Orioles first baseman and designated hitter Chris Davis will miss the rest of the season after undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his left hip, per Roch Kubatko of MASNsports.com (via Twitter). Recovery time is projected to be four to five months.
Shortstop Richie Martin is also out for the time being with a non-displaced fracture in the radius bone of his left wrist, per Kubatko. The Orioles expect him to return after somewhere between eight and twelve weeks.
The Orioles had already gone the first month and a half of the season without Davis because of a lower back strain. Now, in light of this news, it will go down as another lost season for the former star. Baltimore re-signed Davis to a seven-year, $161MM contract prior to the 2016 season, but the move has blown up in the club’s face. Now 35 years old, Davis hit an atrocious .196/.291/.379 with 92 home runs over 2,118 plate appearances from 2016-20. The Orioles owe him annual salaries of $23MM through 2022.
This will also count as a year to forget for Martin, whom the Orioles took from the Athletics in the 2018 Rule 5 Draft. Martin totaled 309 PA as an Oriole in 2019 and hit .208/.260/.322 with six home runs and 10 stolen bases. He hasn’t played in the bigs since then.
Gee, the Orioles must be really devastated
This really ruins their playoff chances.
They were on track… almost there this is the sole reason that they won’t. Great young talented player with cheap contract on World Series contender
Their insurance provider is very devastated.
How do you even go about replacing a guy with an OPS+ of -8??
There aren’t that many players in the league who can offer that kind of production in your lineup, and at the cost Davis has on their payroll? There is simply no replacing his impact on the ball club.
A little cynical there, but -8? That’s legendary bad.
Ron Karkovice turned in a -20 campaign in his second season for the Pale Hose in 1987. But he added a couple home runs and a handful of stolen bases to help his contribution, in addition to playing a position that is demanding with exceptional ability. I just want to illustrate why the Orioles would be devastated to lose a player who couldn’t be more unique in everything he brings to the yard.
Made me look. Karkovice almost made up his offensive WAR behind the plate!
Throw back on the Karkovice, very nice! I have never seen someone with such a long career with one team, yet not be a full time player and have little OBS skills. But that one 20 hr season.. things have change a bit.
Aww Yes…Ron Karkovice. The poor man’s Tom Pagnozzi.
Forgot the Karkovice was a full time catcher.. doh! I must of been thinking of Dan Pasqua
You have to wonder how old Karko looks now, since he looked 75 when he was 28!
I swear to god this is a true story. Back in the early 90’s, I was in a fantasy baseball league with 10 or so other guys. We drew numbers to determine the pick order, and after some of the expected names went 1, 2, and 3, the guy with the 4th overall pick yells out “RON KARKOVICE”, with the look on his face that he had just pulled off the heist of the century. He was dead serious. The rest of the room tried to hide their laughter but everyone was looking at each other with the same bewildered look. I’ll never forget that for as long as I live LOL. Needless to say, the guy didn’t do too well in the league!
Maybe he had the same guy that did Albert’s birth certificate?
Karkovice went 0 for 15 in the 1993 ALCS his only appearance in the postseason.
Ron Karkovice was an extremely good catcher, not a bat-first 1B.
Johan Camargo owns a -79 OPS+, Scott Kingery owns a -70 OPS+ and Albert Almora owns a -59 OPS+ this year.
Those are just three of many players this year with an OPS+ much lower than Davis’s -8.
Jeff Mathis is available.
Let the sarcasm begin 🙁
$23million divided by -8 OPS = Negative $2.8M. Orioles are actually making money from his OPS.
I think I can match those numbers.
I’m willing to believe that you could hit poorly. I’m not convinced you can get a MLB team to give you a contract >$150 million prior to your historically poor performance.
Hence, you can not match the numbers Davis has accomplished.
My little league stats say it all: I was terrible
It really is the worst deal in baseball history. Not Bonilla. Certainly not Pujols. It’s Davis. He’s been literally one of the worst players in the history of baseball while being paid $23 mil per year. I’m certain that any evaluation of WAR to cash would show it is literally the worst contract of all time.
Bonilla doesn’t come close
I’m not even sure why you brought up Bonilla. his contract was very smart on both his and Mets part.
His part, yes. Mets, no. They were stupid.
Say more about the wisdom of the Mets on this deal.
In big business, if one has the ability to defer large payment obligations into the future, then it is generally wise to do so. How’s that?
You obviously don’t know much about the Bonilla deal if you think they were “smart.”
Bonilla had a $5.9 million buy out in his contract. Instead of buying it out, the Mets agreed to pay him $1.19 million a year for 25 YEARS. He also gets 8% interest rate each year.
The only reason the Mets agreed to it is because Bernie Madoff told them they would make more money if they invested the $5.9 million with him during the same time.
I hope you know who Bernie Madoff is…
Nothing about this was smart for the Mets
Prince Fielder comes pretty close.
Fielder could actually play, even if it was an overpay. I don’t blame him for the career ending injury. He was a good player.
I agree there. I don’t see how Prince Fielder plays into the factor of bad deals at all.
Maybe…he could have been in a little better condition, but like Kirby Puckett…the rolly polly guy could PLAY.
To blame Fielder for having a career debilitating injury (now…if he didn’t disclose it, then that may be a case for discussion)…but to blame him for that? No really correlating to the “Chris Davis” type of “lemon deals”.
Kind of like saying “well…Bo Jackson deal was bad because he couldn’t run anymore.
Every era has its “Don Gulletts, Bo Jacksons, Prince Fielders, Tony Conigliaros…players who were at the top of their games when a freak injury or accident totally derailed them.
Then…ya have “collapse mode players.” (Aka: “Those that sign the fat contract and simply go into “Dot Matrix from Spaceballs”…”Sleep Mode”.)
That is Chris Davis. That is Chris Archer. That is Bo Belinsky. That is Gregory Polanco.
Players who have ONE or two (good seasons)…get PAID upon “what once was”…and simply don’t even TRY to show up in shape nor condition their bodies to sustain a season NOR…even try to “change their bad habits…when they struggle”.
That is Chris Davis. No fire. No desire.
The REASON he “hits .175″…is not because he doesn’t know “how to hit”. It is because he doesn’t care.
That is LAZY. Period. Take that long green and hurt your team. By performing worse than a PITCHER would with a bat.
I have zero respect for players like that. Yet it is the “Frankenstein monster” that came along when Curt Flood and Marvin Miller et al, basically…destroyed the game.
The era of the “guaranteed contract” is a mess.
