April 6, 6:04pm: The Padres are “cautiously optimistic” about Tatis right now, Bob Nightengale of USA Today tweets. It’s still not clear how much time he will miss, though.
7:15am: The Padres’ initial diagnosis is a left shoulder subluxation, per a team announcement. Tatis will be further evaluated today.
April 5: Padres superstar shortstop Fernando Tatis Jr. departed their game Monday against the Giants with an apparent left elbow injury, AJ Cassavell of MLB.com was among those to report. Tatis struck out in an at-bat against Giants right-hander Anthony DeSclafani and then went down “crumpled in a heap,” per Cassavell. Alex Pavlovic of NBC Sports Bay Area provided video on Twitter.
A serious injury to Tatis would not only be a massive loss for the Padres, who have World Series hopes this year, but the game of baseball as a whole. The 22-year-old was one of the most ballyhooed prospects in the sport before he reached the majors, and he has more than lived up to that status so far in the bigs. Dating back to his 2019 debut, Tatis has slashed .298/.372/.577 (148 wRC+) with 40 home runs, 27 stolen bases and 6.5 fWAR in just 147 games and 648 plate appearances. He’s among the main reasons the Padres look like an elite team on paper, not to mention one of baseball’s greatest talents.
Tatis has been so productive during his short career that the Padres signed him to a jaw-dropping 14-year, $340MM extension near the end of February. The Padres obviously did so with confidence that Tatis would stay healthy, but now they may be dealing with a disastrous scenario just a few games into his contract.
Food for thought: maybe DON’T give a lifetime contract to an injury prone (minors and majors) player who has only played 144 games
Maybe revisit this premise after more than 0.2% of the contract has played out?
Well, it looks like a good chunk of the first season, if not all of it….. will be spent on the sidelines. So far so good
4-games. That’s the new answer to the trivia question “How long does it take to realize a $340 million contract is a mistake?”
another Hanley Ramirez
There’s always risk to a contract that big to a player with this little experience, but honestly they probably would’ve paid more overall if his career goes good in the right trajectory.
2018 – Tatis season ended with a fractured thumb
2019 – Tatis season ended with a stress reaction to lower back
2021 – hurts the same shoulder he tweaked in spring training.
I believe K was referring to prior injuries where he said “injury prone”. Looks like you missed that one while he made his point.
I don’t think getting hit by a pitch and fracturing a thumb should count here. That’s not his fault.
Cool. And I think I was referring to the length of the contract left.
Nice try. As length of contract coincides with the opinion of a player being injury prone. Looks like you missed that one too. Drowning sucks but you’re making it look easy.
You’re comparing an opinion with drowning? Sheesh.
Failing to get an expression and then feeling the need to get up on your soap box…sheesh.
Ehh it may be more of a gray area than we think. Plenty of guys get HBP a ton and never have serious injuries as a result. Some guys seem to know or have an innate ability to turn and take the ball off the back, shoulder ect. Other guys just seem to be indestructible. The point is Tatis has never played a full season and is young. That should be worrisome and give a team pause to unnecessarily extend a guy to a monster contract.
ftasports: Why do people always make this conclusion? Some players seem to get injured more often than others. You don’t know that every other player necessarily breaks their thumb on that play. It’s possible to be hit on the thumb without it breaking. Not saying it’s “his fault” but it could be further evidence that he’s injury prone.
It seems fans often overlook this aspect. Is a soft-tissue injury or is an injury related to a bone? The former has more to do with possibly considering someone “injury-prone,” while the latter often more to do with probabability. That is how the PT with ESPN has often described the topic.
Ftasports….Why shouldn’t it count. Being hurt and missing games counts regardless who is at fault. If you are injury prone that’s what happens. I guess Tatis won’t be acting like such a badass moving forward. Typical of the Padres organization in that they are the Angels of the NL. The Angels and Padres have chips on their shoulders looking up at the Dodgers and both franchises overspend for talent and they still are way behind the Dodgers in talent and being winning franchises.
Justin Turner is the same way being injury prone. He has broken hip wrist and has missed numerous games that past 3 years. Some players are just that way and it seems that Tatis is headed in that direction.
Hey, you might be on to something. Check out ehlers-danlos.com for a possible explanation for, say, the stress reaction..
I really miss the downvote option here. The good old days when a guy had 10 upvotes to go along with 30 downvotes.
It wasn’t an expression, 1984.
I think you are anticipating that people would use logic and reasoning, rather than succumb to a knee jerk reaction. I believe most people do not possess that ability.
I’ve been seeing a lot of awful baseball takes recently. You so far have #1 for the week.
Yours wasn’t even a baseball take, so I have nothing to go off of…. not sure how factoring in a players injury history into contract negotiations is a bad take… you’ve watched sports before, right?
don’t mind him. He watches too much ESPN/MLB Network to form his/her own opinion. They fall for the hype because somebody told them too.
I personally want the contract to fail. Not because I don’t want him to succeed, but because these massive contracts to players who proved nothing shouldn’t be a thing.
That’s why I’m glad the Braves sign Acuna to the “cheap” contract. He does not deserve a penny more. Neither does Albies.
You know who deserves decently large contract extensions? Guys like Freeman. Never complained, helped the team in more ways than one and still going. BTW, he is still without a contract extension
So you’re un-American then? You are worth whatever someone is willing to pay you. I don’t know why you’d begrudge a guy for getting paid. If you want to see teams that don’t pay their players you might be interested in College baseball.
