Mets minor league outfielder Tim Tebow has retired from baseball, the team announced.
“It has been a pleasure to have Tim in our organization as he’s been a consummate professional during his four years with the Mets,” team president Sandy Alderson said. “By reaching the Triple-A level in 2019, he far exceeded expectations when he first entered the system in 2016 and he should be very proud of his accomplishments.”
The 33-year-old Tebow is better known for his time in football than baseball, as the former quarterback starred at the University of Florida from 2006-09, during which he won a Heisman Trophy and helped guide the Gators to a pair of national championships. Tebow moved on to the NFL when the Denver Broncos used the 25th overall pick on him in 2010, and though he led the team to a memorable playoff win in January 2011, he didn’t establish himself as the solution for them under center. Tebow also couldn’t do that in short stints with the New York Jets, New England Patriots or Philadelphia Eagles during the next few seasons.
Determined to continue as a professional athlete, Tebow signed with the Mets in the fall of 2016. To Tebow’s credit, he reached the Triple-A level with the organization in 2019. However, he struggled to a .163/.240/.255 line with four home runs in 264 plate appearances there. Tebow ultimately put up a .223/.299/.338 line with 18 HRs in 1,048 trips to the plate in the minors.
Tebow can still chase his dreams…by paying for fantasy camp like everyone else.
I know someone who had a locker next to Tebow. The Mets got their money’s worth out of him in the influence he had on those young guys.
he drew a bit of a crowd too.
And don’t forget all of the Jesus stuff.
There should be a like button
There is, on the website. Not in the app.
Weird. I just heard Tebow talking on a Christian radio station (Bott Radio) within the last couple weeks. He mentioned getting ready for spring training but nothing about quitting baseball.
New ownership wanted him gone
@njbirdsfan. Keyboard warrior being an ass and disrespectful
It’s worth pointing out that he was sent to AAA Syracuse, despite not having really mastered AA, immediately after the team bought the team and renamed them the Mets. The resulting attendance spike (which happened at every stop for him, including the St Lucie Mets having their highest attendance of all time) made for some great PR about how the Mets org had saved Syracuse baseball.
The Mets signing Tebow was always about them doing business, figuring that using up one such roster spot was fine if it helped sell tickets and raise the value of their own properties.
“Why Timmy I didn’t know it was Hockey season”
Thank you, njbirdsfan!
He can well afford it. Probably can pay the entire cost for all fantasy members without a sweat. That said, as a celebrity, he’d be one of those names used to get suckers to pony up.
This is so sad!
Can I get an Amen?
Amen and “awoman” hahaha
That was the dumbest moment in the history of Congress… and they’ve had ALOT of those moments.
A thousand thumbs up from me. What a buffoon.
You are a clown. When you call out another person for being less than intelligent you should spell all your words correctly. Lololololololololo.. What a tool!
To bad that you’re being a foolish bafoon. I’m thankful that there are many players in professional sports who are not afraid to show that they are Christians. We all have sinned and have fallen short. I respect Tebow the Christian but I never liked him as a professional athlete.
Speak for yourself. I have never sinned.
Glad to hear you’re working out your issues, though.
Wow, Jesus is commenting on a sports site. This rumor mill is better than I thought.
That’s great!
One of the greatest ball players there was.
What kind of balls?
I bet he’s heading to ESPN
Too white and Christian
Send in the clowns
Don’t bother, they’re here
God Bless Tim Tebow and his family. Good luck in the future Mr. Tebow.
Which god? There’s literally A thousand
machumizer- You wouldn’t understand. I’m praying for you.
God Bless you and your family.
He’s referring to the God of the Bible smart boy. I’ll make it real simple for you, there’s two types of people in the world, those who believe & those who WILL believe.
the bible, cool book, written by men to keep people in line, not real
Thank you… Tim is and has always been a class act. He had his moments in the NFL but although he may have had some baseball skills in his college days, obviously he had no chance in MLB.
dray & I’m guessing 16 is your age. See last sentence in previous post. May God have mercy on your soul.
I’ll make it even simpler for you: there’s two types of people in this world. Those who believe & those you are arrogant enough to force their beliefs on others.
