The Blue Jays are hoping to receive approval from the Canadian government to return to Toronto for a homestand that begins on July 30, Sportsnet’s Shi Davidi writes. The team submitted their proposal “in recent weeks,” and officials from both the city of Toronto and the province of Ontario have okayed the concept.
Canada’s restrictions regarding COVID-19 quarantines will be eased (though not eliminated) on July 5 for Canadian citizens who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus and are returning across the border. As Davidi notes, non-vaccinated players on the Jays and other teams could potentially face some type of modified quarantine situation — likely some type of a bubble environment limiting them to traveling to and from Rogers Centre and the team hotel.
Team president Mark Shapiro has said that the organization would require about three weeks to fully move operations from Buffalo to Toronto, though there is some flexibility within that timeframe. The Blue Jays are either on the road or off for much of the rest of July, with a six-game homestand in Buffalo from July 16-21 representing their only home dates until the 30th.
Needless to say, the organization and its players would immensely welcome a return to Rogers Centre after over one and a half seasons of nomadic baseball. The Blue Jays played home games in Buffalo during the abbreviated 2020 season, then used Dunedin as their home base in April and May of this season before returning to Buffalo on June 1. If approval isn’t granted in time for the July 30-August 8 homestand, the Blue Jays don’t have another home date scheduled until August 20, when a seven-game stint against the Tigers and White Sox will run until August 26.
Should the earlier approval become a reality, however, July 30 will suddenly stand out as one of the more notable days in Jays history. Not only will they finally be back in their home ballpark, but the trade deadline falls on that same day, and the Jays have all the makings of a team looking to buy. It’s fair to assume that the Blue Jays will take an aggressive approach to the deadline with or without a Rogers Centre return slated for July 30, though landing a big acquisition would be the icing on the cake for what would be a celebratory day for Toronto fans.
incoming unnessicary political mudslinging…
Wow absolutely shameful comment! Everything about covid is political. To play that card makes u completely disconnected from reality.
Only morons make Covid political. It’s a deadly disease and precautions were obviously needed. Get vaccinated and help save the world.
It is political. Covid didn’t shut down businesses or travel. Political laws did. Maybe Covid would’ve naturally shut down businesses for a short while… or, more likely, things would’ve been like Florida where life carried on after a couple weeks of a shut down.
Four million dead, phuch head.
Everyone in the USA who wants a vax has gotten it. The rest of us will take our 99.998% chances and y’all vaccinated folks are already protected from the oh so deadly flu…I mean covid.
Amazing there are so many educated fools in this country. How do you explain to those who still are suffering and who may have side effects for the rest of their lives that they simply had the flu and should “get over it”? I know a family who thought because they ‘had it” they couldn’t get it again and chose not to get vaccinated. Guess who is having a “fun* holiday weekend.
Funny, but Florida’s economy is underperforming other states where there were more strict guidelines. It’s basic game theory. Florida did the wrong thing. It’s not that complicated. And it’s not political until the politicians get involved and screw everything up like in Florida, the shining example of ineptitude.
The game theory theory is probably the truth.
Don’t bother with these fools. They know the science, they just don’t care enough to follow through on it. They know the amount of people who suffered, they just dont care enough about them.
It is absolutely political!! Have you not been paying attention??
Says who? You? Lmao
Not true. Children under 12 still cannot be vaccinated. Also there are those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.
On what basis is Florida’s economy underperforming? You say that it’s underperfroming relative to states with stricter lockdowns, but literally every state had stricter lockdowns. Are you arguing Florida’s economy is performing worse (relatively speaking) than every other state in the union? That’s completely ridiculous. If that were even remotely true the media would never let us hear the end of it. Can you cite a source, anything at all, that proves what you’re saying?
Conservatives always know better and never need help…until they expose medical workers to their stupidity by showing up at the ER while gasping for air.
Hope they do return July 30, so i can see my team there the following weekend.
I don’t get it. Inside the arena, the Canadians had 3,500 fans. Outside, they had thousands of fans in a one block area.
It’s Canada what don’t you understand?
It’s nothing against Canada. I’d like to know how ballplayers from the US could get an exemption to travel to Canada to play a “game”, when anyone else cannot because of rules put into place is my question by Canada, which is reason #1 for the Jays playing every game thus far at both Dunedin and Buffalo.
The border will be open at least to vaccinated people by July 30, as of yesterday about 35% of Ontario adults fully vaccinated, at current rate that will be approximately 65% by July 30, party on.
Not all MLB players are vaccinated. Will they be refused entry into Canada?
Likely will have to submit a recent negative test and stay in some sort of a hotel/ballpark bubble.
@Begone Spenglerd (parody) Why do you change your username and have conversations with yourself Tipsy McStagger aka trillaryhump16 aka AustinKearnsIsNotGod?
Quebec, as a general rule, has more pull in Canadian politics…
Hopefully the federal level ok’s this…
And hopefully tickets aren’t priced thru the roof
Hopefully I’ll get to watch some meaningful games in late August in person.
I can almost taste the $17 beer now
I thought 12 in citi was bad. At 17 thats gotta be some damn good beer.
lol try $20 at Oracle Park (AT&T)
With the current exchange rate, $17 CDN = $13.77 US. Still, it better be good beer.