So, Freeman deserves a huge contract for being a good white guy? I’m a Braves fan. You guys trying to run all the minorities off the Atlanta team really are something else. I mean, you all are talking about how Acuna -who lost weight – looks slimmer and faster because he cut his hair.
So you want to see a guy fail to prove a point?
I can’t imagine ever rooting for someone to fail at their job, just to prove a point.
“So, Freeman deserves a huge contract for being a good white guy? I’m a Braves fan. You guys trying to run all the minorities off the Atlanta team really are something else. ”
It takes one distorted mind to come to that conclusion. Sounds like you will fit in well within the victim culture.
Freeman is actually a top player in the sport if you haven’t noticed. Nothing to do with him being a “good white guy.”
I liked Acuna’s hair longer myself.
Reading his post I was thinking what you just said.
It’s pretty common. Did you see ~ half the country and 99.9% of media for the last 4 years?
WTF are you going on about? Talk about a garbage take. It’s as if you responded to the wrong article.
Also, I find it bizarre that people would be so concerned about what strangers income is. What is unamerican? Unless you are a friend, relative or someone directly affected by that income who cares what the players or the owners make? That player once his contract is up will leave your city behind anyway. Meanwhile that team will most likely be there long after you are a distant memory.
Smacks: “you’re worth whatever someone is willing to pay you” is a fallacious argument. Overpays exist in any economic field. To pretend otherwise is foolish and makes an honest, critical conversation impossible. Is Chris Davis truly “worth” his contract according to your over-simplified technicality? Is acknowledging that he isn’t “un-American?”
Smacky: I’m a minority. I’m a conservative, CAUCASIAN AMERICAN, who is also a CHRISTIAN, who happens to be fine w immigrants coming into the U.S. as long as they do so LEGALLY. I’m not wanting Tatis to fail but I believe that good contracts should be given to players who have performed well for 3-4 yrs not after 2 partial season’s,(even though 1 counts as a full season).
He isn’t wrong. It’s risky to give an injury prone guy that much money for so long.
It is risky, but rooting for a guy to have a downfall just so teams will stop doing it? I’d never root for a guy to fail for his career, for any reason, let alone just to prove a point.
It’s not awful to say they didn’t need to extend him this early with 4 years of control left.
Seriously though, the chances of this happening right after he signs? After all the comments about it too? Got to be incredibly minute. But, Murphy’s Law. Doesn’t change what they feel he will be to their organization in the future.
Huge loss if it’s what it seems to be. I hope he comes back, man. Hate to see this happen to any player, but top-talent, on a playoff bound team – I just hope he can come back soon.
Wasn’t his dad really good with the Cardinals for a year and a half then he got injured and was never the same? I think I remember he came over from a trade with the Rangers and started raking in a Cardinals Uniform. Then he played with Montreal after a trade and the Mets never again the player he once was.
Hope Tatis Jr will be ok, he is a good thing for baseball. Even with Manfred making baseball political.
Name another player that’s hit 2 grand slams in an inning like Tatis Sr did.
Robin Ventura
Both off the same pitcher! That has never been done by anyone else.
Tony Cloniger did too
Wrong. He said in the same inning, not the same game. Tatis Sr. is the only one to do it in the same inning.
@Hippyripper has never heard of Jackie Robinson before. Awesome people we have commenting here!
I don’t believe that for a minute.. MLB has simply decided it’s better for their financial interests to separate themselves from Georgia as much as possible.
Capitalism is more of a factor, in my opinion.
Sox don’t miss trading Tatis now…
Yes we do
Food for thought: stop caring about other people’s money – its not yours.
Food for thought: maybe DON’T judge a long term contract until at least 1/3 of it has been played out.
Superstar how can guy be superstar playing 146 games
Always thought it was a bad idea. If they want a bright future, they shouldn’t extend any more players this long until they are proven. This comes from a Sox fan who’s team traded him.
Welp ….. that $340 million contract didn’t age well at all. I am happy for Tatis though….. He Got His Money!!!! Tatis learned from Kris Bryant …. When you are injury prone …. take the money ….. If any Padre fans were wondering who the future replacement for Eric Hosmer was at first base ……. I believe the answer to that question will be Fernando Tatis. The shoulder injury he is dealing with is serious. He will never be the same player. Padres gambled and lost. Tatis took the money and won.
Where’s TonyGwynnSD19 when you need him?
That guy doesn’t even comment on Padres articles lol, only comments on anything Giants related. Likely not even a Padres fan
Remembered he left a spring training game with an injury. Was this in anyway related?
That’s what the announcers were talking about on the broadcast. My guess is that Tatis was rushed back from the injury and this is just a result of that. At least we have Kim to replace him.
Ah, unfortunately similar thing might have happened to Mike Yaz of the giants who left an ST game after getting hit in the hand but insisted he was fine. Players shouldn’t be rushed into games nowadays.
@Baseball 1600
Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, the Giants announced they signed an another outfielder about 2 hours before they announced Yaz was scratched from the lineup.
Having said that, nobody knows a player’s body better than the player himself. If X-rays and MRI’s don’t find anything and he says he’s fine, then you have to trust him.
