Sept. 2: Scott pleaded not guilty to the DWI charge at this morning’s arraignment, writes Ryan Gerbosi of Newsday. He has another court date scheduled on Oct. 7.
Sept. 1: Mets acting general manager Zack Scott was arrested in White Plains, N.Y., early Tuesday morning, as first reported by Mike Puma, Craig McCarthy and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon of the New York Post. The Post reports that police found Scott “dozing” in a vehicle, at which point he allegedly refused a breathalyzer but failed a field sobriety test. CBS 2 New York indicates that an officer saw the vehicle in question “driving erratically” shortly before the arrest. Scott has been charged and is due back in White Plains City Court this Thursday, per the Post report.
The Mets issued a statement just minutes after the news of Scott’s arrest was reported, which reads as follows:
“We were surprised and deeply disappointed to learn this morning about an alleged DUI involving Zack Scott. We take this matter very seriously. Zack will not be traveling with the team for our upcoming road trip while we learn more and determine next steps.”
The 44-year-old Scott is in his first year with the Mets, having been hired out of the Red Sox organization, where he oversaw the pro scouting and analytics departments, this past offseason. Scott was originally hired as an assistant general manager but was elevated to the title of acting general manager after then-GM Jared Porter was fired.
Mets can’t do anything right.
These people just can’t get out of their own way. I’m convinced the organization is cursed.
They just have daddy issues, that’s all
What’s his mWAR?
Lower than his BAC, apparently.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Probably higher than most of the Mets, they are a joke.
the more things change…
Maybe we all could get hired by the Mets so we could get paid to party and watch baseball, then get fired when we have to much fun and Wolf Of Wall Street a whole floor of a hotel?
Team is so bad they make everyone drink
Watching your professional career fall apart isn’t easy, add on top of that watching the Mets circus act that upsets the owner while they do this guy in… needless to say, he never prepared himself for this in running a team.
He probably wasn’t thinking of it at the time, but if he had himself booked in for a night in a cell and took a mugshot with thumbs down that would have been epic. He would live on in infamy for that move. But if he had such a confident and brash personality he probably wouldn’t be wallowing into a bottle, drinking alone in the middle of the night because he feels sorry for himself. As it is, he will be a sad footnote in the Mets history if he’s remembered at all.
This is so Mets. I’m starting to feel bad for these fans.
Mets are going to do Mets things.
Mets gonna Met I like to say.
At this point, all we can do is laugh. Guarantee they are going to play great down the stretch but lose like the last five games of the season and just miss the playoffs, too. It would be fitting.
The jokes write themselves.
::thumbs down::
Best (worst?) part which isn’t in the story yet: he was coming from a fundraiser at owner Steve Cohen’s house in Connecticut.
lmao, absolutely perfect. Dude is the GM of an MLB franchise getting hammered at the owner’s fundraiser but not getting a cab or having a driver. You’d think Cohen would have provided one.
For those of us unfamiliar with the area, how far of a drive is that?
Greenwich to White Plains? With no traffic it’s still probably a half hour minimum. Maybe a little less depending on the exact location of Cohen’s house and Scott’s destination.
So he left there and went elsewhere after the fundraiser so the Mets are probably off the hook on this one as there is definitely liability on the company to provide a safe way home when employees are drinking
Jeff Passan
On the night of New York Mets GM Zack Scott was arrested for allegedly driving drunk, he was at the Connecticut home of team owner Steve Cohen, sources tell ESPN. A fundraiser for the team’s Amazin’ Mets Foundation was being held at the house, and Scott and players were there.
Being around that time would make me drink too
This is his second DWI offence. The punishment for the first time was that he had to be GM of the Mets.
I’d drink to if I was the GM of that team
What’s the penalty for the second? Having to watch Pirates games?
Getting an extension from the Mets? The Mets can’t seem to stay out of the headlines, and never for the right reasons.
To his credit, his title is “acting GM” so the Dwight Schrute to Sandy Alderson’s Michael Scott with Michael Cohen being David Wallace (or Jan Levinson??)