There will be two types of people that will recognize Jesus one day, which one will you be a goat or a lamb
John 14:6
There will be two types of people that will recognize Jesus one day, which one will you be, a goat or a lamb?
@Gothamcityriddler: For someone who is extolling the virtues of God, you are being a massive jerk about it. Although maybe that’s par for the course.
Really? Really! Ahahaha! Do you not even know, God will not be mocked! You’re wasting my -and everybody else’s- time on here. See ya in church.
Is the term “idiot boy” in the New or Old Testament?
Maybe if you spent a little time in the Word you’d know. Ahahahaha!
I’ve met that higher reality you speak of, it blessed me with psychic dreams. It was composed of everything you could imagine trimmed in gold. The Nah sayers don’t believe me, but the soothsayers know I speak the truth
Neither, the term ‘idiot boy’ comes from the removed chapter of Enoch, which is no longer apart of the Bible, so not new testament, or old, but rather the part of the bible no one wants you reading
True story. The Book of Enoch has all of the ‘drop the mike’ biblical passages.
I never thought I’d see someone pitching creationism in the MLB Trade Rumors comment section. What a time to be alive.
Hahahaha you guys are so sure you chose the right religion. Why is god so insecure you have to praise him all the time? Let me guess your age, 50+ ? Absolutely no understanding of the book you preach. Kids are dying of cancer, to entertain your god and make you praise him more? Either he does exist and he doesnt care about suffering, or he cant do anything about it so he’s not powerful at all. Great to see you wasting your life kissing the feet of such a hateful, murderous, insecure god. The point is the bible doesnt make sense and priests touch your kids lol
Wow!! We’ve all encountered fools like you b4 but brother you take the cake. You make decent folk run screaming into the night, oh the depravity. The next time someone questions what the definition of evil is & I’ll send them your way. Oh & btw don’t worry about hell, it’ll only FEEL like an eternity. Ahahahaha!
I like cake.
My grandfather used to say, “if you want to learn how to pray go to war or sea.”
My own personal field test of that saying is confirmation of it’s validity. Perhaps not the purest of starting points.
We all get there our own way.
Ya know?
Maybe some “extreme life circumstances” – or whatever – will be afforded some of these fellas, too. There is hope for everyone. & prayer is never a bad thing. It’s easy to question faith. Until it’s not.
Something to think about.
Fair enough Ducky. God bless.
I wouldn’t want to be in heaven with your hateful, spiteful god if he did exist. Notice how your response had no comeback to all my points, almost as if there isnt one. Go praise your insecure god who needs you to constantly tell him how great he is while giving kids cancer, remember the crusades? When all those christians murdered in the name of god? You guys just dont have the mental capacity to understand science so some magical sky dude is the easy answer. Thats okay, dont hurt your brain. When you’re dead and everything turns to black, ill be there laughing at how you wasted your life listening to a preacher who has a thing for lil boys.
After I graduated college I was kind of at loose ends, or whatever. So I enlisted. The Marines sent me to OCS, where our motto is, “Ductus Exemplo” (lead by example).
I’ve found that to be very difficult. But it’s – nonetheless – always correct. I think dealing with someone like that using respect & kindness would be more productive.
I get it.
A lot easier said than done.
@machumizer That’s the second time you mentioned kids with cancer, if you have a child with cancer I’m terribly, terribly sorry. There is a lot I don’t understand too but the one thing I am sure of is God loves us all more than we can ever comprehend. I will pray for you. The last word is yours.
Pretentious as hell, man.
Save it clown!
It’s certainly easy to be cynical about offers of help. Especially in today’s world.
So easy to get caught up in money, stuff…the trappings of life. I’m not immune to those things.
But I think it is a genuinely compassionate response. I’ll not argue about it, or whatever. But sometimes it’s okay to see the good in people, man.
Thanks again Bucky. I was being genuine & sincere. I’m moving on, Go Yanks!