There have been too many “Chris Davis types” since 1970. And it has ruined the game.
Chris COULD hit .225…if he cared to.
He doesn’t. Why “try”…when the money is guaranteed, whether you “do or don’t do”?
Had Chris Davis played prior to 1967…and performed (or didn’t perform is more like it)…he would have been GONE 3 years ago.
They got paid enough then. And now? They make (all of them) WAY too much to produce vastly too little.
Mickey Mantle couldn’t even walk by 1968. Yet he didn’t embarrass himself (nor hurt his team so badly) at the end. He just knew he was done.
Same w Willie Mays as a Met at the end. A shell of his former self. But still tried.
These players had HEART. Which is a rare commodity in players these days.
The player you want is a “Pete Rose type or Jamie Moyer type”. Players who FIND a way to still defeat and compete…even as their skills decline.
Not Chris Davis. He is still “bucket stepping, front foot tip toeing, dead pulling everything”. No heart. No fire. No desire. He COULD “hit the ball the other way.” He COULD keep his weight back and line drive it up the middle.
He doesn’t. Why? He doesn’t care.
He hurts his team.
To which…there is no “insurance policy” against malcontents.
Baltimore gonna have to eat this one. Big time.
But the problems of baseball is just that.
Don Gullett would have given his left arm to NOT have “had to retire at age 28” when his arm blew out. Guy was cruising to a sureshot HOF career. 109-50…by age 27.
Guy plays JUST 10 more years? W similar (if not better results)…he retires around age 38 w a record of 218-100. A .686 win percentage.
In a nutshell…only 7 other pitchers in MLB history have a better one.
One of them being Clayton Kershaw. (Gullett was that good).
But when an arm or hip or back blows up? They become “if only” players.
Not “has beens” (as Davis is).
Teams, as well as baseball CAN survive the “some will be great and fall apart due to injury” thing. It has occurred since the advent of the game.
What will kill baseball? Is this “guaranteed contract crapOLA” for scrubs like Plunko and Davis and Archer. They weren’t very good THEN…and they aren’t very good NOW.
Prove it…over an extended period, and rest assured “you’ll get paid”.
But if you can’t “hit .220” (regardless of how many HRs you hit off of today’s garbage arms of 5.00 ERAs who “go 5 IP” for a “quality start stat”? Then you suck.
It is called Baseball. Not “ThrowBall” or “Swingball”
One trick ponies make ridiculous amounts of unqualified cash these days. And the results? Are menial.
Wanna “fix baseball”? You fix the union first.
Because it has ruined the game.
Swung open the door for far too many “Chris Davis and Plunko etc” types to exist in the game.
Players who would not even be on a roster for the 1978 Blue Jays or 1955 Pirates.
And deservedly so.
Baseball is a “dead game”. It has morphed into “home run derby” in parks smaller than your HS field. And still…Chris Davis can’t “hit the Mendoza Line?” Pathetic.
You could DFA half the league. Call up unproven rookies to fill the positions. And teams would not miss a beat. At all.
Remember the “almost replacement player season?” Case in point…right there. Sure ya had a slew of aging has beens, rookies who never got a chance. Etc.
And had baseball gone w that? Then the teams would be no more/no less well-off than whether the “idolworshipped garbage names” were out there…or whether some “last year grocery bagger” was out there.
Why? Because the unprovens will at least try
The day will come…when baseball realizes this.
When it does? It will cleanse itself.
For if it doesn’t? Then it remains dead.
Ya need a clearance sale. All Overpaid Scrubs…must GO.
Starting with…Chris Davis.
Guy has no heart.
Get him out of the game…before he ruins yet another hungry player…who will think “well THIS guy bats .175 and makes 20 million. Why the hell am I trying so hard?”
Addition by subtraction.
One of the worst contracts ever in sports history
Really? I don’t think anyone has mentioned that every single time his name is mentioned in one of these articles. Thank you for the deep and original insight.
The deal gets worse every day TBH
Okay there Lando. Pray the deal isn’t altered.
You won that round. Congrats
Speaking of deep and original….
Just figured that out?
yikes he’s still not a FA till 2023 too
Sharpen your pencil and ready your offer!
Shhh….Arte Moreno might hear you.
If he can stay injured they can get out of paying him!
It doesn’t work that way.
I think he’s referring to the insurance.
Always tough with an injury but…
Incoming sarcastic comments
this could have gone unreported and people would have actually been happy since it would be one less time Chris Davis’s name would have to be mentioned.
This season has been so much more interesting and uplifting and I even forgot we was on the team. Os are even winning more. He’s a great guy and generous with the community but his contracts been following this team around Iike a dark cloud for years now.
“great guy. Good w the community”
When THAT is a modicum to measure a baseball player’s worth? Then yep…game is dead.
Davis makes more money than God. He damn well BETTER BE “Mother Theresa meets The Uber-Philanthropist” for his “community”.
I don’t care if a ballplayer is a pariah in “the community” (as the last decent one for “the community of Baltimore” was Kim Klacic anyway). We don’t “pay to see baseball players put up Habitat for Humanity houses. We pay to see them PERFORM on the field.” Period.
To which, this “he is a good guy off the field BS” is just that. B….S.
Show us something ON the field. Or…if your such a “great and caring guy?” Then donate 19 million a year to renovate the hellhole that is “Baltimore”
Simply because you “photo-op” a nail being banged into a board during some housing project feel-good/rah rah session” (all pomp and circumstance dog n pony show crapola) to “show how the Orioles give back to “the community”? Is a load of BS.
And quasi-fans…buy this BS?
Very sad.
Do your job ON the field. Before you go worrying about fixing things off of it.
Wanna spend your own money “fixing things in Baltimore?” Fine by me. Then you Chris Davis…stick your OWN money where your mouth is.
You make enough. And I am certain that there are plenty of folks in Inner City Baltimore that could use the help. And you could still “live like a King and be a Hero” (and satisfy your own ego) by taking 19 million of your 20 million/per…(as you don’t even “earn 1 million a year” since 2017) and do some good w it.
You won’t.
Why? Because you (like every other baseball player) are an over-inflated prima donna…making exorbitant amounts of unwarranted cash to produce ZILTCH.
(Yet…you do “nice things for your community”.
Yeah. Sure. Name ONE.)
Baltimore is still the equivalent of the “East Coast Version of Chicago”. Davis doesn’t care.
Unless it is about his photo op or “did my check come in”.
Baseball Socialism is exactly what it is.
