MARCH 5: Boone is feeling well and going through standard COVID-19 testing procedures, he said Friday (via Lindsey Adler of the Athletic). He hopes to return to the dugout this weekend.
MARCH 3, 8:18 pm: The Yankees released a statement (on Twitter) with an update on Boone’s status: “As previously planned, Manager Aaron Boone will spend the night at St. Joseph’s Hospital to rest and recover. He is currently in good spirits.”
MARCH 3, 3:08pm: Bench coach Carlos Mendoza will take over for Boone during his absence, Joel Sherman of the New York Post was among those to tweet. Cashman confirmed to reporters that Boone shouldn’t miss much time, and the Yankees announced that the procedure went as expected.
MARCH 3, 2:22pm: The Yankees announced Wednesday that manager Aaron Boone will be taking an immediate medical leave of absence to receive a pacemaker. He’ll undergo surgery later this afternoon in Tampa. Boone offered the following statement:
As many of you know, I underwent open-heart surgery in 2009, and I wanted everyone to understand where I’m at regarding the procedure that’s taking place today. Over the last six-to-eight weeks I’ve had mild symptoms of lightheadedness, low energy and shortness of breath. As a result, I underwent a series of tests and examinations in New York prior to the beginning of spring training, including multiple visits with a team of heart specialists. While the heart checkup came back normal, there were indications of a low heart rate which, after further consultations with doctors in Tampa, necessitates a pacemaker.
My faith is strong, and my spirits are high. I’m in a great frame of mind because I know I’m in good hands with the doctors and medical staff here at St. Joseph’s Hospital. They are confident that today’s surgery will allow me to resume all of my usual professional and personal activities and afford me a positive long-term health prognosis without having to change anything about my way of life. I look forward to getting back to work in the next several days, but during my short-term absence, I have complete trust that our coaches, staff and players will continue their training and preparation at the same level as we’ve had and without any interruption.
There’s no clearly defined timeline for when Boone, who’ll turn 48 next week, will rejoin the club. However, the manager’s use of “short-term absence” and mention of getting back to work “in the next several days” indicate that he’s not anticipating a particularly lengthy leave. The Yankees noted that general manager Brian Cashman will meet with reporters later this afternoon, and the team will surely provide updates on Boone as he rehabs from the procedure.
All the best to Boone. Still a very young man.
Oh I wish him well. He’s a really good guy.
Best wishes to Boone.
Take you time coming back Boonie. No big rush and feel better.
Boone has a really ruff road health wise. I hope he fares well, golly what a tuff thing having to live with.
A high-stress job with a ton of travel. I mentioned on another thread that a return to the broadcast booth might be a good idea. I think he’s an excellent manager; just concerned about his health.
i mean, not saying there is no stress involved, but it’s not like he’s the president or something. I think you oversell it a bit.
Have to disagree here. Managing an MLB team ranks extremely high on what I would consider stressful occupations. The hours are insane, a relentless 6 month regular season, weather fluctuations by city, late night air travel, half the time in and out of hotels, inconsistent diets, being responsible to larger front offices with more say and data, more coaches than ever, modern players, front line media spokesperson, and of course the fans. Oh yeah, and short shelf lives for the position regardless of compensation. Take all that and put the Yankees on top of it. It takes very special people to handle these jobs well.
I disagree. A manager sits in the dugout every day watching his team either win or lose. The team’s win / loss record reflects directly on his performance as a manager and his livelihood, but there is nothing he can do to directly influence the outcome of games (unless it’s 1985 and his name is Pete Rose).
That is an extremely stressful situation to be in, particularly if you manage a losing team.
Anyone who has ever had to manage this current generation at anything knows how stressful it is just being around them. Having to watch what you say or not telling them to do too much for fear of “triggering” them or offending them or sending them to their safe place with their comfort pet…
As a non-Yankee fan i still wish Boone a speedy recovery
Absolutely. With the $$ at stake in sports comes proportional pressure to succeed, especially in NY and especially with the Yankees.
I dunno, @Rsox –
I’ve found it difficult to manage people. In general. Regardless of absolutely anything.
I have a couple young men in their twenties that are a joy to work with. & I have a fella that’s older than I am who’s unmercifully high maintenance.
Sadly, I’ve noticed these younger people I manage are the majority of sensitive people. A lot of the older peeps can handle criticism, but the younger generation get defensive or twist words around to fit their narrative.
Perhaps I have just been lucky. Wouldn’t be the first time, man.
But ~ half my building tradesman & the aforementioned two sales guys are in their twenties. At this point, I’m not really able to make any type of generalized claims about them as a group.
