We’re looking to add to the MLBTR writing team, in a part-time position that pays hourly. The criteria:
- Strong weekday availability.
- Exceptional knowledge of all 30 baseball teams, no discernible bias. Knowledge of hot stove concepts like arbitration, draft pick compensation for free agents, and the competitive balance tax.
- A high school degree is required, and further education is preferred. Please include your highest completed level of education in your application.
- Writing experience is necessary, and online writing experience is preferred.
- Attention to detail and ability to follow the MLBTR style and tone.
- Ability to analyze articles and craft intelligent, well-written posts summing up the news quickly and concisely.
- Ability to use Twitter, Tweetdeck, and WordPress.
- The job may include opportunities for supporting research and social media tasks.
- If you’re interested, email mlbtrhelp@gmail.com and explain how you stand out and qualify in a couple of short paragraphs. Please attach your resume to the email. We often receive several hundred applications, so unfortunately we will not be able to reply to each one.
At the end of your application, please fill in the blank: After the ____ season ends, assuming the CBA remains unchanged in this regard and he does not sign a contract extension or go to the minors, Pirates center fielder Bryan Reynolds will become a free agent. Rather than give an explanation, simply write, “Reynolds question: [Year]” at the end.
That email is about to be flooded with Monday-morning-QB’s. Hopefully, there’s some diamonds in the rough to add to an already impressive team.
For all of those English majors without a job (and other majors), this could be a great gig to get a foot into the business!
Metsfan22 need not apply.
I’d love to see him write “without a discernible bias.”
“The Mets, for whom it is an incontrovertible fact they are the best collection of talent to ever take the field, are preparing to once again decimate their opponents. 2020 was an aberration in what has been non-stop dominance dating back to 1969. I’m told there are other teams in this sport, and that’s great news because how could we appreciate the Mets’ magnificence fully if there were no other teams to stomp?”
Steve Adams: I assigned you a piece on the state of AL West injury updates.
MetsFan22: Yeah, I know, and I can’t think of a more fitting beginning than what I wrote.
Save America, employ a liberal in a meaningless job…
Can I apply? I have extensive experience in social media such as TikTok. I am considered a social media influencer with over 200 followers, and I can really help promote your brand.
In high school my literature teacher gave us an assignment to write a paper on “euphemisms”. I chose the word toilet (aka crapper).
I literally typed my paper on a roll of toilet paper without breaking a sheet (my typing teacher was proud as well). I received an A+ & my lit teacher ran around the whole school showing off my paper. My dog actually ate my protected paper about 10 years later. I guess you could say my dog ate my homework.
great this is all we need is these bozos writing for mlb rumors i can hear it now, someoine trying to analyze babe ruth being traded in 1918 for 100,000 i imagine they will have analytical stats
Is it a paying job
Not going to lie, I would love this job.
Rather than free agency, I think Reynolds is going to commit to make Deadpool 3.
Which we will see in 2025 (at this rate).
I am going to lie, I’d love this job.
I nominate Metsfan22
I’m pulling for MetsFan22 to get your team’s GM job, which will very likely disqualify him from being able to work for TR.
Man..what a terrible thought. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight, Outlaw. Thanks for that. =\
Giving this job to Metsfan22 would be similar to giving the Clown Monthly Magazine editors job to John Wayne Gacy
Bad for many reasons
They need someone to exclusively cover George Springer’s weekly day-to-day status.
Hire the guy who writes Mets where position to be the best team in all sports history if they don’t suffer from the most war lost in world history
I applied the job is mine.
I would nominate MetsFan22 to write. Honestly he’s a genius at triggering responses. I think it’s all an act, and we all fall for it.
He’s the most over person who comments on this site. We all know he has some ludicrous takes but he is always able to illicit responses. One thing I have to give him is he has brought a lot more attention to the Mets. I’m an NL Central guy as a Reds fan so I’ve never paid any attention to the Mets but because of him I actively check the Mets box score hoping to see a loss. I would be willing to bet that there are a lot of other fans who do the same because of him. Great stories need a villain.