Guy is a bum.
“Good for his community”. There’s a laugh.
i feel for chris because the guy seems like a gamer and i bet not being able to perform has to hurt him. as unlikely that this might be i hope next season he finds that lost magic and mashes again. btw i hope chris heals quickly and takes this time off and study his approach and comes back stronger in 22
Narrator: “He won’t.”
You keep using dumb buzzwords like, “gamer” in your posts. No kidding he’s a, “gamer” he’s a major league baseball player. The only problem here is that he hasn’t actually played like once in years.
you want to say i use “dumb buzzwords like gamer” and ok i’ll give you that, but to say your a “gamer” because you don a mlb uniform is just asinine. there are a lot of guys who are in the mlb that there only in it for a check and can care less how the team finishes. i only used the term “gamer” for cd (and this is all just conjecture on my part) is because he knows/feels that he is better than his stat line shows and pains him not being able to play at the level he knows he can
And Davis is such a “gamer” that he’s spent the last three-plus seasons making no visible attempt to improve his approach at the plate? Here’s the deal — O’s fans know that contract was dumb. Nobody argues that. But we’ve also spent the last three years listening to his lip service about “working with the coaches” and “changing” his approach at the plate even after it was disproven by a number of media sources. Davis is a great guy who does a ton of things for charities in the greater Baltimore community, but calling him a “gamer” is just not accurate. He hasn’t done a thing to improve upon his terrible numbers that started accumulating halfway through 2017 and continue to this day.
you can’t say he isn’t working on improving, his approach is his approach he has had that approach from t-ball and to have him just “change” is easier said than done. by no means am i giving cd a pass but to say he isn’t a gamer and has given up is asinine.
He’s the one who claimed he was making changes — not the media and not the team. Starting three offseasons ago Davis gave out quotes stating he was working with hitting coaches and tweaking his stance. It was all proven to be false. Former hitting coach Scott Coolbaugh denied ever meeting with Davis in the offseason and stated he saw nothing different in Davis’ stance and approach at the plate. You don’t often get coaches to dime you out but it happened. Davis is a great contributor to his community and generous with time and money to support charities, but he has not worked to change his outcomes at the plate for a number of years now.
I made a comment about Chris Davis about a month ago in reference to his horrific play and contract, and I got bashed by a bunch of obvious trollers or fellas who were in love with Chris Davis. Where are these fools at now?
Nailed it
Davis isn’t a “gamer” (that is a stupid word anyway. In the vein of overused words like “gamechanger” or “literally”, or phrases like “new normal”.
Bottom line on Davis? He is not a “gamer”. If he were? He wouldn’t be hitting .175.
That isn’t a even a “qualifier” in some claiming race on some D-grade track in Trenton.
Davis…does not care to improve. Which is why he hasn’t.
He is a free swinging hack who takes his long green for doing absolute zero, and cares nothing for the performance of his team.
He is a waste of roster space (at the very least) and an affront to every “godawful baseball player who actually TRIED to be better…yet made only 1/20th what he makes” (see Mike Diaz or Ted Power or Warren Morris). Yes…they stunk…on ice. But at least they tried.
Davis lazes his way thru the game. Suits up, plays with the intensity of a dead cat, and swings like Helen Keller.
Players like that (aka: “the do not care at all types”) should be excised from this game.
Because the only thing they have shown up to do? Is lower the standards of expectation to abysmal levels.
Someday…the Orioles will get a 1B who actually CAN hit .207 a year…and they will think “vast improvement…yay/glory hallelujah”.
When in fact…it sucks.
Davis doesn’t even perform to the “you suck” level of player.
He is (aside from maybe Gregory “Plunko” Polanco)…the worst player in the league since 2017.
Eat the contact Baltimore. DFA the scrub. Ya don’t need crap like that on a roster. Anywhere nor on any team.
Easily the worst contract ever in baseball. I’m sure Brian Cashman gets jealous every time Chris Davis news comes up.
Yeah it’s gotta be in the top 3 worst of all time.
Bonilla would like a word
Bonilla, Howard, Davis?
Maybe Pujols?
Far from it. A little bit of research would explain why the Wilpons made that deal as it made sense.
Bonilla’s was a contract rework that allowed the Wilpons to defer dead money. Prime rate was just crazy back when that was the index used to calculate Bonilla’s rate of interest growth.
As far as horrible contracts: Vernon Wells, Josh Hamilton, and Albert Pujols are all far worse.
The Bonilla deal made sense for Bonilla, that’s for sure.
Nobody has ever clued you in to accrued interest, huh? Bonilla actually made less than had he taken the upfront $ and invested it himself. It sounds great every year when he gets his annual payment. Had it not been for Madoff, the Mets would have made out big time on that contract.
Bonilla will be paid through 2035. Yeah, it’s a great deal for the Mets.
“It sounds great every year when he gets his annual payment” because Bonilla took the Mets to the cleaners. It’s one of the worst contracts in baseball history, and what planet do you live on wasting time on the internet trying to convince anyone otherwise?
Bonilla’s deal wouldn’t crack the top 100 worst contracts. They just deferred his salary, like many teams have since done. And they used the savings to sign Mike Hampton, among other moves.
To break it down simply: he was owed $6 million and they changed it into $30 million over 24 years, starting 11 years down the line. Big deal. It’s just moving money around. $1 million a season is nothing when baseball revenues and salaries have soared since 2000, when they negotiated the deferral.
On top of this, there’s plenty of other contracts like this. Bruce Sutter received $45 million from the Braves over 30 years between 1991 and 2021, all from a deferred salary on a six year, $9 million deal signed in 1985 (and he was terrible on the Braves). The Red Sox are paying Manny Ramirez ~$30 million between 2011 and 2026. Scherzer has a ton of deferred money as do plenty of other players.
If you want to talk bad deals, Davis is way worse than Bonilla. As is Pujols, Vernon Wells, Josh Hamilton, etc. Bonilla’s not even the worst Mets deal (Jason Bay, Mo Vaughn, Ollie Perez, etc).
Yeah us loan officers don’t get how interest works.
Prime was high enough that Bonilla took the guaranteed return at something like 8.5% rather than invest the money in the open market. For a multimillionaire being safe makes sense and that’s a solid return rate.
But that’s a different subject than why fans think it’s a bad contract. They see the payments every year and think that’s simply the contract.
Universally considered one of the worst contracts in baseball history.
Not even debatable.