At least those stadiums serve the beer in plastic bottles.
In Fenway, at least up until the last time I was there, they serve the beer in plastic cups. And get this guys, they refuse to provide lids for the cups.
Why? So when you spill some of it, which always happens because the cups are small and almost completely filled, then you will have to make another beer run sooner.
Don’t forget to tip and make it an even 20
Not at the wages they’re making. I don’t even tip at my coffee shop anymore.
I miss seeing that stadium
I wonder if they did any work to it during all this?
If they didn’t would seem like a missed opportunity
I know they at least put in new turf.
Praying they did it right. A player once described the outfield as a thin layer of turf over concrete. Makes me cringe when I see players dive for the ball.
Jay’s really need to fix the problem with the relievers, we would be in first place if it wasn’t for the back end. The starting pitchers are doing a good job keeping them in most games.
Have you heard of the Phillies bullpen?
Will get resolved by trade deadline. Count on it.
Might be too late by then.
The back end needs to be fixed costing so many games and I tired of seeing it.
Or watching balls soar over Teoscar’s head. Lucky he’s hitting.
Do you mean their butts when you say backend?
Living in Michigan every highway has a sign reminding people that the U.S.-Canadian border is closed to nonessential traffic. That is true on July 5 despite what the article says. Baseball players were considered nonessential before, and both countries have done ok with vaccines, so is this announcement from the Jays a precursor to a full reopening of the border without quarantines and other restrictions?
I don’t believe they will be intertwined. They are seeking an exception on border restrictions.
This is what was granted to the MTL Canadiens and Toronto FC.
the answer is simple.. as an employer , you mandate vaccinations. No Vaccination no money. you get put on the restricted list. The Us already requires anyone wishing to Immigrate to the US to have these vaccines:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Influenza type b (Hib)
Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
That is the formula for the biggest lawsuit in the history of this planet. Good luck.
1776 is the only solution to tyranny.
wait til they reinstitute the draft where they required all inductees into the military to submit not only to physical examination but required vaccinations of all inductees.. In WWII and Korea and Vietnam… and its perfectly legal as the courts have held..
False: They have already tried that case specific to COVID ;…
And Government rules allow it..…
That makes sense to me. I understand HIPPA (Health Information Patient Portability Act) protects people from forced disclosure of personal medical info, but most states are “at will” employment states. Employers don’t have to give a reason for letting someone go. A COVID outbreak puts offices at risk of unscheduled closure if they have reopened. The honor system can only go so far. Showing an official vaccination card is not a gross infringement on your personal rights. Risking others’ health when there is no medical (or legal, re age) reason for you not to be vaccinated is a gross infringement of their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
MLB Protocols already require players to disclose if they are vaccinated or not. this is to ensure the proper health safety for all the members of the teams and once a team reached 85% vaccination rate, then the MLB protocols for that team change..
The border is still closed to vaccinated people, so what does your post have to do with Toronto playing at home ?
Yeah, let’s mandate vacs, control speech + religion, and transform into a communist society where we ask for permission to live life.
Settle down
Where’s the lie though?
cubsfan… what is it with American fear of Communism when the majority, like yourself, have no idea of what it really is?
Hitler would love this S&*%, he really would……..
The fact they people believe the lies and propaganda being spread about the virus and its effects.. yes he invented that tactic.. Its know as the” Big Lie” ” “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”” Joseph Goebbels…
I suggest you check out the power of the Constitution to “Promote the general welfare”.. the government is required to protect us.. and if that means vaccinations they have the power to require them if it protects society as a whole.. or weren’t you in school the day they taught the Constitution..
Lots of other vaccines are mandated to immigrate, travel, go to school, etc. This one is arguably more vital. Make it mandatory.
Please stop the name calling, if you want to answer their lack of information, please do it with facts.
Who are you talking to?
There was a comment that was removed, not worth repeating
I flagged the comment, but didn’t know if they would remove it ..
You have an error in your article. Only citizens or permanent residents of Canada and not travellers generally can enter Canada and that won’t change July 5; restrictions ease but only for citizens/permanent residents who are fully vaccinated.
Canada has 1/10 the US population yet is larger in land mass. The over reach of the covid restrictions comes from a tyrannical government unelected by the people. Wake up !
Covid mortality rate worldwide – 0.03% Can’t make this stuff up because math doesn’t lie.
False… in baseball we need accurate statistics.. and that isn’t accurate.. and I dare say you won’t find a scientific journal or study that would agree.. In fact John Hopkins University has up t the Day data.. and at latest count there have been 183.46 Million Cases reported.. and there have been 3.97 million deaths.. for a Mortality rate of 3.97/183.46=.02163959446.. Or 2.163959446%
And Science shows that we will have a significant undercount on the Number of deaths.. in fact of the just over 600,000 deaths reported, the math says we are closer to 900,000 deaths in the US.. Now Its clear you were spouting a lie.