I agree as I’ve seen some of his pre-edited comments.
It’s called trolling guys and it isn’t cute
He isn’t a troll. He really believes the nonsense he spouts. That is the difference maker between MetsFan22 being a troll or not.
He totally plays into it. He’s like the white sox trolls, believes in the team but overplays it to troll rivals
he would get clicks for sure
GFB the mute feature…
I have had the same thought. However, there is the other side of the coin…
I think I match all of these criteria but I just don’t have any writing experience lmao.
Hire Jeff Todd
What happened to the man with two first names? Now that you mention it, he hasn’t been here for a while.
“The man with two first names” doesn’t narrow it down. Tim Dierkes and Steve Adams also qualify.
I’ve never heard of anyone with the first name Dierkes?
Jeff now owns and runs a company called Roanoke Mountain Adventures. He’s living his best life.
He spells it a bit differently, but Dierks Bently is a famous country singer.
Yeah, I was thinking of Dierks Bentley when I said that.
Thanks Tim.
What about Kyle Downing?
He had good statistical analysis.
Jeff was my favorite writer, i miss him.
Kyle Downing last wrote; 3 years ago lol.
Thanks as always for your work! Interacting with your fans (not trolls) is what separates you
from the competition. Good luck, Tim!
After the 2025 season Bryan Reynolds becomes a free agent. Now do I win the Cadillac or the steak knives?
Put, that coffee, down!
No he will be traded and extended 😉
I think the Reynolds thing is a trick to see if you will agree to write something you know is patentently false because it hasn’t been disproven yet and to see if you are prone to rambling rants.
I think in addition having a writer for each team would be a good addition for the site. I would not rule out bias so metsfan22 would be interesting
He already gives his thoughts for free on every Mets-related article now.
Excellent idea to have a separate digital beat writer for every team. Tim Dierkes make it happen!
I doubt they can afford this. If you want good beat writing for your team, join The Athletic.
This explains why the content is lacking, any bozo can throw their hat in ring if it fits mlbtraderumors bias narrative. You guys should try getting alternate narrative from people outside of this website. You know, diversity is actually good….
so i take it you’re not applying?
Don’t understand the narrative stuff, but you do understand that these hires will be coming from outside this website?
I remember this narrative BS from a few weeks ago. Tatsumaki doesn’t understand that this site doesn’t have beat writers for teams and while certain writers do have a favorite team (I’d hope they all do, to be honest. People who are fans first put the most care into their writing.), I’ve never detected a discernible bias here. Maybe there are more articles about the Dodgers than the Orioles, but that’s because the Dodgers are often busier. The tone is the same regardless of the team.
Amen to this
@tatsumaki – may want to delete
Tatsumaki had too much Sriracha chilli with his chicken tatsumaki and it caused significant discomfort.
I am going to change my name to RangersFan45 and slam this site for love of the Rangers! Afterwards I am throwing my hat into the ring to be a janitor for this website!
Btw, bank it brothers… Rangers 165-0 next year then sweeping the play offs (the extra wins will be handed down from God Himself!).
I didn’t know MetsFan22 had a brother in Texas.
I think SyndergaardenCop should apply just for having the best moniker
Mlbtrade rumors… I’m here if you need me. Sincerely, a fellow proud Canadian.
PS I’ll even make up stories to get the ratings going, come on, we can do this. (Lol)
Cards81 could write ad nauseum how the Cardinals have never made a bad move, ever. Then again, the high school diploma thing is a problem.
I almost choked on my lunch reading this
24/7/365, rent free in that 10 cent head of yours..
So I’ve slowed down my commenting here quite a bit recently, but I just want to know… why is Metsfan22 the talk of the town now?
It hasn’t really just come on now. He’s been earning this over the course of the season. His comments when Acuna, Jr. went down were in poor taste, even for him, and that’s when I started disliking him instead of being amused by his delusions of grandeur.
The problem here is this—with all the chatter about Metsfan22 it is obvious that MLBTR did not get the information out well enough that there is a MUTE button and by just pressing it that name (Metsfan22) never comes up on the screen as a poster.