No way is the Mets front office cool enough to be assigned characters from The Office.
So these people like to throw parties and drink and drive? Why not take it to the track and televise the event as well. Rich MLB owners and there GMs getting plastered and having a destruction derby racing event.
At least this way If anyone gets hurt its a consenting MLB owner, coach, or GM. Somebody pitch this to the networks for me please
Just wait for the booze now!
Costanza is gonna be bumped up from traveling secretary
“No soup for you!”
I would literally take Jason Alexander as the Mets GM.
The Mets don’t have very good luck with their front office personnel decisions, eh?
They’re the Mets after all
Or managers
LOL Mets!
The Mets statement indicates that they first heard about this “this morning” which is Wednesday while this happened early Tuesday morning and the Mets played a DH against the Marlins yesterday. Hmmm
I used to be a Sandy Alderson fan but the game has passed him by as proven by him blocking Nimmo and Conforto with Jay Bruce in consecutive seasons and he’s proven to be a terrible judge of character as Callaway and Porter were serial creeps and now Scott gets arrested for drunk driving fire Scott and Alderson now!
Same here. Loved him the first time around but I think it’s time to move on.
“him blocking Nimmo and Conforto with Jay Bruce in consecutive seasons”
Wow, when you put it that way…
He did have an odd obsession with Bruce
How on-brand for the Mets.
Knowing the Mets, they’ll probably fire Scott and replace him with a serial killer.
Hahaha. Sad, but true.
Dear fellow commentators,
Today’s contest for best post of the day is officially over.
new GM: Trevor Bauer
Nah, they’ll hire a real Met like Lenny Dykstra.
What’s wally Backman doing these days
Embarrassing himself horribly I’m sure
They’re probably waiting out the Bauer situation with a contract already drawn up.
Probably should be charged with a GMWI too.…
Tire fire
Scott, Lindor and MetsFan walk into a bar at Cohen’s house……
MetsFan22 seems quiet thus far
Mets would be in 1st by a mile if they weren’t injured. They would have the best GM if he didn’t drink. They would be the best team in NY if only they weren’t awful.
I hate the injury argument, every team has injuries, hell the Dodgers went from 8 starting pitchers at the beginning of the year to 2. The Dodgers have already set the record for most amount of pitchers used in a season already. Almost every night they have a new pitcher on the roster that was a castoff from a different team.
Bellinger has been hurt, Betts has been hurt, Seager has been hurt, J. Turner has been hurt, Bauer suspended indefinitely while no charges filed, yet they are in first place with the best record in baseball.
The Mets wouldn’t be the best team in NY if they were the only team in NY.
@Zerbs Agreed. I was being sarcastic.
MF22 is interviewing for the Mets GM job opening.
Great idea, if you’re not drunk, you might as well be psychotic!
I want Metsfan22 to get the gig strictly for the press conferences. Those would be gold! They start 1-0, and he boldly proclaims they’ve won the division next year in April- and then we all get to watch the backpedaling.
And the bartender says “What is this, a joke?”
Bartender Steve Phillips says, “What is this, a joke?”
The Mets’ gm job makes people do bad things
I thought it was gone, but it’s back and back with a vengeance…. LOLMETS
Can’t wait to hear the MetsFan22 explanation telling us all how this well improve the Mets’ World Series chances this year…
“All the other teams have GM’s who drink and drive, they just only arrest ours.”
These guys get paid a gazillion $$$. Download the Uber app. Arrange for a car service.
Using a phone is hard when drunk, as is making rational decisions
Exactly! It’s infuriating and irresponsible.
Yep. It should be that easy. Unfortunately, self-entitlement also comes with the paycheck and notoriety.
Three GMs in less than a year. Four, if they suspend Scott and appoint another. Is anyone really overseeing this franchise? This is beyond bad luck (@MetsFan22 where are you). At some point, ownership of this “Metstanic” disaster has to fall squarely on the shoulders Cohen. Particularly when it appears Scott got liquored up at his home, You can only blame the Wilpons for so long.
