SEPTEMBER 13, 10:19 am: Major League Baseball has officially confirmed today’s doubleheader. Given most recent test results, the league has determined that the test which triggered the initial postponements, reported by Jon Heyman of MLB Network to be that of San Francisco outfielder Alex Dickerson, was a false positive.
SEPTEMBER 13, 9:06 am: Indeed, the teams are scheduled to return to play a doubleheader today, reports Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune. As Acee notes, the clubs’ other missed contest figures to be made up when they conclude the season against one another September 25-27.
SEPTEMBER 12: The Giants and Padres could potentially return to the field Sunday for a doubleheader, USA Today’s Bob Nightengale reports (Twitter link). The player who originally tested positive for COVID-19 has since had two negative test results, and if other tests are passed tonight, the Giants could be cleared to return to action.
SEPTEMBER 11, 8:49pm: The league announced that it has also postponed Saturday’s game “out of an abundance of caution and to allow for additional testing and contact tracing to be conducted.”
8:29pm: The Padres-Giants game in San Diego on Friday was postponed after one of San Francisco’s players tested positive for the coronavirus, Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.
“Tonight’s game was postponed due to a positive COVID test within the Giants organization,” the Padres stated. “MLB will announce additional information regarding the status of our series with San Francisco as soon as possible.”
The two teams played Thursday and are scheduled to end their series with a game Sunday, but it’s now unclear whether they’ll be able to take the field over the weekend. There are just two-plus weeks left in the season, and with the Padres and Giants vying for playoff spots, significant changes in their schedules could prove detrimental. Nevertheless, the league will have to make a decision that abides by health and safety protocols. MLB has already seen the virus force notable changes to its schedule, especially for the Marlins and Cardinals.
We had a good run there. The league seem to be getting better and preventing and dealing with this. Gives me hope the the football season will run fine.
I’m thinking/hoping the same…
Now consider if this was the postseason and how it would screw with things?
Time for Turner and the MLBPA to do the right thing, and be glad that MLB is allowing families the option to do a 7 not 14, just 7 day quarantine and even enter the bubble.
Should be nobody who isn’t a team employee or umpire is allowed into the bubble. Don’t like it, opt out.
Be glad they’re being as accommodating as they are and sign the deal.
Even as a dodger fan I feel like turner and whoever else is against the 7 day quarantine are making too big a deal about being away from family for a week. They’re away from their families during away games (I’m assuming), what’s another week before playoffs begin? If I were Turner I would be more upset about having to play games in Texas.
What would being a dodger fan have to do with it?
I know these folks are professional athletes and not in the military, but just as a comparison military members have to spend weeks, months, or a year at times away from their families. I feel like the players and team staff can suck it up for a month (that’s if the make the WS) or the other option of everyone quarantines and sticks to the rules for a month (or less for almost everyone but two teams).
@ semut – Turner of the dodgers has been the outspoken point man against the bubble
If MLB cancels for 4-5 days when there is a positive test what will the NFL do if someone tests positive? Can’t exactly make up the game the next week or play a doubleheader.
Play each half of one game as a whole game to make a double header? That would be interesting to see!
I have less hope in football. NFL teams have twice as many players(counting the practice squad) as baseball teams do. There’s also a lot more coaches and staff involved.
college football even more-so. They have bigger rosters than NFL teams and you have the added bonus of much more contact with other students on campus.
I think $$$ will have both seasons finish, but I think there’s going to be many cancellations or postponed games (ESPECIALLY in college)
The NFL would have ventilators on the sidelines before they cancelled games. Too much money, yes.
In college, it doesn’t matter if they cancel games because votes, not records, determine most of the outcome anyway.
Always one a-home who does what he wants and puts the team in jeopardy.
Many people no longer care about the NFL.
I being one.
Me too
wonder who
gotta be coonrod
Haha why
@tkool, probably best to not answer why you posted that player’s name……but, you made me laugh!!
It has to be. A guy that has the ability to think for himself and not be sucked into the group think stupidity has to be a terrible person, right?
