2021 season.
Shoulder surgery
His 2020 had 8 bad games then a great 2 months
His 2021 he came in rehabbing shoulder surgery, and then broke his leg
It’s crazy that this news is coming out 3 weeks after the fact. Even if it wasn’t official, I’m surprised that it wasn’t leaked.
Either way, this is needed by the Dodgers. They have to hope for a bounceback year for a guy that has a ROY and an MVP. It’s worth 17 mil to believe he can make the right adjustments.
I’m pulling for him to get back to those levels as he’s great in the outfield and an overall, good guy. Looking forward to seeing him back in the middle of the lineup.
A Dodgers hater and I still want this guy to be good again was such a huge drop off but I love watching good players play.
Agreed, this is not the time for the Dodgers to let him walk and possibly rebound with another team. Have to believe his decline was mainly due to shoulder injury, and it can take time to return from that.
Or, as in the case of Jason Heyward, maybe never.
It’s obvious that opposing pitching coaches have figured out how to turn Bellinger into Ike Davis. So what adjustment does he make? Probably swing harder and uppercut more…at least that’s what all metrics say works!
I do not believe that he will ever return to MVP levels. He was allegedly injured by Kike Hernandez in a post-game bump and he did not show a heartbeat last year until the post-season. I agree with paying the 17 million to try for one more season, but if he hits below 0.210 in 2022, and it is a 100-plus game season, I think Dodgers will have to move along. Is it physical, mental, I don’t know. But Dodgers have Betts, Pollock and Taylor who can play outfield. So if there is a DH, Belli could play 1B, Muncy 3B and Turner DH. Or Belli plays CF, keep Muncy at 1B, Taylor 2B and Lux is DH. If no DH (but there will be), Belli could play CF and Taylor 2B, so Belli and Lux (who would otherwise play 2B) compete for at bats. My question is how is Muncy progressing as to his own physical injury?
Hope he can come back to form this next year
I hope the form he comes back to is what we saw this past season.
Scouting caught up Belli’s hitting tendencies….one year deal is good for prove it or g-bye.
I think this was a no-brainer…for Dodgers considering their bankroll.
If he does well enough they could use it to trade him and if they don’t feel his uptick is sustainable enough for them…some other team might bite.
Hit .160 (.110 vs lefties) and receive a $900,000 yearly raise. SMDH. And the players union is complaining about unfair wages.
Bellinger should take that 900k and send it the Dodgers minor league camps for equal distribution.
Send it to guys that will take his job in the next year or two? Haha, no. But he definitely is lucky to work for a team that prints money.
Would get $8M plus incentives on a one year anywhere else.
That’s pretty insane he got a raise. Once you hit arbitration it’s a pretty good system for the players. The players union really need to fight for a substantial increase in the league minimum to help the most guys. I am sure it will be an afterthought
I know it’s so hard to live on 500k a year…
Because the first 3 years of MLB salaries are kept so artificially low that the Dodgers still won’t lose money on Bellinger. Even if he hits .150 again. Arbitration salaries would be much bigger if the free market decided on them.
LA could have non-tendered him but chose not to for a reason
That’s how it works when the CBA dictates team control in such a way that a guy can win league MVP while only making $605K.
Ah ignorance at its best. You can complain about the size of the pie all you want, but the players and owners are arguing about who gets the bigger slice, not if the pie should get bigger or smaller
The pie is getting bigger. It increased by $1.25 billion in 2021 and will increase more in 2022 if there is a season. Its already over $12 billion.
and attendance is down 13 years in a row.
He ruined his career by injuring his shoulder while celebrating a fake pennant.
Ah, so trolls do come out in the rain.
Well as a Braves fan I commented somewhere on this site in 2020 that if the Braves went all the way in the 60 game season (which is essentially like having the playoffs right after spring training) that I would find not joy in it or certainly not gloat or brag about it. I stand by that comment. I am as shocked as anyone (though I did believe the Braves could) that after 25 very long years the Braves won it all and in a full season.
2020 was for entertainment purposes only. It was not a legitimate championship. Honestly the Dodgers should have just received Burger King gift cards instead of a trophy for winning that “tournament” in a fake season. Sure, they played better than anyone else under the circumstances but it’s really not worthy of anything more than a Whopper or an order of chicken fries. They won 43 games. Say what you will about 1995 being shortened but Atlanta won 90 games that year and had to play at opposing stadiums in front of full crowds.
So baseball is for something other entertainment purposes? But thanks for putting that nonsense statement first. Saved me reading the rest of comment.
The point is that it simply gave people something to watch during COVID. There was no legitimacy to it. Honestly they could have skipped the “season” altogether and just put a 30-team tournament on Netflix. Every single player, coach and umpire could have worn a mic. It wasn’t legitimate anyway so they might as well have turned it into a reality show.
So baseball is for educational or business purpose? Wth are you talking about lmao
You guys probably think that walking to the gas station and thru-hiking the entire Appalachian Trail are equal feats.
You make no sence. You should just stop. While the season was shortened for the most part equal. No matter if you like it, the Dodgers are 2020 world champs.
Cry more.
