If you’re a regular MLB Trade Rumors reader, we’d love you to consider a subscription! For just $2.99 per month or $29.89 per year, you can enjoy ad-free browsing of the website and app, my weekly MLB mailbag, exclusive articles and chats from Steve Adams and Connor Byrne, a subscriber-only discussion forum, and other perks! We plan to continue adding more and more value to membership, and members are loving it so far. Check out Trade Rumors Front Office today!
Tim, where are all the testimonials? There used to be like 37 of them. I’m not convinced enough yet by this post and need to read more testimonials.
I thought you’d never ask!
Trying to click on those red links but it’s not taking me anywhere. Using the app on an Android.
benefits say, other perks. like what?
A couple examples would be giveaways of baseball books and the possibility of playing with me, Steve, and Connor in the MLBTR fantasy league.
I’m thinking about a subscription. This is one of the best baseball sites on the Web. I like the comment sections of each article. Readers opinions are a great read. It’s kind of like the old letters to the editor in newspapers. I’d like to read a further description of benefits from purchasing a subscription.
I am a subscriber and I love it. The reader mailbox is cool. Plus the exclusive chats. I like the badge as well. Its 3 bucks a month not 30… Its less than a happy meal! This website brings me a lot of joy and I will be a lifetime supporter.
I was a subscriber!
It’s not worth it!
You were expecting a foot rub?
So now you are a freeloader?
As I’ve said all along, I think this is a great site and I’d gladly pay to remove ads. The other perks don’t interest me much. Why don’t you offer an ad-free subscription for say, 9.99 annually?
Every time I make this comment I get attacked and called cheap and get told how $30 isn’t a lot. Don’t bother. I don’t care what folks think about how I choose to spend my money. What I care about is MLB Rumors getting some additional revenue from folks like me. I can’t imagine that the revenue from me being fed ads is more that $10 annually.
ad block plus is free.
That may be true, but what I want is to contribute a bit to the site for the service I want. I enjoy the site but the ads are a constant annoyance.
i don’t see any ads
I feel that going ad-free is worth the subscription price by itself. FanGraphs charges $60 per year to go ad-free, with no other perks, and I think we’re relatively comparable websites.
Thanks for the reply Tim. Love your site, and happy to contribute my $10 to block ads when/if you allow it. At $30 I choose to stay free.
@ those commenting about it being $3, not $30… Geez, read what I wrote. It is $30 annually. Or $36 if paid monthly.
My sex life has improved dramatically since I subscribed.
There might be a correlation/causation issue here…
This is my honest opinion, if you can afford to support, and you visit this website multiple times a day, you should subscribe. $3 greenbacks a month is less than a subscription to a local newspaper. Its cheaper than a latte. Its cheaper than NETFLIX. Its half the price of a taco combo. Its barely more than a two dollar CENSORED!
A two dollar CENSORED??? What part of Texas?????
As I said, each time I make the comment, someone calls me cheap. I’m not cheap. I just want a cafeteria menu that lets me buy only what I want.
You are welcome to your opinion, Texas Hulk. And I have my own. And we all know what they say about opinions.
I won’t comment on this in the future, as Tim has responded directly. @Tim, I disagree and you now know why. The client comments and the business decides. I’m ok with that, and I’ll stay free.
The biggest benefit is the chats, I think. In the weekly chats that are open to everyone my questions rarely get answered. In the subscriber chats it’s basically a given I’ll get an answer. So it’s nice to know in the back of my mind that if I ever have a MLBTR question it’ll be answered within a week either in the mailbag or chat.
Still waiting on the weekly/daily MLB betting picks for subscribers so I can make that $30 back. jk