So you have no answers to any of the questions i asked. Too hard to admit your whole life is a lie, i get it. Its tragic kids have cancer and god lets them suffer, hes a sadistic god and the sheep who worship him ignore that, like you ignored every point you couldnt answer. You know if you were born in the middle east, you’d be muslim. In India you’d you Hindu. Theres a million gods and they’re all for idiots who don’t want to learn science
You seem pretty angry.
Anyway, the list of people who had a relationship & belief in God while still using the tools of science includes people like Sir Isaac Newton & Albert Einstein.
To say that everyone who has faith are “idiots who don’t want to learn science” is patently & historically false.
You are really not coming off as all that educated or intelligent in your raving takes. Just so you are aware of that.
Have a good night, man.
I pray you get this response. I am over 50 but I would like to share with you. I have two daughters but my youngest was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension at the age of 15. I know when she was diagnosed I thought it was a type of high blood pressure. To make a long story short, April 3 we had a heart cath, my dear baby coded, she was placed on a machine that kept her alive. She was transferred by jet and the ecmo to another hospital. My dear daughter passed away after 59 days in two separate hospitals. I am a Christian but I was so mad, how could God do me like this. I go to church, I tithe, taught Sunday School, etc. it was so bad my family removed all guns from my house. I was so mad, my first prayer to God was “thank you for this day and that’s all I better say before I say something I’ll regret, Amen. My daughter has been gone for over two years, and I try not to think about it, it hurts. Two things I want to add before I go, i know I will see my baby again and she’s going to have a hard time getting rid of me and the second as I cried about my baby my Lord Jesus was crying with me.
Olereb I’ve been thinking & praying about how I should respond to your post, First of all my heart goes out to you & your family, I KNOW there is nothing worse than losing a child, me & my wife lost our 31/2yr old daughter over 10 years ago (complications brought on by Arthrogryposis) I too was very angry & shattered over this life changing event. Even though I still don’t understand it I know God’s plan is perfect & by grace thru faith in our Lord Jesus Christ I too will hold my daughter again someday.
Thank you very much for reaching out to me, it helps to share. I’m so sorry for your loss as you know where we both share in losing a child. I have lost my mother and father and I understood that. I know when my daughter was on the ECMO my prayer every night was Father, I’m not ready to go but if someone in my family needs to go, take me. After my daughter passed away when we got home I went to see my uncle who is in a nursing home, he was having dinner with a retired doctor, looked 65-70 years old. When he learned about our loss he began telling us about his losing a son in a car wreck. The son was 26 and as he was telling this, tears rolled down his cheek. We are marked for life, there is no pain as of losing a child. I went to counseling and I’m glad I did because I learned I was not losing it and my feeling were normal. I try to stay busy and not think about it, I tell my wife I can’t go there, it’s just too hard to get back. Last year I went to a wedding a week before Xmas, the whole time there my thinking was my daughter would be 17 now and I will never be able to walk her down, and I went to that place, it’s easy to go there but it’s hard to get out. I had always heard Xmas was hard and it is, we just don’t do much. I take care of my daughter and her family but my family has been messed up. Thank you so much for reaching out to me because it helps to share. One thing I have learned is Jesus is Lord, we live in a messed up world, where we are going is not messed up. I think of the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, he wept. My Lord wept, so I know he has wept with me and my family and Lord willing when my time comes my daughter is going to have a hard time of shaking her old man.
Newton lived in the 1600’s and Einstein literally stopped believing so good examples
Yeah, thats like your opinion, man. If you guys wanna believe in magic then go for it.
Machumizer, I would love for you to research Lee Strobel, to make a long story short he was an atheist, his wife became a Christian and he noticed changes in her. He set out to prove it was false and he read the book of John, he became a Christian. Today, he is a Christian author. I do not know you nor you me, but I am asking you to read the book of John, 21 chapters in the Bible, and I will be anxiously waiting for your reply. Please let me know when you are finished and what you think.
He’s already under contract with ESPN
Geez, the thumpers have really come out of the wood work tonight.
To be expected… god forbid they keep it about baseball on a baseball website.
WoW so MLBTRADERUMORS.COM is full of white angry Christians???? Say it ain’t so Joe
What a career, there will never be anyone in the game of baseball like him
damn man. really wanted to see him get a shot.
