MLBTR’s revenue is down significantly this year. If you’re a long-time reader and have the means, we’d appreciate your consideration for an ad-free subscription at $2.99 per month or $29.89 per year. We’re working hard to make the subscription worthwhile beyond the removal of ads, with exclusive articles and chats from full-time writers Steve Adams and Connor Byrne. Click here to read up on the full benefits of an ad-free subscription.
Just to let people know other things you get. I got an invite to an exclusive chat by Connor Bryne and subscribers Mail Bag questions were answered by Tim Dierkes
That’s just today.
If you want to know what these people think about your team, or baseball in general, you can ask them. You have access to them.
This site gives you so much.
Funny you mention that, Halo, as I opened this thread for the very reason of asking about these members-only chats.
How/where do you receive notice or invites?
Also, I wasn’t even aware of a subscribers’ mailbag until reading your comment.
Any info would be much appreciated,thanks!
MLB teams and players were upset that players on the Houston Astros were given immunity and none were penalized for their part in the cheating scandal.
If teams truly want to inflict some justice don’t sign any of the Houston free agents. Let them feel the monetary pain.
I will subscribe once I get my money back or receive a discount for purchasing the app when it was first available. Otherwise, that money is better spent on doritos locos tacos. Regular of course, because sour cream and tomatoes add nothing to my taco experience.
Earth has the best tacos.
I was thinking another planet but I won’t say it.