& I have no problem being a: Grumpy Old Dude. Ya know?
Rsox, in your haste yo forgot to call them snowflakes.
Why does it seem like it always comes down to this. Man. I really thought that after November we’d all take a deeeeeeep breath. Maybe try to – ya know – work together.
But then I’m typically an optimist.
Which is generally great.
But it does lead one to being awfully let down sometimes. This is one of them lol.
Hahaha, I know what you’re referring to Ducky. Don’t get me wrong though, there are great younger kids who aren’t influenced by what’s happening and taking advantage of al the narratives out there. But ever since everything that has happened in 2020, people have been using the excuse of not being able to have civil conversations and understanding different points of views without this “canceling” as they call it, lol.
I’ll freely admit I’m just simply not smart enough to figure out how to move past all the disconnect. I just naively assumed we would.
It’s similar reaction to Altuve off Chapman for me.
Ya know: “awww, man…are you feckingkidding me, bro?That’s not what I thought would happen…”
I’ll never learn lol.
as being on the older end of the millennial generation i hate being lumped in with them most of my generation just seem like a bunch of crybaby’s. it gets to the point where you gotta man up and grow and realize most of life sucks and a series of failures and it’s how you pick yourself up and press on for that win.
I didn’t forget. I just chose not to go that route
My partner deals with the office/paperwork stuff. God love him for that, man. So his people are all salaried or hourly wage employees.
I deal with the sales guys who are paid on straight commission. & the tradesmen whom are paid by the unit. Ya know, by the square, or linear foot, or opening, or cubic yard, or whatever.
So I still live in a world where if you don’t produce you don’t get paid. That cuts through all kinds of unnecessary BS.
It feels like the general sentiment is to ultimately get rid of fellas like me. After all, I am an unabashed, anti-union, thoroughly independent, capitaist.
I’m good with it.
As a builder – I used to feel like I was respected. Ya know? It’s honest work. & I spread money all over; employees, taxes, fees, building materials, dumpters, permits…lol a lot of hand sanitizer & masks last summer. I contribute in a lot of ways, man. & I improve a lot of people’s very basic needs; their homes.
It’s no longer seen that way though. Pretty recently too. I’m hoping things will kind of even out after awhile. But – yeah – I’m an optimist.
There’s a certain level of stress that comes with having people report to manager or owner. In my limited experience, frontline management where one has to implement plans from one’s superiors has an additional level because one has to be the face of the organization while also maintaining a working relationship with those that report to them. I don’t miss that aspect of management; I’d hope it’s easier when someone is a SB owner but suspect it’s much more difficult as the owner has even more on their plate to consider.
As long as they keep expanding the playoffs, the Yankees should be fine.
Yeah especially considering it’s the Yankees. Cant really think of a tougher job in sports besides maybe coaching the Cowboys or the Lakers.
I think you’re right. I remember the Pirates kept urging Danny Murtaugh back to the dugout after multiple heart issues and retirements until it finally killed him. Greatest Manager in my lifetime.
Actually, installing of the pacemaker is a fairly basic procedure compared to what he went through in 2009. Hopefully, his heart will work within a normal range for many years to come.
agreed, my dad is going to be 94 in a few weeks. had pace maker about 2 months ago. Home in a day. looked and felt great ( relatively speaking for his age ) But I will add any surgery has its risks.
Stevedes912…Definitely, anytime the body is cut open, there is a risk of infection. My Dad had his pacemaker installed in 2010 and then had it upgraded just before the pandemic started. It’s been a huge plus in combatting what likely affects almost all Americans at some point or another, hypertension.
That stinks! Wishing fast recovery for Boone.
RS fan here, wishing him the best of health, and an 81-81 season.
Though I am not sure those two are compatible.
how come any time sad news like this comes out, theres always that one moron that goes, “(insert team) fan here” then some nonsense comment that follows?
Nobody cares what team you root for, just be a decent human
I thought it was an excellent comment, and smiled at the clever sentiment, which I share in.
I think his comment was made to be humorous. Even if he gets his wish and the Yankees finish 81 – 81, they will still finish ahead of the Red Sox.
I get your sentiment to some degree-but having a pacemaker placed under your skin is not “sad” news. If the bradycardia wasn’t detected in a timely fashion-that would have been sad.
Does “decent human being” mean refraining from calling someone a moron? Or nah?
