MLBTR experienced a revenue decline of more than 40% in 2020. If you’re a longtime reader with the means, we’d love your consideration for an ad-free subscription. You can try it out monthly for $2.99, or snag two months free by choosing a $29.89 annual commitment. We’re dedicated to adding value to the subscription beyond the removal of ads, with exclusive articles, chats, and other perks for subscribers. Check out all the benefits of Trade Rumors Front Office today!
For just the low low price of $2.99, YOU can have access to all the advanced content that YOU get with a monthly MLBTR subscription! You get member exclusive chats, subscriber exclusive mailbags, and member only articles! BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! You also get to enjoy the MLBTR site AD-FREE! Yes, that’s right! You get to enjoy this great site, AD-FREE! You will also get a badge on your profile to show your loyal support to MLBTR! If you subscribe within the next 10 minutes, you will get a month of MLBTR for just $2.99 or an entire year’s worth of MLBTR for just $29.89! BUT WAIT! If you signup for a year of MLBTR, right now, you will get two months FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Signup now, so that you can support the hard work of MLBTR through these tough times, to show your support! Do it now!
Rangers29= Billy Mays burner acct.
If he was still alive and a few decades younger.
LOL. I couldn’t remember the current guy’s name. The one with that fake sounding Aussie accent.
Sold it to me Rangers. I subscribed immediately for myself & 17 other friends and family members….
Great Uncle Percy (who we thought had passed on in 2014) was miraculously revived at the merest sniff of a hot stove.
Another great benefit and selling point to add to the list above.
On a slightly more serious note – how about some merchandise?
Really cool that in spite of the revenue downturn, the quality of the contributors & itself site still shines….
We need a “Blue Jays are Interested” hoodie, or maybe a “Where’s Xabial” t-shirt line, or maybe sweatpants with “Dynamite drop” spelled across the butt. I have loads of ideas.
I also have other ideas like a “fanpost” section for each version on the trade rumors sites (Ik that SB Nation’s is called fanpost, but the name could be changed, for sure). Bring back the downvote. Have a three strikes you’re out rule for trolls (that get flagged) though the trolls have really thinned out recently.
Hello Rangers,
The “Blue Jays are interested” hoodie is a top idea, and made me giggle.
Who is/where is Xabial too. Not quite so sure about Dynamite Drop but I see where you’re coming from.
I think a fan-post style section is a great idea too but might be a nightmare to edit/administer. Do you end up getting those with the most amount of time (ie Xabial!) just deluging the editors? But it’s nevertheless an intriguing idea… .
Will get back on the Kim post – have had a mad few days back at work.
You can add on a “Mets want everyone the Blue Jays are interested in” hoodie!
AJ Prellar MLBTR fella….
All trade for the Judge
Post season is fishing time (miaow)
All show, no dough (Cubs, Mets)
Got to pick a pick a pocket or two (Rays/A’s)
There’s got to be a Tony La Russa gag here somewhere – but I saw an ancient interview ((literally mid 80’s) where he was really self deprecating stating he looked like an accountant (sensible non Just for Men hair) and needed to bring ID to be let into the stadium when he first managed the White Sox))
Apologies. Brackets are free in a lockdown situation….
Big thumbs up for swag!
Does this cost more for Canadians? It charged me more.
I replied to your email…it shows $29.89 on my end in Stripe, but I will definitely look into this.
Thank you I just saw it and replied to you as well.
The cost is $29.89 USD, so in CAD it would be something like $37.88.
Hey Tim, any news on updating the app? I would gladly pay if the app would have the same options as the website… in the recent pitching stat post, the graph/chart doesn’t even show, any and all polls don’t have the requisite links established and I don’t get notifications of any responses to my posts. I can do without the upvote/downvote schtick… but these other glitches truly make the app feel broken and my sensibilities won’t allow me to pay for something that remains “broken”. Thanks for your time, Happy New Year bud!
I think we will eventually tackle those issues with the app, though it’s not tied to Trade Rumors Front Office (which already removes ads from the app).
Thanks for the attention to the matter!
What did you expect? of course there is an exchange, it cost me a total of $4.00 a month Canadiain, not really sure why ya would not know this, ehh
I’m a long time reader so I don’t mind paying I was just curious if it was because of the currency difference. Thank you for your quick response.