TODAY: After starting yesterday, Manoah has dropped his appeal and will begin his suspension. Since the Blue Jays have an off-day Monday, Manoah likely won’t miss a start during his five games off.
JUNE 22: Major League Baseball announced that Blue Jays right-hander Alek Manoah has been suspended for five games and fined an undisclosed amount for “intentionally throwing” at Orioles third baseman Maikel Franco during last Saturday’s start in Baltimore. He is appealing the ban.
After surrendering back-to-back home runs to Ryan Mountcastle and DJ Stewart, Manoah hit Franco on the elbow with a 94 MPH fastball in the fourth inning of Saturday’s game. Franco took exception and jawed at Manoah, leading the benches to empty. Manoah was ejected by first base umpire Jerry Meals.
Additionally, Toronto manager Charlie Montoyo has been suspended for one game as a result of Manoah’s actions. He’ll serve his punishment tonight, sitting out the Jays game against the Marlins.
good kid was a punk about it
You’re calling him a punk from behind your phone screen and on your couch while being older than said “kid”, congrats.
Eat this snickers. You’re not you when you’re hungry.
Seems like something rather similar taking place on your end too, no?
Says the guy who needs a 94 mph fastball to the nuts
Pointless. Was not intentional. Franco was even trying to get his own team to stay in the dugout
Guy was almost as much of a punk as Armando Benitez (via Tino Martinez plunking) back in the day. Good for Brandon Hyde for keeping his troops cool.
Tino was a PUNK as well. Deserved.
Imagine if he was clean with those numbers that were enhanced as a cheat….He would be probably be in the HOF.
I’m an O’s fan (through and through) and for all Tino’s apparent shortcomings, Benitez was the punk that day.
So…Using an illegal sticky substance gets you a 10 game suspension, but drilling someone only gets you a 5 game suspension. Is one really twice as bad as the other? I’m leaning toward no. Can anyone see any logic in 5 games for one and 10 games for the other?
Hit by pitch gets you first base. No suspension needed for a baseball play they cannot prove was intentional.
This, exactly this. I myself didn’t see what happened. But I find it hard to believe there was intent from a rookie who just gave up 2 bombs. But like I said, I didn’t see it so I’m blind.
I admit that I didn’t see what happened, but I have zero patience for any pitcher who throws at a batter simply because he just gave up homers. That’s what batters are supposed to do, so why are you upset at them because they did their job well and you didn’t?
You admit you didn’t see what happened but then proceed to assume there was intent behind the throw because he was upset. Pick one.
I didn’t assume anything. I said I oppose how pitchers react in the example I described. If this situation doesn’t apply, so be it.
Good point …but …
The name you chose making this comment!
So, I’m gonna assume you’ve never actually played the game. More to the point, I’m really gonna take the leap and say you’ve never pitched. “The Brushback Pitch” is in every pitcher’s arsenal. Maybe not as much today, with this kinder, gentler brand of baseball, I guess.
Any pitcher who purposely offers a free baserunner after giving up home runs doesn’t last long in the majors, because.that runner usually scores. It’s hard to imagine Manoah wanted to go back to AAA that desperately. Much easier to imagine that he didn’t know where the ball was going out of his hand, as he’d demonstrated already that inning… if he’d tried to hit the guy, it probably would’ve ended up down the middle.
I know right? Has mlb lost their mind he was trying to pitch inside and it got away from him. No way Jays manager would do that.
There’s not much more to say than this is a joke.
Franco got upset, Monoah didn’t back down, but that doesn’t mean the pitch was intentional.
The real joke is someone getting suspended and not miss a start, don’t you think?
Justice served.
He’s on a rookie contract and isn’t getting paid for those 5 games. That sum can be significant.
Neither deserved a suspension. Especially Montoyo.
Just makes me dislike the Jays more. This, throwing a beer at Hyun Soo Kim, and the 2016 WC game. F the Jays.
Only one of them was solely that fault of the jays. One was the fans and one was your manager saving Britton for becoming a Yankee.
Still don’t like them.
Stay mad lmao… i’m assuming ur an Orioles fan? If so have fun being 5th place for the next 10 years hahahahahahahaha
If you actually looked at the context clues you’d start to reach the conclusion that the HBP was unintentional… Manoah’s target for the next pitch was inside and that’s clearly where he aimed since pitchers with 4-seamers have run on their fastball. Franco also clearly didn’t think it was intentional either, judging by his reaction. He stares at Manoah, obviously, who says something along the lines of “that wasn’t on purpose”. Then they sorta just shuffle around and the beaches clear. Nothing more happened.
These are the kinds of thoughts people express in a knee-jerk manner. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: don’t comment on topics you don’t have full knowledge about or you’re going to look foolish.
Please, enlighten us with some behind the scenes info, internet commenter! Gimme the scoop, web reporter for the Jays! All I said was I don’t like them. I assume you’re a Jays fan. Bless your heart.
Hey, I didn’t ask for sarcasm. All I did was say, in effect, “Hey, this is what happened, and you probably shouldn’t hate this team for this occurrence”. Then I just gave my personal opinion on dealing with these types of situations (which you can ignore if you so desire, people have opinions for a reason). I want to avoid a ridiculous comment battle just as much as you do, okay? So I don’t really see much of a reason for either of us to escalate this situation further. Thread over.