Yaz pinch hit homer, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s more or less fine.
Yeah first game in Seattle he would look at his hand all the time like it wasn’t doing what he wanted it to and it seems like it messed up his mechanics, his last 2 at bats were a hit and a homer so hopefully he is gettin back on track
Kris Bryant hit a homer right after hurting his hand last year, yet suffered all season and had a terrible year.
Sounds familiar they did that with long hair Clevinger rushing him back for postseason
The replay was awful to watch. I’m a Giants fan, and not a Padres fan, but a loss of Tatis would be a real damn shame for all of baseball.
TheFantasyDoctor on YouTibehad some good insight on this. Hopefully, it’s not as bad as it looked and an MRI reinforces that.
*youtube had*
Fantasy doctor said it was a stress reaction in his back. Seems pretty hard to believe as he was clearly holding his left arm. But I’m sure that nobody knows for sure yet.
Maybe we watched different videos. It’s now been announced as a shoulder subluxation. But the MD in the video I was referring to mentioned elbow sprain or elbow hyperextension as possibilities on the less severe end, and elbow dislocation possibly being more severe ( as that likely indicates a more serious sprain). But similar to your comment, the diagnosis will be more clear after an MRI.
How about all the want to be doctors just take a step back and see what the MRI says tomorrow? None of the so called experts have a clue what they are talking about.
They said on the broadcast it is a shoulder separation
Dodger broadcast just said the subluxation diagnosis and he’ll be evaluated tomorrow. Can only hope it looked worse than it ends up being
He’s been dealing with a left shoulder issue, so most likely related to that. Hopefully won’t keep him down too long.
Crazy play- he swung so hard he popped out his wrist
Hyper extended elbow. Possible sprain. Could be bad, but let’s wait and see. Good thing they signed Kim, he just became important real quickly.
Crone, Kim, Machado, Hosmer is still a really good infield.
Best wishes to Tatis for a minor injury and speedy recovery.
Haha but you got kim. An unproven foreign player. Good luck with that. 838 million infield down the drain
Why would a dodgers fan be jealous of the Padres?
Jealousy of what? A team that has an injury-prone, $340 million contract?
You need to get outside more…
what a joke.
How is an injury a joke?
Looking in the mirror, were you?
He would have taken 340 million in a year
uh oh
Ruh roh
Spaghetti oh
You’re showing you’re almost as old as me with that line! Lol
Left shoulder looked squared in video which suggests separation perhaps
I actually think it might be his wrist
Watch the very end of his swing and you can see it move slightly, like it popped
It’s NOT his wrist.
Ugh. Not good at all. Hope it’s not serious, but it looked bad.
looks like he’s cradling his wrist, not his elbow.
Could be wrist, I thought it was his elbow as it looked hyper extended
Watch the end of his swing, looks like his wrist popped
Usually with shoulder seperation you hold wrist to take some of weight of shoulder. Doctor on YouTube said separated shoulder, apparently tatis has had chronic shoulder injuries to date.
One of my favorite players to watch. I hope he’s back soon. Tough news for a team whose offense is essentially built around two players. They aren’t quite on “that” level yet, still looking for a third star to emerge.
Meanwhile, the Dodgers have seen exactly twice as many pitches as the Athletics in five innings, 146-73. It seems as if every at-bat is 6-7-8 pitches. Oakland finally got a hit in the sixth. Dustin May ain’t bad for a fifth starter.
You mean like the NL player of the week?
Their third-best player (let’s say Hosmer) would be the Dodgers’ eighth or ninth-best player. Look at the two rosters. Huge gap in position players and starting rotation.
@cey why come in to diss the Pads and beat chest on a Tatis injury report? Low.
Stfu, this isn’t about the dodgers
Welcome to the internet, is this your first time?
Cey Hey Will Myers says hi!
And Hosmer is NOT our 3rd best player by any means.
Myers/Cronenworth/Grisham all better.
Like the guy with a .563 OPS against southpaws in his first 3 years as a Padre.
Could be elbow, wrist, or shoulder.
I predict he will be back within a month.
Predict? lololol
Does anyone like cey hey?
The other people in his knitting club?
No one even respects Cey Hey’s opinion much less likes him.
Btw – vg comment on 4/5 Transaction Article by Truebrew. Could really improve our comment threads. Good logic
I like @cey Hey, he makes good points sometimes.
I just looked back at the 4/5 transaction article and they deleted 2/3 of the comments. Disappointing
Dislocated shoulder. It will be at least a month and possibly 2-3.
Is that confirmed?
It’s just an opinion. Pads Fans is really a Padres hater.
Look out bro. He’s gonna tell you to Google it.
Then probably accuse you of being WCR…
You ever had a dislocated shoulder? I have, about 2 dozen times. It takes way longer than a few months to heal from to the point where you can function like before.
Shoulder subluxation*
Jeeez, this sucks.
Gotta feel for the Padres, their fans, & – of course – this young man as well.
Just saw video of it, man. Wish I wouldn’t’ve, serious. The kid was in agony. Baseball, the fans, players, teams really need some good news these days.
Just seems like for whatever reason we’re not allowed any.
Tatis is a fun player, man.
I am nothing if not constantly pro fun players.
& Baseball Gods? What is it we’ve done to piss you off like this?
Shall I sacrifice my Thurman Munson card or something?