Pfizer or Moderna?
On to hockey!
He’s living a charmed life of failing upwards. Not a dig at him, but he’s 33 and has been allowed to be mediocre to what would amount to a failure at two professional sports during most of his prime working years and he’s made plenty of cash along the way.
NFL and made it to AAA. You and I define “failure” very differently.
Seriously. Dude made 10 million in the NFL , and I cant figure out how much he made in the MLB, but his net worth appears to be about 13 million.
Did he ever make it to MLB?
Significantly further than I did.
Good for Tebow. I wanna say “great kid” but he is somehow 33 now. Not sure how that happened.
Anyway, he gave it a shot. & he didn’t embarrass himself either. Wish he could’ve made it all the way to the bigs. I also wish I was closing for the New York Yankees.
Maybe you would be better in the clutch than Chapman. Britton should close
I already have a fan.
Probably much more than that when you consider endorsements, television work, speaking appearances, etc
100k signing bonus plus probably 8-10k a year in salary. Maybe a little more in AAA but he never made the majors so he wasn’t making a livable wage in baseball.
falling upwards my you know what. if he was so undeserving of such a chance then why havent. many others done it and been more successful? falling up into a AA all star nod?
Failure? He was an average qb and if his skin color was different would still playing. Haters can hate I dunno anyone that could go to aa and hit .273 obp .331 at 30 years old with little to no experience.
Lol if he was average then he would still be playing but he’s not that good so he’s not. Skin color had nothing to do with it.
Dude won an NFL playoff game, not sure how that is a failure career wise. Sure he didn’t win it all but not many other than Brady do. On top of that to not play baseball since high school and to pick it back up and to make it to AAA? Not too bad either. Also is a stand-up guy all around. Not the greatest, but definitely not a failure…
He’s a very talented, squared away, personable, enthusiastic, successful young man. So much more refreshing than guys accused of hitting their girlfriend’s or going out of their way to be “noticed” or create controversy.
Sadly, those qualities will engender hatred amongst a certain type of person.
It is what it is as the wise man said.
Tebow can play on my squad any day. Doesn’t even matter which sport!
Or just give him credit for being a hardworking, pro athlete who did things his way and pursued his goals.
At the very least.
I don’t know how that is in any way able to be denied &/or disparaged.
Hmmm the Patriots are looking for a qb
^ this is a great screen name!
Without his hero Rush Limbaugh, he lost all motivation for life
Douche alert
You beat me to the Limbaugh comment. Tough day for America, losing two national treasures – Tim and Rush.
I feel bad for the cancer cells that got infected with Rush Limbaugh
Greatest of all Tebows?
among real goats.
A Heisman Trophy winner. NCAA National champion. Took a shot at baseball. Good sporting life. I’m sure the Mets not only brought him back to sell minor league tickets but to be a good teammate and a great influence on younger players in that clubhouse. Tebow has leadership qualities that would be positive to younger players.
No, it genuinely sucks that he got an immediate path to MLB without ever proving himself. If he put up like a .700 OPS in the indy leagues for a couple months that would at least give a team a leg to stand on, but the fact he got this path speaks to a lot of other privileges I’m sure we are all bored of hearing about by now, but it’s just true, sorry. Gotta earn it. Michael Jordan proved its a skill game, athleticism isn’t even necessary, but you gotta light it up SOMEWHERE first.
so true!
Marty McCray with the terrible take per usual. “Privileges” lol dude hit .273 with obp of .331 last season in aa at 30 years old. Mj received much more privileges than Tebow ever did just because of who he was as a basketball player and even made it to major despite not deserving it in the slightest. At least know what your talking about before you speak
Tatsumaki completely clueless as usual. Tebow had a massive .417 BABIP which fueled his mediocre .273 BA and .331 OBP, then had an insultingly bad .495 OPS as a 31 year old at AAA. He never once deserved what he got. He’s already a millionaire. Its privilege, that’s what it means. You just hate facts huh? Brain is nice n smooth?
he had a showcase. did you see it and determine he wasnt worth a low minors flier?