Before this season I didn’t know you could buy a Sam Coonrod jersey, but now I own one.
@ lautrec: Inarticulate, ignorant comments of thinly veiled bigotry is hardly a great example of thinking for oneself.
He had the right not to kneel. He also had the right to keep his mouth shut when asked why to avoid putting his foot right into it.
He also had the right to answer the question (without organizational harassment) when he was asked why he did not kneel.
@Scottn59c … The only bigotry I see on display is yours. And it’s not “thinly veiled.” Knock it off.
Sure, he’s got the right to be a bigot. Doesn’t mean that I (or anyone else) should respect him for it.
He didn’t say anything bigoted. You felt the need to call him a “bigot” out of your own twisted sense of political correctness. That makes you the bigoted one.
The “destruction of the nuclear family” is stated directly as a goal on the BLM website.
Scottn59c, that is a blatant and obtuse mis-characterization. You wanna disagree, disagree. But don’t infer motives that aren’t there.
Just make up lies and think if you say it enough it will be true? or you just repeat the vitriol from misguided bigots without checking if its true . Seems common practice with you low grade intellect types. Sheep.
Coonrod is a blatant Racist. Its so obvious
The BLM website seems to have made some changes. As recently as a month or so ago one of their tenets, I think it was number three or something, straightforwardly stated it was against the ideal of the nuclear family. Marcellus Wylie, for example, took issue with this. If they’ve progressed and changed, fine. But, it is possible to be against racism but not totally agree with BLM. Just saying.
It isn’t that they are against the traditional nuclear family but inclusive and open to other family units.
I agree that you do not have to be Pro-BLM to be against racism,
The danger lay with the false truths and lies that are pushed as fact. That’s isn’t truth or fact but propaganda and anyone who doesn’t acknowledge the danger in that need only look at Italian History in the 1920’s and Germany in the early 30’s. So i will call out anyone making false claims to be true -it is dangerous.
Marko, I see what you are saying. And thank you for an intelligent, non-hostile response. So many here think name calling and false accusations are a proper response to their ideas being challenged so I appreciate the calm and thought out response.
Marko, you have either never read their website, or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. The three founders have proudly proclaimed that they are “trained Marxists.” And it takes a special kind of warped to try and spin their statement calling for “the destruction of the nuclear family” into something else. Those are their own words, not “lies” or “propaganda,” that’s what YOU are trying to propogate.
Please educate yourself.
It is you SIR who ave trouble with reading and understanding what the intent of words are and need better understanding and /or ability to think for yourself. Rather you either 1- listen to what others twisted interpretation to fit their narrative and/or propaganda needs or 2- Too Blinded by your far right views to see the truth.
Here is what their site said in the past ( found on an archiving site)
“We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family requirement by supporting each other as extended family and “villages ” that collectively care for one another and especially :our” children so that to a degree that ,mothers,parents and children are comfortable.
NO WHERE do they say Destruction of the nuclear family , What the opening words mean is that there are other family unit types that can work just as effectively as the western worlds “requirement” meaning the bias that the nuclear family is the only acceptable options. There are others that can be just as effective .
I guess you are a proponent of women not being able to work and should stay home and be good housewifes? Daycare -strangers raising your children is not in the mold of the “nuclear family” either .
You do know the nuclear family concept only developed in the 14-15th center right? For 100’s and 1000’s of years prior to that people loved/raised children and survived.
Learn a bit about history and the truth before trying to insult others, only makes you look ignorant with low intelligence.
Exactly. It is a direct response to the racist social conservative claim that “African-Americans struggle because their fathers abandon them,” which is just another way to say “African-American men are too sexually aggressive to stay faithful to the mother of their children,” which is in turn just another way of saying “all those ******* want to do is ****.”
BLM’s counter-argument is that “You can’t make treating us like human beings and US citizens contingent on us living exactly like your ideal of white people.”
Nothing in the BLM credo says anything about “destroying the nuclear family.” They want people to stop demonizing anyone who wasn’t raised that way..