While I am a dyed-in-the-wool Astros fan I hope he gets it back together. It’s always awesome to have great players on the field. It’s also awesome to have strong adversaries. Wouldn’t it be boring to always play inferior players and teams?
Why are the Dodgers and Astros and their fans so obsessed with rematches? Personally I prefer variety. Warriors/Cavs four years in a row was insanely boring in the NBA and yet people seem to have this fascination with this LA/Houston garbage. IF the Dodgers win multiple REAL championships (which they won’t) then I don’t think anyone is going to not give them credit just because they didn’t get “revenge” against Houston.
For someone who purportedly likes variety, you do the same troll routine over and over with little variation.
Actually, I only make predictions. Any future World Series prediction can’t be proven right or wrong until the time comes so there’s no reason or cause for the prediction to change.
I wasn’t saying that It’s necessary to have them play WS again. I just hope he gets his swing back. I don’t care who the Astros play in the World Series. ♂️
His decline started in June of 2019 and he has just continued to spiral. Hate to see that happen to talented young ballplayers.
His OPS in the second half of 2019 was well over .900.
It was 1.124 in the 1st half and .917 in the 2nd half. It went down each month after June and in Sept/Oct was under .900. As I correctly stated he started to decline in June 2019
A .900 ops isn’t a decline you moron
Neither is the majority of his 2020. It was a short season. Move 8 games in, and he was great with the bat and the glove!
Welcome to him playing 50 games. 8 games where he came back too soon actually mattered. Clearly he’ll never be a productive guy with the bat again! People here are so ridiculous
Does my earlier comment show up, it says “awaiting moderation”?
You are cold as ice to me.
It won’t show. This has happened to me many times. You must have said something against the rules. Try rewording it so that is is PC with those who censor you. They usually are a little more forgiving.
I am thinking it is because I referred to Enrique Hernandez (who injured Bellinger) by his nickname and then his last name.
Maybe it is an automated system because any MLBTR writer worth their salt would know the nickname for Hernandez.
Yeah, that was likely it. Go figure. Enjoy the holidays.
Wow. Huge dodger fan but getting almost a million dollar raise for hitting 160. What will he get if he finds his swing?? Boras as his agent he will be gone when he reaches free agency.
He might want to think about cutting down that swing; it’s out of control and pitchers have figured out how to attack it.
I’m a little confused… “The deal was reached prior to the sport’s December 1 lockout, but was not officially announced due to the league’s mandate that prevents clubs from discussing player personnel.” Isn’t that mandate still very much in effect?
Maybe the MLBPA has decided that he isn’t Major League caliber.
This guy is a joke! He was stealing signs but not the way you all think. Watch his at bats from previous years and he’s looking back at the catchers signs. Caught him doing it all the time. I’m sure someone figured it out and now he’s either not doing it anymore cuz he was told he’d get plunked or the catchers are moving around to trick him.
Who tf told you that an opposing team can’t steal signs? You never played baseball right? If you have, you had very bad coaching lol
That 17 million is easily worth what he did the to giants in October. Sweet Jesus, that was glorious.
$17M is roughly a 2 win player. Doesn’t need to do too much to earn that. He should be back to full health next year, so I can see a big 2022.
Nice signing by LA. Could maybe flip him for Clase/JRam around June
There’s a better chance of Soto being dealt to the Yankees than Bellinger being dealt to Cleveland. Cleveland is trying to reduce payroll not add to it. Even if Bellinger has an MVP season, there is no chance Cleveland deals for him.
What a waste of $17 million.
Dodger Jr, If any team can afford to throw away $17M, its the Dodgers. That’s chump change to them.
Or, (c) none of the above.
Could it be the Dodgers know more about their players than anyone here? Possible, just possible.
Blue Skies, I agree they know than us. But $17 M is still affordable and chump change to them.
The Dodgers have a lot to spend because we Dodger fans spend a lot of our dough on the team, but I don’t think even the Dodgers view $17M as walking around money. The more important reality is they need Bellinger both in the lineup (he will bounce back), and in the field. Further it would be insane to not tender him a contract and lose two more years of team control over him.
Bellinger has a fundamentally flawed swing and he’s been pedestrian for a while now, including the second half of his MVP season. $17 million is pocket change for the Dodgers. Worth the one-year risk, despite an unlikely payoff.
His OPS in the second half of 2019 was well north of .900. One of those things you could actually look up, but…
Bellinger’s performance dropped noticeably in the second half of 2019. You could contribute to the discussion without the passive aggressive tone, but …
Sure, move the goalposts. A .933 OPS looks bad because Bellinger was at 1.300 for the first few months? I’m sorry you think calling you out on a nonsensical narrative is passive/aggressive, I prefer to know the facts instead of acting like a .933 OPS is a slump. But backtrack away.
He had a .917 OPS in the 2nd half, not .933. A 200 point drop from the 1st half. His slg dropped 50 points and his BA 70 points. His 2nd half was a decline from his 1st half.
That 917 ops would be 4th in the NL in 2021…..