“These are the kinds of thoughts people express in a knee-jerk manner. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: don’t comment on topics you don’t have full knowledge about or you’re going to look foolish.”
Your quote, not mine. Perhaps you should take your own advice. Have a good one, buddy.
You’re literally arguing with a 15 year old. Maybe log off for a bit. No one is asking you to like the Jays, no one cares
You a bit moody there, buddy? Why don’t you go take a time out, slugger.
That’s cool, I played Ivan Drago in Rocky 4.
Of course, the umpires who were on the scene and had full knowledge of what was going on decided that it was more likely than not that Manoah intentionally threw at Franco. And the league evaluated the ejection and confirmed that finding by imposing a 5-game suspension. This is not just random commenters accusing a pitcher of throwing at guys.
Umpires didn’t have a clue.
He’s hit 6 batters in his minor league career of 35 IP.
MLB : no more sticky stuff for grip
Also MLB : 5 game suspension for Hitting batters
Makes sense
I don’t have a problem with hitters getting plunked. They wear all that body armor and are so comfortable at the plate. I like a little inside heat to worry them up a bit. Then again, I’m both old and old-school.
I think I’m with you. I’m very much against pitchers intentionally trying to hit guys because they are mad or to “send a message”. That’s basically an assault in my book. But I am in favor of pitchers doing what they need to do to own the inside part of the plate, including brushback pitches, especially when hitters are crowding the plate/diving in to get an advantage.
Oddvark, I agree completely. A problem is when pitchers with poor command decide to do the brushing back. These guys should be more concerned with getting ahead of the hitters
Manoah missed a lot of pitches arm side high that whole outing. I don’t think it was intentional at all. If it happened anytime besides after back-to-back home runs it would’ve been a non issue.
Yeah. He’s usually around the strike zone so doesn’t walk a lot of batters… but does hit quite a few. Pitches get away from him more often than they should.
It’s just inexperience. He’s got all of 58 2/3 professional IP and already 8 HBP. Should have been given a warning and nothing more.
The suspension should be double his mother.
What now ?
Too much face time. How many times must they show her during one of his starts?
That’s a really weird complaint.
I personally am getting sick of all this drama and theatrics in MLB with these ridiculous fights and umpire arguments. Sure it has always went on some but baseball is getting like professional wrestling…
I agree. No other sport are you able to join the field of play without heavy suspensions. Seeing bullpens empty to join a shouting match is just dumb.
Yup. And you can count on your hands the number of NFL, NHL and NBA coaches or players that are ejected from games every year. It really sets a bad example for young fans.
Totally agree. At the very least, put in a rule that bullpens must stay put.
I like it.
Every time this happens they should line up the two teams 60 feet apart, give them all a baseball and let them fire them at each other, then go back into the dugouts.
That will look no more stupid than the current approach of emptying the dugouts.
Freddy Peralta’s glove confiscated because the color was too light. Pitchers can’t wear light colored sleeves, wrist bands of any kind. MLB darkens the CF background to allow hitters to see the pitch better. Oh, and pitchers will be monitored on sticky grip and overpoliced on hit batters.
Hitters, meanwhile, can freely wear any and all protection on their body, crowd the plate, stick their arm over the plate to get hit and all is well and good.
You want fair? Never going to happen. Crystal clear MLB will not tilt the scales in the pitcher’s favour. God forbid.
Now when Hunter Strickland threw a 98-mph fastball at Bryce Harper – that was intentional. Strickland is an ass hat man child. He did this as a Giant and I’m a Giants fan. I was thrilled when they rolled that human-tantrum man child out the door
If I remember correctly didn’t Kirk Gibson regularly tell his players to bean opposing hitters when he was managing the dBacks? I hate crap like that. So unnecessary
Starting Pitcher suspensions are always laughable because, like in this case, the team can manipulate the rotation to make it where he doesn’t miss any actual starts. Pitcher suspensions should be for Starts not for team games that they wouldn’t play in anyway
So he got suspended for 1 game. Feel better?
Pitchers only start 30ish games each. Do you think he deserved anything further?
If you suspend a guy for 2 starts, the manager will schedule him to start two consecutive games. Or just put an opener in front of him.
Players actually miss time and starting pitchers don’t.
“After starting yesterday, Manoah has dropped his appeal and will begin his suspension. Since the Blue Jays have an off-day Monday, Manoah likely won’t miss a start during his five games off.”
Way to beat the system…
A punishment that results in no starts missed is like dating a gummer. There’s just no teeth in it.
You sir should take a curtain call for that one
Until Pitchers who receive suspensions that are based on starts and not just consecutive games there is no penalty given to them in my opinion. They have no consequences for their actions. BS rules.
I mean it works out to something like $15000 worth of missed pay for someone making minimum
These guys are lucky when they get a 5 game suspension. Throw a baseball at someone’s head 99MPH outside of a game intentionally and get charged attempted murder
And in that charge you need to prove intent. So go ahead and do that
Do what? I’m saying beaning people intentionally is stupid. We can’t walk around throwing 100mph baseballs at eachother. Pretty sure that intent is clear. I didn’t say we should charge MLB players with it. You did read the part that said “outside a baseball game” or did you skip that part?