It is only those who want to maintain the status quo, are insecure ,bigots and/or threatened by change who don’t get this.
I hardly think a father sticking around to care for his child is a value exclusive to white people. It’s pretty universally accepted. It may have its variations but a father abandoning his responsibility cannot be dismissed as simply being cultural. Isn’t lower standards a form of bigotry?
You are right it is not a model exclusive to white people but the point a few of us are trying to make is that it is not the” only” model .
I have spent a lot of time in Asia and over there they have very tight knit family values but it is the extended family. ( Grandparents/aunts/uncles etc )
You have heard the term it takes a village to raise a family? That’s been around way before BLM came into existence.
BLM are not calling for the destruction of the nuclear family but the acceptance of other models without being looked down upon or judged as inferior.
Thus the phrase” disrupt the requirement”
Nothing wrong with an extended family. In fact, I’d consider it to be an ideal.
As do I
Couching it as “black fathers abandon their children” is part of the problem.
There are economic and societal reasons that contribute to fathers being less available in the African- American community. It’s not nearly as simple as “dad isn’t married to or living with mom and kids” equaling “abandonment.”
I expect you’re familiar with the oft-repeated story of “African-Americans make up X percent of the population but represent 3X of the prison population.” The numbers change, but the general point is clear. That’s usually employed to suggest that African-American culture is predisposed to criminality, but it completely ignores the reality of the criminal justice system. Black Americans are easy to arrest, easy to convict, easy to keep in jail, and REALLY easy to send back. That doesn’t explain everything, but neither is it the only reason that black fathers find it harder to be part of their children’s lives, no matter how badly many of them want to be. It’s a big reason why BLM specifically supports non-nuclear family structures.
Nope! Its DICK!
Coonrod isn’t the only Racist /Bigot in that Frisco Clubhouse.
Could be a coach for all we know.
Could be Smyly, he just rejoined the team
Could be Smoak, he just joined the team
49thGiant, I would find it very ironic if it were to be Smoak as the Giants disrupted team chemistry by releasing Sandoval for a poorer player. If he were to have been called up and brought it with him, the front office needs to take the full blame for poor decision making.
As evidenced from stats, Smoak is not an inferior player. They both are bad this season, but Smoak isn’t 50 lbs, overweight. That gives him a much better chance of bouncing back than Sandoval.
Look, I was as big a fan of Sandoval’s during his initial run as anyone. I also fully supported his return, and argued on MLBTR for his value. But it’s time for the Giant’s to move on and try someone with a better chance of producing for the rest of this year.
I bet the guy who is +50 is more likely to bounce.
Tad2b13, Smoak not inferior? Let’s look at their career stats and then get back to me:
Smoak ABs: 4147 H: 951 HR: 196 BA:.229 WAR: 5.9
RBI: 570 OBP: .322
Pablo ABs: 4534 H: 1266 HR: 149 BA:.279 WAR: 19.6 RBI: 628 OBP: .331
STOLEN BASES Pablo: 12. Smoak: 3
Plus even as heavy as all of the Pablo hatters want to make him out to be, he still can play multiple positions and Smoak is relegated to 1B. 1B by the way where the Giants already have 3 players that are doing well this season offensively.
My point stands, bad move by the FO.
Look, neither one of us knows who is the better choice. It could be neither.
But putting Sandoval at 2B or 3B doesn’t mean he can still play the positions effectively. His time at 3rd this year has him with a UZR/150 of -37.8. The last time he played 2B in 2018, his UZR/150 was -14.2. That is not being able to play multiple positions. At one time he could. That time has passed.
You’ll notice that Smoak had 50 more HRs in 387 fewer ABs. Baseball is about scoring runs and Sandoval has only 32 more in those 387 ABs. Plus 13 SBs over 13 seasons imakes that point negligible at best.
You post some of the more superficial stats. Their ratio numbers shows they are closer that the simpler stats imply.
BB% – Sandoval 6.9%, Smoak 11.6%
XBH% Sandoval 8.7%, Smoak 8.3%
X/H/% (percentage of hits for extra bases): Sandoval 34%, Smoak 41%.