We could use some direction down here…
Who ever own that famous Honus Wagner card must sacrifice it.
ouch tough break sd and hope him a speedy recovery, he is exciting to watch. i will say the silver lining in this that it happened now hopefully in the worse case scenario he’s out 2~3 months and the pads are still in the hunt. lucky for sd this happened early enough you can still make moves and be there in oct.
btw by no means i am i wishing ill will on jr i wish him a speedy recovery, i just hope sd doesn’t rush this kid back and let him get healthy.
Karma, for all his stupid bat flips.
Bat flips are more entertaining than no bat flips. Why do you not want baseball players to be entertaining? Why do you want robots playing the game?
Baseball needs more players like Tatis and less so-called “fans ” like you.
I watch baseball to see the players play, not put on stupid displays. It belittles the history of the sport.
I like the vibes these young players bring to MLB. Celebrating the game.
Karma, for celebrating? In my opinion the game needs more personality. NBA and NFL are allowed to show emotion why not MLB? Baseball is a dying sport, anything to bring in more kids to the game is a positive. I was a very mediocre pitcher in high school throwing stinkers that wouldn’t sink so I got use to bat flips lol. Grow thicker skin and enjoy the game.
MrTwoTone: Although I disagree that MLB is dying (until they strike), I agree more personality is beneficial particularly for the younger generation. They like to see that and are drawn to that personality. Honestly, the players enjoy it and they don’t care. I’m more a traditionalist, but if they aren’t bothered by it? Okay, then who cares, right….
here is my 2 cents on celebration, i say go ahead celebrate a k or a moonshot but also have some tact to it as well. i.e. don’t bat flip after a moonshot if your down by a touchdown and vise versa. i’m all for celebrating all i’m saying let’s use some sense in when we celebrate.
I just wanted to check out the thread. It amazes me how many baseball trolls there are, get a life. One of the great young baseball players is not going to be on the field. All baseball fans lose. Get well soon.
Does it really amaze you? I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve been on the internet before.
What’s up @ Halo11.
Pretty gross stuff, uh?
I’m just amazed to see people being celebratory over an excellent & exciting player getting hurt. These guys didn’t play ball, man.
Zero respect for the game, man.
Pretty sick.
Of all the things I’ve seen here…man, this really may be the worst.
I feel kind of ashamed.
Ya know?
I’m part of this community?
I gotta rethink some stuff. I would be so embarrassed if my son saw all this.
It’s funny but as the token yankee homer you really only seem to see negativity from dodgers fans. This goes on daily on almost every post for every team from fans of other teams but goes unnoticed until a dodgers fan opens there mouth? Yankees fans are some of the worst offenders on here
@Ducky, I responded in your thread with tatisesmommy above. I agree, but it does reflect why people can stand around and video a woman get beat or a dude get his head caved by 3-4 guys without trying to stop it. Better yet, the morons video tape it. It’s the world now. There’s something missing, wires crossed, or a light switch that won’t turn on….. we used to call it, demented.
Uh oh ducky’s on his burner now!!!! Your probably the guy with the phone in your hand yankee clipper (aka ducky)
Yeah, bro.
I get it.
It’s a snapshot of a much larger issue.
As you know, that doesn’t mean we have to accept it.
Ya know?
Tatsumacheescake: don’t even try dude; I smoke you on these boards and that’s with being kind. I don’t want to get into it with you. Ducky is a good dude. He doesn’t like people making fun of injured players and neither do I.
But, I’ve responded kindly to you so far, you start in, I’ll light your ass up on here, and I don’t want to. You’re about as witty as Rosie O’Donnell overdosed on Xanax.
In fact, your trade value is negative on the boards man. You sign on, MLBTR has to beg two good people to sign on just to compensate!
You’re about as fresh as a turd in a swimming pool, dude; and as funny Will Farrell……in 30 years.
In fact, if you had a friend, what would you do? I bet you haven’t even thought that far ahead, have you? I would say you’re useless here, but you make awkward, antisocial people feel good about themselves. I guess that’s a plus.
So, Tatsufreakshow, I want to continue on writing and exchanging ideas about baseball back and forth. I’d prefer to keep it civil; but you piss me off, I have no problem giving you a digital wedgie in front of the whole class.
I notice it o. Angel threads about Ohtani and to a lesser extent Adell.
Yes sir, thank you.
Again Yc. Defend ducky all you want. No reason he talked to me like he did. I’m not Tatswhatever
Glad you got your little brofest. Doesn’t mean ducky was right above to put words in my mouth so he could tell me off more effectively. Your constant defending is laughable. He was wrong. It takes a real man to say they’re wrong. He got backup and started with sexist jokes. What a man!
Old people shouldnt be allowed on the internet, period. These comments sections are clear and valid proof.
UK people shouldn’t be allowed on the planet, period. Your comment is clear and valid proof.
Dude, that isn’t cool. You’re literally saying they don’t deserve to live.
My mom was born and raised in the UK. I have family over there. They have the right to live.
It doesn’t amaze me but I find it amazing. We lost a chance to see one of the greatest shortstops in history play. It wasn’t cool when Seager got hurt, it’s not cool when Tatis gets hurt. All baseball fans lose but many are too stupid to realize it.
Competition brings out the best in people, especially in baseball.
Yes, precisely. Who doesn’t want to see good baseball? And great players? Of course we do! Right on fellas !