You get a 6 foot 4, 240 pound athlete running a 6.6 60-yard dash come into your park you will be given a shot. You’d know that if you had a head for baseball. You have a head for hatred and idiocy. I suggest you quit making comments. It’s been months and you still have yet to make a thoughtful point, Marty.
Oh, and Tebow has leadership you don’t see from a 21 year old. Teams need character players and Tebow fits the bill. If anything, Mets should have taught him to steal bases with his wheels. Tebow was an athlete but you don’t know that judging by your Jordan example, proving Tebow deserved a shot thanks to Jordan.
Jeez. Get a room fanboy
You have to be able to get on base, to steal a base. Ask Billy Hamilton, he’ll explain it to you.
Good. How many kids lost their AA / AAA roster spot because of this marketing gimmick?
I doubt it was even one.
All clubs have organizational filler of some type. Trust me. He didn’t destroy anyone’s baseball career, man.
Quite the opposite if anything. He’s a pretty inspirational dude.
@altbraves2010 LMAO! Thank you for taking care of the hyperbole
why do people knock him but not Jordan for doing the sams thing? and its not like he did bad either, coming in cold.
do you know how much money jordan spent to buy meals and things for his baseball teammates? besides, jordan was already the best player in basketball unlike tebow was in football.
why does it matter how good Jordan was at a spot not called baseball when its a baseball discussion?
MJ is one of the greatest athletes of all-time, Tebow is nowhere near that gravity. MJ then proved baseball is a skill game, because of his failing at it. Jordan was the experiment, and his failing to prove the experiment that any elite athlete can just come off the street and walk into the farm system based on nothing is why Tebow should not have been given this path.
There’s plenty of guys who were in MLB from 2010-2019 playing Indy ball right now, literally any of them could help a minor or major league team more than Tebow. We already knew Tebow would be a failure, and his escalation up the minors was particularly egregious. He should have played Indy ball first, we have the Indy leagues for this exact scenario.
MJ was a basketball player, not the great athlete you allege. By advocating MJ trying to play baseball means you advocate for Tebow.
MJ is worse, because he was at the top of the basketball world. Tebow was making a career change. Tebow’s decision made more sense than Jordan. Stop defending one over the other. It’s nonsense.
“It’s nonsense.”
I see you are finally getting to the bottom of young master McRae’s “contribution” to the board.
Pro tip: when you’ve reached the “it’s nonsense” stage you can then just skip over his posts.
Also, people did knock Jordan (and Jerry Reinsdorf) for the same reasons. Jordan was much more of a spectacle and all of the media attention drowned out a lot of those criticisms, but the story was much the same.
Both Tebow and Jordan were recognized for working hard and being good teammates when attempting baseball later in their careers, and the fact that their celebrity was used to take away a roster spot from a more deserving minor leaguer was criticized. But Jordan’s minor leagu presence didn’t last long, so there was less criticism to be had along those lines.
Nobody that mattered, lets be honest here
and im pretty sure if he was taking starts away from anyone that mattered they could just relegate him to the bench.
Darkside, it was either moneymaker Tebow or another 30-something filling that spot. So Tebow taking up a roster spot is bogus.
This is such a bad argument.
Headed to the Jaguars to play for urban meter.
This was the stupidest PR stunt in recent memory. “Let’s give Tebow a spot that somebody with actual potential could’ve instead filled!” they say as the minor league money rolls in… He was put above people that had actual talent just because of his name. The thought of even getting him close to the majors was blasphemous, and imo one of the worst PR stunts in recent memory. Done by the one, the only, NY Mets.
If you think he honestly took another players spot with upside, you’re delusional
If the Wilpons still owned the Mets, Tebow would be tagged for Triple A Syracuse, with the likelihood of being promoted to the Mets in case a starting outfielder were injured.
Exactly. The thought of him taking just a AAA roster spot is ludicrous much less making it to the bigs. I blame the Wilpons.
You know why his name got him the opportunity? Because if you play any professional sport you have world class skills or athleticism or both. The idea that you are floating out there that Tebow had absolutely no potential to become an MLB player is laughable. I’m glad you weren’t the individual that determined whether or not Bo or Deion got their shot. Imagine what the rest of us would have missed out on.
he obviously doesn’t have the world class skills in football and basketball. the results matter. giovanni carmazzi looked like a world class athlete, too. but he was afraid of taking hits.