He was not bad in the 2nd half. He was otherworldly in the first half
Very flawed that he perform well in the postseason. .353 Avg .436 OBP .907 OPS
Apparently non-tendering him still seems preposterous, as no serious person thought that could happen, and lo and behold, it did not happen.
And what is this sentence supposed to mean? “The deal was reached prior to the sport’s December 1 lockout, but was not officially announced due to the league’s mandate that prevents clubs from discussing player personnel.”
His shoulder was hurt. His swing velo went from 120 to 109 mph.
Maybe he should bunt more, 0 mph required.
Every team in baseball would love it if proven hitters took the bat out of their own hands and bunted, a play that has a 30% success rate and at best results in a single. I have no idea how fans think this is a good option for the offense. There is a reason no team does it at a higher than the lowest level
According to your stats of 30% sucess rate, that would equal a .300 BA (assuming all Bellinger did was bunt). That’s a far cry from a BA of .160, isn’t it?
My bunt post was based purely on sarcasm, which you apparently took seriously.
Do you really think a guy could get 150+ hits only bunting? Otherwise who TF cares if he’s hitting .300?
Why argue stupid illogical points?
It’s not an illogical argument, it’s called sarcasm. People like you take the fun out of posting on this site.
I’ve always thought the notion of non-tendering him was preposterous, too close to an MVP season with too many weird happenings in-between to completely lose faith.
I wasn’t saying that It’s necessary to have them play WS again. I just hope he gets his swing back. I don’t care who the Astros play in the World Series. ♂️
To me it’s more exciting to beat different teams. Jorge Soler already defeated Houston. I would rather beat some other team next time…probably one of Chicago/Boston/New York.
Bellinger hasnt been the same since the middle of the 2019 season. I remember the first 2-3 months he was batting .400 and then he just has slumped since. Pitchers have been able to adjust to his long swing and for some reason he consistently steps in the bucket when he swings. The batting coaches probably see this but he must be a bit stubborn to change his approach
Not really. If anything Bellinger has tinkered too much with his stance and swing.
His “slump” in the second half of 2019 was an OPS over .900. It’s pretty incredible how narratives exist despite facts.
Go look at his game log from his peak in 2019 until the end of the season. He went from Ted Williams in the first few months to merely prime Corey Seager.
Calling him stubborn in his approach shows you clearly do not watch Bellinger with any regularity
And to jump on differentbear’s point, that 900+ OPS would have been top 5 among qualified NL hitters in 2021. He was no where near “bad”
So cheap for an elite player.
Two years, does not make you an “ELITE” player. Do you realize how many players have two good years, then fall off the planet, once pitchers figure out their flaws? I’m thinking you were being fictitious
He played 40% above average in the four seasons preceding 2021.
Considering in the 5 seasons, he’s put up an average WAR of 3.14. And think about this, Carlos Correa, who is expected to be making some big money tis offseason, in his first 5 seasons had an average WAR of 3.68. Bellinger was injured in 2020 & 2021 so I wouldn’t make such ridiculous assumptions just yet. Let’s see how he does, once he’s back to good health. If he continues to struggle in the next few seasons, then you might have a point.
Bellinger is the reincarnation of Joe Charboneau. A couple of good seasons and then a total bust!
I was thinking the same thing, but I wasn’t sure how many people here would actually remember Joe Charboneau.
Joe charboneau had a song written for him and I just found it on YouTube! I thought it was cool as a kid in WI.
Mario Mendoza is somewhere out there cringing, seeing Bellinger get $17 m, when he hit in the .190’s, and Cody hit a measly .160
With unlimited money, chancing one more year is worth the risk. I wish the Brewers only had a one year “chance” with Yelich. Instead it’s another 20 years…
Over payed for an overrated player.
Good player. He’ll bounce back. Unlikely to return to MVP level due to injuries but I’d be happy to have him on my roster (I’m not a dodgers fan !)
It will be interesting to see what the CBT thresholds are for 2022 and if going over the cap in 2021 will impact the Dodgers & Padres first level CBT tax percentages in 2022. If it does, I see the Padres doing all they can to stay below the CBT in 2022. With this $17M deal for Bellinger, it’s going to be very tough for the Dodgers to slip below the CBT in 2022 unless they deal some of their veterans. Mookie & David Price alone will cost the Dodgers over $50M in 2022!
I’d love to see Belli bounce back. Last year was SO UGLY. He could not hit speed above the waist. Behind by a mile. His mechanics were a mess and his pitch recognition was a disaster. It is fair to hope that a lot of it was injury – but I think that might be a lot of wishful thinking given his 2020 and general trajectory really since late 2019. Still, an easy call to tender and hope – and Dodgers are showing a lot of good will that will not be returned with even a 900k raise.
Last yr was a mess.But when the playoffs rolled im ,so did Bellinger.Still a kid & already has a MVP.Excuse me if I just laugh at the haters horrible takes.290/35hr/90 rbi/15 sb w/Gold Glove.17 million is cheap.
290 Ave/35Hr/90Rbi/15SB & Gold Glove is my prediction.
I hate him. Only cause he has cause the braves so many headaches …. But he has such legit potential. Last year will not be the norm for this kid. He’ll bounce back