Statcast kings are always injured. Some dudes just produce too much force for their own good.
Tatis – hurt
TA7 – hurt
Soto – hasn’t played yet because of COVID outbreak
Lindor – only 1 game played
Acuna – 2/12 with o HR 0 SB 0 R 0 RBI
Not a good start to the MLB season for the young “faces of the game”.
On the other hand posey has 2 homers and longo hit his 3rd tonight…
It is not a massive loss to the game of baseball as a whole. The game is much bigger than one player. Even someone like Mike Trout. If Tatis is out for the year, there will someone else that steps up whether for San Diego or another team. There has never been a player in the history of the game that was not replaceable. I don’t think a guy that barely played two years in the majors is going to buck that trend.
You take a great player out and it’s a massive loss.
That’s more of a figure of speech than anything else. I don’t think anyone believes baseball could be taken out by the loss of one player. Mike Trout only has 12 postseason at bats in his entire career. You essentially never get to see the best player do it in October already. Sucks to see a guy like Tatis go down though. It’s a loss to what could have been a very interesting divisional race. Probably not so much without Tatis on the Padres.
“Left shoulder subluxation” as reported on the Padres broadcast.
If all it took was a swing to dislocate the shoulder, I’m thinking they should put a titanium joint in there.
I have 2 titanium shoulder joints. Nope, he doesn’t want that.
I think one would be enough — no need to go double-jointed.
I love my shoulder titanium in cold weather, you?
Please let this be ok. Eventually, this year. Signed, a White Sox fan who is too impressed to be mad anymore.
Havent watched it, but hope it’s relatively minor. From reading stuff here, seems like the IL is a guarantee but can hope it’s 10 not 60. No real fan wants to win the best race in the sport of the year, because a star gets hurt. He’s too important for the game, no matter my opinion on his deal. Was hoping to see 19 really fun games. Hope that’s still the case
The team announced he suffered a left shoulder subluxation and would be reevaluated Tuesday.
Didn’t Cody Bellinger suffer a full shoulder dislocation from giving a hi-five? Hasn’t he had multiple full shoulder dislocations? Is he done as a player? No? Then why is it that when Fernando Tatis suffers a partial dislocation it means that the sky is falling?
The sketchy part is that he did it just by swinging the bat.
Google “Bellinger dislocates shoulder”. He did it bumping elbows. It happens.
That’s not what I’m saying.
Bellinger had an external force applied to his shoulder that popped it out whereas Tatis did not. His was from torque generated by his own body.
Those are very different causes.
He missed part of ST with shoulder pain. It came out that he has had shoulder pain for years and has just suffered through it. The surgery might only be one of the 4 to 6 week recovery things…
I would never suggest shoulder surgery unless it’s the last resort. It’s never an easy recovery, especially for power
The same problem shoulder incurred this subluxation. This can be a precursor to full dislocation because it’s a recurrent problem. To avoid that they may opt now for surgery to stabilize the joint. This would require about 6-7 weeks recovery time. If they opt against surgery, he might be out just 2-3 weeks..
Not sure why you ignored the part where Bellinger needed surgery to repair that injury. It wasn’t Minor
It is a partial dislocation as opposed to a full dislocation. At worst it will be as bad as what happened to Bellinger. At best it will not require surgery and his recovery will be a matter of weeks. Nobody will know until he gets a full workup tomorrow.
Huge Tatis fan…. I hope he’s ok and gets healthy soon
Watched brian sutterer md on YouTube and said it was a shoulder seperation. Not sure what time line for recover is but quiet a blow. The doctor said he has a history in majors and minors of these injuries, they can be reoccurring if ligaments have been stretched out
Sutterer said it was likely a subluxation, not a separation.
Subluxation is a partial separation.
Right it’s not a separation
But likely a torn labrum…4-6 months
Professional athletes are either injury prone or they are not.
Padres, lol
Partially dislocated shoulder. Throwing shoulder, same injury that bothered him during spring training.
It was actually his left, non-throwing shoulder.
Sad to see Tatis get hurt. I hope he comes back soon. But to say that giving a guy a 340M contract when he has played less than a full season sure seemed risky is just simply true, as the Padres took all the risk and the player none. Sucks that it played out. Anyone with another reasonable opinion on here?
It is, but think about it… even if he loses a season and comes back to be what they think he’s going to, they still win that deal. That’s what they’re banking on, quite literally.
Pads fan here – and I think aside from the usual fanbois, everyone was a bit surprised at the size of that contract, especially given his lack of mlb at bats and injury history. Glad he’s a Padre for life, and it’s not my money, but this wasn’t exactly an unforeseen risk. Let’s hope it’s a few weeks and not a few months on the IL.
Not a Padre fan, but I hate to see this. Baseball is better when guys like Tatis, Kershaw, Judge, all players for teams I actively root against, are healthy and competing.
But this doesn’t mean the extension was a mistake. 14 years is more than enough time to get healthy, and still be the guy that people come to the park to see. I hope so, as much as I hope my team beats the Padres, with Tatis at SS.
Smart comment – smart commenter. True on both accounts, I agree with your points.
Let’s end this “bad for baseball” idea right now. Fans in 25 cities don’t give a damn about Tatis Jr, fans in 4 cities actively hate him, or soon will, and fans in San Diego are bemoaning how bad this is for baseball as a whole.