I’m not saying don’t give him a shot, but just because he was athletic, didn’t make him good. He struck out two times more than he walked at each level, and his ops didn’t reach a mark above .700 till AA in 2018 (for 82 games). Let him hover in A ball, but not in AAA and on the verge of making the bigs.
6 foot 4, 240’ish pounds running a 6.6 60-yard dash, good character with leadership ability and work ethic.
You call it a stupid PR stunt. Baseball people call that a project. Age aside, that’s prospect material. And if he was a good clubhouse guy then it’s better than the PR stunt you talk about. All Tebow did was take the spot of an aging ex-MLB’er.
Stick him at A ball though. His skill level was A ball, not AAA and on the verge of the majors. Let some guy that has grinded out years of minor-league ball take that position in AAA rather than a pretty boy who doesn’t have the talent to be there. Let the fans come in droves to watch Tim Tebow play A ball rather than AAA.
they stuck him in A ball and upon promoting him to AA he did well? what’s the issue with that?
He’s a great athlete, I don’t blame them for seeing if he could do it.
He put up a decent year in AA. That’s more than most minor leaguers do. He was never on the 40 man roster, was he? So he was probably better than the guy whose spot he took, who never made it past high A.
Great guy. I wish him well. Baseball just wasn’t his thing.
And the Wilpons damn-well knew it “wasn’t his thing” too, in very short order. It became a farce.
Easily a top 5 favorite athlete for me personally. He seems like a very hard worker and leads by example. I have a lot of respect for him on and especially off the field
dang, mets were trying to make a few bucks pushing him around fans!
Go, my son, go be with Jesus. You got closer than Michael Jordan.
The travelling sideshow of a man who wouldn’t have even sniffed a ball field if he wasn’t “famous” is over. He was a below average QB and a terrible baseball player.
didnt realise you were a AA all star.
I never claimed to be.
sorry you never made it to the big leagues Tim. good luck with your new endeavor playing professional soccer.
Love to read all of these armchair quarterbacks judging a man who is the definition of class. Unless you were in the Mets organization and were blocked by Tim Tebow, or unless you’re a professional sports journalist, your opinion on Tebow means absolutely nothing to anyone. Everyone knows the real reason why you dislike him.
just ask any of his ex-Jets team mates about him. no one on that team wanted anything to do with him. maybe it was his sanctimonious attitude towards others or maybe it was racism,but only the owners of the Jets liked the guy.
Biggest mistake was going to the jets instead of the jaguars, where hes a god….on a side note when sanchez went to the eagles and tebow wasn’t far behind,he must-have wondered what he did to get him twice as a backup/ challenger
Praise the Lord and Pass the Endorsement Checks.
Break out the checkbook and pay grandma for the rubdown. Sweet sassy molassey, I’m just riffin’ here…
I’m pretty damn sure that Tim Tebow didn’t take anyone’s job away nor did he prevent anyone from getting to the major leagues. Are you serious? You have to incredibly stupid and ignorant to believe that he had any negative impact on anyone. Come on.
80% of the guys in the minors are just there to give the actual prospects someone to play against.
The idea that the next Tatis Jr. was blocked by Tebow is just silly.
Which is not to say he earned his spot, but…it didn’t keep anyone out of the show.
Deapite the fact hes a Gator I always rooted for the guy. Seems like a great dude! He’s always got a home at SEC network. Good on him for chasing the dream.
See no reason for him to retire unless he was gonna get cut. If ur a real fan and have real goals, you don’t stop until you are forced too …
he has broaden the connections to sell insurances to.
Fun/sad fact: In 2016 ESPN polled 18,000 fans on who were the top 50 favorite athletes in sports. There was one baseball player who made it, Tim Tebow.
That’s a bar bet you won’t lose.