AB/HR: Sandoval 30.4, Smoak 21.2
LD%: Sandoval 22%, Smoak 24%
HR/FB (percentage of flyballs that were HRs) Sandoval 8.2%, Smoak 12.2%
Sure Sandoval has been better in the past, but they are closer than how you paint it. And it isn’t about who was better over their careers, it’s about who can help more this year. Given Smoak’s power and Sandoval’s fitness, Smoak makes more sense to me. Regardless Sandoval had to go whether it was Smoak or someone else.
Lol, career stats mean nothing when talking about who is better NOW.
Not sure if your post was directed at me, but that is basically what I was saying. I posted their career numbers in response to Choco’s claim that Smoak was vastly inferior. While I agree that Sandoval has been the better player, I wanted to show that they were closer than what he was asserting. But in 2020 I think Smoak has the better chance to produce for the Giants than Sandoval.
Yea I misread your post. I get it now. I think I was just in a mood this morning.
Cancel the season , the world is going to end , there’s no way we can play this year
The Giants Lol
I notice that you are always trolling the Giants, with no apparent reason other than being . . .jealous? Childish?
LOL yeah I’m sure the Yankees fan is jealous of the Giants success
Well, if they are 20 or younger, they have more memories of Giants winning than Yankees, so there’s that. Also, if they post the same comment on ALL Giants posts (guessing they are same as LeftySpecialist or if not, are a poser of Lefty which is worse), then they show the maturity of someone that age. So, yes, a Yankees fan could be jealous of the Giants. Or just Jealous of how awesome the west coast is! 🙂
Pete, he’s a turd that should not be acknowledged. As Ben says, my guess is he isn’t old enough to have seen even a fifth of those 27 rings being won.
We have read plenty about how dodger fans are..
Some Yankee fans are the worst. They think insults and questions of manhood are somehow the basis for an intelligent discussion about baseball. You would think they would have learned their lesson when they lost out on signing Cliff Lee. He rejected their offer as a FA because his wife had been verbally assaulted in the stands at Yankee Stadium. But then again, there’s no accounting for intelligence, or lack thereof.
BTW, I have never owned a pair of Birkenstocks, nor do I have cats. But don’t let facts stand in the way of your generalizations of others. And as we all know, or should, making generalizations about others is clearly a reflection of the lack of intelligence of some Yankee fans
Waiting to hear that the Mariners game(s) is postponed since they played them on Wednesday. Let’s hope not!
Padres needed a day off
Naw. Not the way they keep winning. Covid just ruined their buzz.
Nah… Junior looks a little dinged up – a couple of days of is just the thing.
They are in a tail end of a massive stretch of games 2nd most this season. Refresh before facing the dodgers
Has to be Justin Smoak, right? Giants didn’t have a single positive test since the first testing phase…
Smoak is at the alternative training site.
No, that’s incorrect. He was called up to big league roster when they DFA’d Pablo Sandoval.
Yep, see that now
Pablo stayed away from his family who was affected by covid all season, his children both had symptoms and his wife had the hardest time having to goto the emergency room. Many of these things can cause you to lose focus independently yet Pablo separated from his family and dealt with them all to try and produce for his Family and future generations. Not an easy task so maybe think twice about poking fun at someone’s weight during a depressing time for us all. Be bigger than that, I challenge you!
Pablo took your challenge to “Be Bigger” too
@5tunt1n – Every day there’s REAL heroes, our doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, teachers, first responders, our military and front line workers around the globe.
Some leave their families behind, some put their and their families health at risk every day to go out and do their jobs to try to keep everyone safe. Imagine what THEIR pressure and sacrifice feels like.
Pablo is a fat lazy slob with no self respect or restraint. He is no hero and doesn’t deserve anything… he chose not to opt out of the season trying to milk the last money he could from a ball club he once again couldn’t perform for. He couldn’t even sacrifice an extra trip to the buffet
Go visit a hospital, police station, school, military base etc to see what real sactifice looks like by people we need and who actually contribute something to society…
@ATLSoxFan you’re a loser bro, I challenge you to get some friends and stop acting like a moron online. Get some fresh air man and take that boot of of your mouth, child.