It’ll get worse. Cohen is an egomaniacal control freak who sees himself as the Mets’ savior. Gonna be an interesting winter. with all the hires they need to make.
When you’re rich, can afford any form of transportation home, yet get behind the wheel drunk. Stupid
I hope he gets the help he needs.
Starting with leaving the sinking ship known as the Metstanic.
Time for Cohen to start over with an entire new front office, first step stick Alderson to an advisor or something.
The Mets despite having money for once won’t get a Theo type cause those types are used to being the main person in charge, no one wants to work under Alderson a relic that hasn’t won anything since 1989.
That’s why they were rejected by everyone last off season and could only get a perv & a drunk.
Then let that person decide if they want a new Mananger or not and let that person build the Mets how they want it, cause clearly what’s going on now isn’t working out for anyone.
I’m a Mets fan and I’m long done with Alderson. I dislike most of his personnel choices (Terry Collins was ok) and he continues to Darth Vader-grip the entire franchise with his dubious baseball decisions.
Hoping Cohen cleans house (minus Hefner) and gets a front office/coaching staff that emphasize defense, play players where they belong and have hitters with a batting average closer to .300 rather than focusing on the Three True Outcomes (I know, sacrilege in the world of stat-based baseball). Oh, and find people that aren’t scummy wastes of life; I yearn for the days of Omar Minaya and Bobby Valentine.
You can’t make this up
I just wrote an email to Cohen and the Mets to try to see if they could hire me in some type of job. Hopeful they give me a call.
I would too but I don’t qualify. I’m sober and I don’t harass women.
Seriously would be a better hire than the scumbags they keep hiring. #MF22 for GM.
@MetsFan22… they will hire you as minister of propaganda
“some type of job”…
Cohen’s personal foot masseuse.
Best of luck, son.
@ducky. If Cohen had a swimming pool he might hire MF as a cabana boy.
NUI. Napping under the influence.
You can’t make this stuff up. It seems there is no shortage of issues with the people this franchise hires,
Did somebody already say “thumbs down?”
LOL. Too dumb not to get caught.
The Mets are the gift that keeps on giving…
I’m a Mets fan and this is an embarassment. I don’t see how Alderson survives past this seasom, nor should he. Did they have any vetting process in place? It seems not. The only way to end LOL Mets is to stop being a circus.
dlwo906, They have a lot of crucial hires to make in the off-season. Gotta get those right before making serious roster moves.
so…..was he driving erratically or was he sleeping in his car? it’s kind of hard of hard to do both.
“an officer saw the vehicle in question “driving erratically” shortly before the arrest.”
Oh vey….it just DOESN’T stop. WTF!!!!??????
You don’t deserve this. I think the Mets will be competitive in the coming years, but the fact that they cannot escape this nonsense is infuriating.
I wonder if Zack was part of Lester and Lackey’s chicken and beer club back when they were in Boston.
It seems that in so many years there are “experts” that predict that the Mets will be the best team in the NL East, and on paper yeah, they look good, but in the end they are still usually end up being the Mutts.
Some organizations year in and year out find ways to win, and then there is the New York Mets organization.
This thread was brought to you by Toyota Motor Corporation.
Toyota: the official car of New York Mets baseball executives.
I thought The Clown Car was the official car of the Mets?
No excuse to drink and drive nowadays. Uber, Lyft, taxis. so many ways to get home that don’t involve endangering others.
Hopefully this serves as a wake up call for him and he learns from this.
“…where he oversaw the pro scouting and analytics departments”
That explains it…analytics…no common sense or rationality.
Was he “over-served” at Steve Cohen’s house? Hosts have some liability for the intoxication of their guests. Deep pockets for a Scott lawsuit if this leads to his “wrongful termination.”
hosts only liability at the house or if they served minors.
They have to prove he didn’t drink anything after leaving. It’s part of the reason bars don’t get in trouble.
Interestingly, Scott never had a drink until he became Mets GM.
If he’s rich enough to pay for a lawyer he’ll get off scott free
The Mets need to hire somebody with an impeccable reputation…like, say, Cohen’s buddy, Michael Avanati…..