The Bonilla? It was a bad contract, not terrible. People who think the deferred money makes the contract somehow laughable don’t understand how deferred payments work. That part of the contract is fine, but the ignorant will never stop laughing at it.
Let’s not leave Miguel Cabrera out of this conversation….yikes!
Cashman has had some absolute doozies. Igawa, Pavano, Ellsbury, Contreras, HICKS, ect. That doesn’t even include re-upping A-Rod, taking on the Stanton contract or his 2 acquisitions of Javier Vazquez (who simply could not pitch in the AL).
Who’s cravenmoorehead?
I forgot about Ellsbury. What a disaster. Didn’t play a game after 2017.
ok can we give cash a break on stanton he wasn’t the only gm/pbo that wanted him, i know i wanted stanton on the cards (looking at the deal now glad he nixed the deal) and no one could of predicted that staton would get hit so hard with injuries like he did.
Based on his Marlins history – yeah, you could have predicted it. Very easily.
The Red Sox have had more than their fair share of bad contracts: Carl Crawford, Pablo Sandoval, Dice-K and let’s not forget Rusney Castillo. I’d throw David Price in there too, but at least he helped them win a World Series.
I feel like Cashman had a real burning desire for Pavano after that “nobody” out dueled Roger Clemens in his “final game”.
Then he goes and wins 18 and is a legitimate cy young candidate before a bad September.
Cash must have been acting like a junkie trying to score when Pavano became a FA.
His worst deals of late are absolutely Ellsbury and the ARod resigning. Paying CC more to be average. .I’d worry about the Cole deal too. It’s going to look good another 3 years and then what? Stanton was looking quite redemptive last postseason and this year before he just hit the DL. Should be interesting.
And LOL the Mets have just so much joke contracts.
Your mom?
92Jays –
The better question would be, who isn’t?
I never heard anything about how that Ellsbury/Yankees grievance turned out….does anyone have any news on that? Or is it another Kris Bryant and MLB situation where it will take a few more years before they find the time to make a decision? I swear, MLB must have 1 lawyer on their payroll to handle all situations and must use 1 arbitrator whose allowed to move at their own desired pace.
Josh Hamilton has entered the chat room.
Josh Hamilton is the worst Angels contract IMO.
At least Pujols and Wells tried. They have back to the community, mentored younger players, wanted to play.
Hamilton did none. He decided to get rid of his accountability buddy then blamed the Angels for his relapse.
Pablo Sandoval
Prince Fielder’s contract comes pretty close. For pitchers, it’s probably Mike Hampton.
As for Pujols, it was bad but nowhere near the worst, since he played pretty well (despite not playing as well as expected) during the first half of the contract.
Rizzo’s playing for his next deal meanwhile this garbage pile gets deferred $$ through 2037
Rizzo on the way down. Was offered a fair deal and turned it down.
Rizzo’s not a garbage pile though
No he is not, however, he is just getting older and his chronic back issues will likely get worse. Still worth a 3 year contract though.
Davis played for his deal too, what are you talking about
Not sure if that’s sarcasm or an actual question but go ahead and look at Rizzo’s career stats vs. Davis. I’m not going to interpret the numbers for you.
Don’t know that he’s said Rizzo’s rubbish just that Davis was in his prime the couple years leading up to his contract. Rizzo is a fine player and for a few years Davis was too.
His numbers leading up to the contract were actually decent. Now the struck out numbers were always there and a huge red flag. But he did bat between .260-.280 minus one bad year for Baltimore prior to signing the contract. The one bad season he still hit 26 bombs. He also was a solid defensive 1st baseman as well. But yes it’s definitely one of the worst contracts of all time, he went from that to well below league average
The stats have nothing to do with it. Chris Davis played baseball well for a period and the Orioles compensated him for it in a way that they felt was mutually beneficial at the time; in other words, Chris Davis earned every bit of his paycheck.
If Rizzo has some sort of issue with the 7/41 deal he negotiated, that’s entirely an Anthony Rizzo problem; he wasn’t short-changed or slighted by the Cubs in the slightest. Go have an Anthony Rizzo pity party in another thread, because it’s non-sensical.
Davis? He went from his prime to well below replacement level, much worse than below average. Worst contract ever.
schwender –
If you think Chris Davis has “earned” his paycheck, I think you are insane. Anybody with me on this one?
even if rizzo is trending down imo he is a guy the cubs need to resign, he is loved in chi and does a lot of charity work in the chi area. second the guy is a gamer and a winner and you need guys like him on the roster to mentor the next core of players.
I’m sure the Cubs will bring Rizzo back and cooler heads will prevail in the offseason. He’s a proven safer bet than Davis (someone will counter that statement but who cares).
even if rizzo becomes the next cd he is still a guy the cubs need to keep, he does enough in that clubhouse that you can’t put into some mathematical formula. guys like rizzo even if it an “overpay” you keep because he is going to keep the winning culture that the cubs were missing for years (hence why they overpaid for lester and mote)
There is always insurance on contracts that size. The O’s front office must be ecstatic
Only if they can get the insurance. There are many players who cannot be insured due to previous injuries.
He’s been out for the last few seasons.
And theres your pothole.
Why not just cut him at this point? He has been pretty much unplayable for any team other than the one that is embarrassed by the contract they gave him for like 5 years now.
I bet they’ll cut him after the season. They’ll eat the last year.
Not if they think they’ll be a strike/ work stoppage.
That option might not really be an option to the O’s. I’d wager that any insurance policy on Davis requires him to remain on the roster until multiple doctors classify him as unable to play.
Since they haven’t cut him already, they might as well give him one more chance next year. It seems pointless to cut him now while he’s already not playing nor taking up even a 40-man roster spot.
No point in cutting now but certainly no point in giving him another chance next year. He’s been historically terrible.
Because if there is a lockout next year they won’t have to pay him.
Steady decline since age 29. Not a great investment. Too bad.
Wow. Has got to be the Worst contract in History.
Is McDonalds hiring?
Yeah because he surely needs the money bad enough to take a job there.
why after 2022 season, he will be earning 3.5 million from orioles for sitting on couch for the next 10 years, and thereafter he will get $1M from them til he is 52 years old.
The team got better over night, but the contract nightmare will be engraved in O’s fans/mgmt minds for generations
I have no idea why folks criticize Davis for taking the deal. I mean, really? Get a grip.
So the O’s were dumb. It happens. Pull your drawers up, move on. The reality is the O’s have enough money to eat the deal and let him go. But they won’t. Because now they have an excuse. Simply the way it works.