Mets now have a hole in the OF at Syracuse. Wonder if Garth Brooks is available…
Must be nice to be able to completely fail out of your original profession, yet still have made enough money from that and getting paid five-figures to talk to rooms full of people to be able to take up another profession on a whim. He’ll always have “The Promise”. On to lacrosse or rugby or something now, I suppose.
‘bout time.
“Tebow Time”, pffft, more like BIG FAT DUMMY TIME!!
Damn, you really got him.
Never too late to try golf
You mean Tebow played Baseball wow now that is breaking news
He seemed to respect the game and play hard. I wish him the best of luck moving forward wherever he ends up.
Flags in stadiums will be flown at half mast ??
HOF 2026 here we go!
There are many 1st and 2nd round draft picks, in all major professional sports, that fell far short of Tebow’s accomplishments. No point in naming the countless high draft pick, multi-million dollar failures, so what’s the point in bashing this guy? He didn’t cut it in the NFL, he got a shot to play professional baseball. Anybody out there that would turn that opportunity down? I damn sure wouldn’t.
I just can’t really believe all the MAD ONLINE! takes in re Tim Tebow. I guess that’s just how things are these days.
Rather roll with Tebow than Kaepernick. Any time. Any situation.
Oh, what is the difference between the two?
One is definitively more consistent in alternating between consonants and vowels.
Wow, I see cancel culture has claimed a promising 33 year old man with a .495 OPS in AAA, all for the crime of being a conservative.
(Also, LOL at the “To Tebow’s credit, he reached AAA with the Mets” part of your write-up, as if anything in his actual production warranted it. The dude was a marketing gimmick and nothing more.
The “so” is that it was dumb to include a blurb that he deserved credit for reaching AAA, when it was plain as day to all involved that he wasn’t EARNING his way there. If they want him to be their marketing gimmick for minor league ticket sales, fine. But there’s no point in rewriting history to pretend the promotions were “To Tebow’s credit.” He was a bad player. Straight up.
I just love what goes for news here . (inserts sarcasm fonts here)…
Bye Tim. Nice for helping the MiLB – but just like Jordan – it is harder than it looks to crack an MLB roster for a day – let alone a career…
Can’t forget the look on Mike Tomlin’s face after the Steelers lost to the Tebow led Broncos in an overtime playoff game. It screamed of “how on Earth did we just lose to that guy”.
They were so sure he couldn’t complete a pass, they basically didn’t cover anyone. Ooops.
Great, I grew tired of this quest very quickly.
he should become a televangelist. he should be really good at collecting money from a bunch of sheep.
Hallelujah the sham is over!
Complete waste of time, money, resources & locker space. And I like Tebow…
“To Tebow’s credit, he reached the Triple-A level ”
Someone will have to explain to me how it is to his credit. I don’t see anything in the numbers to suggest he actually earned the promotion,
If anyone has any criticism of his ability I dare all of you to go to a batting cage and set it to AA speed and try to hit anything. Tebow is an amazing athlete. The man enters minor league baseball after coming out of college and pro football having not played but 2 years in high school. Then broke into MILB at 28 years old. That’s an incredible accomplishment. His work ethic was impeccable as was his presence in the clubhouse. Yet because he did not achieve Mike Trout success he gets ridiculed. Unreal. The guys a class act, hard worker, great teammate and an inspiration to kids. I went to some minor league games where he visited, and yes, he did help sell out those parks. And you know who was coming out to see him? Tons of kids. In an age where professional sports are rapidly LOSING fan support and have stopped being role models, here’s a guy who went out of his way to connect with fans and kids, but people still give him grief. To those who continue to ridicule, perhaps it’s just your own jealousy coming out, or perhaps the enjoyment of seeing others just come up short. The guy did what he wanted to do and seemed to enjoy it. I wish him well in his next endeavor, I’m sure he will do fine.
Tim Tebow has an incredible story dating all the way back to when he was an unborn baby. His mother had complications and the doctors recommended abortion. I’ve heard similar stories where the parents refuse the abortion and amazingly the saved baby ends up having a normal life.
Well said af1257, thank you!
Did better than Drew hensen ,d.j. dozier ,kevin maas
Oh btw, the real reason jordan went to baseball….