The county that I live in just reduced their total number of covid deaths by 1/4 because they decided to be honest (finally) about the actual cause of death. Up until last week they were literally counting people who died in a car crash and happened to have Covid as covid deaths. I assume that is the case for most of the country. If so, total deaths have been vastly over counted. And the number of total cases is probably severely under counted, as there isn’t much point in getting a test when you don’t feel sick.
So there’s an undercount on deaths but you have the exact number of cases with a virus that has a high number of asymptomatic cases ?
Just confirming
There is no known cure or vaccine for AIDS,false equivalency..We have laws on speed limits on our highways for everyone`s safety,should we just ignore them because we think they should be higher or lower?!?
why don’t you take your lies and misinformation campaign and stop trying to kill people with them..
Name that County.. because it is false and unprovable lie
Santa Clara County in California. They released the updated numbers on the 4th when they thought people would be too busy to notice.
@BravesNutter01 False. Some 3rd world countries don’t have math.
You may want to double check your ” Math” 0.03% is 0.0003 . This would mean of the total infected worldwide only 3 in 10,000 would die which is pure ignorance or misinformation aka propaganda aka lies. . What is it with the Covid is only the flu crowd that leaves them lagging in basic Math skills.
They do vote in Canada. They are elected.
Your argument with respect to population density fails when you factor in that 80% of the Canadian population lives within 200 miles of the US border . ( Ever been to the Arctic? Not a real high pop density up there. )
The Rural /Urban mix is not much different between both countries.
As for the rest of the political BS you are entitled to your opinion no matter how far from reality.
Much like your baseball takes being far from reality no matter how awful and wrong they are, Markkko. Glad you are finally embracing free opinion. Why are you still angry though?
Funny how you seem to think I am angry when I express an opinion that differs from yours . Projection maybe… one has to wonder.
Let’s see who has baseball takes that are far from reality .
Semien- you were wrong
Ray -You were wrong
Bauer- Well remember when I brought up his weekend of twitter stalking and how that reflects his character. And you wanted him for 45m per .
There are just 3 of your fails these past few months. This does not include your other far out takes such as Moreno getting hurt because he was not promoted to AAA. A fluke injury can happen anytime at any level.
Question is Wild Bill how long before you run from all your mistakes and you change your nick just like last year.
Hope the Blue Jays move to Buffalo permanently. The Buffalo Blue Jays has a nice ring to it.
We will be glad to take the the Toronto Yankees and the Yes network included!
I hope the Blue Jays ended up permanently staying in Buffalo. The Buffalo Blue Jays has a nice ring to it.
There are no Blue Jays in Buffalo, just chicken wings. The Buffalo Wild Wings has a flare to it.
I wonder if teams will consider vaccination/poisoned status when making transactions?
I can’t believe baseball makes you take out the pitcher if you make two trips to the mound. That’s blatantly socialism. How can you limit the number of times a manager can talk to his pitcher on the field? That’s communism. Everyone should be free to have meaningful discussions about the topics of the day, things like, “Your curveball is flat, stop throwing it.” What kind of world is it when we can’t just do what we want? This is a nightmare.
Baseball is a legal Monopoly..
I’ve found, during this pandemic, I’ve lost interest in sports. It’s not a bad thing.
How many people who have lost interest in sports post on a baseball news site?
It’s an honest comment, thanks. I’m wondering if others feel likewise. I’ve long since lost interest in other sports, but I’ve always loved baseball. That’s changing. I’m not taking a shot at the game, but I find the politics, wealth, lecturing, and posturing that have crept into sports has legitimately dulled my interest. I posted on this message because I regularly attended Jays’ games, but I’m not certain that practice will remain. It’s an honest comment.
I still love sports and just about everything athletic. But perspective has made me pay less attention. There are too many careless people in America to make me proud any more. I’m not going anywhere (meaning moving to another country) and I’m doing my best to stay safe but it’s kind of a drag seeing our country go down the path of following liars.
I know one of the top 100 draft prospects and I’m excited to see what happens with him. He’s projected for the third round, but my gut tells me he will stay in school. I love everything about baseball so I’m still paying attention.
Wow, what a comment section. Hatefulness and ignorance truly are out there. No wonder comments used to be closed for these type of articles. It’s sad to see this type of trash on a baseball site.
Don’t get sad. Visualize it like stand up comedy, only really bad.
This stopped my scrolling. Former draft pick, thank you!
They should have set up ‘getting the shots’ like The Purge. Everyone gets a tranquilizer gun with 20 antidotes in it. You can shoot anyone you want. However, to participate, you must get the shot yourself. Would have been like paint ball, only healthier.
Move on children. This is a baseball page. Bullpens around the league are mostly bad. It’s a matter of finding the right combo of relievers that work together (aka strengths and weaknesses mesh). As much is I liked the Jays in Buffalo (where I live) it’s good they’re trying to get back. Only issue I see is they haven’t done anything at home in quite a few years while they’ve had success here and Dundean. Could the move back home be a detriment to their play????
Only if they have to keep their score in metric. The exchange rate would kill them if it takes 1.4 CA runs to equal 1 US run, lol!
I know I’m changing the subject of the thread, but since this is a trade rumor site, who do you see Toronto looking to acquire for their bullpen, and who do you see as their trade chips?