APRIL 19, 8:54pm: The A’s announced that they’ll play a doubleheader against the Twins on Tuesday.
7:56pm: The Twins’ latest tests came back negative, tweets Rosenthal, who adds that they’re on track to resume play Tuesday.
APRIL 18, 7:34PM: The Twins’ latest round of COVID-19 testing came back negative, The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal reports (via Twitter). If tomorrow’s tests are also negative, the team will depart for Oakland with the intention of playing the Tuesday doubleheader.
1:37PM: Major League Baseball has confirmed the postponement of tomorrow’s game. A Tuesday doubleheader has been tentatively scheduled.
1:29PM: Athletics manager Bob Melvin told reporters this afternoon it is his understanding tomorrow’s game between the Twins and Athletics will be postponed (via Betsy Helfand of the St. Paul Pioneer-Press). The hope is the two teams will be able to return to action on Tuesday, with a doubleheader to make up Monday’s game a possibility.
The Twins’ past two games against the Angels were postponed due to the spread of a COVID-19 variant among the Minnesota clubhouse. To date, three Minnesota players (including Andrelton Simmons and Kyle Garlick) and a staff member have tested positive. The Twins are continuing to monitor for further viral spread.
Minnesota and Oakland were originally scheduled for a three-game series from April 19-21. Both teams have a scheduled off day on Thursday.
First comment on a COVID post in about 8 months. Feels good man. Feels real good.
Are you vaccinated or at least wearing a mask? Don’t be a looney tune like Andrelton Simmons. Just in case COVID can be spread through comments, it’s best for us to play it safe.
Read a book
This series will have some of the best team-color-mix games.
From the city of Minneapolis this is great to hear. I am definitely going to try to attend. I will be the guy wearing a camo baseball hat & gator.
“Circle Me Burt!”
We could also use any & all positive thoughts, etc that any of you would care to send our way.
Unfortunately, no more Bert after last September. I don’t think it was his choice either which sucks.
Yeah, that’s right.
Does suck. I had completely forgotten that. & I spelled his name wrong too. Mercy. I’m sure the Twins fans on the board are less than impressed.
Twins are home in a few days. So. Way down the 3rd base line ~ halfway to the wall in left. Camo hat, gator, etc. But no Bert.
Love the gator. I got one at a trail race and I wear it for running. Much easier to manipulate than the mask. But I have to mask up the rest of the time and that’s ok. Good luck with what’s going on there. I grew up in the 60’s and remember nearby cities burning. Times are actually a little better but not enough yet to feel that we’ve made progress. Still, there’s always baseball. And hope.
Had a half dozen one’s in different camo patterns for waterfowl & those super sharp eyes turkeys. So masking up was never a problem.
I’m just going to the game on principle.
Things got pretty noisy around sunset. Helicopters, sirens, gun fire in the distance… Seems like we’re all breathing a little easier this morning. Keep us in your thoughts if you will, please.
May not have been his choice, but his role had been reduced consistently each year for several consecutive years, so it was clear that he was being phased out nonetheless. I know some people loved him, but he basically stated the same analysis daily and it was clear a change was necessary.
Why couldn’t the twins play, but yet the Astros and Phillies could?
There is a lot of tension in Minneapolis now.
Off topic: watching Kohei Arihara throw for the Rangers. In 2 innings he has thrown at least 6 different pitches.
The Minneapolis thing shouldn’t matter, considering the Twins are in California to play the Angels and now the A’s.
They have National Guard troops on almost every block in Downtown Minneapolis with the Chauvin verdict due possibly by the end of this week, so there will be widespread chaos soon regardless of the verdict.
Since the Jays are playing in Dunedin, the Twins might have to play in Fort Myers.
Oh, how I wish the National Guard had been in DC on the morning of January 6th. Then I would know they were actually guarding the nation. Oh well, can’t go back now. Hoping for peace and understanding, but I’m a realist. A sad one.
They should sit out
Forever…really send a message
And never return
Kiriloff up as the 27th man?
I can’t wait for the mute button in the app as I already have a few in mind to mute just from this thread.
Kirilloff is not on the Taxi Squad for Twins. Do you have to be on Taxi Squad to be activated for 27th man for double headers?