It makes for such easy reading. Try it.
Why mute? I think most folks find it all to be dumb, but harmless and amusing, even if a bit annoying.
COSMO depends what you mean by harmless. Seems his reaction to the Acura injury was anything but amusing.
Yea I missed that one. Gloating over or showing any glee or satisfaction over a player injury is unacceptable.
I’d love to be able to try it but I use the iPhone app.
Rangers29 Did you ever hear the word Tool if not look it up and his picture is there.
What is meant by “Strong weekday availability”?
You’re probably not getting the job.
Is that part of the “online writing experience”?
You could always fax/snail mail your write-ups in.
So, I’ve asked for clarification on two points and all you do is troll? Noice!
I was assuming you were. It means being available to post during the week at all hours and perusing Twitter.
Seems like a terrible use of the word ‘strong’. But, if you need experience writing on the internets (sic), I guess that makes sense, right?
“Be prepared to give up day job”
It generally means that you’d be available for multiple 6-8 hour shifts most weeks between Monday and Friday.
Aaronsapoznik. The dude already writes full length articles in his comments. He’s incredibly smart and isn’t commenting as a schtick like most of these guys. He seems like he really knows his stuff.
He definitely knows the White Sox better than other teams, being a fan of them, but I agree that he’s knowledgeable enough to write here. My only problem with him is that he’s a bit long-winded.
Insightful, but tends to take eight paragraphs to get to the point. Don’t think they’re looking for people who fanboysplains the more mundane aspects.
Coming from you your comment is irrelevant. Keep schticking
Wow..I can’t believe how many mentions MetsFan22 is getting in this. I know some posters on MLBTR has incorrectly labeled him a troll but the ironic truth is, it is WE who are the trolls at this point. I’ve never seen one poster getting trolled so much. Don’t mistake what I am saying as pity. He’s brought it on himself.
That’s what happens when you make gleeful posts of other teams superstar players having season ending surgery. The vast majority of commenters on this site never do that.
Yes, you are correct about that, McGriff. There is a gentleman’s agreement on that issue. You just don’t do that. MLBTR culture might be a bit mean and aggressive but we do have lines we don’t cross.
Why don’t you all just stop mentioning him? You’re basically as bad as him at this point. Just because it’s a Mets article, doesn’t mean you need that dummies opinion. The guy is an idiot. Yet everyday, he is brought up whenever the Mets are mentioned. He wants attention, and you dolts give it to him.
I wonder if someone quit or if this is adding an additional writer to the MLBTR team?
No one quit!
Zach Links is getting the boot… one can only hope
No bias, unless it’s against a guy accused of something, they must be written about as if they’re guilty
Sneaky with the trick question…Reynolds will be traded and sign an extension with his new team.
The bad part of writing for MLBTR is that getting too close to the glitz and glamor machine will numb you to the glory after a while.
nicely done.
Does “writing experience is necessary” mean that experience in writing for other newspapers/news sites is required or just experience in writing papers in general?
Tim… why not just bring Ben Nicholson-Smith back? The writing has taken a step back since BNS left and Jeff Todd ran off to be a mountain man, or whatever he’s doing now. Steve Adams used to be decent, but ever since he was forced to move back to Minnesota from the bright lights of New York, he hasn’t been the same.
Even better… where are the articles from minor leaguers like Tim Dillard? Heck, you could even offer $5 or $10 to a new draftee to provide insight into the minor leagues. That would be much more enjoyable than reading about a minor league signing that we can find on any other website.
NONE of the current writers have any unique insight into the actual game of baseball — either playing it or working in a front office — and honestly, any of us can go search Twitter for the latest rumors to throw an article together.
Get Chuck Wasserstrom to tell some more front office stories, or maybe a former GM or front office executive to share their experience as well.
Otherwise, you should list the salary range writers are being offered. Those of us who are prospective (or current) writers basically have our pick of sites we can write for, and writers should be fairly compensated, instead of get a few cents of ad click revenue instead of actual pay (which amounts to a nickel or a dime since everybody has ad-blocking software anyway).