“Retires to play baseball” so he didnt get a gambling suspension,
Retired? Didn’t know he even played baseball.
Oh wait … Mets’ minor league system isn’t baseball.
Quarterback for the Jags! Lol
Tim Tebow played minor league baseball for four years. Traveling on those long bus rides. The reason Sandy liked him was because his work ethic combined with his leadership qualities were a plus as he played with recently signed or drafted kids. His willingness to grind it out was great for young players to witness. In football, that has become a passing league, his lack of NFL quality passing ability doomed him. The fact that he was so popular worked against him, because of the distractions his fan base caused. Haters on this site demonstrate an attitude that illustrates why Sandy was desirous of him making it. To many athletes today act like these haters with their arrogance. Tebow’s attitude is what professional sports are missing. Yes Sandy would give a kid with A+ attitude every opportunity. The fact that he wasn’t good enough is reality but he gave it all and didn’t allow the haters to define who he is.
A well written post, based on fact instead of opinion or negativity based on jealousy. Something this blog has lacked in a long while. Well said. Keep up the good work
What do you have to say that Sandy did this for him based on his popularity instead of giving a more deserving player the roster spot that Tebow took every year?
People praising Tebow for playing are being a bit hypocritical when it took him using his popularity to get his roster spot – which was taken away from guys who were working to stay chasing their dream.
How would it felt for Tebow to have lost an NFL roster spot if Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson used his popularity to take an NFL roster spot away from Tebow when he was trying to hold onto his NFL dreams?
I’d retire too if I get to go home to his Mrs.
Wow so many haters and jealous trolls in here. I have mad respect for Tim. Chasing your dream is something most people do not have the guts or determination to do. You can never be called a failure if you keep trying and he did just that. Good Luck for whatever is next for Tim!
You praise a guy for chasing his dream that he didn’t deserve, which destroyed the dream being chased by a more deserving player every year Tebow was on a roster?
I was hoping to see him reach the majors just to silence haters, but hell he made it to AAA!
It wouldn’t have silenced anyone. In fact, he likely would have hit .100 in the show which would have given all the naysayers even more to support their argument that it was a complete $ grabbing gimmick.
Retired? How could they tell?
should have gone to canadian league.
For football or baseball?
guess god didn’t want him to be a baseball player either.
and folks, spare me your christian “love”, already got enough of it from you types.
Usually people save their comebacks for when someone actually says something, but I suppose you were just so proud of yourself for coming up with that one that you just couldn’t hold onto it any longer
Amazing career, see you in Cooperstown Mr. Tebow!
Gotta give him credit, he didn’t need to keep grinding away riding a bus around for four profoundly unspectacular seasons in the minors. The PR novelty wore off pretty quick but he kept going.
Give Tim Tebow some respect. He tried like hell and never gave up. He grinded in the minor leagues and didn’t try to have anything handed to him because of his name recognition from the NFL.
The circus is leaving town. Great guy, less-than-average baseball player. Will be good for a more deserving, more talented player to get an opportunity.
Correction: The clown is leaving town. The circus is still there.
He never deserved those promotions anyway. Never should’ve gone above single A
Was he a better baseball player than Michael Jordan?
I’d say yes, by an inch.
As Rosenthal signs with the A’s, this Tebow story has remained at the top of the Mets feed for the past 16 hours.
You get the point.
Stay tuned for the next “Mets Interested In [player name]” article.
End of an error
Congrats Tebow. You end your legacy being another overhyped Mets prospect. They needed to get a QB for their All-Time Bust team.
QB – Tebow
C – Steve Chilcott
1B – Ike Davis
2B – Reese Havens
SS – Tim Foli
3B – Gregg Jefferies
OF – Lastings Milledge, Fernando “Fraud-Mart” Martinez, Shawn Abner
SPs – David West, Matt Harvey, Paul Wilson, Bill Pulsipher, Tim Leary
RPs – Doug Sisk and Aaron “the oldest prospect ever” Heilman
Legendary team of predetermined greatness for the “counting you chickens before they hatch” award.
Yeah, but Tebow was going to give them the best goal line offense in MLB, bro.