Bobtillman –
I don’t know that anyone here is really criticizing Davis for TAKING the deal. The discussion at hand is about the worst contracts ever. Huge difference. Davis’ contract is unquestionably one of the very worst contracts in sports history. There’s simply no denying that.
He has a win as a pitcher. Maybe the Orioles could trade him to the Angels as a bullpen piece. He’d fit right in.
He could have thrown a no-hitter this year.
Give him a catchers mitt, teach him how to squat & add him to the Braves merry-go-round catching corps.
Why don’t they just release him? Still have to pay him regardless, but opens up a roster spot for someone who will actually perform
They can move him to the 60-day IL and he won’t be on their 40-man roster. The whole timing of his hip surgery is suspicious. It’s not like the O’s haven’t known about the hip issues. They can keep him on IL indefinitely through next season. Better to have insurance pay some of his salary than the O’s be fully on the hook. I don’t blame either party for their actions really.
Orioles are paying millions to davis to the year 2037
He will take a 40 man spot in the off season
Most teams don’t carry the full 40 in the offseason anyway. Neither is any team going to claim him off waivers so he can easily be assigned to minors to “rehab”. It won’t be an issue.
If they were a good team, they’d have released him a few years back. But the Orioles haven’t exactly had a roster crunch of great players vying for spots, so they’ve been better off hoping for the one in a thousand chance of Davis revitalizing his career.
Please provide the examples of good teams eating $60+MM in contract. Probably can’t because good teams don’t have the albatross contracts. Bad teams don’t cut them, because they are usually rebuilding and aren’t worried about payroll space, and have the time to hope for A rebound and a trade.
Well, hardly anyone is worthy of being cut with $60M+ remaining on their contracts in the first place.
The Angels weren’t really a good team, but they ate $73.5M of Josh Hamilton contract. Red Sox ate $50M of Sandoval. Rockies ate $39M of Reyes, Blue Jays ate $38M of Tulo.
And there’ve been tons of instances of expensive bad players being placed on the injured list for questionable minor issues to make room for better players. Orioles are lucky they don’t have to be dishonest about that this year.
The only reason it doesn’t happen more is that nobody has been quite as bad as Chris Davis before, at least not at that price.
if they cut him loose some team will take a flier and he’ll figure it out and party like it’s 2013 because orioles
Bigjonliljon –
I’ve been wondering this for years.
Lanidrac –
You’re correct….HARDLY anyone.
Chris Davis has likely played his last game in Baltimore. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is realeased when the season is over. $23 million probably isn’t that much for the Orioles to eat considering they are paying most of Cobb’s salary to pitch for the Angels
Only thing sadder would be if Chris Davis had blown every penny
Keeps the Orioles more competitive. Sucks his career tanked like it did, but hey, he’s made a ton of money.
I think 0 for 0 for 2020 is his best season since he hit ~35 in 2016.
Worse than a replacement player and takes up a roster spot, if he had any integrity he would retire today and have the Orioles not pay him the rest of the contract
Metsin7 –
Virtually the exact same contract I made on this website about a month ago, and you would believe the legion of Chris Davis lovers that came out of the woodwork to tell me what an idiot I was. Glad to see you’re not suffering the same fate. Wonder where those people are now??
step one: complete
step two: find league-average replacement and increase win total by 3
What’s really nuts is they offered him more money at first, then pulled that offer and offered him less later on!
This is great news for the Orioles as insurance will cover his contract
This year
It’s too bad the A’s ready unloaded Khris Davis. They could have sent him to Baltimore to replace Chris Davis. A little less sad but still a lot of sad to go around.
Luckily the Orioles have him under contract for 2022 to play on field as it will be a contract year for davis
although Davis might be satisfied with himself, he could retire knowing that Orioles are paying him $3,5M til 2032 and $1m til 2037
IF I am Scot Boras am putting this is in large print for all clients and potential clients to see…if he could get Chris Davis this just imagine you future client
If the Orioles would have employed any scouts, they would have never recommended Martin. What a waste of money by the “woke” crowd. Nobody but the orioles nerds thought he could ever hit.
As bad as the contract is, there are still a ton of Orioles fans who love crush Davis, including myself. I know he feels bad about how it’s all worked out, or rather, hasn’t worked out. I’ll still remember the good years of him and how much he meant to the recent “good” years of Orioles baseball
As a professional sports team owner, there is nothing worse than a bad MLB contract. In the NFL, you can just cut the player and get out from under his remaining, non-guaranteed salary. In the NBA & NHL, their full contracts are guaranteed but you can negotiate buy-outs and end up paying $0.60 on the dollar. But in baseball, you are stuck with the full freight unless the player decides to retire and is willing to negotiate a settlement (which rarely happens). This has to be a Top 5, worst professional sports contract of all time.
And NHL/nba can’t sign 8 plus year deals that’s the real problem
It’s because the NHL (even though it too…has been sissipated and watered down) is still only the last REAL sport left.
Bodies getting crunched hardly last 8 seasons anymore in a career.
But…one thing you never see? Is a FAT hockey player. Those athletes are built like iron. They take pucks at 100mph off their bodies…and ya never hear them crying like babies nor charging the other bench like a little baby cause they “got hit by an 87 mph ball in the back”
Nope. They just build up/bulk up. Play. You hit my guy…we hit your guy hard.
And they don’t make what overpaid baseball babies make. Not even close.
For a game 10 times harder on both the body and it is lightning fast.
Hockey is the last holdout. (Cardboard cutout fans, notwithstanding of course. My God is that crapola dumb).
We gotta protect hockey. Before the cancel culturists turn it into figure skating w a stick and a bocci ball.
Bet they’re dancing in the front office, insurance can pay his salary, and if they’re lucky doctors will recommend retirement
No, that’s if they’re unluckly. Like with Prince Fielder, if a player is forced to retire early due to a medical condition, their contract must still be paid in full.
About time Baltimore got some good news.
Chris Davis… Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
Ah crap, just when he started to get his swing back
Well, that’s one way to avoid a DFA for now.
A poll for worst contract in MLB history would be a phenomenal story here.
Maybe a 16 team bracket we could vote on over time.
That’s a shame. Just kidding.
295 career home runs. Does he get to 300?
Although they didn’t sign the deal, the Mets did make one more incredible deal that looked horrible at the time and now with Kelenic’s apparent rise to stardom looks even worse. Robbie Cano and Edwin Diaz.
Seattle got the best of Cano & Diaz and it will continue for the next 15 years with Kelenic.
