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Click here to read a transcript of Tuesday’s chat with MLBTR’s Steve Adams.
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I think starters will always be around, especially if they are like Shane Bieber
If Ohtani gets 400ABs and pitched 75 innings. He’ll easily have done enough for Comeback player of the year consideration.
Not if Trey Mancini hits close to his normal range in 2021.
So being a homer > battling cancer?
You called?
What’s comeback player of the year? It’s usually given to a player who comes back with the best stats. If it’s based on just playing, then shouldn’t E-Rod get it for coming back from a heart condition.
I’m saying Ohtani will be the best of the three. I’m saying out of all the players who stunk or didn’t play last year, who had a good year on their resume, Ohtani will be the best.
You sound like every nieve Angels fan. Ohtani is trash. Face it. He won’t be good enough to shake a HOFers hand. He’s always hurt, can’t hit very well at all, and can’t limit runs very well.
How can you say ohtani is trash yea his elbow gave out and he’s not hitting a ton but the guy is still young and can be great. Look at scherzer he was a bum till det now we talk about him like kershaw. So let’s pump the brakes on the ohtani hate and see what he dose fully recover from tjs
So when did the criteria for winning comeback of the year has to be a life threatening thing I say all option are on the table if your injury or performance warrants the end of your career.
Only CONSIDERATION. Mancini could hit .250 with 12 bombs and he would win it
Only you would think Ohtani managing to stay healthy is better than a cancer survivor returning to baseball.
Is coming back from a heart condition due to a virus that people will remember 5o0 years from now better than coming back from cancer? Is that the criteria? That’s more unique than coming back from cancer.
it was stage 3 cancer. so yes, absolutely.
Shoemaker had brain surgery and a fractured skull. If it’s only about making your way back. Then just give it to him now.
Wasn’t my intention to escalate this. Chalk it up to Nebraska for overblowing what was a simple baseball point.
Good argument can be made for E-Rod also.
Guest. What do you base it on? The best “story”. Or who has the best comeback on the field?
The best AL story was Jim Bouton in 1978. He didn’t win.
The best story ever was Dave Dravecky, he didn’t win either.
So what’s comeback player of the year? Is it an on the field or off the field award.
If it’s on the field, I like Ohtani’s chances. If it’s off the field, E-Rod, Shoemaker and Mancini are in for a battle. They all suffered major health scares and are all in the process of making their way back.
Best comeback. I figure if Mancini is close to the 2017-19 numbers then he’d get it. But that’s just my opinion, going based on your criteria of 400 at bats and 75 innings for Ohtani. If both benchmarks for Ohtani is a struggle then it opens the door to the other guys like Mancini, E-Rod, etc.
The feel-good stories are nice but being the comeback player of the year is more than that.
Posey HOF???
Posey won comeback player of year.
His injury wasn’t exactly career threatening.
What is the criteria of a comeback player of the year?
Well he got absolutely wiped out at home. He came back and got MVP and Comeback player of the year, he’s been a ROY, 4x Silver Slugger, he’s been the backstop for 3 World Series, 6x All-Star, he’s won the Gold Glove, and he’s taken the batting title. He also is a .302 career hitter, and the batting title was when he came back from multiple injuries in his left leg following a plate collision. I’d say he is a HOFer and did deserve Comeback Player of the Year
What about Scott Kazmir? Back from a long layoff makes him a candidate. Michael Fulmer living up to his hype after injury could make him a candidate as well.
Exactly? Who knows what they look at.
I’m saying Ohtani will be better than all of them. Maybe the criteria will be the type of illness/injury. If that’s the case, I have to think E-Rod is a serious candidate.
You don’t know that. Ohtani could be crap. Mancini was a beast in 2019. Ohtani won’t win. No one wants him to win.
Ohtani is overrated. Grow up and realize your Angels aren’t all amazing, or aren’t all Mike Trout
Really Luc? No wants Ohtani to do something that no one has done in a 100 years? Who knew?
The last time a pitcher pitched 75 innings and had 400 ABs was 1919. And no one wants to see that? If Ohtani pitches better than E-Rod and hits better than Mancini, I would hope everyone would want him to win it.
No? Everyone would want Mancini to win because colon cancer has killed people while an arm injury is meh compared to cancer Your Posey comeback player of the year is not a good example. Did anyone have a major health injury. If Ohtani does that great, people think Mancini had a harder path and what it took to get back on the field.
Not until it gets to stage four. Which it never got to. I couldn’t care less who won comeback player of the year. Or who will comeback player of the year.
So let’s change my point. I think Ohtani will have a better year.
If it’s just about injuries, who is more worthy than Shoemaker? Fractured skull. Brain surgery. Leg injuries. Arm injuries. The guy has it all.
So as long as an Angel or former Angel wins it, you’ll be happy. Got it.
I’m just more familiar with the Angels.
If it is based on the seriousness of the injury and not what actually takes place on the diamond, a case can be made for Mancini, E-Rod and Shoemaker.
I don’t know who won last year and I don’t care who wins this year. What I care about is who has the best season.
Just looked it up. Salvador Perez won last year. He had a pretty standard leg injury in 2019.
So is it based on what takes place on the field or off?
Familiarity is what you go off? Thankfully you aren’t able to vote
I know Lindor is a good player but, he is not a 400M contract player, he is good defender but his OPS + is like 117 or so.
Yeah I agree. Lindor is a solid player, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not worth 400m+. I say 200m+ but I’m not sure he deserves 300m+