Lighten up. Everyone else understood. I guess someone always has to complain about something…
Nah, man, @millerpark –
Joe Brady is one of the real class acts around here. Straight up. I’m a Yankee fan, & I thought it was a good take.
same here i got a chuckle out of joe must be a sox fan and nothing wrong with that he’s wishing they guy good health and a mediocre season for his rival team. what would be f*ed up is if joe wished i’ll in boone and the yankees.
If you take step back and read your comment and Brady’s, you’d see that you’re the one being obnoxious. Wishing someone good health and joking about baseball teams is being a decent human. Jumping on someone like you did looks petty.
….without having to change anything about my way of life” ?
48 and already a pacemaker? And he’s going to not change a thing? Doesn’t sound too smart.
Requiring a pacemaker or a myriad of other heart related procedures can have absolutely nothing to do with your lifestyle and everything to do with genetics or lingering effects from other illnesses experienced purely through bad luck and they’re designed specifically so that most recipients can go back to their normal lifestyle after healing.
That depends entirely on why the pacemaker was implanted in the first place. There’s a whole laundry list of conditions that might prompt a cardiologist to suggest getting a pacemaker.
@worth who’s to say he doesn’t live healthy maybe the guy was making all the right choices and he just lost the genetic lotto. also maybe the stress of being a ball player and now manger of an organization that’s one of the faces of bb (love or hate the yankees there always talked about) is the reason he might of needed a pacemaker. he might of never needed a pacemaker if he stayed in the booth or was just a coach.
God bless him & his family.
God bless Aaron Boone and the Boone family
As a heart patient and a guy with a mechanical valve I feel for him. Aaron Boone is a Savage. He’ll be fine. I look forward to seeing him back in the dugout managing the Yankees in a few weeks and for years to come thereafter.
Probably the highest stress managing job in MLB, which is ironic that he is a younger manager with pre-existing heart condition The good news is that he clearly loves what he does, which alleviates some of that stress.
Boone is a great manager for New York, he doesn’t talk too much, he lets the game and results do the talking, and knows when to amp up the intensity. Hopefully this has no impact on his ability to carry on as a manager short and long term, outside of the obvious recovery process.
Best wishes, Aaron.
I doubt it’s related to stress, particularly as it even mentions he’s had a slowing heart rate. Genetics. He also had heart surgery a decade or so back. Fortunately, this is a fairly common procedure as these things go, so hopefully he’ll be back at the helm in a week or two.
Here’s to a healthy recovery along with healing thoughts for Aaron. Dang it! How am I supposed to hate the Yankees with this news?
Good luck to him. It seems like yesterday that I would see pictures of his Dad bringing him and Brett to Phillies games as young kids. And now he is 48. Geez, I am old. Hope everything goes well. I know it’s a high stress job but I would leave it up to his doctors to advise him.
His grandfather, Ray Boone, when he played for the Detroit Tigers in the early to mid 50’s was a favorite of mine.
Godspeed. Need him back asap but health first.
Hope all goes well. Sucks to have that happen but at least they caught those symptoms early. Hope to see him back soon.
That’s just terrible. Here’s to hoping he improves.
Best of luck Boonie! Get well soon!
I remember when his dad was a player, but now Aaron Boone needs a pacemaker? Yikes. That doesn’t sound good. Prayers for a good outcome.
I remember his grandfather also, Ray. Along with Bob, Brett and Aaron . Great baseball family. Best wishes to Aaron.
The Mets are 1-2 this spring and kelenic hit a HR. Should I be worried? Lol!
But for a whole bunch of other reasons than the mets current spring training record.
Here’s to Boone’s speedy recovery! Incredible, he had open heart surgery at 38?!
Met22 – I foresee Kalenic hitting many home runs this year….. in the minors, while his service time is preserved. But, Mets are going to have a decent record this year, in spring training……
For sure, man.
He’s only making ~ million bucks.
Pretty high pressure gig, too. I’m surprised he didn’t retire, serious.
Best wishes !
Get strong as you are going to need to pace yourself with the pitching staff that you have!
Get well soon, Boone
Very young and appears to to keep himself in good shape to be having these sorts of health problems. Hope for the best for the guy. Might to need to convert to a Mediterranean or vegan diet if he isn’t already… both said to be very heart focused
How is the second part of your comment even necessary? Just wish the guy well and move on.
Why does it matter? Good general advice for anyone reading it. Maybe someone else is having heart issues and looking for a tiny something to help out. Read the book China Studies, literally the most detailed study on nutrition ever done. Could be life changing for people ..