Otherwise, many of us make a decent living on unemployment as well, and I wouldn’t want writing for MLBTR to interrupt that.
You’re everything that is right with this world.
I want this job but I don’t want to talk about baseball.
I want a job where I can color with crayons.
“Knowledge of hot stove concepts like arbitration, draft pick compensation for free agents, and the competitive balance tax.” This is why I cancelled my subscription; what does ANY of this have to do with BASEBALL?
@Johnmac94, Is that a serious question? These things affect the CBA negotiations, which will determine if there’s even a season next year. They also affect what teams are able to do financially, which impact whom they’re able to sign. It may not be as direct an impact on the on-field product as, say, a hamstring injury to the team’s All-Star, but if you don’t see how these things affect baseball, I’m not sure how much you really know about the game.
I mean, this is MLB Trade Rumors, not All Things General Baseball. Our whole thing is that we focus on the hot stove stuff.
This would a good way to break into sports writing. I just this was in 1988.
Mlb trade rumors should have some form of youtube/twitch stream in the form of a radio show so we can hear the opinions of the writers instead of them just going on baseball reference and posting stats of a player they have never seen before play in a game
I really enjoyed the Dim Tillard articles and would to see him write some articles for MLBTR again, even if they are only occasional. I think y’all do a great job and hope your new hire(s) will keep up the great work.
Im not sure how many “Latest on…” or using buzzwords with articles written “having said that” I could write.
Make it interesting…first prize is a set of steak knives.
I don’t think it economically feasible, but I would love to see Craig Calcaterra on this site.
So how long does it normally take to select a new writer? Does it depend on how many people apply and how good the aforementioned applicants appear to be on digital paper?
On Monday we’ll advance a group of people to the second round. After that we’ll ask a smaller group to write two sample posts.
I think it would be cool if MLBTR awakened it’s YouTube channel. Every writer makes appearances, maybe even find some retired players to have on once in a while. Hell, if you need a regular host I hear Trevor Bauer is big on YouTube and is very available.
So if I had been a part of the second round how long would it take to receive notice on whether I had gotten to the next stage to write the sample posts?
I’d love to see a poster from the board get hired.
First, we’ll all be able to say, “I knew him when.” But I also think it would be cool to have a fella that we know a little bit already. Just seems it would offer some continuity & familiarity.
@mlb1225 would probably be pretty good. I think he can be relatively objective about his Pirates as well. I know he’s a pretty busy guy though so he may not have the time.
Not to lump the handful of decent, knowledgeable commentors, but im not sure this is where to fill a job opening.
Then again, as long as nobody from ESPN or foxsports gets the gig, maybe it won’t be so bad.
Nobody from ESPN will, except for karl revatich and gammons, they can barely read a cue card and don’t write their own material.
I’ luv to throw my hat in te ring. Ile be a riter for yall. I have no bius, and I now how two use pnctyouashun real good!!!!…??????__÷÷×× <<<—see. So just gimme a call. I don't has a phone, but u can reach me at my baby mamma house. Just leaf a massage. All I need as paymintt is a bag of balls and a change of ceenery.
Fingers crossed on this. Been waiting for this opportunity for years
Good luck
Even if I qualified I would apply. One mistake and the grammar police comes out of the wood work. People don’t know how to have nice things.
Wouldn’t apply…..sigh
How much does it pay or is it volunteer work?
I want this job but I rather talk about cats instead of baseball
you’re not supposed to say that until after you are hired
Cats are good. I like cats.
Please somebody replace Zach Links, someone who actually watches sports and might proofread what they write before publishing
MLBTR Founded 2005
GM – Jerry Dipoto
HQ- Glen Ellyn, IL .
25 employees
Revenue- $ 5 mil
First blog post November, 2005
Just the facts !
You would be putting in more hours than the Sox allocate for defensive drills, so reporting on that would be job security. What happens if the players union brings you on board and starts to leverage you? Some agents would be for that.