@ATLSoxFan: Feel better after vomiting up all your bile onto someone else? The way you attack Sandoval about his weight is truly disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I think Pablo has an eating disorder. He’s certainly not lazy.
If the world is going to end (LOL)….. keep playing….no harm
Ok who was it? If it’s Smoak, l’m telling you he’s still working for Brewers.
Just callup some of these used car salesmen they have at the alternate sites.wasn’t that supposed to be the contingency?
Where are the comments saying they should cancel the season?
This season has been laughable, no enjoyment at all. Start,Stop,start stop. Playoffs in a couple of weeks. It’s a joke!
You’re a joke. Loser
It’s never stopped but nice troll job moron
Its been pure enjoyment.. you must be so miserable
Agreed. The whole DH and other rule changes are dopy and annoying, but watching my Friars actually not suck has been… well, great.
yo what happened man, you get booted from uncensored or something?
@Coke, too bad someone is forcing you to watch it. I’ve enjoyed it. It’s been a nice distraction. Does it feel like a “real” 162 game season? No. Will the WS champs have an asterisk next to their name? Maybe….but I’m glad there’s been some summer ball.
It’s been amazing.
Yeah baseball is like sex.
When it’s good its Great…and when it’s bad it’s still pretty damn good!
Better some baseball than no baseball.
Padres will be punished for the Giants’ mistakes just like all the opponents of the Marlins and Cardinals were for theirs.
@Changed, easy there bud. I’ve watched most of the Giants games and many other teams too. The Giants have been adhering to mask wearing, no home run/walk off celebrations, etc. much more than I’ve seen with other teams. Please wait until the details come out before you state “…for all the Giants’ mistakes…”
now we only have to beat the Giants twice in 7 inning games. We just cut off 4 more innings of their misery.
No problem if Tingler learns how to manage the bullpen.
He has been fine the last few weeks, where you been?
No way they can play multiple double headers over their final series of the season. Don’t see these games being made up. No way players agree to a playoff bubble and why should they? Keep things the way they are and if a team has a COVID case they forfeit. That will put it on each team to ensure everyone quarantines
Well, yes they can play multiple double headers in the final series. In fact the Phillies are scheduled to play 7 games in 5 days. Obviously playing 2 double headers in those 5 days. A double header is only 14 innings. During a normal season they could play more than that in extras.
@Changedname This may have been a false positive. This is why you don’t jump to conclusions before all the details come out.
Connor Byrne “..additional testing and conduct tracing to be conducted.”
Thought it was ‘contact’ tracing.
MLB now pushing for conduct tracing in the next CBA despite not knowing what it is yet.
To be fair, player conduct HAS BEEN responsible for the most recent team outbreaks…
I mean, Danuel House of the rockets just got dismissed from the bubble for inviting a contact tracer or something into his hotel room.
Conduct tracer isn’t too far off.
At first I thought it was a typo, but now I see that Connor is actually trying to tell us, in code, that “Minority Report” is about to become non-fiction 🙂
This crap is getting ridiculous (oops sorry forgot about the censorship) my bad
It’s not “censorship” when it involves moderating comments on a privately-owned site. The government isn’t punishing you for your speech or abridging the freedom of the press when MLBTR moderates your comments.
Censorship is easier to type than typing the “inability to curse” relax. I wasn’t trying to be an outlaw.
It’s all censorship
Would not shock me if it’s Coonrod. Dude shopped where I work during the delayed start with no mask ever. Also was rude to some of the other employees.
The sniffles strike again.
A problem so small and so easy to deal with, yet the Impotus can’t handle it. Must really be frustrating for her that she can’t handle such a small threat… and all the more frustrating for chodes such as yourself that you have no power whatsoever to do anything about it either 🙁
One positive test?
Sure seems like a false positive if he has 2 back to back negatives already.
