If you enjoyed MLBTR’s trade deadline coverage, we hope you’ll consider our Trade Rumors Front Office subscription service. For $29.89 per year, you’ll be supporting us directly. All ads on the site will disappear, and we work hard to provide additional value straight to your inbox every week. Our subscription service has only gotten better since it was introduced a year ago, and we hope you’ll give it a try!
Do it.. Great stuff.
Best #30 bucks I spent this year, next to the stick I use to beat my My Pillow every night….
If you spent $30 on a stick, that’s dumb.
Def the best $30 you can spend if you love MLB.
Since I started subscribing I’ve lost 20 pounds, stopped being gasey and was promoted. Also I’m a real chick magnet now!
I gained 30 pounds from sitting on my butt viewing the site, am constantly bloated, and women avoid me like the plague…. thank God I have My Pillow, my new BFF….
Still, subscribing is the thing to do.
Subscribing to TR is like joining an exclusive final club at an Ivy League school or a rich country club on a budget. No more ads that remind me which sites I’ve been to recently….$30/year or $3/month for a subscription to this site saves me $$ in the long run and prevents me from buying another hat currently sitting in my cart on the Lid’s website.
$29.89 now? Shoot, I’ve been paying $29.99 like some kind of sucker! 😉
No thanks.
Probably sound like a broken record at this point… but fail to see why I should invest in the site when the app still doesn’t have proper support. At times I can’t access the site and/or comments, cannot participate in polls, don’t see upvotes or get notifications on any retorts to any previous posts and discussions. Future app support earns my attention… and along with my attention comes my wallet. Cheers fellas, just my 2 cents but hoping for better app support/updates in the near future.
I get this sentiment. The android app, at least for me, has annoying issues. I justify the subscription simply for support to keep the site going.
It must not like you because I don’t have those issues plus the gray has left my hair and there is a spring in my step…..
Not surprising, most everything doesn’t like me. I respect your decisions to support the site; to be quite honest, it’s just a matter of principle to me now. Also on Android. I can do without the upvote shtick but no notifications is what irks me. I love discussing baseball and lose track of which discussions happen on which postings. I don’t have time to come revisit every post that I may or may not have made a comment and notifications would keep me engaged. If I had to pay for those, then I’d be inclined to “support the site” even though I see ads everywhere. Aloha!
What happened to Connor Byrne?
What happened to Jason Martinez?
Jason was let go. Fortunately Fangraphs hired him and now he does roster resource and a blog there. Good guy.
FYI, Martinez had Roster Resources before he joined MLBTR.
That is correct. Several years ago I purchased Roster Resource and hired Jason along with it. The essence of the site was great due to Jason’s hard work. It just needed a lot of technical improvements. We don’t have anyone on staff for that, and I thought I could bring in some third-party people to get that done.
I went through several people and we failed to rebuild Roster Resource. That became costly and I could never find a good way to monetize the site when it was just embedded Google Sheets. The Roster Resource venture was far below break-even for us and I made the very difficult decision to let Jason go. He was a hard worker and very gracious about it. I gave the website back to him and I was thrilled to see FanGraphs hire him later. It turned out to be a much better fit.
Classy guy and well handled all around.
What happened to Jeff Todd?
Jeff Todd started an Outdoor Merch company.
That’s true! We miss him!
Connor is on leave with a health issue. We’re looking forward to getting him back.
that’s great, but what happened to that Tim Dierkes guy?
He hovers on occasion…..
Maybe he is on vacation?
Lotta simps here. I guess drop the 30$ if you’re feeling generous. Doesn’t do much, but mlbtr staff are decent people, so support them!
Simps to pay for a product? Seems reasonable to me.
I thought you said gimps at first.
No, I think the gimp’s sleepin
Please don’t wake him up.
I have never seen any of these member dudes comment on any other posts. Why would someone willing to blow $30 on a subscription only care to comment on a post advertising said subscription?
Remember that the vast majority of readers don’t comment on anything at all, because internet comments are such a waste of time, But they might still like to leave a comment as a review to help the site they rely on.
What Ted said…..
I rarely comment but I read the comments and enjoy them, If you think this is a fake account feel free to look up my youtube channel, youtu.be/dpAs6EYZlF4
I am a day-oner, been here for years.
Self promotion!
Fletcher, I comment on a regular basis, as do many other subscribers.
What un pronounceable said…..
cuz we’re obsessed and where else am I gonna find out if we traded Mitch Haniger unless I sift through twitter ad nauseam
Is this what keeps you up at night?
I urge everyone to subscribe. It’s $30 well spent. MLBTR is one of my go-to sites. The ads-free experience and the exclusive content for members are well worth it IMO.
I save a lot of time going to MLBTR, rather than having to search numerous sites for the same content. If you don’t support the site, then there’s always the chance that the site won’t continue to exist. It’s easy for me to spend your money, but I strongly recommend subscribing.
It’s kind of criminal how little a sub costs here for the amount of up-to-the-minute, high quality content you get from MLBTR.
Especially if you comment, which I never do.
This site is my #1 go to site. The comments sometimes are hilarious as well.
Why only if your team is in the eastern time zone. Don’t want to hear about Yankee, Mets, and other bad teams that you think are so good.
Best money I’ve ever spent but I wonder why the Android App logs me out on its own at random times…..
Fantastic value, $2.50 monthly
Great site, love it. But somebody tell Bernie I’ll need another stimulus to pay for it next year.
I paid to support. Love this app. Love baseball. Hate ads. Still seeing them. But hey, it’s whatever. Thanks for providing us with this great site.
If you’re still seeing ads, there’s a bug of some sort. I’ll email you.
You earned it today. Favorite day of the year, favorite hour of the year around the deadline – and was refreshing the site all day long. Happy to support
Why am I unable to see the comments? It says “network error.”
I was a subscriber!
Never again!
That’s true, you did do a one-month free trial.
Wait you can see that?!
Horrible writing!
When you get legitimate writers,I will subscribe!
You were expecting Herman Melville??
Not the best writers. Keeps saying the Reds are long shots for the playoffs. Until that changes I won’t subscribe.
The Reds are a lock for the playoffs
@vfl he got you there! Pay up!
Tim Dierkis can be bought. A definite political career in his future.
Pony up, vfl. You got got, broham.
Out of curiosity, does the fee also cover Pro Football Rumors as well?
With 2 boys, in our house it’s either baseball season or football season.
Yes, it covers all four of our sites – MLB Trade Rumors, Hoops Rumors, Pro Football Rumors, and Pro Hockey Rumors.
This is the first site I go to everytime I get my phone out. Definitely worth the money.