Next up?
The Mets are possibly the most garbage franchise ever. What. A. Joke.
In June of this year New York Mets owner Steve Cohen hired law firm WilmerHale in March to review the organization and detailed changes he’ll make in an email to employees Monday, saying he wanted “to ensure that our community and culture will always be safe, respectful, and inclusive.” The email was obtained by The Associated Press.
In the wake of that he fired David Cohen (an attorney, no relation) and Holly Lindvall who both worked in HR.
Now the Mets need to find a way to fire Cohen.
Classy organization. Calloway, Porter, and Scott. And don’t forget they hired Carlos Beltran to replace Calloway. Well at least he didn’t leave the team with a losing record.
So many judgements, so many people casting the first stone. It is a humbling experience to be in the presence of so many pure and faultless souls.
Mets fans: “Fire Scott and hire Epstein! Look what he did with the Red Sox and Cubs. Do whatever it takes”
Steve Cohen: “The fans have clearly spoken. Today, the Mets are proud to announce Epstein as their new Head of Baseball Operations. Jeffrey Epstein, that is.”
“It doesn’t matter who our owner is, we’re still gonna Met”
This organization is the single most embarrassing franchise in the history of sports. It is unbelievable. It’s not even close. It’s one thing to just have a bad product on the field, but good lord man. I don’t think there’s a single public relations scandal this team has managed to avoid this year. They’ve literally participated in all of them.
1) Manager gets fired for cheating before ever managing a single game
2) Player suspended for the entire year for steroids
3) Coach who was giving everyone at work free reach arounds
4) General Manager who lasted about ten minutes before getting fired for being a perv
5) Players get into a fight and then lie about it before admitting it
6) Players actually decide it’s a good idea to boo fans and then tell them about it
7) Replacement general manager gets arrested for drunk driving
8) Mets still suck
And we still have a whole month left in the season lmao. Meanwhile Mets fans think the ownership change has solved all their problems. Not according to this list. If they had managed to sign Trevor Bauer this off season then they’d really be in business.
Don’t forget them failing to sign their first round pick. The cherry on top.
Omg I had forgotten about that lmaoooooooo.
Don’t forget the gazillion dollar contract to Linder. Can’t blame that on the Wilpons.
Lindor might honestly have the worst contract in the sport. Maybe Strasburg is somewhere up there but he’s got 5 less years left on his deal after this season so I’d say Lindor.
And it’s not just Lindor’s performance, but his character leaves a lot to be desired with all the on field antics. They definitely did not pick the right guy to give that contract to. And it shows. Some teams just underestimate personal qualities in place of performance. And unfortunately right now Lindor is failing at both.
I agree. A good player but not worthy of the money typically given to a robust hitter. Plus, the Mets locked him up for too many years when there was no pressure to do so. Yes, the Dodgers did it with Betts (who is generally considered a better player than Lindor).. But they had already been to a couple of World Series and had their organization set to contend in the immediate years ahead. Betts was the cherry on top of the sundae. The Mets aren’t at that point yet. By giving Lindor all that money, it forces them to quickly build a team around him, which is a strategy that could lead them to compound the original mistake (the Baez trade, for instance). Baseball teams aren’t built that way.
The Mets not only made an expensive mistake but made it on the wrong kind of player. Best of luck to the next Mets FO in working around that contract. Recent controversy notwithstanding, I expect them to add to the damage by re-upping Baez. I can also expect them to hire the wrong executives based on chasing a short-term goal that isn’t realistic. Meanwhile, they’re sweating out the health of their stud pitcher.
Totally agree with you guys on Lindor. Already looking like a massive mistake that was made out of desperation. Giving the thumbs-down to the fans after signing a ten year mega-deal to become the face of the franchise was a truly bizarre decision on his part, and he’s got some serious work to do if he wants to start making that contract look like anything but an albatross.
On a Mets site the other day, a fan said they need to sign Bryant, Taylor and Castellanos this winter and trade for two starting pitchers. Unrealistic as that is, it won’t be a surprise if/when the Mets double down on the poor Lindor decision this winter. It reminds me of the years when the Dodgers were treading water.