One of the only contracts in MLB worse than the Jason Heyward deal just got worse. I feel your pain Baltimore fans.
I’d say this is what free agency is all about. So many players have done this. The player gets as much money as possible then sits on his butt and does nothing on the field. Charity work in the community is an attempt to gain fan support. Chris Davis has been laughing all the way to the bank. If he really feels bad, he should give the Orioles a refund. Players like him are why free agency is bad for sports. The owners have little choice than to offer the money, otherwise the players scream collusion and some pansy a**ed arbitrator jumps on the bandwagon with the players. I will always side with the owners when it comes to free agency. The general public hates big money people, mostly out of jealously, so they are happy to see them get taken.
Another terrible contract Cobb is laughing all the way to the bank too
Finally he’s contributing to the team.
For those that keep saying that PEDs don’t make a difference, I give you Exhibit A.
Why is it that we get all strung out over a contract like Davis’? The Orioles wanted to retain him and they paid him. He’s not deliberately dogging it, and certainly he would not have deliberately wanted to perform as poorly as he has. He’s(when healthy) just apparently forgotten how to play baseball. Sometimes it happens with players, Davis has no obligation to give back money. He does have an obligation to try to get healthy and get back on the field, and when back (assuming that happens) to make a legitimate effort. If the next CBA wants to address bad contracts, fine, But this really isn’t the NFL, which has an unlimited, free farm system (colleges) feeding them fresh bodies every year.
Because in the end, it comes out of our pockets. When a player suddenly stops producing after signing a HUGE contract like this, it bothers people. Hindsight is always 20-20, but the O’s were fools for offering in the first place. Davis quit, no doubt. That means he quit on baseball, he quit on the O’s and he quit on the fans. He quit on all responsibilities because his contract was guaranteed. No need to try, no need to perform. He is a baseball slag.
O’s being fools is a business judgment they made. As to quitting (and I’m not a Davis fan) where’s the evidence of that? I can’t imagine any player “wanting’ to stink, and stink is a pretty fair evaluation of the over 400 games he’s played since 2017. Yes, some players will dog it for a short stretch, but to go years getting booed….I just don’t see anyone inviting that. Terrible contract, I agree,
You should care. For 2 reasons
1) because EVERY team nowadays has between 1 and 8 of these garbage player ultra-albatross contracts.
2) because a blindfolded Roddy MacDowell, with an Ape Mask on…could “hit .150” off of today’s garbage pitching.
Chris Davis is a scrub. An overpaid hack. He always was. Always shall be.
Any of US “could FAIL 85 percent of the time” at our jobs…and last 1 day. Yet be an “in guy” w the players union of watered down, sub AA level scrap representation? And THEY make 20 mil a year.
To suck.
Baseball created this mess and the sport is dying.
Will they fix it? Nope.
Not as long as there are too many suckers out there willing to shed 50 bucks to watch a free swinging/front footed/bucket stepper flail at a round spherical object…that he couldn’t “hit” if it were BEACHBALL SIZE.
The jagoff got NO CHANCE hitting it at its current size/dimensions.
Baseball…is GONEZO.
Go on strike again. Please.
Not only is the “piped in Scooby Doo style laughtrack of “applause” bad enough during these Covid Games…but is sucked when Hannah Barbara did it. And it sucks when MLB does it.
Baseball has been DEAD…as a doornail…since 1995.
Why is it that we get all strung out over a contract like Davis’? The Orioles wanted to retain him and they paid him. He’s not deliberately dogging it,
Two reasons.
1-There is a reasonable chance that he took PEDs to achieve his 53-HR season, so he signed his contract under false pretenses.
2-From what I heard, Boras refused to negotiate with the GM, since he wasn’t going to pay Davis that type of money. So Boras went to the owner, whose mental faculties were questionable at the time, and convinced him.to sign the contract. Boras allegedly did the same with Cabrera when the Tigers owner’s faculties were in decline.
The PED argument has some validity, although we could apply it to a tremendous number of players over the years (less so now, of course).
Boras has always gone to management, not just with those two owners. It’s how he deals, and an organization that doesn’t want to deal with him doesn’t have to deal with his players. Yet, they continue to do so because they want the players and they think they can handle him. Boras has his hits and misses, BTW,
Peter Angelos outbid himself and every other team by about $50 million dollars. Chris Davis was his BFF and was determined to keep him at any cost
Davis contract should be surgically removed from Peter Angelos’. Azzzzzxxxx.
Well…Baltimore could always re-sign Pedro Whffarez (err, I mean…Alvarez). Am sure he too…could hit .130 and hit maybe 6 or 8 HRs.
And the Orioles wouldn’t miss a thing.
“…another lost season…for Not Quite Orange Crush Davis”?…
This is a lost CAREER.
Bad contracts come and bad contracts go. But THIS one is the “albatross of ALL Time”.
Davis wasn’t even “that good” when he was (considered) “good”. An “all or nothing WHIFF king” is all he ever was.
Chris Davis? Just RETIRE will ya?
I thought “Chris Archer was bad”. I thought “Sean Rodriguez and Francisco Cervelli and Rod Barajas and Derek Bell and George Hendrick were bad. (Yeah…long suffering Pirates Fan here. No worries…we can say it ourselves. The Pirates are horrific). But Chris Davis has (singlehandedly) made The Baltimore Orioles…’The Pittsburgh Pirates of the American League”
Man oh man…even Pittsburgh got rid of “The ToadScrubber” (“ToddFather”. Lol. Let’s not insult “Todd Helton or Todd Worrell” by anointing a scrub like Todd Frazier w that moniker. He is the “ToadScrubber” period.
Same as “Ann B Davis” here. (Hell…even Alice the Cook could hit better than Ol’ Crush).
If you TRULY wanna pay an over the hill type to “mentor young players”? Why not Bartolo Colon?
At least…HE will try.
Chris Davis and Todd Frazier and the rest of those types? Get rid of them.
They lower the standards of an already-basement level “standard” of this (once great) game…simply by them ‘suiting up”.
Let alone…teams being so colossally-stupid for so colossally-long to keep paying players (“players” defined in its loosest sense of the word) as a AA guy can ‘at least hit .150 with NO experience”…off of today’s watered down pitching.
And I “get” the whole notion of “well, let’s keep an aging hasbeen legend around” thing. (Nor was Davis an “aging hasbeen” when the Orioles stupidly signed him to that contract. He was NEVER “that good” to sign for that. Always a whiff king. Always will be. But I digress).