Why is being a baseball fan only about hatred these days?
Sadly it’s not limited to baseball. Too many village idiots now have access to the internet and can spread their stupidity and hate much farther and wider.
I wonder if this means that we will see CJ Abrams during Tatis’ downtime
Was wondering the same
This was the risk they took with that massive, unnecessary contract. Hopefully they don’t rush his recovery and give him the time he needs to fully heal.
Good thing they have all that infield depth.
Baseball owners will never learn. While players have the right to earn as much as they possibly can, these long term contracts rarely work out.
I find it amusing when a player gets hurt and some fans act like they’re personally paying a large chunk of a big contract.
Not directly but in essence we all are paying for it, nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything is connected. As prices rise on anything, everything below it is affected. This is a business. The owners can’t pay more if you don’t pay more on everything you purchase or do each day.
@agnes gooch
This is the most self-serving bunch of BS I’ve ever seen. It’s a billionaires money and SD has a TV deal, no fans could set foot in the stadium and Tatis is already paid for. This idiotic allowing of fans to know player salaries has been nothing but a disgrace to the game in general.
Your pathetic skills don’t bring in money like a pro baseball player does, ergo they deserve what they get, and the amount of money they bring in means they are MASSIVELY UNDERPAID, even Tatits. Learn about how things work before talking.
Angry much? Lol. Get out of your frozen heart and closed mind and go feed some homeless today and then explain money to me.
Massively underpaid? That’s absurd. All the capital letters in the world don’t change how absurd your take is.
The owners charge what the market will pay and then spend the least amount to make sure the market will continue to pay that and the upcoming price increases. That is in fact business
So much love here… I am amazed mlbtr allows comments.
They really do need to get rid of them altogether. Ever since right winger commenters stormed it and took over, its been absolute misery. Just the worst, most racist, idiotic takes imaginable. Guess that’s what happens when you try to have an anonymous comments section in 2021.
Everything is a proxy war for the brigade of troglodytes
Not too smart giving that much money and years to a brittle primadonna
Pretty funny this site is run by mlb and isn’t allowing any comments on their all star article – what chumps
Rob Manfred is a dolt.
True! Did I get it right? C’mon that one was easy….
This site is NOT run by MLB – lol you are dumb.
I disagree, because it’s obvious that the vast majority of comments would be political and contentious in nature..The moderators know this, and it is against their policies. Maybe you view it as censorship but it’s not.
I don’t blame them for not wanting to deal with that crap.
Tatis’ contract and other players’ contracts might not even matter after this season. There is a great chance that the MLB will go on strike after this season if there is not an agreement with the MLBPA and the owners. It seems like the owners might get their way in the future with giving out on contracts on a player’s performances to incentives.
Well, I think fans overall would be supportive of that. But, that would cost the organizations in the front end of the players’ careers, so I don’t know they’d be that quick to jump in. Regardless, legally, they must honor Tatis’ contract because it’s already signed. I may have misconstrued what you were saying though. If you’re speaking to his contract not mattering in terms of impact on future contracts, I still think it does, because he’s a performer. In essence, as long as he performs, he’d be getting the same, or more…..
There will absolutely be a work stoppage before next season.
Yeah that’s been in the cards for a while, unfortunately. And I think it will cause irreparable damage to MLB. Fans, especially children, will turn their attention to other sports, and leave MLB behind; I don’t know they will fully recover.
The only reason they recovered in the nineties was because you had the Yankees and Braves dynasties at their peaks. They still took a hit from that strike though.
I could be wrong….
Post ’94, you initially had the Cal Ripken streak that brought back the fans, and then the McGuire/Sosa HR record chase. I think those things played a bigger part in MLBs recovery, at least nationally.
But to your point about another stoppage being a back-breaker, I remember the strike of ’81, and public sentiment was squarely with the players back then. But that was an era when the average fan still thought the average player “relatable”.
Then, during the ’94 strike/lockout, the economics of the game had shifted, and you had public player support wane, as the labor dispute became about “billionaires vs. millionaires”. Now, with the current level of economic disparity and a national recovering from the pandemic, the public optics of ANY labor dispute between the two parties is not going to play well.
So the top stars of baseball can’t even stay healthy doing simple baseball activities anymore.
Stop picking things up and putting them down like meat heads. Sure you look great on the beach with your shirt off but when something as simple as swinging a bat injures you it’s time to question whether you’re training right.
@Joe: I recall a discussion on here not too long ago wherein many of us debated whether these injuries were really more than any other time in history- that is, more in frequency and seriousness.
I must say, it does seem that moderate-to-sever injuries, especially to top-tier players (your 1%ers) is more noticeable too.
Obviously, pitching injuries have impacted this perspective, as we all know TJS is on the rise, but it certainly does seem like the surgery-based injuries occur in greater frequency too. Someone posited this could be because of the influence of social media and the sheer availability of nationwide news on every player; I think that’s very plausible as well. It would sure be interesting to read about it.
Preller is a high stakes player and seems snake bitten after Clevinger and Lamet last yr and now this.
Clevinger and Lamet were hurt by bad decisions by Padres managers/front office and now Tatis. Managers should protect players from playing hurt the Padres do not.