I think Lindor needs to worry much less about what color to dye his hair, or how to irritate fans with his buddy Baez. Maybe he should spend some extra time in the batting cage. He’s getting paid to hit not to be a hot dogger. Lindor hasn’t even been a star level player since 2019. Bad contract that the Mets bid against themselves on.
I honestly don’t see them signing any of those three guys. In fact, I don’t see them signing any big free agents this off-season. They had bunch of players who turned down more money from them to go elsewhere last off-season before all of this circus stuff. I understand money is important, but I don’t see any player in their right mind actually putting themselves in this circus for years. Way too much drama and you can tell how miserable the Mets players are when they’re on the field. I mean clearly, they’re lashing out because of it. Besides Puig I honestly don’t see anyone wanting to volunteer for that. In fact, I’m willing to bet most of their free agents are gonna bounce as soon as free agency starts. It’s a sinking ship and everyone is running for the door.
I know one can make dumb choices being drunk but couldn’t Scott have asked one of Cohen’s many assistants/chauffeurs for a ride home if he was too drunk? I’m sure his boss wouldn’t have charged him for overnight mansion parking.
Mets gonna Met.
Wow. I guess anybody who said things would be completely different under Cohen was completely wrong. This team is a complete and total mess.
The Mets have their own Swamp.
Who would’ve guessed it but turns out Brodie Van Wagenen was the image of stability when it comes to Mets GMs.
Cohen will make things worse. When the Wilpons hired Van Wagenen as GM, they had many fine candidates who wanted to step away from the win-now mentality and properly rebuild the organization. Van Wagenen got the job because he claimed he’d turn them into an instant contender. It will be similar under Cohen except with worse candidates. No reputable baseball person will want to work for a meddlesome owner who makes everything about himself. Cohen is a casual fan who sees himself as the Mets’ savior. The forthcoming offseason could be a wild ride that sets the Mets even further back. As baseball fans, most of us wouldn’t want a guy like him hovering over our team.
Yea, it’s awfully hard to see a respectable candidate wanting that job. Especially after they’ve now had a year to see how Cohen operates and how much he meddles
Visiting the clubhouse and calling the players out on social media are no-nos. As fans, we can see when our favorite team and other teams have work to do before being a legitimate contender. Let’s face it, the Mets have some work to do before they’re at that level. Any exec who tells Cohen they can do that is blowing smoke a la Van Wagenen. In other words, a lousy candidate with a plan that’s destined to fail. Had the Wilpons done a better job with the last hire, the Mets would be a lot further along. A couple of tough years (which they wound up having anyway) but maybe some light at the end of the tunnel. The way things are going, the tunnel will keep getting longer. Then it becomes really difficult to climb out. It’s a waste of deGrom, a player many contenders would have paid the Mets a king’s ransom for.
Cohen will be MLB’s version of Dan Snyder. They’ll win a lot of headlines, but very few pennants
Thoughts and prayers…
……. Somehow a DUI became something that simply everyone feels the need to sound-off about….. Not even worth the time to report it and definitely not worth all those better than everyone that shout it out.
The Mets organization is in disarray, Considering their lack of front-office stability, it is an important story for baseball fans..
I’m confused by this post. Are you making light of a DUI as if it’s not a huge problem? Especially for a millionaire who could have easily gotten a limo, helicopter or even just a cab? Of course this deserves to be reported on. The Scott will surely be fired. This won’t be a slap on the wrist.
I think this DUI situation magnifies the lack of professional awareness from top brass to the dugout.
Listen, speaking from experience, your first DUI has nothing to do with bad luck, it just means there is a history of drinking and driving and being irresponsible, it’s just the first time he has been charged.
Before we start ‘praying for his recovery’ or feel sorry for him, his employer needs to find out if drinking to excess in general and then driving are common occurrences.