This type of player (any of those mentioned above) is NOT “well..lets let Steve Carlton or Tom Seaver or Wade Boggs hang around for a few ‘last hurrahs’. (Or the recent Albert Pujols thing). Those players could (at least) “somewhat still play”. And they did for a long time. So yeah…ya “let Warren Spahn come and pitch as a Met for a few games at the end”.
But this is the AGENT game now. (They have ruined this game). To the point of unrecognizable mediocrity (at best).
Baseball needs to cleanse its entire mindset of this…because it is rapidly-becoming a “game” where a .220 hitter w 18 HRs is considered a “solid player”? Lol.
Frank Robinson would beat that guy w a stick.
Bob Gibson would hit a scrub like that…in the neck w a fastball, and then do it…again. Til that scrub quit the game.
But baseball still keeps making the same dumb mistakes…over and over and over again.
And it will forever digress until the owners and gms step up and say…”adios has been. We finished last with you, and we can finish last WITHOUT you” (Branch Rickey to Ralph Kiner.).
But keep letting “agents” run the game? Lol.
And it will be a game full of “Matt Joyce and Chris Davis and Todd Frazier and Pedro Alvarez and Trevor Cahill types”.
Raise the standards baseball.
How’s the other Khris Davis doing?
Not good enough.
Typical “sub Mendoza Line” hitting/overpaid/overrated scrub he is too.
803 total hits…218 of which are HRs.
992 whiffs.
Guy is a scrub.
Must be a ‘Chris/Khris Davis” thing.
Baltimore must be thrilled!
They can now insurance write-off that horrid contract.
Yeah. Cause ‘insurance companies just fork over payouts…just like that” too.
Baltimore won’t see a NICKEL of that “insurance claim”.
(They don’t pay out claims for frauds. Which Chris Davis is).
Eat the loss and move on Baltimore.
Insurance Companies don’t just pay out when “engine blows up on union crap”.
Not quite “Orange Crush Davis” is the GM product that Baltimore paid too much for.
With every potential “reward”…comes a given “risk”.
Baltimore LOST this game of “Risk”…badly.
No insurance in the world gonna cover that garbage GM (union built/union governed…just like baseball) product.
Eat it Baltimore.
“Ya buy a scrub car…engine blows up. Ya lost. Learn from the mistake and DON’T buy Union Garbage again.
Baseball is a “union game”. Marvin Miller ruined it. Had Chris “Anne B” Davis…played PRIOR to 1968? The words “you are RELEASED” would have been something he heard…in his sleep. Like a never-ending conga line/chorus. So much so? The scrub could SING it. (Cause he sure as hell can’t “swing it”).
But alas…he got paid. Game became a garbage game. Fans don’t care anyway, because they are abandoning it…in droves anyway.
You MAY have 20 “bona fide TRULY good Baseball Players” in the entire GAME today”.
The rest? Garbage. Garbage making exorbitant amounts of money to perform like the Kiski Prep JV Team.
Cliff em All. And let the ROOKIES play.
This overpaid “veteran garbage” is ridiculous enough to even justify PAYING to play. Let alone, paying to WATCH…NOT play.
Watered down game. Watered down standards.
Union, Agents, and Owners (who know ZERO about the game) did this.
Let it burn
And the O’s could not find a trade partner for him because his performance behind the plate is so brutal since he signed a big contract with the O’s before the 2016 season. That is so sad to hear for the franchise who is still rebuilding.
It ain’t that sad.
Try being a Pirates fan.
(They have been “rebuilding” since kicking Baltimore’s butt in 1979).
Friggin PYRAMIDS were built faster than the Pirates can (what is this? #27 rebuild in 42 years) “rebuild a baseball team”.
Baltimore stinks. Yep. They do.
But count your blessings. As you aren’t The Pittsburgh Pirates.
Those jagoffs still waiting around for “legalization of cloning…so 26 Clementes can be back out there”, they are.
See ya Pirates…in 2070…when that may become a non-hyperbolic reality.
Til then? Yinz got your share of Chris Davises and Brady Andersons and Dewey Evanses, etc..Bucs got their ToadScrubbers and Joggin Georges and Matt Morrises.
Together? They may actually make one HELLUVA girls softball team.
(Getting on phone now w the hack that is the Commish of MLB)
You should care. For 2 reasons
1) because EVERY team nowadays has between 1 and 8 of these garbage player ultra-albatross contracts.
2) because a blindfolded Roddy MacDowell, with an Ape Mask on…could “hit .150” off of today’s garbage pitching.
Chris Davis is a scrub. An overpaid hack. He always was. Always shall be.
Any of US “could FAIL 85 percent of the time” at our jobs…and last 1 day. Yet be an “in guy” w the players union of watered down, sub AA level scrap representation? And THEY make 20 mil a year.
To suck.
Baseball created this mess and the sport is dying.
Will they fix it? Nope.
Not as long as there are too many suckers out there willing to shed 50 bucks to watch a free swinging/front footed/bucket stepper flail at a round spherical object…that he couldn’t “hit” if it were BEACHBALL SIZE.
The jagoff got NO CHANCE hitting it at its current size/dimensions.
Baseball…is GONEZO.
Go on strike again. Please.
Not only is the “piped in Scooby Doo style laughtrack of “applause” bad enough during these Covid Games…but is sucked when Hannah Barbara did it. And it sucks when MLB does it.
Baseball has been DEAD…as a doornail…since 1995.
Hey Phoenix, you certainly can rant and I agree with you, 100%! I enjoy and appreciate your comments.
Thanks brother.
Same for you! Love seeing your posts as well good sir!
Chris Davis will actually be paid deferred money for many years after 2022. I argue his contract is not simply the worst in MLB History, but the worst in the History of Professional Sports.
Nailed it.
About as bad as “Bonilla”.
In the vein of Pujols and Mikey Stanton.
A WASTE of money and time (how many minor leaguers could HIT .160? That got wasted and rotted in the Minors…while this scrub got a guaranteed contract?)…
Baseball is a watered down flamer game nowadays.
MAYBE “Mike Trout” could hit a Steve Carlton era of pitcher. Maybe.
Rest of them? Would be “Chris Davis types”.
Baseball needs to GO ON STRIKE AGAIN….until it reinvents itself.
Because whatever they are doing? Ain’t workin.
Players are getting progressively worse.
Pitchers today suck.
(Those overpaid babies had trouble hitting “Kerry Wood” for a while. Not ONE of them could come close to Wilbur Wood nor Joe Wood).