The Indians Ahmed Rosario is on his way to the Padres for minor leaguers . This will open up a spot for Owen Miller on the Tribe.
Are you kidding me. In 10 years this contract will look great. By then some guys will be making 45 to 50 million a year. Wasn’t that long ago when 25 million was unheard of. Everyone give thanks to A Rod. Lol
But things like this are obviously why you cant fault Tatis for signing that deal. I would have done the same.
@Cubfan Mike Really? Ask the Angels how they are liking their Pujols deal 10 years after the start. It all depends on production, and it’s VERY hard to imagine Tatis living up to the dollars after so much wear and tear. Props to him for getting the deal, but the smart money has to be on the Padres doing everything they can to unload that contract long before the decline gets too obvious.
Not surprised.
Massive loss to the world of baseball??? Cmon
man that injury looked bad…couldnt move his arm without the trainer assisting him. this looks like a loss for multiple weeks maybe more.
Hopefully he’ll be ok.
I had the same injury to the same shoulder sliding into 3rd base in college. He’ll be fine to swing in 2 weeks.
wow are you okay?
Did that hurt your chances of making it to the majors?
Such an unnecessary comment. Who would we rather hear from, someone who has suffered a similar injury or you?
That’s actually one of the great things about this forum. We can get first hand accounts about pretty much everything. I’m with you, @fox.
& thanks for the info, @Gterm.
Definitely a shoulder. Hes had issues since ST and you can tell its been bothering him with some of the throws hes made so far this year.
Next man up. Kim or Cronenworth step in.
Pray / hope for a speedy recovery but take your time dont rush back your franchise player.
On the bright side the pen has come out strong compared to last years start.
Idk how long until grisham is back but once grisham is back that puts pham back in LF and means profar can move to 2B if need be.
Hope he recovers quickly. Such a fantastic talent.
Whenever my team is unable to win, cheer for teams with a drought or have never won before to win it all. I was hoping the Padres could win the NL west this year and make a deep playoff run. They’re gonna need Tatis for that.
@ goastros123 Or whenever your team cant cheat?
Nope, whenever they’re unable to win aka whenever they lose. After all, I do the same thing with basketball and football. I’d much rather see the Indians win a world series over the Nationals. Why? Nationals won recently. Indians haven’t won since the days of Larry Doby and Satchel Paige.
Tough break. I hope it’s not the same injury that Michael Conforto had with the Mets. That was surgery and season ender. Let’s hope that’s not the case. You look forward to these expected matchups and poof just like that it might not happen this season.
Partial Dislocation of shoulder in game 5 of 14 year contract = bad contract.
OK really?
His contact is for 2,268 games plus postseason people.
Dude…have you ever had a dislocated shoulder? I dislocated mine three years ago and still haven’t recovered. And there are PLENTY of examples of baseball players who have dislocated their shoulder and never played again, not well anyways.
Guy with an injury history gets injured 5 games into his 14 year contract = cause for significant concern. The contract was unnecessary to begin with.
Glad it wasn’t too serious. Hopefully, Tatis will be back soon.
This is common. Ligamentous laxity leads to shoulder subluxation. It’s is chronic and bad for anyone working with their arms shoulder-height and above like roofers/carpenters, violinists and ballplayers.
Teams hire experts to screen draft candidates for this malady. I know one. He travels the county to see young pitchers throw. If their throwing shoulder appears too far back in a certain part of the delivery, ligamentous laxity. Pass. This guy makes or breaks draft picks and he has zero medical training. His expertise came from own burgeoning career lost due to this.
Ligamentous laxity might not yet be present in a prospect’s medical chart. But it is a career-wrecker. Hard to swing the bat when your shoulder flies out of the socket on occasion. Throwing? Good luck with a consistent release point.
Teams learned the hard way not to invest in a player with this but the Padres knew and must have believed Tatis was somehow too talented to pass up. They must also have a great insurance policy on the contract.
Surgeries don’t work. Tightened shoulder capsule ligaments will invariably loosen again when activity resumes. Heat shrinkage is no longer attempted; that atrocity destroyed many people’s non-sports lives. The other attempts provide relief to those with less arduous lifestyles.
Bad deal to a guy we all hope to enjoy for years to come. But, this is the stark reality.
Thank you for your insight.
He’s not a pitcher and it’s not his throwing arm. They’ve been doing successful surgeries for this over 70 years.
It is the power arm for his swing and his glove hand so when he would dive for ball to field, could easily reinjure. They may have surgical remedies for the injury but will he come back the same? That is the question that we are all asking. We won’t now for several months, I am sure.
This Dodgers fan is rooting for him to be okay sooner than feared. exciting player and the pennant chase isn’t as fun when he’s out. Get well soon.
Thanks underdog, Notwithstanding the trolls and idiots (no team can escape them), the vast majority of Dodger fans, I believe, respect Tatis and wish him a full recovery. Hopefully, this is an injury that can be carefully rehabbed and will not be seen again. Players like Tatis that combine extraordinary athleticism, passion and commitment to work hard are rare. The game needs Tatis and we should all be rooting for his healthy return.
Hope for Tatis’s sake and the sake of the Padres and their fans that he will heal completely and not be an issue for his career. Scary thought that swinging a bat could cause your shoulder to be dislocated.