A Vegan diet could actually dangerous… let’s stick to baseball
That’s 10000000% false on all levels and quite ridiculous. The only possible dangers are not eating enough food in general or eating junk that’s clearly bad for you all in the name of “it’s vegan” like vegan cookies….. which this general concept applies to all diets. However, all else being equal, the vegan and Mediterranean diets are wildly accepted by the academic communities as the best two diets for your health, especially heart health.
ok Dr. Braves Fan.
Although I’m not a doctor, I do work in the medical field and have these conversations all the time. I haven’t found one doctor who disagrees with this. The irony is I stated both the Mediterranean diet and vegan diet, yet everyone get all upset and offended over just one. It’s highly illogical to think that a plant based diet is bad in any way. I have animal products in my diet, I’m not a vegan… but I’m not an idiot who thinks just because I choose to eat the way I do, that I’m making the best choice. Lol I full well know that if I followed a Mediterranean or plant based diet, I’d be in significantly better health and this is backed by decades of scientific evidence. The fact that they are both good diets is not up for debate. But it’s weird that each one of you got triggered over one of the diets and not the other. Again, it’s widely accepted that both are the best diets for your health.. it’s not up for debate beyond that lol
It’s interesting to see you ignored the fact that the book you referenced is suspect at best.
Not true at all… no other studies have been as comprehensive and on going as what’s in that book. You can’t say I’m ignoring the “fact” when your statement is flat out false. Again, the legitimacy of the studies aren’t up for debate as it is single handed the most through nutrition study every done and no other comes close. And again, I didn’t throw any supporting evidence for the Mediterranean diet, yet you didn’t attack that at all. You have a clear bias with an agenda… and for that, you can’t be taken seriously in this conversation..
Having an educated opinion on a topic is not the same as having an agenda. I don’t know enough about the Mediterranean diet to comment about it therefore I did not. I know it’s a weird concept, not speaking about things you don’t know enough about…
The problem is you loosely throwing out the phrase “educated opinion” as if your statements had the slightest concept of being educated. It wasn’t, it was simply a false statement. An opinion on this matter would suggest that the scientific evidence is unproven and it’s an on going debate in the academic world. However, this is not the case. It’s scientifically proven. This is not a debatable topic in the industry. So to have a contrary opinion on the topic would suggest you have an agenda to push over basic fundamental facts. It would be as ridiculous as you saying something like “it’s my opinion that 2+2=5..”. Same silly concept
Great diet discussion. I don’t really like the name Mediterranean Diet because it’s kind of vague at best. Vegan is actually more clear. My knowledge of diet comes from watching my dad survive pancreatic cancer by following the American Diabetic Association diet which included meats but in no more than 4 ounce servings. By the way, many people consider the ADA diet to be one of the best in the world. Also, I read a book called Diet Against Disease, which was an excellent source of information. Generally, meat is way overproduced and way overconsumed. Being Vegan is probably significantly healthier than the typical diet in our society. Being Mediterranean is just too vague for me because I am sure there are many more Mediterranean people with terrible diets than there are Vegans with terrible diets. But that’s just a quibble, really. I just despise all of these diets being given names. The Paleo diet. The Oat Bran diet. The whatever diet. Ugh. Drives me crazy.
Prayers for a speedy recovery
Thanks for sharing this experience. It makes it easier for all of us to understand and relate, especially if we or people we know need this procedure.
Agreed Joe Friday. I like the fact that he provided a statement detailing the situation. May help others decide to get checked or feel comfortable getting a procedure. Serious stuff but treatable. Best to Aaron.
I’d think managing a few games in front of a NewYork crowd would be enough to raise the heart rate considerably …
But seriously, best wishes to Boone, health wise at least!
Good luck. Red Sox fans wish you the best.
He appears to be in great shape and physically fit. So much stress being a coach. Wishing him the best.
Good luck Aaron!
Prayers for Aaron. Awfully young man
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Boone. With Carlos Mendoza filling in, should we expect a .200 winning percentage while he’s at the helm?
I hope you have a speedy recovery Boone.
I’m 35 and way out of shape. When I hear of relatively young athletes having these kinds of health issues, I start to get a panic attack. LOL… Good luck, Aaron!
I know he wants to be back with the team ASAP but he’s not helping himself or the team if he isn’t 100% fully recovered and healthy. Take your time AB.
Seems like coming back a few days after having a pacemaker installed is some real BAMF stuff.
Get well soon!
I hope for nothing but the best for the guy! But would there be this many updates if it was the Rockies or the Royals manager…
Sure would.
Sutt the F*ck up ^_^
The rich get richer
How the hell does that have any relevance
Take it easy man. The team will still be there when you’re well!