The game (since 1995) is a watershed of watered-down “quasi-talent” (only given “prop hypes” by hack announcers like Harold Reynolds…who thinks a 323 foot homerun off an 88 mph pitch…in a field shorter than your HS field…is “reason to go all cause-celebre!”. And/or…an idiot like Bob Costas who seems to think “the debate over whom is HOF caliber and whom isn’t” is relevant.
The very “reason why” that “debate” (loosest sense of the definition entire) is even done…is because there is not ONE player today…who could hold a candle to the players who PLAYED in “Aaron/Clemente/Mays/Robinson/Gibson/Spahn/Koufax/etc” era.
A pitcher…like Koufax…today? Would have 25 complete games, 400 ks and an era of about 0.75. If he pitched today. Using his skills versus these free swinging “Gregory Polanco/Chris Davis/Fernando Tatis Jr” (yep…I said it. FERNANDO TATIS JR types…for those in the “cheap seats”)…they could not hit a “Koufax breaker” with a Fred Flintstone Club-sized bat.
“Not Exactly Orange Crush Davis” here ought to be ULTRA THANKFUL he got to hit his .164 off of lame arm “throwers” all these years.
Because if pitchers like Carlton and Seaver and Gibson and Perry and Jenkins and Guidry and Koufax and Spahn and Lolich and Marichal, and on and on and on” still…existed? He would hit .064
And Fernando Tatis Jr? A .200 hitter. More akin to Zoilo Versailles he would be.
For he cannot “hit it 425 feet” a REAL home run. (Ya listening Harold Reynolds? You hyper-hack?)
Baseball today is so watered down…it makes me sick. And it should YOU too.
Because the OWNERS stay rich…these ‘sub AA across the board-caliber players” stink…on ice. And the parks are so short…you can (literally) THROW The baseball out of the entire field.
You wanna see a REAL home run? Look up “Reggie Jackson versus Dock Ellis”. (Dock Ellis “yes, that one)…not a “great pitcher”, but enough of one to be better than anything wearing a uniform on a pitcher’s mound in today’s “quasi-game”. But the man today would “win 3 Cy Youngs”. Jackson teed off on that (from a quality pitcher) pitch…like the ball had radar).
Hit the TRANSFORMER on the top of the stadium roof. It did. Probably would have travelled 600 feet if he hit it 8 more feet to the right).
That…is a “home run”.
Nowadays? Chris Davis manages to “close eyes/swing” into one every 200 at bats…and…”HAROLD REYNOLDS GOES CRAZY….THEY’RE GOIN CRAZY! WOO.HOO. Moon shot of 323 feet it was (says Harold)…and Baltimore is now “only down by a score of 12-4”.
It’s a flamer game now.
“Oooh ahh..alpha beta…oooh..ahh..he hit one into McCovey Cove. Let’s all do the wave!”
Friggin ball would have been scored a PUT OUT by Clemente in a real field…called Forbes.
Or Crosley. Or Comiskey. Or the Astrodome
AND…TO SUMMARIZE my fine friends
“The Toy Cannon” (Jimmy Wynn) would BE IN the Hall of Fame…had he “played in Boston or Wrigley” all those years.
450 HRs. Easily.
Stick him in the cavernous Astrodome? Nope.
(And Wynn was hitting em a country mile off of ‘Clayton Carroll and Clayton Kirby” back in them thaaar days. “Fly out…caught by Cesar Geronimo 3 inches from the wall”
(You seriously think he couldn’t hit Clayton KERSHAW…in today’s game? In today’s pip squeak field dimensions?)
Think again.
Players today? Overpaid/overrated union bums.
“Play til 30. Suck after that. Package up tens of millions and go on a reality show or Dance w The Stars”.
Oh. And Jackson (Reggie Jackson, that is)…hit one that would have been in the next COUNTY over.
He dropped the bat. Ran around the bases. No big deal.
Today? So flamer like Jose Bautista would have “bat-flipped/hot dogged it” into the announcers booth (announcers today…they suck too. But that is a talk for another thread)…but he would have (literally) CELEBRATED a 320 foot “shot”. Lol.
(Kudos and GREAT JOB to Roughned Odor. (Aka: “RoughNeck Odor”…”EVERYONE gets a nickname”. Rule 1. Where is Herman and Bryan and Tina and Stevie, these days?)
But Roughned (RoughNeck) Odor…(about the ONLY thing that scrub has “hit”…since 2016…was that pompous jagoff Bautista’s “bat flippin/hot doggin FACE”
My God that was GLORIOUS.
Man…he landed that shot on JosieBoys FACE like a precision Middleweight. Ol Jose was on queer street he was. Good. Guy was a jerk.
Got EXACTLY what he deserved.
Course? Odor sucks now. But we “will always have Paris” (as Humphrey Bogart would say).
But I digress. THAT exact crapOLA is the ‘state of the game today”.
Thusly speaking…Good riddance to this “since year 2000 trash” and take the rest of em with you, Orange Crush LITE (extreme DIET LITE) Davis.
Players (or “not exactly…but they DO wear a uniform with a team name on them” of today?
They suck.
Albert Belle had a “bad hip too”.
He still PLAYED. WELL.
(Remember? Baltimore?)
You need players..like THAT. Not this “buttery cream mishmash of A Mallow Cup that Davis is”.
Simply get RID of him.
He was crap before. Will be crap after.
New hip or no. Doesn’t matter.
Guy couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn…with a bed slab.
Probably the best thing to happen for the orioles this year. I hope Davis gets well soon. Who knows, maybe he’ll get it together next year.
Lol. Yeah. And maybe they will find Jimmy Hoffa, solve the Mystery of The Sphinx, Raise the Titanic, Find Atlantis and even teach Chris Davis what that wooden thing he holds at the plate is again.
Miracles CAN happen
Then again? This is Chris Davis. (He couldn’t hit at “age 30” and he sure can’t now).
He is done.
Cut the chord Baltimore. And move forward.
“Cut the chord”???? Heh, I like that… some kind new music fad
Absolutely Cosmo. Someone GOT it.
Cosmo wins!
Yep. Cut that CHORD. (not cord). For “Not Quite Orange Crush” Davis plays a John Mayer style F MAJOR chord. Only.
(Which is also exactly what he “grades” in batting skill. “F”…majorly)
FINALLY…(and you are the winner of the “someone actually READS a post all the way” award.
Bottom line is: Cut that CHORD (To which Davis is an F).
Good job