Richie Sexson had a similar injury to this on a check swing if I remember correctly and that guy was never the same again. Hanley Ramirez had similar shoulder issues and he was never the same again either. Might be a long 14 years for the Padres here folks. But they decided to pull the trigger too early.
How is Cody Bellinger doing Chemo850? Tatis’s injury is a lesser version of what happened to him.
Ummmm how is a lesser version when it’s a chronic issue Dr. House? Cody’s shoulder popped out as a one time thing which was popped back in and there is zero evidence of it being a chronic issue. I’m not sure where you got your information from, but a chronic shoulder issue (Which Tatis has) is the worst type as it means that the damage in your shoulder is significantly more as the tear is worse because the shoulder cannot stay intact within the socket. Also, pretty sure Cody had a partial dislocation. You could tell Tatis was worse just by his reaction alone and his complete inability to even move his arm afterwards. In any event, you’re talking about major surgery my guy. Good for Cody, but not everyone comes back as soon as that.
This was Tatis’s first dislocation and it was only a partial. As you can see from the article I just posted from MLB.com, “Bellinger has dislocated the shoulder several times diving for ground balls…”
Perhaps you should look thing up before you embarrass yourself next time?
I just watched the video clip of the incident. It appears to me that the injury is below the elbow. If you watch the back swing, it appears his fore arm is hyper extended below the elbow. I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv. I have been in physical therapy for a year and a half and had two surgeries on my right shoulder. First time titanium anchors were used to literally tie everything back together, and now looking at a third surgery. My guess would be muscle and possibly ligament damage in elbow and forearm.
They are saying that it is a left shoulder subluxation which is a a shoulder dislocation. Depending if the injury to the shoulder allowed for the hyper extension of the elbow as well as you suggest, it could be far more damage to the left arm and extremely bad news for Tatis, the Padres and the Padre fans..
At least this will keep the annoying Padres fans down for a few weeks. Sucks to see, but this kid is made of glass man. I get it, it’s a freak injury. But every team has that one guy who is always having a freak injury for their entire career. He’s that guy for the Padres. Unfortunately for the Padres he also happens to be a 300 million dollar guy as well.
For the Astros, it’s Correa. He got injured while getting a massage.
The Padres face a bit of a dilemma. If Tatis has surgery he’s likely done this season. But it is looking like there could be a work stoppage impacting next season’s beginning, giving him more time to heal and rehab if he waits for the off season to have surgery.
Is Tatis at 70% better than his replacement? Seems like Abrams might be able to bring a much needed spark to the Padres.
Conforto had this same issue also while swinging and came back fine.
Yes he may miss some time but he is only 22.
Best case he takes a few weeks off and plays out the season and has the surgery a few days after winning the World Seres in the Fall.
Karma. He wants multiple statues huh? Get a statue of him on the ground. I’m skeptical of him being a cheater who thinks nothing can stop him. Especially when I see astronomical numbers since day one regardless of prospect ranking. Showboat punks like Tatis don’t belong in a game of integrity. MLB doesn’t need fans who support players like that either. Go watch football if you want to watch a flamboyant showboat circus
Lots of Doctors and haters on this thread. The injury is a shame, whether on a rookie salary or the extension contract. Guy is exciting, hope he recovers fully before coming back to “tough it out in April”
Bob Nightengale
Fernando Tatis Jr. is undergoing an MRI this morning to determine the severity of his dislocated shoulder and possible labral tear, per
. If surgery is recommended, he would miss the entire season. Huge blow to the #Padres. Even bigger blow to the entire sport.
100% surgery will be recommended. Absolutely zero chance that surgery is not recommended here. If his shoulder keeps popping out randomly then that means that there is no fix other than surgery. Already been there, done that myself. BTW, sorry to break it to all the fan boys, but shoulder surgery is very serious and almost always has a negative impact. He’ll most likely lose some range of motion in that arm as a result. And coming back next year is definitely not a guarantee in any way. Hopefully it doesn’t lead to Hanley Ramirez 2.0
I’m sure he lose some power on his swing as well, but could he be an effective DH who hits for average?
Is Cody Bellinger’s career over after 2 full dislocations? Yet you believe Tatis’s career is over, or a full-time DH, or he will lose power after a single partial dislocation?
How exactly does that work?
I’m not really sure why you’re so stuck on this Cody Bellinger trip you’re on. There have been countless examples of the same surgery failing and yet you’re using one example of one guy whose medical history you don’t even know as far as the physical impact on his body yet as the guy has played an incredible 5 pro games since surgery. And I can almost guarantee you he lost some range in the shoulder. But you do realize that we’re talking about pretty serious surgery here, right? We’re not talking about baking a pie where you can apply the same recipe time and time again. I don’t know why everyone just assumes that everyone is gonna heal exactly the same…jesus
Yeah but it’s on his left shoulder non throwing. He should be fine fielding but I’m not sure about swinging a bat. YouTube doc said he has had multiple shoulder injuries on both so it’s clear he has a history of issues. Crazy how it happens right after the deal is signed.
Both Bellinger’s and Tatis’s injuries were to their non-throwing shoulder. Partial vs complete dislocation.
Unfortunately it looks like his career is over. See you in Cooperstown Fernando.
Tickets are $24.99
He never said anything about “multiple statues”.He just signed a 14 year contract….was he supposed to say he’s gonna just go out there and try to be average?
Your comments are an example of what’s wrong with human beings.