We all have bad days, and in their world, the Mets front office is having a horrid summer. The biggest problem in this is the total lack of common sense and being ignorant to the problematic press and public opinion. It’s just one PR mess after right now and I truly hope Cohen considers cleaning house all the way down to clubhouse training staff.
First of all, @VPH, you should know that he wasn’t drunk; he was unlucky.
Certainly the acting GM drives under the influence but he doesn’t get caught.
The Mets have a very unfortunate mDUI, which is a real stat bc I saw it once on ESPN8.
This is getting good…. Too many injuries, it rained a lot, tough schedule, our GM was drunk… or else we’d have won 120 games!
He wants to drive around his yard drunk, go for it. He gets on a public road with other innocent people, yes, it is a story. It’s worth reporting. If you feel it’s no big deal, it may be time to reassess some things?
What if he gets drunk, his wife takes his keys, so he goes to the liquor store on his lawnmower?
@cosmo. I remember watching a reality tv show with the same scenario (it might have been Cops). Drunk lawnmower driver did get arrested and taken to jail.
I wish I could switch my allegiance, but I’m stuck with the Mets. I was born in 69, and the rise that culminated with 86 was magical. Since then, 35 years without many good runs, with plenty of letdowns and too many embarrassments like this to list.
You root for your team, not necessarily the front office. Mets fans don’t deserve this drama. I feel for you.
Thanks. I respect your objective takes, and your tolerance for MF22.
If I was a member of the Mets FO I’d down a few beers too. But with the money he is making… hire a driver or call an Uber,
Tony Larussa says, “what’s the problem?”
What the heck. I know there is more attention and scrutiny in NY than some other cities, but my team’s organization is bordering on insanity in addition to ineptness.
I can’t imagine Cohen is going to allow unprofessional people to continue gambling with house money, HIS money. Unless he is part of the problem, which is something the press will inevitably begin to ponder.
The Mets are gonna be so good this year.
It just keeps going maybe now they will sign Starlin Castro and he and GM Scott can share an office(cell) new owner same old crap what a shame.
Mets hire Sirhan Sirhan as acting GM.
Lots of posts got purged from this comment section, apparently.
@bham. Yep. There were over 200 comments last night…..
I noticed as well. I have a suspicion it involves some of the trolls on this site who stalk posters & can get pretty nasty. Censors see this & eliminate blocks of posts that may or may not be directly involved. This is just my opinion.
“Hard Knocks Live: New York Mets Front Office”
I’d commit long term right now to the platform that supplies us with this.
Why hasn’t Scott been suspended yet?
Scott needs to first be personally informed of his suspension before the Mets or MLB can announce it to the press or his next of kin.
He is expected to be informed as early as this afternoon, or whenever his head clears the bowl area.
Great article by Abbey Mastracco which I read on Bleacher Report: “How Steve Cohen Can Fix Messy Mets After Being Exposed as Inexperienced Superfan”.
Discusses all the issues raised in comments.
Andrew Cuomo for GM. He’s in need of a job, has NY ties, and an impeccable reputation
It is not illegal to decline a breath test.
Is it illegal to decline a breath test in New York State? It is not in some states.
The way I understand it from the dozens of websites from lawyers who make a living representing drunk drivers, New York has implied consent when you get behind the wheel and it is a civil violation–an automatic escalating fine and license suspension–for each offense. It can also be used in evidence against the driver in court to imply consciousness of guilt.. The question for Scott is whether he was “operating a vehicle” under New York caselaw. Apparently, there are different interpretations of what evidence constitutes intent to operate a vehicle with no hard and fast rule with respect to key in the ignition or engine on since drivers have been arrested and convicted for staggering out of a bar and getting in the drivers seat before they turn the ignition key while other have been exonerated for sitting or sleeping the drivers seat with the key in the ignition and the CD player/radio on. Barring more damning evidence, it may be up to a jury, though it could be hard for a driver to claim he was drunk but didn’t drive without explaining how the car got where it was found without him driving drunk.
The many have been indoctrinated to knee jerk and consider an act like this to be the most terrible occurrence known to mankind. It is not. Pay the fine. Refrain from doing so again. Get on with life. Next.