He tested positive on Friday so he could not have had two negative tests since then since they must be administered 24 hours apart according to the MLB protocol.
Hmm…was that when he tested or when the results came in from a previous test?
The games are important to the Giants as they are trying to win a WC spot. For the Padres, they are chasing the top seed in the NL.
Kung Flu Panda!
Funny. Could be anyone. Covid is easy to catch
If he tested positive on Friday, he could not have tested negative twice since the tests must be administered 24 hours apart.
test would have been taken Thursday, Fridays actual test was negative. Saturdays test came back negative.
We do not know how many tests they take a day, it could be two
Unrelated note from a Mets fan: I am so glad the Padres brought back the brown unis. Awesome! Always been amongst my favorites.
Is anybody that does not believe in the BLM movement a racist?
It’s a simple question for those of you that love to call people racists and bigot’s on here.
Why am I not surprised nobody is willing to answer this question ?
In my opinion the answer is no not in all cases. However there is too much false accusation going on – stretching of the truth -twisting of words – and out and out lies. AKA
Personally i am not a huge supporter however i do not think of them as a bunch of commies out to destroy western society. That’s a huge distortion of the truth.
People need to learn that ” Disrupt” and “Requirement” mean before they listen to propaganda from the far right.
Disrupt does not mean destroy.
This isn’t the site for this sort of discourse
It’s a shame the alt-reality , far right crowd couldn’t keep their misguided opinions to themselves. When they don’t there will always be someone like me to call them out and not let their vitriol go unanswered .
The reason is because this is a baseball site. Otherwise I’d have plenty to say. There is a lot of whitewashing of BLM’s radical leftist agenda going on here, but I’d rather stick to baseball.
Best we let this topic drop.
It is not white washing an issue to shed light on the true definition of words rather then mindless regurgitating far right wing propaganda.
Every social movement for the past 100 yrs have had a sprinkling of marxist activist. It does not make the movement as a whole commies. The “nuclear” family has been in decline since the women’s rights movement in the 60’s -70’s .
Show me where it says in black and white words that BLM is for the destruction of the nuclear family or western society? To suggest alternates does not mean the destruction of.-
New’s flash my friend but the 1950’s are never coming back . Sorry if you feel threatened by the challenge of the status quo.
I never used the term destruction. And what you call status quo others might call common sense. Lower standards all you wish, but expect lower results.
Question for the mods. Why are people allowed to call people racists and bigots on here?
I agree this site is not for this kind of discourse so why don’t people on the left call out others when they use the word racist or a bigot‘s?
You jumped into my reply to another person’s comment who said the that BLM stood for ‘destruction of the nuclear family”
Sorry. Hard to tell who’s responding to what sometimes. Although I was responding to a post in which you specifically named me.
I agree that those terms are 2 loosely used. Way too frequent if someone disagrees with your view .
However someone who rigidly adhere’s to the status quo , blatantly attributes incorrect believes to another group/class/race is usually a bigot and a racist. And trust me i know racism can exist on all sides.
How does status quo in any way equate to common sense?
Status quo is the way of doing things a particular way the norm so to speak. . Are you inferring that this is common sense and any other way of looking at things/doing things lacks common sense?
If things are done my way its right but if not it’s wrong or inferior?
If so then that’s a very dogmatic way of looking at the world. Too look down on others who do things differently then yourself is the very definition of bigotry and racism.
That’s your definition of bigotry and racism? I’ve never heard that one before.
So saying someone’s way of life is inferior to your own just because it is different. Intolerance for those who hold differing opinions from yourself.
This isn’t bigotry?
What would you all it?
I guess the Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries are both wrong ,
You are correct, but you also said it was a definition of racism. That is incorrect.
Yes that was an error on my part including “and racist” at the end of my sentence.
Shame people don’t travel more, experience other cultures and differing ways of doing things but also seeing how similar we all are.
Most bigots are scared of change or the unknown, want to maintain the status quo at all cost usually out of ignorance.
Probably true a statement.